Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology
This is a combined list of Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation terms. Indicators that are shaded are used ONLY for nutrition
assessment. The rest of the indicators are used for assessment and monitoring and evaluation.
FOOD/NUTRITION-Related Fat and cholesterol intake (1.5.1) Diet experience (2.1.2)
HISTORY (FH) q Total fat FH- q Previously prescribed diets FH-
Food and nutrient intake, food and nutrient adminis- q Saturated fat FH- q Previous diet/nutrition FH-
tration, medication/herbal supplement intake, knowl- q Trans fatty acids FH- education/counseling
edge/beliefs/attitudes and behavior, food and supply q Polyunsaturated fat FH- q Self-selected diet/s followed FH-
availability, physical activity, nutrition quality of life. q Monounsaturated fat FH- q Dieting attempts FH-
q Omega-3 fatty acids FH- Eating environment (2.1.3)
Food and Nutrient Intake (1) Dietary cholesterol FH-
q q Location FH-
Composition and adequacy of food and nutrient intake, Essential fatty acids FH-
q q Atmosphere FH-
and meal and snack patterns.
Protein intake (1.5.2) q Caregiver/companion FH-
Energy Intake (1.1) q Total protein FH- q Appropriate breastfeeding FH-
Total energy intake from all sources, including food, q High biological value protein FH- accommodations/facility
beverages, supplements, and via enteral and parenteral q Casein FH- q Eats alone FH-
q Whey FH- Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition
Energy intake (1.1.1) q Amino acids FH- Administration (2.1.4)
q Total energy intake FH- q Essential amino acids FH- q Enteral access FH-
Assessment &
milk and infant formula q Starch FH-
ing herbal preparations and complementary medicine
Fluid/Beverage intake (1.2.1) q Glycemic index FH-
products used.
q Oral fluids FH- q Glycemic load FH-
q Food-derived fluids FH- q Source of carbohydrate FH- Medication and herbal supplements (3.1)
q Liquid meal replacement FH- q Insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio FH- q Medications, specify prescription FH-3.1.1
or supplement or OTC
Fiber intake (1.5.4)
q Herbal/complementary products FH-3.1.2
Food intake (1.2.2) q Total fiber FH-
q Amount of food FH- q Soluble fiber FH-
q Misuse of medication (specify) FH-3.1.3
q Types of food/meals FH- q Insoluble fiber FH-
q Meal/snack pattern FH- Micronutrient Intake (1.6) Knowledge/Beliefs/Attitudes (4)
q Diet quality index FH- Vitamin and mineral intake from all sources, e.g., food, Understanding of nutrition-related concepts and con-
q Food variety FH- beverages, supplements, and via enteral and parenteral viction of the truth and feelings/emotions toward some
Breast milk/infant formula intake (1.2.3) routes. nutrition-related statement or phenomenon, along with
q Breast milk intake FH- readiness to change nutrition-related behaviors.
Vitamin intake (1.6.1)
q Infant formula intake FH- q A (1) q Riboflavin (7) Food and nutrition knowledge (4.1)
Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Intake (1.3) q C (2) q Niacin (8) q Area(s) and level of knowledge FH-4.1.1
Specialized nutrition support intake from all sources, q D (3) q Folate (9) q Diagnosis specific or global FH-4.1.2
e.g., enteral and parenteral routes. q E (4) q B6 (10) nutrition-related knowledge score
q K (5) q B12 (11) Beliefs and attitudes (4.2)
Enteral Nutrition Intake (1.3.1)
q Thiamin (6) q Multivitamin (12) Conflict with personal/family FH-4.2.1
q Formula/solution FH- q
q Other (specify)______________________ (13) value system
q Feeding tube flush FH-
Mineral/element intake (1.6.2) q Distorted body image FH-4.2.2
Parenteral Nutrition Intake (1.3.2)
q Calcium (1) q Potassium (5) q End-of-life decisions FH-4.2.3
q Formula/solution FH-
q Chloride (2) q Phosphorus (6) q Motivation FH-4.2.4
q IV fluids FH-
q Iron (3) q Sodium (7) q Preoccupation with food/nutrients FH-4.2.5
Bioactive Substance Intake (1.4) q Magnesium (4) q Zinc (8) q Preoccupation with weight FH-4.2.6
Alcohol, plant stanol and sterol esters, soy protein, q Multi-mineral (9) q Readiness to change nutrition- FH-4.2.7
psyllium and β-glucan, and caffeine intake from all related behaviors
q Multi-trace element (10)
sources, e.g., food, beverages, supplements, and via Self-efficacy FH-4.2.8
q Other, (specify) _ ____________________ (11) q
enteral and parenteral routes. q Self-talk/cognitions FH-4.2.9
Alcohol intake (1.4.1) Food and Nutrient Administration (2) q Unrealistic nutrition-related goals FH-4.2.10
q Drink size/volume FH- Current and previous diets and/or food modifications, q Unscientific beliefs/attitudes FH-4.2.11
q Frequency FH- eating environment, and enteral and parenteral nutri- q Food preferences (specify) FH-4.2.12
q Pattern of alcohol consumption FH- tion administration. q Emotions (specify) FH-4.2.13
Bioactive substance intake (1.4.2) Diet History (2.1)
Description of food and drink regularly provided or
Behavior (5)
q Plant sterol and stanol esters FH- Patient/client activities and actions, which influence
q Soy protein FH- consumed, past diets followed or prescribed and coun-
achievement of nutrition-related goals.
