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Java for Retail POS

Programming Guide
Version 1.4 March 2,1999

International Standard

For Implementation of POS Peripherals on a Java Based System

Java for Retail POS Committee Members:

Datafit, Epson, Fujitsu-ICL, Home Depot, IBM, JCPenney,

MGV, NCR, Research Computer Services, Sears Roebuck and Co.,
Sun Microsystems, Telxon

Java for Retail POS

Programmer’s Guide
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

JavaPOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Table of Contents i

Table of Contents

WHAT IS JAVA FOR RETAIL POS? ............................................................ 1

BENEFITS .......................................................................................................... 2
DEPENDENCIES ................................................................................................. 2
RELATIONSHIP TO OPOS ................................................................................. 2
WHO SHOULD READ THIS DOCUMENT ............................................................ 3
CHAPTER OVERVIEW ....................................................................................... 4
ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW................................................................... 5
ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS....................................................................... 6
DEVICE BEHAVIOR MODELS ..................................................................... 9
INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTIES, METHODS, AND EVENTS .............................. 9
DEVICE INITIALIZATION AND FINALIZATION ................................................... 9
Initialization ............................................................................................... 9
Finalization .............................................................................................. 10
Summary .................................................................................................. 11
DEVICE SHARING MODEL .............................................................................. 12
Exclusive-Use Devices ............................................................................. 13
Sharable Devices ..................................................................................... 13
DATA TYPES .................................................................................................. 14
EXCEPTIONS ................................................................................................... 15
ErrorCode ................................................................................................ 16
ErrorCodeExtended ................................................................................. 17
EVENTS .......................................................................................................... 18
Registering for Events .............................................................................. 20
Event Delivery .......................................................................................... 20
DEVICE INPUT MODEL ................................................................................... 22
DEVICE OUTPUT MODELS .............................................................................. 25
Synchronous Output ................................................................................. 25
Asynchronous Output ............................................................................... 25
DEVICE POWER REPORTING MODEL.............................................................. 27
Model ....................................................................................................... 27
Properties ................................................................................................. 28
Power Reporting Requirements for DeviceEnabled ................................ 29
DEVICE STATES .............................................................................................. 30
THREADS ........................................................................................................ 30
VERSION HANDLING ...................................................................................... 31
CLASSES AND INTERFACES ...................................................................... 33
SYNOPSIS ....................................................................................................... 33
Application ............................................................................................... 33
Device Control ......................................................................................... 34
ii JavaPOS for Retail POS Programming Guide

Device Service .......................................................................................... 34

Helper Classes ......................................................................................... 35
S AMPLE CLASS AND INTERFACE HIERARCHIES ............................................. 36
Application ............................................................................................... 36
Device Controls ....................................................................................... 36
Device Service .......................................................................................... 37
SAMPLE APPLICATION CODE ......................................................................... 39
PACKAGE STRUCTURE ................................................................................... 40
jpos ........................................................................................................... 40 ................................................................................................ 40 ............................................................................................. 41
DEVICE CONTROLS ..................................................................................... 43
DEVICE CONTROL RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................ 43
DEVICE SERVICE MANAGEMENT ................................................................... 43
Java Service Loader and Java System Database ..................................... 43
Services and Business Cards ................................................................... 44
Connecting to Services ............................................................................. 44
open Method Processing .......................................................................... 46
close Method Processing ......................................................................... 46
PROPERTY AND METHOD FORWARDING ........................................................ 47
EVENT HANDLING .......................................................................................... 48
Event Listeners and Event Delivery ......................................................... 48
Event Callbacks ....................................................................................... 49
VERSION HANDLING ...................................................................................... 50
DEVICE SERVICES ....................................................................................... 53
DEVICE SERVICE RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................. 53
PROPERTY AND METHOD PROCESSING .......................................................... 53
EVENT GENERATION ...................................................................................... 54
PHYSICAL DEVICE ACCESS ............................................................................ 54
C H A P T E R 1
COMMON PROPERTIES, METHODS, AND EVENTS ............................ 55
SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 55
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................ 57
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................... 58
METHODS ....................................................................................................... 70
EVENTS .......................................................................................................... 76
C H A P T E R 2
BUMP BAR ....................................................................................................... 81
SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 81
GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................ 85
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................... 90
METHODS ....................................................................................................... 96
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 101
Table of Contents iii

C H A P T E R 3
CASH CHANGER ......................................................................................... 107
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 107
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 110
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 113
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 121
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 124
C H A P T E R 4
CASH DRAWER ............................................................................................ 127
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 127
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 129
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 130
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 131
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 132
C H A P T E R 5
CAT-CREDIT AUTHORIZATION TERMINAL ...................................... 135
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 135
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 138
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 144
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 164
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 172
C H A P T E R 6
COIN DISPENSER ........................................................................................ 177
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 177
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 180
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 181
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 183
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 184
C H A P T E R 7
FISCAL PRINTER ........................................................................................ 187
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 187
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 195
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................... 07
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 232
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 286
C H A P T E R 8
HARD TOTALS ............................................................................................. 293
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 293
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 297
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 301
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 304
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 315
iv JavaPOS for Retail POS Programming Guide

C H A P T E R 9
KEYLOCK ..................................................................................................... 317
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 317
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 319
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 320
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 321
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 322
C H A P T E R 1 0
LINE DISPLAY .............................................................................................. 325
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 325
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 328
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 331
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 348
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 359
C H A P T E R 1 1
READER ......................................................................................................... 361
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 361
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 364
MICR Character Substitution ................................................................ 367
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 368
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 373
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 377
C H A P T E R 1 2
MSR – MAGNETIC STRIPE READER ..................................................... 381
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 381
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 384
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 386
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 396
C H A P T E R 1 3
PINPAD ........................................................................................................... 401
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 401
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 405
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 408
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 421
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 425
C H A P T E R 1 4
POS KEYBOARD .......................................................................................... 429
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 429
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 431
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 432
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 434
Table of Contents v

C H A P T E R 1 5
POS PRINTER ............................................................................................... 437
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 437
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 442
Data Characters and Escape Sequences ............................................... 445
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 449
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 485
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 510
C H A P T E R 1 6
REMOTE ORDER DISPLAY ...................................................................... 515
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 515
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 519
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 525
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 536
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 557
C H A P T E R 1 7
SCALE ............................................................................................................. 561
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 561
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 564
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 566
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 571
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 574
C H A P T E R 1 8
SCANNER (BAR CODE READER) ............................................................ 577
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 577
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 579
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 580
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 585
C H A P T E R 1 9
SIGNATURE CAPTURE .............................................................................. 589
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 589
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 591
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 593
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 597
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 599
C H A P T E R 2 0
TONE INDICATOR ...................................................................................... 603
SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 603
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................. 606
PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 608
METHODS ..................................................................................................... 612
EVENTS ........................................................................................................ 614
vi JavaPOS for Retail POS Programming Guide

CHANGE HISTORY ..................................................................................... A-1
RELEASE 1.3 ................................................................................................ A-1
RELEASE 1.4 ................................................................................................ A-3
OPOS AND JAVAPOS .................................................................................. B-1
API MAPPING RULES ................................................................................... B-1
Data Types ............................................................................................. B-2
Property & Method Names .................................................................... B-2
Events ..................................................................................................... B-3
Constants ............................................................................................... B-3
API DEVIATIONS .......................................................................................... B-4
FUTURE VERSIONS ....................................................................................... B-5

Java for Retail POS

What Is Java for Retail POS?

Java for Retail POS (or JavaPOSTM) is a standard that defines:
• An architecture for Java-based POS device access.
• A set of POS device interfaces (APIs) sufficient to support a range of POS
The Java for Retail POS standards committee was formed by a collection of retail
vendors and end users, with a primary goal of providing device interfaces for the
retail applications written in Java.
The JavaPOS committee will produce the following:
• JavaPOS Programmer’s Guide (this document).
• Java source files, including:
• Definition files. Various interface and class files described in the
• Example files. These will include a set of sample Device Control classes,
to illustrate the interface presented to an application.
The JavaPOS committee will not provide the following:
• Complete software components. Hardware providers or third-party providers
develop and distribute these components.
• Certification mechanism.

The benefits of JavaPOS include:
• The opportunity for reduced POS terminal costs, through the use of thinner
• Platform-independent applications, where the application is separated from
both hardware and operating system specifics.
• Reduced administration costs, because an application and supporting software
may be maintained on a server and loaded on demand by Java.
Java for Retail POS
2 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Deployment of JavaPOS depends upon the following software components:
• Java Communications Port API.
• Java System Database (JSD).
• Java Service Loader (JSL).
• For more information concerning the availability and any other up-to-date
information about these components, see

Relationship to OPOS
The OLE for Retail POS (OPOS) standards committee developed device
interfaces for Win32-based terminals using ActiveX technologies. The OPOS
standard was used as the starting point for JavaPOS, due to:
• Similar purposes. Both standards involve developing device interfaces for a
segment of the software community.
• Reuse of device models. The majority of the OPOS documentation specifies
the properties, methods, events, and constants used to model device behavior.
These behaviors are in large part independent of programming language.
• Reduced learning curve. Many application and hardware vendors are
already familiar with using and implementing the OPOS APIs.
• Early deployment. By sharing device models, JavaPOS “wrappers” or
“bridges” may be built to migrate existing OPOS device software to JavaPOS.
Therefore, most of the OPOS APIs were mapped into the Java language. The
general translation rules are given in the Appendix “OPOS and JavaPOS” on
page B-1.

Who Should Read This Document

The JavaPOS Programmer’s Guide is targeted to both the application developer
who will use JavaPOS Devices and the system developer who will write JavaPOS
This guide assumes that the application developer is familiar with the following:
• General characteristics of POS peripheral devices.
• Java terminology and architecture.
• A Java development environment, such as Javasoft's JDK, Sun's Java
Workshop, IBM's VisualAge for Java, or Microsoft's Visual J++.
A system developer must understand the above, plus the following:
• The POS peripheral device to be supported.
• The host operating system, if the JavaPOS Device will require a specific
operating system.
• A thorough knowledge of the JavaPOS models and the APIs of the device.
What Is Java for Retail POS?: Chapter Overview 3

Chapter Overview
This chapter contains the following major sections:
Section Name Developer Audience
What Is “Java for Retail POS?” App and System
Architectural Overview (page 5) App and System
Device Behavior Models (page 9) App and System
Classes and Interfaces (page 33) App and System
Device Controls (page 43) System
Device Services (page 53) System
Java for Retail POS
4 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture
Architectural Overview: Chapter Overview 5

Architectural Overview
JavaPOS defines a multi-layered architecture in which a POS Application
interacts with the Physical or Logical Device through the JavaPOS Device.

Device JavaPOS Device
JavaPOS Device

Physical (or Logical)

Java for Retail POS
6 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Architectural Components
The POS Application (or Application) is either a Java Application or applet that
uses one or more JavaPOS Devices. An application accesses the JavaPOS Device
through the JavaPOS Device Interface, which is specified by Java interfaces.
JavaPOS Devices are divided into categories called Device Categories, such as
Cash Drawer and POS Printer.
Each JavaPOS Device is a combination of these components:
• JavaPOS Device Control (or Device Control) for a device category. The
Device Control class provides the interface between the Application and the
device category. It contains no graphical component and is therefore invisible
at runtime, and conforms to the JavaBeans API.
The Device Control has been designed so that all implementations of a device
category’s control will be compatible. Therefore, the Device Control can be
developed independently of a Device Service for the same device category
(they can even be developed by different companies).
• JavaPOS Device Service (or Device Service), which is a Java class that is
called by the Device Control through the JavaPOS Device Service Interface
(or Service Interface). The Device Service is used by the Device Control to
implement JavaPOS-prescribed functionality for a Physical Device. It can
also call special event methods provided by the Device Control to deliver
events to the Application.
A set of Device Service classes can be implemented to support Physical
Devices with multiple Device Categories.
The Application manipulates the Physical Device (the hardware unit or
peripheral) by calling the JavaPOS Device APIs. Some Physical Devices support
more than one device category. For example, some POS Printers include a Cash
Drawer kickout, and some Bar Code Scanners include an integrated Scale.
However with JavaPOS, an application treats each of these device categories as if
it were an independent Physical Device. The JavaPOS Device writer is
responsible for presenting the peripheral in this way.
Note: Occasionally, a Device may be implemented in software with no user-
exposed hardware, in which case it is called a Logical Device.
Architectural Overview: Architectural Components 7

Additional Layers and APIs

The JavaPOS architecture contains additional layers and APIs in order to
integrate well with the Java development environment.

Application Device
Device JDK
Device JavaPOS Device Service
Control - Loader
JavaPOS Device System
Service Database

JDK 1.2 Comm Port API

Serial Parallel
USB Proprietary
Driver Driver

Physical (or Logical)

Java for Retail POS
8 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

JavaPOS Development Environment

JavaPOS will use these packages:
• Java Service Loader (JSL), which performs a lookup of a Java service in the
System Database, then loads and initializes it. A JavaPOS Service is extended
from a class defined by the JSL.
• Java System Database (JSD), which contains various configuration
information for a platform. The JSL accesses the JSD during service lookup
to obtain device configuration information. JavaPOS Device Services and the
Application can also use it to obtain Application- or platform-specific data.
• Communications Port API, so that Applications can make standard access
to devices that may use serial (RS-232), parallel, USB, and other future
communication methods.
Device Behavior Models: Introduction to Properties, Methods, and Events 9

Device Behavior Models

Introduction to Properties, Methods, and Events
An application accesses a JavaPOS Device via the JavaPOS APIs.
The three elements of JavaPOS APIs are:
• Properties. Properties are device characteristics or settings. A type is
associated with each property, such as boolean or String. An application may
retrieve a property’s value, and it may set a writable property’s value.
JavaPOS properties conform to the JavaBean property design pattern.
To read a property value, use the method:
Type getSampleProperty() throws JposException;
where Type is the data type of the property and SampleProperty is the property
To write a property value (assuming that the property is writable), use the
void setSampleProperty(Type value) throws JposException;
where Type is the data type of the property and SampleProperty is the property

• Methods. An application calls a method to perform or initiate some activity

at a device. Some methods require parameters of specified types for sending
and/or returning additional information.
A JavaPOS method has the form:
void sampleMethod(parameters) throws JposException;
where sampleMethod is the method name and parameters is a list of zero or
more parameters.
Since JavaPOS uses Method names that are consistent with OPOS (See
Appendix page B-1) some Methods may appear to be Property getters/setters
(for example, setDate page 278 in Fiscal Printer). BeanInfo classes are used
to properly describe the Properties and Methods to provide clarification so that
various vendors builder tools will properly function.
• Events. A JavaPOS Device may call back into the application via events. The
application must specifically register for each event type that it needs to
receive. JavaPOS events conform to the JavaBean event design pattern.
See “Events”on page 18 for further details.
Java for Retail POS
10 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Device Initialization and Finalization

The first actions that an application must take to use a JavaPOS Device are:
• Obtain a reference to a JavaPOS Device Control, either by creating a new
instance or by accessing an existing one.
• Call Control methods to register for the events that the application needs to
receive. (See “Events” on page 18.)
To initiate activity with the Physical Device, an application calls the Control’s
open method:
void open(String logicalDeviceName) throws JposException;

The logicalDeviceName parameter specifies a logical device to associate with the

JavaPOS Device. The open method performs the following steps:
1. Creates and initializes an instance of the proper Device Service class for the
specified name.
2. Initializes many of the properties, including the descriptions and version
numbers of the JavaPOS Device.
More than one instance of a Device Control may have a Physical Device open at
the same time. Therefore, after the Device is opened, an application might need
to call the claim method to gain exclusive access to it. Claiming the Device
ensures that other Device instances do not interfere with the use of the Device.
An application can release the Device to share it with another Device Control
instance– for example, at the end of a transaction.
Before using the Device, an application must set the DeviceEnabled property to
true. This value brings the Physical Device to an operational state, while false
disables it. For example, if a Scanner JavaPOS Device is disabled, the Physical
Device will be put into its non-operational state (when possible). Whether
physically operational or not, any input is discarded until the JavaPOS Device is

After an application finishes using the Physical Device, it should call the close
method. If the DeviceEnabled property is true, close disables the Device. If the
Claimed property is true, close releases the claim.
Before exiting, an application should close all open JavaPOS Devices to free
device resources in a timely manner, rather than relying on the Java garbage
collection mechanism to free resources at some indeterminate time in the future.
Device Behavior Models: Device Initialization and Finalization 11

In general, an application follows this general sequence to open, use, and close a
• Obtain a Device Control reference.
• Register for events (add listeners).
• Call the open method to instantiate a Device Service and link it to the Device
• Call the claim method to gain exclusive access to the Physical Device.
Required for exclusive-use Devices; optional for some sharable Devices. (See
“Device Sharing Model” on page 12 for more information).
• Set the DeviceEnabled property to true to make the Physical Device
operational. (For sharable Devices, the Device may be enabled without first
claiming it.)
• Use the device.
• Set the DeviceEnabled property to false to disable the Physical Device.
• Call the release method to release exclusive access to the Physical Device.
• Call the close method to unlink the Device Service from the Device Control.
• Unregister from events (remove listeners).
Java for Retail POS
12 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Device Sharing Model

JavaPOS Devices fall into two sharing categories:
• Devices that are to be used exclusively by one JavaPOS Device Control
• Devices that may be partially or fully shared by multiple Device Control
Any Physical Device may be open by more than one Device Control instance at a
time. However, activities that an application can perform with a Device Control
may be restricted to the Device Control instance that has claimed access to the
Physical Device.
Note: Currently, device exclusivity and sharing can only be guaranteed within an
application’s Java Virtual Machine. This is because the Java language and
environment does not directly support inter-virtual machine communication or
synchronization mechanisms. At some time in the future, this restriction may be
lifted. Until then, the sharing model will typically be of little benefit because a
single application will seldom find value in opening a Physical Device through
multiple Device Control instances.
Device Behavior Models: Device Sharing Model 13

Exclusive-Use Devices
The most common device type is called an exclusive-use device. An example is
the POS printer. Due to physical or operational characteristics, an exclusive-use
device can only be used by one Device Control at a time. An application must
call the Device’s claim method to gain exclusive access to the Physical Device
before most methods, properties, or events are legal. Until the Device is claimed
and enabled, calling methods or accessing properties may cause a JposException
with an error code of JPOS_E_NOTCLAIMED, JPOS_E_CLAIMED, or
JPOS_E_DISABLED. No events are delivered until the Device is claimed.
An application may in effect share an exclusive-use device by calling the Device
Control’s claim method before a sequence of operations, and then calling the
release method when the device is no longer needed. While the Physical Device
is released, another Device Control instance can claim it.
When an application calls the claim method again (assuming it did not perform
the sequence of close method followed by open method on the device), some
settable device characteristics are restored to their condition at the release.
Examples of restored characteristics are the line display’s brightness, the MSR’s
tracks to read, and the printer’s characters per line. However, state characteristics
are not restored, such as the printer’s sensor properties. Instead, these are updated
to their current values.

Sharable Devices
Some devices are “sharable devices.” An example is the keylock. A sharable
device allows multiple Device Control instances to call its methods and access its
properties. Also, it may deliver its events to all Device Controls that have
registered listeners. A sharable device may still limit access to some methods or
properties to the Device Control that has claimed it, or it may deliver some events
only to the Device Control that has claimed it.
Java for Retail POS
14 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Data Types
JavaPOS uses the following data types:
Type Usage
boolean Boolean true or false.
boolean[1] Modifiable boolean.
byte[] Array of bytes. May be modified, but size of array cannot be changed.
int 32-bit integer.
int[1] Modifiable 32-bit integer.
long 64-bit integer. Sometimes used for currency values, where 4 decimal
places are implied. For example, if the integer is “1234567”, then the
currency value is “123.4567”.
long[1] Modifiable 64-bit integer.
String Text character string.
String[1] Modifiable text character string.
Point[] Array of points. Used by Signature Capture.
Object An object. This will usually be subclassed to provide a Device Service-
specific parameter.

The convention of type[1] (an array of size 1) is used to pass a modifiable basic
type. This is required since Java’s primitive types, such as int and boolean, are
passed by value, and its primitive wrapper types, such as Integer and Boolean,
do not support modification.
For strings and arrays, do not use a null value to report no information. Instead
use an empty string (“ “) or an empty array (zero length).
In some chapters, an integer may contain a “bit-wise mask”. That is, the integer
data may be interpreted one or more bits at a time. The individual bits are
numbered beginning with Bit 0 as the least significant bit.
Device Behavior Models: Exceptions 15

Every JavaPOS method and property accessor may throw a JposException upon
failure, except for the properties DeviceControlVersion,
DeviceControlDescription, and State. No other types of exceptions will be
JposException is in the package jpos, and extends java.lang.Exception. The
constructor variations are:
public JposException(int errorCode);
public JposException(int errorCode, int errorCodeExtended);
public JposException(int errorCode, String description);
public JposException(int errorCode, int errorCodeExtended,
String Description);
public JposException(int errorCode, String description,
Exception origException);
public JposException(int errorCode, int errorCodeExtended,
String description, Exception origException)

The parameters are:

Parameter Description

errorCode The JavaPOS error code. Access is through the

getErrorCode method.
errorCodeExtended May contain an extended error code. If not provided by
the selected constructor, then is set to zero. Access is
through the getErrorCodeExtended method.
description A text description of the error. If not provided by the
selected constructor, then one is formed from the
errorCode and errorCodeExtended parameters. Access
is through the superclass’ methods getMessage or
origException Original exception. If the JavaPOS Device caught a
non-JavaPOS exception, then an appropriate errorCode
is selected and the original exception is referenced by
this parameter. Otherwise, it is set to null. Access is
through the getOrigException method.
Java for Retail POS
16 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

This section lists the general meanings of the error code property of an
ErrorEvent or a JposException. In general, the property and method
descriptions in later chapters list error codes only when specific details or
information are added to these general meanings.
The error code is set to one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLOSED An attempt was made to access a closed JavaPOS

JPOS_E_CLAIMED An attempt was made to access a Physical Device that
is claimed by another Device Control instance. The
other Control must release the Physical Device before
this access may be made. For exclusive-use devices,
the application will also need to claim the Physical
Device before the access is legal.
An attempt was made to access an exclusive-use device
that must be claimed before the method or property set
action can be used.
If the Physical Device is already claimed by another
Device Control instance, then the status
JPOS_E_CLAIMED is returned instead.
JPOS_E_NOSERVICE The Control cannot communicate with the Service,
normally because of a setup or configuration error.
JPOS_E_DISABLED Cannot perform this operation while the Device is
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to perform an illegal or
unsupported operation with the Device, or an invalid
parameter value was used.
The Physical Device is not connected to the system or
is not powered on.
JPOS_E_OFFLINE The Physical Device is off-line.
JPOS_E_NOEXIST The file name (or other specified value) does not exist.
JPOS_E_EXISTS The file name (or other specified value) already exists.
JPOS_E_FAILURE The Device cannot perform the requested procedure,
even though the Physical Device is connected to the
system, powered on, and on-line.
Device Behavior Models: Exceptions 17

JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The Service timed out waiting for a response from the
Physical Device, or the Control timed out waiting for a
response from the Service.
JPOS_E_BUSY The current Device Service state does not allow this
request. For example, if asynchronous output is in
progress, certain methods may not be allowed.
JPOS_E_EXTENDED A device category-specific error condition occurred.
The error condition code is available by calling

The extended error code is set as follows:
• When errorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, errorCodeExtended is set to a
device category-specific value, and must match one of the values given in this
document under the appropriate device category chapter.
• When errorCode is any other value, errorCodeExtended may be set by the
Service to any Device Service-specific value. These values are only
meaningful if an application adds Service-specific code to handle them.
Java for Retail POS
18 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Java for Retail POS uses events to inform the application of various activities or
changes with the JavaPOS Device. The five event types follow.
Supported When A
Event Class Description Device Category
DataEvent Input data has been placed into device Event-driven input
class-category properties.
ErrorEvent An error has occurred during event- Event-driven input
driven input or asynchronous output. -or-
OutputComplete An asynchronous output has Asynchronous
Event successfully completed. output
StatusUpdateEvent A change in the Physical Device’s Status change
status has occurred. notification
Release 1.3 and later: All
devices may be able to report device
power state. See “Device Power
Reporting Model” on page 27.
DirectIOEvent This event may be defined by a Device Always, for
Service provider for purposes not Service-specific
covered by the specification. use

Each of these events contains the following properties:

Property Type Description

Source Object Reference to the Device Control delivering the event. If

the application defines a class that listens for events
from more than one Device, then it uses this property to
determine the Device instance that delivered the event.
SequenceNumber long JavaPOS event sequence number. This number is a
sequence number that is global across all JavaPOS
Devices. Each JavaPOS event increments the global
sequence number, then places its value in this property.
When long An event timestamp.

Chapter 1, “Events” on page 76, provides details about each of these events,
including additional properties.
Device Behavior Models: Events 19

The Device Service must enqueue these events on an internally created and
managed queue. All JavaPOS events are delivered in a first-in, first-out manner.
(The only exception is that a special input error event is delivered early if some
data events are also enqueued. See “Device Input Model” on page 22.) Events
are delivered by an internally created and managed Device Service thread. The
Device Service causes event delivery by calling an event firing callback method
in the Device Control, which then calls each registered listener's event method in
the order in which they were added.
The following conditions cause event delivery to be delayed until the condition is
• The application has set the property FreezeEvents to true.
• The event type is a DataEvent or an input ErrorEvent, but the property
DataEventEnabled is false. (See “Device Input Model” on page 22.)
Rules for event queue management are:
• The JavaPOS Device may only enqueue new events while the Device is
• The Device delivers enqueued events until the application calls the release
method (for exclusive-use devices) or the close method (for any device), at
which time any remaining events are deleted.
• For input devices, the clearInput method clears data and input error events.
• For output devices, the clearOutput method clears output error events.
Java for Retail POS
20 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Registering for Events

JavaPOS events use the JDK 1.1 event delegation model. With this model, an
application registers for events by calling a method supplied by the event source,
which is the Device Control. The method is supplied a reference to an application
class that implements a listener interface extended from java.util.EventListener.
The following table specifies the event interfaces and methods for each event
Listener Interface and
Event Methods Source Methods
Class Implemented in an Implemented in the Device Control
application class
Data DataListener addDataListener (DataListener l)
Event dataOccurred (DataEvent e) removeDataListener (DataListener l)
Error ErrorListener addErrorListener (ErrorListener l)
Event errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e) removeErrorListener (ErrorListener l)
Status StatusUpdateListener addStatusUpdateListener
Update statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateListener l)
Event (StatusUpdateEvent e) removeStatusUpdateListener
(StatusUpdateListener l)
Output OutputCompleteListener addOutputCompleteListener
Complete outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteListener l)
Event (OutputCompleteEvent e) removeOutputCompleteListener
(OutputCompleteListener l)
DirectIO DirectIOListener addDirectIOListener
Event directIOOccurred (DirectIOListener l)
(DirectIOEvent e) removeDirectIOListener
(DirectIOListener l)

Although more than one listener may be registered for an event type, the typical
case is for only one listener, or at least only one primary listener. This listener
takes actions such as processing data events and direct I/O events, and responding
to error events.

Event Delivery
A Device delivers an event by calling the listener method of each registered
listener. The listener processes the event, then returns to the Device Control.
An application must not assume that events are delivered in the context of any
particular thread. The JavaPOS Device delivers events on a privately created and
managed thread. It is an application’s responsibility to synchronize event
processing with its threads as needed.
While an application is processing an event within its listener method, no
additional events will be delivered by the Device.
Device Behavior Models: Events 21

While within a listener method, an application may access properties and call
methods of the Device. However, an application must not call the release or
close methods from an event method, because the release method may shut down
event handling (possibly including a thread on which the event was delivered)
and close must shut down event handling before returning.
Java for Retail POS
22 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Device Input Model

The standard JavaPOS input model for exclusive-use devices is event-driven
input. Event-driven input allows input data to be received after DeviceEnabled
is set to true. Received data is enqueued as a DataEvent, which is delivered to an
application as detailed in the “Events” (page 18). If the AutoDisable property is
true when data is received, then the JavaPOS Device will automatically disable
itself, setting DeviceEnabled to false. This will inhibit the Device from
enqueuing further input and, when possible, physically disable the device.
When the application is ready to receive input from the JavaPOS Device, it sets
the DataEventEnabled property to true. Then, when input is received (usually
as a result of a hardware interrupt), the Device delivers a DataEvent. (If input
has already been enqueued, the DataEvent will be delivered immediately after
DataEventEnabled is set to true.) The DataEvent may include input status
information through its Status property. The Device places the input data plus
other information as needed into device category-specific properties just before
the event is delivered.
Just before delivering this event, the JavaPOS Device disables further data events
by setting the DataEventEnabled property to false. This causes subsequent
input data to be enqueued by the Device while an application processes the
current input and associated properties. When an application has finished the
current input and is ready for more data, it enables data events by setting
DataEventEnabled to true.
Device Behavior Models: Device Input Model 23

Error Handling
If the JavaPOS Device encounters an error while gathering or processing event-
driven input, then the Device:
• Changes its state to JPOS_S_ERROR.
• Enqueues an ErrorEvent with locus JPOS_EL_INPUT to alert an application
of the error condition. This event is added to the end of the queue
• If one or more DataEvents are already enqueued for delivery, an additional
ErrorEvent with locus JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA is enqueued before the
DataEvents, as a pre-alert.
This event (or events) is not delivered until the DataEventEnabled property is
true, so that orderly application sequencing occurs.
ErrorLocus Description
JPOS_EL_INPUT_ Only delivered if the error occurred when one or more
DATA DataEvents are already enqueued.
This event gives the application the ability to immediately clear
the input, or to optionally alert the user to the error before
processing the buffered input. This error event is enqueued
before the oldest DataEvent, so that an application is alerted of
the error condition quickly.
This locus was created especially for the Scanner: When this
error event is received from a Scanner JavaPOS Device, the
operator can be immediately alerted to the error so that no
further items are scanned until the error is resolved. Then, the
application can process any backlog of previously scanned
items before error recovery is performed.
JPOS_EL_INPUT Delivered when an error has occurred and there is no data
If some input data was buffered when the error occurred, then
an ErrorEvent with the locus JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA was
delivered first, and then this error event is delivered after all
DataEvents have been delivered.
Note: This JPOS_EL_INPUT event is not delivered if: an
JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA event was delivered and the
application event handler responded with a JPOS_ER_CLEAR.
Java for Retail POS
24 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

The application’s event listener method can set the ErrorResponse property to
one of the following:
ErrorResponse Description
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered DataEvents and ErrorEvents and exit
the error state, changing State to JPOS_S_IDLE.
This is the default response for locus JPOS_EL_INPUT.
JPOS_ER_ This response acknowledges the error and directs the
CONTINUE_INPUT Device to continue processing. The Device remains in the
error state, and will deliver additional data events as
directed by the DataEventEnabled property. When all
input has been delivered and the DataEventEnabled
property is again set to true, another ErrorEvent is
delivered with locus JPOS_EL_INPUT.
This is the default response when the locus is
JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA, and is legal only with this
JPOS_ER_RETRY This response directs the Device to retry the input. The
error state is exited, and State is changed to
This response may only be selected when the device
chapter specifically allows it and when the locus is
JPOS_EL_INPUT. An example is the scale.

The Device exits the Error state when one of the following occurs:
• The application returns from the JPOS_EL_INPUT ErrorEvent.
• The application calls the clearInput method.

For some Devices, the Application must call a method to begin event driven
input. After the input is received by the Device, then typically no additional input
will be received until the method is called again to reinitiate input. Examples are
the MICR and Signature Capture devices. This variation of event driven input is
sometimes called “asynchronous input.”
The DataCount property contains the number of DataEvents enqueued by the
JavaPOS Device.
Calling the clearInput method deletes all input enqueued by a JavaPOS Device.
clearInput may be called after open for sharable devices and after claim for
exclusive-use devices.

The general event-driven input model does not specifically rule out the definition
of device categories containing methods or properties that return input data
directly. Some device categories define such methods and properties in order to
operate in a more intuitive or flexible manner. An example is the Keylock
Device. This type of input is sometimes called “synchronous input.”
Device Behavior Models: Device Output Models 25

Device Output Models

The Java for Retail POS output model consists of two output types: synchronous
and asynchronous. A device category may support one or both types, or neither

Synchronous Output
The application calls a category-specific method to perform output. The
JavaPOS Device does not return until the output is completed.
This type of output is preferred when device output can be performed relatively
quickly. Its merit is simplicity.

Asynchronous Output
The application calls a category-specific method to start the output. The JavaPOS
Device validates the method parameters and throws an exception immediately if
necessary. If the validation is successful, the JavaPOS Device does the
1. Buffers the request.
2. Sets the OutputID property to an identifier for this request.
3. Returns as soon as possible.
When the JavaPOS Device successfully completes a request, an
OutputCompleteEvent is enqueued for delivery to the application. A property
of this event contains the output ID of the completed request. If the request is
terminated before completion, due to reasons such as the application calling the
clearOutput method or responding to an ErrorEvent with a JPOS_ER_CLEAR
response, then no OutputCompleteEvent is delivered.
This type of output is preferred when device output requires slow hardware
interactions. Its merit is perceived responsiveness, since the application can
perform other work while the device is performing the output.
Note: Asynchronous output is always performed on a first-in first-out basis.
Java for Retail POS
26 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Error Handling
If an error occurs while performing an asynchronous request, the error state
JPOS_S_ERROR is entered and an ErrorEvent is enqueued with the
ErrorLocus property set to JPOS_EL_OUTPUT. The application is guaranteed
that the request in error is the one following the request whose output ID was
most recently reported by an OutputCompleteEvent. An application’s event
listener method can set the ErrorResponse property to one of the following:
ErrorResponse Description
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the outstanding output and exit the error state (to
JPOS_ER_RETRY Exit the error state (to JPOS_S_BUSY) and retry the
outstanding output. If the condition that caused the error was
not corrected, then the Device may immediately reenter the
error state and enqueue another ErrorEvent.
This is the default response.

Calling the clearOutput method deletes all output buffered by the JavaPOS
Device. This method also stops any output that may be in progress (when
Note: Currently, only the POS printer uses the complete Asynchronous Output
model described here. Other device categories use portions of the model.
Device Behavior Models: Device Power Reporting Model 27

Device Power Reporting Model

Added in JavaPOS Release 1.3.
Applications frequently need to know the power state of the devices they use.
Earlier versions of JavaPOS had no consistent method for reporting this
information. Note: This model is not intended to report Workstation or POS
Terminal power conditions (such as “on battery” and “battery low”). Reporting
of these conditions is left to power management standards and APIs.

JavaPOS segments device power into three states:
• ONLINE. The device is powered on and ready for use. This is the
“operational” state.
• OFF. The device is powered off or detached from the terminal. This is a
“non-operational” state.
• OFFLINE. The device is powered on but is either not ready or not able to
respond to requests. It may need to be placed online by pressing a button, or
it may not be responding to terminal requests. This is a “non-operational”
In addition, one combination state is defined:
• OFF_OFFLINE. The device is either off or offline, and the Device Service
cannot distinguish these states.
Power reporting only occurs while the device is open, claimed (if the device is
exclusive-use), and enabled.

Note - Enabled/Disabled vs. Power States

These states are different and usually independent. JavaPOS defines “disabled” /
“enabled” as a logical state, whereas the power state is a physical state. A device may
be logically “enabled” but physically “offline”. It may also be logically “disabled” but
physically “online”. Regardless of the physical power state, JavaPOS only reports the
state while the device is enabled. (This restriction is necessary because a Device Service
typically can only communicate with the device while enabled.)
If a device is “offline”, then a Device Service may choose to fail an attempt to “enable”
the device. However, once enabled, the Device Service may not disable a device based
on its power state.
Java for Retail POS
28 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

The JavaPOS device power reporting model adds the following common
elements across all device classes:
• CapPowerReporting property. Identifies the reporting capabilities of the
device. This property may be one of:
• JPOS_PR_NONE. The Device Service cannot determine the state of the
device. Therefore, no power reporting is possible.
• JPOS_PR_STANDARD. The Device Service can determine and report
two of the power states - OFF_OFFLINE (that is, off or offline) and
• JPOS_PR_ADVANCED. The Device Service can determine and report
all three power states - ONLINE, OFFLINE, and OFF.
• PowerState property. Maintained by the Device Service at the current power
condition, if it can be determined. This property may be one of:
• PowerNotify property. The application may set this property to enable power
reporting via StatusUpdateEvents and the PowerState property. This
property may only be set before the device is enabled (that is, before
DeviceEnabled is set to true). This restriction allows simpler implementation
of power notification with no adverse effects on the application. The
application is either prepared to receive notifications or doesn't want them,
and has no need to switch between these cases. This property may be one of:
Device Behavior Models: Device Power Reporting Model 29

Power Reporting Requirements for DeviceEnabled

The following semantics are added to DeviceEnabled when
CapPowerReporting is not JPOS_PR_NONE, and
PowerNotify is JPOS_PN_ENABLED:

• When the Control changes from DeviceEnabled false to true, then begin
monitoring the power state:
• If the Physical Device is ONLINE, then:
PowerState is set to JPOS_PS_ONLINE.
A StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued with its Status property set to
• If the Physical Device’s power state is OFF, OFFLINE, or
OFF_OFFLINE, then the Device Service may choose to fail the enable by
throwing a JposException with error code JPOS_E_NOHARDWARE or
However, if there are no other conditions that cause the enable to fail, and
the Device Service chooses to return success for the enable, then:
PowerState is set to JPOS_PS_OFF, JPOS_PS_OFFLINE, or
A StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued with its Status property set to
• When the Device changes from DeviceEnabled true to false, JavaPOS
assumes that the Device is no longer monitoring the power state and sets the
value of PowerState to JPOS_PS_UNKNOWN.
Java for Retail POS
30 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Device States
JavaPOS defines a property State with the following values:
The State property is set as follows:
• State is initially JPOS_S_CLOSED.
• State is changed to JPOS_S_IDLE when the open method is successfully
• State is set to JPOS_S_BUSY when the Device Service is processing output.
The State is restored to JPOS_S_IDLE when the output has completed.
• The State is changed to JPOS_S_ERROR when an asynchronous output
encounters an error condition, or when an error is encountered during the
gathering or processing of event-driven input.
After the Device Service changes the State property to JPOS_S_ERROR, it
enqueues an ErrorEvent. The properties of this event are the error code and
extended error code, the locus of the error, and a modifiable response to the
error. See Input Model on Error Handling on page 23 and Output Model on Error
Handling on page 26 for further details.

The Java language directly supports threads, and an application may create
additional threads to perform different jobs. The use of threads can add
complexity, however, often requiring synchronization to arbitrate sharing of
resources. For applications that share a control instance among multiple threads,
actions of one thread may have undesireable effects on the other thread(s). For
example, cancelled I/O (e.g., clearOutput) can result in any pending synchronous
requests of other threads being completed with a JPOS exception with an error
code of JPOS_E_FAILURE. These situations can be avoided by insuring a
control instance is managed by a single thread.
An application must be aware of multiple threads in the following cases:
• Properties and Methods. Calling some JavaPOS methods or setting some
properties can cause other property values to be changed. When an
application needs to access these properties, it must either access the
properties and methods from only one thread, or ensure that its threads
synchronize these sequences as required.
• Events. An application must not assume that events are delivered in the
context of any particular thread. The JavaPOS Device typically will deliver
events on a privately created and managed thread. It is an application’s
responsibility to synchronize event processing with its threads if necessary.
Device Behavior Models: Version Handling 31

Version Handling
As JavaPOS evolves, additional releases will introduce enhanced versions of
some Devices. JavaPOS imposes the following requirements on Device Control
and Service versions:
• Device Control requirements. A Device Control for a device category must
operate with any Device Service for that category, as long as its major version
number matches the Service's major version number. If they match, but the
Control's minor version number is greater than the Service’s minor version
number, the Control may support some new methods or properties that are not
supported by the Service’s release. If an application calls one of these
methods or accesses one of these properties, a JposException with error code
JPOS_E_NOSERVICE will be thrown.
• Device Service requirements. A Device Service for a device category must
operate with any Device Control for that category, as long as its major version
number matches the Control's major version number. If they match, but the
Service's minor version number is greater than the Control's minor version
number, then the Service may support some methods or properties that cannot
be accessed from the Control.
When an application wishes to take advantage of the enhancements of a version,
it must first determine that the Device Control and Device Service are at the
proper major version and at or greater than the proper minor version. The
versions are reported by the properties DeviceControlVersion and
Java for Retail POS
32 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture
Classes and Interfaces: Synopsis 33

Classes and Interfaces

This section lists the JavaPOS classes and interfaces used by applications, Device Controls and
Device Services. Further details about their usage appear later in this document.
In the tables that follow, the following substitutions should be made for italic type:
Event Replace with one of the five event types:
Data, Error, OutputComplete, StatusUpdate, DirectIO
event Replace with one of the five event types:
data, error, outputComplete, statusUpdate, directIO
Devcat Replace with one of the device categories:
BumpBar, CashChanger, CashDrawer, CoinDispenser, FiscalPrinter,
HardTotals, Keylock, LineDisplay, MICR, MSR, PINPad, POSKeyboard,
POSPrinter, RemoteOrderDisplay, Scale, Scanner, SignatureCapture,
Rr Replace with the JavaPOS release number. For example, Release 1.2 is shown as 12.
When an interface or class uses a release number, interfaces for later releases at the same
major version number extend the previous release's interface or class.
Pp Replace with the JavaPOS release number prior to Rr. For example, if Rr is 13, then Pp
is 12.

The classes and interfaces defined or used by JavaPOS are summarized in the following tables,
organized by the software entity that implements them.

Class or
Name Description Extends / Implements
Interface jpos.EventListener Application defines and registers a Extends:
(Ex: DataListener) class that implements this interface. java.util.EventListener
Events are delivered by calling the
eventOccurred (ex: dataOccurred)
method of this interface with an
EventEvent (ex: DataEvent)
Java for Retail POS
34 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Device Control
Class or
Name Description Extends / Implements
Class jpos.Devcat Device Control Class. Implements:
(ex: Scanner, One fixed name per device category. jpos.DevcatControlRr
(ex: ScannerControl12,
POSPrinter) POSPrinterControl13)
(as an Inner Class):
Interface jpos.DevcatControlRr Contains the methods and properties Extends either:
(ex: specific to Device Controls for this jpos.BaseControl
device category and release. (for first release)
POSPrinterControl13 or
) jpos.DevcatControlPp
(for later releases) (ex:
Interface jpos.BaseControl Contains the methods and properties --
common to all Device Controls.
Interface Includes one callback method per --
EventCallbacks event type. The Device Service calls
these methods to cause events to be
delivered to the application.

Device Service
Class or
Name Description Extends / Implements
Class Vendor-defined name Device Service Class. Implements:
(ex: ScannerService12,
Interface Contains the methods and properties Extends either:
DevcatServiceRr specific to Device Services for this
device category and release. BaseService
(ex: (for first release)
ScannerService12, or
(for later releases) (ex:
Interface Contains the methods and properties --
BaseService common to all Device Services.
Classes and Interfaces: Synopsis 35

Helper Classes
Class or Name Description Extends / Implements
Interface jpos.JposConst Interface containing the JavaPOS --
constants that are common to several
device categories.
Interface jpos.DevcatConst Interface containing the JavaPOS --
(ex: ScannerConst, constants specific to a device
POSPrinterConst) category.

Class jpos.JposEvent Abstract class from which all Extends:

JavaPOS event classes are extended. java.util.EventObject
Class jpos.EventEvent The Device Service creates Event Extends:
(ex: DataEvent) event instances of this class and jpos.JposEvent
delivers them through the Device
Control’s event callbacks to the

Class jpos.JposException Exception class. The Device Control Extends:

and Device Service create and throw java.lang.Exception
exceptions on method and property
access failures.
Java for Retail POS
36 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Sample Class and Interface Hierarchies

The following example class hierarchies are given for the scanner version 1.2 (the
initial version) and for the printer (version 1.3). Assume that neither Device
Service generates any DirectIO events in which the application is interested.

“MyApplication” class hierarchy:
• DataListener. Implement to receive Scanner data events.
• ErrorListener. Implement to receive Scanner and POSPrinter error
• OutputCompleteListener. Implement to receive POSPrinter output
complete events.
• StatusUpdateListener. Implement to receive POSPrinter status update
(Frequently, an application will define additional classes that implement one
or more of the listener interfaces.)
The “MyApplication” Application class also uses the following:
• Scanner and POSPrinter. Instances of the Device Controls.
• JposConst, ScannerConst, and POSPrinterConst. Use constants,
either by fully qualified package names or by adding to the “implements”
clause of an application class.
• DataEvent. Instance of this class received by the DataListener's method
• ErrorEvent. Instance of this class received by the ErrorListener's
method errorOccurred.
• OutputCompleteEvent. Instance of this class received by the
OutputCompleteListener's method outputCompleteOccurred.
• StatusUpdateEvent. Instance of this class received by the
StatusUpdateListener's method statusUpdateOccurred.
• JposException. Instance of this class is caught when a Scanner or
POSPrinter method or property access fails.

Device Controls
Scanner class hierarchy:
• ScannerControl12. Implement scanner’s methods and properties.
• EventCallbacks. Derive an inner class to pass to Service so that it may
generate events.
Classes and Interfaces: Sample Class and Interface Hierarchies 37

The Scanner Control class also uses the following:

• JposConst and ScannerConst. Use constants, either by fully qualified
package names or by adding to the “implements” clause of the Device
• JposException. Instance of this class is thrown when a method or
property access fails.

POSPrinter class hierarchy:
• POSPrinterControl13. Implement printer’s methods and properties and
extends POSPrinterControl12.
• EventCallbacks. Derive an inner class to pass to Service so that it may
generate events.
The POSPrinter Control class also uses the following:
• JposConst and POSPrinterConst. Use constants, either by fully
qualified package names or by adding to the “implements” clause of the
Device Control.
• JposException. Instance of this class is thrown when a method or
property access fails.

Device Service
“MyScannerService” class hierarchy:
• ScannerService12. Implement scanner’s methods and properties.
The “MyScannerService” Service class also uses the following:
• JposConst and ScannerConst. Use constants, either by fully qualified
package names or by adding to the “implements” clause of the Device
• DataEvent. Instance of this class created as data is received. It is
delivered to an application when the event delivery preconditions are met
by calling the fireDataEvent method of the Control's derived
EventCallbacks class.
• ErrorEvent. Instance of this class created when an error is detected
while reading scanner data. It is delivered to an application when the
event delivery preconditions are met by calling the fireErrorEvent
method of the Control's derived EventCallbacks class.
• JposException. Instance of this class is thrown when a method or
property access fails.
Java for Retail POS
38 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

“MyPrinterService” class hierarchy:
• POSPrinterService13. Implement printer’s methods and properties and
extends POSPrinterService12.
The “MyPrinterService” Service class also uses the following:
• JposConst and POSPrinterConst. Use constants, either by fully
qualified package names or by adding to the “implements” clause of the
Device Service.
• ErrorEvent. Instance of this class created when an error is detected
while printing asynchronous data. It is delivered to an application when
the event delivery preconditions are met by calling the fireErrorEvent
method of the Control's derived EventCallbacks class.
• OutputCompleteEvent. Instance of this class created when an
asynchronous output request completes. It is delivered to an application
when the event delivery preconditions are met by calling the
fireOutputCompleteEvent method of the Control's derived
EventCallbacks class.
• StatusUpdateEvent. Instance of this class created when a printer status
change is detected. It is delivered to an application when the event
delivery preconditions are met by calling the fireStatusUpdateEvent
method of the Control's derived EventCallbacks class.
• JposException. Instance of this class is thrown when a method or
property access fails.
Classes and Interfaces: Sample Application Code 39

Sample Application Code

The following code snippet shows how to use a scanner.
//import ...;
import jpos.*;

public class MyApplication implements DataListener

// Data listener’s method to process incoming scanner data.
public void dataOccurred(DataEvent e)
jpos.Scanner dc = (jpos.Scanner) e.getSource();
String Msg = “Scanner DataEvent (Status=” + e.getStatus() +
“) received.”;
System.out.println (Msg);
try {
} catch (JposException e){}

// Method to initialize the scanner.

public void initScanner(String openName) throws jpos.JposException
// Create scanner instance and register for data events.
jpos.Scanner myScanner1 = new jpos.Scanner();
// Initialize the scanner. Exception thrown if a method fails.;
//...Success! Continue doing work...

//...Other methods, including main...

Java for Retail POS
40 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Package Structure
The JavaPOS packages and files for Release 1.4 are as follows:

Note: The only difference between Release 1.3 and Release 1.4 of JavaPOS is
the inclusion of the CAT device. No other technical changes were made.
Therefore the JavaPOS packages and files for devices covered under Release
1.3 may be used for Release 1.4.

New Peripheral Device Services Added in Release 1.3

New Peripheral Device Service Added in Release 1.4
Classes and Interfaces: Package Structure 41

New Peripheral Device Services Added in Release 1.3

New Peripheral Device Services Added in Release 1.4
Java for Retail POS
42 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture
Device Controls: Device Control Responsibilities 43

Device Controls
Note: This section is intended primarily for programmers who are creating
JavaPOS Device Controls and Services.

Device Control Responsibilities

A Device Control for a device category is responsible for:
• Supporting the JavaPOS Device Interface for its category. This includes a set
of properties, methods, and events.
• Managing the connection and interface to a Device Service.
• Forwarding most property accesses and method calls to the Device Service,
and throwing exceptions when a property access or method call fails.
• Supporting add and remove event listener methods.
• Generating events to registered listeners upon command from the Device
• Downgrading for older Device Service versions.
A Device Control is not responsible for:
• Managing multi-thread access to the Device Control and Service. An
application must either access a Control from only one thread, or ensure that
its threads synchronize sequences of requests as required to ensure that
affected state and properties are maintained until the sequences have
• Data buffering, including input and output data plus events. The Device
Service manages all buffering and enqueuing.

Device Service Management

The Device Control manages the connection to the Device Service. The Control
calls upon the Java Service Loader (JSL) to accomplish the connection and

Java Service Loader and Java System Database

From a JavaPOS perspective, the JSL’s primary purpose is to instantiate a Service
class, based upon a logical device name plus other environmental information
(such as terminal number or user group). The JSL consults the Java System
Database to determine the proper Device Service class. It then loads the class and
creates a Service instance.
Java for Retail POS
44 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Services and Business Cards

The BusinessCard interface is a set of configuration parameters comprised of
both private and framework parameters. The private parameters are used by the
driver to configure itself; the framework parameters are used by the JSL to
discover, load, advertise, and instantiate the driver.
Each service is described by a class (within the service JAR container) called a
business card. Business cards are useful sources of driver information because
• Name the driver
• Provide vendor and version information
• Advertise interfaces implementation by the driver
• Reference the bundle containing the driver code to load
• Provide configuration parameters to the driver
To advertise its services, a device driver (or any other system service) must have a
business card. The business card is created by the driver developer to provide the
configuration information necessary for the driver to retrieve the Service interface
and advertise the interfaces it supports.

Connecting to Services
Each thin client POS terminal is assigned a subtree of the server database. This
subtree holds all configuration information for the POS terminal client, including
which services are available to the POS terminal client both during and after
booting. Services are identified by business cards; when the POS terminal client
boots, all business cards for the POS terminal client are downloaded from the
server subtree to the POS terminal client’s Software namespace. The POS
terminal client can only access those services for which a business card entry
exists in its Software namespace.
The JSL connects POS terminal clients with services that meet their interface
requirements. It is up to the POS terminal client to initiate and drive the
connection process. A POS terminal client constructs a service connection object
and calls the methods of this object to instruct the JSL to find a service
implementing a particular interface.
For example, POS terminal clients of the POS interface are connected with
services that implement the POS interface. If more then one of the services
implements the desired interface, the POS terminal client, with the assistance of
the JSL, decides which service to use.
Once the POS terminal client selects a service, it calls the service methods
through the service connection object. Services can themselves be clients of
other services, and in fact this is often the case. For example, a file system
service may call the methods of a disk drive service.
Device Controls: Device Service Management 45

The follow code fragment shows how a POS terminal client can request an
enumeration of services compatible with a named interface. Given the
enumeration, the POS terminal client can then select which service to open.
The findAdvertisements method is part of the ServiceLoader class. It returns
the enumeration of the service advertisements for a given interface name.
public static Enumeration findAdvertisements
(Stringadvertisedinterface) throws ServiceException
ServiceAdvertisement a;
String interfaceName = ”/javaos/javax/system/jdi/pos/”;
String serviceName = ”Camera Department POS”;
Enumeration camDeptPOS; //Camera Department example

camDeptPOS = ServiceLoader.findAdvertisements(interfaceName);
while (camDeptPOS.hasMoreElements()
a = (ServiceAdvertisement)camDeptPOS.nextElement();
if (a.getLogicalName() = serviceName)

To retrieve a service connection object for the desired service, the service
advertisement is passed to the findService method. For example, to retrieve an
instance of a particular POS driver:
public static ServiceConnection findService(ServiceAdvertisement
serviceAdvertisement) throws ServiceException
ServiceConnection s;
s = ServiceLoader.findService(a);

In this last example, the variable a represents the service advertisement which
was identified by the POS terminal client in the preceding example as most
suitable to its requirements.
Once the service connection object is retrieved, the POS terminal client connects
to the service by calling the connect method.

The parentServiceInstance parameter allows a parent-child service relationship to

be formed that is very useful for services such as device drivers. Calling connect
loads (if necessary) and instantiates the service classes.
To disconnect from the service, call disconnect.

When the last client of the service disconnects, the service is unloaded.
When the JSL first loads a set of service classes, it augments the class path of the
JVM to include the location of the service classes. “Core” service classes are
Java for Retail POS
46 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

downloaded immediately to the client and are loaded; less important classes
remain on the server until they are actually called. The division of core and non-
core classes is determined by the business card.
When the JSL loads a service class, it reads the service’s business card for
configuration parameters and passes them to the loaded class.
The JSL works closely with the database, extracting the necessary information to
match clients with interfaces and interfaces with services. When the service is a
device driver, the JSL must also match the service with a device. Matching
services with devices is simply a matter of scanning the Software namespace of
the database for a service business card which refers to the device by name. The
business card will also indentify the driver’s device manager by name.

open Method Processing

The responsibilities of the Control’s open method are:
1. Call the JSL ServiceLoader class’ static method findService to get a
reference to a ServiceConnection instance.
2. Call the ServiceConnection’s connect method. It first loads the proper
JavaPOS Device Service class if necessary, and then creates an instance and
initializes it.
3. Retrieve a reference to the Device Service from the ServiceConnection.
4. Verify that the Service has implemented the required Java interfaces for a
Service of our device category.
5. Call the Service’s open method, passing the logical device name and a
reference to an event callback class. For more information on the event
callback, See “Event Handling” on page 48.

close Method Processing

The responsibilities of the Control’s close method are:
1. Call the Service’s close method.
2. Call the ServiceConnection’s disconnect method. It deletes the Device
Service instance, and may unload the class if this was its last connection.
Device Controls: Property and Method Forwarding 47

Property and Method Forwarding

The Device Control must use the Device Service to implement all properties and
methods defined by the JavaPOS Device Interface for a device category, with the
following exceptions:
• open method.
• close method.
• DeviceControlDescription property. The Control returns its description.
• DeviceControlVersion property. The Control returns its version.
• State property. The Control forwards the request to the Service as shown in
the following paragraphs. Any exception is changed to a return value of
JPOS_S_CLOSED; an exception is never thrown to an application.
For all other properties and methods, the Device Control forwards the request to
the identically named method or property of the Device Service. A template for
set property and method request forwarding follows:
public void name(Parameters) throws JposException
catch(JposException je)
throw je;
catch(Exception e)
throw new JposException(JPOS_E_CLOSED,
“Control not opened”, e);

Similarly, a template for get property request forwarding is:

public Type name() throws JposException
catch(JposException je)
throw je;
catch(Exception e)
throw new JposException(JPOS_E_CLOSED,
“Control not opened”, e);

The general forwarding sequence is to call the Service to process the request, and
return to the application if no exception occurs. If an exception occurs and the
exception is JposException, rethrow it to the application.
Otherwise wrap the exception in a JposException and throw it. This should only
occur if an open has not successfully linked the Service to the Control, that is, if
the service field contains a null reference. (Any exceptions that occur while in
the Service should be caught by it, and the Service should rethrow it as a
JposException.) This allows the Control to set the message text to “Control not
opened” with reasonable certainty.
Java for Retail POS
48 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Event Handling
Event Listeners and Event Delivery
An application must be able to register with the Device Control to receive events
of each type supported by the Device, as well as unregister for these events. To
conform to the JavaBean design pattern for events, the registration methods have
the form:
void addXxxListener(XxxListener l);
void removeXxxListener(XxxListener l);

where Xxx is replaced by one of the event types: Data, Error, OutputComplete,
StatusUpdate, or DirectIO.
An example add listener method is:
protected Vector dataListeners;
public void addDataListener(DataListener l)

When the Device Service requests that an event be delivered, the Control calls the
event method of each listener that has registered for that event. (Typically, only
one listener will register for each event type. However, diagnostic or other
software may choose to listen, also.) The event methods have the form:
void xxxOccurred(XxxEvent e)

where xxx is replaced by: data, error, outputComplete, statusUpdate, or

Device Controls: Event Handling 49

Event Callbacks
The Device Service requests that an event be delivered by calling a method in a
callback instance. This instance is created by the Control and passed to the
Service in the open method.
The callback instance is typically created as an inner class of the Control. An
example callback inner class is:
protected class ScannerCallbacks implements EventCallbacks
public BaseControl getEventSource()
return (BaseControl)Scanner.this;

public void fireDataEvent(DataEvent e)

// deliver the event to all registered listeners
for(int x = 0; x < dataListeners.size(); x++)

public void fireDirectIOEvent(DirectIOEvent e)

//…Removed code similar to fireDataEvent…

public void fireErrorEvent(ErrorEvent e)

//…Removed code similar to fireDataEvent…

public void fireOutputCompleteEvent(OutputCompleteEvent e)


public void fireStatusUpdateEvent(StatusUpdateEvent e)

Java for Retail POS
50 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Version Handling
The Device Control responsibilities given in the preceding sections “Device
Service Management” and “Property and Method Forwarding” are somewhat
simplified: They do not take into account version handling.
Both the Device Control and the Device Service have version numbers. Each
version number is broken into three parts: Major, minor, and build. The major
and minor portions indicate compliance with a release of the JavaPOS
specifications. For example, release 1.4 compatibility is represented by a major
version of one and a minor version of four. The build portion is set by the
JavaPOS Device writer.
The JavaPOS version requirement is that a Device Control for a device category
must operate and return reasonable results with any Device Service for that class,
as long as its major version number matches the Service’s major version number.
In order to support this requirement, the following steps must be taken by the
• open method. The Control must validate and determine the version of the
Service, and save this version for later use (the “validated version”). The steps
are as follows:
1. After connecting to the Device Service and obtaining its reference,
determine the level of JavaPOS Service interface supported by the Service
(the “interface version”). This test ensures that the Service complies with
the property and method requirements of the interface.
For example, assume that the Scanner Control is at version 1.3. First
attempt to cast the Service reference to the original release version,
ScannerService12. If this succeeds, the “interface version” is at least 1.2;
otherwise fail the open. Next, attempt to cast to ScannerService13. If
this succeeds, the “interface version” is 1.3.
2. After calling the Service’s open method, get its DeviceServiceVersion
property. If the major version does not match the Control’s major version,
then fail the open.
3. At this point we know that some level of Service interface is supported,
and that the major Control and Service versions match. Now determine
the “validated version”:
if ( service_version <= interface_version )
// The Service version may match the interface
// version, or it may be less. The latter case may
// be true for a Service that wraps or bridges to
// OPOS software, because the Service may be able to
// support a higher interface version, but
// downgrades its reported Service version to that of
// the OPOS software.
// Remember the Services real version.
validated_version = service_version;
else if ( service_version > interface_version )
Device Controls: Version Handling 51

// The Service is newer than the Control.
// Look at two subcases.
if ( control_version == interface_version )
// The Service is newer than the Control, and it
// supports all the Controls methods and
// properties (and perhaps more that the Control
// will not call).
// Remember the maximum version that the Control
// supports.
validated_version = interface_version;
else if ( service_version > interface_version )
//... Fail the open!
// The Service is reporting a version for which it
// does not support all the required methods and
// properties.

