Evaluation of Radiation Effects in Flash Memories: Tetsuo Miyahira and Gary Swift
Evaluation of Radiation Effects in Flash Memories: Tetsuo Miyahira and Gary Swift
Evaluation of Radiation Effects in Flash Memories: Tetsuo Miyahira and Gary Swift
For space applications the time to erase/write is probably
Features of flash memories not the main concern. The main concern would
Flash memories are non-volatile; they do not require probably be radiation effects: total dose and single
power to retain memory content. They can be event effects sensitivity. This paper presents results of
programmed (erased and written to) and can be accessed irradiation experiment conducted recently by JPL’s
(read) at high speed. Longer time periods are required radiation group on representative flash devices to assess
for erasing and writing. Note that erasing is a block- the seriousness of this concern.
level function for these devices.
An alternative high-density storage
By using a single transistor memory cell, the flash NAND and NOR architecture
memories are currently nearly as dense as DRAMs and
Flash memories are based on two architectures (NAND
potentially more dense. The development of flash
and NOR). We wanted to examine both architectures so
memories is lagging behind the development of DRAMs
we chose Samsung flash memories to represent the
because of the need for high internal voltages for writing
NAND architecture and Intel flash memories to represent
and erasing, but new approaches (such as multi-level
the NOR architecture.
flash memories) are being used which may provide flash
memory densities close to those available with DRAMS.
Flash memories are beginning to be widely used in the Total Integrated Dose (TID) test
commercial market where they are showing up in Both manufacturers use a charge pump to get the higher
applications such as solid state disks. Flash memories do voltage required for programming. The charge pump is
have a limited life of about 104 to 106 erase and write provided for the convenience of the user to allow single
operations but this is sufficient for many applications. power supply operation. Degradation of the charge
pump from radiation affected these devices, which in
Power savings turn affects the programming and erase operations. As
discussed later, the NAND design is inherently more
Because flash memories are non-volatile, power to the
sensitive to total dose damage than the NOR design.
device can be turned off when not in use. This saving in
power makes flash memories very attractive to
spacecraft designers. As a side benefit, flash memories Single Event Effects (SEE) tests
are immune to single event upset when powered off. The memory cells themselves were immune to Single
Event Upsets (SEUs) but the memory erase, write,
Downside of using flash memories and read electronics were sensitive to Single Event
Functional Interrupts (SEFIs). No individual stuck
Writing to flash memories is a two step process. The
bits were observed but there were three incidents,
memory must first be erased as a block, and then written.
only with the Intel 28F016, where functionality
A write operation only writes a zero into a memory cell.
problems resulted in a permanent damage to the
A block erase is required to first put all ones into the
devices. Both the Samsung NAND and the Intel
cells prior to writing. Flash memories require a long
NOR devices had similar SEU results with the
time to erase and write relative to DRAMs. As an
exception of a permanent damage effect that
example the
occurred only on the Intel device.
The research in this paper was carried out by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Code AE, under the NASA microelectronics
Space Radiation Effects Program (MSREP)
As in any MOS device, trapped charge in the oxide will
III. NAND and NOR architecture cause a shift in the threshold voltage. The trapped
charge from erase and write operations limits the
The diagram entitled “NAND and NOR Architecture” number of erase/write operations allowable by
contrasts the basic cell structure of both the Samsung these devices. The additional effect of trapped
NAND and the Intel NOR flash memories. The cell charges from ionizing radiation will also cause the
structure is very similar to a MOS transistor except for device to fail. To date there is little data on the
the floating gate. By adding or removing charge on this combined effect of the two failure mechanisms.
floating gate one can turn on or off the transistor. A
positive charge on the floating gate relative to the source The NAND architecture typically uses eight or sixteen
turns on the device and a negative charge turns it off. cells that are stacked in series with a common bit
Because the floating gate is electrically isolated, it line. While this arrangement allows for a more
retains its charge indefinitely and hence the cell’s non- compact design, it does cause the device to be more
volatility. sensitive to radiation damage since radiation-
induced leakage will add together.
For both the Intel and Samsung devices, erasing is done
by the mechanism of Fowler-Nordheim tunneling. For
both device types, the control gate is grounded. In the IV. TID RESULTS
case of the Samsung device, programming voltage is
applied to the substrate, but for the Intel device, TID failure of Intel and Samsung flash memories
programming voltage is applied to the source. The The data displayed in chart entitled “Total Dose Failure
electric field generated causes electrons to tunnel away Levels” is the result of testing on six test devices from
from the floating gate making it more positive and the two manufacturers. The devices were irradiated with
turning the transistor on. Co60 at room temperature at a rate of 25 rads/sec. The
devices were statically biased with both Vpp and Vdd at
Samsung devices also use a form of tunneling for writing
of individual floating gates. For writing, the P-well and
the N-Substrate are grounded and programming voltage
As this graph indicates, the Intel NOR flash memory did
is applied to the control gate. The voltage on the control
not fail until 100 krad(Si) when tested bypassing the
gate is capacitively coupled to the floating gate, which
internal charge pump. An external supply was used to
creates an electric field that causes electrons to tunnel
supply programming voltage for this mode. However
from the P-well to the floating gate making it more
when the Intel device was tested using the internal
negative turning off the transistor.
charge pump, they failed at ~24 krads. The Samsung
For Intel devices, Channel Hot Electron (CHE) injection NAND flash memory which had no provision for
is used to program individual transistors. For this bypassing the charge pump failed at ~10 krads. Based
approach the source is grounded; the control gate has on the results from the Intel tests, with and without the
programming voltage (Vpp) applied to it while the drain charge pump, it is clear that the charge pump has a
gets approximately half of the programming voltage significant effect on radiation hardness. The data also
applied to it. The voltage on the control gate is suggest that the NAND architecture is more susceptible
capacitively coupled to the floating gate. This turns the to TID damage than the NOR architecture.
