Jars NOV. Attachment 7

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Drilling Tools

One Company Unlimited Solutions

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Drilling Jar Placement Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
PowerStroke Double-Acting Hydraulic Drilling Jars . . . . 4
Hydraulic/Mechanical Drilling Jars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Double-Acting Hydraulic/Mechanical Drilling Jars . . . . . 7
Drilling Jar Intensifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Double-Acting Hydraulic Drilling Jar Intensifiers . . . . . . 8
Double-Acting Mechanical Drilling Jar Intensifiers. . . . . 8
Shock Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Pressure Balanced Drilling Bumper Subs . . . . . . . . . . 10
Integral Blade Stabilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Sealed Bearing Reamers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Combination Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Kelly/Drill Pipe Safety Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tubing Safety Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Inside BOP/Stabbing Valves – Dart Type . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Retrievable Drop-In Check Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Non-Retrievable Drop-In Check Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


Drilling Jar Placement Program
The effectiveness of jarring depends not only on The Impact Impulse Factor
the jar design, but also on: To be effective, the jarring force (impact load)
must exceed the sticking force. How far the stuck
! Placement of the jar in the drill string object moves depends on the duration of the
! Drill string design impact load. The combined effect of impact load
and duration is called impulse. Optimum jar
! Hole conditions placement occurs with the largest impulse for an
The difference in jar performance between proper impact load greater than the sticking force.
and improper placement can be a factor of as
much as 3 to 4. Because the analysis of the Features and Advantages
mechanics of jarring is complex, a computer ! Stress wave analysis techniques track all
program is needed to precisely determine stress waves.
optimum jar placement.
! Unlimited number of section changes allows
The Importance of the Stress Wave modeling of virtually any drill string and
Theory bottom hole assembly.
The energy for jarring comes from the spring
! Includes effects of hole angle, hole curvature,
effect of the drill string when it is either stretched
or compressed. When the jar trips, the sudden and frictional drag
release of energy does not instantaneously go to ! Suitable for analysis of straight, directional,
National Oilwell Varco designs and manufactures
the stuck point. Rather, the energy is transmitted and horizontal holes
quality drilling tools for any well application. In
by stress waves which travel at the speed of
1997, National Oilwell Varco inherited the Griffith® ! Unique design models all National Oilwell
sound in metal. This energy transmission is further
brand of drilling equipment and in 2000 National Varco drilling jars
complicated by the following:
Oilwell Varco acquired the Bowen® brand of
! Separate programs for drilling and fishing
drilling tools when it purchased IRI. The ! Stress waves are partially transmitted and
specialized designs of the hydraulic-mechanical, allows appropriate data input and output
partially reflected at any change in drill string results in field useable terms.
Hydromechanical, and dual hydraulic drilling jars cross-section.
provide outstanding service for well applications. ! Rapid solutions on personal computers for
! Friction between the drill string and hole acts
National Oilwell Varco continues to manufacture office or in the field use
Griffith® and Bowen® drilling jars, which provide to dissipate the stress wave's energy.
! Offered as a service for National Oilwell Varco
fast, safe, efficient, and quality solutions to all well ! Sometimes moving the jar only a joint up or
customers years of proven success in all
applications. down in the drill string can drastically change types of field applications
how the stress waves add together to create
National Oilwell Varco has designed a Windows® a jarring force on the stuck point.
based jar placement program that determines the
optimum jar placement in the drill string as well as
the effects of hole angle, hole curvature, and
frictional drag. This successful field proven
placement program is suitable for straight,
directional, and horizontal hole analysis.


Drilling Jars
PowerStroke Double-Acting
Hydraulic Drilling Jars
The National Oilwell Varco PowerStroke Double- ! All PowerStroke Jars can be dressed to
Acting Hydraulic Drilling Jar has raised the accommodate well temperatures up to 600°F
industry standard for other drilling jars. The and are balanced for hydrostatic pressure.
PowerStroke Jar is specifically designed to ! All PowerStroke Jars have high maximum
withstand the abuse a drilling jar must endure. loads and tensile strengths.
! All PowerStroke Jars can be run in tension or
The PowerStroke Jar is an infinitely variable trip
load jar, up to the maximum rating of the tool, in compression.
both the up and down jarring directions. Every ! All PowerStroke Jars have infinitely variable
aspect of its rugged design is focused on being trip loads, both up and down.
able to withstand the abuse and long hours of ! The National Oilwell Varco Drilling Jar
today’s demanding drilling operations. Placement Program ensures optimum impact
and impulse values.
The PowerStroke Jar has an extra long stroke to
! All PowerStroke Jars utilize sealed and
allow the operator to deliver exceptional impact
and impulse forces during jarring operations. lubricated drive splines for long life in harsh
Internal impact surfaces were incorporated, which environments.
prevent well cuttings from causing down jar ! No minimum load required to cock or fire the
impacts to diminish. National Oilwell Varco is jar, except when optional Down Stroke
certain that the PowerStroke Jar will satisfy all of Variable Load Latch is installed.
your demanding drilling jar requirements. ! Optional Safety Latch eliminates need for a
traditional Safety Collar.
! All jars incorporate the proven, self-cleaning
! All jars come fitted with National Oilwell Varco cone type piston assembly. Trip times are
designed flex subs, allowing for elevator lift not affected by heat from extended jarring.
areas. ! All PowerStroke Jars are manufactured to
! All jars are approximately 30 to 32 feet long, ISO-9000 specifications.
allowing for easy racking when pulled from ! Optional Down Stroke Variable Load Latch
the drill string.
(available for 6¼" - 6½" at this time)
! All jars are equipped with Safety Collars to
! Optional Safety Lock (available for 6¼" - 6½"
prevent accidental firing during rig ups.
at this time)
! All PowerStroke Jars can be easily adapted
to any BHA by simply changing the top flex
How to Order
sub and the bottom sub to accommodate
different connections as required.
(1) Outer Diameter
! Simple push/pull motion required to fire jars. (2) Connections
The jar is not affected by torque. (3) Bottom hole temperature

PowerStroke Double-Acting Hydraulic Drilling Jars

Size (OD Inch) 38 4w 64 - 62 6w - 7 7w - 8 9 - 92

Assembly Part No. 503734 156353 155790 503348 156426 (TBA)

