Modeling Coral Reef Susceptibility Using GIS Multi-Criteria Analysis
Modeling Coral Reef Susceptibility Using GIS Multi-Criteria Analysis
Modeling Coral Reef Susceptibility Using GIS Multi-Criteria Analysis
Multi-Criteria Analysis
Rao Zahid Khalil Sumaira Zafar
Khusharah Aslam
Dept of RS & GISc Dept of RS & GISc Asian Institute of Technology
Institute of Space Technology Institute of Space Technology Thailand
Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Saad Malik Abdul Basit
Dept of RS & GISc Dept of RS & GISc
Institute of Space Technology Institute of Space Technology
Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract— In this study a multi-criteria analysis model of polyps and ultimately lose their source of food, color and
GIS has been developed to map the susceptibility of coral reef energy.
based on various environmental indicators. For this there is a Till date several studies had been done for modelling the
need to understand the pattern of coral susceptibility to process of coral bleaching. Correlation between satellites
environmental indicators including sea surface temperature
derived SST variables and observed coral bleaching patterns
(SST) which is continuously changing due to the global climate.
The Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) has been selected as the have been examined[4]. Studies of before and during coral
study area which includes waters of Arabian Sea and Bay of bleaching events by using IKONOS satellite imagery,
Bengal. The purpose of this study is to highlight most recognized that by increasing brightness in band 1 (blue) and
vulnerable areas of coral bleaching in the NIO by using multi- band 2 (green) of IKONOS spectral bands, severe reef
criteria analysis (MCA). Remotely sensed environmental bleaching areas can be identified[5]. A study was conducted
indicators including SST, aragonite saturation state, for modeling susceptibility of coral reefs over environmental
bathymetry, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), wind stress in which they combined UV radiation, sea surface
velocity, and reef slope were used to observe the susceptibility temperature (SST), surface currents, photosynthetically
of coral reefs in NIO. Existing bleaching sites of corals were
active radiation (PAR), wind velocity, and chlorophyll-a
overlaid with susceptibility map obtained by MCA. The coast
of Sri Lanka, South India, Maldives, Oman and British Indian concentration with coral bleaching and mortality database to
ocean territory were found to be in the highly susceptible zone predict correlation between environmental variables and
of coral bleaching. GIS-based MCA proved to be an efficient thermal stress. Results showed that wind velocity, UV, SST
technique to analyze the suitable or unsuitable conditions for and maximum temperature had greater influence on
coral reef susceptibility. bleaching susceptibility estimates[6]. NOAA Coral Reef
Watch bleaching prediction method and low- and high
Keywords— SST, coral reefs, multi-criteria analysis, Indian climate sensitivity general circulation model (GCM) were
Ocean used for the assessment of coral bleaching
under climate change[7].
The coral reefs serve as the home to many marine
organisms and play a vital role in coastal protection, tourism, II. THREATS TO CORAL REEF
and Most of the tropical reefs are currently exposed to
fishing, therefore supporting coastal communities. Coral reef various natural and anthropogenic threats and degrading at
is an ecosystem with multiple ecological, environmental and an alarming rate.
socio-economic functions. This unique ecosystem is
continually at risk due to frequent, diverse and the increased A. Natural Threats
extent of anthropogenic activities globally [1] & [2]. A various environmental parameter such as changes in
However, there is a serious reef decline and about 30% of the water temperature, aragonite saturation state,
total reef area is already severely damaged. By 2030 nearly photosynthetically active radiation plays a significant role in
60% of reefs may be lost [3]. Due to higher sea surface shaping the response of corals to thermal stress. Sea surface
temperatures particularly during annually occurring ENSO temperature is recognized to be the major source of coral
(El Ninˇo– Southern Oscillation) corals are losing most of bleaching events in Northern Indian ocean. Corals are
their pigmented micro-algal endosymbionts, called reduced to 50-60% in the Indian ocean due to El Niño
zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae give corals their particular Southern Oscillation (ENSO) [8].
color, and under stress those cells are expelled, leading to a
lighter or completely white appearance in corals. If the B. Anthropogenic Threats
thermal conditions are severe and extended over a longer
About 58– 70% of coral reefs of the world are directly
period, they may cause bleaching and most of the corals may
threatened by anthropogenic activities [9]. Carbon emissions
die. Rising sea temperature brings ejection of algae from the
from industry and daily routine are dissolving into the sea.
Cruise ships discharge their waste and pollute the
environment, the emitted carbon dioxide that interacts with
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ocean forms carbonic acid and causes acidification which a) Identifying Parameters: The procedure used in this
halts the coral growth [10]. model development started with the selection of parameters
Based on the literature review this study used remotely based on prior knowledge that are recognized to influence
sensed oceanographic data of six environmental variables to coral reefs. Six parameters were chosen for Analytic
observe the distributions of potential bleaching and Hierarchy Process (Table 1).
mortality of coral reefs of Northern Indian Ocean.
The aim of this research is to determine the sites that are b) Data acquisition: All layers were reprojected in
more susceptible to coral bleaching in Northern Indian WGS 1984, extracted with the extent of the study area and
Ocean. resampled to a cell size of 0.0833 degrees (927.29 meters)
“Fig. 3”.
