Cloud Computing - Key Hashing Cryptographic Implication Based Algorithm For Service Provider Based Encryption and Decryption
Cloud Computing - Key Hashing Cryptographic Implication Based Algorithm For Service Provider Based Encryption and Decryption
Cloud Computing - Key Hashing Cryptographic Implication Based Algorithm For Service Provider Based Encryption and Decryption
Abstract :The cloud computing data storage and single mode encryption (SME), Application based
retrieval based service providers are representing the Desired Plain Text (AbDPT), Application based
client environmental based encryption techniques to Other Plain Text (AbOPT), pure-plaintext (PPT),
avoid and restrict the unauthorized access along with pure-ciphertext (PCT), Fixed-Length-Sliding Window
privacy of the data, it provides the services of high (FLSW), Message-Digest-Algorithm-5 (MD5),
securable data delivery and flexible data storage. Secure-Hash-Algorithm-1 (SHA-1).
The main role of encryption is to provide the I. INTRODUCTION
provision to protect the sensitive data and play the Cloud computing (CC) is a circulated wide area
key role for business developments. The main network with the provision of centralized cloud
problem will be raised when the system will maintain dependable service to the clients on regular and
the ownership control and to present the latest set of payment basis [16] [18]. Owners of data store their
technical and business concerns. Many complex data in cloud which therefore need to be secured. By
problems and challenges are waiting for the storing data in encrypted form, one can maintain the
optimistic solutions, some of the problems, such as in confidentiality and privacy of data in cloud. In CC
the structured storage based environment, the the various cryptographic based approaches are
provision of encryption environment for the data formulated to address the subject of secrecy and
when it preserve self-ability to access the key privacy of authenticated-user generated. The authors
elements along with their files which necessitate Prasanna and Akki did detail descriptive
belonging to the plaintext; the data owners must investigation on cloud computing based privacy
maintain the privacy based control over their own concern, security issues, challenges and
data to make certain inclusive service based cryptographic based algorithms [17]. Cryptography is
functionalities; and the data owners will face difficult the knowledge of writing in top secret code and is an
to control their own data which available in cloud ancient art [7]. In the cloud computing environment,
and their cloud based internal services such as type the maintenance of authorization and provision of
of data based topology architecture along with their control over the data is a distinct prerequisite over
functionalities, related security active models for and above assess and to authenticate the primary
employ the data security within their schemes and security of the cloud service providers based
organizational services along with the encrypted environment [6]. The unfortunate information
based data access control. To overcome theses in revelation will cause affects the data possessor status,
convinces this paper is proposing the technical ideal economic reputation, and impact their regulatory and
through the algorithmic methodology along the legal compliance needs. The encryption techniques
graphical flow architecture. This paper is proposing are the best and sophisticated data protection
the key hashing based cryptographic algorithmic mechanism to derive the methods to protect the
flow chart implications and hashing algorithm treasured data, the protection layers formed in the
techniques for service provider encryption and forms of secret keys to represent the privacy based
decryption end pointing mechanism to reduce the data [2]. The Encryption based Integrity (EbI) is
above mention complex difficulties; it describes the based on the technologies and progression of leading
primary encryption based techniques and various the cryptographic security depended services.
levels of cryptographic algorithms with their Encryption is a crucial and important data along with
implications. And also it has expressed how the hash their application based protection technique and the
functions can be extended in cloud based data encryption keys should be accurately supervised and
security and digital forensics based applications. protected. The appearance of cloud based services
will liberation of effective security based services,
Keywords— Encryption based Integrity (EbI), Key- and also it implicated the encryption based
Logging Facility (KLF), Cloud based Service capabilities which are utilized to secure the privacy
Providers (CbSP), Information based Security (IbS), data especially in the cloud based environment, and
also it provide the chances and to enable the all kinds The reduction of generated keys along with
of organizations to easily protect their sensitive data its offsets by its necessitate to frequently
through the internal key-logging facility (KLF). make sure that the public depended segment
When cryptography is used to protect treasured data, of the key-pair securely allied with the
the risk is transferred from the content to the keys possessor of its private based secret
and the protection of cryptographic keying material segment [3].