Outside Diameter (Inch) 38 4w 64 - 62 6w - 7 7w - 8 9 - 92

Inside Diameter (Inch) 14 24 2w 2w 3z 3z

Max Up Jar Load 1(Tons) 25 45 85 115 150 (TBA)

1(Pounds) 150,000 190,000 170,000 230,000 1300,000

Max Down Jar Load (Tons) 25 45 85 115 150 (TBA)

(Pounds) 50,000 90,000 170,000 230,000 300,000
(Tons) 1120 241 424 1619 1736 (TBA)
Lift Load After Jarring
(Pounds) 1240,000 482,000 848,000 11,237,000 11,472,000
Torsional Yield (ft./lbs.) 5,730 16,540 42,240 63,330 72,800 (TBA) PowerStroke
Double-Acting Hydraulic
Total Stroke (Inches) 24 24 28 28 30 (TBA)
Drilling Jar
Approx. Length Open (Feet) 30 30 30 31 31 32

Pump Open Area (Sq. Inch) 12.8 7.1 12.2 112.2 16.8 (TBA)

Overall Weight (Pounds) 550 1,500 2,400 2,800 4,500 5,900

Specifications are subject to change without notice.


Drilling Jars
Griffith® Hydraulic/Mechanical ! Mechanical latch prevents wear of the tool
Drilling Jars during drilling operations.
This drilling jar is well suited for virtually all drilling ! Hydraulic delay up jarring allows the operator
operations. The jar was developed to overcome
to vary jarring force downhole by changing
the usual shortcomings associated with purely
hydraulic or mechanical jars, yet retain the
advantages of both concepts. This jar combines ! Allows drawworks brake to be applied to
our mechanical “safety” latch with a hydraulic protect hoisting equipment
delay sequence on the up jarring stroke. The ! Special metering devices maintain relatively
down jarring stroke is achieved mechanically. To
constant delay timing, even after prolonged
jar upward, overpull is applied to the drill string
until the preset mechanical latch setting is
overcome and the jar enters the hydraulic delay ! Fully sealed and oil bath lubricated for longer
sequence. The desired overpull above free string service life
weight is then taken as the jar continues to slowly ! Available dressed for 300°F or 500°F bottom
open under hydraulic restriction (delay) with the
hole temperatures
drawworks brake applied. After the hydraulic
delay, the jar enters the free stroke and the
mandrel accelerates to the fully extended position How to Order
creating a jarring impact. Simply lowering the drill Specify:
string resets the latch. The jar is then ready for (1) Outer Diameter
another jarring cycle or to resume normal drilling (2) Connections
operations. (3) Bottom hole temperature

To jar down, the drill string is lowered until the Griffith® Drilling Jar
compressive force applied to the jar exceeds the Mechanical Latch
preset mechanical latch setting. The latch All Griffith® Drilling Jars (with the exception of
releases allowing the mandrel to accelerate to the slimhole 3½” O.D. and smaller) feature our
fully closed position creating a downward jarring mechanical “safety” latch mechanism. The
impact. Raising the drill string until free movement mechanical latch firmly holds the mandrel in the
stops indicates the latch has reset. The jar is neutral position in relation to the jar body,
ready for another jarring cycle or to resume preventing any unexpected jarring while making
normal drilling operations. connections, tripping in or out of hole, or when
tagging bottom. The latch is preset to release
Features when either a tensile or compressive force is
! Will not fire unexpectedly while drilling, applied to the jar which exceeds the forces seen
tripping, making connections, or tagging during normal drilling operations. The latch
bottom release settings can be adjusted at the service
facility to expand the range of jar placement
! No safety clamp or special handling possibilities within the drill string. The latch
procedures are required on the rig floor. mechanism allows the jar to run in the drilling
! Less restricted jar placement in the BHA; the string in tension or compression or at the neutral
jar can be placed in tension, neutral, or point within the range of the preset release
compression. settings. National Oilwell Varco manufactures
three types of Griffith® Drilling Jars: the
! Ideal for use in compression, as there is no Hydraulic/Mechanical, the Double-Acting
need to wait for “bleed through” when Hydraulic/Mechanical and the Mechanical, all of
tagging or picking up off bottom. which include the mechanical “safety” latch
! Ideal for use in directional or extended reach mechanism.
horizontal wells; the jar can be run in the
lower BHA in compression or in the upper
BHA in tension.
! No special tripping or drilling procedures are
! Linear latch is not affected by torque; ideal
for use in high friction, directional and
extended reach horizontal wells. Hydraulic/Mechanical Drilling Jar
! Simple up and down motion to operate
! Adjustable latch release settings


Drilling Jars

Hydraulic/Mechanical Drilling Jars

Series 380 447 339 474 340 450 336-20 354 381
Tool O.D. (+API Drill Collar Tolerance) inches 4.75 6.25 6.50 6.50 6.75 7.00 8.00 9.00 9.50
(mm) (121) (159) (165) (165) (171) (178) (203) (229) (241)
Max Recommended Hole Diameter inches 7d 9d 9d 12¼ 12¼ 12¼ 17½ 26 26
Hole openers not recommended. (mm) (200) (251) (251) (311) (311) (311) (445) (660) (660)
Tool I.D. inches 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.75 2.50 2.50 2.81 2.81 2.81
(mm) (57) (57) (57) (70) (64) (64) (71) (71) (71)
Length (Latched) feet 12.7 16.3 16.3 18.5 15.0 15.0 15.5 15.0 15.0
(m) (3.9) (5.0) (5.0) (5.6) (4.6) (4.6) (4.7) (4.6) (4.6)
Weight lbs 550 1,300 1,400 1,500 1,400 1,540 2,200 2,700 3,000
(kg) (250) (590) (640) (680) (640) (700) (1000) (1 200) (1 400)
Stroke Up (Free Stroke) inches 4.0 4.5 4.5 6.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0
(mm) (102) (114) (114) (152) (114) (114) (127) (127) (127)
Stroke Down inches 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
(mm) (102) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152)
Preset Release Up STD: lb 40,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 100,000
(Down =45% of Up) (daN) (18 000) (40 000) (40 000) (40 000) (40 000) (40 000) (42 000) (44 000) (44 000)
MAX: lb 55,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 150,000 155,000 155,000
(daN) (24 000) (62 000) (62 000) (62 000) (62 000) (62 000) (67 000) (69 000) (69 000)
Maximum Load During
Hydraulic Delay lb 75,000 160,000 160,000 180,000 190,000 190,000 220,000 250,000 250,000
(daN) (33 000) (71 000) (71 000) (80 000) (85 000) (85 000) (98 000) (111 000) (111 000)
Maximum Tensile Load
After Jarring lb 354,000 755,000 755,000 865,000 828,000 828,000 965,000 1,225,000 1,225,000
(daN) (157 000) (336 000) (336 000) (385 000) (368 000) (368 000) (429 000) (545 000) (545 000)
Maximum Torsional Load lb-ft 16,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 40,000 40,000 68,000 110,000 112,000
(To Yield Body Connections) (Nm) (22 000) (56 000) (56 000) (56 000) (54 000) (54 000) (92 000) (149 000) (152 000)
Pump Open Area in² 6.5 9.6 9.6 11.0 11.0 11.0 14.2 15.9 15.9
(Cm2) (42) (62) (62) (71) (71) (71) (92) (103) (103)


