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Mda Sigma Kit

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Lipid Peroxidation (MDA) Assay Kit

Catalog Number MAK085

Storage Temperature –20 °C


Product Description Reagents and Equipment Required but Not

Lipid peroxidation is the degradation of lipids that Provided.
occurs as a result of oxidative damage and is a useful • 96 well flat-bottom plate – It is recommended to use
marker for oxidative stress. Polyunsaturated lipids are black plates with clear bottoms for fluorescence
susceptible to an oxidative attack, typically by reactive assays and clear plates for colorimetric assays.
oxygen species, resulting in a well-defined chain • Fluorescence or spectrophotometric multiwell plate
reaction with the production of end products such as reader.
malondialdehyde (MDA). Lipid peroxidation may • Glacial acetic acid (Catalog Number A6283 or
contribute to the pathology of many diseases including equivalent)
atherosclerosis, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. • Sulfuric acid (Catalog Number 258105 or
In this kit, lipid peroxidation is determined by the • n-Butanol (Catalog Number 360465 or equivalent)
reaction of MDA with thiobarbituric acid (TBA) to form a
colorimetric (532 nm)/fluorometric (λex = 532/ Precautions and Disclaimer
λem = 553 nm) product, proportional to the MDA This product is for R&D use only, not for drug,
present. household, or other uses. Please consult the Material
Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards
Components and safe handling practices.
The kit is sufficient for 100 assays in 96 well plates.
Preparation Instructions
MDA Lysis Buffer 25 mL Briefly centrifuge vials before opening. To maintain
Catalog Number MAK085A reagent integrity, avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Use ultrapure water for the preparation of all reagents.
Phosphotungstic Acid Solution 12.5 mL Allow all components to come to room temperature
Catalog Number MAK085B before starting.

BHT, 100× 1 mL TBA Solution – Reconstitute a bottle with 7.5 mL

Catalog Number MAK085C Glacial Acetic Acid, then adjust the final volume to
25 mL with water. Sonication can be used to assist
TBA 4 bottles dissolution if necessary. Store at room temperature
Catalog Number MAK085D and use within 1 week of preparation.

MDA Standard, 4.17 M 0.1 mL Storage/Stability

Catalog Number MAK085E The kit is shipped on wet ice. Storage at –20 °C,
protected from light, is recommended.

Procedure Assay Reaction

All samples and standards should be run in duplicate. 1. To form the MDA-TBA adduct, add 600 µL of the
TBA solution into each vial containing standard and
MDA Standards for Colorimetric Detection sample. Incubate at 95 °C for 60 minutes. Cool to
Dilute 10 µL of the 4.17 M MDA Standard Solution with room temperature in an ice bath for 10 minutes.
407 µL of water to prepare a 0.1 M MDA Standard Pipette 200 µL from each reaction mixture into a
Solution. Further dilute 20 µL of the 0.1 M MDA 96 well plate for analysis. lo que pongo en la microplaca

Standard Solution with 980 µL of water to prepare a Notes: Occasional samples will exhibit turbidity,
2 mM MDA Standard. Add 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 µL of which can be eliminated by filtering through a
the 2 mM MDA Standard Solution into separate 0.2 µm filter. TBA can react with other compounds
microcentrifuge tubes, generating 0 (blank), 4, 8, 12, in samples giving other colored products. These
16, and 20 nmole standards. Add water to each tube to should not generally interfere with quantitation of
bring the volume to 200 µL. the TBA-MDA adduct.

MDA Standards Fluorometric Detection To enhance sensitivity, 300 µL of n-butanol can be

Prepare a 2 mM Standard Solution as for the added to the 800 µL reaction mixture. If separation
colorimetric assay. Take 100 µL of the 2 mM MDA does not occur, add 100 µL of 5 M NaCl and vortex
Standard Solution and add to 900 µL of water to make vigorously. Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 3 minutes
a 0.2 mM MDA standard solution. Add 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and to separate the layers. Transfer the n-butanol
10 µL of the 0.2 mM MDA standard solution into (upper) layer to a new tube, evaporate the
separate microcentrifuge tubes, generating 0 (blank), n-butanol, dissolve the MDA-TBA adduct in 200 µL
0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, and 2.0 nmole standards. Add water of water, and then transfer to a 96 well plate for
to each tube to bring the volume to 200 µL. analysis.