• Properties and other methods. If an application accesses a property or calls a

method supported by the Control’s version but not by the “validated version”
of the Service, the Control must throw a JposException with error code
Java for Retail POS
52 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture
Device Services: Device Service Responsibilities 53

Device Services
Note: This section is intended primarily for programmers creating JavaPOS
Device Controls and Services.

Device Service Responsibilities

A Device Service for a device category is responsible for:
• Supporting the JavaPOS Device Service Interface for its category. This
includes a set of properties and methods, plus event generation and delivery.
• Implementing property accesses and method calls, and throwing exceptions
when a property access or method call fails.
• Enqueuing events and delivering them (through calls to Device Control event
callback methods) when the preconditions for delivering the event are
• Managing access to the Physical Device.
The Device Service requires Java Service Loader assistance to retrieve
configuration parameters from the Java System Database.

Property and Method Processing

The Device Service performs the actual work for the property access and method
processing. If the Service is successful in carrying out the request, it returns to
the application. Otherwise, it must throw a JposException.
At the beginning of property and method processing, the Service will typically
need to validate that an application has properly initialized the device before it is
processed. If the device must first be claimed, the Service throws an exception
with the error code JPOS_E_CLAIMED (if the device is already claimed by
another JPOS Device) or JPOS_E_NOTCLAIMED (if the device is available to
be claimed). If the device must first be enabled, then the Service throws an
exception with the error code JPOS_E_DISABLED.
Some special cases are:
• open method. The Service must perform additional housekeeping and
initialization during this method. Initialization will often include accessing
the Java System Database to obtain parameters specific to the Service and the
Physical Device.
• close method. The Service releases all resources that were acquired during or
after open.
Java for Retail POS
54 Programming Guide Introduction and Architecture

Event Generation
The Device Service has the responsibility of enqueuing events and delivering
them in the proper sequence. The Service must enqueue and deliver them one at
a time, in a first-in, first-out manner. (The only exception is when a
JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA event must be delivered early on an input error
because some data events are also enqueued.) Events are delivered by an
internally created and managed Service thread. They are delivered by calling an
event firing callback method in the Device Control, which then calls each
registered listener's event method. (See “Event Handling” on page 48.)
The following conditions cause event delivery to be delayed until the condition is
• The application has set the property FreezeEvents to true.
• The event type is a DataEvent or an input ErrorEvent, but the property
DataEventEnabled is false. (See “Device Input Model” on page 22.)
Rules on the management of the queue of events are:
• The JavaPOS Device may only enqueue new events while the Device is
• The Device may deliver enqueued events until the application calls the release
method (for exclusive-use devices) or the close method (for any device), at
which time any remaining events are deleted.
• For input devices, the clearInput method clears data and input error events.
• For output devices, the clearOutput method clears output error events.

Physical Device Access

The Device Service is responsible for managing the Physical Device. Often, this
occurs by using the Communications Port API. At other times, the Service may
need to use other device drivers or techniques to control the device.
C H A P T E R 1

Common Properties, Methods, and Events

The following Properties, Methods, and Events are used for all device categories
unless noted otherwise in the Usage Notes table entry. For an overview of the
general rules and usage guidelines, see “Device Behavior Models” on page 9.

Name Usage Notes Ver Type Access
AutoDisable 1 boolean R/W
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R
CheckHealthText String R
Claimed boolean R
DataCount 1 int R
DataEventEnabled 1 boolean R/W
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W
FreezeEvents boolean R/W
OutputID 2 int R
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W
PowerState 1.3 int R
State int R
DeviceControlDescription String R
DeviceControlVersion int R
DeviceServiceDescription String R
DeviceServiceVersion int R
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R
PhysicalDeviceName String R
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
56 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

Name Usage Notes

Name Usage Notes
DataEvent 1
OutputCompleteEvent 2
Usage Notes:
1. Used only with Devices that have Event Driven Input.
2. Used only with Asynchronous Output Devices.
General Information 57

General Information
This section lists properties, methods, and events that are common to many of the
peripheral devices covered in this standard.
The summary section of each device category marks those common properties,
methods, and events that do not apply to that category as “Not Supported.” Items
identified in this fashion are not present in the device control’s class.
This section relies heavily on the user being familiar with Java programming
techniques covered in JDK version 1.1 and later. In addition, a good
understanding of the features of the JavaPOS architecture model is required.
Please see “Device Behavior Models” on page 9 for additional information.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
58 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

AutoDisable Property R/W
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the Device Service will set DeviceEnabled to false after it receives and
enqueues data as a DataEvent. Before any additional input can be received, the
application must set DeviceEnabled to true.
If false, the Device Service does not automatically disable the device when data is
This property provides the application with an additional option for controlling the
receipt of input data. If an application wants to receive and process only one input,
or only one input at a time, then this property should be set to true. This property
applies only to event-driven input devices.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22

CapPowerReporting Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type int
Remarks Identifies the reporting capabilities of the Device. It has one of the following
Value Meaning

JPOS_PR_NONE The Device Service cannot determine the state of the

device. Therefore, no power reporting is possible.
JPOS_PR_STANDARD The Device Service can determine and report two of the
power states - OFF_OFFLINE (that is, off or offline)
JPOS_PR_ADVANCED The Device Service can determine and report all three
power states - OFF, OFFLINE, and ONLINE.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors None.
See Also “Device Power Reporting Model” on page 27; PowerState Property,
PowerNotify Property
Properties 59

CheckHealthText Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the results of the most recent call to the checkHealth method. The
following examples illustrate some possible diagnoses:
• “Internal HCheck: Successful”
• “External HCheck: Not Responding”
• “Interactive HCheck: Complete”
This property is empty (“”) before the first call to the checkHealth method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15
See Also checkHealth Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
60 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

Claimed Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the device is claimed for exclusive access. If false, the device is released
for sharing with other applications.
Many devices must be claimed before the Control will allow access to many of its
methods and properties, and before it will deliver events to the application.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Initialization and Finalization” on page 10, “Device Sharing Model” on
page 12, claim Method, release Method

DataCount Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of enqueued DataEvents.
The application may read this property to determine whether additional input is
enqueued from a device, but has not yet been delivered because of other
application processing, freezing of events, or other causes.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, DataEvent
Properties 61

DataEventEnabled Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, a DataEvent will be delivered as soon as input data is enqueued. If
changed to true and some input data is already queued, then a DataEvent is
delivered immediately. (Note that other conditions may delay “immediate”
delivery: if FreezeEvents is true or another event is already being processed at
the application, the DataEvent will remain queued at the Device Service until the
condition is corrected.)
If false, input data is enqueued for later delivery to the application. Also, if an
input error occurs, the ErrorEvent is not delivered while this property is false.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Events” on page 18, DataEvent

DeviceControlDescription Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds an identifier for the Device Control and the company that produced it.
A sample returned string is:
“POS Printer JavaPOS Control, (C) 1998 Epson”

This property is always readable.

Errors None.
See Also DeviceControlVersion Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
62 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

DeviceControlVersion Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the Device Control version number.
Three version levels are specified, as follows:
Version Level Description

Major The “millions” place.

A change to the JavaPOS major version level for a
device class reflects significant interface enhancements,
and may remove support for obsolete interfaces from
previous major version levels.
Minor The “thousands” place.
A change to the JavaPOS minor version level for a
device class reflects minor interface enhancements, and
must provide a superset of previous interfaces at this
major version level.
Build The “units” place.
Internal level provided by the Device Control developer.
Updated when corrections are made to the Device
Control implementation.

A sample version number is:


This value may be displayed as version “1.2.38”, and interpreted as major

version 1, minor version 2, build 38 of the Device Control.
This property is always readable.
Errors None.
See Also “Version Handling” on page 31, DeviceControlDescription Property
Properties 63

DeviceEnabled Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, the device is in an operational state. If changed to true, then the device is
brought to an operational state.
If false, the device has been disabled. If changed to false, then the device is
physically disabled when possible, any subsequent input will be discarded, and
output operations are disallowed.
Changing this property usually does not physically affect output devices. For
consistency, however, the application must set this property to true before using
output devices.
Release 1.3 and later: The Device’s power state may be reported while
DeviceEnabled is true; See “Device Power Reporting Model” on page 27 for
This property is initialized to false by the open method. Note that an exclusive use
device must be claimed before the device may be enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Initialization and Finalization” on page 10

DeviceServiceDescription Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds an identifier for the Device Service and the company that produced it.
A sample returned string is:
“TM-U950 Printer JPOS Service Driver, (C) 1998 Epson”

This property is initialized by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
64 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

DeviceServiceVersion Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the Device Service version number.
Three version levels are specified, as follows:
Version Level Description

Major The “millions” place.

A change to the JavaPOS major version level for a
device class reflects significant interface enhancements,
and may remove support for obsolete interfaces from
previous major version levels.
Minor The “thousands” place.
A change to the JavaPOS minor version level for a
device class reflects minor interface enhancements, and
must provide a superset of previous interfaces at this
major version level.
Build The “units” place.
Internal level provided by the Device Service developer.
Updated when corrections are made to the Device
Service implementation.

A sample version number is:


This value may be displayed as version “1.2.38”, and interpreted as major version
1, minor version 2, build 38 of the Device Service.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Version Handling” on page 31, DeviceServiceDescription Property
Properties 65

FreezeEvents Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, events will not be delivered. Events will be enqueued until this property is
set to false.
If false, the application allows events to be delivered. If some events have been
held while events were frozen and all other conditions are correct for delivering
the events, then changing this property to false will allow these events to be
delivered. An application may choose to freeze events for a specific sequence of
code where interruption by an event is not desirable.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

OutputID Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the identifier of the most recently started asynchronous output.
When a method successfully initiates an asynchronous output, the Device assigns
an identifier to the request. When the output completes, an
OutputCompleteEvent will be enqueued with this output ID as a parameter.
The output ID numbers are assigned by the Device and are guaranteed to be unique
among the set of outstanding asynchronous outputs. No other facts about the ID
should be assumed.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25, OutputCompleteEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
66 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

PowerNotify Property R/W Added in Release 1.3

Type int
Remarks Contains the type of power notification selection made by the Application. It has
one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_PN_DISABLED The Device Service will not provide any power

notifications to the application. No power notification
StatusUpdateEvents will be fired, and PowerState
may not be set.
JPOS_PN_ENABLED The Device Service will fire power notification
StatusUpdateEvents and update PowerState,
beginning when DeviceEnabled is set to true. The level
of functionality depends upon CapPowerReporting.
PowerNotify may only be set while the device is disabled; that is, while
DeviceEnabled is false.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following occurred:

The device is already enabled.

PowerNotify = JPOS_PN_ENABLED but

CapPowerReporting = JPOS_PR_NONE.

See Also “Device Power Reporting Model” on page 27; CapPowerReporting Property,
PowerState Property
Properties 67

PowerState Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type int
Remarks Identifies the current power condition of the device, if it can be determined.
It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_PS_UNKNOWN Cannot determine the device’s power state for one of the
following reasons:

CapPowerReporting = JPOS_PR_NONE; the device

does not support power reporting.

PowerNotify = JPOS_PN_DISABLED; power

notifications are disabled.

DeviceEnabled = false; Power state monitoring does

not occur until the device is enabled.
JPOS_PS_ONLINE The device is powered on and ready for use. Can be
returned if CapPowerReporting =
JPOS_PS_OFF The device is powered off or detached from the POS
terminal. Can only be returned if CapPowerReporting
JPOS_PS_OFFLINE The device is powered on but is either not ready or not
able to respond to requests. Can only be returned if
CapPowerReporting = JPOS_PR_ADVANCED.
The device is either off or offline. Can only be returned
if CapPowerReporting = JPOS_PR_STANDARD.
This property is initialized to JPOS_PS_UNKNOWN by the open method. When
PowerNotify is set to enabled and DeviceEnabled is true, then this property is
updated as the Device Service detects power condition changes.
Errors None.
See Also “Device Power Reporting Model” on page 27; CapPowerReporting Property,
PowerNotify Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
68 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

PhysicalDeviceDescription Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds an identifier for the physical device.
A sample returned string is:
“NCR 7192-0184 Printer, Japanese Version”

This property is initialized by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PhysicalDeviceName Property

PhysicalDeviceName Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a short name identifying the physical device. This is a short version of
PhysicalDeviceDescription and should be limited to 30 characters.
This property will typically be used to identify the device in an application
message box, where the full description is too verbose. A sample returned string
“IBM Model II Printer, Japanese”

This property is initialized by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PhysicalDeviceDescription Property
Properties 69

State Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the current state of the Device. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_S_CLOSED The Device is closed.

JPOS_S_IDLE The Device is in a good state and is not busy.
JPOS_S_BUSY The Device is in a good state and is busy performing
JPOS_S_ERROR An error has been reported, and the application must
recover the Device to a good state before normal I/O can
This property is always readable.
Errors None.
See Also “Device States” on page 30
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
70 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

checkHealth Method
Syntax void checkHealth (int level) throws JposException;
The level parameter indicates the type of health check to be performed on the
device. The following values may be specified:
Value Meaning

Perform a health check that does not physically change
the device. The device is tested by internal tests to the
extent possible.
Perform a more thorough test that may change the
device. For example, a pattern may be printed on the
Perform an interactive test of the device. The supporting
Device Service will typically display a modal dialog box
to present test options and results.
Remarks Tests the state of a device.
A text description of the results of this method is placed in the
CheckHealthText property. The health of many devices can only be determined
by a visual inspection of these test results.
This method is always synchronous.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The specified health check level is not supported by the

Device Service.
See Also CheckHealthText Property
Methods 71

claim Method
Syntax void claim (int timeout) throws JposException;
The timeout parameter gives the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for
exclusive access to be satisfied. If zero, then immediately either returns (if
successful) or throws an appropriate exception. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the
method waits as long as needed until exclusive access is satisfied.
Remarks Requests exclusive access to the device. Many devices require an application to
claim them before they can be used.
When successful, the Claimed property is changed to true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL This device cannot be claimed for exclusive access, or

an invalid timeout parameter was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT Another application has exclusive access to the device,
and did not relinquish control before timeout
milliseconds expired.
See Also “Device Sharing Model” on page 12, release Method

clearInput Method
Syntax void clearInput () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears all device input that has been buffered.
Any data events or input error events that are enqueued – usually waiting for
DataEventEnabled to be set to true and FreezeEvents to be set to false – are also
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
72 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

clearOutput Method
Syntax void clearOutput () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears all device output that has been buffered. Also, when possible, halts outputs
that are in progress.
Any output error events that are enqueued – usually waiting for FreezeEvents to
be set to false – are also cleared.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25

close Method
Syntax void close () throws JposException;
Remarks Releases the device and its resources.
If the DeviceEnabled property is true, then the device is disabled.
If the Claimed property is true, then exclusive access to the device is released.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Initialization and Finalization” on page 10, open Method
Methods 73

directIO Method
Syntax void directIO (int command, int[] data, Object object) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

command Command number whose specific values are assigned

by the Device Service.
data An array of one modifiable integer whose specific
values or usage vary by command and Device Service.
object Additional data whose usage varies by command and
Device Service.
Remarks Communicates directly with the Device Service.
This method provides a means for a Device Service to provide functionality to the
application that is not otherwise supported by the standard Device Control for its
device category. Depending upon the Device Service’s definition of the
command, this method may be asynchronous or synchronous.
Use of this method will make an application non-portable. The application may,
however, maintain portability by performing directIO calls within conditional
code. This code may be based upon the value of the DeviceServiceDescription,
PhysicalDeviceDescription, or PhysicalDeviceName property.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DirectIOEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
74 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

open Method
Syntax void open(String logicalDeviceName) throws JposException;
The logicalDeviceName parameter specifies the device name to open.
Remarks Opens a device for subsequent I/O.
The device name specifies which of one or more devices supported by this Device
Control should be used. The logicalDeviceName must exist in the Java System
Database (JSD) for this device category so that its relationship to the physical
device can be determined. Entries in the JSD are created by a setup or
configuration utility.
When this method is successful, it initializes the properties Claimed,
DeviceEnabled, DataEventEnabled and FreezeEvents, as well as descriptions
and version numbers of the JavaPOS software layers. Additional category-
specific properties may also be initialized.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The Control is already open.

JPOS_E_NOEXIST The specified logicalDeviceName was not found.
JPOS_E_NOSERVICE Could not establish a connection to the corresponding
Device Service.
See Also “Device Initialization and Finalization” on page 10, “Version Handling” on page
31, close Method
Methods 75

release Method
Syntax void release () throws JposException;
Remarks Releases exclusive access to the device.
If the DeviceEnabled property is true, and the device is an exclusive-use device,
then the device is also disabled (this method does not change the device enabled
state of sharable devices).
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The application does not have exclusive access to the

See Also “Device Sharing Model” on page 12, claim Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
76 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e)
Description Notifies the application that input data is available from the device.

Properties This event contains the following property:

Property Type Description

Status int The input status with its value dependent upon the
device category; it may describe the type or qualities of
the input data.
Remarks When this event is delivered to the application, the DataEventEnabled property
is changed to false, so that no further data events will be delivered until the
application sets DataEventEnabled back to true. The actual byte array input data
is placed in one or more device-specific properties.
If DataEventEnabled is false at the time that data is received, then the data is
enqueued in an internal buffer, the device-specific input data properties are not
updated, and the event is not delivered. When DataEventEnabled is
subsequently changed back to true, the event will be delivered immediately if input
data is enqueued and FreezeEvents is false.
See Also “Events” on page 18, “Device Input Model” on page 22, DataEventEnabled
Property, FreezeEvents Property
Events 77

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Device Service to provide events to the
application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and the Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s devices
which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
78 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that an error has been detected and a suitable response is
necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See the list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. These
values are device category specific.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.

The ErrorLocus parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_OUTPUT Error occurred while processing asynchronous output.

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input. No input data is available.
Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is

The application’s error event listener can set the ErrorResponse property to one of
the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_RETRY Retry the asynchronous output. The error state is exited.

May be valid only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_OUTPUT.
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the asynchronous output or buffered input data.
The error state is exited. Default when locus is
Events 79

Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue input processing. The Device remains in the
error state and will deliver additional DataEvents as
directed by the DataEventEnabled property. When all
input has been delivered and DataEventEnabled is
again set to true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered
with locus JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Remarks This event is enqueued when an error is detected and the Device’s State transitions
into the error state. This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true,
so that proper application sequencing occurs.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, “Device Input Model” on page 22, “Device
States” on page 30

Method outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the queued output request associated with the
OutputID property has completed successfully.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

OutputID int The ID number of the asynchronous output request that

is complete.
Remarks This event is enqueued after the request’s data has been both sent and the Device
Service has confirmation that is was processed by the device successfully.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25
Java for Retail POS Chapter 1
80 Programming Guide Common Properties, Methods and Events

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when a device has detected an operation status change.

Properties This event contains the following property:

Property Type Description

Status int Device category-specific status, describing the type of

status change.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Status values of:
Value Meaning

The device is powered on and ready for use. Can be
returned if CapPowerReporting =
The device is off or detached from the terminal. Can
only be returned if CapPowerReporting =
The device is powered on but is either not ready or not
able to respond to requests. Can only be returned if
CapPowerReporting = JPOS_PR_ADVANCED.
The device is either off or offline. Can only be returned
if CapPowerReporting = JPOS_PR_STANDARD.

The common property PowerState is also maintained at

the current power state of the device.
Remarks This event is enqueued when a Device needs to alert the application of a device
status change. Examples are a change in the cash drawer position (open vs. closed)
or a change in a POS printer sensor (form present vs. absent).
When a device is enabled, this event may be delivered to inform the application of
the device state. This behavior, however, is not required.
See Also “Events” on page 18, “Device Power Reporting Model” on page 27,
CapPowerReporting Property, PowerNotify Property.
C H A P T E R 2

Bump Bar


Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable 1.3 boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText 1.3 String R open
Claimed 1.3 boolean R open
DataCount 1.3 int R open
DataEventEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents 1.3 boolean R/W open
OutputID 1.3 int R open
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State 1.3 int R --

DeviceControlDescription 1.3 String R --

DeviceControlVersion 1.3 int R --
DeviceServiceDescription 1.3 String R open
DeviceServiceVersion 1.3 int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription 1.3 String R open
PhysicalDeviceName 1.3 String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
82 Programming Guide Bump Bar

Properties (Continued)
Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After
AsyncMode 1.3 boolean R/W open, claim, & enable
Timeout 1.3 int R/W open
UnitsOnline 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable

CurrentUnitID 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable

CapTone 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable
AutoToneDuration 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable
AutoToneFrequency 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable
BumpBarDataCount 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
Keys 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable

ErrorUnits 1.3 int R open

ErrorString 1.3 String R open

EventUnitID 1.3 int R open & claim

EventUnits 1.3 int R open & claim
EventString 1.3 String R open & claim
Summary 83

Common Ver May Use After
open 1.3 --
close 1.3 open
claim 1.3 open
release 1.3 open & claim
checkHealth 1.3 open, claim, & enable
clearInput 1.3 open & claim
clearOutput 1.3 open & claim
directIO 1.3 open

bumpBarSound 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setKeyTranslation 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
84 Programming Guide Bump Bar

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
General Information 85

General Information
The Bump Bar Control’s class name is “jpos.BumpBar”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.BumpBarConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.
This de v i ce w as a dd e d in Ja va PO S Re lea s e 1. 3.

The Bump Bar Control has the following minimal set of capabilities:
• Supports broadcast methods that can communicate with one, a range, or all
bump bar units online.
• Supports bump bar input (keys 0-255).

The Bump Bar Control may also have the following additional capabilities:
• Supports bump bar enunciator output with frequency and duration.
• Supports tactile feedback via an automatic tone when a bump bar key is
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
86 Programming Guide Bump Bar

The general model of a bump bar is:
• The bump bar device class is a subsystem of bump bar units. The initial
targeted environment is food service, to control the display of order
preparation and fulfillment information. Bump bars typically are used in
conjunction with remote order displays.
The subsystem can support up to 32 bump bar units.
One application on one workstation or POS Terminal will typically manage
and control the entire subsystem of bump bars. If applications on the same or
other workstations and POS Terminals will need to access the subsystem, then
this application must act as a subsystem server and expose interfaces to other
• All specific methods are broadcast methods. This means that the method can
apply to one unit, a selection of units or all online units. The units parameter
is an int, with each bit identifying an individual bump bar unit. (One or more
of the constants BB_UID_1 through BB_UID_32 are bitwise ORed to form
the bitmask.) The Device Service will attempt to satisfy the method for all
unit(s) indicated in the units parameter. If an error is received from one or
more units, the ErrorUnits property is updated with the appropriate units in
error. The ErrorString property is updated with a description of the error or
errors received. The method will then throw the corresponding
JposException. In the case where two or more units encounter different errors,
the Device Service should determine the most severe JposException to throw.
• The common methods checkHealth, clearInput, and clearOutput are not
broadcast methods and use the unit ID indicated in the CurrentUnitID
property. (One of the constants BB_UID_1 through BB_UID_32 are
selected.) See the description of these common methods to understand how
the current unit ID property is used.
• When the current unit ID property is set by the application, all the
corresponding properties are updated to reflect the settings for that unit.
If the CurrentUnitID property is set to a unit ID that is not online, the depen-
dent properties will contain non-initialized values.
The CurrentUnitID uniquely represents a single bump bar unit. The defini-
tions range from BB_UID_1 to BB_UID_32. These definitions are also used
to create the bitwise parameter, units, used in the broadcast methods.
General Information 87

Input – Bump Bar

The Bump Bar follows the general “Device Input Model” for event-driven input
with some differences:
• When input is received, a DataEvent is enqueued.
• This device does not support the AutoDisable property, so the device will not
automatically disable itself when a DataEvent is enqueued.
• An enqueued DataEvent can be delivered to the application when the
DataEventEnabled property is true and other event delivery requirements are
met. Just before delivering this event, data is copied into corresponding
properties, and further data events are disabled by setting the
DataEventEnabled property to false. This causes subsequent input data to be
enqueued while the application processes the current input and associated
properties. When the application has finished the current input and is ready
for more data, it reenables events by setting DataEventEnabled to true.
• An ErrorEvent or events are enqueued if an error is encountered while
gathering or processing input, and are delivered to the application when the
DataEventEnabled property is true and other event delivery requirements are
• The BumpBarDataCount property may be read to obtain the number of
bump bar DataEvents for a specific unit ID enqueued. The DataCount
property can be read to obtain the total number of data events enqueued.
• Queued input may be deleted by calling the clearInput method. See
clearInput method description for more details.

The Bump Bar Device Service provider must supply a mechanism for translating
its internal key scan codes into user-defined codes which are returned by the data
event. Note that this translation must be end-user configurable. The default trans-
lated key value is the scan code value.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
88 Programming Guide Bump Bar

Output – Tone
The bump bar follows the general “Device Output Model,” with some enhance-
• The bumpBarSound method is performed either synchronously or
asynchronously, depending on the value of the AsyncMode property. When
AsyncMode is false, then this method operates synchronously and the Device
returns to the application after completion. When operating synchronously, a
JposException is thrown if the method could not complete successfully.
• When AsyncMode is true, then this method operates as follows:
• The Device buffers the request, sets the OutputID property to an
identifier for this request, and returns as soon as possible. When the
device completes the request successfully, the EventUnits property is
updated and an OutputCompleteEvent is enqueued. A property of this
event contains the output ID of the completed request.
Asynchronous methods will not throw a JposException due to a bump bar prob-
lem, such as communications failure. These errors will only be reported by an Er-
rorEvent. A JposException is thrown only if the bump bar is not claimed and
enabled, a parameter is invalid, or the request cannot be enqueued. The first two
error cases are due to an application error, while the last is a serious system re-
source exception.
• If an error occurs while performing an asynchronous request, an
ErrorEvent is enqueued. The EventUnits property is set to the unit or
units in error. The EventString property is also set.
Note: ErrorEvent updates EventUnits and EventString. If an error is
reported by a broadcast method, then ErrorUnits and ErrorString are set
The event handler may call synchronous bump bar methods (but not asynchronous
methods), then can either retry the outstanding output or clear it.
• Asynchronous output is performed on a first-in first-out basis.
• All output buffered may be deleted by setting the CurrentUnitID
property and calling the clearOutput method. OutputCompleteEvents
will not be enqueued for cleared output. This method also stops any
output that may be in progress (when possible).
General Information 89

Device Sharing
The bump bar is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before accessing many
bump bar specific properties.
• The application must claim and enable the device before calling methods that
manipulate the device.
• When a claim method is called again, settable device characteristics are
restored to their condition at release.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
90 Programming Guide Bump Bar

AsyncMode Property R/W
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the bumpBarSound method will be performed asynchronously.
If false, tones are generated synchronously.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also bumpBarSound Method, “Device Output Models” on page 25

AutoToneDuration Property R/W

Type int

Remarks Holds the duration (in milliseconds) of the automatic tone for the bump bar unit
specified by the CurrentUnitID property.
This property is initialized to the default value for each online bump bar unit when
the device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15
See Also CurrentUnitID Property

AutoToneFrequency Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the frequency (in Hertz) of the automatic tone for the bump bar unit
specified by the CurrentUnitID property.
This property is initialized to the default value for each online bump bar unit when
the device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property
Properties 91

BumpBarDataCount Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of DataEvents enqueued for the bump bar unit specified by the
CurrentUnitID property.
The application may read this property to determine whether additional input is
enqueued from a bump bar unit, but has not yet been delivered because of other
application processing, freezing of events, or other causes.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, DataEvent

CapTone Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the bump bar unit specified by the CurrentUnitID property supports an
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
92 Programming Guide Bump Bar

CurrentUnitID Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the current bump bar unit ID. Up to 32 units are allowed for one bump bar
device. The unit ID definitions range from BB_UID_1 to BB_UID_32.
Setting this property will update other properties to the current values that apply to
the specified unit.The following properties and methods apply only to the selected
bump bar unit ID:
• Properties: AutoToneDuration, AutoToneFrequency, BumpBarData-
Count, CapTone, and Keys.
• Methods: checkHealth, clearInput, clearOutput.
This property is initialized to BB_UID_1 when the device is first enabled
following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

DataCount Property (Common) R

Type int
Remarks Holds the total number of DataEvents enqueued. All units online are included in
this value. The number of enqueued events for a specific unit ID is stored in the
BumpBarDataCount property.
The application may read this property to determine whether additional input is
enqueued, but has not yet been delivered because of other application processing,
freezing of events, or other causes.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also BumpBarDataCount Property, DataEvent Event, “Device Input Model” on
page 22.
Properties 93

ErrorString Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a description of the error which occurred on the unit(s) specified by the
ErrorUnits property, when an error occurs for any method that acts on a bitwise
set of bump bar units.
If an error occurs during processing of an asynchronous request, the ErrorEvent
updates the property EventString instead.
This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also ErrorUnits Property

ErrorUnits Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a bitwise mask of the unit(s) that encountered an error, when an error occurs
for any method that acts on a bitwise set of bump bar units.
If an error occurs during processing of an asynchronous request, the ErrorEvent
updates the property EventUnits instead.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also ErrorString Property

EventString Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a description of the error which occurred to the unit(s) specified by the
EventUnits property, when an ErrorEvent is delivered.
This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also EventUnits Property, ErrorEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
94 Programming Guide Bump Bar

EventUnitID Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the bump bar unit ID causing a DataEvent. This property is set just before
a DataEvent is delivered. The unit ID definitions range from BB_UID_1 to
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DataEvent

EventUnits Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a bitwise mask of the unit(s) when an OutputCompleteEvent,
ErrorEvent, or StatusUpdateEvent is delivered.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also OutputCompleteEvent, ErrorEvent, StatusUpdateEvent

Keys Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of keys on the bump bar unit specified by the CurrentUnitID
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property
Properties 95

Timeout Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the timeout value in milliseconds used by the bump bar device to complete
all output methods supported. If the device cannot successfully complete an
output method within the timeout value, then the method throws a JposException
if AsyncMode is false, or enqueues an ErrorEvent if AsyncMode is true.
This property is initialized to a Device Service dependent timeout following the
open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, bumpBarSound Method

UnitsOnline Property R
Type int
Remarks Bitwise mask indicating the bump bar units online, where zero or more of the unit
constants BB_UID_1 (bit 0 on) through BB_UID_32 (bit 31 on) are bitwise ORed.
32 units are supported.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
method. This property is updated as changes are detected, such as before a
StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued and during the checkHealth method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also checkHealth Method, StatusUpdateEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
96 Programming Guide Bump Bar

bumpBarSound Method
Syntax void bumpBarSound (int units, int frequency, int duration,
int numberOfCycles, int interSoundWait)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which bump bar unit(s) to

operate on.
frequency Tone frequency in Hertz.
duration Tone duration in milliseconds.
numberOfCycles If JPOS_FOREVER, then start bump bar sounding and,
repeat continuously. Else perform the specified number
of cycles.
interSoundWait When numberOfCycles is not one, then pause for
interSoundWait milliseconds before repeating the tone
cycle (before playing the tone again)
Remarks Sounds the bump bar enunciator for the bump bar(s) specified by the units
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
The duration of a tone cycle is:
duration parameter + interSoundWait parameter (except on the last tone cycle)
After the bump bar has started an asynchronous sound, then the sound may be
stopped by using the clearOutput method. (When an interSoundWait value of
JPOS_FOREVER was used to start the sound, then the application must use
clearOutput to stop the continuous sounding of tones.)
Methods 97

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

numberOfCycles is neither a positive, non-zero value
numberOfCycles is JPOS_FOREVER when
AsyncMode is false.
A negative interSoundWait was specified.
units is zero or a non-existent unit was specified.
A unit in units does not support the CapTone capability.
The ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties may be
updated before the exception is thrown.
JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the
bump bar units specified by the units parameter. The
ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties are updated
before the exception is thrown. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorUnits Property, ErrorString Property, CapTone
Property, clearOutput Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
98 Programming Guide Bump Bar

checkHealth Method (Common)

Type void checkHealth (int level) throws JposException;
The level parameter indicates the type of health check to be performed on the
device. The following values may be specified:
Value Meaning

JPOS_CH_INTERNAL Perform a health check that does not physically change

the device. The device is tested by internal tests to the
extent possible.
JPOS_CH_EXTERNAL Perform a more thorough test that may change the
Perform an interactive test of the device. The Device
Service will typically display a modal dialog box to
present test options and results.
Remarks When JPOS_CH_INTERNAL or JPOS_CH_EXTERNAL level is requested, the
method will check the health of the bump bar unit specified by the CurrentUnitID
property. When the current unit ID property is set to a unit that is not currently
online, the device will attempt to check the health of the bump bar unit and report
a communication error if necessary. The JPOS_CH_INTERACTIVE health check
operation is up to the Device Service designer.
A text description of the results of this method is placed in the CheckHealthText
The UnitsOnline property will be updated with any changes before returning to
the application.
This method is always synchronous.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with the bump

bar unit specified by the CurrentUnitID property.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, UnitsOnline Property
Methods 99

clearInput Method (Common)

Syntax void clearInput () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears the device input that has been buffered for the unit specified by the
CurrentUnitID property.
Any data events that are enqueued – usually waiting for DataEventEnabled to be
set to true and FreezeEvents to be set to false – are also cleared.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, “Device Input Model” on page 22.

clearOutput Method (Common)

Syntax void clearOutput () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears the tone outputs that have been buffered for the unit specified by the
CurrentUnitID property.
Any output complete and output error events that are enqueued – usually waiting
for DataEventEnabled to be set to true and FreezeEvents to be set to false – are
also cleared.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, “Device Output Models” on page 25.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
100 Programming Guide Bump Bar

setKeyTranslation Method
Syntax void setKeyTranslation (int units, int scanCode, int logicalKey)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which bump bar unit(s) to set

key translation for.
scanCode The bump bar generated key scan code. Valid values 0-
logicalKey The translated logical key value. Valid values 0-255.
Remarks Assigns a logical key value to a device-specific key scan code for the bump bar
unit(s) specified by the units parameter. The logical key value is used during
translation during the DataEvent.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

scanCode or logicalKey are out of range.
units is zero or a non-existent unit was specified.
The ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties are
updated before the exception is thrown.
See Also ErrorUnits Property, ErrorString Property, DataEvent
Events 101

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when input from the bump bar is available.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int See below.

The Status property is divided into four bytes. Depending on the Event Type,
located in the low word, the remaining 2 bytes will contain additional data. The
diagram below indicates how the Status property is divided:

High Word Low Word (Event Type)

High Byte Low Byte
Unused. Always zero. LogicalKeyCode BB_DE_KEY

Remarks Enqueued to present input data from a bump bar unit to the application. The low
word contains the Event Type. The high word contains additional data depending
on the Event Type. When the Event Type is BB_DE_KEY, the low byte of the
high word contains the LogicalKeyCode for the key pressed on the bump bar unit.
The LogicalKeyCode value is device independent. It has been translated by the
Device Service from its original hardware specific value. Valid ranges are 0-255.
The EventUnitID property is updated before delivering the event.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, EventUnitID Property, DataEventEnabled
Property, FreezeEvents Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
102 Programming Guide Bump Bar

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Bump Bar Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Bump Bar
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a Bump Bar error has been detected and a suitable
response by the application is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Result code causing the error event. See a list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error code causing the error event. If
ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then see values
below.Otherwise, it may contain a Service-specific
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
Events 103

ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden

by the application. (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.

The ErrorLocus property may be one of the following:

Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_OUTPUT Error occurred while processing asynchronous output.

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input. No input data is available.
Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is

The contents of the ErrorResponse property are preset to a default value, based on
the ErrorLocus. The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse
to one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_RETRY Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_OUTPUT.

Retry the asynchronous output. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_OUTPUT.
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue processing. The Device remains in the error
state, and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and the DataEventEnabled property is
again set to true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered
with locus JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected while while gathering data from or processing
asynchronous output for the bump bar.
Input error events are not delivered until the DataEventEnabled property is true,
so that proper application sequencing occurs.
The EventUnits and EventString properties are updated before the event is
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25, “Device States” on page 30,
DataEventEnabled Property, EventUnits Property, EventString Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
104 Programming Guide Bump Bar

Method outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the queued output request associated with the
OutputID property has completed successfully.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

OutputID int The ID number of the asynchronous output request that

is complete. The EventUnits property is updated before
Remarks Enqueued when a previously started asynchronous output request completes
See Also EventUnits Property, “Device Output Models” on page 25.
Events 105

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the bump bar has had an operation status change.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a bump bar unit.
Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with
additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.

Remarks Enqueued when the bump bar device detects a power state change.
Deviation from the standard StatusUpdateEvent (See “StatusUpdateEvent” on
page 80.)
• Before delivering the event, the EventUnits property is set to the units for
which the new power state applies.
• When the bump bar device is enabled, then a StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued
to specify the bitmask of online units.
• While the bump bar device is enabled, a StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued
when the power state of one or more units change. If more than one unit
changes state at the same time, the Device Service may choose to either en-
queue multiple events or to coalesce the information into a minimal number
of events applying to EventUnits.
See Also EventUnits Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 2
106 Programming Guide Bump Bar
C H A P T E R 3

Cash Changer

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
108 Programming Guide Cash Changer

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapDiscrepancy boolean R open
CapEmptySensor boolean R open
CapFullSensor boolean R open
CapNearEmptySensor boolean R open
CapNearFullSensor boolean R open

AsyncMode boolean R/W open

AsyncResultCode int R open, claim, & enable
AsyncResultCodeExtended int R open, claim, & enable

CurrencyCashList String R open

CurrencyCode String R/W open
CurrencyCodeList String R open
CurrentExit int R/W open
DeviceExits int R open
ExitCashList String R open

DeviceStatus int R open, claim, & enable

FullStatus int R open, claim, & enable
Summary 109

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open & claim


dispenseCash open, claim, & enable

dispenseChange open, claim, & enable
readCashCounts open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent Not Supported
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
110 Programming Guide Cash Changer

General Information
The Cash Changer Control’s class name is “jpos.CashChanger”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.CashChangerConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The Cash Changer has the following capabilities:
• Reports the cash units and corresponding unit counts available in the Cash
• Dispenses a specified amount of cash from the device in either bills, coins, or
both into a user-specified exit.
• Dispenses a specified number of cash units from the device in either bills,
coins, or both into a user-specified exit.
• Reports jam conditions within the device.
• Supports more than one currency.

The Cash Changer may also have the following additional capabilities:
• Reports the fullness levels of the Cash Changer’s cash units. Conditions which
may be indicated include empty, near empty, full, and near full states.
• Reports a possible (or probable) cash count discrepancy in the data reported
by the readCashCounts method.
General Information 111

The general model of a Cash Changer is:
• Supports several cash types such as coins, bills, and combinations of coins and
bills. The supported cash type for a particular currency is noted by the list of
cash units in the CurrencyCashList property.
• Consists of any combination of features to aid in the cash processing functions
such as a cash entry holding bin, a number of slots or bins which can hold the
cash, and cash exits.
• Provides programmatic control only for the dispensing of cash. The accepting
of cash by the device (for example, to replenish cash) cannot be controlled by
the APIs provided in this model. The application can call readCashCounts
to retrieve the current unit count for each cash unit, but cannot control when
or how cash is added to the device.
• May have multiple exits. The number of exits is specified in the DeviceExits
property. The application chooses a dispensing exit by setting the
CurrentExit property. The cash units which may be dispensed to the current
exit are indicated by the ExitCashList property. When CurrentExit is 1, the
exit is considered the “primary exit” which is typically used during normal
processing for dispensing cash to a customer following a retail transaction.
When CurrentExit is greater than 1, the exit is considered an “auxiliary exit.”
An “auxiliary exit” typically is used for special purposes such as dispensing
quantities or types of cash not targeted for the “primary exit.”
• Dispenses cash into the exit specified by CurrentExit when either
dispenseChange or dispenseCash is called. With dispenseChange, the
application specifies a total amount to be dispensed, and it is the responsibility
of the Cash Changer device or the Control to dispense the proper amount of
cash from the various slots or bins. With dispenseCash, the application
specifies a count of each cash unit to be dispensed.
• Dispenses cash either synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the
value of the AsyncMode property.
When AsyncMode is false, then the cash dispensing methods are performed
synchronously and the dispense method returns the completion status to the
When AsyncMode is true and no exception is thrown by either dis-
penseChange or dispenseCash, then the method is performed asynchronous-
ly and its completion is indicated by a StatusUpdateEvent with its Data
property set to CHAN_STATUS_ASYNC. The request’s completion status is
set in the AsyncResultCode and AsyncResultCodeExtended properties.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
112 Programming Guide Cash Changer

The values of AsyncResultCode and AsyncResultCodeExtended are the

same as those for the ErrorCode and ErrorCodeExtended properties of a Jpo-
sException when an error occurs during synchronous dispensing.
Nesting of asynchronous Cash Changer operations is illegal; only one asyn-
chronous method can be processed at a time.
The readCashCounts method may not be called while an asynchronous
method is being performed since doing so could likely report incorrect cash
• May support more than one currency. The CurrencyCode property may be
set to the currency, selecting from a currency in the list CurrencyCodeList.
CurrencyCashList, ExitCashList, dispenseCash, dispenseChange and
readCashCounts all act upon the current currency only.
• Sets the cash slot (or cash bin) conditions in the DeviceStatus property to
show empty and near empty status, and in the FullStatus property to show full
and near full status. If there are one or more empty cash slots, then
DeviceStatus is CHAN_STATUS_EMPTY, and if there are one or more full
cash slots, then FullStatus is CHAN_STATUS_FULL.

Device Sharing
The Cash Changer is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before accessing some of the
properties, dispensing or collecting, or receiving status update events.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Properties 113

AsyncMode Property R/W
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the dispenseCash and dispenseChange methods will be performed
asynchronously. If false, these methods will be performed synchronously.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also dispenseCash Method, dispenseChange Method, AsyncResultCode Property;
AsyncResultCodeExtended Property

AsyncResultCode Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the completion status of the last asynchronous dispense request (i.e., when
dispenseCash or dispenseChange was called with AsyncMode true). This
property is set before a StatusUpdateEvent event is delivered with a Data value
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also dispenseCash Method, dispenseChange Method, AsyncMode Property

AsyncResultCodeExtended Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the extended completion status of the last asynchronous dispense request
(i.e., when dispenseCash or dispenseChange was called with AsyncMode true).
This property is set before a StatusUpdateEvent event is delivered with a Data
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also dispenseCash Method, dispenseChange Method, AsyncMode Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
114 Programming Guide Cash Changer

CapDiscrepancy Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the readCashCounts method can report a valid discrepancy value.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also readCashCounts Method

CapEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the Cash Changer can report the condition that some cash slots are empty.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DeviceStatus Property, StatusUpdateEvent

CapFullSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the Cash Changer can report the condition that some cash slots are full.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also FullStatus Property, StatusUpdateEvent
Properties 115

CapNearEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the Cash Changer can report the condition that some cash slots are nearly
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DeviceStatus Property, StatusUpdateEvent

CapNearFullSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the Cash Changer can report the condition that some cash slots are nearly
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also FullStatus Property, StatusUpdateEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
116 Programming Guide Cash Changer

CurrencyCashList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the cash units supported in the Cash Changer for the currency represented
by the CurrencyCode property. It consists of ASCII numeric comma delimited
values which denote the units of coins, then the ASCII semicolon character (“;”)
followed by ASCII numeric comma delimited values for the bills that can be used
with the Cash Changer. If a semicolon (“;”) is absent, then all units represent coins.
Below are sample CurrencyCashList values in Japan.
• “1,5,10,50,100,500” —
1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 yen coin.
• “1,5,10,50,100,500;1000,5000,10000” —
1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 yen coin and 1000, 5000, 10000 yen bill.
• “;1000,5000,10000” —
1000, 5000, 10000 yen bill.
This property is initialized by the open method, and is updated when
CurrencyCode is set.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrencyCode Property
Properties 117

CurrencyCode Property R/W

Type String
Remarks Holds the active currency code to be used by Cash Changer operations. This value
is one of the set of currencies specified by the CurrencyCodeList property.
This property is initialized to an appropriate value by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL A value was specified that is not within

See Also CurrencyCodeList Property

CurrencyCodeList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the currency code indicators. It is a list of ASCII three-character ISO 4217
currency codes separated by commas.
For example, if the string is “JPY,USD,” then the Cash Changer supports both
Japanese and U.S. monetary units.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrencyCode Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
118 Programming Guide Cash Changer

CurrentExit Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the current cash dispensing exit. The value 1 represents the primary exit (or
normal exit), while values greater then 1 are considered auxiliary exits. Legal
values range from 1 to DeviceExits.
Below are examples of typical property value sets in Japan. CurrencyCode is
“JPY” and CurrencyCodeList is “JPY.”
• Cash Changer supports coins; only one exit supported:
CurrencyCashList = “1,5,10,50,100,500”
DeviceExits = 1
CurrentExit = 1: ExitCashList = “1,5,10,50,100,500”
• Cash Changer supports both coins and bills; an auxiliary exit is used for larger
quantities of bills:
CurrencyCashList = “1,5,10,50,100,500;1000,5000,10000”
DeviceExits = 2
When CurrentExit = 1: ExitCashList = “1,5,10,50,100,500;1000,5000”
When CurrentExit = 2: ExitCashList = “;1000,5000,10000”
• Cash Changer supports bills; an auxiliary exit is used for larger quantities of
CurrencyCashList = “;1000,5000,10000”
DeviceExits = 2
When CurrentExit = 1: ExitCashList = “;1000,5000”
When CurrentExit = 2: ExitCashList = “;1000,5000,10000”
This property is initialized to 1 by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid CurrentExit value was specified.

See Also CurrencyCashList Property, DeviceExits Property, ExitCashList Property
Properties 119

DeviceExits Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of exits for dispensing cash.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentExit Property

DeviceStatus Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the current status of the Cash Changer. It has of the following values:
Value Meaning

CHAN_STATUS_OK The current condition of the Cash Changer is

Some cash slots are empty.
Some cash slots are nearly empty.
CHAN_STATUS_JAM A mechanical fault has occurred.

This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled. If more
than one condition is present, then the order of precedence starting at the highest
is jam (or mechanical fault), empty, and near empty.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
120 Programming Guide Cash Changer

ExitCashList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the cash units which may be dispensed to the exit which is denoted by
CurrentExit property. The supported cash units are either the same as
CurrencyCashList, or a subset of it. The string format is identical to that of
This property is initialized by the open method, and is updated when
CurrencyCode or CurrentExit is set.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrencyCode Property, CurrencyCashList Property, CurrentExit Property

FullStatus Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the current full status of the cash slots. It may be one of the following:
Value Meaning

CHAN_STATUS_OK All cash slots are neither nearly full nor full.
Some cash slots are full.
Some cash slots are nearly full.

This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Methods 121

dispenseCash Method
Syntax void dispenseCash (String cashCounts) throws JposException;
The cashCounts parameter contains the dispensing cash units and counts,
represented by the format of “cash unit:cash counts,.;., cash unit:cash counts.”
Units before “;” represent coins, and units after “;” represent bills. If “;” is absent,
then all units represent coins.
Remarks Dispenses the cash from the Cash Changer into the exit specified by CurrentExit.
The cash dispensed is specified by pairs of cash units and counts.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Some cashCounts examples, using Japanese Yen as the currency, are below.
• “10:5,50:1,100:3,500:1”
Dispense 5 ten yen coins, 1 fifty yen coin, 3 one hundred yen coins, 1 five hun-
dred yen coin.
• “10:5,100:3;1000:10”
Dispense 5 ten yen coins, 3 one hundred yen coins, and 10 one thousand yen
• “;1000:10,10000:5”
Dispense 10 one thousand yen bills and 5 ten thousand yen bills.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL A cashCounts parameter value was illegal for the

current exit.
JPOS_E_EXTENDED ErrorCodeExtended =
The specified cash cannot be dispensed because of a
cash shortage.
See Also AsyncMode Property, CurrentExit Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
122 Programming Guide Cash Changer

dispenseChange Method
Syntax void dispenseChange (int amount) throws JposException;
The amount parameter contains the amount of change to be dispensed. It is up to
the Cash Changer to determine what combination of bills and coins will satisfy the
tender requirements from its available supply of cash.
Remarks Dispenses the specified amount of cash from the Cash Changer into the exit
represented by CurrentExit.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL A negative or zero amount was specified, or it is

impossible to dispense the amount based on the values
specified in ExitCashList for the current exit.
JPOS_E_EXTENDED ErrorCodeExtended =
The specified change cannot be dispensed because of a
cash shortage.
See Also AsyncMode Property, CurrentExit Property
Methods 123

readCashCounts Method
Syntax void readCashCounts (String cashCounts, boolean[] discrepancy)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

cashCounts The cash count data is placed into the string.

discrepancy If set to true, then there is some cash which was not able
to be included in the counts reported in cashCounts.
Remarks The format of the string pointed to by cashCounts is the same as cashCounts in the
dispenseCash method. Each unit in cashCounts matches a unit in the
CurrencyCashList property, and is in the same order.
For example if the currency is Japanese yen and string cashCounts parameter is set
to 1:80,5:77,10:0,50:54,100:0,500:87 as a result of calling the readCashCounts
method, then there would be 80 one yen coins, 77 five yen coins, 54 fifty yen coins,
and 87 five hundred yen coins in the Cash Changer.
If CapDiscrepancy property is false, then discrepancy is always false.
Usually, the cash total calculated by cashCounts parameter is equal to the cash
total in a Cash Changer. But, there are some cases where a discrepancy may occur
because of existing uncountable cash in a Cash Changer. An example would be
when a cash slot is “overflowing” such that the device has lost its ability to
accurately detect and monitor the cash.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also dispenseCash Method, CapDiscrepancy Property, CurrencyCashList Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
124 Programming Guide Cash Changer

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Cash Changer Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Cash
Changer devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need
for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 125

Method statusUpdateOccurred(StatusUpdateEvent e)
Description Notifies the application when the Cash Changer detects a status change.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int The status reported from the Cash Changer.

The Status property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Some cash slots are empty.
Some cash slots are nearly empty.
No cash slots are either empty or nearly empty.
Some cash slots are full.
Some cash slots are nearly full.
No cash slots are either full or nearly full.
A mechanical fault has occurred.
A mechanical fault has recovered.
Asychronously performed method has completed.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.

See Also “Events” on page 18.

Java for Retail POS Chapter 3
126 Programming Guide Cash Changer
C H A P T E R 4

Cash Drawer

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open

Specific Type Access Initialized After

CapStatus boolean R open
DrawerOpened boolean R open & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 4
128 Programming Guide Cash Drawer

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open & enable; Note
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

openDrawer open & enable; Note
waitForDrawerClose open & enable; Note

Note: Also requires that no other application has claimed the cash drawer.

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent Not Supported
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent open & enable
General Information 129

General Information
The Cash Drawer Control’s class name is “jpos.CashDrawer”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.CashDrawerConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.
The Cash Drawer Control has the following capability:
• Supports a command to “open” the cash drawer.

The cash drawer may have the following additional capability:

• Reporting Drawer status so an application can determine whether the drawer
is open or closed.

Device Sharing
The cash drawer is a sharable device. Its device sharing rules are:
• After opening and enabling the device, the application may access all
properties and methods and will receive status update events.
• If more than one application has opened and enabled the device, each of these
applications may access its properties and methods. Status update events are
delivered to all of these applications.
• If one application claims the cash drawer, then only that application may call
openDrawer and waitForDrawerClose. This feature provides a degree of
security, such that these methods may effectively be restricted to the main
application if that application claims the device at startup.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 4
130 Programming Guide Cash Drawer

CapStatus Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the drawer can report status. If false, the drawer is not able to determine
whether cash drawer is open or closed.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

DrawerOpened Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the drawer is open. If false, the drawer is closed.
If the capability CapStatus is false, then the device does not support status
reporting, and this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Methods 131

openDrawer Method
Syntax void openDrawer () throws JposException;
Remarks Opens the drawer.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

waitForDrawerClose Method
Syntax void waitForDrawerClose (int beepTimeout, int beepFrequency,
int beepDuration, int beepDelay)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

beepTimeout Number of milliseconds to wait before starting an alert

beepFrequency Audio frequency of the alert beeper in hertz.
beepDuration Number of milliseconds that the beep tone will be
beepDelay Number of milliseconds between the sounding of beeper
Remarks Waits until the cash drawer is closed. If the drawer is still open after beepTimeout
milliseconds, then the system alert beeper is started.
Not all POS implementations may support the typical PC speaker system alert
beeper. However, by setting these parameters the application will insure that the
system alert beeper will be utilized if it is present.
Unless a JposException is thrown, this method will not return to the application
while the drawer is open. When the cashier closes the drawer, the beeper is turned
If CapStatus is false, then the device does not support status reporting, and this
method will return immediately.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 4
132 Programming Guide Cash Drawer

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Cash Drawer Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Cash Drawer
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 133

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when the status of the Cash Drawer changes.

Properties This event contains the following property:

Property Type Description

Status int The status reported from the Cash Drawer.

The Status property has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

The drawer is closed.
The drawer is open.
Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with
additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.

Remarks If CapStatus is false, then the device does not support status reporting, and this
event will never be delivered.
See Also “Events” on page 18
Java for Retail POS Chapter 4
134 Programming Guide Cash Drawer
Summary 135

C H A P T E R 5

CAT-Credit Authorization Terminal


Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable 1.4 boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.4 int R open
CheckHealthText 1.4 String R open
Claimed 1.4 boolean R open
DataCount 1.4 int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled 1.4 boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled 1.4 boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents 1.4 boolean R/W open
OutputID 1.4 int R open
PowerNotify 1.4 int R/W open
PowerState 1.4 int R open
State 1.4 int R --

DeviceControlDescription 1.4 String R --

DeviceControlVersion 1.4 int R --
DeviceServiceDescription 1.4 String R open
DeviceServiceVersion 1.4 int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription 1.4 String R open
PhysicalDeviceName 1.4 String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
136 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

AccountNumber 1.4 String R open
AdditionalSecurityInformation 1.4 String R/W open
ApprovalCode 1.4 String R open
AsyncMode 1.4 boolean R/W open
CapAdditionalSecurityInformation 1.4 boolean R open
CapAuthorizeCompletion 1.4 boolean R open
CapAuthorizePreSales 1.4 boolean R open
CapAuthorizeRefund 1.4 boolean R open
CapAuthorizeVoid 1.4 boolean R open
CapAuthorizeVoidPreSales 1.4 boolean R open
CapCenterResultCode 1.4 boolean R open
CapCheckCard 1.4 boolean R open
CapDailyLog 1.4 int R open
CapInstallments 1.4 boolean R open
CapPaymentDetail 1.4 boolean R open
CapTaxOthers 1.4 boolean R open
CapTransactionNumber 1.4 boolean R open
CapTrainingMode 1.4 boolean R open
CardCompanyID 1.4 String R open
CenterResultCode 1.4 String R open
DailyLog 1.4 String R open
PaymentCondition 1.4 int R open
PaymentDetail 1.4 String R open
SequenceNumber 1.4 int R open
SlipNumber 1.4 String R open
TrainingMode 1.4 boolean R/W open
TransactionNumber 1.4 int R open
TransactionType 1.4 int R open
Summary 137

Common Ver May Use After
open 1.4 --
close 1.4 open
claim 1.4 open & claim
release 1.4 open & claim
checkHealth 1.4 open, claim, & enable
clearInput 1.4 Not Supported
clearOutput 1.4 open & claim
directIO 1.4 open & claim

accessDailyLog 1.4 open, claim, & enable
authorizeCompletion 1.4 open, claim, & enable
authorizePreSales 1.4 open, claim, & enable
authorizeRefund 1.4 open, claim, & enable
authorizeSales 1.4 open, claim, & enable
authorizeVoid 1.4 open, claim, & enable
authorizeVoidPreSales 1.4 open, claim, & enable
checkCard 1.4 open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Use After
DataEvent 1.4 Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.4 open & claim
ErrorEvent 1.4 open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent 1.4 open, claim, & enable
StatusUpdateEvent 1.4 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
138 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

General Information
The CAT Control’s class name is “jpos.CAT”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.CATConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.
This device was added in JavaPOS Release 1.4.

