Colaborated Architechture Framework For Composition UML 2.0 in Zachman Framework
Colaborated Architechture Framework For Composition UML 2.0 in Zachman Framework
Colaborated Architechture Framework For Composition UML 2.0 in Zachman Framework
Abstract. Zachman Framework (ZF) is the framework of enterprise architechture that most
widely adopted in the Enterprise Information System (EIS) development. In this study, has
been developed Colaborated Architechture Framework (CAF) to collaborate ZF with Unified
Modeling Language (UML) 2.0 modeling. The CAF provides the composition of ZF matrix
that each cell is consist of the Model Driven architechture (MDA) from the various UML
models and many Software Requirement Specification (SRS) documents. Implementation of
this modeling is used to develops Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Because ERP have a
coverage of applications in large numbers and complexly relations, it is necessary to use Agile
Model Driven Design (AMDD) approach as an advanced method to transforms MDA into
components of application modules with efficiently and accurately. Finally, through the using
of the CAF, give good achievement in fullfilment the needs from all stakeholders that are
involved in the overall process stage of Rational Unified Process (RUP), and also obtaining a
high satisfaction to fullfiled the functionality features of the ERP software in PT. Iglas
(Persero) Gresik.
1. Introduction
Previously, various tools and techniques are provided for information system (IS) development, that
are specific to an aspect or many aspects relation, such as the using of the basic flowchart shapes, ERD
modeling, Data Flow Diagram, or Object Oriented modelling. However, in accordance with the
demands of the information technology (IT) development requirements today, where so many
stakeholders involved with many different perspectives and objectives that would influence system, so
IT developers require more integrated architechture blue print to fullfiled overall Rational Unified
Process (RUP) stages in IT projects.
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ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) is a tool that can be used for developing a broad range of
different architectures, where set of tools for EAF is supported with list of recommended on
standardization within models and documents to build fully block of IT conceptual blueprint. Benefit
of the using an EAF will speed up and simplify architecture development, ensure more complete
coverage of the designed solution [1].
The ZF is one of the most widely adopted EAF in the Enterprise Information System (EIS)
development [2]. The ZF provides a concept to produce a systematic taxonomy to declares a
relationship without replacing anything in the real world and changing the tools, techniques and
methodologies, but otherwise give collaboration of various viewpoints according to many perspectives
and abstraction for architechture modelling [3].
ZF same as others EAF such TOGAF, IAF, FEAF, DoDAF within the primary principal consists of
conceptual modeling language, that provides modelling platform and analysis list of the EA included
strategy, process and dimensions of the application, as well as support various aspects of the structure
and behavior of software artifacts [4]. In generally each EAF has different focus in providing
architectural solutions. By reviewing two of the most popular EAF framework that are ZF and
TOGAF, ZF more focused on the constructing architecture views in multi perspective of the EA, while
TOGAF as view of process to describe the RUP stages to constructing the EA [5].
However in RUP stages, many EA practitioners prefer to using hybrid architecture approach to
combine various EAF by taking some of the advantages of each frameworks [5]. Such as Integrated
Architecture Framework (IAF) which provides a best practices approach more in order to integrated
the various frameworks that have been existing. Where the advantages of the IAF lies in values and
flexibilities within combination with other EA such Togaf ADM and ZF[6].
IAF has focused more on the processes to “Why, What, and How” as best practices to give transition
solving from business components into application components, but less provided scalable
architectural view then ZF. While ZF did’nt defined specific modelling like as support object oriented
modelling where still be a mature paradigma to analyzing and developing software components today.
For this reason, in this study we propose Colaborated Architecture Framework (CAF) that is having
focus as the best practice for composing structured models and documents to defines the software
requirement specification (SRS) blue print, that based on object-oriented modeling approach use the
UML 2.0, which has more scalable architecture view in “What, How, Where, Who, When, Why”
adopting ZF to fullfil overall RUP stages in SDLC.
2. Methodology
2.1 Collaborations of Zachman Framework and UML 2.0
The CAF composing UML within the ZF 6x6 cell of matrix dimensions, in accordance with the six
perspective of Scope (planner's view), Enterprise model (business owner's view), Model of
fundamental concepts (designer's view), Technology model (builder's view), Detailed representations
(sub-contractor's view), Functioning system. Which provide solutions for the six dimensional
abstraction of english interrogatives that are consist of: What (Data), How (Function), Where
(Network), Who (People), When (Time), Why (Motivation). The using of UML to support ZF
architecture is the systematic composition to be developed [7] which makes itself a basis for
evaluating, establishing, and customizing other enterprise architectural frameworks, methods, and
tools [8].
Within the ERP that we developed for PT. Iglas (Persero) Gresik-Indonesia consists of 7 modules:
Financial-Accounting (FA), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Distribution, Material-
Production, Procurement, Human Resource Management, Inventory, and asset management [9].
ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
Which for sample implementation case we focus to describing CAF for one domain module that is the
FA, as a core of ERP modules like as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Composition CAF of the UML models and SRS documents in the Zachman Framework [3] 1
Perspektive What How Where Who When Why
/Abstractio (Things) (Process) (Location) (People) (Time) (Motivation)
(P1A1) (P1A2) (P1A3) (P1A4) (P1A5) (P1A6)
Structure Table of value Map location Structure Workbase list Defines
diagram of The chain from from the FA diagram of of business Strategies and
organization business department in managers who process Goals of vision
units and they processes PT. Iglas are responsible activities and mission in
responsibilities within the FA (Persero) to plan, execute, the Iglas FA
in the FA department Gresik and control department
department business
processes within
the FA
(P2A1) (P2A2) (P2A3) (P2A4) (P2A5) (P2A6)
Conceptual Business Busines Use Case Operational Defines Goals
Data Model of Process Model Logistics Diagram of the Schedule of of each FA
the FA Notation Diagram of FA FA business business business
business (BPMN) of FA units processes activities in the processes
processes FA
(P3A1) (P3A2) (P3A3) (P3A4) (P3A5) (P3A6)
Class Diagram Component Sequence Component RUP schedule Defines logical
for all objects Diagram of Diagram for dependency of Model design of
in the FA application application matrix from one Driven software
domain component component application Architecture artifacts
component to
(P4A1) (P4A2) (P4A3) (P4A4) (P4A5) (P4A6)
Physical Data Deployment Network Interface Design RUP schedule Defines
Model of Diagram of Diagram of for each of Model physical design
y Model)
database installation server farm and functionality Driven of software
package of computer access application Development artifacts
(P5A1) (P5A2) (P5A3) (P5A4) (P5A5) (P5A6)
Structure and Source code List of the Table of RACI SDLC schedule Defines
details of descriptions of networks matrix as a policy of installation installation and
Django Model View configuration to configure and maintenance
Framework Template from for all networks security of access maintenance guaranty
models of each the Django web component rights for each contract
application framework include: router, user who manages
components. switch, wifi, and the software
cabling. applications
(P6A1) (P6A2) (P6A3) (P6A4) (P6A5) (P6A6)
Integration link Package List of the Activity diagram Time schedule Defines System
between FA diagram of global network to manage for monitoring Operational
domain and component configurations activities to and controlling Procedure
other ERP services include internet operate ERP ERP services. (SOP) to
domains relations for the and network services. operate overall
FA domain and security ERP application
other domains services.
All artifact accordance within the Iglas ERP blueprint
ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
Not many previous studies that laid the blueprint mapping EAF for ERP because generally it does by
many enterprise corporates in big research collaboration. In one individual study, Molnar outlines a
wide-range theoretical background for analyzing the re-engineering and re-organization of ERP
systems, and describes EIS relationship with EAF including ZF [10], but this study was still have
struggling on the theory and strategy paradigm without any more best practice approach to defined
architechture constructing.
That means, the CAF modeling can be a solution in the architecture constructing and then can be used
as a choice in the best practice framework for the implementation of EAF in the development of EIS
including the ERP system.
MDA provides a way to define the structured view that allows a model to be constructed, viewed,
developed, and manipulated at analysis and design time before it is coded [8].
ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
achieved [13]. The main reference models for AMDD that we have executed to develop software
components, they are: BPMN as a Business Service, Class Diagram as a Component Entity Service,
and Sequence Diagram as a Component Utility Service [14].
From one sample scenario in the FA module, we analyze business process in financial transaction
activities, where a register of financial business process is the General Ledger (GL) through the
Journal Entry service. We set the Journal Entry as a core of business service to receive data from all
transactions which is affecting the financial business processes. The Journal Entry in the General
Ledger is the final register transaction of overall data from the whole ERP system, as shown on Figure
1. BPMN for this process is placed in P2A2 cell.
From each activity in business services, we have composed into class diagram from each component
entity services, like as shown in Figure 2 where class diagram for the Journal Entry in the GL is
placed in P3A1 cell. From UML Class diagram, the model design is directly driven developing of
component software, because class diagram is able to defines the data attributes and methods in the
business service requirement, as data and operatitonal service in application.
For AMDD programming strategy, we recommend the use of three-tier software architecture
framework, which generally supported domain specific languange in domain driven design
programming concept and component-based plugins [15]. This strategy is having benefits: reduced
communication across the layers, design by contract is sufficient, part of application components can
be tested separately [16]. Among the development frameworks that could be an option, they are: Play
for Java, Rails for Ruby, Grails for Groovy and Django for Python. Where Django framework as the
technology of our choice due to excess AMDD in reliability, speed, and the components plugin are
easily installed and modified.
ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
T r_ Jo u rn a l _ E n try
M s_ P e ri o d + Jo u rn a l _ E n try_ Id : int
+ Jo u rn a l _ E n try_ No : S tri n g
+ P e ri o d _ Id : int
+ Jo u rn a l : S tri n g
+ P e ri o d _ Co d e : S tri n g M s_ Jo u rn a l
+ Jo u rn a l _ P e ri o d : Da te
+ P e ri o d _ Na m e : S tri n g
+ Re fe re n ce : S tri n g + Jo u rn a l _ Id : int
+ FIsca l _ Y e a r : S tri n g
0 ..1 + Da te : Da te 0 ..* + Jo u rn a l _ Na m e : S tri n g
+ S ta rt_ P e ri o d : Da te
0 ..* + De b i t : double + Co d e : S tri n g
+ E n d _ P e ri o d : Da te 0 ..1
+ Cre d i t : double + T yp e : int
+ S ta tu s : int
+ S ta tu s : int + a d d _ j o u rn a l ()
+ a d d _ p e ri o d ()
+ e n try_ j o u rn a l ()
+ p o sti n g _ g l ()
0 ..1 0 ..*
0 ..*
0 ..1
M s_ Fi sca l _ Y e a r
De ta i l _ Jo u rn a l _ E n try
M s_ A cco u n t
+ Fi sca l _ Y e a r_ Id : int
+ Da te : Da te
+ Co d e : S tri n g + A cco u n t_ Id : int
+ Re fe re n ce : S tri n g + A cco u n t_ Co d e : S tri n g
+ Na m e : S tri n g
+ A cco u n t : S tri n g 0 ..* + A cco u n t_ Na m e : S tri n g
+ S ta rt_ P e ri o d : Da te
+ Jo u rn a l _ E n try : S tri n g 0 ..1
+ E n d _ P e ri o d : Da te + A cco u n t_ T yp e : S tri n g
+ De b i t : double
+ S ta tu s : int - S ta tu s : boolean
+ Cre d i t : double
+ a d d _ fi sca l () + a d d _ a cco u n t ()
+ a d d _ d e ta i l _ j o u rn a l ()
Class diagrams became references to create functionally component application, within translated they
atributes and methods in a model class, while for integration many functionally methods as a
component utility service, we use sequence diagram model to design it. For the further step, sequence
diagram as addition methods within scrath script inside a model class. Like as shown in Figure 3,
component utility service to create report in the journal entry that is composed with other services.
Kadep Akuntansi
getPeriod filterJournal
showJournalPeriod showJournalPosted
getFiscal filterJournal
showJournalFisca showJournalPosted
By scaffolding template engine in the django-admin, class model generating application like as shown
in Figure 4, where it is having functionally Crud-Retrieve-Update-Delete (CRUD) as a basic
information system operation and would can testing in a few seconds time. This way will give generic
solution for Test-Driven Development directly in the application to be launching.
ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
Within functionally application for CRUD operation on data transaction, it works like as shown in
Figure 5.
ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
Furthermore within comparison with the features of existing ERP applications such as Open ERP 7.0,
the EIS features that have been devoloped for ERP PT. Iglas have some advantages in functionality,
because the application development is done in Taylor made, but otherwise with minimize scratch
code in programming component of software so that is easy to evaluate end reconstruct, and also
reducing complexity to help better understand on the evolution of enterprise business processes and
their requirements [16].
Such as shown in Table 4 features of Financial-Accounting ERP modules, which have consist of four
business processes that is implemented by 30 functionally applications.
ICET4SD IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (2016) 012037 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/105/1/012037
Activity *Score Open ERP
Creating the Master Account 90 √
Creating the Master Fiscal Year 90 √
Creating the Master Period 90 √
Creating the Master Jurnal 90 √
The Jurnal Entry 95 √
The Jurnal Adjustment Entry 85 √
The Asset Depreciation Journal Entry 85 X
GL Posting 80 √
Subledger reporting 80 √
Balance reporting 80 √
Loss/Profit reporting 80 √
4. Conclusion
The results of this study concluded, CAF that is composed with Zachman framework and UML fully
supported MDA, and also through implementation of the most advanced method and technology of
AMDD meets with the stages of the RUP process quickly and accurately, and also simple to learn and
adjustment to establish the complexity requirements of EIS that is proofed to develop ERP application.
Because today still a bit of study on the scope of software engineering to arrange EAF for the EIS
development within detail UML modelling determination, so CAF can be implemented as the best
practice reference to determining the artifacts models and documents that supports all works in the
RUP which meets with the standard model and technology today.
5. Related Work
In the next study can be developed pattern of software design[17] and for advance using Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA)[18] for transformation MDA to AMDD, which provides better best
practice in enterprise application development methods.
6. Reference
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