Sepideh RQs

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Sepideh’s RQs Exam Date 09/24/2018

1. Sutures of the skull and face

2. Anterior cerebral artery supplies which lobes? A- Frontal and parietal B-
Frontal and temporal
3. Canthus of eye and bone?
4. TMJ- Which ligament attach to capsule?
5. TMJ ligament attached to?
6. How articular disc attach to posterior capsule?
7. Muscles of mastication nerve supply? related Answer was Trigeminal nerve
8. Which muscle is attached to the anterior border of ramus of the mandible?
9. Which muscle is attached to the crooned process?
10. Which muscle has the most important role for jaw closure, closing the
mouth? Options were: A) Temporalis B) Medial Pterygoid
C) Masseter
11. Patient had clinched and —— ant the pain started in the evening. Pain from
above ear radiates to head. What muscles are affected?
12. Which muscle behavior exclusively musculature?
13. What nerve supply anterior portion of palate?
14. What artery supply ventral portion of the tongue? What artery supply floor
of the mouth?
15. The most posterior portion of the tongue derived from which arch?
Options: ((There were NO any option about pharyngeal arch)) I remember
only a few of them A-Foramen cecum B-Tuberculum C- Reduced enamel
16. Deviation of the mandible to the Right due to?
A) Fracture of right condyle
B) Fracture of the right side of the mandible
17. Patient has bruises near the Eye canthus and it is Black and Blue. how many
days ago it happen?
A) 3 days
B) 7 days
C) 21 days
D) 26 days
18. Fracture of scapulae and the patient can not push the hand against the
wall. Which nerve is affected?
19. Muscle Abduct the scapula?
20. Hamulus is attached to?
21. Administration of group A blood to Group B, Which antigen will appear?
22. Which blood group has Antigen A and Antigen B?
23. Patient cannot breathe due to penicillin what immunoglobulin is associated
with this condition?
A) IgA
B) IgM
C) IgG
D) IgE
24. Bacterial resistance to penicillin what would be given? (I remember,
A) Tetracycline with something
B) Vancomycin
C) Amphotericin B
D) Nystatin
25. Transduction all is correct except?
C) Cell to cell transfer information