The CAT device described in this chapter is currently in use in Japan only.
Description of terms
• Authorization method
Methods defined by this device class that have the authorize prefix in their
name. These methods require communication with an approval agency.
• Authorization operation
The period from the invocation of an authorization method until the
authorization is completed. This period differs depending upon whether
operating in synchronous or asynchronous mode.
• Credit Authorization Terminal (CAT) Device
A CAT device typically consists of a display, keyboard, magnetic stripe card
reader, receipt printing device, and a communications device. CAT devices
are predominantly used in Japan where they are required by law. Essentially
a CAT device can be considered a device that shields the encryption, message
formatting, and communication functions of an electronic funds transfer
(EFT) operation from an application.
• Purchase
The transaction that allows credit card payment at the POS. It is independent
of payment methods (for example, lump-sum payment, payment in
installments, revolving payment, etc.).
• Cancel Purchase
The transaction to request voiding a purchase on the date of purchase.
• Refund Purchase
The transaction to request voiding a purchase after the date of purchase. This
differs from cancel purchase in that a cancel purchase operation can often be
handled by updating the daily log at the CAT device, while the refund
purchase operation typically requires interaction with the approval agency.
• Authorization Completion
The state of a purchase when the response from the approval agency is
“suspended.” The purchase is later completed after a voice approval is
received from the card company.
• Pre-Authorization
The transaction to reserve an estimated amount in advance of the actual
purchase with customer’s credit card presentation and card entry at CAT.
• Cancel Pre-Authorization
The transaction to request canceling pre-authorization.
Summary 139

• Card Check
The transaction to perform a negative card file validation of the card presented
by the customer. Typically negative card files contain card numbers that are
known to fail approval. Therefore the Card Check operation removes the
need for communication to the approval agency in some instances.
• Daily log
The daily log of card transactions that have been approved by the card
• Payment condition
Condition of payment such as lump-sum payment, payment by bonus,
payment in installments, revolving payment, and the combination of those
payments. See the PaymentCondition and PaymentDetail properties for
• Approval agency
The agency to decide whether or not to approve the purchase based on the card
information, the amount of purchase, and payment type. The approval agency
is generally the card company.

The CAT Control is capable of the following general mode of operation:
• This standard defines the application interface with the CAT Control and does
not depend on the CAT device’s hardware implementation. Therefore, the
hardware implementation of a CAT device may be as follows:
• Separate type (POS interlock)
The dedicated CAT device is externally connected to the POS (for
instance, via an RS-232 connection).
• Built-in type
The hardware structure is the same as the separate type but is installed
within the POS housing.
• The CAT device receives each authorization request containing a purchase
amount and tax from the CAT Control.
• The CAT device generally requests the user to swipe a magnetic card when it
receives an authorization request from the CAT Control.
• Once a magnetic card is swiped at the CAT device, the device sends the
purchase amount and tax to the approval agency using the communications
• The CAT device returns the result from the approval agency to the CAT
Control. The returned data will be stored in the authorization properties by the
CAT Control for access by applications.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
140 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

The general models for the CAT Control are shown below:
• The CAT Control basically follows the output device model. However,
multiple methods cannot be invoked for asynchronous output; only one
outstanding asynchronous request is allowed.
• The CAT Control issues requests to the CAT device for different types of
authorization by invoking the following methods.

Function Method name Associated Capability Property

Purchase authorizeSales None Available

Cancel Purchase authorizeVoid CapAuthorizeVoid

Refund Purchase authorizeRefund CapAuthorizeRefund

Authorization authorizeCompletion CapAuthorizeCompletion


Pre-Authorization authorizePreSales CapAuthorizePreSales

Cancel Pre-Autho- authorizeVoidPreSales CapAuthorizeVoidPreSales


• The CAT Control issues requests to the CAT device for special processing
local to the CAT device by invoking the following methods.

Function Method name Corresponding Capability

Card Check checkCard CapCheckCard

Daily log accessDailyLog CapDailyLog

Summary 141

• The CAT Control stores the authorization results in the following properties
when an authorization operation successfully completes:

Description Property Name Corresponding Capability

Account number AccountNumber None

Additional informa- AdditionalSecurity- CapAdditionalSecurityInforma-

tion Information tion

Approval code ApprovalCode None

Card company ID CardCompanyID None

Code from the CenterResultCode CapCenterResultCode

approval agency

Payment condition PaymentCondition None

Payment detail PaymentDetail CapPaymentDetail

Sequence number SequenceNumber None

Slip number SlipNumber None

Center transaction TransactionNumber CapTransactionNumber


Transaction type TransactionType None

• The accessDailyLog method sets the following property:

Description Property Name Corresponding Capability

Daily log DailyLog CapDailyLog

Sequence numbers are used to validate that the properties set at completion of
a method are indeed associated with the completed method. An incoming
SequenceNumber argument for each method is compared with the resulting
SequenceNumber property after the operation associated with the method
has completed. If the numbers do not match, or if an application fails to
identify the number, there is no guarantee that the values of the properties
listed in the two tables correspond to the completed method.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
142 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

• The AsyncMode property determines if methods are run synchronously or

• When AsyncMode is false, methods will be executed synchronously and
their corresponding properties will contain data when the method returns.
• When AsyncMode is true, methods will return immediately to the
application. When the operation associated with the method completes
successfully, each corresponding property will be updated prior to
delivering an OutputCompleteEvent. If the operation associated with
the method does not complete sucessfully, an ErrorEvent is enqueued.
When AsyncMode is true, methods cannot be invoked immediately after
invoking a prior method; only one outstanding asynchronous method is
allowed at a time. However, clearOutput is an exception because its
purpose is to cancel an outstanding asynchronous method.
• The methods supported and their corresponding properties vary depending on
the CAT Device Service. Applications should verify that particular
capabilities are supported before utilizing the dependent methods and
• Whether in synchronous or asynchronous mode, the result code from the
approval agency will be stored in CenterResultCode.
• Training mode occurs continually when TrainingMode is true. To
discontinue training mode, set TrainingMode to false.
• An outstanding asynchronous method can be canceled via the clearOutput
• The daily log can be collected by the accessDailyLog method. Collection will
be run either synchronously or asynchronously according to the value of

• Following is the general usage sequence of the CAT Control (below assumes
the device has already been opened, claimed and enabled):
Synchronous Mode:
- Define the argument SequenceNumber
- Call authorizeSales()
- Verify that the SequenceNumber property matches the value
of the authorizeSales() SequenceNumber argument
- Access the properties set by authorizeSales()

Asynchronous Mode:
- Set AsyncMode property to true
- Define the argument SequenceNumber
- Call authorizeSales()
- Wait for OutputCompleteEvent
- Verify that the SequenceNumber property matches the value of
the authorizeSales() SequenceNumber argument
- Access the properties set by authorizeSales()
Summary 143

Device sharing
The CAT is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• After opening the device, properties are readable.
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before calling methods that
manipulate the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
144 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal


AccountNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method and is updated
when an authorization operation successfully completes.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

AdditionalSecurityInformation Property R/W

Type String
Remarks An application can send data to the CAT device by setting this property before
issuing an authorization method. Also, data obtained from the CAT device and not
stored in any other property as the result of an authorization operation (for
example, the account code for a loyalty program) can be provided to an application
by storing it in this property. Since the data stored here is device specific, this
should not be used for any development that requires portability.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CapAdditionalSecurityInformation Property

ApprovalCode Property R
Type String
Remarks This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method and is updated
when an authorization operation successfully completes.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Summary 145

AsyncMode Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, the authorization methods will run asynchronously. If false, the
authorization methods will run synchronously.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also Authorization Methods

CapAdditionalSecurityInformation Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the AdditionalSecurityInformation property may be utilized.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also AdditionalSecurityInformation Property

CapAuthorizeCompletion Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the authorizeCompletion method has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also authorizeCompletion Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
146 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

CapAuthorizePreSales Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the authorizePreSales method has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also authorizePreSales Method

CapAuthorizeRefund Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the authorizeRefund method has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also authorizeRefund Method

CapAuthorizeVoid Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the authorizeVoid method has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also authorizeVoid Method, CapAuthorizeVoidPreSales Property
Summary 147

CapAuthorizeVoidPreSales Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the authorizeVoidPreSales method has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also authorizeVoidPreSales Method

CapCenterResultCode Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the CenterResultCode property has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CenterResultCode Property

CapCheckCard Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the checkCard method has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also checkCard Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
148 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

CapDailyLog Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the daily log ability of the device.
Value Meaning

CAT_DL_NONE The CAT device does not have the daily log functions.
CAT_DL_REPORTING The CAT device only has an intermediate total function
which reads the daily log but does not erase the log.
The CAT device only has the “final total” and “erase
daily log” functions.
The CAT device has both the intermediate total function
and the final total and erase daily log function.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DailyLog Property, accessDailyLog Method

CapInstallments Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the item “Installments” which is stored in the DailyLog property as the
result of accessDailyLog will be provided.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DailyLog Property
Summary 149

CapPaymentDetail Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the PaymentDetail property has been implemented.
This property is initialized by open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PaymentDetail Property

CapTaxOthers Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the item “TaxOthers” which is stored in the DailyLog property as the result
of accessDailyLog will be provided.
Note that this property is not related to the “TaxOthers” argument used with the
authorization methods.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DailyLog Property

CapTransactionNumber Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the TransactionNumber property has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also TransactionNumber Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
150 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

CapTrainingMode Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the TrainingMode property has been implemented.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also TrainingMode Property

CardCompanyID Property R
Type String
Remarks This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method and is updated
when an authorization operation successfully completes.
The length of the ID string varies depending upon the CAT device.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CenterResultCode Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the code from the approval agency. Check the approval agency for the
actual codes to be stored.
This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method and is updated
when an authorization operation successfully completes.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Summary 151

DailyLog Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the result of the accessDailyLog method. The data is delimited by
CR(13)+LF(10) for each transaction and is stored in ASCII code. The detailed data
of each transaction is comma separated [i.e. delimited by “,” (44)].
The details of one transaction are shown as follows:

No. Item Property Corresponding Cap Property

1 Card company ID CardCompanyID None

2 Transaction type TransactionType None

3 Transaction date None None

Note 1)

4 Transaction number TransactionNumber CapTransactionNumber

Note 3)

5 Payment condition PaymentCondition None

6 Slip number SlipNumber None

7 Approval code ApprovalCode None

8 Purchase date None None

Note 5)

9 Account number AccountNumber None

10 Amount The argument Amount of the authoriza- None

Note 4) tion method or the amount actually

11 Tax/others The argument TaxOthers of the authori- CapTaxOthers

Note 3) zation method.

12 Installments None CapInstallments

Note 3)

13 Additional data AdditionalSecurityInformation CapAdditionalSecurityInformation

Note 2)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
152 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

Notes from the previous table:

1) Format

Item Format

Transaction date YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

Purchase date MMDD

Some CAT devices may not support seconds by the internal clock. In that case, the
seconds field of the transaction date is filled with “00”.
2) Additional data:
• The area where the CAT device stores the vendor specific data. This enables
an application to receive data other than that defined in this specification. The
data stored here is vendor specific and should not be used for development
which places an importance on portability.
3) If the corresponding Cap property is false:
• Cap property is set to false if the CAT device provides no corresponding data.
In such instances, the item can’t be displayed so the next comma delimiter
immediately follows. For example, if “Amount” is 1234 yen and “Tax/others”
is missing and “Installments” is 2, the description will be “1234,,2”. This
makes the description independent of Cap property and makes the position of
each data item consistent.
4) Amount:
• Amount always includes “Tax/others” even if item 11 is present.
5) Purchase date:
• The date manually entered for the purchase transaction after approval.
• The authroization center only requires the month and date of the purchase date
be entered.
• This value will not be set (None means nothing entered here); it will be set to
a date only if the actual purchase date is after the pre-authorization date.
Summary 153

Example An example of daily log content is shown below.

Item Description Meaning

Card company ID 102 JCB

Transaction type CAT_TRANSACTION_SALES Purchase

Transaction date 19980116134530 1/16/1998


Transaction number 123456 123456

Payment condition CAT_PAYMENT_INSTALLMENT_1 Installment 1

Slip number 12345 12345

Approval code 0123456 0123456

Purchase date None None

Account number 1234123412341234 1234-1234-1234-1234

Amount 12345 12345JPY

Tax/others None None

Number of payments 2 2

Additional data 12345678 Specific information

The actual data stored in DailyLog will be as follows:


Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CapDailyLog Property, accessDailyLog Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
154 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

PaymentCondition Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the payment condition of the most recent successful authorization
This property will be set to one of the following values. See PaymentDetail for
the detailed payment string that correlates to the following PaymentCondition
Value Meaning

Bonus combination payments 1
Bonus combination payments 2
Bonus combination payments 3
Bonus combination payments 4

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PaymentDetail Property
Summary 155

PaymentDetail Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds payment condition details as the result of an authorization operation.
Payment details vary depending on the value of PaymentCondition. The data will
be stored as comma separated ASCII code. An empty string means that no data is

PaymentCondition PaymentDetail

CAT_PAYMENT_LUMP empty string

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_1 empty string

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_2 Number of bonus payments

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_3 1st bonus month

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_4* Number of bonus payments, 1st bonus month, 2nd bonus month, 3rd bonus
month, 4th bonus month, 5th bonus month, 6th bonus month

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_5* Number of bonus payments, 1st bonus month, 1st bonus amount, 2nd bonus
month, 2nd bonus amount, 3rd bonus month, 3rd bonus amount, 4th bonus
month, 4th bonus amount, 5th bonus month, 5th bonus amount, 6th bonus
month, 6th bonus amount

CAT_PAYMENT_INSTALLMENT_1 1st billing month, Number of payments

CAT_PAYMENT_INSTALLMENT_2* 1st billing month, Number of payments, 1st amount, 2nd amount, 3rd amount,
4th amount, 5th amount, 6th amount

CAT_PAYMENT_INSTALLMENT_3 1st billing month, Number of payments, 1st amount

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_COMBINATION_1 1st billing month, Number of payments

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_COMBINATION_2 1st billing month, Number of payments, bonus amount

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_COMBINATION_3* 1st billing month, Number of payments, number of bonus payments, 1st
bonus month, 2nd bonus month, 3rd bonus month, 4th bonus month, 5th
bonus month, 6th bonus month

CAT_PAYMENT_BONUS_COMBINATION_4* 1st billing month, Number of payments, number of bonus payments, 1st
bonus month, 1st bonus amount, 2nd bonus month, 2nd bonus amount, 3rd
bonus month, 3rd bonus amount, 4th bonus month, 4th bonus amount, 5th
bonus month, 5th bonus amount, 6th bonus month, 6th bonus amount


*Maximum 6 entries
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
156 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

The payment types and names vary depending on the CAT device. The following
are the payment types and terms available for CAT devices. Note that there are
some differences between JavaPOS terms and those used by the CAT devices. The
goal of this table is to synchronize these terms.

General Name (Old
PaymentCondition Value

Payment Entry CAT) G-CAT JET-S SG-CAT Master-T

Category item

Credit Not spec- Not specified JCB VISA MASTER



Term Card Company Terms

Lump-sum (None) 10 Lump-sum Lump-sum Lump- Lump-sum Lump-sum Lump-sum


Bonus (None) 21 Bonus 1 Bonus 1 Bonus 1 Bonus 1 Bonus 1 Bonus 1

Number of 22 Bonus 2 Bonus 2 Bonus 2 Bonus 2 Bonus 2 Bonus 2

bonus pay-

Bonus 23 Bonus 3 Bonus 3 Does not Does not Bonus 3 Bonus 3

month(s) exist. exist.
Summary 157

Name (Old CAT)
Entry PaymentCondition Value G-CAT JET-S SG-CAT Master-T

Credit Not specified Not specified JCB VISA MASTER



Term Card Company Terms

Number of 24 Bonus 4 Bonus 4 Bonus 3 Bonus 3 Bonus 4 Bonus 4

bonus pay-
ments (Up to two
entries for
Bonus month
Bonus month

Bonus month

Bonus month

Bonus month

Bonus month
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
158 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

Name (Old CAT)
Entry PaymentCondition Value G-CAT JET-S SG-CAT Master-T

Credit Not specified Not specified JCB VISA MASTER



Term Card Company Terms

Number of 25 Bonus 5 Bonus 5 Does not Does not Does not Bonus 5
bonus pay- exist. exist. exist.
Bonus month

Bonus amount

Bonus month

Bonus amount

Bonus month

Bonus amount

Bonus month

Bonus amount

Bonus month

Bonus amount

Bonus month

Bonus amount

Payment 61 Installment 1 Installment 1 Installment 1 Install- Install- Install-

start month ment 1 ment 1 ment 1
Number of
Summary 159

Name (Old CAT)
Entry PaymentCondition Value G-CAT JET-S SG-CAT Master-T

Credit Not specified Not specified JCB VISA MASTER



Term Card Company Terms

Payment 62 Installment 2 Installment 2 Does not Does not Does not Does not
start month exist. exist. exist. exist.
Number of
amount (1)

amount (2)

amount (3)

amount (4)

amount (5)

amount (6)

Payment 63 Installment 3 Installment 3 Installment 2 Install- Does not Install-

start month ment 2 exist. ment 2
Number of
Initial amount

Payment 31 Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus

start month
Combination Combination Combination Combi- Combina- Combina-
Number of 1 1 1 nation 1 tion 1 tion 1

Payment 32 Bonus Bonus Does not Does not Bonus Bonus

start month exist. exist.
Combination Combination Combina- Combina-
Number of 2 2 tion 2 tion 2
Bonus amount
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
160 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

Name (Old CAT)
Entry PaymentCondition Value G-CAT JET-S SG-CAT Master-T

Credit Not specified Not specified JCB VISA MASTER



Term Card Company Terms

Payment 33 Bonus Bonus Does not Does not Bonus Bonus

start month exist. exist.
Combination Combination Combina- Combina-
Number of
3 3 tion 3 tion 3
Number of (Up to two
bonus pay- entries for
ments bonus
Bonus month

Bonus month

Bonus month

Bonus month

Bonus month

Bonus month
Summary 161

Payment 34 Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus

month Combination Combination Combi- Combina- Combina- Combina-
4 4 nation 2 tion 2 tion 4 tion 4
Number of
(Up to two
Number of entries for
bonus pay- bonus
ments month and
Bonus amount)
month (1)

amount (1)

month (2)

amount (2)

month (3)

amount (3)

month (4)

amount (4)

month (5)

amount (5)

month (6)

amount (6)

Revolving (None) 80 Revolving Revolving Revolv- Revolving Revolving Revolving


Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CapPaymentDetail and PaymentCondition Properties
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
162 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

SequenceNumber Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a “sequence number” as the result of each method call. This number needs
to be checked by an application to see if it matches with the value in the property
SequenceNumber of the originating method.

The “sequence number” received back from the CAT device is expected to be a
numeric value. If other then numeric values are returned from the CAT device, the
value stored in this property will be set to zero (0).

This property is initialized to zero (0) by the open method and is updated when an
authorization operation successfully completes.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

SlipNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a “slip number” as the result of each authorization operation.
This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method and is updated
when an authorization operation successfully completes.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

TrainingMode Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, each operation will be run in training mode; otherwise each operation will
be run in normal mode.
TrainingMode needs to be explicitly set to false by an application to exit from
training mode, because it will not automatically be set to false after the completion
of an operation.
This property will be initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL CapTrainingMode is false.

Summary 163

TransactionNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a “transaction number” as the result of each authorization operation.
This property is initialized to the emtpy string by the open method and is updated
when an authorization operation successfully completes.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

TransactionType Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a “transaction type” as the result of each authorization operation.
This property is initialized to zero (0) by the open method and is updated when an
authorization operation successfully completes.
This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

CAT_TRANSACTION_COMPLETION Purchase after approval
CAT_TRANSACTION_VOIDPRESALES Cancel pre-authorization approval

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
164 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

accessDailyLog Method
Syntax void accessDailyLog (int sequenceNumber, int type, int timeout) throws
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber The sequence number to get daily log.

type Specify whether the daily log is intermediate total or
final total and erase.
timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0, and positive values can be
Remarks Gets daily log from CAT. Daily log will be retrieved and stored in DailyLog as
specified by sequenceNumber.
When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Application must specify one of the following values for type for daily log type
(either intermediate total or adjustment). Legal values depend upon the
CapDailyLog value.
Value Meaning

CAT_DL_REPORTING Intermediate total.

CAT_DL_SETTLEMENT Final total and erase.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid or unsupported type or timeout parameter was

specified, or CapDailyLog is false.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.

See Also CapDailyLog Property, DailyLog Property

Summary 165

authorizeCompletion Method
Syntax void authorizeCompletion (int sequenceNumber, long amount, long taxOthers,
int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber Sequence number for approval

amount Purchase amount for approval
taxOthers Tax and other amounts for approval
timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0 and positive values can be
Remarks This method is intended to be used after a purchase is approved.
The sequenceNumber tracks the sale amount and taxOthers parameters once the
transaction is approved.

When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid timeout parameter was specified, or

CapAuthorizeCompletion is false.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.

See Also CapAuthorizeCompletion Property

Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
166 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

authorizePreSales Method
Syntax void authorizePreSales (int sequenceNumber, long amount, long taxOthers, int
timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber Sequence number for approval

amount Purchase amount for approval
taxOthers Tax and other amounts for approval
timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0 and positive values can be
Remarks This method is intended to be used with a pre-authorization sale.
Pre-authorization for amount and taxOthers is made as the approval specified by
When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid timeout parameter was specified, or

CapAuthorizePreSales is FALSE.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.

See Also CapAuthorizePreSales Property

Summary 167

authorizeRefund Method
Syntax void authorizeRefund (int sequenceNumber, long amount, long taxOthers, int
timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber Sequence number for approval

amount Purchase amount for approval
taxOthers Tax and other amounts for approval
timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0 and positive values can be
Remarks This method is intended to be used when a refund approval is required.
Refund purchase approval for amount and taxOthers is intended as the approval
specified by sequenceNumber.
When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid timeout parameter was specified, or

CapAuthorizeRefund is false.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.

See Also CapAuthorizeRefund Property

Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
168 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

authorizeSales Method
Syntax void authorizeSales (int sequenceNumber, long amount, long taxOthers, int
timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber Sequence number for approval

amount Purchase amount for approval
taxOthers Tax and other amounts for approval
timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0 and positive values can be
Remarks This method is intended to be used with a normal purchase transaction.
Normal purchase approval for amount and taxOthers is intended as the approval
specified by sequenceNumber.
When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid timeout parameter was specified.

JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.
Summary 169

authorizeVoid Method
Syntax void authorizeVoid (int sequenceNumber, long amount, long taxOthers, int
timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber Sequence number for approval

amount Purchase amount for approval
taxOthers Tax and other amounts for approval
timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0 and positive values can be
Remarks This method is intended to be used when a purchase needs to be cancelled.
Cancellation approval for amount and taxOthers is intended as the approval
specified by sequenceNumber.
When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid timeout parameter was specified, or

CapAuthorizeVoid is false.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.

See Also CapAuthorizeVoid Property

Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
170 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

authorizeVoidPreSales Method
Syntax void authorizeVoidPreSales (int sequenceNumber, long amount, long
taxOthers, int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber Sequence number for approval

amount Purchase amount for approval
taxOthers Tax and other amounts for approval
timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0 and positive values can be
Remarks This method is invoked when it is necessary to void a pre-authorization approval.
Pre-authorization cancellation approval for amount and taxOthers is intended as
the approval specified by sequenceNumber.
When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Normal cancellation could be used for CAT Control and CAT devices which have
not implemented the pre-authorization approval cancellation. Refer to the
documentation supplied with CAT device and / or CAT Control.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid timeout parameter was specified, or

CapAuthorizeVoidPreSales is false.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.

See Also CapAuthorizeVoidPreSales Property

Summary 171

checkCard Method
Syntax void checkCard (int sequenceNumber, int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

sequenceNumber Sequence number for approval

timeout The maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) until the
response is received from the CAT device.
JPOS_FOREVER(-1), 0 and positive values can be
Remarks This method is intended to be used when a card verification is required.
Card check will be made as specified by sequenceNumber.
When timeout is JPOS_FOREVER(-1), timeout never occurs and the device waits
until it receives response from the CAT.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Invalid timeout parameter was specified, or

CapCheckCard is false.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT No response was received from CAT during the
specified timeout time in milliseconds.

See Also CapCheckCard Property

Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
172 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific CAT Device Service to provide events to
the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose specific values vary by the
EventNumber and Device Service. This property is

Remarks This to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are not
otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may restrict
the application program from being used with other vendor’s CAT devices which
may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Summary 173

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a CAT error has been detected and a suitable response
by the application is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. If
ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then see values
below. Otherwise, it may contain a Service-specific
ErrorLocus int Location of the error, and is set to JPOS_EL_OUTPUT
indicating the error occurred while processing
asynchronous output.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overriden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.

If ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then ErrorCodeExtended has one of the

following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ECAT_CENTERERROR An error was returned from the

approval agency. The detail error
code is defined in CenterResultCode.
JPOS_ECAT_COMMANDERROR The command sent to CAT is wrong.
This error is never returned so long as
CAT Control is working correctly.
JPOS_ECAT_RESET CAT was stopped during processing
by CAT reset key (stop key) and so on.
JPOS_ECAT_COMMUNICATIONERROR Communication error has occurred
between the approval agency and
JPOS_ECAT_DAILYLOGOVERFLOW Daily log was too big to be stored.
Keeping daily log has been stopped
and the value of DailyLog property is
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
174 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal

The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_RETRY Retries the asynchronous processing. The error state is

exited. The default.
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the asynchronous processing. The error state is
Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected while processing an asynchronous authorize
group method or the accessDailyLog method. The Control’s State transitions into
the error state. This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that
proper application sequencing occurs.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25, “Device States” on page 30

Method outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the queued output request associated with the
OutputID property has completed successfully.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

OutputID int The ID number of the asynchronous output request that

is complete.
Remarks Enqueued when the request’s data has been both sent and the Device Service has
confirmation that is was processed by the device successfully.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25
Summary 175

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of the CAT
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power status of the CAT device.
Remarks Enqueued when the CAT device detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18, “Device Power Reporting Model” on page 27,
CapPowerReporting Property, PowerNotify Property.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 5
176 Programming Guide CAT- Credit Authorization Terminal
C H A P T E R 6

Coin Dispenser

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 6
178 Programming Guide Coin Dispenser

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapEmptySensor boolean R open
CapJamSensor boolean R open
CapNearEmptySensor boolean R open
DispenserStatus int R open, claim, & enable
Summary 179

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

dispenseChange open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent Not Supported
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 6
180 Programming Guide Coin Dispenser

General Information
The Coin Dispenser Control’s class name is “jpos.CoinDispenser”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.CoinDispenserConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The coin dispenser has the following capability:
• Supports a method that allows a specified amount of change to be dispensed
from the device.

The coin dispenser may have the following additional capability:

• Status reporting, which indicates empty coin slot conditions, near empty coin
slot conditions, and coin slot jamming conditions.

The general model of a coin dispenser is:
• Consists of a number of coin slots which hold the coinage to be dispensed. The
application using the Coin Dispenser Control is not concerned with
controlling the individual slots of coinage, but rather calls a method with the
amount of change to be dispensed. It is the responsibility of the coin dispenser
device or the Device Service to dispense the proper amount of change from
the various slots.

Device Sharing
The coin dispenser is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before accessing some of the
properties, dispensing change, or receiving status update events.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Properties 181

CapEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the coin dispenser can report an out-of-coinage condition.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJamSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the coin dispenser can report a mechanical jam or failure condition.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapNearEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the coin dispenser can report when it is almost out of coinage.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 6
182 Programming Guide Coin Dispenser

DispenserStatus Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the current status of the dispenser. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

COIN_STATUS_OK Ready to dispense coinage. This value is also set when

the dispenser is unable to detect an error condition.
Cannot dispense coinage because it is empty.
Can still dispense coinage, but it nearly empty.
COIN_STATUS_JAM A mechanical fault has occurred.

This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Methods 183

dispenseChange Method
Syntax void dispenseChange (int amount) throws JposException;
The amount parameter contains the amount of change to be dispensed.
Remarks Dispenses change. The value represented by the amount parameter is a count of
the currency units to dispense (such as cents or yen).
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An amount parameter value of zero was specified, or the

amount parameter contained a negative value or a value
greater than the device can dispense.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 6
184 Programming Guide Coin Dispenser

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Coin Dispenser Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Coin
Dispenser devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s
need for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 185

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusEvent e);
Description Notifies the application of a sensor status change.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int The status reported from the Coin Dispenser.

The Status property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

COIN_STATUS_OK Ready to dispense coinage. This value is also set when

the dispenser is unable to detect an error condition.
Cannot dispense coinage because it is empty.
Can still dispense coinage, but is nearly empty.
COIN_STATUS_JAM A mechanical fault has occurred.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.

Remarks This event applies for status changes of the sensor types supported, as indicated by
the capability properties. It also applies if Power State Reporting is enabled.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 6
186 Programming Guide Coin Dispenser
C H A P T E R 7

Fiscal Printer


Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable 1.3 boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText 1.3 String R open
Claimed 1.3 boolean R open
DataCount 1.3 int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents 1.3 boolean R/W open
OutputID 1.3 int R open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
State 1.3 int R --

DeviceControlDescription 1.3 String R --

DeviceControlVersion 1.3 int R --
DeviceServiceDescription 1.3 String R open
DeviceServiceVersion 1.3 int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription 1.3 String R open
PhysicalDeviceName 1.3 String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
188 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapAdditionalLines 1.3 boolean R open
CapAmountAdjustment 1.3 boolean R open
CapAmountNotPaid 1.3 boolean R open
CapCheckTotal 1.3 boolean R open
CapCoverSensor (2) 1.3 boolean R open
CapDoubleWidth 1.3 boolean R open
CapDuplicateReceipt 1.3 boolean R open
CapFixedOutput 1.3 boolean R open
CapHasVatTable 1.3 boolean R open
CapIndependentHeader 1.3 boolean R open
CapItemList 1.3 boolean R open

CapJrnEmptySensor (2) 1.3 boolean R open

CapJrnNearEndSensor (2) 1.3 boolean R open
CapJrnPresent (2) 1.3 boolean R open

CapNonFiscalMode 1.3 boolean R open

CapOrderAdjustmentFirst 1.3 boolean R open
CapPercentAdjustment 1.3 boolean R open
CapPositiveAdjustment 1.3 boolean R open
CapPowerLossReport 1.3 boolean R open
CapPredefinedPayment 1.3 boolean R open
CapReceiptNotPaid 1.3 boolean R open

CapRecEmptySensor (2) 1.3 boolan R open

CapRecNearEndSensor (2) 1.3 boolan R open
CapRecPresent (2) 1.3 boolean R open

CapRemainingFiscal 1.3 boolean R open

CapReservedWord 1.3 boolean R open
CapSetHeader 1.3 boolean R open
CapSetPOSID 1.3 boolean R open
CapSetStoreFiscalID 1.3 boolean R open
CapSetTrailer 1.3 boolean R open
CapSetVatTable 1.3 boolean R open
Summary 189

Specific (continued)
Ver Type Access Initialized After
CapSlpEmptySensor (2) 1.3 boolean R open
CapSlpFiscalDocument 1.3 boolean R open
CapSlpFullSlip (2) 1.3 boolean R open
CapSlpNearEndSensor (2) 1.3 boolean R open
CapSlpPresent (2) 1.3 boolean R open
CapSlpValidation 1.3 boolean R open
CapSubAmountAdjustment 1.3 boolean R open
CapSubPercentAdjustment 1.3 boolean R open
CapSubtotal 1.3 boolean R open
CapTrainingMode 1.3 boolean R open
CapValidateJournal 1.3 boolean R open
CapXReport 1.3 boolean R open

AmountDecimalPlaces 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable

AsyncMode 1.3 boolean R/W open
CheckTotal 1.3 boolean R/W open
CountryCode 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
CoverOpen (2) 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable
DayOpened 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable
DescriptionLength 1.3 int R open
DuplicateReceipt 1.3 boolean R/W open
ErrorLevel 1.3 int R open
ErrorOutID 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
ErrorState 1.3 int R open
ErrorStation 1.3 int R open
ErrorString 1.3 String R open
FlagWhenIdle 1.3 boolean R/W open

JrnEmpty (2) 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable

JrnNearEnd (2) 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable

MessageLength 1.3 int R open

NumHeaderLines 1.3 int R open
NumTrailerLines 1.3 int R open
NumVatRates 1.3 int R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
190 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Specific (continued)
Ver Type Access Initialized After
PredefinedPaymentLines 1.3 String R open
PrinterState 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
QuantityDecimalPlaces 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
QuantityLength 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable

RecEmpty (2) 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable

RecNearEnd (2) 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable

RemainingFiscalMemory 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable

ReservedWord (1) 1.3 String R open

SlpEmpty (2) 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable

SlpNearEnd (2) 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable

SlipSelection 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable

TrainingModeActive 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable
Summary 191

Common Ver May Use After
open 1.3 --
close 1.3 open
claim 1.3 open
release 1.3 open & claim
checkHealth 1.3 open, claim, & enable
clearInput 1.3 Not Supported
clearOutput 1.3 open & claim
directIO 1.3 open

Specific - Presetting Fiscal

setDate 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setHeaderLine 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setPOSID (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setStoreFiscalID 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setTrailerLine 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setVatTable 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setVatValue 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Specific - Fiscal Receipt

beginFiscalReceipt 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endFiscalReceipt 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printDuplicateReceipt 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecItem 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecItemAdjustment 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecMessage 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecNotPaid 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecRefund 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecSubtotal 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecSubtotalAdjustment 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecTotal 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecVoid 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printRecVoidItem 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
192 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Specific (Continued)

Specific - Fiscal Document Ver May Use After

beginFiscalDocument 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endFiscalDocument 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printFiscalDocumentLine 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Specific - Item Lists

beginItemList (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endItemList (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
verifyItem (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Specific - Fiscal Reports

printPeriodicTotalsReport 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printPowerLossReport 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printReport 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printXReport 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printZReport 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Specific - Slip Insertion

beginInsertion (2) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
beginRemoval (2) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endInsertion (2) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endRemoval (2) 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Specific - Non-Fiscal
beginFixedOutput (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
beginNonFiscal 1.3 open, claim, & enable
beginTraining 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endFixedOutput (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endNonFiscal 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endTraining 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printFixedOutput (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable
printNormal 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Summary 193

Specific (Continued)

Specific - Data Requests Ver May Use After

getData 1.3 open, claim, & enable
getDate 1.3 open, claim, & enable
getTotalizer 1.3 open, claim, & enable
getVatEntry (1) 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Specific - Error Corrections

clearError 1.3 open, claim, & enable
resetPrinter 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
194 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent 1.3 Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable

1. All methods and properties marked with (1) are specific to at least one
particular country and are not required by the fiscal legislation of all countries.
2. Properties and methods marked with (2) are adapted from the POS Printer
General Information 195

General Information
The Fiscal Printer Control’s class name is “jpos.FiscalPrinter”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.FiscalPrinterConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

This de v i ce w as a dd e d in Ja va PO S Re lea s e 1. 3.

The Fiscal Printer Control does not attempt to encapsulate a generic graphics
printer. Rather, for performance and ease of use considerations, the interfaces are
defined to directly control the normal printer functions.
Since fiscal rules differ between countries, this interface tries to generalize the
common requirements at the maximum extent specifications. This interface is
based upon the fiscal requirements of the following countries, but it may fit the
needs of other countries as well:
• Brazil
• Greece
• Hungary
• Italy
• Poland
• Turkey

The printer model defines three stations with the following general uses:
• Journal Used for simple text to log transaction and activity information. Kept
by the store for audit and other purposes.
• Receipt Used to print transaction information. It is mandatory to give a
printed fiscal receipt to the customer. Also often used for store reports.
Contains either a knife to cut the paper between transactions, or a tear bar to
manually cut the paper.
• Slip Used to print information on a form. Usually given to the customer.
The Slip station is also used to print “validation” information on a form. The
form type is typically a check or credit card slip.

Sometimes, limited forms-handling capability is integrated with the receipt or

journal station to permit validation printing. Often this limits the number of print
lines, due to the station’s forms-handling throat depth. The Fiscal Printer Control
nevertheless addresses this printer functionality as a slip station.

Configuration and initialization of the fiscal memory of the printer are not covered
in this specification. These low-level operations must be performed by authorized
technical assistance personnel.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
196 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

General Requirements
Fiscal printers do not simply print text similar to standard printers. They are used
to monitor and memorize all fiscal information about a sale transaction. A fiscal
printer has to accumulate totals, discounts, number of canceled receipts, taxes, etc.
In order to perform these functions, it is not sufficient to send unformatted strings
of text to the printer; there is a need to separate each individual field in a receipt
line item, thus differentiating between descriptions, prices and discounts.
Moreover, it is necessary to define different printing commands for each different
sale functionality (such as refund, item or void).
Fiscal rules are different among countries. This interface tries to generalize these
requirements by summarizing the common requirements. Fiscal law requires that:
• Fiscal receipts must be printed and given to the customer.
• Fiscal printers must be equipped with memory to store daily totals. Each
receipt line item must increment totals registers and, in most countries
(Greece, Poland, Brazil, Hungary and Turkey) tax registers as well.
• Discounts, canceled items and canceled receipts must increment their
associated registers on the printer.
• Fiscal printer must include a clock to store date and time information relative
to each single receipt.
• Each fiscal receipt line item is printed both on the receipt and on the journal.
(Italy, Greece, Poland)
• After a power failure (or a turn off) the fiscal printer must be in the same state
as it was before this event occurred. This implies that care must be taken in
managing the fiscal printer status and that power failure events must be
managed by the application. In some countries, a power failure must be
logged and a report must be printed.
General Information 197

Printer Modes
According to fiscal rules, it is possible for a fiscal printer to also offer functionality
beyond the required fiscal printing mode. These additional modes are optional and
may or may not be present on any particular fiscal printer.
There are three possible printer modes:
• Fiscal: This is the only required mode for a fiscal printer. In this mode the
application has access to all the methods needed to manage a sale transaction
and to print a fiscal receipt. It is assumed that any lines printed to the receipt
station while in fiscal mode are also printed on the journal station.
• Training: In this mode, the printer is used for training purposes (such as
cashier training). In this mode, the printer will accept fiscal commands but the
printer will indicate on each receipt or document that the transaction is not an
actual fiscal transaction. The printer will not update any of its internal fiscal
registers while in training mode. Such printed receipts are usually marked as
“training” receipts by fiscal printers. CapTrainingMode will be true if the
printer supports training mode.
• Non-Fiscal: In this mode the printer can be used to print simple text on the
receipt station (echoed on the journal station) or the slip station. The printer
will print some additional lines along with the application requested output to
indicate that this output is not of a fiscal nature. Such printed receipts are
usually marked as “non-fiscal” receipts by fiscal printers.
CapNonFiscalMode will be true if the printer supports non-fiscal printing.

The Fiscal Printer follows the output model for devices, with some enhancements:
• Most methods are always performed synchronously. Synchronous methods
will throw a JposException if asynchronous output is outstanding.
• The following methods are performed either synchronously or
asynchronously, depending on the value of the AsyncMode property:
When AsyncMode is false, then these methods print synchronously.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
198 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

When AsyncMode is true, then these methods operate as follows:

• The Device buffers the request, sets the OutputID property to an
identifier for this request, and returns as soon as possible. When the
device completes the request successfully, the OutputCompleteEvent is
enqueued. A parameter of this event contains the OutputID of the
completed request.
Asynchronous printer methods will not throw an JposException due to a printing
problem, such as out of paper or printer fault. These errors will only be reported
by an ErrorEvent. A JposException is thrown only if the printer is not claimed
and enabled, a parameter is invalid, or the request cannot be enqueued. The first
two error cases are due to an application error, while the last is a serious system
resource exception.
• If an error occurs while performing an asynchronous request, an
ErrorEvent is enqueued. The ErrorStation property is set to the station
or stations that were printing when the error occurred. The ErrorLevel,
ErrorString and ErrorState and ErrorOutID properties are also set.
The event handler may call synchronous print methods (but not asynchronous
methods), then can either retry the outstanding output or clear it.
• Asynchronous output is performed on a first-in first-out basis.
• All output buffered may be deleted by calling the clearOutput method.
OutputCompleteEvents will not be delivered for cleared output. This
method also stops any output that may be in progress (when possible).
• The property FlagWhenIdle may be set to cause a StatusUpdateEvent
to be enqueued when all outstanding outputs have finished, whether
successfully or because they were cleared.
Error Model
The printer error reporting model is as follows:
• Most of the fiscal printer error conditions are reported by setting the
exception’s (or ErrorEvent’s) ErrorCode to JPOS_E_EXTENDED and then
setting ErrorCodeExtended to one of the following:
The printer cover is open.
The journal station has run out of paper.
The receipt station has run out of paper.
The slip station has run out of paper.
Some of the other devices that according to the local fiscal legislation are
to be connected are missing. In some countries in order to use a fiscal
printer a full set of peripheral devices are to be connected to the POS (such
as cash drawer and customer display). In case one of these devices is not
present, sales are not allowed.
General Information 199

The requested method could not be executed in the printer’s current state.
The printer has encountered a severe error condition. Calling for printer
technical assistance is required.
The printer’s internal clock has failed.
The printer’s fiscal memory has been exhausted.
The printer’s fiscal memory has been disconnected.
The Grand Total in working memory does not match the one in the
The quantity parameter is invalid.
The amount parameter is invalid.
The description parameter is either too long, contains illegal characters or
contains a reserved word.
The receipt total has overflowed.
The vat parameter is invalid.

The price parameter is invalid.
The date parameter is invalid.
The printer’s computed total or subtotal is less than zero.
The description contains the reserved word.

• Other printer errors are reported by setting the exception’s (or ErrorEvent’s)
ErrorCode to JPOS_E_FAILURE or another error status. These failures are
typically due to a printer fault or jam, or to a more serious error.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
200 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Device Sharing
The Fiscal Printer is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before accessing many
printer-specific properties.
• The application must claim and enable the device before calling methods that
manipulate the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Printer States
As previously described, a fiscal printer is characterized by different printing
modes. Moreover, the set of commands that can be executed at a particular mo-
ment depends upon the current state of the printer.
The current state of the fiscal printer is kept in the PrinterState property.
The fiscal printer has the following states:
• Monitor:
This is a neutral state. From this state, it is possible to move to most of the
other printer states. After a successful call to the claim method and successful
setting of the DeviceEnabled property to true the printer should be in this state
unless there is a printer error.
• Fiscal Receipt:
The printer is processing a fiscal receipt. All printRec… methods are
available for use while in this state. This state is entered from the Monitor
state using the beginFiscalReceipt method.
• Fiscal Receipt Total:
The printer has already accepted at least one payment method, but the
receipt’s total amount has not yet been tendered. This state is entered from the
Fiscal Receipt state by use of the printRecTotal method. The printer
remains in this state while the total remains unpaid. This state can be left by
using the printRecTotal, printRecNotPaid or printRecVoid methods.
• Fiscal Receipt Ending:
The printer has completed the receipt up to the Total line. In this state, it may
be possible to print general messages using the printRecMessage method if
it is supported by the printer. This state is entered from the Fiscal Receipt
state via the printRecVoid method or from the Fiscal Receipt Total state
using either the printRecTotal, printRecNotPaid or printRecVoid
methods. This state is exited using the endFiscalReceipt method at which
time the printer returns to the Monitor state.
• Fiscal Document:
The printer is processing a fiscal document. The printer will accept the
printFiscalDocumentLine method while in this state. This state is entered
from the Monitor state using the beginFiscalDocument method. This state
is exited using the endFiscalDocument method at which time the printer
returns to the Monitor state.
General Information 201

• Monitor and TrainingModeActive are true:

The printer is being used for training purposes. All fiscal receipt and
document commands are available. This state is entered from the Monitor
state using the beginTraining method. This state is exited using the
endTraining method at which time the printer returns to the Monitor state.
• Fiscal Receipt and TrainingModeActive are true:
The printer is being used for training purposes and a receipt is currently
opened. To each line of the receipt, special text will be added in order to
differentiate it from a fiscal receipt.
• Fiscal Total and TrainingModeActive are true:
The printer is in training mode and receipt total is being handled.
• Fiscal ReceiptEnding and TrainingModeActive are true:
The printer is being used for training is in the receipt ending phase.
• NonFiscal:
The printer is printing non-fiscal output on either the receipt (echoed on the
journal) or the slip. In this state the printer will accept the printNormal
method. The printer prints a message that indicates that this is non-fiscal
output with all application text. This state is entered from the Monitor state
using the beginNonFiscal method. This state is exited using the
endNonFiscal method at which time the printer returns to the Monitor state.
• Fixed:
The printer is being used to print fixed, non-fiscal output to one of the printer’s
stations. In this state the printer will accept the printFixedOutput method.
This state is entered from the Monitor state using the beginFixedOutput
method. This state is exited using the endFixedOutput method at which time
the printer returns to the Monitor state.
• ItemList:
The printer is currently printing a line item report. In this state the printer will
accept the verifyItem method. This state is entered from the Monitor state
using the beginItemList method. This state is exited using the endItemList
method at which time the printer returns to the Monitor state.
• Report:
The printer is currently printing one of the supported types of reports. This
state is entered from the Monitor state using one of the printReport,
printPeriodicTotalsReport, printPowerLossReport, printXReport or
printZReport methods. When the report print completes, the printer
automatically returns to Monitor state.
• FiscalSystemBlocked:
The printer is no longer operational due to one of the following reasons:
• The printer has been disconnected or has lost power.
• The printer’s fiscal memory has been exhausted.
• The printer’s internal data has become inconsistent.
In this state the printer will only accept methods to print reports and retrieve
data. The printer cannot exit this state without the assistance of an authorized
When the application sets the property DeviceEnabled to true it also monitors its
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
202 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

current state. In a standard situation, the PrinterState property is set to

FPTR_PS_MONITOR after a successfully setting DeviceEnabled to true. This
indicates that there was no interrupted operation remaining in the printer. If the
printer is not in the FPTR_PS_MONITOR state, the state reflects the printer's
interrupted operation and the PowerState property is set to JPOS_PS_OFF. In
this situation, it is necessary to force the printer to a normal state by calling the
resetPrinter method. This means that a power failure occurred or the last
application that accessed the device left it in a not clear state. Notice that even in
this case the method returns successfully after setting DeviceEnabled to true. It
is required that the application checks the PowerState property and checks for a
received StatusUpdateEvent with the value JPOS_SUE_POWER_OFF in the
Status property after successfully setting the DeviceEnabled property.
Document Printing
Using a fiscal printer’s slip station it may be possible (depending upon the printer’s
capabilities and on special fiscal rules) to print the following kinds of documents:
• Fiscal Documents:
In order to print fiscal documents an amount value must be sent to the printer
and recorded by it. CapSlpFiscalDocument will be true if the printer supports
printing fiscal documents. If fiscal documents are supported they may be
either full length (if CapSlpFullSlip is true) or validation (if
CapSlpValidation is true). The actual selection is made using the
SlipSelection property but only one totalizer is assigned to all the fiscal
• Non-Fiscal Full Length Documents:
Full-length slip documents may be printed if CapSlpFullSlip is true and
SlipSelection is set to FPTR_SS_FULL_LENGTH.
• Non-Fiscal Validation Documents:
Validation documents may be printed if CapSlpValidation is true and
SlipSelection is set to FPTR_SS_VALIDATION.
• Fixed Text Documents:
Fixed text documents may be printed if CapFixedOutput is true. If fixed text
documents are supported they may be either full length (if CapSlpFullSlip is
true) or validation (if CapSlpValidation is true). The actual selection is made
using the SlipSelection property.

Ordering of Fiscal Receipt Print Requests

A fiscal receipt is started using the beginFiscalReceipt method. If
CapIndependentHeader is true, then it is up to the application to decide if the
fiscal receipt header lines are to be printed at this time or not. Otherwise, the
header lines are printed immediately prior to the first line item inside a fiscal
receipt. Printing the header lines at this time will decrease the amount of time
required to process the first fiscal receipt print method, but it may result in more
receipt voids as well. The beginFiscalReceipt method may only be called if the
printer is currently in the Monitor state and this call will change the printer’s
current state to Fiscal Receipt.
Before selling the first line item, it is possible to exit from the fiscal receipt state
General Information 203

by calling the endFiscalReceipt method. If header lines have already been printed,
this method will cause also receipt voiding.
Once the first line item has been printed and the printer remains in the Fiscal Re-
ceipt state, the following fiscal print methods are available:

The printRecItem, printRecItemAdjustment, printRecRefund,

printRecSubtotal, printRecSubtotalAdjustment and printRecVoidItem will
leave the printer in the Fiscal Receipt state. The printRecNotPaid (only available
if CapReceiptNotPaid is true) and printRecTotal methods will change the
printer’s state to either Fiscal Receipt Total or Fiscal Receipt Ending, depending
upon whether the entire receipt total has been met. The printRecVoid method will
change the printer’s state to Fiscal Receipt Ending.
While in the Fiscal Receipt Total state the following fiscal print methods are avail-

The printRecNotPaid (only available if CapReceiptNotPaid is true) and

printRecTotal methods will either leave the printer in the Fiscal Receipt Total
state or change the printer’s state to Fiscal Receipt Ending, depending upon
whether the entire receipt total has been met. The printRecVoid method will
change the printer’s state to Fiscal Receipt Ending.
While in the Fiscal Receipt Ending state the following fiscal methods are avail-

The printRecMessage method is only available if CapAdditionalLines is true

and this method will leave the printer in the Fiscal Receipt Ending state. The
endFiscalReceipt will cause receipt closing and will then change the printer’s
state to Monitor.
At no time can the printer’s total for the receipt be negative. If this occurs the fiscal
printer will generate an ErrorEvent.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
204 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Receipt Layouts
The following is an example of a typical receipt layout:
• Header Lines:
Header lines contain all of the information about the store, such as telephone
number, address and name of the store. All of these lines are fixed and are
defined before selling the first item (using the setHeaderLine method).
These lines may either be printed when the beginFiscalReceipt method is
called or when the first fiscal receipt method is called.
• Transaction Lines:
All of the lines of a fiscal transaction, such as line items, discounts and
• Total Line:
The line containing the transaction total, tender amounts and possibly change
• Trailer Lines:
These are fixed promotional messages stored on the printer (using the
setTrailerLine method). They are automatically printed when the
endFiscalReceipt method is called. Note that the fiscal logotype, date and
time and serial number lines are not considered part of the trailer lines. In fact,
depending upon fiscal legislation and upon the printer vendor, the relative
position of the trailer and the fiscal logotype lines can vary. Information
which has to be inserted in the receipt due to fiscal legislation is automatically
printed at receipt closure.
General Information 205

Example of a fiscal receipt:

VAT Tables
Some fiscal printers support storing VAT (Value Added Tax) tables in the
printer’s memory. Some of these printers will allow the application to set and
modify any of the table entries. Others allow only adding new table entries but do
not allow existing entries to be modified. Some printers allow the VAT table to
bet set only once.
If the printer supports VAT tables, CapHasVatTable is true. If the printer allows
the VAT table entries to be set or modified CapSetVatTable is true. The
maximum number of different vat rate entries in the VAT table is given by the
NumVatRates property. VAT tables are set through a two step process. First the
application uses the setVatValue method to set each table entry to be sent to the
Next, the setVatTable method is called to send the entire VAT table to the printer
at one time.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
206 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Receipt Duplication
In some countries, fiscal legislation can allow printing more than one copy of the
same receipt. CapDuplicateReceipt will be true if the printer is capable of
printing duplicate receipts. Then, setting DuplicateReceipt true causes the
buffering of all receipt printing commands. DuplicateReceipt is set false after
receipt closing. In order to print the receipt again the printDuplicateReceipt
method has to be called.

Currency amounts, percentage amounts, VAT rates, and quantity

• Currency amounts (and also prices) are passed as values with the data type
long. This is a 64 bit signed integer value that implicitly assumes four digits
as the fractional part. For example, an actual value of 12345 represents 1.2345.
So, the range supported is

The fractional part used in the calculation unit of a Fiscal Printer may differ
from the long data type. The number of digits in the fractional part is stored in
the AmountDecimalPlaces property and determined by the Fiscal Printer.
The application has to take care that calculations in the application use the
same fractional part for amounts.
• If CapHasVatTable is true, VAT rates are passed using the indexes that were
sent to the setVatValue method.
• If CapHasVatTable is false, VAT rates are passed as amounts with the data
type int. The number of digits in the fractional part is implicitly assumed to be
• Percentage amounts are used in methods which allow also surcharge and/or
discount amounts. If the amounts are specified to be a percentage value the
value is also passed in a parameter of type long.
• The percentage value has (as given by the long data type) four digits in the
fractional part. It is the percentage (0.0001% to 99.9999%) multiplied by
• Quantity amounts are passed as values with the data type int. The number of
digits in the fractional part is stored in the QuantityDecimalPlaces property
and determined by the Fiscal Printer.
Properties 207

AmountDecimalPlaces Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of decimal digits that the fiscal device uses for calculations.
This property is initialized when the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

AsyncMode Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, then some print methods like printRecItemAdjustment, printRecItem,
printNormal, etc. will be performed asynchronously.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Model” on page 197 for the output model description.

CapAdditionalLines Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports the printing of application defined lines on a fiscal
receipt between the total line and the end of the fiscal receipt.
If true, then after all totals lines are printed it is possible to print application-
defined strings, such as the ones used for fidelity cards. In this case, after the total
lines are printed, the PrinterState property is set to ReceiptEnding and
printRecMessage can be called.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
208 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

CapAmountAdjustment Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer handles fixed amount discounts or fixed amount surcharges
on items.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapAmountNotPaid Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer allows the recording of not paid amounts.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapCheckTotal Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then automatic comparison of the printer’s total and the application’s total
can be enabled and disabled. If false, then the automatic comparison cannot be
enabled and is always considered disabled.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapCoverSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer has a “cover open” sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 209

CapDoubleWidth Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer can print double width characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapDuplicateReceipt Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer allows printing more than one copy of the same fiscal
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapFixedOutput Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports fixed format text printing through the
beginFixedOutput, printFixedOutput and endFixedOutput methods.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapHasVatTable Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer has a tax table.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
210 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

CapIndependentHeader Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports printing the fiscal receipt header lines before the
first fiscal receipt command is processed.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapItemList Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer can print a report of items of a specified VAT class.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal has an out-of-paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnNearEndSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal has a low paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 211

CapJrnPresent Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal print station is present.
Unlike POS printers, on fiscal printers the application is not able to directly access
the journal. The fiscal printer itself prints on the journal if present.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapNonFiscalMode Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer allows printing in non-fiscal mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapOrderAdjustmentFirst Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If false, the application has to call printRecItem first and then call
printRecItemAdjustment to give a discount or a surcharge for a single article.
If true, the application has to call printRecItemAdjustment first and then call
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapPercentAdjustment Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer handles percentage discounts or percentage surcharges on
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
212 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

CapPositiveAdjustment Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to apply surcharges via the printRecItemAdjustment
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapPowerLossReport Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer can print a power loss report using the
printPowerLossReport method.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapPredefinedPaymentLines Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the printer can store and print predefined payment descriptions.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapReceiptNotPaid Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports using the printRecNotPaid method to specify a
part of the receipt total that is not paid.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 213

CapRecEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt has an out-of-paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecNearEndSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt has a low paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecPresent Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt print station is present.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRemainingFiscalMemory Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports using the RemainingFiscalMemory property to
show the amount of Fiscal Memory remaining. If false, the printer does not
support reporting the Fiscal Memory status of the printer.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
214 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

CapReservedWord Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer prints a reserved word (for example, “TOTALE”) before
printing the total amount.
If true, the reserved word is stored in the ReservedWord property. This reserved
word may not be printed using any fiscal print method.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSetHeader Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the setHeaderLine method to initialize the
contents of a particular line of the receipt header.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSetPOSID Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the setPOSID method to initialize the values of
POSID and CashierID. These values are printed on each fiscal receipt.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSetStoreFiscalID Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the setStoreFiscalID method to set up the Fiscal
ID number which will be printed on each fiscal receipt.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 215

CapSetTrailer Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the setTrailerLine method to initialize the
contents of a particular line of the receipt trailer.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSetVatTable Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the setVatValue and setVatTable methods to
modify the contents of the printer’s VAT table. Some printers may not allow
existing VAT table entries to be modified. Only new entries may be set on these
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip has a “slip in” sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpFiscalDocument Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer allows fiscal printing to the slip station.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
216 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

CapSlpFullSlip Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports printing full length forms on the slip station.
It is possible to choose between full slip and validation documents by setting the
SlipSelection property.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpNearEndSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip has a “slip near end” sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpPresent Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer has a slip station.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpValidation Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports printing validation information on the slip station.
It is possible to choose between full slip and validation documents by setting the
SlipSelection property. In some countries, when printing non fiscal validations
using the slip station a limited number of lines could be printed.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 217

CapSubAmountAdjustment Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer handles fixed amount discounts on the subtotal.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSubPercentAdjustment Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer handles percentage discounts on the subtotal.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSubtotal Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the printRecSubtotal method to print the current
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapTrainingMode Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer supports a training mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
218 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

CapValidateJournal Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the printNormal method to print a validation
string on the journal station.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapXReport Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then it is possible to use the printXReport method to print an X report.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CheckTotal Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, automatic comparison between the fiscal printer’s total and the
application’s total is enabled. If false, automatic comparison is disabled. This
property is only valid if CapCheckTotal is true.
This property is initialized to true by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Setting this property is not valid for this Service (see
Properties 219

CountryCode Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a value identifying which countries are supported by this Device Service. It
can contain any of the following values logically ORed together:
Value Meaning

FPTR_CC_BRAZIL The printer supports Brazil’s fiscal rules.

