5 Developmental Lesson Plan: Standard - 3.2.3.B5

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5 Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Amanda Salomon Date: 3/25/21

Group Size: 25 Allotted Time: 60 minutes Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject or Topic: Lesson 5, Refraction

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

S3.C.2.1 Recognize basic energy types and sources and how energy can be changed from one
form to another.

Standard - 3.2.3.B5
Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object or travels from one
material to another

Learning Targets/Objectives:
● The kindergarten students will be able to observe how energy can be changed into
different forms by using science to make items disappear from the eye

● The kindergarten students will be able to recognize that light will change its direction
when it strikes an object by doing an inquiry

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Thumbs up/Thumbs down 1. Students will be asked if they liked
2. Frayer model and understood the inquiry
3. Guided inquiry sheet 2. As a class students will complete the
4. Question and answer pictures Frayer model (modified)
3. Students will draw their before and
after thoughts during the inquiry
4. A question will be asked verbally and
the students will volunteer to point to
the picture that has the correct
answer on it
Assessment Scale:
1. Observational
2. Observation/participation
3. The teacher will interview the students while drawing for their formative assessment
(Rubric shown below)
4. Observation/participation
Subject Matter/Content: Refraction
● An understanding of how reflection works
○ An understanding that when you look at your reflection is will be reversed
● An understanding that when objects are in front of the sun they will look different on
a surface
● An understanding that any opaque object will make a shadow
○ An understanding of what happens when the sun is closer/farther from the
● An understanding of natural and artificial light
○ An understanding that living organisms need light
○ An understanding that nonliving organisms use/benefit off of light
Key Vocabulary:
Refraction- the bending of rays or waves of light, heat, sound, or the like when passed
obliquely from one medium to another with a different rate of transmission
Reflection- heat, light, or an image that bounces off an object or surface
Light- the form of energy that makes it possible for the eye to see. The sun produces light
Bending- to take on a curved or angled form
Reversed- opposite in direction, position, or movement; backward
Opposite- located at or on the sides across from each other; facing
Ray- a thin beam of light or some other radiation
Mediums- a substance that is a means of passing on a force or an effect
Travels- to move forward in any way

● What is refraction?
○ Heat, light, or an image that bounces off an object or surface
○ Refraction is another way that light can change the way an image looks
● How is it possible for light to bend?
○ When light moves it slowly causes the light to spread out as it travels
○ Some of this light bends away from the straight line that the light usually
travels in
● How do you know your seeing refraction?
○ When you are seeing refraction you will be able to see an image reversed to
the human eye
○ The image will be reversed when it is transferred from another medium like air
to water
● What are the different mediums that can happen with refraction?
○ Three mediums that refract light are water, glass, and diamond
○ When light rays that are traveling through air go through these materials their
speed will decrease causing the bending of light AKA refraction
● How come you can’t see when light is traveling?
○ Light is not traveling in our path therefore we cannot see it with the human
○ Light is also traveling so far we again cannot see it with the human eye
○ We do see light around us because it is reflected from the sun giving us light
we can see
○ The light that is reflected is scattered by our atmosphere therefore during the
day we see light
● What is the difference between refraction and reflection?
○ Reflection is the change in direction of waves when they bounce off a barrier
or a hard surface
○ Refraction is the change in direction of waves when they pass through one
● What is the speed of light in water?
○ The speed of light normally is 300,000 kilometers per second (Wow that’s a
○ The speed of light in water is 225,000 kilometers per second
○ The speed of light in glass is 200,000 kilometers per second
○ This isn’t something that needs to be memorized, just some interesting
information to know and recognize how light speeds down in water and glass!