Table 1: Data Sources and their units
A. Study Area
The Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) touches South Asia to Parameters Data source Data units
north and island states (Maldives, Seychelles, Mauritius) of
Indian Ocean “Fig.1”. NIO contain fringing reefs, reef atolls Sea surface MODIS °C (Degree Celsius)
and small barrier reefs. Mostly coral reefs are the tropical temperature
shallow water ecosystem and about 60% of the coral reefs Photosynthetic MODIS Einstein/m2/day
are in the Indian Ocean region [11] Active Radiation
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After the formation of pair-wise comparison matrix, the ([Ca2+] × [CO32-]) / [CaCO3] = Ω
Normalized Eigen vector was computed. The comparison
matrix was normalized by dividing the sum of each column Corals and other are more likely to survive when
by each element in the matrix. Normalized Eigen vector was saturation state is greater than 3Ω (omega) and when it is
attained by computing the mean of elements in each row of less than 3Ω coral becomes stressed and die when it reaches
the matrix. to 1Ω [13].
The reasonable level of consistency of parameters were
acceptable when the consistency ratio (CR) is less than 0.10. C. Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR)
If it exceeds than 0.10, the ratio indicates an unreliable PAR indicates the spectral range of 400-700nm from the
judgment and pair-wise comparison matrix required to be sun that reaches the ocean surface [14], which is required by
reconsider. Consistency Ratio was computed as: zooxanthellae algae of corals for their photosynthesis
process. Corals condition would be critical where PAR is
greater than 47 Einstein/m2/day. [15].
D. Wind Speed
Wind speed was selected as a parameter for bleaching
Where, site identification because wind exerts a common influence
CR = Consistency Ratio on coral bleaching. Maximum wind speed less than 28 meter
CI = Consistency index per second exerts minor damage to coral reefs but wind
RI = Randomness Index speed more than 30 meter per second caused catastrophic
n = Number of parameters damage to inshore and greater than 40 meter per second can
𝜆𝑚𝑎𝑥 = Principal Eigen value damage offshore [16]–[18].
(The sum of products between each element of
Eigen vector and sum of columns of reciprocal E. Bathymetry
matrix) [8].
Bathymetry was selected as another parameter because it
defines the depth of coral existence. As corals exist at a
Table 3: RANDOMNESS INDEX (RI) [9] certain depth of ocean. Shallow water coral resides at depth
of 50 meters and deep-water corals resides at depth of 150
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 meters [19][20].
RI 0.0 0.0 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 F. Slope
Slope is derived from the bathymetry data and it is
selected as parameter because slope defines gradient of
IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS ocean bed. Coral reefs survive where slope is less than 4
Sea surface temperature, aragonite saturation state, degrees.
photosynthetic active radiation, wind speed, bathymetry and G. AHP Application
slope play a critical role in determining the bleaching
AHP was applied by using six parameters to determine
vulnerability of coral. Information on the selection of
the priority of each parameter over one another (Table 4). A
these parameters is given below.
common scale (0 – 1) was obtained from AHP. Sea surface
A. Sea Surface Temperature temperature emerges the most imperative parameter.
Extreme climatic variability such as global warming, Relative criterion weights (0.436) than PAR (0.159), wind
heat waves, downwelling currents and El Nino events are (0.082), bathymetry (0.082), aragonite saturation state
the major drivers of increase in sea surface temperature. (0.159) and slope (0.082). Consistency was examined for
[12]. Symbiotically coral reefs live with unicellular micro this judgment.
algae called zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae are highly Principal Eigen vector = 6.005
sensitive to higher sea surface temperatures. Sea surface Consistency Index (CI) = 0.001
temperature above 27ºC affects the photosynthesis process For n = 6, RI =1.24
of zooxanthellae which brings the death of uni-cellular
organism(zooxanthellae), which results in bleaching of Consistency Ratio (CR)=> 0.0008
corals. (which is less than 0.1, this shows consistency was
feasible and the comparison was made in first step
(Table 4) judged for each parameter was suitable to
B. Aragonite Saturation State (Ωarag) overlay).
Surface waters are supersaturated with respect to H. Weighted Overlay Analysis
aragonite (CaCO3) and other carbonate minerals from
which coral reefs and other marine organism construct their The information layers were prepared according to prior
shells. Aragonite saturation state can be defined as the knowledge and prior studies. These layers were overlaid
product of concentrations of dissolved calcium and with their relative criterion weight to identify the coral
carbonate ions divided bleaching susceptible sites. The data were in raster format
by their product at equilibrium: which was then reclassified and provided scale value for
each component. Scale value ranging from 1 to 5 was used
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Table 4: Weights of selected criterion parameters
SST 1 3 5 3 5 5 0.436
(a) Sea surface temperature (b) Aragonite saturation state (c) Photosynthetic active Radiation
in which 1 is for least susceptible, 3 is for moderate and 5 is bleaching. The results were then validated from Reef Base
for highly susceptible. After weighted overlay analysis a data (a Global Information System for Coral Reefs) in
susceptibility map was derived “Figure 4”. which the majority of bleaching sites are within the high and
It was found that in the study area, the coast of Sri Lanka, moderate zones of bleaching sites.
South India, Maldives, Oman and British Indian ocean
territory are in the highly susceptible zone of coral
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