Sample Preparation 2. For colorimetric assays, measure the absorbance

Serum or Plasma samples (10 µL) should be gently at 532 nm (A532). For fluorometric assays, measure
mixed with 500 µL of 42 mM H2SO4 in a microcentrifuge fluorescence intensity (λex = 532/λem = 553 nm).
tube. Add 125 µL of Phosphotungstic Acid Solution and
mix by vortexing. Incubate at room temperature for
5 minutes and then centrifuge the samples at
13,000 × g for 3 minutes. In a separate tube, add 2 µL
of BHT (100×) to 100 µL of water. Resuspend the pellet
on ice with the water/BHT solution. Adjust the volume to
200 µL with water.

Tissue (10 mg) or cells (1 × 106) can be homogenized

on ice in 300 µL of the MDA Lysis Buffer containing
3 µL of BHT (100×). Centrifuge the samples at
13,000 × g for 10 minutes to remove insoluble material.
Alternatively, protein can be precipitated by
homogenizing 10 mg of sample in 150 µL of the MDA
Lysis Buffer containing 3 µL of BHT (100×) and adding
1 volume of 2 N perchloric acid, vortexing, and
centrifuging to remove precipitated protein. Place
200 µL of the supernatant from each homogenized
sample into a microcentrifuge tube.

Calculations Concentration of MDA
The background for either assay is the value obtained
for the 0 (blank) MDA standard. Correct for the (Sa/Sv) × 4 × D = C
background by subtracting the blank value from all
readings. Background values can be significant and Sa = Amount of MDA in unknown sample (nmole) from
must be subtracted from all readings. Use the values standard curve
obtained from the appropriate MDA standards to plot a Sv = Sample volume (µL) or amount (µg) added into the
standard curve. The amount of MDA present in the wells
samples may be determined from the standard curve. C = Concentration of MDA in sample
Note: A new standard curve must be set up each time D = Dilution factor
the assay is run. 4 = Correction factor for using 200 µL of 800 µL

Sample Calculation
Amount of MDA (Sa) = 5.84 nmole
Sample volume (Sv) = 50 µL
Concentration of MDA in sample

(5.84 nmole/50 µL) × 4 × 1 = 0.4672 nmole/µL


Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Possible Cause Suggested Solution

Cold assay buffer Assay Buffer must be at room temperature
Omission of step in procedure Refer and follow Technical Bulletin precisely
Plate reader at incorrect wavelength Check filter settings of instrument
Assay not working
For fluorescence assays, use black plates
Type of 96 well plate used with clear bottoms. For colorimetric assays,
use clear plates
Use the Assay Buffer provided or refer to
Samples prepared in different buffer
Technical Bulletin for instructions
Repeat the sample homogenization,
Cell/Tissue culture samples were
increasing the length and extent of
incompletely homogenized
homogenization step.
Samples with erratic
Samples used after multiple freeze-thaw Aliquot and freeze samples if samples will be
cycles used multiple times
Presence of interfering substance in the
If possible, dilute sample further
Use of old or inappropriately stored Use fresh samples and store correctly until
samples use
Thaw all components completely and mix
Improperly thawed components
gently before use
Use of expired kit or improperly stored Check the expiration date and store the
Lower/higher reagents components appropriately
readings in samples Allowing the reagents to sit for extended
Prepare fresh reaction mix before use
and standards times on ice
Refer to Technical Bulletin and verify correct
Incorrect incubation times or temperatures
incubation times and temperatures
Incorrect volumes used Use calibrated pipettes and aliquot correctly
Thaw and resuspend all components before
Use of partially thawed components
preparing the reaction mix
Pipetting errors in preparation of standards Avoid pipetting small volumes
Prepare a master Reaction Mix whenever
Pipetting errors in the Reaction Mix
Non-linear standard Pipette gently against the wall of the plate
Air bubbles formed in well
curve well
Standard stock is at incorrect Refer to the standard dilution instructions in
concentration the Technical Bulletin
Recheck calculations after referring to
Calculation errors
Technical Bulletin
Substituting reagents from older kits/lots Use fresh components from the same kit
Samples measured at incorrect
Check the equipment and filter settings
Unanticipated results Samples contain interfering substances If possible, dilute sample further
Sample readings above/below the linear Concentrate or dilute samples so readings
range are in the linear range

LS,MAM 02/14-1

2014 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, registered i the US and other
countries. Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their
particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see product information on the Sigma-Aldrich website at
www.sigmaaldrich.com and/or on the reverse side of the invoice or packing slip.

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