Drilling Jars
Griffith® Double-Acting Hydraulic/ ! Ideal for use in directional or extended reach
Mechanical Drilling Jars horizontal wells, the jar can be run in the
This jar combines the latch with hydraulic delay in lower BHA in compression or in the upper
both directions. All features of the BHA in tension.
Hydraulic/Mechanical Drilling Jar are available ! No special tripping or drilling procedures are
with this tool, and operation of the tool is similar, required.
but the hydraulic jar down requires a slight ! Linear latch is not affected by torque; ideal
change of procedure. for use in high friction, directional and
extended reach horizontal wells.
To jar downward, apply a compression load to the ! Simple up and down motion to operate
jar in excess of the down-latch setting. This will ! Adjustable latch release settings
release the mechanical latch and initiate the ! Mechanical latch prevents wear of the tool
hydraulic delay sequence. Following the delay
during drilling operations.
period, the jar will release, causing a downward ! Hydraulic delay up and down jarring allows
jarring impact. Raising the drill string will re-
the operator to vary jarring force downhole.
engage the mechanical latch ready for further
! Allows drawworks brake to be applied to
jarring, or to resume normal drilling as required.
protect hoisting equipment
Features ! Special metering devices maintain relatively
constant delay timing, even after prolonged
! Will not fire unexpectedly while drilling,
tripping, making connections, or tagging ! Fully sealed and oil bath lubricated for longer
service life and less wear
! No safety clamp or special handling
! Available dressed for 300°F or 500°F bottom
procedures are required on the rig floor.
hole temperatures
! Less restricted jar placement in the BHA; the
jar can be placed in tension, neutral or How to Order
compression. Specify:
! Ideal for use in compression, as there is no (1) Outer Diameter
need to wait for “bleed through” when (2) Connections
tagging or picking up off bottom. (3) Bottom hole temperature

Double-Acting Hydraulic Mechanical Drilling Jars

Series 431 428 440 441 480 411 437
Nominal size inches 4.75 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.12 8.00 9.50
(+API Drill Collar Tolerance) (mm) (121) (165) (171) (178) (181) (203) (241)
Max. Recommended Hole Diameter inches 7d 9d 12¼ 12¼ 12¼ 17½ 26
Hole openers not recommended. (mm) (200) (251) (311) (311) (311) (445) (660)
ID inches 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.81 3.00
(mm) (57) (57) (64) (64) (64) (71) (76)
Length (Latched) feet 19.8 22.5 23.0 23.0 23.0 22.5 23.0
(m) (6.0) (6.9) (7.0) (7.0) (7.0) (6.9) (7.0)
Weight lbs 850 2,100 2,250 2,450 2,450 3,100 5,200
(kg) (390) (950) (1,020) (1,110) (1,110) (1,410) (2,360)
Stroke Up (Free Stroke) inches 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
(mm) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152)
Stroke Down (Free Stroke) inches 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
(mm) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152) (152)
Preset Release Up STD: lbf 40,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 95,000 100,000
(kN) (180) (400) (400) (400) (400) (420) (440)
MAX: lbf 55,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 150,000 155,000
(kN) (240) (620) (620) (620) (620) (670) (690)
Preset Release Down STD: lbf 18,000 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 42,800 45,000
(Tolerance ±5%) (kN) (80) (180) (180) (180) (180) (190) (200)
MAX: lbf 27,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 63,000 67,500 69,800
(kN) (120) (280) (280) (280) (280) (300) (310)
Maximum Load During lbf 84,000 160,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 300,000 350,000
Hydraulic Delay (kN) (370) (710) (850) (850) (850) (1,300) (1,600)
Maximum Tensile lbf 362,000 755,000 823,000 823,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,225,000
Load After Jarring (kN) (1,600) (3,400) (3,700) (3,700) (4,400) (4,400) (5,400) Double-Acting
Maximum Torsional Load lbf-ft 11,500 37,500 44,500 53,000 70,000 73,500 95,000 Hydraulic/Mechanical
(To Yield Body Connections) (N.m) (15,600) (50,800) (60,300) (71,900) (94,900) (99,700) (128,800)
Torsional Load To Yield Splines lbf-ft 28,500 62,000 74,500 74,500 100,000 102,000 136,000
Drilling Jar
(Reference Only) (N.m) (38,600) (84,100) (101,000) (101,000) (135,600) (138,300) (184,400)
Pump Open Area sq.in. 6.5 9.6 11.0 11.0 11.0 14.2 15.9
(Sq.cm) (42) (62) (71) (71) (71) (92) (103)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.


Griffith® Drilling Jar Intensifiers Double-Acting Hydraulic Drilling
The Griffith® Drilling Jar Intensifier is designed Jar Intensifiers
to ensure maximum jarring efficiency in directional The Griffith® Double-Acting Hydraulic Drilling Jar
or crooked holes where wall drag is a problem, or Intensifier operates hydraulically in both up and
in shallow holes where pipe stretch is insufficient. down directions.