transistor on and causes the current (electrons) to flow
from the source to drain. Some of these electrons will Time to erase using internal charge pump vs. using
have sufficient energy (~3.1eV) to pass through the external supply
oxide charging the floating gate. Electrons deposited on
The plot entitled “Time Required to Erase only” includes
the floating gate charge the gate negatively and turns off
data from Intel devices because Samsung devices had no
the transistor.
provisions for bypassing the charge pump. When the
Both manufacturers use charge pumps to get the higher Intel flash memories were tested with the charge pump
voltages required to program (erase and write) the bypassed, the data showed no degradation in erase time
memory cells. As mentioned earlier, the charge pump is up to 30 krad(Si). When the internal charge pump was
sensitive to radiation damage. The Intel 28F016 devices used, the time to erase increased from 30 seconds at pre-
allow programming to be done with or without the irradiation to 143 seconds at 12 krads for the worst of the
charge pump. In the latter case, programming voltage is six test devices.
applied using an external supply. This flexibility
allowed us to evaluate the radiation tolerance of the
charge pump by contrasting both options: using the Supply current (Idd) degradation
charge pump and bypassing the charge pump. In the plot entitled “Supply Current (Idd)” shows that Idd
Unfortunately, Intel has eliminated the option of for the Samsung device began to rise rapidly at about 8
externally supplying programming power in its higher krads and the device failed functionally at about ~10
density (32 Mb or greater) parts. krads. Idd for the Intel device began to rise rapidly at
about 20 krads and the device failed functionally at Isolating the memory array
~24 krads. We used a copper shield to mask off the microcontroller.
The diagram entitled “Chip Micrograph” shows the area
that was masked from the heavy ions. This was done to
V. SEU RESULTS see if memory upsets would still occur. We got mixed
results from this test, possibly because the sensing and
high voltage circuitry was interspersed with the memory
SEU Tests array, and could not be masked. With the Intel
Unpowered mode. The purpose of this test was to 28F016SA memories, we observed no errors. The
determine if the floating gate would upset with heavy 28F016SV (smart voltage) devices, however, did appear
ions. Flash memories use an embedded microcontroller to exhibit memory errors at very high LET. However,
to improve erase/write times. The device was left the cross section was very low, and it is likely that the
unpowered, during irradiation, to prevent upsets in the apparent memory errors are caused by the response of
microcontroller, which in turn could cause an upsets in the more complex SV microcontroller. According to the
the memory cells. The memory was loaded with a manufacturer, the SV and SA memory cell technologies
known pattern prior to the test and left unpowered while are identical and should have behaved similarly.
being irradiated with heavy ions. After the irradiation,
the device was powered and tested to see if there were VI. PLAN FOR FOLLOW ON TESTS
any changes to the pattern. No cell upset occurred when
tested in this mode even up to an effective LET of 120
MeV-cm2/mg. X2000 Project
X2000 Project is driving the flash memory survey.
Static mode. For this mode, the flash memory was There are currently five missions proposed for X2000
powered but there was no active addressing taking place project (Europa, Pluto, Solar Probe, Champollion, and a
during irradiation. Most of the testing was done using Mars mission). The Radiation Effects Group at JPL is
this mode. Before the irradiation, the device was loaded primarily concerned with the Europa spacecraft because
with a known pattern and at the completion of the of its severe radiation environment. The Europa
irradiation, the device was tested to see if the memory spacecraft is expected to be exposed to mostly electron
content had changed. When testing in this mode, dose of about four megarad(Si), behind 100 mils of
functional interrupts (SEFIs) would occur that in most aluminum. Design trade studies indicate that it is
cases required power cycling (turning Vdd off and then on possible to shield to about 40 krad(Si) in order to gain
again) to clear the error condition. We were able to the advantages of using commercial flash and /or
identify seven error modes (lockup conditions). Besides DRAMS as opposed to using an all radiation hardened
the seven error modes, three Intel devices had SRAM. If we are able to find a suitable flash memory,
catastrophic high current condition that occurred during the X2000 modular architecture needs at least one giga-
functionality test after the irradiation was completed. bit and would like eight giga-bits of flash memory for
We did not experience this catastrophic high current each spacecraft. The follow-on flash memory evaluation
condition with the Samsung memories. will be done in three steps, as described below.
capturing detailed information on each upset and/or IX. References
SEFI under software control.
[1] D. N. Nguyen, C. I. Lee, and A. H. Johnston, “Total
Ionizing Dose Effects on Flash Memories,” 1998 IEEE
New PCI-based test system Radiation Effects Data Workshop, p. 100.
The new test system is much faster than the current [2] H. R. Schwartz and D. K. Nichols, “Single-Event
system and will allow one to scan through the memory Upset in Flash Memories,” IEEE Transactions on
more quickly and therefore provide a more complete Nuclear Science, Vol. 44, p. 2315.
SEU evaluation. The new system is based on the 33
MHz, 32-bit PCI bus instead of the 8 MHz, 16-bit ISA
bus, which the current system uses. It is expected that an
order of magnitude increase in performance will be
VII. Conclusions
TID conclusions
• NOR architecture is inherently more robust.
• Internal charge pump is particularly susceptible.
• Parameters most sensitive to damage are erase/write
• When the charge pump is bypassed the operating
current is the most sensitive parameter.
SEL conclusions
• There are enough commercial manufacturers that
some will have SEL immunity.
SEU conclusions
• The memory cells are robust.
• “Smarter” control logic increases SEU error modes
and susceptibility.
• With the exception of the catastrophic high current
condition that occurred only with the Intel devices,
devices from both manufacturers had similar SEU
VIII. Acknowledgements
NAND and NOR Architectures