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
● The teacher will do a show and tell intro
○ She will show the following items
■ a glass of water, a coin, and a plate
● The teacher will ask the students if anyone has any idea how we can use these items
to do science
○ Students may have some guesses
● The teacher will tell the students what if I could tell you I can put this coin under the
glass of water and make it disappear like magic
● Students will have that “ooo” and “ahh” factor
● The teacher will split the students up into two groups
○ One group will go with the main teacher and the other group will go with the
■ These groups will be decided randomly and not for any particular
● Students will gather around their teacher’s table to watch the teacher do an “I do”
quick example
● The teacher will do the disappearing money trick which involves:
○ Setting a coin on a table
○ Then placing a clear drinking glass of the coin
○ Next, you cover the top of the glass with a plate and have the students look
inside the glass from the side
■ They should still be able to see the coin at the bottom of the glass on
the table
○ Now you will fill the glass with water and replace the plate on top
○ The students will once again look through the side of the glass although this
time the coin will have disappeared
○ Finally, you will take the plate off the glass and look at the glass through the
top, the coin is still there
■ How did that happen?
● Students will watch the teacher do this example and get them excited/thinking how
did that happen
Development/Teaching Approaches
● Students will now turn and talk with a partner about what they saw and if they have
any guess on how that happens
● Once the students finish talking the teacher will explain
○ When light rays travel through the air we will see little or no refraction
(bending of light) which is why we were still able to see the coin through the
empty glass
○ When we put the water in bending of light occurred, light rays weren’t able to
reach your eyes through the water and the side of the glass
○ The glass also refracted the light making the image (coin) appear closer to the
top of the glass which is why when we took the plate off and looked from the
top we were able to see the coin
○ Science!
● The teacher will tell the students to go home and show their family members this
trick, all you need is a coin, a glass, water, and a plate
● The teacher will remind the students to tell their family member the science behind
their trick after it’s done
● Students will be excited that they have learned a trick today and it's something so
easy they can show their family members at home
● Students will now all come back to the big rug and do a thumbs up thumbs down
○ The teacher will ask the students if they liked the example inquiry that they
saw the teacher do
○ The teacher will also ask the students if they understand what happens and
why we couldn’t see the coin when the water was in the glass
■ This quick assessment will decide if the teacher needs to further
teacher again about refraction or if she can move forward onto the
● Assuming students understand and can move forward the teacher will introduce the
Frayer model (Shown below)
● The teacher will have an example of a Frayer model about reflection (Shown below)
○ This will help the students visualize what we are going to be doing with
● As a class, we will fill out this Frayer model on the board
● In the first square, we will make a class definition
○ Students will raise their hands and call out words that describe refraction
○ The teacher will help the students put this into a short definition and then
write it in the square
● In the second square, we will come up with things refraction does
○ Like make pictures turn different ways or make things disappear
● In the third square, we will come up with examples refraction does
○ Like the money disappearing trick
● In the fourth square students will draw a picture of their thinking/understanding of
○ They will each get a sticky note and draw a quick picture
○ They then will be able to get up and stick it in the appropriate square to
contribute to the Frayer model
● We will next watch a quick video on refraction to again get more of an understanding
before our “you do” inquiry
○ https://coolscienceexperimentshq.com/light-refraction/
● Students will now head back to their tables and are given an assigned partner
● Materials will be handed out for the inquiry including:
○ A glass of water
■ Students will be told not to touch this glass and class management
strategies will be used to keep the inquiry safe and put together since
we are using a glass of full water
○ A piece of paper will a picture on it
■ This picture could be an arrow facing one direction, an animal facing
one direction, etc
○ All the partners will get different pictures to vary it up
● Students will get a guided inquiry sheet (Shown below)
○ On the top of the sheet from learning what we have learned so far, they will
draw how they think their image will look like when they put the paper behind
the glass
● The teacher will model putting a piece of paper behind a glass (without water, to not
spoil the surprise) to make sure students understand what is being asked of them
● They will then put their piece of paper behind the water (as modeled) and watch what
happens to their picture
○ Students will talk with their partner, observe and become excited about this as
they watch their picture reverse when being put behind the glass of water
● The students will now draw at the bottom of the guided inquiry sheet what happens
to their picture when it was put behind the glass of water
● While students are drawing there after reasoning the teacher and aid will walk around
with a clipboard to each of the pairs
○ The teacher and aid will interview the pairs and students to see what they
learned and why the arrow turned the opposite way when it was put behind
the glass of water (Shown below)
■ The teacher will write down each of the student’s answers
■ This will be their formative assessment to see if students understood
the content we learned today
● Students will now head back to the big rug to reflect on what they have learned
● The teacher will ask some questions about refraction to the students
○ On the board, there will be different pictures that will be the answers to the
questions (Shown below)
● Once the teacher asks the question the students will volunteer
○ the teacher will pick a volunteer and the student will come up and point to the
picture on the board that answers the question
● Finally, to end the lesson we will watch a minute video about refraction
○ https://youtu.be/lkv0uZTP_zo (0:00-1:20)
● During certain times in the video, the teacher will stop and have the students call out
some words to see if they have mastered the content
○ For example, in the video the boy is looking into a pool and asks why the stick
looks bent before the girl answers the boy in the video the teacher will pause
the video. Students will call out the word refraction showing that they
understand why the stick looks bent
○ When doing the inquiry his group will be placed next to the teacher so he
doesn't get ahed of himself and possibly knock down the water
■ (with kindergarten this may happen and they will learn this is okay and
we just have to clean it up)
○ The student will also like usually get a fidget toy or stuffed animal to hold
during the class activities on the big rug

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
● Students will clean up and put all papers in the proper bin
● Students will once again head to the big rug to close out the lesson/unit
● The teacher will make some vocabulary connections with the students
● The teacher will ask the following questions and students will volunteer (The teacher
will also give the students help and hints if needed)
○ What is the difference between reflection and refraction?
○ How do magicians use refraction?
○ What happens when light passes through different mediums?
○ What other types of light did we learn about the past couple days?
○ Did we enjoy learning about light this entire week?
○ What’s something that would interest everybody to learn about next?

● Students A has ADHD
○ When being placed into the two groups duirng the disappearing money
experiment he will be placed with the aid because thats who he’s around most
of the time and who helps him out with his work

Follow all IEPs
● Children’s dictionary
○ https://kids.wordsmyth.net/we/?ent=shadows
○ Link
● A glass of water (27)
● A coin (2)
● A plate (2)
● Emty Frayer model on the board
● Colorful markers
● Sticky notes
● Piece of paper with different pictures on it (arrows, animals etc) (25)
● Guided inquiry sheet (25)
● Refraction video
○ https://coolscienceexperimentshq.com/light-refraction/
● Refraction video
○ https://youtu.be/lkv0uZTP_zo

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts
Guided inquiry sheet by Amanda Salomon
Frayer Model by Amanda Salomon
Questions and pictures on the board by Amanda Salomon
Clipboard questions and rubric by Amanda Salomon
Reflection Frayer model example by Amanda Salomon

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