The Intensifier is positioned in the bottom hole Double-Acting Mechanical

assembly several drill collars above the jar. As Drilling Jar Intensifiers
tension is applied, the Intensifier will extend, The Griffith® Double-Acting Mechanical Drilling Jar
storing the energy of the applied tension. This Intensifier operates mechanically in both up and
stored energy is released when the jar fires, down directions.
accelerating the drill collars upward.
How to Order
Fully sealed and lubricated, the Intensifier will Specify:
provide dependable operation in continuous (1) Outer Diameter
drilling service. (2) Connections
(3) Bottom hole temperature

Double-Acting Hydraulic Drilling Jar Intensifiers

Series 499 4512 4501 478 4507
Nominal Size inches 3.75 4.12 4.75 6.50 8.00
(+API Drill Collar Tolerance) (mm) (95) (105) (121) (165) (203)
Max. Recommended Hole Dia. inches 5d 6w 7d 12¼ 17½
Hole openers not recommended. (mm) (149) (172) (200) (311) (445)
ID inches 1.5 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.06
(mm) (38) (51) (57) (70) (78)
Length feet 16 18.5 27.7 27 28.0
(m) (5.0) (5.6) (8.4) (8.2) (8.5)
Weight lbs 425 640 1,000 2,400 3270
(kg) (193) (290) (454) (1 088) (1 480)
Stroke Up inches 8 10 12 12 12
(mm) (203) (254) (305) (305) (305)
Stroke Down inches 8 10 12 12 12
(mm) (203) (254) (305) (305) (305)
Axial Load to Fully Extended lb 70,000 75,000 90,000 180,000 300,000
(kN) (311) (333 600) (40 000) (800) (133 400)
Axial Load To Fully Compress lb 70,000 75,000 75,000 150,000 125,000
(kN) (311) (333 600) (33 360) (667) (55 600)
Maximum Tensile Load lb 270,000 325,000 420,000 820,000 1,250,000
(kN) (1 201) (1 446 000) (186 800) (3647) (556 000)
Maximum Torsional Load lb-ft 7,400 12,400 28,500 41,000 82,000
(To Yield Body Connections) (Nm) (10 000) (16 800) (38 600) (55 600) (111 000)

Double-Acting Mechanical Drilling Jar Intensifiers

Series 408 434 414
Nominal Size inches 6.5 8.0 9.5
(+API Drill Collar Tolerance) (mm) (165) (203) (241)
Max. Recommended Hole Dia. inches 12¼ 17½ 26
Hole openers not recommended. (mm) (311) (445) (660)
ID inches 2.25 2.81 3.00
(mm) (57) (71) (76)
Length ft 20 20 20
(m) (6.1) (6.1) (6.1)
Weight lbs 1,750 3,000 4,000
(kg) (790) (1 360) (1 810)
Stroke Up inches 8 8 8 Double-Acting Mechanical
(mm) (203) (203) (203) Drilling Jar Intensifier
Stroke Down inches 8 8 8
(mm) (203) (203) (203)
Axial Load To Fully Extended lb 70,000 84,000 86,000
(kN) (310) (370) (380)
Axial Load To Fully Compress lb 70,000 84,000 86,000
(kN) (310) (370) (380)
Maximum Tensile Load lb 755,000 1,050,000 1,225,000
(kN) (3 400) (4 700) (5 400) Double-Acting Hydraulic
Maximum Torsional Load lb-ft 37,000 70,000 117,000 Drilling Jar Intensifier
(To Yield Body Connections) (Nm) (50 000) (95 000) (159 000)


Shock Tools
Griffith® Shock Tools
The Griffith® Shock Tool is designed to isolate Larger diameter (11" to 14") tools are designed
the drill string from axial deflections produced by with a pressure compensation system to reduce
the bit during drilling operations. This reduces the excessive pump open effect inherent in larger
impact on the bit and drill string and increases diameter tools. This design permits a relatively low
penetration rates by keeping the bit on bottom spring rate, desirable when drilling large diameter
during rough drilling conditions. holes, without fully extending the tool at high
pump pressure. 14" shock tools are available with
Features an optional reamer sub for 17½" hole size.
! Will not build angle, as it is well stabilized
Griffith® Shock Tools are available with a standard
between barrel and mandrel
seal kit rated to 200°F or an optional higher
! Reduces bit bounce and extends bit life by temperature seal kit rated at 350°F.
reducing impact loads on teeth and bearings
! Reduces shock and vibration induced drill “Hot Hole” Applications
National Oilwell Varco also manufactures shock
string failures
tools designed for “hot hole” applications with
! Reduces damage to surface equipment seals rated above 350°F. The design and features
! Unaffected by hydrostatic pressure of the “hot hole” tools are similar to the standard
tools with the exception of the sealing system
Constant load/deflection characteristics are required for the high temperature application.
maintained regardless of hole depth, bit weight,
pump pressure, mud weight or torque. Free Small Diameter
vertical movement is assured by guiding the Hydraulic Shock Tools
mandrel in the barrel above and below the spline National Oilwell Varco manufactures small
drive to prevent lateral loads from acting on the diameter, single-acting hydraulic shock tools in
drive assembly. Griffith® Shock Tools are sprung in 38" (series 4407) and 3a" (series 4405) sizes.
both directions to compensate for pump open Typical applications include coiled tubing drilling.
forces. Like the larger diameter sizes, these tools dampen
induced vibrations and increase ROP during
The Griffith® Shock Tool contains a chamber and drilling operations.
piston to compensate for lubricant expansion at
higher operating temperatures. How to Order
(1) Outer Diameter
(2) Connections
(3) Bottom hole temperature