FPTR_CC_GREECE The printer supports Greece’s fiscal rules.
FPTR_CC_HUNGARY The printer supports Hungary’s fiscal rules.
FPTR_CC_ITALY The printer supports Italy’s fiscal rules.
FPTR_CC_POLAND The printer supports Poland’s fiscal rules.
FPTR_CC_TURKEY The printer supports Turkey’s fiscal rules.

This property is initialized by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CoverOpen Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer’s cover is open.
If CapCoverSensor is false, then the printer does not have a cover open sensor
and this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

DayOpened Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the fiscal day has been started on the printer.
The Fiscal Day of the printer can be either opened or not opened. The DayOpened
property reflects whether or not the printer considers its Fiscal Day to be opened
or not.

Some methods may only be called while the Fiscal Day is not yet opened
(DayOpened is false). Methods that can be called after the Fiscal Day is opened
change from country to country. Usually all the configuration methods are to be
called only before the Fiscal Day is opened.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
220 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Depending on fiscal legislation, some of the following methods may be allowed

only if the printer has not yet begun its Fiscal Day:
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

DescriptionLength Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of characters that may be passed as a description
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

DuplicateReceipt Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, all the printing commands inside a fiscal receipt will be buffered and they
can be printed again via the printDuplicateReceipt method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 221

ErrorLevel Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the severity of the error condition.
This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

FPTR_EL_NONE No error condition is present.

A recoverable error has occurred.
(Example: Out of paper.)
FPTR_EL_FATAL A non-recoverable error has occurred.
(Example: Internal printer failure.)
FPTR_EL_BLOCKED A severe hardware failure which can be resolved only by
authorized technicians. (Example: Fiscal memory
failure.). This error can not be recovered.

This property is set just before delivering an ErrorEvent. When the error is
cleared, then the property is changed to FPTR_EL_NONE.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

ErrorOutID Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the identifier of the output in the queue which caused an ErrorEvent, when
using asynchronous printing.
This property is set just before an ErrorEvent is delivered.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

ErrorState Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the current state of the printer when an ErrorEvent is delivered for an
asynchronous output.
This property is set just before an ErrorEvent is delivered.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PrinterState Property.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
222 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

ErrorStation Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the station or stations that were printing when an error was detected.
This property will be set to one of the following values: FPTR_S_JOURNAL,
This property is only valid if the ErrorLevel is not equal to PTR_EL_NONE. It is
set just before delivering an ErrorEvent.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

ErrorString Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a vendor-supplied description of the current error.
This property is set just before delivering an ErrorEvent. If no description is
available, the property is set to an empty string. When the error is cleared, then the
property is changed to an empty string.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

FlagWhenIdle Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, a StatusUpdateEvent will be enqueued when the device is in the idle state.
This property is automatically reset to false when the status event is delivered.
The main use of idle status event that is controlled by this property is to give the
application control when all outstanding asynchronous outputs have been
processed. The event will be enqueued if the outputs were completed successfully
or if they were cleared by the clearOutput method or by an ErrorEvent handler.
If the State is already set to JPOS_S_IDLE when this property is set to true, then
a StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued immediately. The application can therefore
depend upon the event, with no race condition between the starting of its last
asynchronous output and the setting of this flag.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 223

JrnEmpty Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the journal is out of paper. If false, journal paper is present.
If CapJrnEmptySensor is false, then the value of this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also JrnNearEnd Property

JrnNearEnd Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the journal paper is low. If false, journal paper is not low.
If CapJrnNearEndSensor is false, then the value of this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also JrnEmpty Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
224 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

MessageLength Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of characters that may be passed as a message line in
the method printRecMessage. The value may change in different modes of the
fiscal printer. For example in the mode “Fiscal Receipt” the number of characters
may be bigger than in the mode “Fiscal Receipt Total.”
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

NumHeaderLines Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of header lines that can be printed for each fiscal
receipt. Header lines usually contain information like store address, store name,
store Fiscal ID. Each header line is set using the setHeaderLine method and
remains set even after the printer is switched off. Header lines are automatically
printed when a fiscal receipt is initiated using the beginFiscalReceipt method or
when the first line item inside a receipt is sold.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

NumTrailerLines Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of trailer lines that can be printed for each fiscal
receipt. Trailer lines are usually promotional messages. Each trailer line is set
using the setTrailerLine method and remains set even after the printer is switched
off. Trailer lines are automatically printed either after the last printRecTotal or
when a fiscal receipt is closed using the endFiscalReceipt method.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 225

NumVatRates Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of vat rates that can be entered into the printer’s Vat
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

PredefinedPaymentLines Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the list of all possible words to be used as indexes of the predefined payment
lines (for example, “a, b, c, d, z”). Those indexes are used in the printRecTotal
method for the description parameter.
If CapPredefinedPaymentLines is true, only predefined payment lines are
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

PrinterState Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the printer’s current operational state. This property controls which methods
are currently legal.
Values are:
Value Meaning

FPTR_PS_MONITOR If TrainingModeActive is false:

The printer is currently not in a specific operational
mode. In this state the printer will accept any of the
begin… methods as well as the set… methods.
If TrainingModeActive is true:
The printer is currently being used for training purposes.
In this state the printer will accept any of the printRec…
methods or the endTraining method.
If TrainingModeActive is false:
The printer is currently processing a fiscal receipt. In
this state the printer will accept any of the printRec…
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
226 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

If TrainingModeActive is true:
The printer is currently being used for training purposes
and a fiscal receipt is currently opened.
If TrainingModeActive is false:
The printer has already accepted at least one payment,
but the total has not been completely paid. In this state
the printer will accept either the printRecTotal or
printRecNotPaid methods.
If TrainingModeActive is true:
The printer is currently being used for training purposes
and the printer has already accepted at least one
payment, but the total has not been completely paid.
If TrainingModeActive is false:
The printer has completed the receipt up to the total line.
In this state the printer will accept either the
printRecMessage or endFiscalReceipt methods.
If TrainingModeActive is true:
The printer is currently being used for training purposes
and a fiscal receipt is going to be closed.
The printer is currently processing a fiscal slip. In this
state the printer will accept either the
printFiscalDocumentLine or endFiscalDocument
The printer is currently processing fixed text output to
one or more stations. In this state the printer will accept
either the printFixedOutput or endFixedOutput
FPTR_PS_ITEM_LIST The printer is currently processing an item list report. In
this state the printer will accept either the verifyItem or
endItemList methods.
FPTR_PS_NONFISCAL The printer is currently processing non-fiscal output to
one or more stations. In this state the printer will accept
either the printNormal or endNonFiscal methods.
FPTR_PS_LOCKED The printer has encountered a non-recoverable hardware
problem. An authorized printer technician must be
contacted to exit this state.
FPTR_PS_REPORT The printer is currently processing a fiscal report. In this
state the printer will not accept any methods until the
report has completed.
Properties 227

There are a few methods that are accepted in any state except
FPTR_PS_LOCKED. These are beginInsertion, endInsertion, beginRemoval,
endRemoval, getDate, getData, getTotalizer, getVatEntry, resetPrinter and
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Printer States” on page 200.

QuantityDecimalPlaces Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of decimal digits in the fractional part that should be assumed
to be in any quantity parameter.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

QuantityLength Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of digits that may be passed as a quantity parameter,
including both the whole and fractional parts.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

RecEmpty Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the receipt is out of paper. If false, receipt paper is present.
If CapRecEmptySensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecNearEnd Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
228 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

RecNearEnd Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the receipt paper is low. If false, receipt paper is not low.
If CapRecNearEndSensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecEmpty Property

RemainingFiscalMemory Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the remaining counter of Fiscal Memory.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled and may
be updated by printZReport method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CapRemainingFiscalMemory Property
Properties 229

ReservedWord Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the string that is automatically printed with the total when the
printRecTotal method is called. This word may not occur in any string that is
passed into any fiscal output methods.
This property is only valid if CapReservedWord is true.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

SlpEmpty Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, a slip form is not present. If false, a slip form is present.
If CapSlpEmptySensor is false, then this property is always false.

This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.


The “slip empty” sensor should be used primarily to determine whether a form has
been inserted before printing. It can also be monitored to determine whether a
form is still in place. This sensor is usually placed one or more print lines above
the slip print head.

However, the “slip near end” sensor (when present) should be used to determine
when nearing the end of the slip. This sensor is usually placed one or more print
lines below the slip print head.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpNearEnd Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
230 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

SlpNearEnd Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the slip form is near its end. If false, the slip form is not near its end. The
“near end” sensor is also sometimes called the “trailing edge” sensor, referring to
the bottom edge of the slip.
If CapSlpNearEndSensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
However, the “slip near end” sensor (when present) should be used to determine
when nearing the end of the slip. This sensor is usually placed one or more print
lines below the slip print head.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpEmpty Property

SlipSelection Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Selects the kind of document to be printed on the slip station.
This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Print full length documents.
Print validation documents.

This property is initialized to FPTR_SS_FULL_LENGTH by the claim method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 231

TrainingModeActive Property R
Type boolean
Remarks Holds the current printer's operational state concerning the training mode.
Training mode allows all fiscal commands, but each receipt is marked as non-
fiscal and no internal printer registers are updated with any data while in training
mode. Some countries' fiscal rules require that all blank characters on a training
mode receipt be printed as some other character. Italy, for example, requires that
all training mode receipts print a "?" instead of a blank.
This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

true The printer is currently in training mode. That means no

data are written into the EPROM of the fiscal printer.
false The printer is currently in normal mode. All printed
receipts will also update the fiscal memory.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
232 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

beginFiscalDocument Method
Syntax void beginFiscalDocument (int documentAmount) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

documentAmount Amount of document to be stored by the printer.

Remarks Initiates fiscal printing to the slip station.

This method is only supported if CapSlpFiscalDocument is true.
The slip paper must be inserted into the slip station using begin/endInsertion
before calling this method.
Each fiscal line will be printed using the printFiscalDocumentLine method.
If this method is successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The slip station does not exist (see the CapSlpPresent
property) or the printer does not support fiscal output to
the slip station (see the CapSlpFiscalDocument

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EFPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
There is no paper in the slip station.

ErrorCodeExtended =
The documentAmount parameter is invalid.

See Also endFiscalDocument Method, printFiscalDocumentLine Method

AmountDecimalPlaces Property
Methods 233

beginFiscalReceipt Method
Syntax void beginFiscalReceipt (boolean printHeader) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

printHeader Indicates if the header lines are to be printed at this time.

Remarks Initiates fiscal printing to the receipt station.

If printHeader and CapIndependentHeader are both true all defined header lines
will be printed before control is returned. Otherwise, header lines will be printed
when the first item is sold.
If this method is successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

See Also endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods, CapIndependentHeader

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
234 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

beginFixedOutput Method
Syntax void beginFixedOutput (int station, int documentType) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be either

documentType Identifier of a document stored in the printer.

Remarks Initiates non-fiscal fixed text printing on a printer station.

This method is only supported if CapFixedOutput is true.
If the station parameter is FPTR_S_SLIP, the slip paper must be inserted into the
slip station using begin/endInsertion before calling this method.
Each fixed output will be printed using the printFixedOutput method. If this
method is successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to
FPTR_PS_FIXED_OUTPUT. The endFixedOutput method ends fixed output
modality and resets PrinterState.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

Station does not exist (see the CapSlpPresent


Printer does not support fixed output (see the

CapFixedOutput property).

Station parameter is invalid.

DocumentType is invalid.
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

There is no paper in the slip station.

See Also endFixedOutput Method, printFixedOutput Method

Methods 235

beginInsertion Method
Syntax void beginInsertion (int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

timeout The timeout parameter gives the number of milliseconds

before failing the method.
If zero, the method tries to begin insertion mode, then returns the appropriate status
immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method tries to begin insertion mode,
then waits as long as needed until either the form is inserted or an error occurs.

Remarks Initiates slip processing.

When called, the slip station is made ready to receive a form by opening the form’s
handling “jaws” or activating a form insertion mode. This method is paired with
the endInsertion method for controlling form insertion.
If the printer device cannot be placed into insertion mode, a JposException is
thrown. Otherwise, the Device continues to monitor form insertion until either:
• The form is successfully inserted.
• The form is not inserted before timeout milliseconds have elapsed, or an error
is reported by the printer device. In this case, a JposException is thrown with
an ErrorCode of JPOS_E_TIMEOUT or another value. The printer device re-
mains in form insertion mode. This allows an application to perform some
user interaction and reissue the beginInsertion method without altering the
form handling mechanism.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The slip station does not exist (see the CapSlpPresent
property) or an invalid timeout parameter was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The specified time has elapsed without the form being
properly inserted.
See Also endInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method, endRemoval Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
236 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

beginItemList Method
Syntax void beginItemList (int vatID) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

vatID Vat identifier for reporting.

Remarks Initiates a validation report of items belonging to a particular VAT class.

This method is only supported if CapItemList is true. If this method is successful,
PrinterState will be changed to FPTR_PS_ITEM_LIST. After this method, only
verifyItem and endItemList methods may be called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support an item list report (see the
CapItemList property) or the printer does not support
VAT tables (see the CapHasVatTable property).

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

The vatID parameter is invalid.

See Also endItemList Method, verifyItem Method

Methods 237

beginNonFiscal Method
Syntax void beginNonFiscal () throws JposException;
Remarks Initiates non-fiscal operations on the printer.
This method is only supported if CapNonFiscalMode is true. Output in this mode
is accomplished using the printNormal method. This method can be successfully
called only if the current value of the PrinterState property is
FPTR_PS_MONITOR. If this method is successful, the PrinterState property
will be changed to FPTR_PS_NONFISCAL. In order to stop non fiscal modality
endNonFiscal method should be called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support non-fiscal output (see the
CapNonFiscalMode property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

See Also endNonFiscal Method, printNormal Method

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
238 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

beginRemoval Method
Syntax void beginRemoval (int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

timeout The timeout parameter gives the number of milliseconds

before failing the method.
If zero, the method tries to begin removal mode, then returns the appropriate status
immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method tries to begin removal mode,
then waits as long as needed until either the form is removed or an error occurs.
Remarks Initiates form removal processing.
When called, the printer is made ready to remove a form by opening the form
handling “jaws” or activating a form ejection mode. This method is paired with
the endRemoval method for controlling form removal.
If the printer device cannot be placed into removal or ejection mode, a
JposException is thrown. Otherwise, the Device continues to monitor form
removal until either:
• The form is successfully removed.
• The form is not removed before timeout milliseconds have elapsed, or an error
is reported by the printer device. In this case, a JposException is thrown with
an ErrorCode of JPOS_E_TIMEOUT or another value. The printer device
remains in form removal mode. This allows an application to perform some
user interaction and reissue the beginRemoval method without altering the
form handling mechanism.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not have a slip station (see the
CapSlpPresent property) or an invalid timeout
parameter was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The specified time has elapsed without the form being
properly removed.
See Also beginInsertion Method, endInsertion Method, endRemoval Method
Methods 239

beginTraining Method
Syntax void beginTraining () throws JposException;

Remarks Initiates training operations.

This method is only supported if CapTrainingMode is true. Output in this mode
is accomplished using the printRec… methods in order to print a receipt or other
methods to print reports. This method can be successfully called only if the current
value of the PrinterState property is FPTR_PS_MONITOR. If this method is
successful, the TrainingModeActive property will be changed to true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support training mode (see the
CapTrainingMode property).

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

See Also endTraining Method, printRec… Methods

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
240 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

clearError Method
Syntax void clearError () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears all printer error conditions. This method is always performed
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE Error recovery failed.

endFiscalDocument Method
Syntax void endFiscalDocument () throws JposException;
Remarks Terminates fiscal printing to the slip station.
This method is only supported if CapSlpFiscalDocument is true. If this method
is successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support fiscal output to the slip
station (see the CapSlpFiscalDocument property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Document state.

See Also beginFiscalDocument Method, printFiscalDocumentLine Method

Methods 241

endFiscalReceipt Method
Syntax void endFiscalReceipt (boolean printHeader) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

printHeader Indicates if the header lines are to be printed at this time.

Remarks Terminates fiscal printing to the receipt station.

If printHeader is false, this method will close the current fiscal receipt, cut it, and
print the trailer lines and fiscal logotype, if they were not already printed after the
total lines. All functions carried out by this method will be completed before this
call returns. If this method is successful, the PrinterState property will be
changed to FPTR_PS_MONITOR.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt Ending
See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods

endFixedOutput Method
Syntax void endFixedOutput () throws JposException;
Remarks Terminates non-fiscal fixed text printing on a printer station.
This method is only supported if CapFixedOutput is true. If this method is
successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to FPTR_PS_MONITOR.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorsCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support fixed output (see the
CapFixedOutput property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fixed Output state.

See Also beginFixedOutput Method, printFixedOutput Method

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
242 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

endInsertion Method
Syntax void endInsertion () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends form insertion processing.
When called, the printer is taken out of form insertion mode. If the slip device has
forms “jaws,” they are closed by this method. If no form is present, a
JposException is thrown with its ErrorCodeExtended property set to
This method is paired with the beginInsertion method for controlling form
insertion. The application may choose to call this method immediately after a
successful beginInsertion if it wants to use the printer sensors to determine when
a form is positioned within the slip printer. Alternatively, the application may
prompt the user and wait for a key press before calling this method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer is not in slip insertion mode.

JPOS_E_EXTENDED ErrorCodeExtended =
The device was taken out of insertion mode while the
printer cover was open.

The device was taken out of insertion mode without a
form being inserted.

See Also beginInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method, endRemoval Method

Methods 243

endItemList Method
Syntax void endItemList () throws JposException;
Remarks Terminates a validation report of items belonging to a particular VAT class.
This method is only supported if CapItemList is true and CapHasVatTable is
This method is paired with the beginItemList method.
This method can be successfully called only if current value of PrinterState
property is equal to FPTR_PS_ITEM_LIST.
If this method is successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support fixed output (see the
CapItemList property) or the printer does not support
VAT tables (see the CapHasVatTable property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

See Also beginItemList Method, verifyItem Method

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
244 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

endNonFiscal Method
Syntax void endNonFiscal () throws JposException;
Remarks Terminates non-fiscal operations on one printer station.
This method is only supported if CapNonFiscalMode is true. If this method is
successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to FPTR_PS_MONITOR.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support non-fiscal output (see the
CapNonFiscalMode property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Non-Fiscal state.

See Also beginNonFiscal Method, printNormal Method

Methods 245

endRemoval Method
Syntax void endRemoval () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends form removal processing.
When called, the printer is taken out of form removal or ejection mode. If a form
is present, a JposException is thrown with the ErrorCodeExtended property set to
This method is paired with the beginRemoval method for controlling form
removal. The application may choose to call this method immediately after a
successful beginRemoval if it wants to use the printer sensors to determine when
the form has been removed. Alternatively, the application may prompt the user
and wait for a key press before calling this method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer is not in slip removal mode.

JPOS_E_EXTENDED ErrorCodeExtended =
The device was taken out of removal mode while a form
was still present.

See Also beginInsertion Method, endInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
246 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

endTraining Method
Syntax void endTraining () throws JposException;
Remarks Terminates training operations on either the receipt or the slip station.
This method is only supported if CapTrainingMode is true. If this method is
successful, the TrainingModeActive property will be changed to false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support training mode (see the
CapTrainingMode property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Training state.

See Also beginTraining Method, printRec… Methods

Methods 247

getData Method
Syntax void getData (int dataItem, int [] optArgs, String[] data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

dataItem The specific data item to retrieve.

optArgs For some countries, this additional argument may be
needed. Consult the Service vendor's documentation for
data Character string to hold the data retrieved.
The dataItem parameter has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Get the current receipt total.
Get the daily total.
Get the number of fiscal receipts printed.
FPTR_GD_REFUND Get the current total of refunds.
FPTR_GD_NOT_PAID Get the current total of not paid receipts.
FPTR_GD_MID_VOID Get the total number of voided receipts.
FPTR_GD_Z_REPORT Get the Z report number.
Get the printer’s grand total.
Get the printer’s fiscal ID.
Get the printer’s firmware release number.
FPTR_GD_RESTART Get the printer’s restart count
Remarks Retrieves data from the printer’s fiscal module.
The data is returned in a string because some of the fields, such as the grand total,
might overflow a 4-byte integer.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The dataItem specified is invalid.

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
248 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

getDate Method
Syntax void getDate (String[] date) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

date Date and time returned as a string.

Remarks Gets the printer’s date and time.

The date and time are returned as a string in the format “ddmmyyyyhhmm”:

dd day of the month (1 - 31)

mm month (1 - 12)
yyyy year (1997-)
hh hour (0-23)
mm minutes (0-59)

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Retrieval of the date and time is not valid at this time.

getTotalizer Method
Syntax void getTotalizer (int vatID, int optArgs, String[] data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

vatID VAT identifier of the required totalizer.

optArgs For some countries, this additional argument may be
needed. Consult the JavaPOS Fiscal Printer Service
vendor's documentation for details.
data Totalizer returned as a string.
Remarks Gets the totalizer associated with the given VAT rate.
If CapSetVatTable is false, then only one totalizer is present.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The vatID parameter is invalid.

Methods 249

getVatEntry Method
Syntax void getVatEntry (int vatID, int optArgs, int[] vatRate) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

vatID VAT identifier of the required rate.

optArgs For some countries, this additional argument may be
needed. Consult the JavaPOS Fiscal Printer Service
vendor's documentation for details.
vatRate The rate associated with the VAT identifier.
Remarks Gets the rate associated with a given VAT identifier.
This method is only supported if CapSetVatTable is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The vatID parameter is invalid.

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
250 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

printDuplicateReceipt Method
Syntax void printDuplicateReceipt () throws JposException;
Remarks Prints a duplicate of a buffered transaction.
This method is only supported if CapDuplicateReceipt is true. This method will
succeed if both the CapDuplicateReceipt and DuplicateReceipt properties are
true. This method resets the DuplicateReceipt property to false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support duplicate receipts (see the
CapDuplicateReceipt property) or there is no buffered
transaction to print (see DuplicateReceipt property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Monitor state.

The journal station is out of paper.

The receipt station is out of paper.
Methods 251

printFiscalDocumentLine Method
Syntax void printFiscalDocumentLine (String documentLine) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

documentLine String to be printed on the fiscal slip.

Remarks Prints a line of fiscal text to the slip station.

This method is only supported if CapSlpFiscalDocument is true. This method is
performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if
AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support fiscal documents (see the
CapSlpFiscalDocument property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Document state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalDocument Method, endFiscalDocument Method

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
252 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

printFixedOutput Method
Syntax void printFixedOutput (int documentType, int lineNumber, String data)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

documentType Identifier of a document stored in the printer

lineNumber Number of the line in the document to print.
data String parameter for placement in printed line.
Remarks Prints a line of a fixed document to the print station specified in the
beginFixedOutput method. Each call prints a single line from a document by
merging the stored text with the parameter data. Within a document lines must be
printed sequentially. First and last lines are required; others may be optional.
This method is only supported if CapFixedOutput is true. The printer state is set
to FPTR_PS_FIXED_OUTPUT. This method is performed synchronously if
AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support fixed output (see the
CapFixedOutput property) or the lineNumber is
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fixed Output state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also beginFixedOutput Method, endFixedOutput Method
Methods 253

printNormal Method
Syntax void printNormal (int station, String data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be

data The characters to be printed. May consist mostly of
printable characters, escape sequences, carriage returns
(13 decimal), and line feeds (10 decimal).
Remarks Performs non-fiscal printing. Prints data on the printer station.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Special character values within Data are:
Value Meaning

Line Feed (\n) Print any data in the line buffer, and feed to the next print
line. (A Carriage Return is not required in order to cause
the line to be printed.)
Carriage Return (\r) If a Carriage Return immediately precedes a Line Feed,
or if the line buffer is empty, then it is ignored.
Otherwise, the line buffer is printed and the printer does
not feed to the next print line. On some printers, print
without feed may be directly supported. On others, a
print may always feed to the next line, in which case the
Device will print the line buffer and perform a reverse
line feed if supported. If the printer does not support
either of these features, then Carriage Return acts like a
Line Feed.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The specified station does not exist. (See the

CapJrnPresent, CapSlpPresent and CapRecPresent
JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only
applies if AsyncMode is false.)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
254 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Non-Fiscal state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station was specified but is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also beginNonFiscal Method, endNonFiscal Method, AsyncMode property
Methods 255

printPeriodicTotalsReport Method
Syntax void printPeriodicTotalsReport (String date1, String date2)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

date1 Starting date of report to print.

date2 Ending date of report to print.
Remarks Prints a report of totals for a range of dates on the receipt.
This method is always performed synchronously.
The dates are strings in the format “ddmmyyyyhhmm”, where:
dd day of the month (1 - 31)
mm month (1 - 12)
yyyy year (1997-)
hh hour (0-23)
mm minutes (0-59)
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

The journal station is out of paper.

The receipt station is out of paper.

One of the date parameters is invalid.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
256 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

printPowerLossReport Method
Syntax void printPowerLossReport () throws JposException;
Remarks Prints on the receipt a report of a power failure that resulted in a loss of data stored
in the CMOS of the printer.
This method is only supported if CapPowerLossReport is true. This method is
always performed synchronously.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support power loss reports (see the
CapPowerLossReport property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

The printer cover is open.

The journal station is out of paper.

The receipt station is out of paper.
Methods 257

printRecItem Method
Syntax void printRecItem (String description, long price, int quantity,
int vatInfo, long unitPrice, String unitName)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

description Text describing the item sold.

price Price of the line item.
quantity Number of items. If zero, a single item is assumed.
vatInfo VAT rate identifier or amount. If not used a zero is to be
unitPrice Price of each item. If not used a zero is to be transferred.
unitName Name of the unit i.e. “kg” or “ltr” or “pcs”. If not used
an empty string (““) is to be transferred
Remarks Prints a receipt item for a sold item. If the quantity parameter is zero, then a single
item quantity will be assumed.
Minimum parameters are description and price or description, price, quantity, and
unitPrice. Most countries require quantity and vatInfo and some countries also
require unitPrice and unitName. VatInfo parameter contains a VAT table identifier
if CapHasVatTable is true. Otherwise, it contains a VAT amount. This method
is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if
AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
258 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

ErrorCodeExtended =
The quantity is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The unit price is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The discount description is too long or contains a
reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The VAT parameter is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt total has overflowed.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,

AmountDecimalPlaces Property
Methods 259

printRecItemAdjustment Method
Syntax void printRecItemAdjustment (int adjustmentType, String description,
long amount, int vatInfo)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

adjustmentType Type of discount. See below for values.

description Text describing the discount.
amount Amount of the discount.
vatInfo VAT rate identifier or amount.
The adjustmentType parameter has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Fixed amount discount. The amount parameter contains
a currency value.
Fixed amount surcharge. The amount parameter
contains a currency value.
Percentage discount. The amount parameter contains a
percentage value.
Percentage surcharge. The amount parameter contains a
percentage value.

Remarks Applies and prints a discount or a surcharge to the last receipt item sold. This
discount may be either a fixed currency amount or a percentage amount relating
to the last item.
If CapOrderAdjustmentFirst is true, the method must be called before the
corresponding printRecItem method. If CapOrderAdjustmentFirst is false, the
method must be called after the printRecItem. This method is performed
synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
This discount/surcharge may be either a fixed currency amount or a percentage
amount relating to the last item. If the discount amount is greater than the receipt
subtotal, an error occurs since the subtotal can never be negative. In many
countries discount operations cause the printing of a fixed line of text expressing
the kind of operation that has been performed. Fixed amount discounts/surcharges
are only supported if CapAmountAdjustment is true. Percentage discounts are
only supported if CapPercentAdjustment is true.
The VatInfo parameter contains a VAT table identifier if CapHasVatTable is
true. Otherwise, it contains a VAT amount.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
260 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

The printer does not support fixed amount adjustments

(see the CapAmountAdjustment property).

The printer does not support percentage discounts (see

the CapPercentAdjustment property).

The adjustmentType parameter is invalid.

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The discount amount is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The discount description is too long or contains a
reserved word. (Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The VAT parameter is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,

AmountDecimalPlaces Property
Methods 261

printRecMessage Method
Syntax void printRecMessage (String message) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

message Text message to print.

Remarks Prints a message on the fiscal receipt. The length of an individual message is
limited to the number of characters given in the MessageLength property.
This method is only supported if CapAdditionalLines is true. This method is
only supported when the printer is in the Fiscal Receipt Ending state. This method
is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if
AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not in the Fiscal Receipt Ending state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The message is too long or contains a reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,
MessageLength property, CapAdditionalLines property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
262 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

printRecNotPaid Method
Syntax void printRecNotPaid (String description, long amount)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

description Text describing the not paid amount.

amount Amount not paid.

Remarks Indicates that part of the receipt’s total was not paid.
Some fixed text, along with the description, will be printed on the receipt and
journal to indicate that part of the receipt total has not been paid. This method is
only supported if CapAmountNotPaid is true. This method is performed
synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
If this method is successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to either
FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT_ENDING depending upon whether the entire
receipt total is now accounted for or not.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in either the Fiscal Receipt or
Fiscal Receipt Total state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The description is too long or contains a reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The amount is invalid.
Methods 263

(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,

AmountDecimalPlaces Property

printRecRefund Method
Syntax void printRecRefund (String description, long amount, int vatInfo)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

description Text describing the refund.

amount Amount of the refund.
vatInfo VAT rate identifier or amount.
Remarks Processes a refund. The amount is positive, but it is printed as a negative number
and the totals registers are decremented.
Some fixed text, along with the description, will be printed on the receipt and
journal to indicate that a refund has occurred. The vatInfo parameter contains a
VAT table identifier if CapHasVatTable is true. Otherwise it, contains a VAT
amount. This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
264 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

The description is too long or contains a reserved word.

(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The amount is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The VAT information is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,
AmountDecimalPlaces Property
Methods 265

printRecSubtotal Method
Syntax void printRecSubtotal (long amount) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

amount Amount of the subtotal.

Remarks Checks and prints the current receipt subtotal. If CapCheckTotal is true, the
Amount is compared to the subtotal calculated by the printer. If the subtotals
match, the subtotal is printed on both the receipt and journal. If the results do not
match, the receipt is automatically canceled. If CapCheckTotal is false, then the
subtotal is printed on the receipt and journal and the parameter is never compared
to the subtotal computed by the printer.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
If this method compares the application’s subtotal with the printer’s subtotal and
they do not match, the PrinterState property will be changed to
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The subtotal from the application does not match the
subtotal computed by the printer.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
266 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

ErrorCodeExtended =
The total computed by the printer is less than zero.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,

AmountDecimalPlaces Property

printRecSubtotalAdjustment Method
Syntax void printRecSubtotalAdjustment (int adjustmentType, String description,
long amount) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

adjustmentType Type of discount. See below for values.

description Text describing the discount.
amount Amount of the discount.

The adjustmentType parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

Fixed amount discount. The amount parameter contains
a currency value.
Fixed amount surcharge. The amount parameter
contains a currency value.
Percentage discount. The amount parameter contains a
percentage value.
Percentage surcharge. The amount parameter contains a
percentage value.
Remarks Applies and prints a discount/surcharge to the current receipt subtotal. This
discount/surcharge may be either a fixed currency amount or a percentage amount
relating to the current receipt subtotal. If the discount/surcharge amount is greater
than the receipt subtotal, an error occurs since the subtotal can never be negative.
In many countries discount/surcharge operations cause the printing of a fixed line
of text expressing the kind of operation that has been performed. Fixed amount
discounts are only supported if CapSubAmountAdjustment is true. Percentage
discounts are only supported if CapSubPercentAdjustment is true.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Methods 267

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

The printer does not support fixed amount discounts (see

the CapSubAmountAdjustment property).

The printer does not support percentage discounts (see

the CapSubPercentAdjustment property).

The adjustmentType parameter is invalid.

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The discount amount is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The discount description is too long or contains a
reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,

AmountDecimalPlaces Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
268 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

printRecTotal Method
Syntax void printRecTotal (long total, long payment, String description)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

total Application computed receipt total.

payment Amount of payment tendered.
description Text description of the payment or the index of a
predefined payment description.
Remarks Checks and prints the current receipt total and to tender a payment. If
CapCheckTotal is true, the total is compared to the total calculated by the printer.
If the totals match, the total is printed on both the receipt and journal along with
some fixed text. If the results do not match, the receipt is automatically canceled.
If CapCheckTotal is false, then the total is printed on the receipt and journal and
the parameter is never compared to the total computed by the printer.

If CapPredefinedPaymentLines is true, then the description parameter contains

the index of one of the printer’s predefined payment descriptions. The index is
typically a single character of the alphabet. The set of allowed values for this index
is to be described in the description of the service and stored in the
PredefinedPaymentLines property.
If payment = total, a line containing the description and payment is printed. The
PrinterState property will be set to FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT_ENDING.
If payment > total, a line containing the description and payment is printed
followed by a second line containing the change due. The PrinterState property
If payment < total, a line containing the description and payment is printed. Since
the entire receipt total has not yet been tendered, the PrinterState property will be
If CapAdditionalLines is false, then receipt trailer lines, fiscal logotype and
receipt cut are executed after the last total line, whenever receipt’s total became
equal to the payment from the application. Otherwise these lines are printed
calling the endFiscalReceipt method.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Methods 269

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

One of the following errors occurred:

The application computed total does not match the

printer computed total.

The total parameter is invalid.

The payment parameter is invalid

(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The description is too long or contains a reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The total computed by the printer is less than zero.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The description contains the reserved word.

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,

PredefinedPaymentLines Property, AmountDecimalPlaces Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
270 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

printRecVoid Method
Syntax void printRecVoid (String description) throws JposException;

description Text describing the void.

Remarks Cancels the current receipt. The receipt is annulled but it is not physically canceled
from the printer’s fiscal memory since fiscal receipts are printed with an increasing
serial number and totals are accumulated in registers. When a receipt is canceled,
its subtotal is subtracted from the totals registers, but it is added to the canceled
receipt register.
Some fixed text, along with the description, will be printed on the receipt and
journal to indicate that the receipt has been canceled. This method is performed
synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
If this method is successful, the PrinterState property will be changed to
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The description is too long or contains a reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods

Methods 271

printRecVoidItem Method
Syntax void printRecVoidItem (String description, long amount, int quantity,
int adjustmentType, long adjustment, int vatInfo)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

description Text description of the item void.

amount Amount of item to be voided.
quantity Quantity of item to be voided.
adjustmentType Type of discount. See below for values.
adjustment Amount of the discount/surcharge
vatInfo VAT rate identifier or amount.
The adjustmentType parameter has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Fixed amount discount. The adjustment parameter
contains a currency value.
Fixed amount surcharge. The adjustment parameter
contains a currency value.
Percentage discount. The adjustment parameter contains
a percentage value.
Percentage surcharge. The adjustment parameter
contains a percentage value.

Remarks Cancels an item that has been added to the receipt and print a void description.
Amount is a positive number, it will be printed as a negative and will be
decremented from the totals registers.
The vatInfo parameter contains a VAT table identifier if CapHasVatTable is true.
Otherwise, it contains a VAT amount. Fixed amount discounts/surcharges are only
supported if CapAmountAdjustment is true. Percentage discounts are only
supported if CapPercentAdjustment is true. This method is performed
synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
272 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Only

applies if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

The printer does not support fixed amount adjustments

(see the CapAmountAdjustment property).

The printer does not support percentage discounts (see

the CapPercentAdjustment property).

The adjustmentType parameter is invalid.

JPOS_E_EXTENDED ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Fiscal Receipt state.

The printer cover is open.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The journal station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The receipt station is out of paper.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The amount is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The quantity is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The VAT information is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The description is too long or contains a reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

ErrorCodeExtended =
The total computed by the printer is less than zero.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

See Also beginFiscalReceipt Method, endFiscalReceipt Method, printRec… Methods,

AmountDecimalPlaces Property
Methods 273

printReport Method
Syntax void printReport (int reportType, String startNum, String endNum)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

reportType The kind of report to print.

startNum ASCII string identifying the starting record in printer
memory from which to begin printing
endNum ASCII string identifying the final record in printer
memory at which printing is to end. See reportType
table below to find out the exact meaning of this
The reportType parameter has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

FPTR_RT_ORDINAL Prints a report between two Z reports. If both startNum

and endNum are valid and endNum > startNum, then a
report of the period between startNum and endNum will
be printed. If startNum is valid and endNum is zero, then
a report of relating only to startNum will be printed.
FPTR_RT_DATE Prints a report between two dates. The dates are strings
in the format “ddmmyyyyhhmm”, where:
dd day of the month (01 - 31)
mm month (01 - 12)
yyyy year (1997- ...)
hh hour (00-23)
mm minutes (00-59)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
274 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Remarks Prints a report of the fiscal EPROM contents on the receipt that occurred between
two end points.
This method is always performed synchronously.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress.

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

The reportType parameter is invalid.

One or both of startNum and endNum are invalid.

startNum > endNum.

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer's current state does not allow this state

The printer cover is open.

The journal station is out of paper.

The receipt station is out of paper.
Methods 275

printXReport Method
Syntax void printXReport () throws JposException;
Remarks Prints a report of all the daily fiscal activities on the receipt. No data will be
written to the fiscal EPROM as a result of this method invocation.
This method is only supported if CapXReport is true. This method is always
performed synchronously.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support X reports (see the

CapXReport property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

The printer cover is open.

The journal station is out of paper.

The receipt station is out of paper.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
276 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

printZReport Method
Syntax void printZReport () throws JposException;
Remarks Prints a report of all the daily fiscal activities on the receipt. Data will be written
to the fiscal EPROM as a result of this method invocation.
This method is always performed synchronously.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer’s current state does not allow this state

The printer cover is open.

The journal station is out of paper.

The receipt station is out of paper.
Methods 277

resetPrinter Method
Syntax void resetPrinter () throws JposException;
Remarks Forces the printer to return to Monitor state. This forces any interrupted operations
to be canceled and closed. This method must be invoked when the printer is not
in a Monitor state after a successful call to the claim method and successful setting
of the DeviceEnabled property to true. This typically happens if a power failures
occurs during a fiscal operation.
Calling this method does not close the printer, i.e. does not force a Z report to be
The Device will handle this command as follows:
• If the printer was in either Fiscal Receipt, Fiscal Receipt Total or Fiscal Re-
ceipt Ending state, the receipt will be ended without updating any registers.
• If the printer was in a non-fiscal state, the printer will exit that state.
• If the printer was in the training state, the printer will exit the training state.
This method is always performed synchronously.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
278 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

setDate Method
Syntax void setDate (String date) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

date Date and time as a string.

Remarks Sets the printer’s date and time.

The date and time is passed as a string in the format “ddmmyyyyhhmm”, where:
dd day of the month (1 - 31)
mm month (1 - 12)
yyyy year (1997-)
hh hour (0-23)
mm minutes (0-59)

This method can only be called while DayOpened is false.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer has already begun the fiscal day (see the
DayOpened property).
One of the date parameters is invalid.
Methods 279

setHeaderLine Method
Syntax void setHeaderLine (int lineNumber, String text, boolean doubleWidth)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

lineNumber Line number of the header line to set.

text Text to which to set the header line.
doubleWidth Print this line in double wide characters.

Remarks Sets one of the fiscal receipt header lines. The text set by this method will be
stored by the printer and retained across power losses.
The lineNumber parameter must be between 1 and the value of the
NumHeaderLines property. If text is an empty string (““), then the header line is
unset and will not be printed. The doubleWidth characters will be printed if the
printer supports them. See the CapDoubleWidth property to determine if they are
supported. This method is only supported if CapSetHeader is true. This method
can only be called while DayOpened is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer has already begun the fiscal day (see the
DayOpened property) or the lineNumber parameter was
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The text parameter is too long or contains a reserved
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
280 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

setPOSID Method
Syntax void setPOSID (String POSID, String cashierID) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

POSID Identifier for the POS system.

cashierID Identifier of the current cashier.

Remarks Sets the POS and cashier identifiers. These values will be printed when each fiscal
receipt is closed.
This method is only supported if CapSetPOSID is true. This method can only be
called while DayOpened is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

The printer does not support setting the POS identifier

(see the CapSetPOSID property).

The printer has already begun the fiscal day (see the
DayOpened property).

Either the POSID or cashierID parameter is invalid.

Methods 281

setStoreFiscalID Method
Syntax void setStoreFiscalID (String ID) throws JposException;

ID Fiscal identifier.

Remarks Sets the store fiscal ID. This value is retained by the printer even after power
failures. This ID is automatically printed by the printer after the fiscal receipt
header lines.
This method is only supported if CapSetStoreFiscalID is true. This method can
only be called while DayOpened is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

The printer does not support setting the store fiscal

identifier (see the CapSetStoreFiscalID property).

The printer has already begun the fiscal day (see the
DayOpened property).

The ID parameter was invalid.

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
282 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

setTrailerLine Method
Syntax void setTrailerLine (int lineNumber, String text, boolean doubleWidth)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

lineNumber Line number of the trailer line to set.

text Text to which to set the trailer line.
doubleWidth Print this line in double wide characters.
Remarks Sets one of the fiscal receipt trailer lines. The text set by this method will be stored
by the printer and retained across power losses.
The lneNumber parameter must be between 1 and the value of the
NumTrailerLines property. If text is an empty string (““), then the trailer line is
unset and will not be printed. The doubleWidth characters will be printed if the
printer supports them. See the CapDoubleWidth property to determine if they are
supported. This method is only supported if CapSetTrailer is true. This method
can only be called while DayOpened is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer has already begun the fiscal day (see the
DayOpened property) or the lineNumber parameter was

JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The text parameter is too long or contains a reserved
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
Methods 283

setVatTable Method
Syntax void setVatTable () throws JposException;
Remarks Sends the VAT table built inside the Service to the printer. The VAT table is built
one entry at a time using the setVatValue method.
This method is only supported if CapHasVatTable is true. This method can only
be called while DayOpened is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer has already begun the fiscal day (see the
DayOpened property).

See Also setVatValue Method

Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
284 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

setVatValue Method
Syntax void setVatValue (int vatID, String vatValue) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

vatID Index of the VAT table entry to set.

vatValue Tax value as a percentage.

Remarks Sets the value of a specific VAT class in the VAT table. The VAT table is built
one entry at a time in the Service using this method. The entire table is then sent
to the printer at one time using the setVatTable method.
This method is only supported if CapHasVatTable is true. This method can only
be called while DayOpened is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

The printer does not support VAT tables (see the
CapHasVatTable property).
The printer has already begun the fiscal day (see the
DayOpened property).
The printer does not support changing an existing VAT
See Also setVatTable Method
Methods 285

verifyItem Method
Syntax void verifyItem (String itemName, int vatID) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

itemName Item to be verified.

vatID VAT identifier of the item.

Remarks Compares itemName and its vatID with the values stored in the printer.
This method is only supported if CapHasVatTable is true. This method can only
be called while the printer is in the Item List state.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not support VAT tables (see the
CapHasVatTable property).
JPOS_E_EXTENDED: ErrorCodeExtended =
The printer is not currently in the Item List state.

The item name is too long or contains a reserved word.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)

The VAT parameter is invalid.
(Only applies if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also setVatTable Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
286 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Fiscal Printer Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Fiscal Printer
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 287

Method errorOccured(ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a printer error has been detected and a suitable
response by the application is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error code causing the ErrorEvent.

See list of ErrorCodes on Page .

int Extended error code causing the ErrorEvent.
If ErrorCode is JPOS_E_XTENDED, then see values
below. Otherwise, it may contain a Device Service-
specific value.

ErrorLocus int Location of the error, and is set to JPOS_E_OUTPUT

indicating the error occurred while processing
asynchronous output. See values below.

ErrorResponse int ErrorEvent response, whose default value may be

overwritten by the application (i.e., this property is
settable). See values below.

If ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then ErrorCodeExtended has one of the

following values:

Value Meaning

The printer cover is open.
The journal station is out of paper.
The receipt station is out of paper.
A form is not inserted in the slip station.
The requested method could not be executed in the
printer’s current state.
The printer has encountered a severe error condition.
Calling for printer technical assistance is required.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
288 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

The printer’s internal clock has failed.
The printer’s fiscal memory has been exhausted.
The printer’s fiscal memory has been disconnected.
The Grand Total in working memory does not match the
one in the EPROM.
The Quantity parameter is invalid.
The Amount parameter is invalid.
The Description parameters is either to long, contains
illegal characters or contains the reserved word.
The receipt total has overflowed.
The Vat parameter is invalid.
The Price parameter is invalid.
The printer’s computed total or subtotal is less than zero.
Some of the other devices which according to the local
fiscal legislation are to be connected has been
disconnected. In some countries in order to use a fiscal
printer a full set of peripheral devices are to be
connected to the POS (such as cash drawer and customer
display). In case one of these devices is not present sales
are not allowed.
The application’s ErrorEvent listener may change the value of ErrorResponse to
one of the following:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_RETRY Retry the asynchronous output. The error state is exited.

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the asynchronous output or buffered input data.
The error state is exited.
Events 289

Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected and the Device state transitions into the error
state. This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that proper
application sequencing occurs.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25 , “Device States” on page 30.

Method outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the queued output request associated with the
OutputID property has completed successfully.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

OutputID int The ID number of the asynchronous output request that

is complete.
Remarks This event is enqueued after the request’s data has been both sent and the Device
Service has confirmation that is was processed by the device successfully.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
290 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer

Method statusUpdateOccurred(StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a printer has had an operation status change.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

status int Indicates the status change and has one of the following
Value Meaning

Printer cover is open.
Printer cover is closed.
No journal paper.
Journal paper is low.
Journal paper is ready.
No receipt paper.
Receipt paper is low.
Receipt paper is ready.
No slip form.
Almost at the bottom of the slip form.
Slip form is inserted.
FPTR_SUE_IDLE All asynchronous output has finished, either
successfully or because output has been cleared. The
printer State is now JPOS_S_IDLE. The
FlagWhenIdle property must be true for this event to be
delivered, and the property is set to false just before
delivering the event.
Events 291

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.

Remarks Enqueued when a significant status event has occurred.

See Also “Events” on page 18.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 7
292 Programming Guide Fiscal Printer
C H A P T E R 8

Hard Totals

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
294 Programming Guide Hard Totals

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapErrorDetection boolean R open
CapSingleFile boolean R open
CapTransactions boolean R open

FreeData int R open & enable

TotalsSize int R open & enable
NumberOfFiles int R open & enable
TransactionInProgress boolean R open
Summary 295

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open & enable; Note 1
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

claimFile open & enable; Note 2
releaseFile open & enable

read open & enable; Note 2

write open & enable; Note 2
setAll open & enable; Note 2
validateData open & enable; Note 2
recalculateValidationData open & enable; Note 2

create open & enable; Note 1

find open & enable; Note 1
findByIndex open & enable; Note 1
delete open & enable; Note 2
rename open & enable; Note 2

beginTrans open & enable

commitTrans open & enable
rollback open & enable

Note 1: Also requires that no other application has claimed the hard totals device.
Note 2: Also requires that no other application has claimed the hard totals device or the file
on which this method acts.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
296 Programming Guide Hard Totals

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent Not Supported
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
General Information 297

General Information
The Hard Totals Control’s class name is “jpos.HardTotals”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.HardTotalsConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The Hard Totals device has the following minimal set of capabilities:
• Supports at least one totals file with the name “” (the empty string) in an area
of totals memory. Each totals file is read and written as if it were a sequence
of byte data.
• Creates each totals file with a fixed size and may be deleted, initialized, and
claimed for exclusive use.

The Hard Totals device may have the following additional capabilities:
• Supporting additional named totals files. They share some characteristics of a
file system with only a root directory level. In addition to the minimal
capabilities listed above, each totals file may also be renamed.
• Supporting transactions, with begin and commit operations, plus rollback.
• Supporting advanced error detection. This detection may be implemented
through hardware or software.

Totals memory is frequently a limited but secure resource - perhaps of only several
thousand bytes of storage. The following is the general model of the Hard Totals:
• A Hard Totals device is logically treated as a sequence of byte data, which the
application subdivides into “totals files.” This is done by the create method,
which assigns a name, size, and error detection level to the totals file. Totals
files have a fixed-length that is set at create time.
At a minimum, a single totals file with the name “” (the empty string) can be
created and manipulated. Optionally, additional totals files with arbitrary
names may be created.
Totals files model many of the characteristics of a traditional file system. The
intent, however, is not to provide a robust file system. Rather, totals files allow
partitioning and ease of access into what is frequently a limited but secure re-
source. In order to reduce unnecessary overhead usage of this resource, direc-
tory hierarchies are not supported, file attributes are minimized, and files may
not be dynamically resized.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
298 Programming Guide Hard Totals

• The following operations may be performed on a totals file:

• read: Read a series of data bytes.
• write: Write a series of data bytes.
• setAll: Set all the data in a totals file to a value.
• find: Locate an existing totals file by name, and return a file handle and
• findByIndex: Enumerate all of the files in the Hard Totals area.
• delete: Delete a totals file by name.
• rename: Rename an existing totals file.
• claimFile: Gain exclusive access to a specific file for use by the claiming
application. A timeout value may be specified in case another application
maintains access for a period a time.
The common claim method may also be used to claim the entire Hard
Totals device.
• releaseFile: Release exclusive access to the file.

• The FreeData property holds the current number of unassigned data bytes.

• The TotalsSize property holds the totals memory size.

• The NumberOfFiles property holds the number of totals files that exist in the
hard totals device.
General Information 299

• Transaction operations are optionally supported. A transaction is defined as a

series of data writes to be applied as an atomic operation to one or more Hard
Totals files.
During a transaction, data writes will typically be maintained in memory until
a commit or rollback. Also FreeData will typically be reduced during a trans-
action to ensure that the commit has temporary totals space to perform the
commit as an atomic operation.
• beginTrans: Marks the beginning of a transaction.
• commitTrans: Ends the current transaction, and saves the updated data.
Software and/or hardware methods are used to ensure that either the entire
transaction is saved, or that none of the updates are applied.

This will typically require writing the transaction to temporary totals

space, setting state information within the device indicating that a commit
is in progress, writing the data to the totals files, and freeing the temporary
totals space. If the commit is interrupted, perhaps due to a system power
loss or reset, then when the Hard Totals Device Service is reloaded and
initialized, it can complete the commit by copying data from the
temporary space into the totals files. This ensures the integrity of related
totals data.
• rollback: Ends the current transaction, and discards the updates. This
may be useful in case of user intervention to cancel an update. Also, if
advanced error detection shows that some totals data cannot be read
properly in preparation for an update, then the transaction may need to be
• transactionInProgress: Holds the current state of transactions.
The application should claim the files used during a transaction so that no oth-
er Hard Totals Control claims a file before commitTrans, causing the commit
to fail, returning an already claimed status.
• Advanced error detection is optionally supported by the following:
• A read or a write may report a validation error. Data is usually divided
into validation blocks, over which sumchecks or CRCs are maintained.
The size of validation data blocks is determined by the Device Service.

A validation error informs the application that one or more of the

validation blocks containing the data to be read or written may be invalid
due to a hardware error. (An error on a write can occur when only a
portion of a validation block must be changed. The validation block must
be read and the block validated before the portion is changed.)

When a validation error is reported, it is recommended that the application

read all of the data in the totals file. The application will want to determine
which portions of data are invalid, and take action based on the results of
the reads.
• recalculateValidationData may be called to cause recalculation of all
validation data within a totals file. This may be called after recovery has
been performed as in the previous paragraph.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
300 Programming Guide Hard Totals

• validateData may be called to verify that all data within a totals file
passes validation.
• Data writes automatically cause recalculation of validation data for the
validation block or blocks in which the written data resides.
• Since advanced error detection usually imposes a performance penalty,
the application may choose to select this feature when each totals file is

Device Sharing
The hard totals device is sharable. Its device sharing rules are:
• After opening the device, most properties are readable.
• After opening and enabling the device, the application may access all
properties and methods.
• If more than one application has opened and enabled the device, each of these
applications may access its properties and methods.
• One application may claim the hard totals device. This restricts all other
applications from reading, changing, or claiming any files on the device.
• One application may claim a hard totals file. This restricts all other
applications from reading, changing, or claiming the file, and from claiming
the hard totals device.
Properties 301

CapErrorDetection Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then advanced error detection is supported.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSingleFile Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then only a single file, identified by the empty string (“”), is supported.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapTransactions Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then transactions are supported.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
302 Programming Guide Hard Totals

FreeData Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of bytes of unallocated data in the Hard Totals device.
It is initialized to an appropriate value when the device is enabled and is updated
as files are created and deleted. If creating a file requires some overhead to
support the file information, then this overhead is not included in what is reported
by this property. This guarantees that a new file of size FreeData may be created.
Data writes within a transaction may temporarily reduce what’s reported by this
property, since some Hard Totals space may need to be allocated to prepare for the
transaction commit. Therefore, the application should ensure that sufficient
FreeData is maintained to allow its maximally sized transactions to be performed.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also create Method, write Method

NumberOfFiles Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of totals file currently in the Hard Totals device.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also FreeData Property

TotalsSize Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the size of the Hard Totals area. This size is equal to the largest totals file
that can be created if no other files exist.
This property is initialized when the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also FreeData Property
Properties 303

TransactionInProgress Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the application is within a transaction.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also beginTrans Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
304 Programming Guide Hard Totals

beginTrans Method
Syntax void beginTrans () throws JposException;
Remarks Marks the beginning of a series of Hard Totals writes that must either be applied
as a group or not at all.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Transactions are not supported by this device.

See Also commitTrans Method, rollback Method

claim Method (Common)

Syntax void claim (int timeout) throws JposException;
The timeout parameter gives the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for
exclusive access to be satisfied. If zero, the method attempts to claim the device,
then returns the appropriate status immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the
method waits as long as needed until exclusive access is satisfied.
Remarks Requests exclusive access to the device.
If any other application has claimed exclusive access to any of the hard totals files
by using claimFile, then this claim cannot be satisfied until those files are released
by releaseFile.
When successful, the claimed property is changed to true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid timeout parameter was specified.

