Mda Sigma Kit
Mda Sigma Kit
Mda Sigma Kit
Standard Solution with 980 µL of water to prepare a Notes: Occasional samples will exhibit turbidity,
2 mM MDA Standard. Add 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 µL of which can be eliminated by filtering through a
the 2 mM MDA Standard Solution into separate 0.2 µm filter. TBA can react with other compounds
microcentrifuge tubes, generating 0 (blank), 4, 8, 12, in samples giving other colored products. These
16, and 20 nmole standards. Add water to each tube to should not generally interfere with quantitation of
bring the volume to 200 µL. the TBA-MDA adduct.
Calculations Concentration of MDA
The background for either assay is the value obtained
for the 0 (blank) MDA standard. Correct for the (Sa/Sv) × 4 × D = C
background by subtracting the blank value from all
readings. Background values can be significant and Sa = Amount of MDA in unknown sample (nmole) from
must be subtracted from all readings. Use the values standard curve
obtained from the appropriate MDA standards to plot a Sv = Sample volume (µL) or amount (µg) added into the
standard curve. The amount of MDA present in the wells
samples may be determined from the standard curve. C = Concentration of MDA in sample
Note: A new standard curve must be set up each time D = Dilution factor
the assay is run. 4 = Correction factor for using 200 µL of 800 µL
Sample Calculation
Amount of MDA (Sa) = 5.84 nmole
Sample volume (Sv) = 50 µL
Concentration of MDA in sample
Troubleshooting Guide
LS,MAM 02/14-1
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