Shock Tool Pressure Compensated

Shock Tools are
Series 157, 143, and 113*
Shock Tools
Series 167 166 155 146 150 147 154 148 160 139 151 138 157* 143* 113*
Nominal Size inches 3.12 3.50 4.75 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.50 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00
(+API Drill Collar Tolerance) (mm) (79) (86) (121) (159) (165) (171) (178) (203) (203) (229) (241) (254) (279) (305) (356)
Max. Recommended Hole Dia. inches n/a n/a 6¾ 8½ 8½ 8¾ 8¾ 12¼ 12¼ 13¾ 17½ 17½ 17½ 17½ 26
Hole openers not recommended (mm) n/a n/a (171) (216) (216) (222) (222) (311) (311) (349) (445) (445) (445) (445) (660)
ID inches 1.0 1.25 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.75 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 3.00
(mm) (25.4) (32) (51) (51) (51) (57) (57) (64) (70) (71) (71) (71) (71) (71) (76)
Length feet 4.58 5.25 8.5 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 12.5 9.4 10.8 10.8 14.0 12.2 15.0
(m) (1.4) (1.6) (2.59) (2.87) (2.87) (2.87) (2.87) (2.87) (3.81) (2.87) (3.29) (3.29) (4.27) (3.72) (4.57)
Weight lbs 80 100 375 720 800 850 930 1,200 1,600 1,500 2,200 2,300 3,200 3,400 5,200
(kg) (3.64) (45) (170) (330) (360) (390) (420) (540) (730) (680) (1 000) (1 000) (1 500) (1 500) (2 400)
Axial Load To Fully lb 11,000 13,200 74,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 125,000 125,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 140,000
Compress Tool (daN) (5 000) (6 000) (33 000) (44 000) (44 000) (44 000) (44 000) (56 000) (56 000) (49 000) (44 000) (44 000) (44 000) (44 000) (62 000)
Tensile Load At Yield lb 150,000 195,000 380,000 555,000 555,000 593,000 593,000 770,000 872,000 853,000 1,207,000 1,042,000 808,000 1,337,000 1,865,000
(daN) (67 200) (87 400) (169 000) (247 000) (247 000) (264 000) (264 000) (342 000) (388 000) (379 000) (537 000) (463 000) (359 000) (595 000) (830 000)
Maximum Torsional Load lb-ft 4,000 4,200 17,000 41,000 50,000 54,000 54,000 79,000 79,000 115,000 109,000 157,000 187,000 244,000 400,000
(To Yield Body Connections) (Nm) (5 480) (5 700) (23 000) (56 000) (68 000) (73 000) (73 000) (107 000) (107 000) (156 000) (148 000) (213 000) (254 000) (331 000) (542 000)
Pump Open Area in² 3.97 5.94 11.0 15.9 15.9 17.7 17.7 23.8 30.7 30.7 38.5 41.3 11.0 11.8 12.6
(cm²) (25.7) (32) (71) (103) (103) (114) (114) (154) (198) (198) (248) (266) (71) (76) (81)
Spring Rate lb/in 5,400 5,860 29,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 31,000 35,000 25,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 22,000
(N/mm) (940) (1 026) (5 100) (6 100) (6 100) (6 100) (6 100) (6 100) (5 400) (6 100) (4 400) (4 400) (2 600) (2 600) (3 900)
Opening Travel inches 2.00 2.25 1.0 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 3.30 3.3 2.50 2.50 2.00
(mm) (51) (57) (25) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (84) (84) (64) (64) (51)
Closing Travel inches 2.00 2.25 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.6 4.0 3.2 4.0 4.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
(mm) (51) (57) (64) (74) (74) (76) (76) (91) (102) (81) (102) (102) (178) (178) (178)
Specifications subject to change without notice
* Pressure Compensated Shock Tools are Series 157, 143, and 113.


Bumper Subs
Pressure Balanced Drilling Pressure Balanced Drilling
Bumper Subs Bumper Subs
The Bowen® Pressure Balanced Drilling Max. Outside Dia. inches 4¾ 64 - 62 7¾ - 8
Bumper Sub is a long stroke bumper sub often Connections* 32 I.F. 42 I.F. 6s R.E.G.
called a slack joint. It is engineered to withstand ID inches 2 3 32
Stroke feet 5 5 5
sustained torque through its full five-foot stroke
Torsional Yield lb-ft 43,000 90,000 189,000
under the most severe drilling operations. Max. Tensile Load lb 625,000 863,000 1,800,000
Length feet 332 36 36
The Bumper Sub is completely pressure Complete Part No. 68243 69780 66080
balanced, which permits free travel through the Assembly Weight 1500 lbs 2700 lbs. 4100 lbs.
full stroke unaffected by variations in pump
pressure and/or hydrostatic pressure. The bore *Customizing Available
through the tool permits full circulation at all times.

The Bowen® Pressure Balanced Drilling Bumper

Sub is approximately 36 feet long, and is available
in sizes with minimum outside diameters of 4w,
64 and 7w inches. The tool O.D.’s are variable as
ordered, and each is manufactured with an O.D.
that matches the drill collar or tool joint O.D. of the
drill string in which it will be used.

Pressure Balanced Bumper Subs may be used as

motion compensators on floating rigs, or to allow
controlled feed-off on delicate fishing or milling