JPOS_E_TIMEOUT Another application has exclusive access to the device
or one or more of its files and did not relinquish control
before timeout milliseconds expired.
See Also “Device Sharing Model” on page 12, release Method, claimFile Method,
releaseFile Method
Methods 305

claimFile Method
Syntax void claimFile (int hTotalsFile, int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

hTotalsFile Handle to the totals file that is to be claimed.

timeout The time in milliseconds to wait for the file to become
available. If zero, the method attempts to claim the file,
then returns the appropriate status immediately.
If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method waits as long as
needed until exclusive access is satisfied.
Remarks Attempts to gain exclusive access to a specific file for use by the claiming
application. Once granted, the application maintains exclusive access until it
explicitly releases access or until the device is closed.
If any other applications have claimed exclusive access to this file by using this
method, or if an application has claimed exclusive access to the entire totals area
by using claim, then this request cannot be satisfied until those claims have been
All claims are released when the application calls the close method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The handle is invalid, or an invalid timeout parameter

was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The timeout value expired before another application
released exclusive access of either the requested totals
file or the entire totals area.
See Also claim Method, releaseFile Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
306 Programming Guide Hard Totals

commitTrans Method
Syntax void commitTrans () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends the current transaction. All writes between the previous beginTrans method
and this method are saved to the Hard Totals areas.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Transactions are not supported by this device, or no

transaction is in progress.
See Also beginTrans Method, rollback Method

create Method
Syntax void create (String fileName, int[] hTotalsFile, int size, boolean errorDetection)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

fileName The name to be assigned to the file. Must be no longer than 10

characters. All displayable ASCII characters (0x20 through
0x7F) are valid.
hTotalsFile Handle of the newly created totals file. Set by the method.
size The byte array size for the data. Once created, the array size
and therefore the file size used to store the array cannot be
changed – totals files are fixed-length files.
errorDetection The level of error detection desired for this file: If true, then the
Device Service will enable advanced error detection if
supported. If false, then higher performance access is required,
so advanced error detection need not be enabled for this file.
Remarks Creates a totals file with the specified name, size, and error detection level. The
data area is initialized to binary zeros.
If CapSingleFile is true, then only one file may be created, and its name must be
the empty string (“”). Otherwise, the number of totals files that may be created is
limited only by the free space available in the Hard Totals area.
Methods 307

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot create because the entire totals file area is

claimed by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The fileName is too long or contains invalid characters.
JPOS_E_EXISTS fileName already exists.
There is insufficient room in the totals area to create the
See Also find Method, delete Method, rename Method

delete Method
Syntax void delete (String fileName) throws JposException;
The fileName parameter specifies the totals file to be deleted.
Remarks Deletes the named file.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot delete because either the totals file or the entire
totals area is claimed by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The fileName is too long or contains invalid characters.
JPOS_E_NOEXIST fileName was not found.
See Also create Method, find Method, rename Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
308 Programming Guide Hard Totals

find Method
Syntax void find (String fileName, int[] hTotalsFile, int[] size) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

fileName The totals file name to be located.

hTotalsFile Handle of the totals file. Set by the method.
size The length of the file in bytes. Set by the method.
Remarks Locates an existing totals file.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot find because the entire totals file area is claimed
by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The fileName contains invalid characters.
JPOS_E_NOEXIST fileName was not found.
See Also create Method, delete Method, rename Method

findByIndex Method
Syntax void findByIndex (int index, String[] fileName) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

index The index of the totals file name to be found.

fileName The file name associated with index. Set by the method.
Remarks Determines the totals file name currently associated with the given index.
This method provides a means for enumerating all of the totals files currently
defined. An index of zero will return the file name at the first file position, with
subsequent indices returning additional file names. The largest valid index value
is one less than NumberOfFiles.
The creation and deletion of files may change the relationship between indices and
the file names; the data areas used to manage file names and attributes may be
compacted or rearranged as a result. Therefore, the application may need to claim
the device to ensure that all file names are retrieved successfully.
Methods 309

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot find because the entire totals file area is claimed
by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The index is greater than the largest file index that is
currently defined.
See Also create Method, find Method

read Method
Syntax void read (int hTotalsFile, byte[] data, int offset, int count)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

hTotalsFile Totals file handle returned from a create or find

data The data buffer in which the totals data will be placed.
Array length must be at least count.
offset Starting offset for the data to be read.
count Number of bytes of data to read.
Remarks Reads data from a totals file.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot read because either the totals file or the entire
totals area is claimed by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The handle is invalid, part of the data range is outside the
bounds of the totals file, or data array length is less than
A validation error has occurred while reading data.
See Also write Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
310 Programming Guide Hard Totals

recalculateValidationData Method
Syntax void recalculateValidationData (int hTotalsFile) throws JposException;
The hTotalsFile parameter contains the handle of a totals file.
Remarks Recalculates validation data for the specified totals file.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot recalculate because either the totals file or the

entire totals area is claimed by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The handle is invalid, or advanced error detection is
either not supported by the Device Service or by this file.

release Method (Common)

Syntax void release () throws JposException;
Remarks Releases exclusive access to the device.
An application may own claims on both the Hard Totals device through claim as
well as individual files through claimFile. Calling release only releases the claim
on the Hard Totals device.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The application does not have exclusive access to the

See Also “Device Sharing Model” on page 12, claim Method, claimFile Method
Methods 311

releaseFile Method
Syntax void releaseFile (int hTotalsFile) throws JposException;
The hTotalsFile parameter contains the handle of the totals file to be released.
Remarks Releases exclusive access to a specific file.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The handle is invalid, or the specified file is not claimed

by this application.
See Also claim Method, claimFile Method

rename Method
Syntax void rename (int hTotalsFile, String fileName) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

hTotalsFile The handle of the totals file to be renamed.

fileName The new name to be assigned to the file. Must be no
longer than 10 characters. All displayable ASCII
characters (0x20 through 0x7F) are valid.
Remarks Renames a totals file.
If CapSingleFile is true, then this method will fail.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot rename because either the totals file or the entire
totals area is claimed by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The handle is invalid, the fileName contains invalid
characters, or the CapSingleFile property is true.
JPOS_E_EXISTS fileName already exists.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
312 Programming Guide Hard Totals

rollback Method
Syntax void rollback () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends the current transaction. All writes between the previous beginTrans and this
method are discarded; they are not saved to the Hard Totals areas.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Transactions are not supported by this device, or no

transaction is in progress.
See Also beginTrans Method, commitTrans Method

setAll Method
Syntax void setAll (int hTotalsFile, byte value) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

hTotalsFile Handle of a totals file.

value Value to set all locations to in totals file.
Remarks Sets all the data in a totals file to the specified value.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot set because either the totals file or the entire
totals area is claimed by another application.
Methods 313

validateData Method
Syntax void validateData (int hTotalsFile) throws JposException;
The hTotalsFile parameter contains the handle of a totals file.
Remarks Verifies that all data in the specified totals file passes validation checks.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot validate because either the totals file or the entire
totals area is claimed by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The handle is invalid, or advanced error detection is
either not supported by the Device Service or by this

write Method
Syntax void write (int hTotalsFile, byte[] data, int offset, int count)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

hTotalsFile Totals file handle returned from a create or find

data Data buffer containing the totals data to be written.
offset Starting offset for the data to be written.
count Number of bytes of data to write.
Remarks Writes data to a totals file.
If a transaction is in progress, then the write will be buffered until a commitTrans
or rollback method is called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_CLAIMED Cannot write because either the totals file or the entire
totals area is claimed by another application.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The handle is invalid, or part of all of the data range is
outside the bounds of the totals file.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
314 Programming Guide Hard Totals


Cannot write because a transaction is in progress, and
there is not enough free space to prepare for the
transaction commit.
A validation error has occurred while reading data.
See Also read Method, beginTrans Method, commitTrans Method, rollback Method,
FreeData Property
Events 315

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Hard Totals Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Hard Totals
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 8
316 Programming Guide Hard Totals

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a Hard Totals
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a Hard Totals


Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the Hard Totals device detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18
C H A P T E R 9


Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open


Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

KeyPosition int R open & enable
PositionCount int R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 9
318 Programming Guide Keylock

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open & enable
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

waitForKeylockChange open & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent Not Supported
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent open & enable
General Information 319

General Information
The Key Lock Control’s class name is “jpos.Keylock”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.KeylockConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The keylock has the following minimal set of capabilities:
• Supports at least three keylock positions.
• Supports reporting of keylock position changes, either by hardware or
software detection.

The keylock defines three keylock positions as constants. It is assumed that the
keylock supports locked, normal, and supervisor positions. The constants for
these keylock positions and their values are as follows:

The KeyPosition property holds the value of the keylock position where the
values range from one (1) to the total number of keylock positions contained in the
PositionCount property.

Device Sharing
The keylock is a sharable device. Its device sharing rules are:
• After opening and enabling the device, the application may access all
properties and methods and will receive status update events.
• If more than one application has opened and enabled the device, each of these
applications may access its properties and methods. Status update events are
fired to all of these applications.
• The keylock may not be claimed for exclusive access. If an application calls
claim, the method always throws a JposException.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 9
320 Programming Guide Keylock

KeyPosition Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a value which indicates the keylock position.
This value is set whenever the keylock position is changed. In addition to the
application receiving the StatusUpdateEvent, this value is changed to reflect the
new keylock position.
This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

LOCK_KP_LOCK Keylock is in the “locked” position. Value is one (1).

LOCK_KP_NORM Keylock is in the “normal” position. Value is two (2).
LOCK_KP_SUPR Keylock is in the “supervisor” position. Value is three
Other Values Keylock is in one of the auxiliary positions. This value
may range from four (4) up to the total number of
keylock positions indicated by the PositionCount

This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

PositionCount Property R
Syntax int
Remarks Holds the total number of keylock positions that are present on the keylock device.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Methods 321

waitForKeylockChange Method
Syntax void waitForKeylockChange (int keyPosition, int timeout)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

keyPosition Requested keylock position. See values below.

timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the
keylock before returning control back to the application.
If zero, the method then returns immediately. If
JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method waits as long as
needed until the requested key position is satisfied or an
error occurs.
The keyPosition parameter has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

LOCK_KP_ANY Wait for any keylock position change. Value is zero (0).
LOCK_KP_LOCK Wait for keylock position to be set to the “locked”
position. Value is one (1).
LOCK_KP_NORM Wait for keylock position to be set to the “normal”
position. Value is two (2).
LOCK_KP_SUPR Wait for keylock position to be set to the “supervisor”
position. Value is three (3).
Other Values Wait for keylock position to be set to one of the auxiliary
positions. This value may range from four (4) up to the
total number of keylock positions indicated by the
PositionCount property.
Remarks Waits for a specified keylock position to be set.
If the keylock position specified by the keyPosition parameter is the same as the
current keylock position, then the method returns immediately.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid parameter value was specified.

JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The timeout period expired before the requested keylock
positioning occurred.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 9
322 Programming Guide Keylock

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Keylock Device Service to provide events
to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Keylock
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 323

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when the keylock position changes.

Properties This event contains the following property:

Property Type Description

Status int The key position in the Keylock.

The Status property has one of the following values:
Value Description

LOCK_KP_LOCK Keylock is in the “locked” position. Value is one (1).

LOCK_KP_NORM Keylock is in the “normal” position. Value is two (2).
LOCK_KP_SUPR Keylock is in the “supervisor” position. Value is three
Other Values Keylock is in one of the auxiliary positions. This value
may range from four (4) to the total number of keylock
positions indicated by the PositionCount property.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks This event is enqueued when a keylock switch position undergoes a change or if
Power State Reporting is enabled and a change in the power state is detected.
See Also “Events” on page 18
Java for Retail POS Chapter 9
324 Programming Guide Keylock
C H A P T E R 1 0

Line Display

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
326 Programming Guide Line Display

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapBlink int R open
CapBrightness boolean R open
CapCharacterSet int R open
CapDescriptors boolean R open
CapHMarquee boolean R open
CapICharWait boolean R open
CapVMarquee boolean R open

DeviceWindows int R open

DeviceRows int R open
DeviceColumns int R open
DeviceDescriptors int R open
DeviceBrightness int R/W open, claim, & enable
CharacterSet int R/W open, claim, & enable
CharacterSetList String R open

CurrentWindow int R/W open

Rows int R open
Columns int R open
CursorRow int R/W open
CursorColumn int R/W open
CursorUpdate boolean R/W open

MarqueeType int R/W open

MarqueeFormat int R/W open
MarqueeUnitWait int R/W open
MarqueeRepeatWait int R/W open
InterCharacterWait int R/W open
Summary 327

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

displayText open, claim, & enable
displayTextAt open, claim, & enable
clearText open, claim, & enable
scrollText open, claim, & enable

setDescriptor open, claim, & enable

clearDescriptors open, claim, & enable

createWindow open, claim, & enable

destroyWindow open, claim, & enable
refreshWindow open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent Not Supported
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
328 Programming Guide Line Display

General Information
The Line Display Control’s class name is “jpos.LineDisplay”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.LineDisplayConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The Line Display has the following capability:
• Supports text character display. The default mode (or perhaps only mode) of
the display is character display output.

The line display may also have the following additional capabilities:
• Supports windowing with marquee-like scrolling of the window. The display
may support vertical or horizontal marquees, or both.
• Supports a waiting period between displaying characters, for a teletype effect.
• Supports character-level or device-level blinking.
• Supports one or more descriptors. Descriptors are small indicators with a
fixed label, and are typically used to indicate transaction states such as item,
total, and change.
• Supports device brightness control, with one or more levels of device
dimming. All devices support brightness levels of “normal” and “blank” (at
least through software support), but some devices also support one or more
levels of dimming.

The following capability is not addressed in this version of the JavaPOS

• Support for graphical displays, where the line display is addressable by
individual pixels or dots.

The general model of a line display consists of:
• One or more rows containing one or more columns of characters. The rows
and columns are numbered beginning with (0, 0) at the upper-left corner of the
window. The characters in the default character set will include at least one
of the following, with a capability defining the character set:
• The digits ‘0’ through ‘9’ plus space, minus (‘-’), and period (‘.’).
• The above set plus uppercase ‘A’ through ‘Z.’
• All ASCII characters from 0x20 through 0x7F, which includes space,
digits, uppercase, lowercase, and some special characters.
General Information 329

• Window 0, which is always defined as follows:

• Its “viewport” — the portion of the display that is updated by the window
— covers the entire display.
• The size of the window matches the entire display.
Therefore, window 0, which is also called the “device window,” maps directly
onto the display.
• Option to create additional windows. A created window has the following
• Its viewport covers part or all of the display.
• The window may either match the size of the viewport, or it may be larger
than the viewport in either the horizontal or vertical direction. In the
second case, marquee scrolling of the window can be set.
• The window maintains its own values for rows and columns, current
cursor row and column, cursor update flag, scroll type and format, and
• All viewports behave transparently. If two viewports overlap, then the
last character displayed at a position by either of the windows will be
Display Modes
• Immediate Mode
In effect when MarqueeType is DISP_MT_NONE and InterCharacterWait
is zero.
If the window is bigger than the viewport, then only those characters which
map into the viewport will be seen.
• Teletype Mode
In effect when MarqueeType is DISP_MT_NONE and InterCharacterWait
is not zero.
Calls to displayText and displayTextAt are enqueued and processed in the
order they are received. InterCharacterWait specifies the time to wait be-
tween outputting each character. InterCharacterWait only applies to those
characters within the viewport.
• Marquee Mode
In effect when MarqueeType is not DISP_MT_NONE.
The window must be bigger than the viewport.
A marquee is typically initialized after entering Marquee Init Mode by setting
MarqueeType to DISP_MT_INIT, then calling clearText, displayText and
displayTextAt. Then, when MarqueeType is changed to an “on” value,
Marquee On Mode is entered, and the marquee begins to be displayed in the
viewport beginning at the start of the window (or end if the type is right or
When the mode is changed from Marquee On Mode to Marquee Off Mode,
the marquee stops in place. A subsequent transition from back to Marquee
On Mode continues from the current position.
When the mode is changed from Marquee On Mode to Marquee Init Mode,
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
330 Programming Guide Line Display

the marquee stops. Changes may be made to the window, then the window
may be returned to Marquee On Mode to restart the marquee with the
new data.
It is illegal to use displayText, displayTextAt, clearText, refreshWindow
and scrollText unless in Marquee Init Mode or Marquee Off Mode.

Device Sharing
The line display is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before accessing some
properties or calling methods that update the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Properties 331

CapBlink Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the character blink capability of the device. It has one of the following
Value Meaning

DISP_CB_NOBLINK Blinking is not supported. Value is 0.

DISP_CB_BLINKALL Blinking is supported. The entire contents of the display
are either blinking or in a steady state.
Blinking is supported. Each character may be
individually set to blink or to be in a steady state.

This property is initialized by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapBrightness Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the brightness control is supported.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
332 Programming Guide Line Display

CapCharacterSet Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the default character set capability. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

DISP_CCS_NUMERIC The default character set supports numeric data, plus

space, minus, and period.
DISP_CCS_ALPHA The default character set supports uppercase alphabetic
plus numeric, space, minus, and period.
DISP_CCS_ASCII The default character set supports all ASCII characters
0x20 through 0x7F.
DISP_CCS_KANA The default character set supports partial code page 932,
including ASCII characters 0x20 through 0x7F and the
Japanese Kana characters 0xA1 through 0xDF, but
excluding the Japanese Kanji characters.
DISP_CCS_KANJI The default character set supports code page 932,
including the Shift-JIS Kanji characters, Levels 1 and 2.

The default character set may contain a superset of these ranges. The initial
CharacterSet property may be examined for additional information.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapDescriptors Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the display supports descriptors.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 333

CapHMarquee Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the display supports horizontal marquee windows.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapICharWait Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the display supports intercharacter wait.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapVMarquee Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the display supports vertical marquee windows.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
334 Programming Guide Line Display

CharacterSet Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Contains the character set for displaying characters. It has one of the following
Value Meaning

Range 101 - 199 A device-specific character set that does not match a
code page, nor the ASCII or ANSI character sets.
Range 400 - 990 Code page; matches one of the standard values.
DISP_CS_ASCII The ASCII character set, supporting the ASCII
characters 0x20 through 0x7F. The value of this
constant is 998.
DISP_CS_ANSI The ANSI character set. The value of this constant is

This property is initialized to an appropriate value when the device is first enabled
following the open method. This value is guaranteed to support at least the set of
characters specified by CapCharacterSet.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CharacterSetList Property, CapCharacterSet Property

CharacterSetList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the character set numbers supported. It consists of ASCII numeric set
numbers separated by commas.
For example, if the string is “101,850,999”, then the device supports a device-
specific character set, code page 850, and the ANSI character set.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CharacterSet Property
Properties 335

Columns Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of columns for this window.
For window 0, this property is the same as DeviceColumns.
For other windows, it may be less or greater than DeviceColumns.
This property is initialized to DeviceColumns by the open method, and is updated
when CurrentWindow is set and when createWindow or destroyWindow are
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also Rows Property

CurrentWindow Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the current window to which text is displayed.
Several properties are associated with each window: Rows, Columns,
CursorRow, CursorColumn, CursorUpdate, MarqueeType,
MarqueeUnitWait, MarqueeRepeatWait, and InterCharacterWait.
When set, this property changes the current window and sets the associated
properties to their values for this window.
Setting a window does not refresh its viewport. If this window and another
window’s viewports overlap, and the other window has changed the viewport,
then refreshWindow may be called to restore this window’s viewport contents.
This property is initialized to zero – the device window – by the open method, and
is updated when createWindow or destroyWindow are called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
336 Programming Guide Line Display

CursorColumn Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the column in the current window to which the next displayed character will
be output.
Legal values range from zero through Columns. (See displayText for a note on
the interpretation of CursorColumn = Columns.)
This property is initialized to zero by the open and createWindow methods, and
is updated when CurrentWindow is set or clearText, displayTextAt or
destroyWindow is called. It is also updated when displayText is called if
CursorUpdate is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CursorRow Property, displayText Method

CursorRow Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the row in the current window to which the next displayed character will be
Legal values range from zero through one less than Rows.
This property is initialized to zero by the open and createWindow methods, and
is updated when CurrentWindow is set or clearText, displayTextAt or
destroyWindow is called. It is also updated when displayText is called if
CursorUpdate is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CursorColumn Property, displayText Method
Properties 337

CursorUpdate Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks When true, CursorRow and CursorColumn will be updated to point to the
character beyond the last character output when characters are displayed using the
displayText or displayTextAt method.
When false, the cursor properties will not be updated when characters are
This property is maintained for each window. It initialized to true by the open and
createWindow methods, and is updated when CurrentWindow is set or
destroyWindow is called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CursorRow Property, CursorColumn Property

DeviceBrightness Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the device brightness value, expressed as a percentage between 0 and 100.
Any device can support 0% (blank) and 100% (full intensity). Blanking can, at a
minimum, be supported by sending spaces to the device. If CapBrightness is true,
then the device also supports one or more levels of dimming.
If a device does not support the specified brightness value, then the Device Service
will choose an appropriate substitute.
This property is initialized to 100 when the device is first enabled following the
open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid value was used: Not in the range 0 - 100.

Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
338 Programming Guide Line Display

DeviceColumns Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of columns on this device.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DeviceRows Property

DeviceDescriptors Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of descriptors on this device. If CapDescriptors is true, then
this property is non-zero.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also setDescriptor Method, clearDescriptors Method

DeviceRows Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of rows on this device.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DeviceColumns Property
Properties 339

DeviceWindows Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum window number supported by this device. A value of zero
indicates that only the device window is supported and that no windows may be
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentWindow Property

InterCharacterWait Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the wait time between displaying each character with the displayText and
displayTextAt methods. This provides a “teletype” appearance when displaying
This property is only used if the window is not in Marquee Mode — that is,
MarqueeType must be DISP_MT_NONE.
When non-zero and the window is not in Marquee Mode, the window is in
Teletype Mode: displayText and displayTextAt requests are enqueued and
processed in the order they are received. This property specifies the time to wait
between outputting each character into the viewport. The wait time is the specified
number of milliseconds. (Note that the system timer resolution may reduce the
precision of the wait time.) If CursorUpdate is true, CursorRow and
CursorColumn are updated to their final values before displayText or
displayTextAt returns, even though all of its data may not yet be displayed.
When this property is zero and the window is not in Marquee Mode, Immediate
Mode is in effect, so that characters are processed as quickly as possible. If some
display requests are enqueued at the time this property is set to zero, the requests
are completed as quickly as possible.
If CapICharWait is false, then intercharacter waiting is not supported, and the
value of this property is not used.
This property is initialized to zero by the open and createWindow methods, and
is updated when CurrentWindow is set or destroyWindow is called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also displayText Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
340 Programming Guide Line Display

MarqueeFormat Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the marquee format for the current window.
Value Meaning

DISP_MF_WALK Begin the marquee by walking data from the opposite

side. For example, if the marquee type is “left,” then the
viewport is filled by bringing characters into the right
side and scrolling them to the left.
DISP_MF_PLACE Begin the marquee by placing data. For example, if the
marquee type is “left,” then the viewport is filled by
placing characters starting at the left side, and beginning
scrolling only after the viewport is full.
This property is initialized to DISP_MF_WALK by the open and createWindow
methods, and is updated when CurrentWindow is set or destroyWindow is
This property is read when a transition is made to Marquee On Mode. It is not
used when not in Marquee Mode.

When this property is DISP_MF_WALK, and a transition is made from Marquee

Init Mode to Marquee On Mode, the following occurs:
1. Map the window to the viewport as follows:
Marquee TypeWindow Viewport
LeftFirst Column = Last Column
UpFirst Row = Last Row
RightLast Column = First Column
DownLast Row = First Row
Fill the viewport with blanks. Continue to Step 2 without waiting.
2. Display the mapped portion of the window into the viewport, then wait Mar-
queeUnitWait milliseconds. Move the window mapping onto the viewport
by one row or column in the marquee direction. Repeat until the viewport is
3. Refresh the viewport, then wait MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds. Move the
window mapping by one row or column. Repeat until the last row or column
is scrolled into the viewport (in which case, omit the unit wait).
4. Wait MarqueeRepeatWait milliseconds. Then go to step back to Step 1.
Properties 341

When this property is DISP_MF_PLACE, and a transition is made from Marquee

Init Mode to Marquee On Mode, the following occurs:
1. Map the window to the viewport as follows:
Marquee TypeWindow Viewport
LeftFirst Column = First Column
UpFirst Row = First Row
RightLast Column = Last Column
DownLast Row = Last Row
Fill the viewport with blanks. Continue to Step 2 without waiting.
2. Display a row or column into viewport, then wait MarqueeUnitWait milli-
seconds. Repeat until the viewport is full.
3. Move the window mapping onto the viewport by one row or column in the
marquee direction, and refresh the viewport, then wait MarqueeUnitWait
milliseconds. Repeat until the last row or column is scrolled into the viewport
(in which case, omit the unit wait).
4. Wait MarqueeRepeatWait milliseconds. Then go to step back to Step 1.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid value was used, or attempted to change

window 0.
See Also MarqueeType Property, MarqueeUnitWait Property, MarqueeRepeatWait
Example 1 Marquee Walk format.
- Assume a 2x20 display.
- An application has a line display instance named myLD.
- The application has performed:
myLD.createWindow(0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 5); // 2x3 viewport of 2x5 window
myLD.displayText(“0123456789”, DISP_DT_NORMAL);
The window contains:
0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 2 3 4
1 5 6 7 8 9
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
342 Programming Guide Line Display

and the display contains (assuming the other windows are all blank):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0 1 2
1 5 6 7

If the application performs the sequence:

myLD.displayTextAt(0, 4, “AB”, DISP_DT_NORMAL);
the viewport is not changed (since we are in Marquee Init Mode), and the window
0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 2 3 A
1 B 6 7 8 9

If the application performs:

the window is not changed, and the viewport becomes:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0
1 B

After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0 1
1 B 6

After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0 1 2
1 B 6 7

After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 1 2 3
1 6 7 8
Properties 343

After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 2 3 A
1 7 8 9

The marquee has scrolled to the end of the window.

After MarqueeRepeatWait milliseconds, the marque display restarts with the
viewport changing to:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0
1 B

Example 2 Marquee Place format.

- Assume a 2x20 display.
- An application has a line display instance named myLD.
- The application has performed:
myLD.createWindow(0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 5); // 2x3 viewport of 2x5 window
myLD.displayText(“0123456789”, DISP_DT_NORMAL);
The window contains:
0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 2 3 4
1 5 6 7 8 9

and display contains (assuming the other windows are all blank):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0 1 2
1 5 6 7

If the application performs the sequence:

myLD.displayTextAt(0, 4, “AB”, DISP_DT_NORMAL);
the viewport is not changed (since we are in Marquee Init Mode), and the window

0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 2 3 A
1 B 6 7 8 9
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
344 Programming Guide Line Display

If the application performs:

the window is not changed, and the viewport becomes:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0
1 B

After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0 1
1 B 6

After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0 1 2
1 B 6 7

From this point to the end of the window, the marquee action is the same as with
marquee walking…
After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 1 2 3
1 6 7 8

After MarqueeUnitWait milliseconds, the viewport is changed to:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 2 3 A
1 7 8 9

The marquee has scrolled to the end of the window.

After MarqueeRepeatWait milliseconds, the marquee display restarts with the
viewport changing to:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 0
1 B
Properties 345

MarqueeRepeatWait Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the wait time between scrolling the final character or row of the window into
its viewport and restarting the marquee with the first or last character or row.
The wait time is the specified number of milliseconds. (Note that the timer
resolution may reduce the precision of the wait time.)
This property is initialized to zero by the open and createWindow methods, and
is updated when CurrentWindow is set or destroyWindow is called.
This property is not used if not in Marquee Mode.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also MarqueeType Property, MarqueeFormat Property, MarqueeUnitWait
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
346 Programming Guide Line Display

MarqueeType Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the marquee type for the current window. When not DISP_MT_NONE, the
window is in Marquee Mode. This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

DISP_MT_NONE Marquees are disabled for this window.

DISP_MT_INIT Marquee Init Mode. Changes to the window are not
reflected in the viewport until this property is changed to
another value.
DISP_MT_UP Scroll the window up. Illegal unless Rows is greater
than the viewportHeight parameter used for the
window’s createWindow call, and CapVMarquee is
DISP_MT_DOWN Scroll the window down. Illegal unless Rows is greater
than the viewportHeight parameter used for the
window’s createWindow call, and CapVMarquee is
DISP_MT_LEFT Scroll the window left. Illegal unless Columns is
greater than the viewportWidth parameter used for the
window’s createWindow call, and CapHMarquee is
DISP_MT_RIGHT Scroll the window right. Illegal unless Columns is
greater than the viewportWidth parameter used for the
window’s createWindow call, and CapHMarquee is

A marquee is typically initialized after entering Marquee Init Mode by setting this
property to DISP_MT_INIT, then calling clearText and displayText(At)
methods. Then, when this property is changed to an “on” value, Marquee On
Mode is entered, and the marquee begins to be displayed in the viewport beginning
at the start of the window (or end if the type is right or down).
When the mode is changed from Marquee On Mode to Marquee Off Mode, the
marquee stops in place. A subsequent transition back to Marquee On Mode
continues from the current position.
When the mode is changed from Marquee On Mode to Marquee Init Mode, the
marquee stops. Changes may be made to the window, then the window may be
returned to Marquee On Mode to restart the marquee with the new data.
This property is always DISP_MT_NONE for window 0 – the device window.
This property is initialized to DISP_MT_NONE by the open and createWindow
methods, and is updated when CurrentWindow is set or destroyWindow is
Properties 347

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid value was used, or attempted to change

window 0.
See Also MarqueeFormat Property, MarqueeUnitWait Property, MarqueeRepeatWait

MarqueeUnitWait Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the wait time between marquee scrolling of each column or row in the
The wait time is the specified number of milliseconds. (Note that the timer
resolution may reduce the precision of the wait time.)
This property is not used if MarqueeType is DISP_MT_NONE.
This property is initialized to zero by the open and createWindow methods, and
is updated when CurrentWindow is set or destroyWindow is called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also MarqueeType Property, MarqueeFormat Property, MarqueeRepeatWait

Rows Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of rows for this window.
For window 0, this property is the same as DeviceRows.
For other windows, it may be less or greater than DeviceRows.
This property is initialized to DeviceRows by the open method, and is updated
when CurrentWindow is set or createWindow or destroyWindow are called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also Columns Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
348 Programming Guide Line Display

clearDescriptors Method
Syntax void clearDescriptors () throws JposException;
Remarks Turns off all descriptors.
This function is illegal if CapDescriptors is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The device does not support descriptors.

See Also setDescriptor Method, DeviceDescriptors Property

clearText Method
Syntax void clearText () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears the current window to blanks, sets CursorRow and CursorColumn to
zero, and resynchronizes the beginning of the window with the start of the
If in Immediate Mode or Teletype Mode, the viewport is also cleared immediately.
If in Marquee Init Mode, the viewport is not changed.
If in Marquee On Mode, this method is illegal.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL In Marquee On Mode.

See Also displayText Method
Methods 349

createWindow Method
Syntax void createWindow (int viewportRow, int viewportColumn,
int viewportHeight, int viewportWidth,
int windowHeight, int windowWidth)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

viewportRow The viewport’s start device row.

viewportColumn The viewport’s start device column.
viewportHeight The number of device rows in the viewport.
viewportWidth The number of device columns in the viewport.
windowHeight The number of rows in the window.
windowWidth The number of columns in the window.
Remarks Creates a viewport over the portion of the display given by the first four
parameters. The window size is given by the last two parameters. Valid window
row values range from zero to one less than windowHeight and column values
range from zero to one less than windowWidth.
The window size must be at least as large as the viewport size.
The window size may be larger than the viewport size in one direction. Using the
window marquee properties MarqueeType, MarqueeFormat,
MarqueeUnitWait, and MarqueeRepeatWait, such a window may be
continuously scrolled in a marquee fashion.
When successful, createWindow sets the CurrentWindow property to the
window number assigned to this window. The following properties are
maintained for each window, and are initialized as given:
Property Value

Rows Set to windowHeight.

Columns Set to windowWidth.
CursorRow Set to 0.
CursorColumn Set to 0.
CursorUpdate Set to true.
MarqueeType Set to DISP_MT_NONE.
MarqueeFormat Set to DISP_MF_WALK.
MarqueeUnitWait Set to 0.
MarqueeRepeatWait Set to 0.
InterCharacterWait Set to 0.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
350 Programming Guide Line Display

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One or more parameters are out of their valid ranges, or

all available windows are already in use.
See Also destroyWindow Method, CurrentWindow Property

destroyWindow Method
Syntax void destroyWindow () throws JposException;
Remarks Destroys the current window. The characters displayed in its viewport are not
CurrentWindow is set to window 0. The device window and the associated
window properties are updated.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The current window is 0. This window may not be

See Also createWindow Method, CurrentWindow Property
Methods 351

displayText Method
Syntax void displayText (String data, int attribute) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

data The string of characters to display.

attribute The display attribute for the text. Must be either
Remarks The characters in data are processed beginning at the location specified by
CursorRow and CursorColumn, and continue in succeeding columns.
Character processing continues to the next row when the end of a window row is
reached. If the end of the window is reached with additional characters to be
processed, then the window is scrolled upward by one row and the bottom row is
set to blanks. If CursorUpdate is true, then CursorRow and CursorColumn are
updated to point to the character following the last character of data.

Scrolling will not occur when the last character of data is placed at the end of a row. In this
case, when CursorUpdate is true, then CursorRow is set to the row containing the last
character, and CursorColumn is set to Columns (that is, to one more than the final
character of the row).
This stipulation ensures that the display does not scroll when a character is written into its
last position. Instead, the Device will wait until another character is written before scrolling
the window.

The operation of displayText (and displayTextAt) varies for each mode:

• Immediate Mode (MarqueeType = DISP_MT_NONE and InterCharacter-
Wait = 0): Updates the window and viewport immediately.
• Teletype Mode (MarqueeType = DISP_MT_NONE and InterCharacter-
Wait not = 0): data is enqueued. Enqueued data requests are processed in or-
der (typically by another thread within the Device), updating the window and
viewport using a wait of InterCharacterWait milliseconds after each charac-
ter is sent to the viewport.
• Marquee Init Mode (MarqueeType = DISP_MT_INIT): Updates the win-
dow, but doesn’t change the viewport.
• Marquee On Mode (MarqueeType not = DISP_MT_INIT): Illegal.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
352 Programming Guide Line Display

If CapBlink is DISP_CB_NOBLINK, then attribute is ignored. If it is

DISP_CB_BLINKALL, then the entire display will blink when one or more
characters have been set to blink. If it is DISP_CB_BLINKEACH, then only those
characters displayed with the blink attribute will blink.
Special character values within data are:
Value Meaning

New Line (\r) Change the next character’s output position to the
beginning of the current row.
Line Feed (\n) Change the next character’s output position to the
beginning of the next row. Scroll the window if the
current row is the last row of the window.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL attribute is illegal, or the display is in Marquee On

See Also displayTextAt Method, clearText Method, InterCharacterWait Property
Methods 353

displayTextAt Method
Syntax void displayTextAt (int row, int column, String data, int attribute)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

row The start row for the text.

column The start column for the text.
data The string of characters to display.
attribute The display attribute for the text. Must be either
Remarks The characters in data are processed beginning at the window location specified
by the row and column parameters, and continuing in succeeding columns.
This method has the same effect as setting the CursorRow to row, setting
CursorColumn to column, and calling the displayText method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL row or column are out or range, attribute is illegal, or in

Marquee On Mode.
See Also displayText Method, clearText Method, InterCharacterWait Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
354 Programming Guide Line Display

refreshWindow Method
Syntax void refreshWindow (int window) throws JposException;
The window parameter specifies which window must be refreshed.
Remarks Changes the current window to window, then redisplays its viewport. Neither the
mapping of the window to its viewport nor the window’s cursor position is
This function may be used to restore a window after another window has
overwritten some of its viewport.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL window is larger than DeviceWindows or has not been

created, or in Marquee On Mode.
Methods 355

scrollText Method
Syntax void scrollText (int direction, int units) throws JposException;
The direction parameter indicates the scrolling direction, and is one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

DISP_ST_UP Scroll the window up.

DISP_ST_DOWN Scroll the window down.
DISP_ST_LEFT Scroll the window left.
DISP_ST_RIGHT Scroll the window right.
The units parameter indicates the number of columns or rows to scroll.
Remarks Scrolls the current window.
This function is only legal in Immediate Mode.
If the window size for the scroll direction matches its viewport size, then the
window data is scrolled, the last units rows or columns are set to spaces, and the
viewport is updated.
If the window size for the scroll direction is larger than its viewport, then the
window data is not changed. Instead, the mapping of the window into the viewport
is moved in the specified direction. The window data is not altered, but the
viewport is updated. If scrolling by units would go beyond the beginning of the
window data, then the window is scrolled so that the first viewport row or column
contains the first window row or column. If scrolling by units would go beyond
the end of the window data, then the window is scrolled so that the last viewport
row or column contains the last window row or column.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL direction is illegal, or in Teletype Mode or Marquee

See Also displayText Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
356 Programming Guide Line Display

Example 1 - Assume a 2x20 display.

- An application has a line display instance named myLD.
- The application has performed:
myLD.createWindow(0, 3, 2, 4, 2, 4); // 2x4 viewport of 2x4 window
myLD.displayText(“abcdABCD”, DISP_DT_NORMAL);
The window contains:
0 1 2 3
0 a b c d
1 A B C D

and the viewport on the display is:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 a b c d
1 A B C D

If the application next performs:

myLD.scrollText (DISP_ST_LEFT, 2);
the window data becomes:
0 1 2 3
0 c d
1 C D

and the viewport becomes:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 c d
1 C D
Methods 357

Example 2 - Assume a 2x20 display.

- An application has a line display instance named myLD.
- The application has performed:
myLD.createWindow(0, 3, 2, 4, 2, 8); // 2x4 viewport of 2x8 window
myLD.displayText(“abcdefghABCDEFGH”, DISP_DT_NORMAL);
The window contains:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 a b c d e f g h
1 A B C D E F G H

and the viewport on the display is:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 a b c d
1 A B C D

If the application next performs:

myLD.scrollText (DISP_ST_LEFT, 2);
the window data is unchanged, and the viewport becomes:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 c d e f
1 C D E F

If the application next performs:

myLD.scrollText (DISP_ST_UP, 1);
the window data becomes:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A B C D E F G H

and the viewport becomes:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 C D E F
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
358 Programming Guide Line Display

setDescriptor Method
Syntax void setDescriptor (int descriptor, int attribute) throws JposException;
The descriptor parameter indicates which descriptor to change. The value may
range between zero and one less than DeviceDescriptors.
The attribute parameter indicates the attribute for the descriptor. It has one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

DISP_SD_ON Turns the descriptor on.

DISP_SD_BLINK Sets the descriptor to blinking.
DISP_SD_OFF Turns the descriptor off.
Remarks Sets the state of one of the descriptors, which are small indicators with a fixed
This function is illegal if CapDescriptors is false.
The device and its Device Service determine the mapping of descriptor to its
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The device does not support descriptors, or one of the

parameters contained an illegal value.
See Also clearDescriptors Method, DeviceDescriptors Property
Events 359

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Line Display Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Line Display
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 10
360 Programming Guide Line Display

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a Line Display.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a display.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the Line Display detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18
C H A P T E R 1 1

MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition


Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W open
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R open
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
362 Programming Guide MICR

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapValidationDevice boolean R open
RawData String R open

AccountNumber String R open

Amount String R open
BankNumber String R open
EPC String R open
SerialNumber String R open
TransitNumber String R open

CheckType int R open

CountryCode int R open

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput open & claim
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

beginInsertion open, claim, & enable
endInsertion open, claim, & enable
beginRemoval open, claim, & enable
endRemoval open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
364 Programming Guide MICR

General Information
The MICR Control’s class name is “jpos.MICR”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.MICRConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The MICR Control has the following minimal set of capabilities:
• Reads magnetic ink characters from a check.
• Provides programmatic control of check insertion, reading and removal. For
some MICR devices, this will require no processing in the Device Service
since the device may automate many of these functions.
• Parses the MICR data into the output properties. This release of JavaPOS
specifies parsing of fields specified in the ANSI MICR standard used in North
America. For other countries, the application may need to parse the MICR
data from the data in RawData.

The MICR device may be physically attached to or incorporated into a check val-
idation print device. If this is the case, once a check is inserted via MICR Control
methods, the check can still be used by the Printer Control prior to check removal.
Some MICR devices support exception tables, which cause non-standard parsing
of the serial number for specific check routing numbers. Exception tables are not
directly supported by this JavaPOS release. However, a Device Service may
choose to support them, and could assign JSD entries under its device name to
define the exception entries.
General Information 365

In general, the MICR Device follows the JavaPOS model for input devices. One
point of difference is that the MICR Device requires the execution of methods to
insert and remove the check for processing. Therefore, this Device requires more
than simply setting the DataEventEnabled property to true in order to receive
data. The basic model is as follows:
• The MICR Control is opened, claimed, and enabled.
• When an application wishes to perform a MICR read, the application calls
beginInsertion, specifying a timeout value. This results in the device being
made ready to have a check inserted. If the check is not inserted before the
timeout limit expires, a JposException is thrown.
In the event of a timeout, the MICR device will remain in a state allowing a
check to be inserted while the application provides any additional prompting
required and then reissues the beginInsertion method.
• Once a check is inserted, the method returns and the application calls
endInsertion, which results in the MICR device being taken out of check
insertion mode and the check, if present, actually being read.
• If the check is successfully read, a DataEvent is enqueued.
• If the AutoDisable property is true, then the Device automatically
disables itself when a DataEvent is enqueued.
• A queued DataEvent can be delivered to the application when
DataEventEnabled is true. Just before delivering this event, data is
copied into properties, and further data events are disabled by setting
DataEventEnabled to false. This causes subsequent input data to be
enqueued while the application processes the current input and associated
properties. When the application has finished the current input and is
ready for more data, it reenables events by setting DataEventEnabled to
• An ErrorEvent (or events) are enqueued if an error occurs while reading
the check, and is delivered to the application when DataEventEnabled is
• The DataCount property may be read to obtain the number of queued
• All queued input may be deleted by calling clearInput.
• After processing a DataEvent, the application should query the
CapValidationDevice property to determine if validation printing can be
performed on the check prior to check removal. If this property is true, the
application may call the Printer Control’s beginInsertion and endInsertion
methods. This positions the check for validation printing. The POS Printer’s
validation printing methods can then be used to perform validation printing.
When validation printing is complete, the application should call the Printer
Control’s removal methods to remove the check.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
366 Programming Guide MICR

• Once the check is no longer needed in the device, the application must call
beginRemoval, also specifying a timeout value. This method will throw a
JposException if the check is not removed in the timeout period. In this case,
the application may perform any additional prompting prior to calling the
method again. Once the check is removed, the application should call
endRemoval to take the MICR device out of removal mode.

Many models of MICR devices do not require any check handling processing from
the application. Such devices may always be capable of receiving a check and re-
quire no commands to actually read and eject the check. For these types of MICR
devices, the beginInsertion, endInsertion, beginRemoval and endRemoval
methods simply return, and input data will be enqueued until the DataEventEna-
bled property is set to true. However, applications should still use these methods
to ensure application portability across different MICR devices.

Device Sharing
The MICR is an exclusive-use device. Its device sharing rules are:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before the device begins
reading input, or before calling methods that manipulate the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
General Information 367

MICR Character Substitution

The E13B MICR format used by the ANSI MICR standard contains 15 possible
characters. Ten of these are the numbers 0 through 9. A space character may also
be returned. The other four characters are special to MICR data and are known as
the Transit, Amount, On-Us, and Dash characters. These character are used to
mark the boundaries of certain special fields in MICR data. Since these four
characters are not in the ASCII character set, the following lower-case characters
will be used to represent them in properties and in parameters to methods:

MICR Character Name Substitute


Transit t

Amount a

On-Us o

Dash -
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
368 Programming Guide MICR

AccountNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the account number parsed from the most recently read MICR data.
This account number will not include a check serial number if a check serial
number is able to be separately parsed, even if the check serial number is
embedded in the account number portion of the ‘On Us’ field. If the account
number cannot be identified, the string will be empty (“”).
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, DataEvent

Amount Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the amount field parsed from the most recently read MICR data.
The amount field on a check consists of ten digits bordered by Amount symbols.
All non space digits will be represented in the test string including leading 0’s. If
the amount is not present, the string will be empty (“”).
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, DataEvent
Properties 369

BankNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the bank number portion of the transit field parsed from the most recently
read MICR data.
The bank number is contained in digits 4 through 8 of the transit field. If the bank
number or transit field is not present or successfully identified, the string will be
empty (“”).
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, TransitNumber Property, DataEvent

CapValidationDevice Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the device also performs validation printing via the POS Printer’s slip
station, and a check does not have to be removed from the MICR device prior to
performing validation printing.
For devices that are both a MICR device as well as a POS Printer, the device will
automatically position the check for validation printing after successfully
performing a MICR read. Either the MICR’s or the POS Printer’s beginRemoval
and endRemoval methods may be called to remove the check once processing is
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
370 Programming Guide MICR

CheckType Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the type of check parsed from the most recently read MICR data. It has one
of the following values:
Value Meaning

MICR_CT_PERSONAL The check is a personal check.

MICR_CT_BUSINESS The check is a business or commercial check.
MICR_CT_UNKNOWN Unknown type of check.

Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, DataEvent

CountryCode Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the country of origin of the check parsed from the most recently read MICR
data. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

MICR_CC_USA The check is from America.

MICR_CC_CANADA The check is from Canada.
MICR_CC_MEXICO The check is from Mexico.
Check origination is unknown.

Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, DataEvent
Properties 371

EPC Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the Extended Processing Code (“EPC”) field parsed from the most recently
read MICR data. It will contain a single character 0 though 9 if the field is present.
If not, the string will be empty (“”).
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, DataEvent

RawData Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the MICR data from the most recent MICR read. It contains any of the 15
MICR characters with appropriate substitution to represent non-ASCII characters
(see “MICR Character Substitution”, page 367). No parsing or special processing
is done to the data returned in this property. A sample value may look like the
“2t123456789t123 4 567890o 123 a0000001957a”

Note that spaces are used to represent spaces in the MICR data.
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also AccountNumber Property, Amount Property, BankNumber Property,
CheckType Property, CountryCode Property, EPC Property, SerialNumber
Property, TransitNumber Property, DataEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
372 Programming Guide MICR

SerialNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the serial number of the check parsed from the most recently read MICR
If the serial number cannot be successfully parsed, the string will be empty (“”).
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, DataEvent

TransitNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the transit field of the check parsed from the most recently read MICR data.
It consists of all the characters read between the ‘Transit’ symbols on the check.
It is a nine character string.
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property, DataEvent
Methods 373

beginInsertion Method
Syntax void beginInsertion (int timeout) throws JposException;
The timeout parameter gives the number of milliseconds before failing the method.
If zero, the method tries to begin insertion mode, then returns the appropriate status
immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method initiates the begin insertion
mode, then waits as long as needed until either the check is inserted or an error
Remarks Initiates check insertion processing.
When called, the MICR is made ready to receive a check by opening the MICR’s
check handling “jaws” or activating a MICR’s check insertion mode. This method
is paired with the endInsertion method for controlling check insertion. Although
some MICR devices that do not require this sort of processing, the application
should still use these methods to ensure application portability across different
MICR devices.
If the MICR device cannot be placed into insertion mode, a JposException is
thrown. Otherwise, check insertion is monitored until either:
• The check is successfully inserted.
• The check is not inserted before timeout milliseconds have elapsed, or an error
is reported by the MICR device. In this case, a JposException is thrown. The
MICR device remains in check insertion mode. This allows an application to
perform some user interaction and reissue the beginInsertion method without
altering the MICR check handling mechanism.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY If the MICR is a combination device, the peer device

may be busy.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid timeout parameter was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The specified time has elapsed without the check being
properly inserted.
See Also endInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method, endRemoval Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
374 Programming Guide MICR

beginRemoval Method
Syntax void beginRemoval (int timeout) throws JposException;
The timeout parameter gives the number of milliseconds before failing the method.
If zero, the method tries to begin removal mode, then returns the appropriate status
immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method initiates the begin removal
mode, then waits as long as needed until either the check is removed or an error
Remarks Initiates check removal processing.
When called, the MICR is made ready to remove a check, by opening the MICR’s
check handling “jaws” or activating a MICR’s check ejection mode. This method
is paired with the endRemoval method for controlling check removal. Although
some MICR devices do not require this sort of processing, the application should
still use these methods to ensure application portability across different MICR
If the MICR device cannot be placed into removal or ejection mode, a
JposException is thrown. Otherwise, check removal is monitored until either:
• The check is successfully removed.
• The check is not removed before timeout milliseconds have elapsed, or an er-
ror is reported by the MICR device. In this case, a JposException is thrown.
The MICR device remains in check removal mode. This allows an application
to perform some user interaction and reissue the beginRemoval method with-
out altering the MICR check handling mechanism.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY If the MICR is a combination device, the peer device

may be busy.
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid timeout parameter was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The specified time has elapsed without the check being
properly removed.
See Also beginInsertion Method, endInsertion Method, endRemoval Method
Methods 375

endInsertion Method
Syntax void endInsertion () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends check insertion processing.
When called, the MICR is taken out of check insertion mode. If a check is not
detected in the device, a JposException is thrown with an extended error code of
JPOS_EMICR_NOCHECK. Upon completion of this method, the check will be
read by the MICR device, and data will be available as soon as the
DataEventEnabled property is set to true. This allows an application to prompt
the user prior to calling this method to ensure that the form is correctly positioned.
This method is paired with the beginInsertion method for controlling check
insertion. Although some MICR devices do not require this sort of processing, the
application should still use these methods to ensure application portability across
different MICR devices.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer is not in check insertion mode.

The device was taken out of insertion mode without a
check being inserted.
See Also beginInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method, endRemoval Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
376 Programming Guide MICR

endRemoval Method
Syntax void endRemoval () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends check removal processing.
When called, the MICR is taken out of check removal or ejection mode. If a check
is detected in the device, a JposException is thrown with an extended error code
This method is paired with the beginRemoval method for controlling check
removal. Although some MICR devices do not require this sort of processing, the
application should still use these methods to ensure application portability across
different MICR devices. For further information see “Events” on page 18
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer is not in check removal mode.

The device was taken out of removal mode while a
check is still present.
See Also beginInsertion Method, endInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method
Events 377

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e)
Description Notifies the application when MICR data is read from a check and is available to
be read.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Parameter Type Description

Status int Set to zero.

Before delivering this event, the RawData property is updated and the data is
parsed (if possible) into the MICR data fields.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, “Events” on “Events” on page 18, RawData
Property, AccountNumber Property, Amount Property, BankNumber Property,
CheckType Property, CountryCode Property, EPC Property, SerialNumber
Property, TransitNumber Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
378 Programming Guide MICR

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific MICR Device Service to provide events to
the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s MICR
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 379

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that an error has been detected when reading MICR data.

Properties This event contains the following properties:

Parameter Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on “ErrorCode” on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. It may
contain a Service-specific value.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.

The ErrorLocus property has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-

driven input. No input data is available.
Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is

The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue processing. The Device remains in the error
state and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and DataEventEnabled is again set to
true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered with locus
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 11
380 Programming Guide MICR

Remarks This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that proper
application sequencing occurs.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, “Device States” on page 30

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a MICR
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a MICR device.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the MICR device detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18
C H A P T E R 1 2

MSR – Magnetic Stripe Reader

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W open
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R open
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
382 Programming Guide MSR

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapISO boolean R open
CapJISOne boolean R open
CapJISTwo boolean R open

TracksToRead int R/W open

DecodeData boolean R/W open
ParseDecodeData boolean R/W open
ErrorReportingType int R/W open

Track1Data byte[] R open

Track2Data byte[] R open
Track3Data byte[] R open

AccountNumber String R open

ExpirationDate String R open
Title String R open
FirstName String R open
MiddleInitial String R open
Surname String R open
Suffix String R open
ServiceCode String R open
Track1DiscretionaryData byte[] R open
Track2DiscretionaryData byte[] R open
Summary 383

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput open & claim
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
384 Programming Guide MSR

General Information
The MSR Control’s class name is “jpos.MSR”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.MSRConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The MSR Control has the following minimal set of capabilities:
• Reads encoded data from a magnetic stripe. Data is obtainable from any
combination of tracks 1, 2 and 3.
• Supports decoding of the alphanumeric data bytes into their corresponding
alphanumeric codes. Furthermore, this decoded alphanumeric data may be
divided into specific fields accessed as device properties.

The MSR may have the following additional capability:

• Support for specific card types: ISO, JIS Type I, and/or JIS Type 2.

Note: For the purpose of this standard the following convention is

• Track1 is ISO or JIS-I Track 1; or JIS-II front data
• Track2 is ISO or JIS-I Track 2; or JIS-II back data
• Track3 is ISO or JIS-I Track 3

Determination of the type of card is based upon the type of content the
card tracks are expected to hold.

Device Behavior Model

Four writable properties control MSR data handling:
• The TracksToRead property controls which combination of the three tracks
should be read. It is not an error to swipe a card containing less than this set of
tracks. Rather, this property should be set to the set of tracks that the
Application may need to process.
• The DecodeData property controls decoding of track data from raw format
into displayable data.
• The ParseDecodeData property controls parsing of decoded data into fields,
based on common MSR standards.
• The ErrorReportingType property controls the type of handling that occurs
when a track containing invalid data is read.
General Information 385

The MSR Device follows the JavaPOS model for input devices:
• When input is received by the Device Service a DataEvent is enqueued.
• If the AutoDisable property is true, then the Device automatically disables
itself when a DataEvent is enqueued.
• A queued DataEvent can be delivered to the application when the
DataEventEnabled property is true. Just before delivering this event, data is
copied into properties, and further data events are disabled by setting
DataEventEnabled to false. This causes subsequent input data to be
enqueued while the application processes the current input and associated
properties. When the application has finished the current input and is ready for
more data, it reenables events by setting DataEventEnabled to true.
• An ErrorEvent (or events) is enqueued if an error occurs while gathering or
processing input, and is delivered to the application when DataEventEnabled
is true.
• The DataCount property may be read to obtain the number of queued
• All queued input may be deleted by calling clearInput.

Device Sharing
The MSR is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before the device begins
reading input, or before calling methods that manipulate the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
386 Programming Guide MSR

AccountNumber Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the account number obtained from the most recently swiped card.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapISO Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the MSR device supports ISO cards.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJISOne Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the MSR device supports JIS Type-I cards.
JIS-I cards are a superset of ISO cards. Therefore, if CapJISOne is true, then it is
implied that CapISO is also true.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 387

CapJISTwo Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the MSR device supports JIS Type-II cards.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

DecodeData Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If false, the Track1Data, Track2Data, and Track3Data properties contain the
original encoded bit sequences, known as “raw data format”.

If true, each byte of track data contained within the Track1Data, Track2Data,
and Track3Data properties is mapped from its original encoded bit sequence (as
it exists on the magnetic card) to its corresponding decoded ASCII bit sequence.
This conversion is mainly of relevance for data that is NOT of the 7-bit format,
since 7-bit data needs no decoding to decipher its corresponding alphanumeric
and/or Katakana characters.
The decoding that takes place is as follows for each card type, track, and track data
Card Data Decoded
Track Raw Bytes
Type Format Bytes
ISO Track 1 6-Bit 0x00 - 0x3F 0x20 - 0x5F
Track 2 4-Bit 0x00 - 0x0F 0x30 - 0x3F
Track 3 4-Bit 0x00 - 0x0F 0x30 - 0x3F
JIS-I Track 1 6-Bit 0x00 - 0x3F 0x20 - 0x5F
Track 1 7-Bit 0x00 - 0x7F Data Unchanged
Track 2 4-Bit 0x00 - 0x0F 0x30 - 0x3F
Track 3 4-Bit 0x00 - 0x0F 0x30- 0x3F
Track 3 7-Bit 0x00 - 0x7F Data Unchanged
JIS-II JIS Track 7-Bit 0x00 - 0x7F Data Unchanged
on Front
of Card
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
388 Programming Guide MSR

This property is initialized to true by the open method.

Setting this property to false automatically sets ParseDecodeData to false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also ParseDecodeData Property

ErrorReportingType Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the type of errors to report via ErrorEvents. This property has one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

MSR_ERT_CARD Report errors at a card level.

MSR_ERT_TRACK Report errors at a track level.
An error is reported by an ErrorEvent when a card is swiped, and one or more of
the tracks specified by the TracksToRead property contains data with errors.
When the ErrorEvent is delivered to the application, two types of error reporting
are supported:
• Card level: A general error status is given, with no data returned.
This level should be used when a simple pass/fail of the card data is sufficient.
• Track level: The Control can return an extended status with a separate status
for each of the tracks. Also, for those tracks that contain valid data or no data,
the track’s properties are updated as with a DataEvent. For those tracks that
contain invalid data, the track’s properties are set to empty.
This level should be used when the application may be able to utilize a suc-
cessfully read track or tracks when another of the tracks contains errors.
For example, suppose TracksToRead is MSR_TR_1_2_3, and a swiped card
contains good track 1 and 2 data, but track 3 contains “random noise” that is
flagged as an error by the MSR. With track level error reporting, the Error-
Event sets the track 1 and 2 properties with the valid data, sets the track 3
properties to empty, and returns an error code indicating the status of each

This property is initialized to MSR_ERT_CARD by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also ErrorEvent
Properties 389

ExpirationDate Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the expiration date obtained from the most recently swiped card, as four
ASCII decimal characters in the form YYMM. For example, February 1998 is
“9802” and August 2018 is “1808”.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

FirstName Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the first name obtained from the most recently swiped card.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
390 Programming Guide MSR

MiddleInitial Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the middle initial obtained from the most recently swiped card.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

ParseDecodeData Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks When true, the decoded data contained within the Track1Data and Track2Data
properties is further separated into fields for access via various other properties.
Track3Data is not parsed because its data content is of an open format defined by
the card issuer. JIS-I Track 1 Format C and ISO Track 1 Format C data are not
parsed for similar reasons.
The parsed data properties are the defined possible fields for cards with data
consisting of the following formats:
• JIS-I / ISO Track 1 Format A
• JIS-I / ISO Track 1 Format B
• JIS-I / ISO Track 1 VISA Format (a de-facto standard)
• JIS-I / ISO Track 2 Format
This property is initialized to true by the open method.
Setting this property to true automatically sets DecodeData to true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DecodeData Property, Surname Property, Suffix Property, AccountNumber
Property, FirstName Property, MiddleInitial Property, Title Property,
ExpirationDate Property, ServiceCode Property, Track1DiscretionaryData
Property, Track2DiscretionaryData Property
Properties 391

ServiceCode Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the service code obtained from the most recently swiped card.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Suffix Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the suffix obtained from the most recently swiped card.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Surname Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the surname obtained from the most recently swiped card.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
392 Programming Guide MSR

Title Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the title obtained from the most recently swiped card.
Set to the empty string if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Track1Data Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the track 1 data from the most recently swiped card. It contains the track
data between but not including the start data and end data sentinels.
If DecodeData is true, then the data returned by this property has been decoded
from the “raw” format. The data may also be parsed into other properties when
the ParseDecodeData property is set.
A zero-length array indicates that the track was not accessible.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also TracksToRead Property
Properties 393

Track1DiscretionaryData Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the track 1 discretionary data obtained from the most recently swiped card.
The array will be of zero-length if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
The amount of data contained in this property varies widely depending upon the
format of the track 1 data.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Track2Data Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the track 2 data from the most recently swiped card. It contains the track
data between but not including the start data and end data sentinels.
If DecodeData is true, then the data returned by this property has been decoded
from the “raw” format. The data may also be parsed into other properties when
the ParseDecodeData property is set.
A zero-length array indicates that the track was not accessible.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also TracksToRead Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
394 Programming Guide MSR

Track2DiscretionaryData Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the track 2 discretionary data obtained from the most recently swiped card.
The array will be of zero-length if:
• The field was not included in the track data obtained, or,
• The track data format was not one of those listed in the ParseDecodeData
property description, or,
• ParseDecodeData is false.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Track3Data Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the track 3 data from the most recently swiped card. It contains the track
data between but not including the start data and end data sentinels.
If DecodeData is true, then the data returned by this property has been decoded
from the “raw” format. The data may also be parsed into other properties when
the ParseDecodeData property is set.
A zero-length array indicates that the track was not accessible.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also TracksToRead Property
Properties 395

TracksToRead Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the track data that the application wishes to have placed into the
Track1Data, Track2Data, and Track3Data properties following a card swipe.
It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

MSR_TR_1 Obtain Track 1.