26. Which fungus is obligate intracellular?

27. Which fungus causes systemic disease?
28. Which bacteria has capsules? (( There were not Some super killer has nice
capsule) there were new
29. Scarlet fever
30. Salmonella type
31. Which microorganism is transmitted bu Ticks?
32. Rickettsia causes?
33. Agar for fungi?
34. Why influenza is the anti-shift and anti-drift?
35. Many question about SLE. Especially what seen in blood serum and blood
36. Addison disease.
37. Graves disease.
38. long-term use of Alcohol causes?
A-Colon cancer B-Hepatitis
39. Which hormone causes more osteoblast than osteoclast? A-Estrogen B-
Thyroxine C-Cortisol
40. Patient had fracture 3 weeks ago before the appointment, which bone will
see? A) Woven B) remodeling
41. Amalgam overhanging is seen in? A) Mandibular 1st pm B) Mandibular 2nd
PM C) Mandibular 1molar D) Mandibular 2nd molar.
42. Similarity between permanent maxillary 1st molar and primary maxillary
1st molar?
43. Difference between upper and lower permanent canine?
44. How many roots and cusps and canals of Primary mandibular 1st Molar and
2nd Molar?
45. Permanent Mandibular 1st molar smallest canal?
46. Which tooth is least likely to have 2 canals? A) Maxillary central incisor
B) Maxillary lateral incisor C) Mandibular central incisor D) Mandibular
lateral incisor E) Maxillary canine
47. Primary mandibular 1st molar cusps make which occlusal ridge?
48. Which tooth shows most variable roots that make difficult root planing?
49. Eruption of permanent maxillary canine?
50. Which premolar is different from the facial aspect?
A-28 B-20 C-21 D- 5
51. Mandibular canine is straight on which side?
52. Which anterior tooth is greatest faciolingually?
53. Which tooth lingual height of the counter exactly in middle third?
54. Maxillary lateral incisor embrasure?
55. Maxillary sinus drains into?
56. Crista Galli is attached to? A-Falx Cerebelli B-Falx Cerebri
57. Internal jugular vein and subclavian form?
58. Patient with malnutrition, having pitting edema in Abdomen, knee joint,
what is the reason?
A-Decreased serum protein B- Increased intracellular Na
59. Radiolucency and Radiopaque between maxillary incisors?
60. Lecithin is? A-glycine B-lipid and few more option
61. What enzyme replenishment of oxaloacetate?
A) Pyruvate carboxylase
B) PPCK (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase)
62. Mechanism of action of fluoride?
63. Bone component? A- Ca10Po4Oh B-ca6po4 (I do not remember some
64. Which is not derived from ectoderm?
i. Sebaceous gland B- pili muscle
65. The lung loss of surfactant in bronco and bronchioles what will happen?
i. Respiratory compliance decrease
B-Respiratory compliance increase
66. Which one is not the second messenger?
i. Calcium and calmodulin B-cAmp
67. Many question about primary teeth especially molars
68. Curve of Spee and Wilson?
69. HIV is interested? A-CD4 B-CD8 C-MHC1 D-MHC2
70. Which is not a function of DNA gyrase?
71. Which has anticodon? A-mRNA B-tRNA
72. After infarction clear fluid seen in? A-Brain B-heart C-kidney
73. Gout is due to? A- Purine B-triglyceride
74. Triglyceride is transferred from the intestine to the liver?
75. Which one is not a function of the liver?
A) Detoxification
B) Regulate blood glucose level
C) Plasma protein
D) Digestive enzyme
E) Synthesis of Vitamin
76. Which not causes shock?
77. Lower motor neuron lesion
78. Gingival hyperplasia seen? A-all aspect of tooth B- mesial C-Facial D-lingual
79. Circular fiber?
80. PDL derived from? A- Dental papilla
B-dental sac C-Enamel organ
81. Many questions PDL
82. Why carotid sinus cause low blood pressure?
83. When Vein has the highest speed?
84. Small pure serous salivary gland? A-palatine B- von Ebner
85. The least taste? A- Umami B- sour
C-sweet D-salt
86. The most abundant papilla of anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
87. Epithelium of respiratory bronchi, bronchioles?
88. Diaphragm nerve supply?
89. SA node blood suplly?
90. Damaged tricuspid valve will leakage?
91. Polypeptide hormone? A-Glucagon B-cortisol C-growth
92. Many question about cortisol?
93. What is most causes of renal cancer?
94. Epinephrine and glucagon have in common?
95. Vitamin C is required for in details?
96. Cross-linking collagen by what enzyme?
97. Asthma treatment?
98. Local anesthesia blocks what gate ?
99. Why cell membrane is at -70?
100. Microorganism has what element more than vegetation? A-Iron B-calcium
C-copper and one more I do not remember
101. The main function of inner phospholipid membrane? Carrier and prevent
entry of polar B- maintain cell fluidty C- transport ions
102. Nerve exit the stylomandibular foramen injured, will affect? Submandibular
gland orbicularis oris
103. Pterygopalatine fissure is made by which bones?
104. Which root tip of the permanent maxillary molar is tilt distally
105. External auditory meatus is derived from
106. Biceps bracali innervation?
107. What mediator is chemo attractant for macrophages?
A) Histamine
B) Bradykinin
C) C3a I don't remember
108. Activated macrophage release
109. What tooth has the greatest information?
110. KNOWS lung anatomy, pathology, curve, treatment, a disease associated
with heard
111. Uterus cancer?
112. Tooth guidance, canine guidance, overjet, overbite
113. Different types of bleeding and bruise, for example, epistaxis,
hematemesis, hematoma ( difference b/w them)
114. What cell produces testosterone?
115. What protrudes the hyoid bone? Geniohyoid
116. What muscle is Not infra hyoid?
1. sternohyoid B)thyrohyoid C) stylohyoid
117. 9 years old boy, from midline tooth number 4. What tooth is it?
118. Please read very well what medicine causes gingival bleeding and what is
gingival disease cause bleeding?
119. Heat sensitive sterilization?
120. what nerve is between palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus? CN9
121. 2 phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate? the answer was Enolase
122. vitamin D 25(OH)D3 to 1,25 (OH)2D3 Answer was kidney

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