How to Order
(1) Outer Diameter
(2) Connections
(3) Bottom hole temperature

Drilling Bumper Sub


Integral Blade Stabilizers Integral Blade Stabilizers
Griffith® Integral Blade Stabilizers are Hole Size Fishing Neck ID Overall Length Weight
manufactured from 4145H alloy steel bar or forgings, Diameter Length
quenched and tempered to 285-321 Brinnel in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) ft. (m) lbs. (kg)
hardness. 4¾ 3¾ (95) 30 (762) 2.25 (57) 5.5 (1.7) 145 (100)
The fluid passages are spiral milled to full depth to 5s - 6¾ 48 - 4¾ (105 - 121) 30 (762) 2.25 (57) 5.8 (1.8) 200 - 300 (90) - (140)
maximize flow area. Rib surfaces are hardfaced with 7a 5¾ - 6¼ (146 - 171) 30 (762) 2.25 (57) 6.2 (1.9) 490 - 580 (220) - (260)
7d 5¾ - 6¼ (146 - 171) 30 (762) 2.81 (71) 6.3 (1.9) 460 - 550 (210) - (250)
tungsten carbide plates surrounded by a 50% carbide
8¼ - 8s 6¼ - 7 (166 - 171) 30 (762) 2.81 (71) 6.4 (2.0) 560 - 740 (250) - (340)
matrix, or flush studded with tungsten carbide inserts.
9s - 9d 7-8 (178 - 203) 30 (762) 2.81 (71) 6.7 (2.0) 775 - 1,000 (350) - (450)
Integral Blade Stabilizers are preferred over welded 10s - 11 7-8 (178 - 203) 30 (762) 2.81 (71) 6.8 (2.1) 830 - 1,080 (380) - (490)
blade since potential loss of ribs in the hole is 11¼ - 12¼ 7d - 10 (200 - 254) 36 (914) 2.81 (71) 7.8 (2.4) 1,170 - 1,930 (530) - (880)
eliminated. 13½ - 13¾ 8 - 10 (203 - 254) 36 (914) 2.81 (71) 8.1 (2.5) 1,370 - 2,100 (620) - (950)
Griffith® welded rib stabilizers for large hole sizes are 15 - 17½ 8 - 11 (203 - 279) 36 (914) 2.81 (71) 8.2 (2.5) 1,890 - 2,860 (860) - (1 300)
made to customers' requirements. 22* 9½ - 11¼ (241 - 286) 36 (914) 3.00 (76) 8.5 (2.6) 2,530 - 3,100 (1 150) - (1 410)
26* 9½ - 11¼ (241 - 286) 36 (914) 3.00 (76) 8.5 (2.6) 2,890 - 3,400 (1 310) - (1 560)
How to Order * Welded Blade Type
Specify: Specifications subject to change without notice.
(1) Outer Diameter
(2) Fishing neck diameter
(3) String or near bit type
(4) Connections

Sealed Bearing Reamers Sealed Bearing Reamers

The Griffith® Sealed Bearing Reamer provides Hole Size Series Fishing Neck ID Overall Length Weight
extended service periods even under the most severe Diameter Length
reaming conditions. Traditional unsealed reamer in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) ft. (m) lbs. (kg)
cutters are exposed to the drilling fluid which causes 5d 550 4.75 (121) 26 (660) 1.25 (32) 6.1 (1.9) 400 (200)
early bearing pin and cutter bore wear. 6 - 6¾ 508 4.75 (121) 26 (660) 1.38 (35) 6.1 (1.9) 400 (200)
The Griffith® Sealed Bearing Reamer features sealed 6 - 6¾ (6 pt) 541 4.75 (121) 30 (762) 1.38 (35) 8.8 (2.7) 500 (200)
and lubricated cutter assemblies using specially 7d 507 6.25 (159) 38 (965) 2.25 (57) 7.1 (2.2) 700 (300)
8a 549 6.50 (165) 36 (914) 2.25 (57) 6.7 (2.0) 800 (400)
treated bearing pins and cutters fitted with low friction
8½ - 8¾ 501 6.75 (171) 36 (914) 2.25 (57) 7.2 (2.2) 800 (400)
bearing materials. This results in a reamer that
8½ - 8¾ (6 pt) 528 6.75 (171) 36 (914) 2.25 (57) 10.5 (3.2) 1,200 (500)
minimizes bearing wear and fully utilizes the cutting 9½ - 9¾ 510 8.00 (203) 36 (914) 2.50 (64) 6.7 (2.0) 1,100 (500)
structure. 12¼ 500 9.00 (229) 40 (1 016) 2.75 (70) 8.3 (2.5) 1,700 (800)
Cutters are available in flush button and knobby style 13½ 548 9.00 (229) 40 (1 016) 2.81 (71) 7.5 (2.3) 1,700 (800)
to suit the particular formation. 14¾ 538 11.00 (279) 38 (965) 3.00 (76) 8.4 (2.6) 2,300 (1 000)
Griffith® sealed bearing reamers are available in three- 17 502 11.00 (279) 48 (1 219) 3.00 (76) 7.4 (2.3) 3,400 (1 500)
point or six-point configurations. 17½ 503 11.00 (279) 48 (1 219) 3.00 (76) 10.0 (3.0) 3,400 (1 500)
26 543 11.00 (279) 48 (1 219) 3.00 (76) 10.0 (3.0) 7,100 (3 200)
How to Order Specifications subject to change without notice.
(1) Outer Diameter
(2) Fishing neck diameter
(3) String or near bit type
(4) Connections

Combination Tools Combination Tools

Griffith® Combination Tools (GCT) offer optimum Hole Size Series Fishing Neck ID Overall Length Weight
control of hole diameter with the convenience of a Diameter Length
one piece combination tool. in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) ft. (m) lbs. (kg)
Griffith® roller reamer cutters are positioned in the 68 - 6¾ 542 4.75 (121) 30 (762) 1.38 (35) 7.5 (2.3) 600 (300)
body in line with stabilizer ribs to maximize flow area. 7d 545 6.25 (159) 30 (762) 2.25 (57) 6.5 (2.0) 800 (400)
The integral rib stabilizer provides a full 360° wall 8a 533 6.38 (162) 30 (762) 2.5 (64) 6.7 (2.0) 800 (400)
contact. Rib surfaces are hardfaced with tungsten 8½ - 8¾ 518 6.75 (171) 30 (762) 2.25 (57) 6.5 (2.0) 1,000 (500)
12¼ 517 9 (229) 28 (711) 2.81 (71) 6.8 (2.1) 2,000 (900)
carbide inserts surrounded by a 50% carbide matrix.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
! Various spirals, hardsurfacing, and reamer
cutters available
! Sizes from 6" to 17½" available
How to Order
(1) Outer Diameter
(2) Fishing neck diameter
(3) String or near bit type
(4) Connections


Safety Valves
Kelly/Drill Pipe Safety Valves
The Griffith® Kelly/Drill Pipe Safety Valve is a full requirements of the National Association of
opening valve that provides positive pressure Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Standard MR0175
control of the fluids in the drill string. The Griffith® “Standard Material Requirements, Sulfide Stress
valve seals in both directions with metal to metal Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield
seals. Available in 10,000 psi working pressure as Equipment.” The valve uses a hexagon socket on
standard, 15,000 psi working pressure is available the operating stem and has positive stops in the
in certain sizes upon request. open and closed positions.