MSR_TR_2 Obtain Track 2.
MSR_TR_3 Obtain Track 3.
MSR_TR_1_2 Obtain Tracks 1 and 2.
MSR_TR_1_3 Obtain Tracks 1 and 3.
MSR_TR_2_3 Obtain Tracks 2 and 3.
MSR_TR_1_2_3 Obtain Tracks 1, 2, and 3.

Decreasing the required number of tracks may provide a greater swipe success rate
and somewhat greater responsiveness by removing the processing for unaccessed

TracksToRead does not indicate a capability of the MSR hardware unit, but
instead is an application configurable property representing which track(s) will
have their data obtained, potentially decoded, and returned if possible. Cases such
as an ISO type card being swiped through a JIS-II read head, cards simply not
having data for particular tracks, and other factors may preclude desired data from
being obtained.
This property is initialized to MSR_TR_1_2_3 by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
396 Programming Guide MSR

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when input data from the MSR device is available.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int See below.

The Status property is divided into four bytes with three of the bytes representing
information about the three tracks, while the fourth byte is unused. The diagram
below indicates how the Status property is divided:
High Word Low Word
High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte
Unused Track 3 Track 2 Track 1

A value of zero for a track byte means that no data was obtained from the swipe
for that particular track. This might be due to the hardware device simply not
having a read head for the track, or perhaps the application intentionally precluded
incoming data from the track via the TracksToRead property.
A value greater than zero indicates the length in bytes of the corresponding
TrackxData property.
Remarks Before this event is delivered, the swiped data is placed into Track1Data,
Track2Data and Track3Data. If DecodeData is true, then this track is decoded.
If ParseDecodeData is true, then the data is parsed into several additional
Events 397

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific MSR Device Service to provide events to
the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s MSR devices
which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
398 Programming Guide MSR

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that an error occurred at the MSR device.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Name Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. If
ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then see
values below. Otherwise, it may contain a Service-
specific value.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be
overridden by the application (i.e., this property is
settable). See values below.
If the ErrorReportingType property is MSR_ERT_CARD and ErrorCode is
JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then ErrorCodeExtended has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EMSR_START Start sentinel error.

JPOS_EMSR_END End sentinel error.
JPOS_EMSR_PARITY Parity error.
If the ErrorReportingType property is MSR_ERT_TRACK, and ErrorCode is
JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then ErrorCodeExtended contains Track-level status,
broken down as follows:
High Word Low Word
High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte
Unused Track 3 Track 2 Track 1

Where Each of the track status bytes has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EMSR_START Start sentinel error.
JPOS_EMSR_END End sentinel error.
Events 399

JPOS_EMSR_PARITY Parity error.

JPOS_E_FAILURE Other or general error.
The ErrorLocus parameter has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-

driven input. No input data is available.
Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is
The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue processing. The Device remains in the error
state and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and DataEventEnabled is again set to
true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered with locus
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.

Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected while trying to read MSR data. This event is
not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that proper application
sequencing occurs.
If the ErrorReportingType property is MSR_ERT_CARD, then the track that
caused the fault cannot be determined. The track data properties are not changed.
If the ErrorReportingType property is MSR_ERT_TRACK, then the ErrorCode
and ErrorCodeExtended properties may indicate the track-level status. Also, the
track data properties are updated as with DataEvent, with the properties for the
track or tracks in error set to empty strings.

Unlike DataEvent, individual track lengths are not reported. However, the
application can determine their lengths by getting the length of each of the
TrackData properties.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 12
400 Programming Guide MSR

Also, since this is an ErrorEvent (even though it is reporting partial data), the
DataCount property is not incremented and the Control remains enabled,
regardless of the AutoDisable property value.

See Also“Device Behavior Model” on page 384, ErrorReportingType Property

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a MSR device.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a MSR device.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the MSR device detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18
C H A P T E R 1 3



Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable 1.3 boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText 1.3 String R open
Claimed 1.3 boolean R open
DataCount 1.3 int R open
DataEventEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents 1.3 boolean R/W open
OutputID 1.3 int R open
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State 1.3 int R --

DeviceControlDescription 1.3 String R --

DeviceControlVersion 1.3 int R --
DeviceServiceDescription 1.3 String R open
DeviceServiceVersion 1.3 int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription 1.3 String R open
PhysicalDeviceName 1.3 String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
402 Programming Guide Pinpad

Properties (Continued)
Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After
CapMACCalculation 1.3 boolean R open
CapDisplay 1.3 int R open
CapLanguage 1.3 int R open
CapKeyboard 1.3 boolean R open
CapTone 1.3 boolean R open

AvailablePromptsList 1.3 String R open

Prompt 1.3 int R/W open
AvailableLanguagesList 1.3 String R open
PromptLanguage 1.3 String R/W open
AccountNumber 1.3 String R/W open
Amount 1.3 long R/W open
MerchantID 1.3 String R/W open
TerminalID 1.3 String R/W open
Track1Data 1.3 byte[] R/W open
Track2Data 1.3 byte[] R/W open
Track3Data 1.3 byte[] R/W open
TransactionType 1.3 String R/W open
MinimumPINLength 1.3 int R/W open
MaximumPINLength 1.3 int R/W open
PINEntryEnabled 1.3 boolean R open
EncryptedPIN 1.3 String R open
AdditionalSecurityInformaion 1.3 String R open
Summary 403

Common Ver May Use After
open 1.3 --
close 1.3 open
claim 1.3 open
release 1.3 open & claim
checkHealth 1.3 open, claim, & enable
clearInput 1.3 open, claim, & enable
clearOutput 1.3 Not Supported
directIO 1.3 open

beginEFTTransaction 1.3 open, claim, & enable
endEFTTransaction 1.3 beginEFTTransaction
enablePINEntry 1.3 beginEFTTransaction
computeMAC 1.3 beginEFTTransaction
verifyMAC 1.3 beginEFTTransaction
updateKey 1.3 beginEFTTransaction
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
404 Programming Guide Pinpad

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent 1.3 Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
General Information 405

General Information
The Pinpad Control’s class name is “jpos.Pinpad”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.PinpadConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

This de v i ce w as a dd e d in Ja va PO S Re lea s e 1. 3.

A Pinpad
• Provides a mechanism for customers to perform PIN Entry
• Acts as a cryptographic engine for communicating with an EFT Transaction
A Pinpad will perform these functions by implementing one or more Pinpad
Management Systems. A Pinpad Management System defines the manner in
which the Pinpad will perform functions such as PIN Encryption, Message
Authentication Code calculation, and Key Updating. Examples of Pinpad
Management Systems include: Master-Session, DUKPT, APACS40, HGEPOS,
and AS2805, along with many others.
The Pinpad Control has the following minimal capability:
• Accepts a PIN Entry at its keyboard and provide an Encrypted PIN to the

The Pinpad Control may have the following additional capabilities:

• Computes Message Authentication Codes.
• Performs Key Updating in accordance with the selected Pinpad Management
• Supports multiple Pinpad Management Systems.
• Allows use of the Pinpad Keyboard, Display, & Tone Generator for
application usage. If one or more of these features are available, then the
application opens and uses the associated POS Keyboard, Line Display, or
Tone Indicator Device Controls.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
406 Programming Guide Pinpad

Features Not Supported

This specification does not include support for the following:
• Initial Key Loading. This operation usually requires downloading at least one
key in the clear and must be done in a secure location (typically either the
factory or at a Financial Institution). Thus, support for initial key loading is
outside the scope of this specification. However, this specification does
include support for updating keys while a Pinpad unit is installed at a retail
• Full EFT functionality. This specification addresses the functionality of a
Pinpad that is used solely as a peripheral device by an Electronic Funds
Transfer application. It specifically does not define the functionality of an
Electronic Funds Transfer application that might execute within an intelligent
Pinpad. This specification does not include support for applications in which
the Pinpad application determines that a message needs to be transmitted to
the EFT Transaction Host. Consequently, this specification will not apply in
Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and possibly other countries. It also does not
apply to Pinpads in which the vendor has chosen to provide EFT Functionality
in the Pinpad.
Smartcard Reader. Some Pinpad devices will include a Smartcard reader. Support
for this device may be included in a future revision of this specification. In the in-
terim, the directIO method could be used to control such added functionality.

Note on Terminology
For the Pinpad device, clarification of the terminology used to describe the data
exchange with the device is necessary. “Hex-ASCII” is used to indicate that the
“standard” representation of bytes as hexadecimal ASCII characters is used. For
instance, the byte stream {0x15, 0xC7, 0xF0} would be represented in hex-ASCII
as “15C7F0”.
General Information 407

A Pinpad performs encryption functions under control of a Pinpad Management
System. Some Pinpads will support multiple Pinpad Management Systems. Some
Pinpad Management Systems support multiple keys (sets) for different EFT Trans-
action Hosts. Thus, for each EFT transaction, the application will need to select
the Pinpad Management System and EFT Transaction Host to be used. Depending
on the Pinpad Management System, one or more EFT transaction parameters will
need to be provided to the Pinpad for use in the encryption functions. The appli-
cation should set the value of ALL EFT Transaction parameter properties to en-
able easier migration to EFT Transaction Hosts that require a different Pinpad
Management System.
After opening, claiming, and enabling the Device Control, an application should
use the following general scenario for each EFT Transaction.
• Set the EFT transaction properties (AccountNumber, Amount,
MerchantID, TerminalID, Track1Data, Track2Data, Track3Data and
TransactionType) and then call the beginEFTTransaction method. This
will initialize the Device to perform the encryption functions for the EFT
• If PIN Entry is required, call the enablePINEntry method. Then set the
DataEventEnabled property and wait for the DataEvent.
• If Message Authentication Codes are required, call the computeMAC and
verifyMAC methods as needed.
• Call the endEFTTransaction method to notify the Device that all operations
for the EFT transaction have been completed.

This specification supports two models of usage of the Pinpad display. The Cap-
Display property indicates one of the following models:
• an application has complete control of the text that is to be displayed. For this
model, there is an associated Line Display Control that is used by the
application to interact with the display.
• an application cannot supply the text to be displayed. Instead, it can only
select from a list of pre-defined messages to be displayed. For this model,
there is a set of Pinpad properties that are used to control the display.

Device Sharing
The Pinpad is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before the device begins
reading input, or before calling methods that manipulate the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
408 Programming Guide Pinpad

AccountNumber Property R/W
Type String
Remarks Holds the account number to be used for the current EFT transaction. The
application must set this property before calling the beginEFTTransaction method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.

AdditionalSecurityInformation Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds additional security/encryption information when a DataEvent is delivered.
This property will be formatted as a Hex-ASCII string. The information content
and internal format of this string will vary among Pinpad Management Systems.
For example, if the Pinpad Management System is DUKPT, then this property will
contain the “Pinpad sequence number”. If the PIN Entry was cancelled, this
property will contain the empty string.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 409

Amount Property R/W

Type long
Remarks Holds the amount of the current EFT transaction. The application must set this
property before calling the beginEFTTransaction method. This property is a
monetary value stored using an implied four decimal places. For example, an
actual value of 12345 represents 1.2345.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.

AvailableLanguagesList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a semi-colon separated list of a set of “language definitions” that are
supported by the pre-defined prompts in the Pinpad. A “language definition”
consists of an ISO-639 language code and an ISO-3166 country code (as also used
in the Java Locale class). The two codes are comma separated.

For example,. the string ”EN,US;FR,CAN,” represents two supported language

definitions: US English and Canadian French where the variant of French used
will be dependent on what is available on the device

If CapLanguage is PPAD_LANG_NONE, then this property will be the empty

This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PromptLanguage Property

AvailablePromptsList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a comma-separated string representation of the supported values for the
Prompt property.

The full set of supported Prompt values are shown below:

Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
410 Programming Guide Pinpad

Value Name (Value) Meaning

Enter pin number on the Pinpad.
The system is processing. Wait.
The pin that was entered is not correct. Enter the correct
pin number.
The user has failed to enter the correct pin number and
the maximum number of attempts has been exceeded.
The request has been approved.
The EFT Transaction Host has declined to perform the
requested function.
The request is cancelled.
Enter Yes/No to approve the amount.
Pinpad is not ready for use.
The System is Idle.
Slide card through the integrated MSR.
Insert (smart)card.
Select the card type (typically credit or debit).

Values 1000 and above are reserved for Device Service defined values.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 411

CapDisplay Property R
Type int
Remarks Defines the operations that the application may perform on the Pinpad display.
Value Meaning

The application can use the Pinpad display in an
unrestricted manner to display messages. In this case,
an associated Line Display Device Control is the
interface to the Pinpad display. The application must
call Line Display methods to manipulate the display.
The application can use the Pinpad display in an
unrestricted manner except during PIN Entry. The
Pinpad will display a pre-defined message during PIN
Entry. If an attempt is made to use the associated Line
Display Device Control while PIN Entry is enabled, the
Line Display Control will throw a JposException with
an associated ErrorCode of JPOS_E_BUSY.
The application cannot specify the text of messages to
display. It can only select from a list of pre-defined
messages. There is no associated Line Display Device
The application cannot specify the text of messages to
display. It can only select from a list of pre-defined
messages. The selections must occur in a pre-defined
acceptable order. There is no associated Line Display
Device Control.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
412 Programming Guide Pinpad

CapLanguage Property R
Type int
Remarks Defines the capabilities that the application has to select the language of pre-
defined messages (e.g. English, French, Arabic etc.).
This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

PPAD_LANG_NONE The Pinpad supports no pre-defined prompt messages.

The property will be set to this value if CapDisplay =
PPAD_DISP_UNRESTRICTED. Any attempt to set
the value of the PromptLanguage property will cause a
JposException to be thrown with the associated
ErrorCode of JPOS_E_ILLEGAL.
PPAD_LANG_ONE The Pinpad supports pre-defined prompt messages in
one language. Any attempt to set the value of the
PromptLanguage property to other than the default
value will cause JposException to be thrown with the
associated ErrorCode of JPOS_E_ILLEGAL.
The Pinpad cannot change prompt languages during PIN
Entry. The application must set the desired value into
the PromptLanguage property before calling
enablePINEntry. Any attempt to set the value of the
PromptLanguage while PINEntryEnabled is true will
cause a JposException to be thrown with the associated
ErrorCode of JPOS_E_BUSY.
The application can change the language of pre-defined
prompt messages at anytime. The currently displayed
message will change immediately.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PromptLanguage Property.
Properties 413

CapMACCalculation Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the Pinpad supports MAC calculation.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapKeyboard Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the application can use the Pinpad to obtain input. The application will use
an associated POS Keyboard Device Control as the interface to the Pinpad
keyboard. Note that the associated POS Keyboard Control is effectively disabled
while PINEntryEnabled is true.
If false, the application cannot obtain input directly from the Pinpad keyboard.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapTone Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the Pinpad has a Tone Indicator. The Tone Indicator may be accessed by
use of an associated Tone Indicator Control. If false, there is no Tone Indicator.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
414 Programming Guide Pinpad

EncryptedPIN Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the value of the Encrypted PIN after a DataEvent. This property will be
formatted as a 16 byte Hex-ASCII string. If the PIN Entry was cancelled, this
property will contain the empty string.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

MaximumPINLength Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum acceptable number of digits in a PIN. This property will be
set to a default value by the open method. If the application wishes to change this
property, it should be set before the enablePINEntry method is called. Note that
in some implementations, this value cannot be changed by the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

enablePINEntry method has been called.

MerchantID Property R/W

Type String
Remarks Holds the Merchant ID, as it is known to the EFT Transaction Host. The
application must set this property before calling the beginEFTTransaction
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.
Properties 415

MinimumPINLength Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the minimum acceptable number of digits in a PIN. This property will be
set to a default value by the open method. If the application wishes to change this
property, it should be set before the enablePINEntry method is called. Note that
in some implementations, this value cannot be changed by the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

enablePINEntry method has been called.

PINEntryEnabled Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the PIN entry operation is enabled. It is set when the enablePINEntry
method is called. It will be set to false when the user has completed the PIN Entry
operation or when the endEFTTransaction method has completed.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
416 Programming Guide Pinpad

Prompt Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the identifier of a pre-defined message to be displayed on the Pinpad. This
property is used if CapDisplay is PPAD_DISP_RESTRICTED_LIST or
PPAD_DISP_RESTRICTED_ORDER. It is also used during PIN Entry if
CapDisplay has a value of PPAD_DISP_PINRESTRICTED. The
AvailablePromptsList property lists the possible values for this property.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following has occurred:

An attempt was made to set the property to a value that

is not supported by the Pinpad Device Service.

An attempt was made to select prompt messages in an

unacceptable order (if CapDisplay is

See Also PromptLanguage Property

Properties 417

PromptLanguage Property R/W

Type String
Remarks Holds the “language definition” for the message to be displayed (as specified by
the Prompt property). This property is used if the Prompt property is being used.
The exact effect of changing this property depends on the value of CapLanguage.
A “language definition” consists of an ISO-639 language code and an ISO-3166
country code (as also used in the Java Locale class). The two codes are comma
The country code is optional and implies that the application does not care which
country variant of the language is used.
For example, the string ”EN,US” represents a US English language definition, the
string ”FR,” represents a French language definition where the variant of French
used will be dependent on what is available on the device.
The property is initialized to a default value by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

An attempt was made to set the property to a value that
is not supported by the Pinpad Device Service.
CapLanguage is PPAD_LANG_NONE. and an
attempt was made to set the value of this property.
CapLanguage is PPAD_LANG_ONE and an attempt
to was made to set the value of this property to other than
the default value.
and PINEntryEnabled is true.
See Also CapLanguage Property, AvailableLanguagesList Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
418 Programming Guide Pinpad

TerminalID Property R/W

Type String
Remarks Holds the terminal ID, as it is known to the EFT Transaction Host. The application
must set this property before calling the beginEFTTransaction method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.

Track1Data Property R/W

Type byte[]
Remarks Holds either the track 1 data from the previous card swipe or an empty array. An
empty array indicates that the track was not physically read. The application must
set this property before calling the beginEFTTransaction method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.
Properties 419

Track2Data Property R/W

Type byte[]
Remarks Holds either the track 2 data from the previous card swipe or an empty array. An
empty array indicates that the track was not physically read. The application must
set this property before calling the beginEFTTransaction method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.

Track3Data Property R/W

Type byte[]
Remarks Holds either the track 3 data from the previous card swipe or an empty array. An
empty array indicates that the track was not physically read. The application must
set this property before calling the beginEFTTransaction method
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
420 Programming Guide Pinpad

TransactionType Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the type of the current EFT transaction. The application must set this
property before calling the beginEFTTransaction method.
This property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Debit (decrease) the specified account
Credit (increase) the specified account.
PPAD_TRANS_INQ (Balance) Inquiry
Administrative Transaction
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An attempt was made to change this property after the

beginEFTTransaction method has been called.
Methods 421

beginEFTTransaction Method
Syntax void beginEFTTransaction (String PINPadSystem, int transactionHost)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

PINPadSystem Name of the desired Pinpad Management System.(see

below). The Device Service may support other Pinpad
Management systems.
transactionHost Identifies the particular EFT Transaction Host to be used
for this transaction.

The PINPadSystem parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

“M/S” Master/Session. (USA, Latin America)

“DUKPT” Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (USA, Latin
“APACS40” Standard 40 (UK and other countries)
“AS2805” Australian Standard 2805
“HGEPOS” (Italian)

Remarks Initiates the beginning of an EFT Transaction. The Device will perform
initialization functions (such as computing session keys). No other Pinpad
functions can be performed until this method is called.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

computeMAC Method
Syntax void computeMAC (String inMsg, String[] outMsg) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

inMsg The message that the application intends to send to an

EFT Transaction Host
outMsg Contains the result of applying the MAC calculation to
inMsg. This output parameter will contain a reformatted
message that may actually be transmitted to an EFT
Transaction Host.
Remarks Computes a MAC value and appends it to the designated message. Depending on
the selected Pinpad Management System, the Pinpad may also insert other fields
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
422 Programming Guide Pinpad

into the message. Note that this method cannot be used while Pinpad input (PIN
Entry) is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_DISABLED A beginEFTTransaction method has not been

JPOS_E_BUSY PINEntryEnabled is true. The Pinpad cannot perform a
MAC calculation during PIN Entry.

enablePINEntry Method
Syntax void enablePINEntry () throws JposException;
Remarks Enables PIN Entry at the Pinpad device. When this method is called, the
PINEntryEnabled property will be changed to true. If the Pinpad uses pre-
defined prompts for PIN Entry, then the Prompt property will be changed to
When the user has completed the PIN entry operation (either by entering their PIN
or by hitting Cancel), the PINEntryEnabled property will be changed to false. A
DataEvent will be delivered to provide the encrypted PIN to the application when
DataEventEnabled is set to true. Note that any data entered at the Pinpad while
PINEntryEnabled is true will be supplied in encrypted form and will NOT be
provided to any associated Keyboard Device Control.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_DISABLED A beginEFTTransaction method has not been

Methods 423

endEFTTransaction Method
Syntax void endEFTTransaction (int completionCode) throws JposException;
completionCode has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

PPAD_EFT_NORMAL The EFT transaction completed normally. Note that this

does not mean that the EFT transaction was approved. It
merely means that the proper sequence of messages was
transmitted and received.
The proper sequence of messages was not transmitted &
Remarks Ends an EFT Transaction. The Device will perform termination functions (such
as computing next transaction keys).
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

updateKey Method
Syntax void updateKey (int keyNum, String key) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

keyNum A key number.

key A Hex-ASCII value for a new key.
Remarks Provides a new encryption key to the Pinpad. It is used only for those Pinpad
Management Systems in which new key values are sent to the terminal as a field
in standard messages from the EFT Transaction Host.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following conditions occurred:

The selected Pinpad Management System does not

support this function.

The keyNum specifies an unacceptable key number.

The key contains a bad key (not Hex-ASCII or wrong

length or bad parity).
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
424 Programming Guide Pinpad

verifyMAC Method
Syntax void verifyMAC (String message) throws JposException;
The message contains a message received from an EFT Transaction Host.
Remarks Verifies the MAC value in a message received from an EFT Transaction Host.
This method throws a JposException if it cannot verify the message. Note that this
method cannot be used while PIN Entry is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_DISABLED A beginEFTTransaction method has not been

JPOS_E_BUSY PINEntryEnabled is true. The Pinpad cannot perform a
MAC verification during PIN Entry.
Events 425

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when a PIN Entry operation has completed.

Properties This event contains the following property:

Property Type Description

Status int See below.

The Status property has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

PPAD_SUCCESS PIN Entry has occurred and values have been stored into
the EncryptedPIN and
AdditionalSecurityInformation properties.
PPAD_CANCEL The user hit the cancel button on the Pinpad.
PPAD_TIMEOUT A timeout condition occurred in the Pinpad. (Not all
Pinpads will report this condition)

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Pinpad Device Service to provide events to
the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service event.
Data int Additional numberic data. Specific alues vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
426 Programming Guide Pinpad

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Pinpad
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that an error was detected while trying to perform a PIN
encryption function.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. If
ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then see valuse
below. Otherwise it may contain a Service-specific
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default values may be overridden
by the application (i.e. this property is settable). See
values below.
The ErrorCodeExtended property has the following value:
Value Meaning

PPAD_BAD_KEY An Encryption Key is corrupted or missing.

Events 427

The ErrorLocus property has the following value:

Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-

driven input. No input data is available.
The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to the following
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Remarks More detailed diagnostic information may optionally be obtained using the
checkHealth or directIO methods.

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a Pinpad.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a Pinpad.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the Pinpad detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18
Java for Retail POS Chapter 13
428 Programming Guide Pinpad
C H A P T E R 1 4

POS Keyboard

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W open
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R open
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 14
430 Programming Guide POS Keyboard

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapKeyUp boolean R open
EventTypes int R/W open
POSKeyData int R open
POSKeyEventType int R open

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput open & claim
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
General Information 431

General Information
The POS Keyboard Control’s class name is “jpos.POSKeyboard”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.POSKeyboardConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The POS Keyboard Control has the following capability:
• Reads keys from a POS keyboard. A POS keyboard may be an auxiliary
keyboard, or it may be a virtual keyboard consisting of some or all of the keys
on the system keyboard.

The POS Keyboard Control follows the JavaPOS model for input devices:
• When input is received by the Device Service a DataEvent is enqueued.
• If the AutoDisable property is true, then the Device automatically disables
itself when a DataEvent is enqueued.
• A queued DataEvent can be delivered to the application when the
DataEventEnabled property is true. Just before firing this event, data is
copied into the properties, and further data events are disabled by setting
DataEventEnabled to false. This causes subsequent input data to be
enqueued while the application processes the current input and associated
properties. When the application has finished the current input and is ready for
more data, it reenables events by setting DataEventEnabled to true.
• An ErrorEvent (or events) are enqueued if an error occurs while gathering or
processing input, and is delivered to the application when DataEventEnabled
is true.
• The DataCount property may be read to obtain the number of queued
• All queued input may be deleted by calling clearInput.

Keyboard Translation
The POS Keyboard Control must supply a mechanism for translating its internal
key codes into user-defined codes which are returned by the data events. Note that
this translation must be end-user configurable.
Device Sharing
The POS keyboard is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before the device begins
reading input.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 14
432 Programming Guide POS Keyboard

CapKeyUp Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the device is able to generate both key down and key up events,
depending upon the setting of the EventTypes. If false, then the device is only
able to generate the key down event.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

EventTypes Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the type of events that the application wants to receive. It has one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

KBD_ET_DOWN Generate key down events.

KBD_ET_DOWN_UP Generate key down and key up events.
This property is initialized to KBD_ET_DOWN by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

POSKeyData Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the value of the key from the last DataEvent. The application may treat this
value as device independent, assuming that the system installer has configured the
Device Service to translate internal key codes to the codes expected by the
application. Such configuration is inherently Device Service-specific.
This property is set just before delivering the DataEvent.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 433

POSKeyEventType Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the type of the last keyboard event: Is the key being pressed or released? It
has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

The key in POSKeyData was pressed.
KBD_KET_KEYUP The key in POSKeyData was released.
This property is set just before delivering the DataEvent.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 14
434 Programming Guide POS Keyboard

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that input data is available from the POS Keyboard device.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Parameter Type Description

Status int Contains zero.

Remarks The logical key number is placed in the POSKeyData property and the event type
is placed in the POSKeyEventType property before this event is delivered.
See Also “Events” on page 18

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific POS Keyboard Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s POS
Keyboard devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s
need for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 435

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that an error was detected trying to read POS Keyboard
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Parameter Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. It may
contain a Service-specific value.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.

The ErrorLocus property has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-

driven input. No input data is available.
Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is
The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue processing. The Device remains in the error
state, and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and DataEventEnabled is again set to
true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered with locus
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 14
436 Programming Guide POS Keyboard

Remarks This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that proper
application sequencing occurs.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, “Device States” on page 30

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when the working status of the POS Keyboard changes.

Properties This event contains the following property:

Property Type Description

Status int The status reported from the POS Keyboard.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with
additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.

Remarks Enqueued when the POS Keyboard needs to alert the application of a device state
See Also “Events” on page 18
C H A P T E R 1 5

POS Printer

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventenabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R open
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapCharacterSet int R open
CapConcurrentJrnRec boolean R open
CapConcurrentJrnSlp boolean R open
CapConcurrentRecSlp boolean R open
CapCoverSensor boolean R open
CapTransaction boolean R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
438 Programming Guide POS Printer

Specific (continued) Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapJrnPresent boolean R open

CapJrn2Color boolean R open
CapJrnBold boolean R open
CapJrnDhigh boolean R open
CapJrnDwide boolean R open
CapJrnDwideDhigh boolean R open
CapJrnEmptySensor boolean R open
CapJrnItalic boolean R open
CapJrnNearEndSensor boolean R open
CapJrnUnderline boolean R open

CapRecPresent boolean R open

CapRec2Color boolean R open
CapRecBarCode boolean R open
CapRecBitmap boolean R open
CapRecBold boolean R open
CapRecDhigh boolean R open
CapRecDwide boolean R open
CapRecDwideDhigh boolean R open
CapRecEmptySensor boolean R open
CapRecItalic boolean R open
CapRecLeft90 boolean R open
CapRecNearEndSensor boolean R open
CapRecPapercut boolean R open
CapRecRight90 boolean R open
CapRecRotate180 boolean R open
CapRecStamp boolean R open
CapRecUnderline boolean R open
Summary 439

Specific (continued) Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapSlpPresent boolean R open

CapSlpFullslip boolean R open
CapSlp2Color boolean R open
CapSlpBarCode boolean R open
CapSlpBitmap boolean R open
CapSlpBold boolean R open
CapSlpDhigh boolean R open
CapSlpDwide boolean R open
CapSlpDwideDhigh boolean R open
CapSlpEmptySensor boolean R open
CapSlpItalic boolean R open
CapSlpLeft90 boolean R open
CapSlpNearEndSensor boolean R open
CapSlpRight90 boolean R open
CapSlpRotate180 boolean R open
CapSlpUnderline boolean open

AsyncMode boolean R/W open

CharacterSet int R/W open, claim, & enable
CharacterSetList String R open
CoverOpen boolean R open, claim, & enable
ErrorLevel int R open
ErrorStation int R open
ErrorString String R open
FontTypefaceList String R open
FlagWhenIdle boolean R/W open
MapMode int R/W open
RotateSpecial int R/W open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
440 Programming Guide POS Printer

Specific (continued) Ver Type Access Initialized After

JrnLineChars int R/W open, claim, & enable

JrnLineCharsList String R open
JrnLineHeight int R/W open, claim, & enable
JrnLineSpacing int R/W open, claim, & enable
JrnLineWidth int R open, claim, & enable
JrnLetterQuality boolean R/W open, claim, & enable
JrnEmpty boolean R open, claim, & enable
JrnNearEnd boolean R open, claim, & enable

RecLineChars int R/W open, claim, & enable

RecLineCharsList String R open
RecLineHeight int R/W open, claim, & enable
RecLineSpacing int R/W open, claim, & enable
RecLineWidth int R open, claim, & enable
RecLetterQuality boolean R/W open, claim, & enable
RecEmpty boolean R open, claim, & enable
RecNearEnd boolean R open, claim, & enable

RecSidewaysMaxLines int R open, claim, & enable

RecSidewaysMaxChars int R open, claim, & enable
RecLinesToPaperCut int R open, claim, & enable
RecBarCodeRotationList String R open

SlpLineChars int R/W open, claim, & enable

SlpLineCharsList String R open
SlpLineHeight int R/W open, claim, & enable
SlpLineSpacing int R/W open, claim, & enable
SlpLineWidth int R open, claim, & enable
SlpLetterQuality boolean R/W open, claim, & enable
SlpEmpty boolean R open, claim, & enable
SlpNearEnd boolean R open, claim, & enable

SlpSidewaysMaxLines int R open, claim, & enable

SlpSidewaysMaxChars int R open, claim, & enable
SlpMaxLines int R open, claim, & enable
SlpLinesNearEndToEnd int R open, claim, & enable
SlpBarCodeRotationList String R open
Summary 441

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput open & claim
directIO open

printNormal open, claim, & enable
printTwoNormal open, claim, & enable
printImmediate open, claim, & enable

beginInsertion open, claim, & enable

endInsertion open, claim, & enable
beginRemoval open, claim, & enable
endRemoval open, claim, & enable
cutPaper open, claim, & enable
rotatePrint open, claim, & enable
printBarCode open, claim, & enable
printBitmap open, claim, & enable
transactionPrint open, claim, & enable
validateData open, claim, & enable

setBitmap open, claim, & enable

setLogo open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent open, claim, & enable
StatusUpdateEvent open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
442 Programming Guide POS Printer

General Information
The POS Printer Control’s class name is “jpos.POSPrinter”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.POSPrinterConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The JavaPOS Printer Control does not attempt to encapsulate the behavior of a
generic graphics printer. Rather, for performance and ease of use considerations,
the interfaces are defined to directly control a POS printer. Usually, an application
will print one line to one station per method, for ease of use and accuracy in
recovering from errors.
The printer model defines three stations with the following general uses:
• Journal Used for simple text to log transaction and activity information.
Kept by the store for audit and other purposes.
• Receipt Used to print transaction information. Usually given to the customer.
Also often used for store reports. Contains either a knife to cut the paper
between transactions, or a tear bar to manually cut the paper.
• Slip Used to print information on a form. Usually given to the customer.
Also used to print “validation” information on a form. The form type is typi-
cally a check or credit card slip.
Sometimes, limited forms-handling capability is integrated with the receipt or
journal station to permit validation printing. Often this limits the number of
print lines, due to the station’s forms-handling throat depth. The Printer Con-
trol nevertheless addresses this printer functionality as a slip station.

The POS printer has the following capability:
• The default character set can print ASCII characters (0x20 through 0x7F),
which includes space, digits, uppercase, lowercase, and some special
characters. (If the printer does not support all of these, then it should translate
them to close approximations – such as lowercase to uppercase.)

The POS printer may have several additional capabilities. See the capabilities
properties for specific information.
The following capabilities are not addressed in this version of the JavaPOS speci-
fication. A device service may choose to support them through the directIO
• Downloadable character sets.
• Character substitution.
• General graphics printing, where each pixel of the printer line may be
General Information 443

The POS Printer follows the JavaPOS model for output devices, with some en-
• The following methods are always performed synchronously:
beginInsertion, endInsertion, beginRemoval, endRemoval, and
checkHealth. These methods will fail if asynchronous output is outstanding.
• The printImmediate method is also always performed synchronously: This
method tries to print its data immediately (that is, as the very next printer
operation). It may be called when asynchronous output is outstanding. This
method is primarily intended for use in exception conditions when
asynchronous output is outstanding.
• The following methods are performed either synchronously or
asynchronously, depending on the value of the AsyncMode property:
printNormal, printTwoNormal, cutPaper, rotatePrint, printBarCode,
and printBitmap. When AsyncMode is false, then these methods print
• When AsyncMode is true, then these methods operate as follows:
• The Device buffers the request, sets the OutputID property to an
identifier for this request, and returns as soon as possible. When the
request completes successfully, an OutputCompleteEvent is enqueued.
A property of this event contains the OutputID of the completed request.
• Asynchronous printer methods will not throw an exception due to a
printing problem, such as out of paper or printer fault. These errors will
only be reported by an ErrorEvent. An exception is thrown only if the
printer is not claimed and enabled, a parameter is invalid, or the request
cannot be enqueued. The first two error cases are due to an application
error, while the last is a serious system resource error exception.
• If an error occurs while performing an asynchronous request, an
ErrorEvent is enqueued. The ErrorStation property is set to the station
or stations that were printing when the error occurred. The ErrorLevel
and ErrorString properties are also set.
• The event handler may call synchronous print methods (but not
asynchronous methods), then can either retry the outstanding output or
clear it.
• All asynchronous output is performed on a first-in first-out basis.
• All output buffered may be deleted by calling clearOutput.
OutputCompleteEvents will not be delivered for cleared output. This
method also stops any output that may be in progress (when possible).
• The property FlagWhenIdle may be set to cause the a
StatusUpdateEvent to be enqueued when all outstanding outputs have
finished, whether successfully or because they were cleared.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
444 Programming Guide POS Printer

• Transaction mode printing is supported. A transaction is a sequence of print

operations that are printed to a station as a unit. Print operations which may
be included in a transaction are printNormal, cutPaper, rotatePrint,
printBarCode, and printBitmap. During a transaction, the print operations
are first validated. If valid, they are added to the transaction but not printed
yet. Once the application has added as many operations as required, then the
transaction print method is called.
If the transaction is printed synchronously and an exception is not thrown,
then the entire transaction printing was successful. If the transaction is printed
asynchronously, then the asynchronous print rules listed above are followed.
If an error occurs and the Error Event handler causes a retry, the entire trans-
action is retried.

The printer error reporting model is as follows:

• Printer out-of-paper and cover open conditions are reported by setting the
exception’s (or ErrorEvent’s) ErrorCode to JPOS_E_EXTENDED and then
setting the associated ErrorCodeExtended to one of the following error
• Other printer errors are reported by setting the exception’s (or ErrorEvent’s)
ErrorCode to JPOS_E_FAILURE or another standard error status. These
failures are typically due to a printer fault or jam, or to a more serious error.

Device Sharing
The POS Printer is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before accessing many
printer-specific properties.
• The application must claim and enable the device before calling methods that
manipulate the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
General Information 445

Data Characters and Escape Sequences

The default character set of all POS printers is assumed to support at least the
ASCII characters 0x20 through 0x7F, which include spaces, digits, uppercase,
lowercase, and some special characters. If the printer does not support lowercase
characters, then the device service may translate them to uppercase.
Every escape sequence begins with the escape character ESC, whose value is 27
decimal, followed by a vertical bar (‘|’). This is followed by zero or more digits
and/or lowercase alphabetic characters. The escape sequence is terminated by an
uppercase alphabetic character. Sequences that do not begin with ESC “|” are
passed through to the printer. Also, sequences that begin with ESC “|” but which
are not valid escape sequences are passed through to the printer.
To determine if escape sequences or data can be performed on a printer station, the
application can call the validateData method. (For some escape sequences, cor-
responding capability properties can also be used.)
The following escape sequences are recognized. If an escape sequence specifies
an operation that is not supported by the printer station, then it is ignored.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
446 Programming Guide POS Printer

Commands Perform indicated action.

Name Data Remarks
Paper cut ESC |#P Cuts receipt paper. The character ‘#’ is
replaced by an ASCII decimal string
telling the percentage cut desired. If
‘#’ is omitted, then a full cut is per-
formed. For example: The C string
“\x1B|75P” requests a 75% partial cut.
Feed and Paper cut ESC |#fP Cuts receipt paper, after feeding the pa-
per by the RecLinesToPaperCut
lines. The character ‘#’ is defined by
the “Paper cut” escape sequence.
Feed, Paper cut, and ESC |#sP Cuts and stamps receipt paper, after
Stamp feeding the paper by the RecLinesTo-
PaperCut lines. The character ‘#’ is
defined by the “Paper cut” escape se-
Fire stamp ESC |sL Fires the stamp solenoid, which usually
contains a graphical store emblem.
Print bitmap ESC |#B Prints the pre-stored bitmap. The char-
acter ‘#’ is replaced by the bitmap
number. See setBitmap method.
Print top logo ESC |tL Prints the pre-stored top logo.
Print bottom logo ESC |bL Prints the pre-stored bottom logo.
Feed lines ESC |#lF Feed the paper forward by lines. The
character ‘#’ is replaced by an ASCII
decimal string telling the number of
lines to be fed. If ‘#’ is omitted, then
one line is fed.
Feed units ESC |#uF Feed the paper forward by mapping
mode units. The character ‘#’ is re-
placed by an ASCII decimal string tell-
ing the number of units to be fed. If ‘#’
is omitted, then one unit is fed.
Feed reverse ESC |#rF Feed the paper backward. The charac-
ter ‘#’ is replaced by an ASCII decimal
string telling the number of lines to be
fed. If ‘#’ is omitted, then one line is
General Information 447

Print Mode Characteristics that are remembered until explicitly changed.

Name Data Remarks
Font typeface selection ESC |#fT Selects a new typeface for the follow-
ing data. Values for the character ‘#’
0 = Default typeface.
1 = Select first typeface from the Font-
TypefaceList property.
2 = Select second typeface from the
FontTypefaceList property.
And so on.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
448 Programming Guide POS Printer

Print Line Characteristics that are reset at the end of each print method or by a
“Normal” sequence.
Name Data Remarks
Bold ESC |bC Prints in bold or double-strike.
Underline ESC |#uC Prints with underline. The character
‘#’ is replaced by an ASCII decimal
string telling the width of the underline
in printer dot units. If ‘#’ is omitted,
then a printer-specific default width is
Italic ESC |iC Prints in italics.
Alternate color (Red) ESC |rC Prints in alternate color.
Reverse video ESC |rvC Prints in a reverse video format.
Shading ESC |#sC Prints in a shaded manner. The charac-
ter ‘#’ is replaced by an ASCII decimal
string telling the percentage shading
desired. If ‘#’ is omitted, then a print-
er-specific default level of shading is
Single high & wide ESC |1C Prints normal size.
Double wide ESC |2C Prints double-wide characters.
Double high ESC |3C Prints double-high characters.
Double high & wide ESC |4C Prints double-high/double-wide char-
Scale horizontally ESC |#hC Prints with the width scaled ‘#’ times
the normal size, where ‘#’ is replaced
by an ASCII decimal string.
Scale vertically ESC |#vC Prints with the height scaled ‘#’ times
the normal size, where ‘#’ is replaced
by an ASCII decimal string.
Center ESC |cA Aligns following text in the center.
Right justify ESC |rA Aligns following text at the right.
Normal ESC |N Restores printer characteristics to nor-
mal condition.
Properties 449


AsyncMode Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the print methods printNormal, printTwoNormal, cutPaper,
rotatePrint, printBarCode, and printBitmap will be performed asynchronously.
If false, they will be printed synchronously.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapCharacterSet Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the default character set capability. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

PTR_CCS_ALPHA The default character set supports uppercase alphabetic

plus numeric, space, minus, and period.
PTR_CCS_ASCII The default character set supports all ASCII characters
0x20 through 0x7F.
PTR_CCS_KANA The default character set supports partial code page 932,
including ASCII characters 0x20 through 0x7F and the
Japanese Kana characters 0xA1 through 0xDF, but
excluding the Japanese Kanji characters.
PTR_CCS_KANJI The default character set supports code page 932,
including the Shift-JIS Kanji characters, Levels 1 and 2.

The default character set may contain a superset of these ranges. The initial
CharacterSet property may be examined for additional information.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
450 Programming Guide POS Printer

CapConcurrentJrnRec Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the Journal and Receipt stations can print at the same time.
The printTwoNormal method may be used with the
parameter. If false, the application should print to only one of the stations at a
time, and minimize transitions between the stations. Non-concurrent printing may
be required for reasons such as:
• Higher likelihood of error, such as greater chance of paper jams when moving
between the stations.
• Higher performance when each station is printed separately.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapConcurrentJrnSlp Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the Journal and Slip stations can print at the same time. The
printTwoNormal method may be used with the
parameter. If false, the application must use the sequence beginInsertion/
endInsertion followed by print requests to the Slip followed by beginRemoval/
endRemoval before printing on the Journal. Non-concurrent printing may be
required for reasons such as:
• Physical constraints, such as the Slip form being placed in front of the Journal
• Higher likelihood of error, such as greater chance of paper jams when moving
between the stations.
• Higher performance when each station is printed separately.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 451

CapConcurrentRecSlp Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the Receipt and Slip stations can print at the same time. The
printTwoNormal method may be used with the
parameter. If false, the application must use the sequence beginInsertion/
endInsertion followed by print requests to the Slip followed by beginRemoval/
endRemoval before printing on the Receipt. Non-concurrent printing may be
required for reasons such as:
• Physical constraints, such as the Slip form being placed in front of the Receipt
• Higher likelihood of error, such as greater chance of paper jams when moving
between the stations.
• Higher performance when each station is printed separately.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapCoverSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer has a “cover open” sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrn2Color Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal can print dark plus an alternate color.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
452 Programming Guide POS Printer

CapJrnBold Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal can print bold characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnDhigh Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal can print double high characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnDwide Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal can print double wide characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnDwideDhigh Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal can print double high / double wide characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 453

CapJrnEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal has an out-of-paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnItalic Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal can print italic characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnNearEndSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal has a low paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapJrnPresent Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal print station is present.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
454 Programming Guide POS Printer

CapJrnUnderline Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the journal can underline characters
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRec2Color Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print dark plus an alternate color.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecBarCode Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt has bar code printing capability.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecBitmap Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print bitmaps.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 455

CapRecBold Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print bold characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecDhigh Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print double high characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecDwide Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print double wide characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecDwideDhigh Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print double high / double wide characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
456 Programming Guide POS Printer

CapRecEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt has an out-of-paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecItalic Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print italic characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecLeft90 Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print in rotated 90° left mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecNearEndSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt has a low paper sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 457

CapRecPapercut Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can perform paper cuts.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecPresent Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt print station is present.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecRight90 Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print in a rotated 90° right mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecRotate180 Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can print in a rotated upside down mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
458 Programming Guide POS Printer

CapRecStamp Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt has a stamp capability.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRecUnderline Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the receipt can underline characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlp2Color Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print dark plus an alternate color.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpBarCode Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip has bar code printing capability.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 459

CapSlpBitmap Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print bitmaps.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpBold Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print bold characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpDhigh Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print double high characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpDwide Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print double wide characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
460 Programming Guide POS Printer

CapSlpDwideDhigh Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print double high / double wide characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpEmptySensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip has a “slip in” sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpFullslip Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip is a full slip station. It can print full-length forms. If false,
then the slip is a “validation” type station. This usually limits the number of print
lines, and disables access to the receipt and/or journal stations while the validation
slip is being used.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpItalic Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print italic characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 461

CapSlpLeft90 Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print in a rotated 90° left mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpNearEndSensor Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip has a “slip near end” sensor.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpPresent Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip print station is present.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpRight90 Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print in a rotated 90° right mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
462 Programming Guide POS Printer

CapSlpRotate180 Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can print in a rotated upside down mode.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapSlpUnderline Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the slip can underline characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapTransaction Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then printer transactions are supported by each station.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 463

CharacterSet Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the character set for printing characters. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Range 101 - 199 Device-specific character sets that do not match a code
page or the ASCII or ANSI character sets.
Range 400 - 990 Code page; matches one of the standard values.
PTR_CS_ASCII The ASCII character set, supporting the ASCII
characters 0x20 through 0x7F. The value of this
constant is 998.
PTR_CS_ANSI The ANSI character set. The value of this constant is
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CharacterSetList Property

CharacterSetList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the character set numbers. It consists of ASCII numeric set numbers
separated by commas.
For example, if the string is “101,850,999”, then the device supports a device-
specific character set, code page 850, and the ANSI character set.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CharacterSet Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
464 Programming Guide POS Printer

CoverOpen Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the printer’s cover is open.
If CapCoverSensor is false, then the printer does not have a cover open sensor,
and this property always returns false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

ErrorLevel Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the severity of the error condition. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

PTR_EL_NONE No error condition is present.

A recoverable error has occurred.
(Example: Out of paper.)
PTR_EL_FATAL A non-recoverable error has occurred.
(Example: Internal printer failure.)

This property is set just before delivering an ErrorEvent. When the error is
cleared, then the property is changed to PTR_EL_NONE.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 465

ErrorStation Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the station or stations that were printing when an error was detected.
This property will be set to one of the following values:
This property is only valid if the ErrorLevel is not equal to PTR_EL_NONE. It is
set just before delivering an ErrorEvent.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

ErrorString Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a vendor-supplied description of the current error.
This property is set just before delivering an ErrorEvent. If no description is
available, the property is set to an empty string. When the error is cleared, then the
property is changed to an empty string.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
466 Programming Guide POS Printer

FlagWhenIdle Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, a StatusUpdateEvent will be enqueued when the device is in the idle state.
This property is automatically reset to false when the status event is delivered.
The main use of idle status event that is controlled by this property is to give the
application control when all outstanding asynchronous outputs have been
processed. The event will be enqueued if the outputs were completed successfully
or if they were cleared by the clearOutput method or by an ErrorEvent handler.
If the State is already set to JPOS_S_IDLE when this property is set to true, then
a StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued immediately. The application can therefore
depend upon the event, with no race condition between the starting of its last
asynchronous output and the setting of this flag.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

FontTypefaceList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the fonts and/or typefaces that are supported by the printer. The string
consists of font or typeface names separated by commas. The application selects
a font or typeface for a printer station by using the font typeface selection escape
sequence (ESC |#fT). The “#” character is replaced by the number of the font or
typeface within the list: 1, 2, and so on.
In Japan, this property will frequently include the fonts “Mincho” and “Gothic.”
Other fonts or typefaces may be commonly supported in other countries.
An empty string indicates that only the default typeface is supported.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Data Characters and Escape Sequences”
Properties 467

JrnEmpty Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the journal is out of paper. If false, journal paper is present.
If CapJrnEmptySensor is false, then the value of this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also JrnNearEnd Property

JrnLetterQuality Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, prints in high quality mode. If false, prints in high speed mode.
This property advises the Device Service that either high quality or high speed
printing is desired. For example, printers with bi-directional print capability may
be placed in unidirectional mode for high quality, so that column alignment is
more precise.
Setting this property may also update JrnLineWidth, JrnLineHeight, and
JrnLineSpacing if MapMode is PTR_MM_DOTS. (See the footnote at
This property is initialized to false when the device is first enabled following the
open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
468 Programming Guide POS Printer

JrnLineChars Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the number of characters that may be printed on a journal line.
If changed to a line character width that can be supported, then the width is set to
the specified value. If the exact width cannot be supported, then subsequent lines
will be printed with a character size that most closely supports the specified
characters per line. (For example, if set to 36 and the printer can print either 30 or
40 characters per line, then the Device Service should select the 40 characters per
line size and print only up to 36 characters per line.)

If the character width cannot be supported, then an exception is thrown. (For

example, if set to 42 and the printer can print either 30 or 40 characters per line,
then the Device Service cannot support the request.)
Setting this property may also update JrnLineWidth, JrnLineHeight, and
JrnLineSpacing, since the character pitch or font may be changed.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line character width when the
device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also JrnLineCharsList Property

JrnLineCharsList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the line character widths supported by the journal station. The string
consists of ASCII numeric set numbers separated by commas.
For example, if the string is “32,36,40”, then the station supports line widths of 32,
36, and 40 characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also JrnLineChars Property
Properties 469

JrnLineHeight Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the journal print line height. Expressed in the unit of measure given by
If changed to a height that can be supported with the current character width, then
the line height is set to this value. If the exact height cannot be supported, then the
height is set to the closest supported value.
When JrnLineChars is changed, this property is updated to the default line height
for the selected width.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line height when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

JrnLineSpacing Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the spacing of each single-high print line, including both the printed line
height plus the whitespace between each pair of lines. Depending upon the printer
and the current line spacing, a multi-high print line might exceed this value. Line
spacing is expressed in the unit of measure given by MapMode.
If changed to a spacing that can be supported by the printer, then the line spacing
is set to this value. If the spacing cannot be supported, then the spacing is set to
the closest supported value.
When JrnLineChars or JrnLineHeight is changed, this property is updated to
the default line spacing for the selected width or height.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line spacing when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
470 Programming Guide POS Printer

JrnLineWidth Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the width of a line of JrnLineChars characters. Expressed in the unit of
measure given by MapMode.
Setting JrnLineChars may also update this property.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line width when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

JrnNearEnd Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the journal paper is low. If false, journal paper is not low.
If CapJrnNearEndSensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also JrnEmpty Property
Properties 471

MapMode Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the mapping mode of the printer. The mapping mode defines the unit of
measure used for other properties, such as line heights and line spacings. It has
one of the following values:
Value Meaning

PTR_MM_DOTS The printer’s dot width. This width may be different for
each printer station.1
PTR_MM_TWIPS 1/1440 of an inch.
PTR_MM_ENGLISH 0.001 inch.
PTR_MM_METRIC 0.01 millimeter.

Setting this property may also change JrnLineHeight, JrnLineSpacing,

JrnLineWidth, RecLineHeight, RecLineSpacing, RecLineWidth,
SlpLineHeight, SlpLineSpacing, and SlpLineWidth.
This property is initialized to PTR_MM_DOTS when the device is first enabled
following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

From the JavaPOS POS Printer perspective, the exact definition of a “dot” is not
significant. It is a Printer/device service unit used to express various metrics. For
example, some printers define a “half-dot” that is used in high-density graphics printing,
and perhaps in text printing. A POS Printer Service may handle this case in one of these

(a)Consistently define a “dot” as the printer’s smallest physical size, that is, a half-dot.

(b)If the device service changes bitmap graphics printing density based on the
XxxLetterQuality setting, then alter the size of a dot to match the bitmap density
(that is, a physical printer dot when false and a half-dot when true). Note that this
choice should not be used if the printer’s text metrics are based on half-dot sizes,
since accurate values for the metrics may not then be possible.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
472 Programming Guide POS Printer

RecBarCodeRotationList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the directions in which a receipt barcode may be rotated. The string consists
of rotation strings separated by commas. An empty string indicates that bar code
printing is not supported. The legal rotation strings are:
Value Meaning

0 Bar code may be printed in the normal orientation.

R90 Bar code may be rotated 90° to the right.
L90 Bar code may be rotated 90° to the left.
180 Bar code may be rotated 180° - upside down.

For example, if the string is “0,180”, then the printer can print normal bar codes
and upside down bar codes.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RotateSpecial Property, printBarCode Method

RecEmpty Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the receipt is out of paper. If false, receipt paper is present.
If CapRecEmptySensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecNearEnd Property
Properties 473

RecLetterQuality Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, prints in high quality mode. If false, prints in high speed mode.
This property advises the Device Service that either high quality or high speed
printing is desired. For example:
• Printers with bi-directional print capability may be placed in unidirectional
mode for high quality, so that column alignment is more precise.
• Bitmaps may be printed in a high-density graphics mode for high-quality, and
in a low-density mode for high speed.
Setting this property may also update RecLineWidth, RecLineHeight, and
RecLineSpacing if MapMode is PTR_MM_DOTS. (See the footnote at
This property is initialized to false when the device is first enabled following the
open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

RecLineChars Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the number of characters that may be printed on a receipt line.
If changed to a line character width that can be supported, then the width is set to
the specified value. If the exact width cannot be supported, then subsequent lines
will be printed with a character size that most closely supports the specified
characters per line. (For example, if set to 36 and the printer can print either 30
or 40 characters per line, then the Device Service should select the 40 characters
per line size and print only up to 36 characters per line.)

If the character width cannot be supported, then an exception is thrown. (For

example, if set to 42 and the printer can print either 30 or 40 characters per line,
then the Device Service cannot support the request.)

Setting this property may also update RecLineWidth, RecLineHeight, and

RecLineSpacing, since the character pitch or font may be changed.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line character width when the
device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecLineCharsList Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
474 Programming Guide POS Printer

RecLineCharsList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the line character widths supported by the receipt station. The string
consists of ASCII numeric set numbers, separated by commas.
For example, if the string is “32,36,40”, then the station supports line widths of 32,
36, and 40 characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecLineChars Property

RecLineHeight Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the receipt print line height, expressed in the unit of measure given by
If changed to a height that can be supported with the current character width, then
the line height is set to this value. If the exact height cannot be supported, then the
height is set to the closest supported value.
When RecLineChars is changed, this property is updated to the default line height
for the selected width.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line height when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecLineChars Property
Properties 475

RecLineSpacing Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the spacing of each single-high print line, including both the printed line
height plus the whitespace between each pair of lines. Depending upon the printer
and the current line spacing, a multi-high print line might exceed this value. Line
spacing is expressed in the unit of measure given by MapMode.
If changed to a spacing that can be supported by the printer, then the line spacing
is set to this value. If the spacing cannot be supported, then the spacing is set to
the closest supported value.
When RecLineChars or RecLineHeight are changed, this property is updated to
the default line spacing for the selected width or height.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line spacing when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

RecLinesToPaperCut Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of lines that must be advanced before the receipt paper is cut.
If CapRecPapercut is true, then this is the line count before reaching the paper
cut mechanism. Otherwise, this is the line count before the manual tear-off bar.
Changing the properties RecLineChars, RecLineHeight, and RecLineSpacing
may cause this property to change.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
476 Programming Guide POS Printer

RecLineWidth Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the width of a line of RecLineChars characters, expressed in the unit of
measure given by MapMode.
Setting RecLineChars may also update this property.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line width when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

RecNearEnd Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the receipt paper is low. If false, receipt paper is not low.
If CapRecNearEndSensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecEmpty Property

RecSidewaysMaxChars Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of characters that may be printed on each line in
sideways mode.
If CapRecLeft90 and CapRecRight90 are both false, then this property is zero.
Changing the properties RecLineHeight, RecLineSpacing, and RecLineChars
may cause this property to change.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecSidewaysMaxLines Property
Properties 477

RecSidewaysMaxLines Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of lines that may be printed in sideways mode.
If CapRecLeft90 and CapRecRight90 are both false, then this property is zero.
Changing the properties RecLineHeight, RecLineSpacing, and RecLineChars
may cause this property to change.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RecSidewaysMaxChars Property

RotateSpecial Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the rotation orientation for bar codes. It has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

PTR_RP_NORMAL Print subsequent bar codes in normal orientation.