becomes paramount once the encryption has been
designed in a systematic way. The crucial concern III. PAPER OBJECTIVES
positioned in the way of cloud depended adoption This paper is proposing the technical ideal through
based boundary is the requisite for trading to retain the algorithmic methodology along the graphical
the possession and also to control of their own data flow architecture. This paper is proposing the key
while it is in progression and accumulate at cloud hashing based cryptographic algorithmic flow chart
based service providers (CbSP) [6]. In present days, implications and hashing algorithm techniques for
many organizations are willing to move towards to service provider encryption and decryption end
the cloud based environment it may capitulate the pointing mechanism to reduce the above mention
information based security (IbS) enhancement where complex difficulties; it describes the primary
the CbSP stick on to the third-party dependent encryption based techniques and various levels of
frameworks. In cryptography mechanism, the un- cryptographic algorithms with their implications.
encrypted data (UED), referred to as pure-plaintext And also it has expressed how the hash functions can
(PPT). The PPT can be transmitted and encrypted be extended in cloud based data security and digital
into pure-ciphertext (PCT), which will in turn forensics based applications.
(usually) be decrypted into usable plaintext. The
encryption and decryption is based upon the type of IV. CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS AND THEIR
cryptography scheme being employed and some form IMPLICATED VARIATIONS:
of key. For those that like formulas, this process is The encryption techniques are the best and
sometimes written as: PCT=Enk(PPT) PPT = sophisticated data protection mechanism to derive the
Dek(PCT) methods to protect the treasured data, the protection
layers formed in the forms of secret keys to represent
II. FOCUSED PROBLEMS AND ISSUES the privacy based data. The cryptographic based
The main role of encryption is to provide the algorithms are classified into various ways and it will
provision to protect the sensitive data and play the be characterized by the number of key-points are
key role for business developments. The main deployed for generating the encryption and
problem will be raised when the system will maintain decryption mechanisms and by their implicated
the ownership control and to present the latest set of application sequences.
technical and business concerns. Many complex
problems and challenges are waiting for the V. HASH ALGORITHMS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS::
optimistic solutions, some of the problems, such as The hashing based algorithmic (HbA) principles
In the structured storage based environment, will act like as significant responsibility in terms of
the provision of encryption environment for securing the systems by certify the reliability of the
the data when it preserve self-ability to trusted based data communication. The HbA
access the key elements along with their translates the variable-depended-length text field into
files which necessitate belonging to the a fixed-size-string and it primarily used in a security
plaintext. implicated systems with the two concerns [19] which
The data owners must maintain the privacy are single mode hashing method: the derived the hash
based control over their own data to make based output, it is complex to reverse the hashing
certain inclusive service based based functions to generate the original message and
functionalities. non-collision based output method: for a hashing
The data owners will face difficult to control based algorithm, it is computationally infeasible to
their own data which available in cloud and find any two messages which are the same hash
their cloud based internal services such as output. Here the hash is treated as message digest or
type of data based topology architecture digital fingerprint by considering these two properties.
along with their functionalities, related The individuals are producing a small-hash-output
security active models for employ the data from a bulky-document and use the digital fingerprint
security within their schemes and of the document as the hash based output. This type
organizational services along with the of digital fingerprint will be used to make sure that
encrypted based data access control. the data has not been interfering while it is
The cloud based service provider will not transmission mode when is passing through the low-
isolate the primary functionality of data- secure communication media. In addition, from the
owners self control mechanism from their digital fingerprint, it is not possible to disclose the
own privacy data. content of the original message. The message-digest-
algorithm 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash-Algorithm-1 Normally, the SHA-1 is measured as high-securable
(SHA-1) are the widely used and implemented based on its larger size, but computationally it’s more
cryptographic hash based algorithms. These two expensive than MD5. The SHA-1 is the favoured
types of hashing algorithms have been measured as hashing based algorithm for implicating the VPN
the one-way and powerfully collision-free hashing deployment mechanism. With the hardware and
algorithms. 128-bit output has been formed by MD5 software implementation in today's networks, the
and 160-bit output has been formed by SHA-1. performance difference is usually not a concern [19].