q Psyllium and β-glucan FH- seling received, and the eating environment.
Adherence (5.1)
q Food additives (specify) FH- Diet order (2.1.1)
q Self-reported adherence score FH-5.1.1
q Other (specify) FH- q General, healthful diet FH-
q Nutrition visit attendance FH-5.1.2
Caffeine intake (1.4.3) q Modified diet FH-
(specify) _______________________________ q Ability to recall nutrition goals FH-5.1.3
q Total caffeine FH- q Self-monitoring at agreed upon rate FH-5.1.4
q Enteral nutrition order FH-
Macronutrient Intake (1.5) (specify) _______________________________ q Self-management as agreed upon FH-5.1.5
Fat and cholesterol, protein, carbohydrate, and fiber q Parenteral nutrition order FH- Avoidance behavior (5.2)
intake from all sources including food, beverages, (specify) _______________________________ q Avoidance FH-5.2.1
supplements, and via enteral and parenteral routes.
q Restrictive eating FH-5.2.2
q Cause of avoidance behavior FH-5.2.3
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Nutrition Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation Terminology, cont’d
Bingeing and purging behavior (5.3) Nutrition-related activities of daily
q FH-7.2.9 Gastrointestinal profile (1.4)
q Binge eating behavior FH-5.3.1 living (ADL) score q Alkaline phophatase BD-1.4.1
q Purging behavior FH-5.3.2 Nutrition-related instrumental
q FH-7.2.10 q Alanine aminotransferase, ALT BD-1.4.2
Mealtime behavior (5.4) activities of daily living (IADL) q Aspartate aminotransferase, AST BD-1.4.3
q Meal duration FH-5.4.1 score q Gamma glutamyl transferase, GGT BD-1.4.4
q Percent of meal time spent eating FH-5.4.2 Physical activity (7.3) q Gastric residual volume BD-1.4.5
q Preference to drink rather than eat FH-5.4.3 q Physical activity history FH-7.3.1 q Bilirubin, total BD-1.4.6
q Refusal to eat/chew FH-5.4.4 q Consistency FH-7.3.2 q Ammonia, serum BD-1.4.7
q Spitting food out FH-5.4.5 q Frequency FH-7.3.3 q Toxicology report, including alcohol BD-1.4.8
q Rumination FH-5.4.6 q Duration FH-7.3.4 q Prothrombin time, PT BD-1.4.9
q Patient/client/caregiver fatigue FH-5.4.7 q Intensity FH-7.3.5 q Partial thromboplastin time, PTT BD-1.4.10
during feeding process resulting q Type of physical activity FH-7.3.6 q INR (ratio) BD-1.4.11
in inadequate intake q Strength FH-7.3.7 q Fecal fat BD-1.4.12
q Willingness to try new foods FH-5.4.8 q TV/screen time FH-7.3.8 q Amylase BD-1.4.13
q Limited number of accepted foods FH-5.4.9 q Other sedentary activity time FH-7.3.9 q Lipase BD-1.4.14
q Rigid sensory preferences FH-5.4.10 q Involuntary physical movement FH-7.3.10 q Other digestive enzymes (specify) BD-1.4.15
q NEAT FH-7.3.11 q D-xylose BD-1.4.16
Social network (5.5)
q Hydrogen breath test BD-1.4.17
Ability to build and utilize FH-5.5.1
Nutrition-Related Patient/Client-Centered Intestinal biopsy BD-1.4.18
Montioring & Evaluation
social network
Measures (8) q Stool culture BD-1.4.19
Factors Affecting Access to Food and Food/ Patient/client’s perception of his/her nutrition interven- q Gastric emptying time BD-1.4.20
tion and its impact on life. Small bowel transit time BD-1.4.21
Assessment &
Assessment &
Riboflavin, activity coefficient BD-1.13.6 Estimated carbohydrate needs (2.3)
q q Gynecological CH-2.1.6
for erythrocyte glutathione q Total carbohydrate estimated needs CS-2.3.1
(specify) _________________________ P or F
reductase activity q Type of carbohydrate needed CS-2.3.2
q Hematology/oncology CH-2.1.7
Niacin, urinary N’methyl- BD-1.13.7 q Method for estimating needs CS-2.3.3
q (specify) _________________________ P or F
nicotinamide concentration q Immune (e.g., food allergies) CH-2.1.8 Estimated fiber needs (2.4)
q Vitamin B6, plasma or serum BD-1.13.8 (specify) _________________________ P or F q Total fiber estimated needs CS-2.4.1