PTR_RP_RIGHT90 Rotate printing 90° to the right (clockwise)
PTR_RP_LEFT90 Rotate printing 90° to the left (counter-clockwise)
PTR_RP_ROTATE180 Rotate printing 180°,that is, print upside-down
This property is initialized to PTR_RP_NORMAL by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also printBarCode Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
478 Programming Guide POS Printer

SlpBarCodeRotationList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the directions in which a slip barcode may be rotated. The string consists
of rotation strings separated by commas. An empty string indicates that bar code
printing is not supported. The legal rotation strings are:
Value Meaning

0 Bar code may be printed in the normal orientation.

R90 Bar code may be rotated 90° to the right.
L90 Bar code may be rotated 90° to the left.
180 Bar code may be rotated 180° - upside down.

For example, if the string is “0,180”, then the printer can print normal bar codes
and upside down bar codes.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RotateSpecial Property, printBarCode Method

SlpEmpty Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, a slip form is not present. If false, a slip form is present.
If CapSlpEmptySensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.

The “slip empty” sensor should be used primarily to determine whether a form has been
inserted before printing, and can be monitored to determine whether a form is still in place.
This sensor is usually placed one or more print lines above the slip print head.
However, the “slip near end” sensor (when present) should be used to determine when near-
ing the end of the slip. This sensor is usually placed one or more print lines below the slip
print head.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpNearEnd Property
Properties 479

SlpLetterQuality Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true, prints in high quality mode. If false, prints in high speed mode.
This property advises that either high quality or high speed printing is desired.
For example:
• Printers with bi-directional print capability may be placed in unidirectional
mode for high quality, so that column alignment is more precise.
• Bitmaps may be printed in a high-density graphics mode for high-quality, and
in a low-density mode for high speed.
Setting this property may also update SlpLineWidth, SlpLineHeight, and
SlpLineSpacing if MapMode is PTR_MM_DOTS. (See the footnote at
This property is initialized to false when the device is first enabled following the
open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
480 Programming Guide POS Printer

SlpLineChars Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the number of characters that may be printed on a slip line.
If changed to a line character width that can be supported, then the width is set to
the specified value. If the exact width cannot be supported, then subsequent lines
will be printed with a character size that most closely supports the specified
characters per line. (The Device Service should pront the requested characters in
the column positions closest to the side of the slip table at which the slip is aligned.
(For example, if the operator inserts the slip with the right edge against the table
side and if SlpLineChars is set to 36 and the printer prints 60 characters per line,
then the Device Service should add 24 spaces at the left margin and print the
characters in columns 25 through 60.)

If the character width cannot be supported, then an exception is thrown. (For

example, if set to 65 and the printer can only print 60 characters per line, then the
Device Service cannot support the request.)
Setting this property may also update SlpLineWidth, SlpLineHeight, and
SlpLineSpacing, since the character pitch or font may be changed.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line character width when the
device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpLineCharsList Property

SlpLineCharsList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the line character widths supported by the slip station. The string consists
of ASCII numeric set numbers, separated by commas.
For example, if the string is “32,36,40”, then the station supports line widths of 32,
36, and 40 characters.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpLineChars Property
Properties 481

SlpLineHeight Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the slip print-line height, expressed in the unit of measure given by
If changed to a height that can be supported with the current character width, then
the line height is set to this value. If the exact height cannot be supported, then the
height is set to the closest supported value.
When SlpLineChars is changed, this property is updated to the default line height
for the selected width.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line height when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpLineChars Property

SlpLinesNearEndToEnd Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of lines that may be printed after the “slip near end” sensor is
true but before the printer reaches the end of the slip.
This property may be used to optimize the use of the slip, so that the maximum
number of lines may be printed.
Changing the SlpLineHeight, SlpLineSpacing, or SlpLineChars properties may
cause this property to change.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpEmpty Property, SlpNearEnd Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
482 Programming Guide POS Printer

SlpLineSpacing Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the spacing of each single-high print line, including both the printed line
height plus the whitespace between each pair of lines. Depending upon the printer
and the current line spacing, a multi-high print line might exceed this value. Line
spacing is expressed in the unit of measure given by MapMode.
If changed to a spacing that can be supported by the printer, then the line spacing
is set to this value. If the spacing cannot be supported, then the spacing is set to
the closest supported value.
When SlpLineChars or SlpLineHeight are changed, this property is updated to
the default line spacing for the selected width or height.
The value of this property is initialized to the printer’s default line spacing when
the device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

SlpLineWidth Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the width of a line of SlpLineChars characters, expressed in the unit of
measure given by MapMode.
Setting SlpLineChars may also update this property.
This property is initialized to the printer’s default line width when the device is
first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 483

SlpMaxLines Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of lines that can be printed on a form.
When CapSlpFullslip is true, then this property will be zero, indicating an
unlimited maximum slip length. When CapSlpFullslip is false, then this value
will be non-zero.
Changing the SlpLineHeight, SlpLineSpacing, or SlpLineChars properties may
cause this property to change.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

SlpNearEnd Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the slip form is near its end. If false, the slip form is not near its end.
The “near end” sensor is also sometimes called the “trailing edge” sensor, referring
to the bottom edge of the slip.
If CapSlpNearEndSensor is false, then this property is always false.
This property is initialized and kept current while the device is enabled.

The “slip empty” sensor should be used primarily to determine whether a form has been
inserted before printing, and can be monitored to determine whether a form is still in place.
This sensor is usually placed one or more print lines above the slip print head.
However, the “slip near end” sensor (when present) should be used to determine when
nearing the end of the slip. This sensor is usually placed one or more print lines below the
slip print head.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpEmpty Property, SlpLinesNearEndToEnd Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
484 Programming Guide POS Printer

SlpSidewaysMaxChars Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of characters that may be printed on each line in
sideways mode.
If CapSlpLeft90 and CapSlpRight90 are both false, then this property is zero.
Changing the properties SlpLineHeight, SlpLineSpacing, and SlpLineChars
may cause this property to change.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpSidewaysMaxLines Property

SlpSidewaysMaxLines Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum number of lines that may be printed in sideways mode.
If CapSlpLeft90 and CapSlpRight90 are both false, then this property is zero.
Changing the properties SlpLineHeight, SlpLineSpacing, and SlpLineChars
may cause this property to change.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also SlpSidewaysMaxChars Property
Methods 485

beginInsertion Method
Syntax void beginInsertion (int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

timeout The number of milliseconds before failing the method

If zero, the method initiates the begin insertion mode, then returns the appropriate
status immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method initiates the begin
insertion mode, then waits as long as needed until either the form is inserted or an
error occurs.
Remarks Initiates slip processing.
When called, the slip station is made ready to receive a form by opening the form’s
handling “jaws” or activating a form insertion mode. This method is paired with
the endInsertion method for controlling form insertion.
If the printer device cannot be placed into insertion mode, a JposException is
thrown. Otherwise, form insertion is monitored until either:
• The form is successfully inserted.
• The form is not inserted before timeout milliseconds have elapsed, or an error
is reported by the printer device. In this case, a JposException is thrown with
an ErrorCode of JPOS_E_TIMEOUT or another value. The printer device
remains in form insertion mode. This allows an application to perform some
user interaction and reissue the beginInsertion method without altering the
form handling mechanism.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The slip station does not exist (see the CapSlpPresent
property) or an invalid timeout parameter was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The specified time has elapsed without the form being
properly inserted.
See Also beginRemoval Method, endInsertion Method, endRemoval Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
486 Programming Guide POS Printer

beginRemoval Method
Syntax void beginRemoval (int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

timeout The number of milliseconds before failing the method

If zero, the method initiates the begin removal mode, then returns the appropriate
status immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the method initiates the begin
removal mode, then waits as long as needed until either the form is removed or an
error occurs.
Remarks Initiates form removal processing.
When called, the printer is made ready to remove a form by opening the form
handling “jaws” or activating a form ejection mode. This method is paired with
the endRemoval method for controlling form removal.
If the printer device cannot be placed into removal or ejection mode, a
JposException is thrown. Otherwise, form removal is monitored until either:
• The form is successfully removed.
• The form is not removed before timeout milliseconds have elapsed, or an error
is reported by the printer device. In this case, the a JposException is thrown
with an ErrorCode of JPOS_E_TIMEOUT or another value. The printer de-
vice remains in form removal mode. This allows an application to perform
some user interaction and reissue the beginRemoval method without altering
the form handling mechanism.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer does not have a slip station (see the
CapSlpPresent property) or an invalid timeout
parameter was specified.
JPOS_E_TIMEOUT The specified time has elapsed without the form being
properly removed.
See Also beginInsertion Method, endInsertion Method, endRemoval Method
Methods 487

cutPaper Method
Syntax void cutPaper (int percentage) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

percentage The percentage of paper to cut.

The constant identifier PTR_CP_FULLCUT or the value 100 causes a full paper
cut. Other values request a partial cut percentage.
Remarks Cuts the receipt paper.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Many printers with paper cut capability can perform both full and partial cuts.
Some offer gradations of partial cuts, such as a perforated cut and an almost-full
cut. Although the exact type of cut will vary by printer capabilities, the following
general guidelines apply:
Value Meaning

100 Full cut.

90 Leave only a small portion of paper for very easy final
70 Perforate the paper for final separation that is somewhat
more difficult and unlikely to occur by accidental
50 Partial perforation of the paper.

The Device Service will select an appropriate type of cut based on the capabilities
of its device and these general guidelines.
An escape sequence embedded in a printNormal or printImmediate method call
may also be used to cause a paper cut.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
488 Programming Guide POS Printer

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Can only

apply if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid percentage was specified, the receipt station
does not exist (see the CapRecPresent property), or the
receipt printer does not have paper cutting ability (see
the CapRecPapercut property).
The printer cover is open.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also “Data Characters and Escape Sequences”
Methods 489

endInsertion Method
Syntax void endInsertion () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends form insertion processing.
When called, the printer is taken out of form insertion mode. If the slip device has
forms “jaws,” they are closed by this method. If no form is present, a
JposException is thrown with its ErrorCodeExtended property set to
This method is paired with the beginInsertion method for controlling form
insertion. The application may choose to call this method immediately after a
successful beginInsertion if it wants to use the printer sensors to determine when
a form is positioned within the slip printer. Alternatively, the application may
prompt the user and wait for a key press before calling this method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer is not in slip insertion mode.

The device was taken out of insertion mode while the
printer cover was open.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The device was taken out of insertion mode without a
form being inserted.
See Also beginInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method, endRemoval Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
490 Programming Guide POS Printer

endRemoval Method
Syntax void endRemoval () throws JposException;
Remarks Ends form removal processing.
When called, the printer is taken out of form removal or ejection mode. If a form
is present, a JposException is thrown with its ErrorCodeExtended property set to
This method is paired with the beginRemoval method for controlling form
removal. The application may choose to call this method immediately after a
successful beginRemoval if it wants to use the printer sensors to determine when
the form has been removed. Alternatively, the application may prompt the user
and wait for a key press before calling this method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The printer is not in slip removal mode.

The device was taken out of removal mode while a form
was still present.
See Also beginInsertion Method, endInsertion Method, beginRemoval Method
Methods 491

printBarCode Method
Syntax void printBarCode (int station, String data, int symbology,
int height, int width, int alignment, int textPosition)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be either

data Character string to be bar coded.
symbology Bar code symbol type to use. See values below.
height Bar code height. Expressed in the unit of measure given
by MapMode.
width Bar code width. Expressed in the unit of measure given
by MapMode.
alignment Placement of the bar code. See values below.
textPosition Placement of the readable character string. See values

The alignment parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

PTR_BC_LEFT Align with the left-most print column.

PTR_BC_CENTER Align in the center of the station.
PTR_BC_RIGHT Align with the right-most print column.
Other Values Distance from the left-most print column to the start of
the bar code. Expressed in the unit of measure given by

The textPosition parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

PTR_BC_TEXT_NONE No text is printed. Only print the bar code.

PTR_BC_TEXT_ABOVE Print the text above the bar code.
PTR_BC_TEXT_BELOW Print the text below the bar code.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
492 Programming Guide POS Printer

The symbology parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

One Dimensional Symbologies

PTR_BCS_UPCA_S UPC-A with supplemental barcode
PTR_BCS_UPCE_S UPC-E with supplemental barcode
PTR_BCS_EAN8_S EAN 8 with supplemental barcode
PTR_BCS_EAN13 EAN 13 (= JAN 13)
PTR_BCS_JAN13 JAN 13 (= EAN 13)
PTR_BCS_EAN13_S EAN 13 with supplemental barcode
PTR_BCS_TF Standard (or discrete) 2 of 5
PTR_BCS_ITF Interleaved 2 of 5
PTR_BCS_Codabar Codabar
PTR_BCS_Code39 Code 39
PTR_BCS_Code93 Code 93
PTR_BCS_Code128 Code 128

Two Dimensional Symbologies

Methods 493

Special Cases
PTR_BCS_OTHER If a device service defines additional symbologies, they
will be greater or equal to this value.

Remarks Prints a bar code on the specified printer station.

This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
If RotateSpecial indicates that the bar code is to be rotated, then perform the
rotation. The height, width, and textPosition parameters are applied to the bar code
before the rotation. For example, if PTR_BC_TEXT_BELOW is specified and the
bar code is rotated left, then the text will appear on the paper to the right of the bar
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

* station does not exist
* station does not support bar code printing
* height or width are zero or too big
* symbology is not supported
* alignment is invalid or too big
* textPosition is invalid
* The RotateSpecial rotation is not supported
JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)


The printer cover is open.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)

ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
494 Programming Guide POS Printer

printBitmap Method
Syntax void printBitmap (int station, String fileName,
int width, int alignment) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be either

fileName File name or URL of bitmap file. Various file formats
may be supported, such as bmp (uncompressed format),
gif or jpeg files.
width Printed width of the bitmap to be performed. See values
alignment Placement of the bitmap. See values below.

The width parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

PTR_BM_ASIS Print the bitmap with one bitmap pixel per printer dot.
Other Values Bitmap width expressed in the unit of measure given by

The alignment parameter has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

PTR_BM_LEFT Align with the left-most print column.

PTR_BM_CENTER Align in the center of the station.
PTR_BM_RIGHT Align with the right-most print column.
Other Values Distance from the left-most print column to the start of
the bitmap. Expressed in the unit of measure given by

Remarks Prints a bitmap on the specified printer station.

This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Methods 495

The width parameter controls transformation of the bitmap. If width is

PTR_BM_ASIS, then no transformation is performed. The bitmap is printed with
one bitmap pixel per printer dot. Advantages of this option are that it:
• Provides the highest performance bitmap printing.
• Works well for bitmaps tuned for a specific printer’s aspect ratio between hor-
izontal dots and vertical dots.
If width is non-zero, then the bitmap will be transformed by stretching or
compressing the bitmap such that its width is the specified width and the aspect
ratio is unchanged. Advantages of this option are:
• Sizes a bitmap to fit a variety of printers.
• Maintains the bitmap’s aspect ratio.
Disadvantages are:
• Lowers performance than untransformed data.
• Some lines and images that are “smooth” in the original bitmap may show
some “ratcheting.”
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Can only

apply if AsyncMode is false.)
JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:
* station does not exist
* station does not support bitmap printing
* width is too big
* alignment is invalid or too big
JPOS_E_NOEXIST fileName was not found.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_TOOBIG:
The bitmap is either too wide to print without
transformation, or it is too big to transform.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_COVER_OPEN:
The printer cover is open.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
496 Programming Guide POS Printer

ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_BADFORMAT:
The specified file is either not a bitmap file, or it is in an
unsupported format.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)

printImmediate Method
Syntax void printImmediate (int station, String data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be either

data The characters to be printed. May consist of printable
characters, escape sequences, carriage returns (13
decimal), and line feeds (10 decimal).
Remarks Prints data on the printer station immediately.
This method tries to print its data immediately – that is, as the very next printer
operation. It may be called when asynchronous output is outstanding. This
method is primarily intended for use in exception conditions when asynchronous
output is outstanding, such as within an error event handler.
Special character values within data are:
Value Meaning

Line Feed (10) Print any data in the line buffer, and feed to the next print
line. (A Carriage Return is not required in order to cause
the line to be printed.)
Carriage Return (13) If a Carriage Return immediately precedes a Line Feed,
or if the line buffer is empty, then it is ignored.
Otherwise, the line buffer is printed and the printer does
not feed to the next print line. On some printers, print
without feed may be directly supported. On others, a
print may always feed to the next line, in which case the
device service will print the line buffer and perform a
reverse line feed if supported. If the printer does not
support either of these features, then Carriage Return
acts like a Line Feed.
Methods 497

The validateData method may be used to determine

whether a Carriage Return without Line Feed is
possible, and whether a reverse line feed is required to
support it.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The specified station does not exist. (See the

CapJrnPresent, CapRecPresent, and CapSlpPresent
The printer cover is open.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_JRN_EMPTY:
The journal station was specified but is out of paper.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
See Also printNormal Method, printTwoNormal Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
498 Programming Guide POS Printer

printNormal Method
Syntax void printNormal (int station, String data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be either

data The characters to be printed. May consist of printable
characters, escape sequences, carriage returns (13
decimal), and line feeds (10 decimal).
Remarks Prints data on the printer station.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Special character values within data are:
Value Meaning

Line Feed (10) Print any data in the line buffer, and feed to the next print
line. (A Carriage Return is not required in order to cause
the line to be printed.)
Carriage Return (13) If a Carriage Return immediately precedes a Line Feed,
or if the line buffer is empty, then it is ignored.
Otherwise, the line buffer is printed and the printer does
not feed to the next print line. On some printers, print
without feed may be directly supported. On others, a
print may always feed to the next line, in which case the
device service will print the line buffer and perform a
reverse line feed if supported. If the printer does not
support either of these features, then Carriage Return
acts like a Line Feed.
The validateData method may be used to determine
whether a Carriage Return without Line Feed is
possible, and whether a reverse line feed is required to
support it.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The specified station does not exist. (See the

CapJrnPresent, CapRecPresent, and CapSlpPresent
Methods 499

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Can only

apply if AsyncMode is false.)
The printer cover is open.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_JRN_EMPTY:
The journal station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also printImmediate Method, printTwoNormal Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
500 Programming Guide POS Printer

printTwoNormal Method
Syntax void printTwoNormal (int stations, String data1, String data2)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

stations JavaPOS Release 1.2

The printer stations to be used may be:

JavaPOS Release 1.3 and later:

Select one of the following:

Stations Parameter First Second

Station Station

data1 The characters to be printed on the first station. May

consist of printable characters and escape sequences.
The characters must all fit on one printed line, so that the
printer may attempt to print on both stations
data2 The characters to be printed on the second station.
(Restrictions are the same as for data1.)
If this string is the empty string (“”), then print the same
data as data1. On some printers, using this format may
give additional increased print performance.
Remarks Prints two strings on two print stations simultaneously. When supported, this may
give increased print performance.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.

Release 1.2

Documentation release 1.2 was not sufficiently clear as to the meaning of “first”
and “second” station so Device Service implemenations varied between the
• Assign stations based on order within the constants. For example,
PTR_S_JOURNAL_RECEIPT prints Data1 on the journal and Data2 on the
• Assign stations based upon physical device characteristics
or internal print order.
Methods 501

Due to this inconsistency, the application should use the new constants if the
Device Control and Device Service versions indicate Release 1.3 or later.
Release 1.3 and later
Device Service for Release 1.3 or later should support both sets of constants. The
vendor should define and document the behavior of the obsolete constants.
The sequence of stations in the constants does not imply the physical printing
sequence on the stations. The physical sequence depends on the printer and may
be different based on the bi-directional printing multiple print heads and so on.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The specified stations do not support concurrent

printing. (See the CapConcurrentJrnRec,
CapConcurrentJrnSlp, and CapConcurrentRecSlp
JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Can only
apply if AsyncMode is false.)
The printer cover is open.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_JRN_EMPTY:
The journal station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also printNormal Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
502 Programming Guide POS Printer

rotatePrint Method
Syntax void rotatePrint (int station, int rotation) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be

rotation Direction of rotation. See values below.
Value Meaning

PTR_RP_RIGHT90 Rotate printing 90° to the right (clockwise)

PTR_RP_LEFT90 Rotate printing 90° to the left (counter-clockwise)
PTR_RP_ROTATE180 Rotate printing 180°, that is, print upside-down
PTR_RP_NORMAL End rotated printing.
Remarks Enters or exits rotated print mode.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
If rotation is PTR_RP_ROTATE180, then upside-down print mode is entered.
Subsequent calls to printNormal or printImmediate will print the data upside-
down until rotatePrint is called with the rotation parameter set to

Each print line is rotated by 180°. Lines are printed in the order that they are sent,
with the start of each line justified at the right margin of the printer station. Only
print methods printNormal and printImmediate may be used while in upside-
down print mode.
If rotation is PTR_RP_RIGHT90 or PTR_RP_LEFT90, then sideways print mode
is entered. Subsequent calls to printNormal will buffer the print data (either at
the printer or the Device Service, depending on the printer capabilities) until
rotatePrint is called with the rotation parameter set to PTR_RP_NORMAL. (In
this case, printNormal only buffers the data – it does not initiate printing. Also,
the value of the AsyncMode property does not affect its operation: No OutputID
will be assigned to the request, nor will an OutputCompleteEvent be enqueued.)
Each print line is rotated by 90°. If the lines are not all the same length, then they
are justified at the start of each line. Only printNormal may be used while in
sideways print mode.

If rotation is PTR_RP_NORMAL, then rotated print mode is exited. If sideways-

rotated print mode was in effect and some data was buffered by calls to the
printNormal method, then the buffered data is printed. The entire rotated block
of lines are treated as one message.
Changing the rotation mode may also change the station’s line height, line spacing,
line width, and other metrics.
Methods 503

Calling the clearOutput method cancels rotated print mode. Any buffered
sideways rotated print lines are also cleared.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The specified station does not exist (see the

CapJrnPresent, CapRecPresent, and CapSlpPresent
properties), or the station does not support the specified
rotation (see the station’s rotation capability properties).
JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Can only
apply if AsyncMode is false.)
The printer cover is open.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also “Data Characters and Escape Sequences”
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
504 Programming Guide POS Printer

setBitmap Method
Syntax void setBitmap (int bitmapNumber, int station, String fileName,
int width, int alignment) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

bitmapNumber The number to be assigned to this bitmap. Two bitmaps,

numbered 1 and 2, may be set.
station The printer station to be used. May be either
fileName File name or URL of bitmap file. Various file formats
may be supported, such as bmp, gif or jpeg files. The
file must be in uncompressed format.
If set to an empty string (“”), then the bitmap is unset.
width Printed width of the bitmap to be performed. See
printBitmap for values.
alignment Placement of the bitmap. See printBitmap for values.

Remarks Saves information about a bitmap for later printing.

The bitmap may then be printed by calling the printNormal or printImmediate
method with the print bitmap escape sequence in the print data. The print bitmap
escape sequence will typically be included in a string for printing top and bottom
transaction headers.
A Device Service may choose to cache the bitmap for later use to provide better
performance. Regardless, the bitmap file and parameters are validated for
correctness by this method.
The application must ensure that the printer station metrics, such as character
width, line height, and line spacing are set for the station before calling this
method. The device service may perform transformations on the bitmap in
preparation for later printing based upon the current values.
The application may set bitmaps numbered 1 and 2 for each of the two valid
stations. If desired, the same bitmap fileName may be set to the same
bitmapNumber for each station, so that the same print bitmap escape sequence may
be used for either station.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

* bitmapNumber is invalid
* station does not exist
* station does not support bitmap printing
Methods 505

* width is too big

* alignment is invalid or too big
JPOS_E_NOEXIST fileName was not found.
The bitmap is either too wide to print without
transformation, or it is too big to transform.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_BADFORMAT:
The specified file is either not a bitmap file, or it is in an
unsupported format.
See Also “Data Characters and Escape Sequences”, printBitmap Method

setLogo Method
Syntax void setLogo (int location, String data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

location The logo to be set. May be PTR_L_TOP or

data The characters that produce the logo. May consist of
printable characters, escape sequences, carriage returns
(13 decimal), and line feeds (10 decimal).
Remarks Saves a data string as the top or bottom logo.
A logo may then be printed by calling the printNormal, printTwoNormal, or
printImmediate method with the print top logo or print bottom logo escape
sequence in the print data.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid location was specified.

See Also “Data Characters and Escape Sequences”
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
506 Programming Guide POS Printer

transactionPrint Method
Syntax void transactionPrint (int station, int control) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be

control Transaction control. See values below:

Value Meaning

PTR_TP_TRANSACTION Begin a transaction.

PTR_TP_NORMAL End a transaction by printing the buffered data.
Remarks Enters or exits transaction mode.
If control is PTR_TP_TRANSACTION, then transaction mode is entered.
Subsequent calls to printNormal, cutPaper, rotatePrint, printBarCode, and
printBitmap will buffer the print data (either at the printer or the Device Service,
depending on the printer capabilities) until transactionPrint is called with the
control parameter set to PTR_TP_NORMAL. (In this case, the print methods only
validate the method parameters and buffer the data – they do not initiate printing.
Also, the value of the AsyncMode property does not affect their operation: No
OutputID will be assigned to the request, nor will an OutputCompleteEvent be
If control is PTR_TP_NORMAL, then transaction mode is exited. If some data
was buffered by calls to the methods printNormal, cutPaper, rotatePrint,
printBarCode, and printBitmap, then the buffered data is printed. The entire
transaction is treated as one message. This method is performed synchronously if
AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Calling the clearOutput method cancels transaction mode. Any buffered print
lines are also cleared.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL The specified station does not exist (see the

CapJrnPresent, CapRecPresent, and CapSlpPresent
properties), or CapTransaction is false.
JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress. (Can only
apply if AsyncMode is false and control is
Methods 507


The printer cover is open.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false and control is
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_JRN_EMPTY:
The journal station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false and control is
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY:
The receipt station was specified but is out of paper.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false and control is
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY:
The slip station was specified, but a form is not inserted.
(Can only apply if AsyncMode is false and control is

validateData Method
Syntax void validateData (int station, String data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

station The printer station to be used. May be

data The data to be validated. May include printable data and
escape sequences.
Remarks Determines whether a data sequence, possibly including one or more escape
sequences, is valid for the specified station, before calling the printImmediate,
printNormal, or printTwoNormal methods.
This method does not cause any printing, but is used to determine the capabilities
of the station.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Some of the data is not precisely supported by the printer

station, but the Device Service can select valid
JPOS_E_FAILURE Some of the data is not supported. No alternatives can
be selected.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
508 Programming Guide POS Printer

Cases which cause ErrorCode of JPOS_E_ILLEGAL:

Escape Sequence Condition

Paper cut The percentage ‘#’ is not precisely supported: Device

Service will select the closest supported value.
Feed and Paper cut The percentage ‘#’ is not precisely supported: Device
Service will select the closest supported value.
Feed, Paper cut, and Stamp
The percentage ‘#’ is not precisely supported: Device
Service will select the closest supported value.
Feed units The unit count ‘#’ is not precisely supported: Device
Service will select the closest supported value.
Feed reverse The line count ‘#’ is too large: Device Service will
select the maximum supported value.
Underline The thickness ‘#’ is not precisely supported: Device
Service will select the closest supported value.
Shading The percentage ‘#’ is not precisely supported: Device
Service will select the closest supported value.
Scale horizontally The scaling factor ‘#’ is not supported: Device Service
will select the closest supported value.
Scale vertically The scaling factor ‘#’ is not supported: Device Service
will select the closest supported value.
Data Condition

data1CRdata2LF (Where CR is a Carriage Return and LF is a Line Feed)

In order to print data data1 and remain on the same line,
the Device Service will print with a line advance, then
perform a reverse line feed. The data data2 will then
overprint data1.
Methods 509

Cases which will cause Error Code of JPOS_E_FAILURE:

Escape Sequence Condition

(General) The escape sequence format is not valid.

Paper cut Not supported.
Feed and Paper cut Not supported.
Feed, Paper cut, and Stamp
Not supported.
Fire stamp Not supported.
Print bitmap Bitmap printing is not supported, or the bitmap number
‘#’ is out of range.
Feed reverse Not supported.
Font typeface The typeface ‘#’ is not supported.
Bold Not supported.
Underline Not supported.
Italic Not supported.
Alternate color Not supported.
Reverse video Not supported.
Shading Not supported.
Single high & wide Not supported.
Double wide Not supported.
Double high Not supported.
Double high & wide Not supported.
Data Condition

data1CRdata2LF (Where CR is a Carriage Return and LF is a Line Feed)

Not able to print data and remain on the same line. The
data data1 will print on one line, and the data data2 will
print on the next line.

See Also “Data Characters and Escape Sequences”

Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
510 Programming Guide POS Printer

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific POS Printer Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s POS Printer
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 511

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a printer error has been detected and a suitable
response by the application is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. If
ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then see values
below. Otherwise, it may contain a Service-specific
ErrorLocus int Location of the error, and is set to JPOS_EL_OUTPUT
indicating the error occurred while processing
asynchronous output.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.
If ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then ErrorCodeExtended has one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EPTR_COVER_OPENThe printer cover is open.

JPOS_EPTR_JRN_EMPTYThe journal station is out of paper.
JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTYThe receipt station is out of paper.
JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTYA form is not inserted in the slip station.
The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_RETRY Retry the asynchronous output. The error state is exited.

The default.
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the asynchronous output or buffered input data.
The error state is exited.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
512 Programming Guide POS Printer

Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected and the Control’s State transitions into the
error state. This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that
proper application sequencing occurs.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25, “Device States” on page 30

Method outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the queued output request associated with the
OutputID property has completed successfully.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

OutputID int The ID number of the asynchronous output request that

is complete.
Remarks This event is enqueued after the request’s data has been both sent and the Device
Service has confirmation that is was processed by the device successfully.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25
Events 513

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a printer has had an operation status change.

Properties This event contains the following property:

Property Type Description

Status int Indicates the status change, and has one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

PTR_SUE_COVER_OPEN Printer cover is open.

PTR_SUE_COVER_OK Printer cover is closed.
PTR_SUE_JRN_EMPTY No journal paper.
PTR_SUE_JRN_NEAREMPTY Journal paper is low.
PTR_SUE_JRN_PAPEROK Journal paper is ready.
PTR_SUE_REC_EMPTY No receipt paper.
PTR_SUE_REC_NEAREMPTY Receipt paper is low.
PTR_SUE_REC_PAPEROK Receipt paper is ready.
PTR_SUE_SLP_EMPTY No slip form.
PTR_SUE_SLP_NEAREMPTY Almost at the bottom of the slip form.
PTR_SUE_SLP_PAPEROK Slip form is inserted.
PTR_SUE_IDLE All asynchronous output has finished, either
successfully or because output has been
cleared. The printer State is now
JPOS_S_IDLE. The FlagWhenIdle property
must be true for this event to be delivered, and
the property is automatically reset to false just
before the event is delivered.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State

Reporting with additional Power reporting
StatusUpdateEvent values. See
“StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when a significant status event has occurred.
See Also “Events” on page 18
Java for Retail POS Chapter 15
514 Programming Guide POS Printer
C H A P T E R 1 6

Remote Order Display


Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable 1.3 boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText 1.3 String R open
Claimed 1.3 boolean R open
DataCount 1.3 int R open
DataEventEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents 1.3 boolean R/W open
OutputID 1.3 int R open
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State 1.3 int R --

DeviceControlDescription 1.3 String R --

DeviceControlVersion 1.3 int R --
DeviceServiceDescription 1.3 String R open
DeviceServiceVersion 1.3 int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription 1.3 String R open
PhysicalDeviceName 1.3 String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
516 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapTransaction 1.3 boolean R open
AsyncMode 1.3 boolean R/W open, claim, & enable
EventType 1.3 int R/W open
SystemClocks 1.3 int R open, claim & enable
SystemVideoSaveBuffers 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
Timeout 1.3 int R/W open
UnitsOnline 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable

CurrentUnitID 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable

CapSelectCharacterSet 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable
CapTone 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable
CapTouch 1.3 boolean R open, claim, & enable
AutoToneDuration 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable
AutoToneFrequency 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable
CharacterSet 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
CharacterSetList 1.3 String R open, claim, & enable
Clocks 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
VideoDataCount 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable
VideoMode 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable
VideoModesList 1.3 String R open, claim, & enable
VideoSaveBuffers 1.3 int R open, claim, & enable

ErrorUnits 1.3 int R open

ErrorString 1.3 String R open

EventUnitID 1.3 int R open & claim

EventUnits 1.3 int R open & claim
EventString 1.3 String R open & claim
Summary 517

Common Ver May use after
open 1.3 -
close 1.3 open
claim 1.3 open
release 1.3 open & claim
checkHealth 1.3 open, claim, & enable
clearInput 1.3 open & claim
clearOutput 1.3 open & claim
directIO 1.3 open

controlClock 1.3 open, claim, & enable
controlCursor 1.3 open, claim, & enable
freeVideoRegion 1.3 open, claim, & enable
resetVideo 1.3 open, claim, & enable
selectCharacterSet 1.3 open, claim, & enable
setCursor 1.3 open, claim, & enable

clearVideo 1.3 open, claim, & enable

clearVideoRegion 1.3 open, claim, & enable
copyVideoRegion 1.3 open, claim, & enable
displayData 1.3 open, claim, & enable
drawBox 1.3 open, claim, & enable
restoreVideoRegion 1.3 open, claim, & enable
saveVideoRegion 1.3 open, claim, & enable
updateVideoRegionAttribute 1.3 open, claim, & enable
videoSound 1.3 open, claim, & enable

transactionDisplay 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
518 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
General Information 519

General Information
The Remote Order Display Control’s class name is “jpos.RemoteOrderDisplay”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.RemoteOrderDisplayConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

This de v i ce w as a dd e d in Ja va PO S Re lea s e 1. 3.

The Remote Order Display has the following minimal set of capabilities:
• Supports color or monochrome text character displays.
• Supports 8 foreground colors (or gray scale on monochrome display) with the
option of using the intensity attribute.
• Supports 8 background colors (or gray scale on monochrome display) with the
option of using only a blinking attribute.
• The individual event types support disabling such that the application only
receives a subset of data events if requested.
• Supports video region buffering.
• Supports cursor functions.
• Supports clock functions.
• Supports resetting a video unit to power on state.

The Remote Order Display may also have the following additional capabilities:
• Supports multiple video displays each with possibly different video modes.
• Supports touch video input for a touch screen display unit.
• Supports video enunciator output with frequency and duration.
• Supports tactile feedback via an automatic tone when a video display unit is
touched (for touch screen only).
• Supports downloading alternate character sets to one or many video units.
• Supports transaction mode display output to one or many video units.

The following capability is not supported:

• Support for graphical displays, where the video display is addressable by
individual pixels or dots. The addition of this support is under investigation
for future revisions.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
520 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

The general model of a Remote Order Display:
• The Remote Order Display device class is a subsystem of video units. The
initial targeted environment is food service, to display order preparation and
fulfillment information. Remote Order Displays are often used in conjunction
with Bump Bars.

The subsystem can support up to 32 video units.

One application on one workstation or POS Terminal will typically manage

and control the entire subsystem of Bump Bars. If applications on the same
or other workstations and POS Terminals will need to access the subsystem,
then this application must act as a subsystem server and expose interfaces to
other applications.

• All specific methods are broadcast methods. This means that the method can
apply to one unit, a selection of units or all online units. The units parameter
is an int, with each bit identifying an individual video unit. The Device
Service will attempt to satisfy the method for all units indicated in the units
parameter. If an error is received from one or more units, the ErrorUnits
property is updated with the appropriate units in error. The ErrorString
property is updated with a description of the error or errors received. The
method will then throw a JposException. In the case where two or more units
encounter different errors, the exception’s errorCode will indicate the more
severe error.
• The common methods checkHealth, clearInput, and clearOutput are not
broadcast methods and use the unit ID indicated in the CurrentUnitID
property. See the description of these common methods to understand how
the current unit ID property is used.
• When the current unit ID property is set by the application, all the
corresponding properties are updated to reflect the settings for that unit.

If the current unit ID property is set to a unit ID that is not online, the
dependent properties will contain non-initialized values.

The CurrentUnitID uniquely represent a single video unit. The definitions

range from ROD_UID_1 to ROD_UID_32. These definitions are also used to
create the bitwise parameter, units, used in the broadcast methods.
General Information 521

• The rows and columns are numbered beginning with (0,0) at the top-left
corner of the video display. The dimensions are defined by the height and
width parameters. The region depicted below would have the parameters
row = 1, column = 2, height = 3, and width = 4.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

All position parameters are expressed in text characters.

• The VGA-like attribute parameter, that is used in various methods, is an int.

Bits 7-0 define the text attribute and bits 31-8 are reserved and must be 0,
otherwise a JPOS_E_ILLEGAL. The following table defines bits 7-0:

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Blinking Background and Color Intensity Foreground Color

If a foreground or background color is requested, but the Device Service does

not support that color, it chooses the best fit from the colors supported.

The following constants may be used, with up to one constant selected from
each category:
• Blinking: ROD_ATTR_BLINK
• Background Color: ROD_ATTR_BG_color, where color is replaced by
• Foreground Color: ROD_ATTR_FG_color, where color is replaced by
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
522 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

For touch video input, the Remote Order Display Control follows the general “In-
put Model” for event-driven input with some differences:
• When input is received a DataEvent is enqueued.
• This device does not support the AutoDisable property, so will not
automatically disable itself when a DataEvent is enqueued.
• An enqueued DataEvent is delivered to the application when the
DataEventEnabled property is true and other event delivery requirements are
met. Just before delivering this event, data is copied into the properties, and
further data events are disabled by setting the DataEventEnabled property to
false. This causes subsequent input data to be enqueued while the application
processes the current input and associated properties. When the application
has finished the current input and is ready for more data, it reenables events
by setting DataEventEnabled to true.
• An ErrorEvent is enqueued if an error occurs while gathering or processing
input, and is delivered to the application when the DataEventEnabled
property is true and other event delivery requirements are met.
• The VideoDataCount property may be read to obtain the number of video
DataEvents for a specific unit ID enqueued. The DataCount property can be
read to obtain the total number of data events enqueued.
• Input enqueued may be deleted by calling the clearInput method. See
clearInput method description for more details.
For video and tone output, the Remote Order Display follows the general Output
Model, with some enhancements:
• The following methods are always performed synchronously: controlClock,
controlCursor, selectCharacterSet, resetVideo, and setCursor. These
methods will fail if asynchronous output is outstanding. The following
method is also always performed synchronously but without regard to
outstanding asynchronous output: freeVideoRegion.
• The following methods are performed either synchronously or
asynchronously, depending on the value of the AsyncMode property:
clearVideo, clearVideoRegion, copyVideoRegion, displayData, drawBox,
restoreVideoRegion, saveVideoRegion, transactionDisplay,
updateVideoRegionAttribute, and videoSound. When AsyncMode is
false, then these methods operate synchronously.

When AsyncMode is true, then these methods operate as follows:

• The request is buffered, the OutputID property is set to an identifier for
this request, and returns as soon as possible. When the device completes
the request successfully, then the EventUnits property is updated and an
OutputCompleteEvent is enqueued. A property of this event contains
the output ID of the completed request.

Asynchronous methods will not throw a JposException due to a display

problem, such as communications failure. These errors will only be
reported by an ErrorEvent. A JposException is thrown only if the
display is not claimed and enabled, a parameter is invalid, or the request
cannot be enqueued. The first two error cases are due to an application
General Information 523

error, while the last is a serious system resource exception.

• If an error occurs while performing an asynchronous request, an
ErrorEvent is enqueued. The EventUnits property is set to the unit or
units in error. The EventString property is also set.
Note: ErrorEvent updates EventUnits and EventString. If an error is
reported by a broadcast method, then ErrorUnits and ErrorString are set

The event handler may call synchronous display methods (but not
asynchronous methods), then can either retry the outstanding output or
clear it.
• Asynchronous output is performed on a first-in first-out basis.
• All unit output buffered may be deleted by setting the CurrentUnitID
property and calling the clearOutput method. OutputCompleteEvents
will not be delivered for cleared output. This method also stops any
output that may be in progress (when possible).

When AsyncMode is false, then these methods operate synchronously

and the Device returns to the application after completion. When
operating synchronously, a JposException is thrown if the method could
not complete successfully.
• The Remote Order Display device may support transaction mode. A
transaction is a sequence of display operations that are sent to a video unit as
a single unit. Display operations which may be included in a transaction are
clearVideo, clearVideoRegion, copyVideoRegion, displayData, drawBox,
restoreVideoRegion, saveVideoRegion, and
updateVideoRegionAttribute. During a transaction, the display operations
are first validated. If valid, they are added to the transaction but not displayed
yet. Once the application has added as many operations as required, then the
transaction display method is called.

If the transaction is displayed synchronously, then any exception thrown

indicates that an error occurred during the display. If the transaction is
displayed asynchronously, then the asynchronous display rules listed above
are followed. If an error occurs and the Error Event handler causes a retry, the
entire transaction is retried.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
524 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Device Sharing
The Remote Order Display is an exclusive-use device. Its device sharing rules are:

• The application must claim the device before enabling it.

• The application must claim and enable the device before accessing many
Remote Order Display specific properties.
• The application must claim and enable the device before calling methods that
manipulate the device.
• When a claim method is called again, settable device characteristics are
restored to their condition at release. Examples of restored characteristics are
character set, video mode, and tone frequency. Region memory buffers, clock
and cursor settings are considered state characteristics and are not restored.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Properties 525

AsyncMode Property R/W
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the clearVideo, clearVideoRegion, copyVideoRegion,
displayData, drawBox, restoreVideoRegion, saveVideoRegion,
transactionDisplay, updateVideoRegionAttribute, and videoSound methods
will be performed asynchronously.
If false, they will be performed synchronously.

This property is initialized to false by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

AutoToneDuration Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the duration (in milliseconds) of the automatic tone for the video unit
indicated in the CurrentUnitID property.
This property is initialized to the default value for each online video unit when the
device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An illegal value was specified. The ErrorString

property is updated.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
526 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

AutoToneFrequency Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks Holds the frequency (in Hertz) of the automatic tone for the video unit indicated
in the CurrentUnitID property.
This property is initialized to the default value for each online video unit when the
device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An illegal value was specified. The ErrorString

property is updated.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property

CapSelectCharacterSet Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the video unit indicated in the CurrentUnitID property may be loaded
with an alternate, user supplied character set.
This property is initialized for each video unit online when the device is first
enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property

CapTone Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the video unit indicated in the CurrentUnitID property supports an
This property is initialized for each video unit online when the device is first
enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property
Properties 527

CapTouch Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the video unit indicated in the CurrentUnitID property supports the
ROD_DE_TOUCH_MOVE event types.
This property is initialized for each video unit online when the device is first
enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, DataEvent

CapTransaction Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then transactions are supported by each video unit.

This property is initialized by the open method.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CharacterSet Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the character set for displaying characters for the video unit indicated by the
CurrentUnitID property. When CapSelectCharacterSet is true, this property
can be set with one of the following values:
Value Meaning

Range 101 - 199 A device-specific character set that does not match a
code page, nor the ASCII or ANSI character sets.
Range 400 - 990 Code page; matches one of the standard values.
ROD_CS_ASCII The ASCII character set, supporting the ASCII
characters 0x20 through 0x7F. The value of this
constant is 998.
ROD_CS_ANSI The ANSI character set. The value of this constant is

This property is initialized to the default video character set used by each video
unit online when the device is first enabled following the open method.
This is updated during the selectCharacterSet method.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
528 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, CharacterSetList Property, CapSelectCharacterSet
Property, selectCharacterSet Method

CharacterSetList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a string of character set numbers for the video unit indicated in the
CurrentUnitID property.
If CapSelectCharacterSet is true, this property is initialized for each video unit
online when the device is first enabled following the open method.
The character set number string consists of an ASCII numeric set of numbers,
separated by commas.
For example, if the string is “101, 850, 999”, the video unit supports a device-
specific character set, code page 850, and the ANSI character set.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, CharacterSet Property, CapSelectCharacterSet
Property, selectCharacterSet Method

Clocks Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of clocks the video unit, indicated in the CurrentUnitID
property, can support.
This property is initialized for each online video unit when the device is first
enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property
Properties 529

CurrentUnitID Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the current video unit ID. Up to 32 units are allowed on one Remote Order
Display device. The unit ID definitions range from ROD_UID_1 to
The following properties and methods apply only to the selected video unit ID:
• Properties: AutoToneDuration, AutoToneFrequency, CapSelectCharac-
terSet, CapTone, CapTouch, CharacterSet, CharacterSetList, Clocks,
VideoDataCount, VideoMode, VideoModesList, VideoSaveBuffers.

Setting CurrentUnitID will update these properties to the current values for
the specified unit.
• Methods: checkHealth, clearInput, clearOutput.

This property is initialized to the first available video unit id when the device
is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An illegal unit id was specified. The ErrorString

property is updated.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
530 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

DataCount Property (Common) R

Type int
Remarks Holds the total number of DataEvents enqueued. All units online are included in
this value. The number of enqueued events for a specific unit ID is stored in the
VideoDataCount property.
The application may read this property to determine whether additional input is
enqueued from a device, but has not yet been delivered because of other
application processing, freezing of events, or other causes.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, VideoDataCount Property, DataEvent

ErrorString Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a description of the error which occurred to the unit(s) specified by the
ErrorUnits property, when an error occurs for any method that acts on a bitwise
set of video units.
If an error occurs during processing of an asynchronous request, the ErrorEvent
updates the property EventString instead.
This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also ErrorUnits Property

ErrorUnits Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a bitwise mask of the unit(s) that encountered an error, when an error occurs
for any method that acts on a bitwise set of video units.
If an error occurs during processing of an asynchronous request, the ErrorEvent
updates the property EventUnits instead.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also ErrorString Property
Properties 531

EventString Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds a description of the error which occurred to the unit(s) specified by the
EventUnits property, when an ErrorEvent is delivered.
This property is initialized to an empty string by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also EventUnits Property, ErrorEvent

EventType Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds a bitwise mask that is used to selectively indicate which event types are to
be delivered by the DataEvent, for all video units online. See the DataEvent
description for event type definitions.
This property is initialized to all defined event types by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An illegal unit id was specified. The ErrorString

property is updated.
See Also DataEvent

EventUnitID Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the video unit ID of the last delivered DataEvent. The unit ID definitions
range from BB_UID_1 to BB_UID_32.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also DataEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
532 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

EventUnits Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a bitwise mask of the unit(s) when an OutputCompleteEvent, output
ErrorEvent, or StatusUpdateEvent is delivered.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also OutputCompleteEvent, ErrorEvent, StatusUpdateEvent

SystemClocks Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the total number of clocks the Remote Order Display device can support at
one time.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also Clocks Property

SystemVideoSaveBuffers Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the total number of video save buffers the Remote Order Display device can
support at one time.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also VideoSaveBuffers Property
Properties 533

Timeout Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the timeout value in milliseconds used by the Remote Order Display device
to complete all output methods supported. If the device cannot successfully
complete an output method within the timeout value, then the method throws a
JposException if AsyncMode is false, or enqueues an ErrorEvent if AsyncMode
is true.
This property is initialized to a Device Service dependent default timeout
following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An illegal unit id was specified. The ErrorString

property is updated.
See Also AsyncMode Property

UnitsOnline Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds a bitwise mask indicating the video units online. Bit 0 is ROD_UID_1. 32
video units are supported. See Model on page 520.
This property is initialized when the device is first enabled following the open
method. This property is updated as changes are detected, such as before a
StatusUpdateEvent is enqueued and during the checkHealth method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Model” on page 520, checkHealth Method, StatusUpdateEvent
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
534 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

VideoDataCount Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of DataEvents enqueued for the video unit indicated in the
CurrentUnitID property.
The application may read this property to determine whether additional input is
enqueued a video unit, but has not yet been delivered because of other application
processing, freeing of events, or other causes.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, DataEvent

VideoMode Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the video ModeId selected for the video unit indicated by the
CurrentUnitID property. The ModeId represents one of the selections in the
VideoModesList property.
This property is initialized to the Device Service dependent default video ModeId
used by each video unit online when the device is first enabled following the open
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An illegal unit id was specified. The ErrorString

property is updated.
JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with the video
unit indicated in the CurrentUnitID property. The
ErrorString property is updated.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, VideoModesList Property
Properties 535

VideoModesList Property R
Type String
Remarks Holds the video modes supported for the video unit indicated in the
CurrentUnitID property. The video modes are listed in a comma delineated
string with the following format:
The ModeId values are determined by the Remote Order Display system.
M = Monochrome (and gray scales) and C = Color.
For example, if the string is “1:40x25x16C,2:80x25x16C”, then the video unit
supports two video modes, ModeId 1 and ModeId 2. ModeId 1 has 40 rows, 25
columns, 16 colors, and is Color. ModeId 2 has 80 rows, 25 columns, 16 colors,
and is Color.
The ModeId is used to initialize the VideoMode property for each video unit
This property is initialized to the video modes list supported by each video unit
online when the device is first enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, VideoMode Property

VideoSaveBuffers Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the number of save buffers for the video unit indicated in the
CurrentUnitID property. This property should be consulted when using the
saveVideoRegion, restoreVideoRegion and freeVideoRegion methods. When
set to 0, this indicates that buffering for the selected unit is not supported. When
this property is greater than 0, the Remote Order Display device can save at
minimum one entire video screen for the selected video unit.
This property is initialized for each video unit online when the device is first
enabled following the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, saveVideoRegion Method, restoreVideoRegion
Method, freeVideoRegion Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
536 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

checkHealth Method (Common)
Syntax void checkHealth (int level) throws JposException;
The level parameter indicates the level of health check to be performed on the
device. The following values may be specified:
Value Meaning

JPOS_CH_INTERNAL Perform a health check that does not physically change

the device. The device is tested by internal tests to the
extent possible.
JPOS_CH_EXTERNAL Perform a more thorough test that may change the
device. For example, a pattern may be displayed on the
JPOS_CH_INTERACTIVEPerform an interactive test of the device. The Device
Service will typically display a modal dialog box to
present test options and results.
Remarks When JPOS_CH_INTERNAL or JPOS_CH_EXTERNAL level is requested, the
method checks the health of the unit indicated in the CurrentUnitID property. If
the current unit ID property is zero, a JPOS_EROD_NOUNITS error is set. When
the current unit ID property is set to a unit that is not currently online, the device
will attempt to check the health of the video unit and report a communication error
if necessary. The JPOS_CH_INTERACTIVE health check operation is up to the
Device Service designer.
A text description of the results of this method is placed in the CheckHealthText
The UnitsOnline property will be updated with any changes before returning to
the application.
This method is always synchronous.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning


CurrentUnitID property is zero.
JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with the video
unit indicated in CurrentUnitID property.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, UnitsOnline Property
Methods 537

clearInput Method (Common)

Syntax void clearInput () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears the device input that has been buffered for the unit indicated in the
CurrentUnitID property. If the current unit ID property is zero, a
Any data events that are enqueued – usually waiting for DataEventEnabled to be
set to true and FreezeEvents to be set to false – are also cleared.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning


CurrentUnitID property is zero.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, “Device Input Model” on page 22

clearOutput Method (Common)

Syntax void clearOutput () throws JposException;
Remarks Clears all outputs that have been buffered for the unit indicated in the
CurrentUnitID property, including video and tone outputs. If the current unit ID
property is zero, a JPOS_EROD_NOUNITS is set.
Any output complete and output error events that are enqueued – usually waiting
for DataEventEnabled to be set to true and FreezeEvents to be set to false – are
also cleared.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning


CurrentUnitID property is set to zero.
See Also CurrentUnitID Property, “Device Output Models” on page 25
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
538 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

clearVideo Method
Syntax void clearVideo (int units, int attribute) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

attribute See Model on page 520 in the General Information
Remarks Clears the entire display area for the video unit(s) indicated in the units parameter.
The display area will be cleared using the attribute placed in the attribute
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also AsyncMode Property, “Model” on page 520
Methods 539

clearVideoRegion Method
Syntax void clearVideoRegion (int units, int row, int column, int height,
int width, int attribute) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

row The region’s start row.
column The region’s start column.
height The number of rows in the region.
width The number of columns in the region.
attribute See “Model” on page 520 in the General Information
Remarks Clears the specified video region for the video unit(s) indicated in the units
parameter. The display area will be cleared using the attribute placed in the
attribute parameter.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, “Model” on
page 520
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
540 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

controlClock Method
Syntax void controlClock (int units, int function, int clockId, int hour,
int min, int sec,int row, int column,int attribute,
int mode) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

function The requested clock command. See values below.
clockId Clock identification number. The valid values can be
from 1 - Clocks. When the function parameter is
then clockId can be ROD_CLK_ALL to specify all
clocks started on the specified video unit(s).
hour The initial hours for the clock display.
min The initial minutes for the clock display.
sec The initial seconds for the clock display.
row The clock’s row.
column The clock’s start column.
attribute See “Model” on page 520 in the General Information
mode The type of clock to display. See values below.

The function parameter values are:

Value Meaning

ROD_CLK_START Starts a clock display assigned to the given clockId.

ROD_CLK_PAUSE Temporarily stops a clock from updating the display
until a ROD_CLK_RESUME requested.
ROD_CLK_RESUME Resumes a clock that was previously paused, such that
display updates continue.
ROD_CLK_STOP Permanently stops the clock from updating the display
and the clockId becomes free.
ROD_CLK_MOVE Moves an instantiated clock to a new position.
Methods 541

The mode parameter values are:

Value Meaning

ROD_CLK_SHORT Displays a clock with “M:SS” format.

ROD_CLK_NORMAL Displays a clock with “MM:SS” format.
ROD_CLK_12_int Displays a 12 hour clock with “HH:MM:SS” format.
ROD_CLK_24_int Displays a 24 hour clock with “HH:MM:SS” format.

Remarks Performs the clock command requested in the function parameter on the video
unit(s) indicated in the units parameter. The clock will be displayed in the
requested mode format at the location found in the row and column parameters.
The clock will start at the specified hour, min, and sec, time values and will be
updated every second until a ROD_CLK_PAUSE or ROD_CLK_STOP is
requested for this clockId.
command is issued, the hour, min, sec, row, column, attribute, and mode
parameters are ignored. During a ROD_CLK_PAUSE command, the clock
display updates are suspended. During a ROD_CLK_RESUME command, the
clock updates continue.
ROD_CLK_MOVE command is requested on an uninitialized clockId for any of
the video units indicated in the units parameter, a JPOS_EROD_BADCLK error
is thrown. If a ROD_CLK_RESUME command is requested without doing a
ROD_CLK_PAUSE, this has no effect and no exception is thrown.
When a ROD_CLK_MOVE command is issued, the clock is moved to the new
location found in the row and column parameters. The hour, min, sec, attribute
and mode parameters are ignored for this command function.
Generally a video unit can support the number of clocks indicated in the Clocks
property. However, the ROD_CLK_START command will return
JPOS_EROD_NOCLOCKS if it exceeds the number of SystemClocks even
though the Clocks property may indicated the unit can support more clocks than
allocated for that unit.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
542 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning


was requested and the specified clockId has not been
initialized by the ROD_CLK_START command.
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EROD_NOCLOCKS:
The ROD_CLK_START failed because the number of
SystemClocks has been reached.
The ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties are
JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the
video units indicated in the units parameter. The
ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties are updated.
JPOS_E_BUSY When a ROD_CLK_START command is requested but
the specified clockId is in use. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated.
See Also Clocks Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, “Model” on page
Methods 543

controlCursor Method
Syntax void controlCursor (int units, int function) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

function The cursor command, indicating the type of cursor to
display. See values below.
Value Meaning

ROD_CRS_LINE enable a solid underscore line.

enable a blinking solid underscore cursor.
ROD_CRS_BLOCK enable a solid block cursor.
enable a blinking solid block cursor.
ROD_CRS_OFF Disable cursor.
Remarks Enables or disables the cursor depending on the function parameter, for the video
unit(s) indicated in the units parameter.
When the function is ROD_CRS_OFF, the cursor is disabled, otherwise the cursor
is enabled as the requested cursor type. If the video unit cannot support the
requested cursor type, the Device Service will use the next closest cursor type.
The cursor attribute is taken from the current cursor location.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred communicating with one of the video

units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated.
See Also ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
544 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

copyVideoRegion Method
Syntax void copyVideoRegion (int units, int row, int column, int height,
int width, int targetRow, int targetColumn)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

row The region’s start row.
column The region’s start column.
height The number of rows in the region.
width The number of columns in the region.
targetRow The start row of the target location.
targetColumn The start column of the target location.
Remarks Copies a region of the display area to a new location on the display area for the
video unit(s) indicated in the units parameter. The source area is defined by the
row, column, height, and width parameters. The top-left corner of the target
location is defined by the targetRow and targetColumn parameters. If the ranges
overlap the copy is done such that all original data is preserved.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, “Model” on
page 520.
Methods 545

displayData Method
Syntax void displayData (int units, int row, int column, int attribute, String data)
throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

row The start row for the text.
column The start column for the text.
attribute The video attribute. See Model on page 520 in the
General Information section.
data The string of characters to display.

Remarks Displays the characters in data beginning at the location specified by row and
column, and continues in succeeding columns on the video unit(s) indicated in the
units parameter. Any characters that extend beyond the last column will be
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, “Model” on
page 520.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
546 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

drawBox Method
Syntax void drawBox (int units, int row, int column, int height, int width,
int attribute, int bordertype) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

row The box’s start row.
column The box’s start column.
height The number of rows in the box.
width The number of columns in the box.
attribute The video attribute. See “Model” on page 520 in the
General Information section.
bordertype The border type to be drawn. Can be any printable
character or a defined border type. See values below.
Value Meaning

ROD_BDR_SINGLE A single line border.