These valves can be used as a drill pipe safety Other sizes and connections available upon
valve or upper kelly valve to control blowout request.
pressures, or as a lower kelly valve to prevent loss
of drilling fluid when the kelly is disconnected.
National Oilwell Varco is a licensed manufacturer How to Order
of kelly valves under API Spec 7. With the Specify:
exception of the standard body, all components (1) Outer Diameter
are manufactured from materials meeting the (2) Connections

Kelly Valves
NOMINAL SIZE 2.5 3 3.5 4.25 5.25 5.25
SERIES 747 746 722 720 724 788
I.D. in (mm) 1.25 (32) 1.75 (44) 2.25 (57) 2.81 (71) 3.06 (78) 3.25 (83)
Length in (mm) 18.0 (457) 20.0 (508) 23.0 (584) 22.5 (572) 25.5 (648) 27.0 (686)
Weight lbs (kg) 40 (18) 80 (36) 145 (66) 180 (82) 215 (98) 210 (95)

Connections Valve O.D. in. (Mm)

NC26 (2a IF) 3.75 (95) - - - - -
NC31 (2d IF) - 4.25 (108) - - - -
NC38 (3½ IF) - 4.75 (121) 5.38 (137) - - -
NC40 (4 FH) - 5.00 (127) 6.12 (155) - - -
NC46 (4 IF) - - 6.12 (155) 6.62 (168) - -
4½ XH - - 6.12 (155) 6.62 (168) - -
4½ FH - - 6.12 (155) - - -
NC50 (4½ IF) - - 6.38 (162) 6.62 (168) 7.38 (187) - Kelly Valve
5 XH - - - 6.62 (168) 7.38 (187) -
5½ FH - - - - 7.38 (187) 7.38 (187)
6s FH - - - - 8.00 (203) -
4½ Reg LH - - 5.75 (146) - - -
6s Reg LH - - - - 7.75 (197) 7.75 (197)

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Series shown are 10,000 psi working pressure.
Other than standard connections available on request.


Safety Valves
Tubing Safety Valves
Griffith® Tubing Safety Valves are designed for ! Oversized necks, top and bottom, to provide
use during well servicing and workover wear area for tong or wrench
operations. ! Metal-to-metal positive seal on ball
The valve is designed and manufactured from
materials which meet or exceed the requirements The above features combine to provide the user
of the American Petroleum Institute and the with a valve that will be dependable, long lasting
National Association of Corrosion Engineers and simple to service. Premium tubular
(NACE) Standard MR0175 “Standard Material connections, high pressure ratings and sizes not
Requirements, Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant listed are also available upon customer request.
Metallic Materials for Oilfield Equipment.”
How to Order
Design Features Specify:
! Increased wall thickness to provide greater (1) Outer Diameter
support and surface for operating stem (2) Connections

! Improved operating stem design with dual

seal arrangement and positive 90° stops

Tubing Safety Valves

Nominal Size 2a 2d 3½ 4½ 4½
Series 769 764 757 799 835
Standard Connection 2a EUE 2d EUE 3½ EUE 4½ EUE 4½ EUE
O.D. inches 4.50 5.40 6.75 6.75 8.25
(mm) (114) (137) (171) (171) (210)
I.D. inches 2.00 2.42 2.99 2.99 3.96
(mm) (51) (61) (76) (76) (100)
Length inches 21 22 22 22 32
(mm) (533) (559) (559) (559) (813)
Weight lbs 37 66 99 110 250
(kg) (17) (30) (45) (50) (113)

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Other than standard connections available on request.

Safety Valve


Check Valves
Inside BOP/Stabbing Valves — Inside BOP/Stabbing Valves —
Dart Type Dart Type
Griffith® Inside BOP/Stabbing Valves are Nominal Size 3½ 4½ 5
designed to control or prevent a backflow Series 791 780 793
condition when the kelly or top drive is Standard Connection 3½ IF 4½ IF 6½ FH
disconnected from the drill pipe. Essentially a O.D. inches 4.75 6.50 8.00
(mm) (121) (165) (203)
one-way check valve, they have a flush O.D. to Length inches 28.5 29.0 34.5
permit them to be stripped through annular (mm) (725) (735) (749)
blowout preventers. Weight lbs 100 225 360
(kg) (45) (100) (163)
Releasing tools are supplied with the valve and
they are used to hold the valve in the open Specifications are subject to change without notice.
position to allow it to be used as a stabbing valve. Series shown are 15,000 psi working pressure.
Other than standard connections available on request.
If a kick or backflow condition develops, the open
valve can be easily stabbed and threaded into the
drill pipe.

Unlocking the releasing tool allows the valve to

close, preventing further back flow from the drill
pipe. The releasing tool is then removed and
normal circulation can be resumed through the
valve to re-establish control of the well. Sizes not
listed available on request.

How to Order
(1) Outer Diameter
(2) Connections

Dart Type
Inside BOP Valve


Check Valves
Retrievable Drop-In Check Non-Retrievable Drop-In Check
Valves Valves
The Griffith® Retrievable Drop-In Check Valve The Griffith® Non-Retrievable Drop-In Check
provides a means of controlling back flow through Valve operates in a similar manner as the
the drill pipe during a kick or when tripping pipe retrievable valve, with the exception that once the
into the hole against pressure. valve is landed in the sub, it is not possible to
retrieve it on wireline. The valve must be removed
The landing sub is installed in the drilling string, on the surface.
usually just above the drill collars. The valve is
kept on the surface until protection from back flow How to Order
is required. The valve is introduced into the drill Specify:
string and pumped down the drill string to the (1) Outer Diameter
landing sub where it locks into position. (2) Connections
(3) Minimum drill string I.D.
Pressure from below the landed valve energizes
the packer, lock dogs and check valve. The check Non-Retrievable Drop-In Check Valves
valve will open to allow circulation through the Landing Sub O.D. Inches 4.75 6.375 7.75
valve and automatically close when circulation is (mm) (121) (162) (197)
stopped. After use, the back pressure valve can Series 733 750 751
Standard Connection 3½ IF 4½ IF 6s FH
be retrieved from the string with the retrieval tool Landing Sub I.D. inches 2.187 2.468 2.750
run in on wireline. (mm) (55.5) (62.7) (70)
Check Valve O.D. inches 2.120 2.400 2.690
The landing sub body is manufactured from 4145 (mm) (54) (61) (68)
heat-treated and stress relieved material. Sizes Check Valve I.D. inches 0.750 0.875 1.000
not listed available on request. (Mm) (19) (22) (25)

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

How to Order
Series shown are 10,000 psi working pressure.
Specify: Other than standard connections available on request.
(1) Outer Diameter
(2) Connections
(3) Minimum drill string I.D.

Retrievable Drop-In Check Valves

Landing Sub O.D. inches 4.75 4.75 6.12 6.63
(mm) (121) (121) (155) (168)
Series 825 829 830 821
Standard Connection 3½ IF 3½ IF 4½ IF 4½ IF Retrievable Drop-In
Working Pressure psi 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 Check Valve
(kPa) (69 000) (69 000) (69 000) (35 000)
Landing Sub I.D. Inches 1.791 2.062 2.205 2.625
(Mm) (45.49) (52.37) (56.01) (66.68)

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Series shown are 10,000 psi working pressure.
Other than standard connections available on request.



California Canada Manufacturing and

4117 Atlas Court 540 5th Avenue SW, Suite 1010 (Office) Engineering Centers
Bakersfield, California 93308 540 5th Avenue SW, Suite 1100 (Mailing) 3550 93rd Street
United States Calgary, Alberta T2P 0M2 Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5N3 Downhole Solutions
Phone: 661 395 0165 Canada Canada
Toll Free: 800 328 0038 Toll Free: 877 645 8665 Phone: 780 944 3929
Fax: 661 328 1827 Fax: 403 294 5790 Fax: 780 430 0760

Louisiana 9118 34A Avenue 16211 Air Center Boulevard

108 Nova Drive Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5P4 Houston, Texas 77032
P.O. Box 466 Canada United States
Broussard, Louisiana 70518 Phone: 780 944 3965 Phone: 713 346 7500
United States Fax: 780 461 4077 Fax: 713 346 4493
Phone: 337 839 2400
Toll Free: 800 585 5697 9120 34A Avenue Holton Road Drilling Solutions
Fax: 337 839 2211 Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5P4 Holton Heath Trading Estate
Canada Poole, Dorset BH16 6LT
190 Thompson Road Phone: 780 702 5209 England
Houma, Louisiana 70363 Fax: 780 463 2348 Phone: 44 1202 631817
United States Fax: 44 1202 631708
Phone: 985 851 1111 11453 98th Avenue
Fax: 985 851 1117 Grand Prairie, Alberta T8V 5S5
New Mexico Canada
14 County Road 5860 Phone: 780 539 9366
P.O. Box 383 Fax: 780 539 9207
Farmington, New Mexico 87401 Engineering and Project Management Solutions
United States Germany
Phone: 505 326 4303 Eddesser Strasse 1
Fax: 505 326 4304 Edemissen Berkhöpen 31234
North Dakota Phone: 49 5176 9767 0
3202 1st Avenue West Fax: 49 5176 9767 22
P.O. Box 731
Williston, North Dakota 58802 Indonesia
United States Cilandak Commercial Estate, Unit 105
Phone: 701 774 0091 Jalan Raya Cilandak KKO
Fax: 701 774 0092 P. O. Box 7541 Lifting and Handling Solutions
Jakarta 12560
Corporate Oklahoma Indonesia
Headquarters 3800 Thomas Road Phone: 6221 782 6088
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73179 Fax: 6221 782 6086
United States
10000 Richmond Avenue Phone: 405 677 2484 Jalan Mulawarman, No. 47 Rt. 32 Km. 20
Houston, Texas 77042 Toll Free: 877 760 1711 Manggar, Balikpapan 76166
United States Fax: 405 682 0147 Indonesia
Phone: 713 346 7500 Phone: 62 542 772 114
Texas Fax: 62 542 772 113
Fax: 713 346 4493 2710 Highway 281 North
P.O. Box 801
Production Solutions
Alice, Texas 78332 Menara Citibank, Level 36
United States 165 Jalan Ampang
Phone: 361 664 8013 Kuala Lumpur 50450
Fax: 361 664 0462 Malaysia
Phone: 603 2169 6223
2810 Highway 135 North Fax: 603 2169 6224
P.O. Box 1888
Kilgore, Texas 75662 Singapore
United States 8 Sixth Lok Yang Road
Phone: 903 984 2553 Jurong Town Supply Chain Solutions
Fax: 903 984 7170 Singapore 628106
Phone: 65 6265 5066
10720 West I-20 East Fax: 65 6265 7746
Odessa, Texas 79765
United States United Arab Emirates
Phone: 432 563 1173 R/A 13 Daimler Chrysler Street, Plot MO 0682
Fax: 432 563 1182 P. O. Box 61490
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai
30444 Southwest Freeway United Arab Emirates
P.O. Box 1595 Phone: 9714 883 8776
Rosenberg, Texas 77471 Fax: 9714 883 8795
United States Tubular and Corrosion Control Solutions
Phone: 281 341 5365 United Kingdom
Toll Free: 800 248 8665 2 Isbourne Way
Fax: 281 344 1986 Winchcombe
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL54 5NS
Utah England
1553 East Highway 40 Phone: 44 1242 603975
P.O. Box 482 Fax: 44 1242 602614
Vernal, Utah 84078
United States Badentoy Cresent
Phone: 435 789 0670 Badentoy Park
Fax: 435 789 6568 Portlethen, Aberdeen AB12 4YD
Well Service and Completion Solutions
778 Circle Drive Phone: 44 1224 343610
Casper, Wyoming 82601 Fax: 44 1224 878775
United States
Phone: 307 237 3100 Unit 10 Kirkton Avenue
Fax: 307 237 2546 Pitmedden Road Industrial Estate
Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 0BF
Phone: 44 1224 334800
Fax: 44 1224 723034
© 2006 National Oilwell Varco
D391000199-MKT-001 Rev. 02
w w w . n o v . c o m

dht.customerser [email protected] NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO

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