pyridoxal 5’phosphate concentration q Integumentary CH-2.1.9 q Type of fiber needed CS-2.4.2
q Other BD-1.13.9 (specify) _________________________ P or F q Method for estimating needs CS-2.4.3
q Musculo-skeletal CH-2.1.10
Nutrition-Focused Fluid Needs (3)
(specify) _________________________ P or F
Physical Findings (PD) q Neurological CH-2.1.11 Estimated fluid needs (3.1)
Findings from an evaluation of body systems, muscle
(specify) _________________________ P or F q Total fluid estimated needs CS-3.1.1
and subcutaneous fat wasting, oral health, suck/swal-
q Psychological CH-2.1.12 q Method for estimating needs CS-3.1.2
low/breathe ability, appetite, and affect.
(specify) _________________________ P or F
Nutrition-focused physical findings (1.1) q Respiratory CH-2.1.13 Micronutrient Needs (4)
q Overall appearance PD-1.1.1 (specify) _________________________ P or F Estimated vitamin needs (4.1)
(specify) _______________________________ q Other CH-2.1.14 q A (1) q Riboflavin (7)
q Body language PD-1.1.2 (specify) _________________________ P or F q C (2) q Niacin (8)
(specify) _______________________________ D (3) Folate (9)
Treatments/therapy/alternative medicine (2.2) q q
q Cardiovascular-pulmonary PD-1.1.3 E (4) B6 (10)
Documented medical or surgical treatments, comple- q q
(specify) _______________________________ K (5) B12 (11)
mentary and alternative medicine that may impact nu- q q
q Extremities, muscles and bones PD-1.1.4 tritional status of the patient q Thiamin (6)
(specify) _______________________________ Other (specify) (12)
q Medical treatment/therapy CH-2.2.1 q
q Digestive system (mouth to rectum) PD-1.1.5 (specify) _______________________________ q Method for estimating needs (13)
(specify) _______________________________
q Surgical treatment CH-2.2.2 Estimated mineral needs (4.2)
q Head and eyes PD-1.1.6 (specify) _______________________________
(specify) _______________________________ q Calcium (1) q Potassium (5)
q Complementary/alternative medicine CH-2.2.3 q Chloride (2) q Phosphorus (6)
q Nerves and cognition PD-1.1.7 (specify) _______________________________
(specify) _______________________________ q Iron (3) q Sodium (7)
q Palliative/end-of-life care CH-2.2.4 q Magnesium (4) q Zinc (8)
q Skin PD-1.1.8 (specify) _______________________________
(specify) _______________________________ q Other (specify) (9)
q Vital signs PD-1.1.9 Social History (3) q Method for estimating needs (10)
(specify) _______________________________ Patient/client socioeconomic status, housing situation,
medical care support and involvement in social groups. Weight and Growth Recommendation (5)
Client History (CH) Social history (3.1) Recommended body weight/body mass index/
Current and past information related to personal, medi- q Socioeconomic factors CH-3.1.1 growth (5.1)
cal, family, and social history. (specify) _______________________________ q Ideal/reference body weight (IBW) CS-5.1.1
q Living/housing situation CH-3.1.2 q Recommended body mass CS-5.1.2
Personal History (1) index (BMI)
(specify) _______________________________
General patient/client information such as age, gender,
q Domestic issues CH-3.1.3 q Desired growth pattern CS-5.1.3
race/ethnicity, language, education, and role in family.
(specify) _______________________________
Personal data (1.1) q Social and medical support CH-3.1.4
q Age CH-1.1.1 (specify) _______________________________
q Gender CH-1.1.2 q Geographic location of home CH-3.1.5
q Race/Ethnicity CH-1.1.3 (specify) _______________________________
q Language CH-1.1.4 q Occupation CH-3.1.6
q Literacy factors CH-1.1.5 (specify) _______________________________
q Education CH-1.1.6 q Religion CH-3.1.7
q Role in family CH-1.1.7 (specify) _______________________________
q Tobacco use CH-1.1.8
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