ROD_BDR_DOUBLE A double line border.
ROD_BDR_SOLID A solid block border.
Remarks Draws a box on the video units(s) indicated in the units parameter.
The Remote Order Display will attempt to draw a box with the border type
specified. If the character set does not support the chosen border type, the Device
Service will choose the best fit from the given character set.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

displays indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated.
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, “Model” on
page 520.
Methods 547

freeVideoRegion Method
Syntax void freeVideoRegion (int units, int bufferId) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

bufferId Number identifying the video buffer to free. Valid
values range from 1 to the VideoSaveBuffers property
for a selected unit(s).
Remarks Frees any buffer memory allocated for the video unit(s) indicated in the units
parameter. The number of video buffers supported is stored in the
VideoSaveBuffers property for each video unit online. If the bufferId was never
used in a previous saveVideoRegion method, no action is taken.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred communicating with one of the video

units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated.
See Also ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, VideoSaveBuffers Property,
saveVideoRegion Method

resetVideo Method
Syntax void resetVideo (int units) throws JposException;
units is a bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate on.
Remarks Sets the video unit(s) indicated in the units parameter to a power on state. All
Device Service buffers and clocks associated with the unit(s) are released. All
settable characteristics are set to default values.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated.
See Also ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
548 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

restoreVideoRegion Method
Syntax void restoreVideoRegion (int units, int targetRow, int targetColumn,
int bufferId) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

targetRow The start row of the target location.
targetColumn The start column of the target location.
bufferId Number identifying the source video buffer to use.
Valid values range from 1 to the VideoSaveBuffers
property for the selected unit(s).
Remarks Restores a previously saved video region of the display area from the requested
bufferId for the video unit(s) indicated in the units parameter. A region can be
saved using the saveVideoRegion method. The number of video buffers
supported is stored in the VideoSaveBuffers property for each video unit online.
The target location is defined by the targetRow and targetColumn parameters.
This method doesn’t free the memory after restoring, therefore, this method can be
used to copy a video region to multiple locations on the display. Use the
freeVideoRegion method to free any memory allocated for a video buffer.
If the bufferId does not contain a previously saved video region for the units
selected, a JPOS_EROD_NOREGION exception is thrown.
Video regions cannot be restored between video units. For example, the
saveVideoRegion method is called with units = 0000 1000 and bufferId = 1. This
will save a video region for the Unit Id 4, in to Buffer 1 for that unit. If this method
is called with units = 0000 0100 and bufferId = 1 with the intention of restoring the
previously saved buffer to Unit Id 3, then either a JposException with ErrorCode
of JPOS_EROD_NOREGION would be thrown, or an unwanted region would be
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Methods 549

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning


The bufferId does not contain a previously saved video
JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the
video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property,
VideoSaveBuffers Property, saveVideoRegion Method

saveVideoRegion Method
Syntax void saveVideoRegion (int units, int row, int column, int height,
int width, int bufferId) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

row The start row of the region to save.
column The start column of the region to save.
height The number of rows in the region to save.
width The number of columns in the region to save.
bufferId Number identifying the video buffer to use. Valid
values range from 1 to the VideoSaveBuffers property
for a selected unit(s).
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
550 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Remarks Saves the specified video region of the display area to one of the provided video
buffers for the video unit(s) indicated in the units parameter. The number of video
buffers supported is stored in the VideoSaveBuffers property for each video unit
online. However, a JposException will be thrown if the requested buffer exceeds
the number of SystemVideoSaveBuffers even though the VideoSaveBuffers
property may indicated the unit can support more save buffers than currently
allocated for that unit.
If VideoSaveBuffers is greater than 0, the Device Service will be able to support
at minimum one entire video screen. This does not guarantee that the Device
Service can save an entire video screen in each supported buffer for a single unit.
A JposException is thrown when all the buffer memory has been allocated for a
specific unit.
The source area is defined by the row, column, height, and width parameters. The
video region can be restored to the screen by calling the restoreVideoRegion
method. If saveVideoRegion is called twice with the same bufferId, the previous
video data is lost, and any allocated memory is returned to the system.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL bufferId, row, column, height, or width, are out of range.

The ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties are
Requested buffer exceeds the number of
ErrorCodeExtended = JPOS_EROD_NOROOM:
All the buffer memory has been allocated for a specific
unit. The ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties are
JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the
video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property,
SystemVideoSaveBuffers Property, VideoSaveBuffers Property,
restoreVideoRegion Method
Methods 551

selectCharacterSet Method
Syntax void selectCharacterSet (int units, int characterSet) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

characterSet Contain the character set for displaying characters.
Values are:
Value Meaning

Range 101 - 199 A device-specific character set that does not match a
code page, nor the ASCII or ANSI character sets.
Range 400 - 990 Code page; matches one of the standard values.
ROD_CS_ASCII The ASCII character set, supporting the ASCII
characters between 20-hex and 7F-hex. The value of
this constant is 998.
ROD_CS_ANSI The ANSI character set. The value of this constant is
999. .
Remarks Selects a compatible character set for the video unit(s) indicated in the units
The CharacterSet property is updated for each video unit id that is successfully
selected a new character set.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated.
See Also ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, CapSelectCharacterSet Property,
CharacterSet Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
552 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

setCursor Method
Syntax void setCursor (int units, int row, int column) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

row Row to place the cursor on.
column Column to place the cursor on.
Remarks Updates the cursor position on the video unit(s) indicated in the units parameter.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated.
See Also ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property
Methods 553

transactionDisplay Method
Syntax void transactionDisplay (int units, int function) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

function Transaction control function. Valid values are:

Value Meaning

Begin a transaction.
ROD_TD_NORMAL End a transaction by displaying the buffered data.
Remarks Enters or exits transaction mode for the video unit(s) indicated in the units
If function is ROD_TD_TRANSACTION, then transaction mode is entered.
Subsequent calls to clearVideo, clearVideoRegion, copyVideoRegion,
displayData, drawBox, restoreVideoRegion, saveVideoRegion, and
updateVideoRegionAttribute will buffer the display data (either at the video unit
or the Device Service, depending on the display capabilities) until
transactionDisplay is called with the function parameter set to
ROD_TD_NORMAL. (In this case, the display methods only validate the method
parameters and buffer the data – they do not initiate displaying. Also, the value of
the AsyncMode property does not affect their operation: No OutputID will be
assigned to the request, nor will an OutputCompleteEvent be enqueued.)
If function is ROD_TD_NORMAL, then transaction mode is exited. If some data
was buffered by calls to the methods clearVideo, clearVideoRegion,
copyVideoRegion, displayData, drawBox, restoreVideoRegion,
saveVideoRegion, and updateVideoRegionAttribute, then the buffered data is
displayed. The entire transaction is treated as one message. This method is
performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and asynchronously if
AsyncMode is true.
Calling the clearOutput method cancels transaction mode for the unit indicated in
the CurrentUnitID property. Any buffered print lines are also cleared.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
554 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_BUSY Cannot perform while output is in progress for one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false and function is
JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred communicating with one of the video
units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false and function is

updateVideoRegionAttribute Method
Syntax void updateVideoRegionAttribute (int units, int function, int row,
int column, int height, int width,
int attribute) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

function The attribute command. See values below.
row The region’s start row.
column The region’s start column.
height The number of rows in the region.
width The number of columns in the region.
attribute See Model on page 520 in the General Information
The function parameter values are:
Value Meaning

ROD_UA_SET Set the region with the new attribute.

Turn on foreground intensity in the region.
Turn off foreground intensity in the region.
Methods 555

Value Meaning

Reverse video the region.
Remove reverse video from the region.
Turn on blinking in the region.
Turn off blinking in the region.

Remarks Modifies the attribute on the video unit(s) indicated in the units parameter in the
region defined by the row, column, height, and width parameters. When the
function parameter is ROD_UA_SET, the region’s attributes will be replaced with
the new value in the attribute parameter; otherwise the attribute parameter is
ignored and the region’s attributes will be modified.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in units. The ErrorUnits and
ErrorString properties are updated. (Can only occur if
AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, “Model” on
page 520.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
556 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

videoSound Method
Syntax void videoSound (int units, int frequency, int duration, int numberOfCycles,
int interSoundWait) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

units Bitwise mask indicating which video unit(s) to operate

frequency Tone frequency in Hertz.
duration Tone duration in milliseconds.
numberOfCycles If JPOS_FOREVER, then start tone sounding and,
repeat continuously. Else perform the specified number
of cycles.
interSoundWait When numberOfCycles is not one, then pause for
interSoundWait milliseconds before repeating the tone
cycle (before playing the tone again)
Remarks Sounds the video enunciator for the video(s) indicated in the units parameter.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
The duration of a video tone cycle is:
Duration parameter + interSoundWait parameter (except on the last tone cycle)
After the video has started an asynchronous sound, then the clearOutput method
will stop the sound. (When an interSoundWait value of JPOS_FOREVER was
used to start the sound, then the application must use clearOutput to stop the
continuous sounding of tones.)
If CapTone is false for the selected unit(s), a JposException is thrown.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_FAILURE An error occurred while communicating with one of the

video units indicated in the units parameter. The
ErrorUnits and ErrorString properties are updated.
(Can only occur if AsyncMode is false.)
See Also AsyncMode Property, ErrorString Property, ErrorUnits Property, CapTone
Property, clearOutput Method
Events 557

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application when input data from a video touch unit is available.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int As described below

The Status parameter is divided into four bytes as indicated below:

High Word Low Word(Event Type)

High Byte Low Byte

The low word contains the Event type. The high word contains additional data
depending on the Event type. When the Event type is ROD_DE_TOUCH_UP,
indicates where the touch occurred. The low byte contains the Column position
and the high byte contains the Row position, with valid values ranging from 0-255.
Remarks This event can be filtered at the Remote Order Display device by setting the
EventType property.
The EventUnitID property is updated before the event is delivered.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, EventUnitID Property, DataEventEnabled
Property, FreezeEvents Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
558 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a Remote Order Display error has been detected and
a suitable response by the application is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Result code causing the error event. See a list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. If
ErrorCode is JPOS_E_EXTENDED, then see values
below. Otherwise, it may contain a Service-specific
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application. (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.
The ErrorLocus property may be one of the following:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_OUTPUT Error occurred while processing asynchronous output.

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input. No input data is available.
JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATAError occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is
The contents of the ErrorResponse property are preset to a default value, based on
the ErrorLocus. The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse
to one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_RETRY Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_OUTPUT.

Retry the asynchronous output. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_OUTPUT.
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
Events 559

continue processing. The Device remains in the error

state, and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and the DataEventEnabled property is
again set to true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered
with locus JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Remarks Input error events are not delivered until the DataEventEnabled property is true,
so that proper application sequencing occurs.
The EventUnits and EventString properties are updated before return.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25, “Device States” on page 30,
DataEventEnabled Property, EventUnits Property, EventString Property

Method outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the queued output request associated with the
OutputID property has completed successfully.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

OutputID int The ID number of the asyncronous output request that is

Remarks Enqueued when a previously started asynchronous output request completes
successfully. The EventUnits property is updated before the event is delivered.
See Also EventUnits Property, “Device Output Models” on page 25
Java for Retail POS Chapter 16
560 Programming Guide Remote Order Display

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a video unit.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a display.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with
additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.

Remarks Enqueued when the Remote Order Display detects a power state change.
Deviation from the standard StatusUpdateEvent (see page 80):
• Before delivering the event, the EventUnits property is set to the units for
which the new power state applies.
• When the Remote Order Display is enabled, then a StatusUpdateEvent is en-
queued to specify the bitmask of online units.
• While the Remote Order Display is enabled, a StatusUpdateEvent is en-
queued when the power state of one or more units change. If more than one
unit changes state at the same time, the Device Service may choose to either
enqueue multiple events or to coalesce the information into a minimal number
of events applying to EventUnits.
See Also EventUnits Property
C H A P T E R 1 7



Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable 1.3 boolean R/W open
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount 1.3 int R open
DataEventEnabled 1.3 boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
562 Programming Guide Scale

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapDisplay boolean R open
CapDisplayText 1.3 boolean R open
CapPriceCalculating 1.3 boolean R open
CapTareWeight 1.3 boolean R open
CapZeroScale 1.3 boolean R open
AsyncMode 1.3 boolean R/W open
MaxDisplayTextChars 1.3 int R open
MaximumWeight int R open
SalesPrice 1.3 long R open, claim, & enable
TareWeight 1.3 int R/W open, claim, & enable
UnitPrice 1.3 long R/W open, claim, & enable
WeightUnit int R open

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput 1.3 open & claim
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open & claim

displayText 1.3 open, claim, & enable
readWeight open, claim, & enable
zeroScale 1.3 open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
564 Programming Guide Scale

General Information

The Scale Control’s class name is “jpos.Scale”.

The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.ScaleConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The scale has the following capability:
• Provides item weight to the application. The measure of weight may be in
grams, kilograms, ounces, or pounds, depending upon the scale device.

The scale may have the following additional capabilities:

• Includes an integrated display with the current weight, or with the current
weight plus application-specified text.
• Performs price calculations (weight X unit price) and returns the sale price.
(This feature is mostly used in Europe at this time.)
• Supports application setting of tare weight.
• Supports application zeroing of the scale.

The general model of a scale is:
• A scale returns the weight of an item placed on its weighing surface.
• The primary scale method is readWeight. By default, it is performed
synchronously. It returns after reading data from the scale; the weight is
returned in the readWeight’s weightData parameter. If an error occurs or if
the timeout elapses, a JposException will be thrown.
General Information 565

• JavaPOS Release 1.3 and later - Asynchronous Input

If the AsyncMode property is true when readWeight is called, then the
method is performed asynchronously. It initiates event driven input and
returns immediately. The timeout parameter specifies the maximum time the
application wants to wait for a settled weight. Additional points are:
• If an error occurs while initiating event driven input (such as the device is
offline), then a JposException is thrown. Otherwise, readWeight returns
immediately to the application, and scale processing continues
• If a settled weight is received, then a DataEvent is enqueued containing
the weight data in the Status property.
• If a scale error occurs (including a timeout with no settled weight), then
an ErrorEvent is enqueued. The application event handler may retry the
weighing process by setting the event’s ErrorResponse property to
• Only one asynchronous call to readWeight can be in progress at a time.
An attempt to nest asynchronous scale operations will result in a
JposException being thrown.
• An asynchronous scale operation may be cancelled with the clearInput

For price-calculating scales, the application should set the UnitPrice property
before calling readWeight. After a weight is read (and just before the DataEvent
is delivered to the application, for asynchronous mode), the SalesPrice property is
set to the calculated price of the item.

Device Sharing
The scale is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• After opening the device, properties are readable.
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before calling methods that
manipulate the device.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
566 Programming Guide Scale

AsyncMode Property R/W Added in Release 1.3
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then the readWeight method will be performed asynchronously. If false,
the readWeight method will be performed synchronously.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also readWeight Method

CapDisplay Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the scale includes an integrated display that shows the current weight. If
false, the application may need to show the current weight on another display.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CapDisplayText Property, MaxDisplayTextChars Property

CapDisplayText Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type boolean
Remarks If true, the scale includes an integrated display that shows the current weight and
can also show text that describes the item being weighed. If false, extra text cannot
be shown on the display.
If true, then CapDisplay must also be true.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CapDisplay Property, MaxDisplayTextChars Property
Properties 567

CapPriceCalculating Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type boolean
Remarks If true, the scale can calculate prices. If false, the scale only returns a weight.
For price calculating scales the calculation unit is in the scale rather than in the
data-receiving terminal.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also readWeight Method, WeightUnit Property, UnitPrice Property, SalesPrice

CapTareWeight Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type boolean
Remarks If true, the scale includes setting a tare value. If false, the scale does not support
tare values.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also TareWeight Property

CapZeroScale Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type boolean
Remarks If true, the application can set the scale weight to zero. If false, the scale does not
support programmatic zeroing.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also zeroScale Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
568 Programming Guide Scale

MaxDisplayTextChars Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type int
Remarks Holds the number of characters that may be displayed on an integrated display for
the text which describes an article.
If CapDisplayText is false, then the device does not support text displaying and
this property is always zero.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also CapDisplay Property, CapDisplayText Property

MaximumWeight Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum weight measurement possible from the scale. The
measurement unit is available via the WeightUnit property.
This property has an assumed decimal place located after the “thousands” digit
position. For example, an actual value of 12345 represents 12.345, and an actual
value of 5 represents 0.005.
Changing the WeightUnit property will also cause this property to change.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also WeightUnit Property
Properties 569

SalesPrice Property R Added in Release 1.3

Type long
Remarks Holds the sales price read from the scale for price calculating scales. For price
calculating scales the scale calculates this value during the process of weighing by
multiplying the UnitPrice property by the acquired weight. This property is a
monetary value stored using an implied four decimal places. For example, an
actual value of 12345 represents 1.2345.
This property is set before the readWeight method returns (in synchronous mode)
or the DataEvent is delivered (in asynchronous mode).
If CapPriceCalculating is false, then the device is not a price calculating scale
and SalesPrice is always zero.
This property is initialized by the open method to zero.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also readWeight Method, WeightUnit Property, CapPriceCalculating Property,
UnitPrice Property

TareWeight Property R/W Added in Release 1.3

Type int
Remarks Holds the tare weight of scale data. This property has an assumed decimal place
located after the “thousands” digit position. For example, an actual value of 12345
represents 12.345, and an actual value of 5 represents 0.005. The measured unit is
specified in the WeightUnit property. If CapTareWeight is false, then the device
does not support setting of a tare value and this property is always zero.
Tare weight is not included in the item weight returned by the readWeight
This property is initialized by the open method to the scale’s default tare weight
(usually zero).
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15..
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL CapTareWeight is false or an invalid tare value was

See Also readWeight Method, WeightUnit Property, CapTareWeight Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
570 Programming Guide Scale

UnitPrice Property R/W Added in Release 1.3

Type long
Remarks Holds the unit price of the article to be weighed. For price calculating scales this
property is to be set before calling the readWeight method. During weighing, the
scale sets the SalesPrice property to the product of the item’s weight and this
property. This property is a monetary value stored using an implied four decimal
places. For example, an actual value of 12345 represents 1.2345.
If CapPriceCalculating is false, then setting of a unit price is not supported and
this property is always zero.
This property is initialized by the open method to zero.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL CapPriceCalculating is false or an invalid price was

See Also readWeight Method, WeightUnit Property, CapPriceCalculating Property,
SalesPrice Property

WeightUnit Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the unit of weight of scale data, and has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

SCAL_WU_GRAM Unit is a gram.

Unit is a kilogram (= 1000 grams).
SCAL_WU_OUNCE Unit is an ounce.
SCAL_WU_POUND Unit is a pound (= 16 ounces).

This property is initialized to the scale’s weight unit by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Methods 571


displayText Method Added in Release 1.3

Syntax void displayText (String data) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

data The string of characters to display.

Remarks If CapDisplayText is true, updates the text shown on the integrated display.
Calling this method with an empty string (“”) will clear the display.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid text was specified -- the text contains more

characters than MaxDisplayTextChars, or
CapDisplayText is false.
See Also CapDisplay Property, CapDisplayText Property, MaxDisplayTextChars
Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
572 Programming Guide Scale

readWeight Method
Syntax void readWeight (int[] weightData, int timeout) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

weightData If AsyncMode is false, contains the returned value for

the weight measured by the scale, else zero.
timeout The number of milliseconds to wait for a settled weight
before failing the method. If zero, the method attempts
to read the scale weight, then returns the appropriate
status immediately. If JPOS_FOREVER (-1), the
method waits as long as needed until a weight is
successfully read or an error occurs.
Remarks Reads a weight from the scale.
The weight returned, weightData, has an assumed decimal place located after the
“thousands” digit position. For example, an actual value of 12345 represents
12.345, and an actual value of 5 represents 0.005.
Release 1.2
The weighing process is performed synchronously and the method will return after
finishing the weighing process. The weight is returned in the weightData
Release 1.3 and later
If AsyncMode is false, then readWeight operates synchronously, as with earlier
If AsyncMode is true, the weighing process is performed asynchronously. The
method will initiate a read, then return immediately. Once the weighing process is
complete, a DataEvent is delivered with the item’s weight contained in the event’s
Status property.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL An invalid timeout parameter was specified.

JPOS_E_TIMEOUT A stable non-zero weight was not available before
timeout milliseconds elapsed (only if AsyncMode is
JPOS_E_EXTENDED ErrorCodeExtended =
The weight was over MaximumWeight.
See Also UnitPrice Property, WeightUnit Property, CapPriceCalculating Property,
SalesPrice Property, TareWeight Property
Methods 573

zeroScale Method Added in Release 1.3

Syntax void zeroScale () throws JposException;
Remarks If CapZeroScale is true, sets the current scale weight to zero. It may be used for
initial calibration, or to account for tare weight on the scale.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL CapZeroScale is false.

See Also CapZeroScale Property

Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
574 Programming Guide Scale

DataEvent Added in Release 1.3
Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that an asynchronous readWeight has completed.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int The weight of the item.

Remarks If the scale is a price calculating scale, the unit price is placed in the UnitPrice
property and the calculated sales price is placed in the SalesPrice property before
this event is delivered.
See Also “Events” on page 18

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Scale Device Service to provide events to
the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Scale devices
which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18
Events 575

ErrorEvent Added in Release 1.3

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a scale device error has been detected and a suitable
response by the application is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended error code causing the error event. It may
contain a Service-specific value.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.
The ErrorLocus property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-

driven input. No input data is available.
JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is
The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue processing. The Device remains in the error
state, and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and DataEventEnabled is again set to
true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered with locus
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
JPOS_ER_RETRY Retry the asynchronous input. The error state is exited.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 17
576 Programming Guide Scale

Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected while trying to read scale data. This event is
not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that proper application
sequencing occurs.
See Also “Events” on page 18

StatusUpdateEvent Added in Release 1.3

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a scale has had an operation status change.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Indicates a status change.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with
additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when a change in status of the device has occurred.
See Also “Events” on page 18
C H A P T E R 1 8

Scanner (Bar Code Reader)

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W open
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R open
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 18
578 Programming Guide Scanner (Bar Code Reader)

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

DecodeData boolean R/W open
ScanData byte[] R open
ScanDataLabel byte[] R open
ScanDataType int R open

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput open & claim
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
General Information 579

General Information
The Scanner Control’s class name is “jpos.Scanner”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.ScannerConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The Scanner Control has the following capability:
• Reads encoded data from a label.

The Scanner Control follows the JavaPOS model for input devices:
• When input is received by the Device Service, it enqueues a DataEvent.
• If the AutoDisable property is true, then the Device automatically disables
itself when a DataEvent is enqueued.
• A queued DataEvent can be delivered to the application when the
DataEventEnabled property is true. Just before delivering this event, data is
copied into properties, and further data events are disabled by setting
DataEventEnabled to false. This causes subsequent input data to be
enqueued while the application processes the current input and associated
properties. When the application has finished the current input and is ready
for more data, it reenables events by setting DataEventEnabled to true.
• An ErrorEvent (or events) is enqueued if an error occurs while gathering or
processing input, and is delivered to the application when DataEventEnabled
is true.
• The DataCount property may be read to obtain the number of queued
• All queued input may be deleted by calling clearInput.

Scanned data is placed into the property ScanData. If the application sets the
property DecodeData to true, then the data is decoded into the ScanDataLabel
and ScanDataType properties.

Device Sharing
The scanner is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before the device begins
reading input.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 18
580 Programming Guide Scanner (Bar Code Reader)

DecodeData Property R/W
Type boolean
Remarks If true, then ScanData will be decoded into the properties ScanDataLabel and
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22
Properties 581

ScanData Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the data read from the scanner.

Scan data is, in general, in the format as delivered from the scanner. Message
header and trailer information should be removed, however, since they do not
contain useful information for an application and are likely to be scanner-specific.
Common header information is a prefix character (such as an STX character).
Common trailer information is a terminator character (such as an ETX or CR
character) and a block check character if one is generated by the scanner.
This property should include a symbology character if one is returned by the
scanner (for example, an ‘A’ for UPC-A). It should also include check digits if
they are present in the label and returned by the scanner. (Note that both
symbology characters and check digits may or may not be present, depending upon
the scanner configuration. The scanner will return them if present, but will not
generate or calculate them if they are absent.)
Some merchandise may be marked with a supplemental barcode. This barcode is
typically placed to the right of the main barcode, and consists of an additional two
or five characters of information. If the scanner reads merchandise that contains
both main and supplemental barcodes, the supplemental characters are appended
to the main characters, and the result is delivered to the application as one label.
(Note that a scanner may support configuration that enables or disables the reading
of supplemental codes.)
Some merchandise may be marked with multiple labels, sometimes called multi-
symbol labels or tiered labels. These barcodes are typically arranged vertically,
and may be of the same or different symbology. If the scanner reads merchandise
that contains multiple labels, each barcode is delivered to the application as a
separate label. This is necessary due to the current lack of standardization of these
barcode types. One is not able to determine all variations based upon the
individual barcode data. Therefore, the application will need to determine when a
multiple label barcode has been read based upon the data returned. (Note that a
scanner may or may not support reading of multiple labels.)
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22
Java for Retail POS Chapter 18
582 Programming Guide Scanner (Bar Code Reader)

ScanDataLabel Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the decoded bar code label.

When DecodeData is false, this property will have zero length. When
DecodeData is true, then ScanData is decoded into this property as follows:
• Scanner-generated symbology characters are removed, if present.
• If the label type contains a readable check digit (such as with UPC-A and
EAN-13), then it must be present in this property. If the scanner does not re-
turn the check digit to the Device Service, then it is to be calculated and in-
• For variable length bar codes, the length identification is removed, if present.

For example, the EAN-13 barcode which appears printed as “5 018374 827715”
on a label may be received from the scanner and placed into ScanData as the
Received from scanner ScanDataComment

5018374827715 5018374827715Complete barcode only

501837482771<CR> 501837482771Without check digit with carriage return
F5018374827715<CR> F5018374827715With scanner-dependent symbology
character and carriage
<STX>F5018374827715<ETX>F5018374827715With header, symbology
character, and trailer

For each of these cases (and any other variations), this property must always be set
to the string “5018374827715”, and ScanDataType must be set to
Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22
Properties 583

ScanDataType Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the decoded bar code label type.
When DecodeData is false, this property is set to SCAN_SDT_UNKNOWN.
When DecodeData is true, the Device Service tries to determine the scan label
type. The following label types are defined:
Value Label Type

One Dimensional Symbologies

SCAN_SDT_UPCA_S UPC-A with supplemental barcode
SCAN_SDT_UPCE_S UPC-E with supplemental barcode
SCAN_SDT_EAN8_S EAN 8 with supplemental barcode
SCAN_SDT_EAN13 EAN 13 (= JAN 13)
SCAN_SDT_JAN13 JAN 13 (= EAN 13)
SCAN_SDT_EAN13_S EAN 13 with supplemental barcode
SCAN_SDT_TF Standard (or discrete) 2 of 5
SCAN_SDT_ITF Interleaved 2 of 5
SCAN_SDT_Codabar Codabar
SCAN_SDT_Code39 Code 39
SCAN_SDT_Code93 Code 93
SCAN_SDT_Code128 Code 128
Java for Retail POS Chapter 18
584 Programming Guide Scanner (Bar Code Reader)

Value Label Type


Two Dimensional Symbologies


Special Cases
SCAN_SDT_OTHER If greater or equal to this type, then the Device Service
has returned a non-JavaPOS defined symbology.
The Device Service cannot determine the barcode
symbology. ScanDataLabel may not be properly
formatted for the actual barcode type.

Its value is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.

Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22
Events 585

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that input data from the Scanner (Bar Code Reader) is
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Always zero.

Remarks The scanner data is placed in the ScanData, ScanDataLabel and ScanDataType
properties prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application.
See Also “Events” on page 18

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Scanner Device Service to provide events
to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 18
586 Programming Guide Scanner (Bar Code Reader)

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Scanner
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a scanner device error has been detected and a suitable
response by the application is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended error code causing the error event. It may
contain a Service-specific value.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.
The ErrorLocus property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-

driven input. No input data is available.
JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is
Events 587

The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue processing. The Device remains in the error
state, and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and DataEventEnabled is again set to
true, then another ErrorEvent is delivered with locus
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected while trying to read scanner data. This event
is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that proper application
sequencing occurs.
See Also “Events” on page 18

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a Scanner
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a Scanner device.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the Scanner device detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18
Java for Retail POS Chapter 18
588 Programming Guide Scanner (Bar Code Reader)
C H A P T E R 1 9

Signature Capture

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W open
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R open
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W open
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open & claim
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R Not Supported
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 19
590 Programming Guide Signature Capture

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

CapDisplay boolean R open
CapRealTimeData boolean R open
CapUserTerminated boolean R open
MaximumX int R open
MaximumY int R open
RawData byte[] R open, claim, & enable
RealTimeDataEnabled boolean R/W open
PointArray Point[] R open, claim, & enable

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open, claim, & enable
clearInput open & claim
clearOutput Not Supported
directIO open

beginCapture open, claim, & enable
endCapture open, claim, & enable

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent open, claim, & enable
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & claim
ErrorEvent open, claim, & enable
OutputCompleteEvent Not Supported
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open, claim, & enable
General Information 591

General Information
The Signature Capture Control’s class name is “jpos.SignatureCapture”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.SignatureCaptureConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The Signature Capture Control has the following capability:
• Obtains a signature captured by a signature capture device. The captured
signature data is in the form of lines consisting of a series of points. Each point
lies within the coordinate system defined by the resolution of the device,
where (0, 0) is the upper-left point of the device, and (MaximumX,
MaximumY) is the lower-right point. The signature line points are presented
to the application by a DataEvent with a single array of line points

The Signature Capture Control may have the following additional capabilities:
• Provides a way for the user to terminate signature capture – that is, to tell the
device that she or he has completed the signature.
• Displays form/data on the signature capture device.
• Returns the signature in “real time” as it is entered on the device. If this
capability is true and has been enabled by application by setting the
RealTimeDataEnabled property to true, then a series of DataEvents are
enqueued, each with an array of one or more line points representing a partial

The signature capture device usage model is:
• Open and claim the device.
• Enable the device and set the property DataEventEnabled to true.
• Begin capturing a signature by calling beginCapture. This method displays a
form or data screen (if the device has a display) and enables the stylus.
• If the device is capable of supplying signature data in real time as the signature
is entered (CapRealTimeData is true), and if RealTimeDataEnabled is true,
the signature is presented to the application as a series of partial signature data
events until the signature capture is terminated.
• If the device provides a way for the user to terminate the signature, then when
the user terminates, a DataEvent is enqueued. Otherwise, the application
must call endCapture to terminate the signature.
• Disable the device. If the device has a display, this also clears the display.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 19
592 Programming Guide Signature Capture

The Signature Capture Control follows the JavaPOS model for input devices:
• When input is received by the Device Service, it enqueues a DataEvent.
• If AutoDisable is true, then the Device automatically disables itself when a
DataEvent is enqueued.
• A queued DataEvent can be delivered to the application when the property
DataEventEnabled is true. Just before delivering this event, data is copied
into properties, and further data events are disabled by setting
DataEventEnabled to false. This causes subsequent input data to be
enqueued while the application processes the current input and associated
properties. When the application has finished the current input and is ready for
more data, it reenables events by setting DataEventEnabled to true.
• An ErrorEvent (or events) are enqueued if the an error occurs while
gathering or processing input, and is delivered to the application when
DataEventEnabled is true.
• The DataCount property may be read to obtain the number of queued
• All queued input may be deleted by calling clearInput.

Deviations from the JavaPOS model for input devices are:

• The capture of signature data begins when beginCapture is called.
• If signature capture is terminated by calling endCapture, then no DataEvent
will be enqueued.

Device Sharing
The Signature Capture is an exclusive-use device, as follows:
• The application must claim the device before enabling it.
• The application must claim and enable the device before calling methods that
manipulate the device or before changing some writable properties.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Properties 593

CapDisplay Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the device is able to display a form or data entry screen.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapRealTimeData Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the device is able to supply signature data as the signature is being captured
(“real time”).
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapUserTerminated Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the user is able to terminate signature capture by checking a completion
box, pressing a completion button, or performing some other interaction with the
device. If false, the application must end signature capture by calling the
endCapture method.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 19
594 Programming Guide Signature Capture

DeviceEnabled Property R/W (Common)

Type boolean
Remarks If true, the signature capture device is enabled.
If CapDisplay is true, then the display screen of the device is cleared.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

MaximumX Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum horizontal coordinate of the signature capture device. It must
be less than 65,536.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

MaximumY Property R
Type int
Remarks Holds the maximum vertical coordinate of the signature capture device. It must be
less than 65,536.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 595

PointArray Property R
Type java.awt.Point[]
Remarks Holds the signature captured from the device. It consists of an array of (x, y)
coordinate points. Each point is represented by four characters: x (low 8 bits), x
(high 8 bits), y (low 8 bits), y (high 8 bits).
A special point value is (0xFFFF, 0xFFFF) which indicates the end of a line (that
is, a pen lift). Almost all signatures are comprised of more than one line.
If RealTimeDataEnabled is false, then this property contains the entire captured
signature. If RealTimeDataEnabled is true, then this property contains at least
one point of the signature. The actual number of points delivered at one time is
implementation dependent. The points from multiple data events are logically
concatenated to form the entire signature, such that the last point from a data event
is followed immediately by the first point of the next data event.
The point representation definition is the same regardless of whether the signature
is presented as a single PointArray, or as a series of real time PointArrays.
Reconstruction of the signature using the points is accomplished by beginning a
line from the first point in the signature to the second point, then to the third, and
so on. When an end-of-line point is encountered, the drawing of the line ends, and
the next line is drawn beginning with the next point. An end-of-line point is
assumed (but need not be present in PointArray) at the end of the signature.
This property is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application or by the
endCapture method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also RawData Property

RawData Property R
Type byte[]
Remarks Holds the signature captured from the device in a device-specific format.
This data is often in a compressed form to minimize signature storage
requirements. Reconstruction of the signature from this data requires device-
specific processing.
This property is set prior to a DataEvent being sent to the application or by the
endCapture method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
See Also PointArray Property
Java for Retail POS Chapter 19
596 Programming Guide Signature Capture

RealTimeDataEnabled Property R/W

Type boolean
Remarks If true and CapRealTimeData is true, a series of partial signature data events is
enqueued as the signature is captured until signature capture is terminated.
Otherwise, the captured signature is enqueued as a single DataEvent when
signature capture is terminated.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Cannot set to true because CapRealTimeData is false.

Methods 597

beginCapture Method
Syntax void beginCapture (String formName) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

formName The parameter contains the JSD subkey name for

obtaining form or data screen information for display on
the device screen.
Remarks Starts capturing a signature.
If CapDisplay is true, then formName is used to find information about the form
or data screen to be displayed. The JSD key
is accessed to get this information. DeviceName is the Device Service’s Device
Name key.The format and features of each signature capture device’s form/data
screen varies widely and is often built with proprietary tools. Therefore, this key’s
data and additional values and data under this key contain information that varies
by Device Service. Typically, the JSD key’s data is set to a form/data screen file
name, and extra JSD values and data are set as needed to control its display.
After displaying the form or data screen, when applicable, the signature capture
stylus is enabled.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_NOEXIST formName was not found.

See Also endCapture Method
Java for Retail POS Chapter 19
598 Programming Guide Signature Capture

endCapture Method
Syntax void endCapture () throws JposException;
Remarks Stops (terminates) capturing a signature.
If RealTimeDataEnabled is false and a a signature was captured, then it is placed
in the properties PointArray and RawData. If no signature was captured, then
PointArray and RawData are set to a length of zero.
If RealTimeDataEnabled is true and there are signature points remaining which
have not been delivered to the application by a DataEvent, then the remaining
signature is placed into the properties PointArray and RawData. If no signature
was captured or all signature points have been delivered to the application, then
PointArray and RawData are set to a length of zero.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL Signature capture was not in progress.

See Also beginCapture Method, DataEvent
Events 599

Method dataOccurred (DataEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that input data is available.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Non-zero if the user has entered a signature before

terminating capture. Zero if the user terminated capture
with no signature.
Remarks This event can only be enqueued if the user can terminate signature capture – that
is, if CapUserTerminated is true.
The properties PointArray and RawData are set to appropriate values prior to a
DataEvent being sent to the application.
See Also endCapture Method

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Signature Capture Device Service to
provide events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 19
600 Programming Guide Signature Capture

Remarks This event is to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are
not otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may
restrict the application program from being used with other vendor’s Signature
Capture devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need
for this event.
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that a Signature Capture device error has been detected
and a suitable response by the application is necessary to process the error
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See the list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. This may
contain a Service-specific value.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.
The ErrorLocus property has one of the following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_INPUT Error occurred while gathering or processing event-

driven input. No input data is available.
Error occurred while gathering or processing event-
driven input, and some previously buffered data is
available. (Very unlikely – see Remarks.)
Events 601

The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the buffered input data. The error state is exited.
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT.
Use only when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Acknowledges the error and directs the Device to
continue processing. The Device remains in the error
state, and will deliver additional DataEvents as directed
by the DataEventEnabled property. When all input has
been delivered and DataEventEnabled is again set to
true, then another ErrorEvent is enqueued with locus
Default when locus is JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA.
Remarks Enqueued when an error is detected while trying to read signature capture data.
This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true, so that proper
application sequencing occurs.
With proper programming, an ErrorEvent with locus JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA
will not occur. This is because each signature requires an explicit beginCapture
method, which can generate at most one DataEvent. The application would need
to defer the DataEvent by setting DataEventEnabled to false and request another
signature before an JPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA would be possible.
See Also “Device Input Model” on page 22, “Device States” on page 30
Java for Retail POS Chapter 19
602 Programming Guide Signature Capture

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a Signature
Capture device.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a Signature

Capture device.

Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the Signature Capture device detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18
C H A P T E R 2 0

Tone Indicator

Common Ver Type Access Initialized After
AutoDisable boolean R/W Not Supported
CapPowerReporting 1.3 int R open
CheckHealthText String R open
Claimed boolean R open
DataCount int R Not Supported
DataEventEnabled boolean R/W Not Supported
DeviceEnabled boolean R/W open
FreezeEvents boolean R/W open
OutputID int R open
PowerNotify 1.3 int R/W open
PowerState 1.3 int R open
State int R --

DeviceControlDescription String R --
DeviceControlVersion int R --
DeviceServiceDescription String R open
DeviceServiceVersion int R open
PhysicalDeviceDescription String R open
PhysicalDeviceName String R open
Java for Retail POS Chapter 20
604 Programming Guide Tone Indicator

Specific Ver Type Access Initialized After

AsyncMode boolean R/W open & enable
CapPitch boolean R open
CapVolume boolean R open
Tone1Pitch int R/W open & enable
Tone1Volume int R/W open & enable
Tone1Duration int R/W open & enable
Tone2Pitch int R/W open & enable
Tone2Volume int R/W open & enable
Tone2Duration int R/W open & enable
InterToneWait int R/W open & enable
Summary 605

Common Ver May Use After
open --
close open
claim open
release open & claim
checkHealth open & enable
clearInput Not Supported
clearOutput open & enable
directIO open

sound open & enable
soundImmediate open & enable

Note: Also requires that no other application has claimed the tone indicator.

Name Ver May Occur After
DataEvent Not Supported
DirectIOEvent 1.3 open & enable
ErrorEvent open & enable
OutputCompleteEvent open & enable
StatusUpdateEvent 1.3 open & enable
Java for Retail POS Chapter 20
606 Programming Guide Tone Indicator

General Information
The Tone Indicator Control’s class name is “jpos.ToneIndicator”.
The device constants are contained in the class “jpos.ToneIndicatorConst”.
See “Package Structure” on page 40.

The Tone Indicator Control has the following capabilities:
• Sound a tone device, which may be the PC or NC system speaker or another
hardware device. In many cases the PC or NC speaker will not be available or
in a position that is inaudible to the operator.
• Sound a two-tone indicator, providing simple pitch and volume control.
• Provide a synchronous one-shot indicator, similar to an Operating System’s
Beep function.

The Tone Indicator device is for use when the POS hardware platform provides
such capabilities external to the PC or NC standard speaker. Many POS systems
have such devices, for example the ICL 92R keyboard, so that an indicator is
always present at the point of sale.
This device supports a two-tone sound so that “siren” tones can be produced. The
indicator is in general also started asynchronously so applications may perform
other functions while waiting for the user to acknowledge the tone. There are also
options to start the tone asynchronously with no count, so it runs forever, and be
stopped when running.
When the indicator is started asynchronously then an OutputCompleteEvent is
enqueued when all the tones have been played. This allows the application to know
that the tone has stopped. For example when the cash drawer is opened the tone
could be started, quietly for a given number of cycles. If the cash drawer is closed
then the tone is stopped explicitly by the application, if not then the
OutputCompleteEvent allows us to alter the prompt to the operator and possibly
restart the tone a little louder.
General Information 607

The Tone Indicator follows the JavaPOS model for output devices. Asynchronous
output is handled as follows:
• The Device buffers the request, sets OutputID to an identifier for this request,
and returns as soon as possible. When the request completes successfully, an
OutputCompleteEvent is enqueued. A parameter of this event contains the
OutputID of the completed request.
The Sound method will not return an error status due to a hardware problem.
These errors will only be reported by an ErrorEvent. An error status is re-
turned only if the control is not claimed and enabled, a parameter is invalid, or
the request cannot be enqueued. The first two error cases are due to an appli-
cation error, while the last is a serious system resource exception.

• If an error occurs while performing an asynchronous request, an ErrorEvent

is enqueued.
• Asynchronous output is performed on a first-in first-out basis.
• All output buffered may be deleted by calling clearOutput.
OutputCompleteEvents will not be delivered for cleared output. This
method also stops any output that may be in progress (when possible).

Device Sharing
The Tone Indicator is a sharable device. Its device sharing rules are:
• After opening and enabling the device, the application may access all
properties, methods, and Enqueued StatusUpdateEvents.
• If more than one application has opened and enabled the device, each of these
applications may access its properties and methods. StatusUpdateEvents
will be delivered to all applications that are using the device and have
registered to receive the event.
• If one application claims the tone indicator, then only that application may call
sound and soundImmediate. Use of this feature will effectively restrict the
tone indicator to the main application if that application claims the device at
• The application that initiates asynchronous sounds is the only one that
receives the corresponding OutputCompleteEvents and ErrorEvents.
• See the “Summary” table for precise usage prerequisites.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 20
608 Programming Guide Tone Indicator

AsyncMode Property R/W
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the sound method will be performed asynchronously. If false, tones are
generated synchronously.
This property is initialized to false by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapPitch Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the hardware tone generator has the ability to vary the pitch of the tone.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

CapVolume Property R
Type boolean
Remarks If true, the hardware tone generator has the ability to vary the volume of the tone.
This property is initialized by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 609

InterToneWait Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the number of milliseconds of silence between tone-1 and tone-2. If a gap
is required after tone-2 but before a repeat of tone-1, then set the sound parameter
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL A negative value was specified.

Tone1Duration Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the duration of the first tone in milliseconds. A value of zero or less will
cause this tone not to sound.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Tone1Pitch Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the pitch or frequency of the first tone in hertz. A value of zero or less will
cause this tone not to sound.
If the device does not support user-defined pitch (CapPitch is false), then any
value greater than zero indicates that the tone indicator uses its default value.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 20
610 Programming Guide Tone Indicator

Tone1Volume Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the volume of the first tone in percent of the device's capability, where 0 (or
less) is silent and 100 (or more) is maximum.
If the device does not support user-defined volume (CapVolume is false), then
any value greater than zero indicates that the tone indicator uses its default value.
This property is initialized to 100 by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Tone2Duration Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the duration of the second tone in milliseconds. A value of zero or less will
cause this tone not to sound.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.

Tone2Pitch Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the pitch or frequency of the second tone in hertz. A value of zero or less
will cause this tone not to sound.
If the device does not support user-defined pitch (CapPitch is false), then any
value greater than zero indicates that the tone indicator uses its default value.
This property is initialized to zero by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Properties 611

Tone2Volume Property R/W

Type int
Remarks Holds the volume of the second tone in percent of the device's capability, where 0
(or less) is silent and 100 (or more) is maximum.
If the device does not support user-defined volume (CapVolume is false), then
any value greater than zero indicates that the tone indicator uses its default value.
This property is initialized to 100 by the open method.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this property is accessed. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 20
612 Programming Guide Tone Indicator

sound Method
Syntax void sound (int numberOfCycles, int interSoundWait) throws JposException;
Parameter Description

numberOfCycles The number of cycles to sound the indicator device. If

JPOS_FOREVER, then start the indicator sounding, and
repeat continuously.
interSoundWait When numberOfCycles is not one, then pause for
interSoundWait milliseconds before repeating the tone
cycle (before playing tone-1 again).
Remarks Sounds the indicator device, or start it sounding asynchronously.
This method is performed synchronously if AsyncMode is false, and
asynchronously if AsyncMode is true.
The duration of an indicator cycle is:
Tone1Duration property +
InterToneWait property +
Tone2Duration property +
interSoundWait parameter (except on the last tone cycle)
After the tone indicator has started an asynchronous sound, then the sound may be
stopped by using one of the following methods. (When a numberOfCycles value
of JPOS_FOREVER was used to start the sound, then the application must use one
of these to stop the continuous sounding of the tones.)
• clearOutput
• soundImmediate
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Some possible values of the exception’s ErrorCode property are:
Value Meaning

JPOS_E_ILLEGAL One of the following errors occurred:

• numberOfCycles is neither a positive, non-zero value
• numberOfCycles is JPOS_FOREVER when
AsyncMode is false.
• A negative interSoundWait was specified
• A negative interToneWait was specified
Methods 613

soundImmediate Method
Syntax void soundImmediate () throws JposException;
Remarks Sounds the hardware tone generator once, synchronously. Both tone-1 and tone-2
are sounded using InterToneWait.
If asynchronous output is outstanding, then it is terminated before playing the
immediate sound (as if clearOutput were called). This method is primarily
intended for use in exception conditions when asynchronous output is outstanding,
such as within an error event handler.
Errors A JposException may be thrown when this method is invoked. For further
information, see “Exceptions” on page 15.
Java for Retail POS Chapter 20
614 Programming Guide Tone Indicator

Method directIOOccurred (DirectIOEvent e);
Description Provides Device Service information directly to the application. This event
provides a means for a vendor-specific Tone Indicator Device Service to provide
events to the application that are not otherwise supported by the Device Control.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

EventNumber int Event number whose specific values are assigned by the
Device Service.
Data int Additional numeric data. Specific values vary by the
EventNumber and the Device Service. This property is
Object Object Additional data whose usage varies by the EventNumber
and Device Service. This property is settable.

Remarks This event to be used only for those types of vendor specific functions that are not
otherwise described as part of the JavaPOS standard. Use of this event may restrict
the application program from being used with other vendor’s Tone Indicator
devices which may not have any knowledge of the Device Service’s need for this
See Also “Events” on page 18, directIO Method
Events 615

Method errorOccurred (ErrorEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that an error has been detected at the device and a suitable
response is necessary to process the error condition.
Properties This event contains the following properties:
Property Type Description

ErrorCode int Error Code causing the error event. See list of
ErrorCodes on page 16.
ErrorCodeExtended int Extended Error Code causing the error event. These
values are device category specific.
ErrorLocus int Location of the error. See values below.
ErrorResponse int Error response, whose default value may be overridden
by the application (i.e., this property is settable). See
values below.

The ErrorLocus property has one of the following values:

Value Meaning

JPOS_EL_OUTPUT Error occurred while processing asynchronous output.

The application’s error event listener may change ErrorResponse to one of the
following values:
Value Meaning

JPOS_ER_RETRY Retry the asynchronous output. The error state is exited.

This is the default value.
JPOS_ER_CLEAR Clear the asynchronous output data. The error state is
Remarks This event is enqueued when an error is detected and the Device’s State transitions
into the error state. This event is not delivered until DataEventEnabled is true,
so that proper application sequencing occurs.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25, “Device States” on page 30, “ErrorCode” on
page 16
Java for Retail POS Chapter 20
616 Programming Guide Tone Indicator

Method outputCompleteOccurred (OutputCompleteEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that the queued output request associated with the
OutputID property has completed successfully.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

OutputID int The ID number of the asynchronous output request that

is complete.
Remarks This event is enqueued after the request’s data has been both sent and the Device
Service has confirmation that is was processed by the device successfully.
See Also “Device Output Models” on page 25

Method statusUpdateOccurred (StatusUpdateEvent e);
Description Notifies the application that there is a change in the power status of a Tone
Indicator device.
Properties This event contains the following property:
Property Type Description

Status int Reports a change in the power state of a Tone Indicator


Note that Release 1.3 added Power State Reporting with

additional Power reporting StatusUpdateEvent values.
See “StatusUpdateEvent” description on page 80.
Remarks Enqueued when the Tone Indicator device detects a power state change.
See Also “Events” on page 18

Change History

Release 1.3
Release 1.3 adds additional device classes, a few additional APIs, and some
corrections. Release 1.3 is a superset of Release 1.2.
Section Change
General Modify the use of the term event “firing.” Use
“enqueue” and “deliver” appropriately to describe
event firing.
Bump Bar New device: Add information in several locations,
plus Bump Bar chapter and interface files.
Fiscal Printer New device: Add information in several locations,
plus Fiscal Printer chapter and interface files.
PIN Pad New device: Add information in several locations,
plus PIN Pad chapter and interface files.
Remote Order Display New device: Add information in several locations,
plus Remote Order Display chapter and interface
Several places Relax ErrorEvent “retry” response to allow its use
with some input devices.
Introduction Events Clarify effect of the top event being blocked.
Introduction Input Model
Add details concerning enqueuing and delivering
Add description of asynchronous input.
Introduction Device Power Reporting Model
Add this section.
Common CapPowerReporting, PowerNotify, PowerState properties
Add these sections.
Java for Retail POS Appendix A
A-2 Programming Guide Change History

Common ErrorCode property

Generalize the meaning of JPOS_E_BUSY.
Common StatusUpdateEvent
Add power state reporting information.
Change parameter name from Data to Status.

Every Device Add power reporting properties to Summary section.

Add StatusUpdateEvent support (if previously not
Add power reporting reference to existing
StatusUpdateEvent descriptions.
MSR DecodeData Add “raw format” description and column to track
data table.
MSR ExpirationDate Specify the format.
MSR TrackxData Specify that data excludes the sentinels and LRC.
Add that decoding occurs when DecodeData is true.
MSR ErrorEvent Clarify that DataCount and AutoDisable are not
relevant for MSR error events.
POSPrinter XxxLineChars
Add implementation recommendations.
POSPrinter printTwoNormal
Clarify the meaning of the stations parameter,
including the addition of new constants.
Scale Add the following features:
♦ Asynchronous input. Property AsyncMode.
Method clearInput, updates to readWeight.
Events DataEvent and ErrorEvent.
♦ Display of text. Properties CapDisplayText,
MaxDisplayTextChars. Method displayText.
♦ Price calculation. Properties
CapPriceCalculating, SalesPrice, UnitPrice.
♦ Tare weight. Properties CapTareWeight,
♦ Scale zeroing. Property CapZeroScale.
Method zeroScale.

Tone Indicator Summary and General Information’s Device Sharing

Consistently specify that Tone Indicator is a
sharable device. interface files
Add CapPowerReporting, PowerState, and
PowerNotify properties.
Add StatusUpdateEvent power reporting values. interface files
Add new printTwoNormal station constants.
Throughout Correct some editing errors.

Release 1.4
Release 1.4 added the additional peripheral device, Credit Authorization
Terminal (CAT). This device, as specified, is currently only used in the
Japanese POS markets.
Addition of this device required re-ordering the chapters and modifications to
the Table of Contents. Other minor changes to the standard are as noted
Release 1.4 is a superset of Release 1.3.
Section Change
General Update the “Package Structure” on page 40 to
include CAT device; update the files to correct some
erroneous references to OPOS.
Fiscal Printer Add clarification to when the ErrorStation
property is valid.
POS Printer Add clarification to when the ErrorStation
property is valid.
Appendex B Add clarification to the “Events” section
Throughout Correct interface name to
Correct minor spelling errors.
Java for Retail POS Appendix A
A-4 Programming Guide Change History
A p p e n d i x B

OPOS and JavaPOS

The Java for Retail POS (JavaPOS) and OLE for Retail POS (OPOS) industry
standard initiatives are intentionally similar in many respects.
Support for Java requires several differences from OPOS in architecture, but the
JavaPOS committee agreed that the general model of OPOS device classes should
be reused as much as possible.
In order to reuse as much of the OPOS device models as possible, the following
sections detail the general mapping rules from OPOS to JavaPOS. A later section
lists the deviations of JavaPOS APIs from OPOS.

API Mapping Rules

In most cases, OPOS APIs may be translated in a mechanical fashion to equivalent
JavaPOS APIs. The exceptions to this mapping are largely due to differences in
some string parameters.
Areas of data mapping include data types, methods and properties, and events.
Java for Retail POS Appendix B
B-2 Programming Guide OPOS and JavaPOS

Data Types
Data types are mapped from OPOS to JavaPOS as follows, with exceptions noted
after the table:
Table 1:
OPOS JavaPOS Usage
Type Type
BOOL boolean Boolean true or false.
BOOL * bool- Modifiable boolean.
LONG int 32-bit integer.
LONG * int[1] Modifiable 32-bit integer.
CURRENCY long 64-bit integer. Used for currency values, with an as-
sumed 4 decimal places.
CURRENCY * long[1] Modifiable 64-bit integer.
The string types are usually represented with the
following mapping:
BSTR String Text character string.
BSTR * String[1] Modifiable text character string.
For some APIs, the string types are represented in
one of the following:
byte[] Array of bytes. May be modified, but size of array
cannot be changed. Often used when non-textual
data is possible.
Point[] Array of points. Used by Signature Capture.
Object An object. This will usually be subclassed to provide
a Device Service-specific parameter for directIO or

Property & Method Names

Property and method names are mapped from OPOS to JavaPOS as follows:
Table 2:
Type OPOS Exam- JavaPOS Examples Mapping Rule
Property Claimed getClaimed() Prepend “get” to the property
Read DeviceEn- getDeviceEn- name to form the property
abled abled() accessor method.
OutputID getOutputID() No parameters.
Return value is the property.
Property AutoDisable setAutoDisable(...) Prepend “set” to the property
Write DeviceEn- setDeviceEnabled(...) name to form the property
abled mutator method.
One parameter, which is of
the property's type.
No return value.
Method Open open Change first letter to lower-
CheckHealth checkHealth case.
DirectIO directIO Other characters are un-

JavaPOS events use the Java Development Kit 1.1 event delegation model, where-
by the application registers for events, supplying a class instance that implements
an interface extended from EventListener.
For each Event type which the Application wishes to receive, the Application must
implement the corresponding interface and handle its
event method. Events are delivered by the JavaPOS Device by calling this event

Constants are mapped from OPOS to JavaPOS as follows:
• If the constant begins with “OPOS”, then change “OPOS” to “JPOS.”
• Otherwise, make no changes to the constant name.

All constant interface files are available in the package “jpos.” All constants are
of type “static final int.”
Java for Retail POS Appendix B
B-4 Programming Guide OPOS and JavaPOS

API Deviations
The following OPOS APIs do not follow the above mapping rules:
• BinaryConversion property
Not needed by JavaPOS.
This OPOS property was used to overcome a COM-specific issue with passing
binary data in strings. JavaPOS uses more appropriate types for these cases,
such as byte arrays.
• ResultCode and ResultCodeExtended properties
Not needed by JavaPOS.
These OPOS properties are used for reporting failures on method calls and
property sets. In JavaPOS, these failures (plus property get failures) cause a
JposException. This exception includes the properties ErrorCode and Er-
rorCodeExtended, with values that match the OPOS properties.
• DirectIO method and DirectIOEvent
The BSTR* parameter is mapped to Object.
• Cash Drawer WaitForDrawerClosed method
The tone function of this method may not work on non-PCs, since it depends
on the availability of a speaker.
• Hard Totals Read method
The BSTR* parameter is mapped to byte[], with its size set to the requested
number of bytes.
• Hard Totals Write method
The BSTR parameter is mapped to byte[].
• MSR Track1Data, Track1DiscretionaryData, Track2Data,
Track2DiscretionaryData, Track3Data properties
These BSTR properties are mapped to byte[].
• Scanner ScanData and ScanDataLabel properties
These BSTR properties are mapped to byte[].
• Signature Capture PointArray property
This BSTR property is mapped to Point[].
• Signature Capture RawData property
This BSTR property is mapped to byte[].
• Signature Capture TotalPoints property
Not needed by JavaPOS.
This property is equivalent to “PointArray.length”, so TotalPoints is redun-
Future Versions B-5

Future Versions
The JavaPOS committee has proposed that future device category API extensions
be developed by a joint subcommittee of OPOS and JavaPOS, UnifiedPOS.
Future versions of OPOS and JavaPOS will be synchronized by the National Retail
Federation, ARTS directed UnifiedPOS committee. Language or environment
specific bindings will be performed by the respective OPOS or JavaPOS commit-
tees using the UML based standard that the UnifiedPOS committee produces.
Java for Retail POS Appendix B
B-6 Programming Guide OPOS and JavaPOS

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