Hash Algorithm Type
Algorithm for NIST's Secure Hash Standard Algorithm for NIST's Secure Hash Standard
(SHS), described in FIPS 180-4 (SHS), described in FIPS 180-4.
SHA-1 SHA-1 produces a 160-bit hash value and was originally published as FIPS PUB MD2 (RFC 1319)
180-1 and RFC 3174. It was deprecated by NIST as of the end of 2013 although
it is still widely used [7].
Developed for systems
with limited memory
SHA-2, originally described in FIPS PUB 180-2 and eventually replaced by
SHA-2 FIPS PUB 180-3 (and FIPS PUB 180-4), comprises five algorithms in the SHS
[7]: SHA-1 plus SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 which can
produce hash values that are 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits in length, respectively. Smart Cards
SHA-2 recommends use of SHA-1, SHA-224, and SHA-256 for messages less
than 264 bits in length, and employs a 512 bit block size
MD4 (RFC 1320)
SHA-3 is the current SHS algorithm. Although there had not been any successful Composed by Rivest,
attacks on SHA-2, NIST decided that having an alternative to SHA-2 using a similar to MD2 but
SHA-3 planned purposely for
different algorithm would be prudent.
fast-execution mechanism
in software based
A series of message digests that initially came from the RIPE (RACE applications
RIPEMD Integrity Primitives Evaluation) project. RIPEMD-160 was designed by Hans
Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel
It was designed by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel, and
optimized for 32-bit processors to replace the then-current 128-bit hash functions.
Other versions include RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, and RIPEMD-128.
Also developed by
Rivest after potential
Designed by Y. Zheng, J. Pieprzyk and J. Seberry, a hash algorithm with many levels weaknesses were
HAVAL of security. HAVAL can create hash values that are 128, 160, 192, 224, or 256 bits in reported in MD4; this
(HAsh of length [7]. scheme is similar to
VAriable MD4 but is slower
Length) because more
manipulation is made to
Designed by V. Rijmen (co-inventor of Rijndael) and P.S.L.M. Barreto, Whirlpool is the original data.
one of two hash functions endorsed by the New European Schemes for Signatures,
Whirlpoo Integrity, and Encryption (NESSIE) competition. Whirlpool operates on messages
less than 2256 bits in length and produces a message digest of 512 bits. The design of MD5 has been
l: this hash function is very different than that of MD5 and SHA-1, making it immune implemented in a
to the same attacks as on those hashes [7].
large no. of products
although several
weaknesses in the
Designed by Ross Anderson and Eli Biham, Tiger is designed to be secure, run
algorithm were
efficiently on 64-bit processors, and easily replace MD4, MD5, SHA and SHA-1 in demonstrated by
Tiger other applications. Tiger/192 produces a 192-bit output and is compatible with 64-bit German-
architectures; Tiger/128 and Tiger/160 produce a hash of length 128 and 160 bits, cryptographer Hans
respectively, to provide compatibility with the other hash functions mentioned above. Dobbertin in 1996
Named for the EDonkey2000 Network (eD2K), the eD2k hash is a root hash of an
eD2k MD4 hash list of a given file [7]. A root hash is used on peer-to-peer file transfer
networks, where a file is broken into chunks; each chunk has its own MD4 hash
associated with it and the server maintains a file that contains the hash list of all of the
chunks. The root hash is the hash of the hash list file.
Derived Base
CiperText(PCT) F(S(PPT,PK))
CT implies PT
Application based Desired Plain Text (AbDPT) Application based Desired CiperText (AbDCT)
Final Send FS
FS = ʃ (AbDPT, AbDCT, EU-AuthCertificate)
iv. Algorithm: