Driving Test Answers - True/False

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PRACTICE TEST – 100 Q/A (True or False T/F)


1 Pedestrian can cross a road at any point.

2 Where there are no footpaths pedestrian should walk along right edge of the road.
3 At a zebra crossing right-of-way belongs to pedestrian.
4 A pedestrian should cross at an intersection when light is red.
5 While following behind another vehicle, the minimum distance between the two
vehicles should be equal to one length.
6 It is alright to overtake another vehicle by crossing single continues road provided no
vehicle is coming from opposite direction.
7 It is alright to overtake going through an intersection.
8 While turning left at an intersection on red signal, you have the right of way.
9 You must use your horn while going through an intersection.
10 It is not essential to dip your lights at night time for on-counting vehicle.
11 Turn your light on half before sunset.
12 According to traffic law a vehicle driver can overtake the way left side provided the
front vehicle driver is going turn right side.
13 It is alright to overtake provided you flash your head lights at the vehicle coming from
opposite direction.
14 It is alright to drive at night without tail lights if you have the proper head lights.
15 It is not necessary to stop at a stop sign if there is no traffic on the other road.
16 At a round about the right-of-way belongs to traffic on main road.
17 It is alright to overtake a vehicle which is overtaking another vehicle provided no traffic
is coming from opposite direction.
18 Yellow flashing signal light means caution.
19 Before crossing a major road come to complete stop only if there is traffic on the major
20 While parking the distance from an intersection should not be less than 30 feet.
21 While parking the distance from free fire-hydrant should not be less than 10 feet.
22 While parking behind on in front or another parallel parked vehicle the distance should
not be less than one feet.
23 It is alright to park on a bus stop provided no bus is approaching.
24 On a red light it is legal to turn right.
25 It is alright to make a U-turn at any place provided it is not specifically prohibited.
26 While turning right on green light it is not necessary to yield to the traffic coming from
opposite direction.
27 In case of four lane highway, it is legal to turn right from left lane.
28 In case of rear-end accident due to sudden stoppage of vehicle in front, the
responsibility lies in the driver in front.
29 Safe following distance rule does not apply in case of overtaking.
30 It is not essential to always keep rear screen clear.
31 In case of doubt about the right-of-way at an intersection, always yield to the traffic
approaching from right.
32 Bad roads cause more accidents than bad driving.
33 It is not illegal to park the vehicle on the right hand side of the road.
34 One single lane road you must stop to let the vehicle pass if you are going downhill.
35 It is not essential to drive within the marked lanes if there is no other traffic on the road.
36 It is not necessary for cyclist to have a reflector in the rear if he has a light in the front
for night time driving.
37 You must use your indicator to help the following driver to overtake if he cannot see the
road ahead.
38 A traffic police officer on duty can over-rule an indication given by a sign, signal or
lane marking.
39 On hearing the siren or seeing the flashing signal of an approaching emergency vehicle
such as ambulance, fire engine, police vehicle etc. You must pull to the kerb and remain
stationery till the emergency vehicle has passed.
40 Pedestrian can cross a road only at designated point if there is one in the vicinity.
41 Where there are no footpaths the pedestrian should walk along left edge of the road.
42 At a zebra crossing right of way belongs to motorists.
43 A pedestrian should cross at an intersection when light is green.
44 While following behind another vehicle, the minimum distance between the two
vehicles should be equal to two feet of every mile per hour speed.
45 It is alright to overtake another vehicle by crossing double continuous line marked on
the road if no vehicle is approaching from opposite direction.
46 While turning left or right at an intersection you must stop for the pedestrian crossing
the street you are turning on.
47 It is alright to overtake going over a level rail crossing.
48 You must use your horn while going through a blind curve.
49 It is not necessary to dim your light at night time while following behind another
50 Turn your light on two hours before sunset.
51 It is legal to overtake on the left provided the facility is four lane highways.
52 It is not necessary to stop at a stop sign if you are taking left turn.
53 It is alright to reverse in a one way street if you have gone slightly beyond your
54 At a round about the right-of-way belongs to traffic approaching from the right.
55 Yellow flashing signal always means road is closed.
56 Before crossing a major road come to a complete stop even if there is no traffic on the
major road.
57 While parking the distance from an intersection should not be less than one car length.
58 While parking behind or in front of another parallel parked vehicle the distance should
not be less than a car length.
59 While parking the distance from after a fire-hydrant should be at least one foot.
60 It is alright to park in front of an entrance to a building provided the gate is closed.
61 On a red light it is legal to turn left only after yielding to the traffic approaching from
the right.
62 In case of four lane highway it is not essential to turn right from right lane.
63 In case of rear-end accident due to sudden stoppage of vehicle in front, the
responsibility lies on driver following behind.
64 It is alright to pass a stationery school bus stopped for letting-off or picking-up school
children provided the road is four lane highway.
65 In case of doubt about right-of-way at an intersection always yield to traffic
approaching from left.
66 Red flashing sign means road closed.
67 Ordinary traffic safety rules do not apply to animal drawn vehicles.
68 On hearing the siren or seeing the flashing signal of an approaching emergency vehicle
such as ambulance, fire engine, police vehicle etc. You are only required to slow down.
69 While following behind another vehicle, the minimum distance between the two
vehicles should always be equal to ten feet.
70 It is alright to overtake another vehicle by crossing a single continuous line with a
broken line on your side, even if a vehicle is approaching from opposite direction.
71 You must use your horn while going through a crowded street.
73 It is legal to turn left by overtaking a vehicle stopped in front for red light by using the
left shoulder.
74 It is not necessary to stop for a stationery school bus picking up and letting off children
if you are proceeding in the opposite.
75 On a round about the right-of-way belongs to traffic approaching from the left.
76 It is illegal for all heavy vehicles to overtake any vehicle while going up a sleep stop
turn on from lane highways.
77 Before crossing a major road, you are only required to slow down.
78 Night time speed should always be 10mgh less than the day time speed limit.
79 A right turn green arrow appearing alone on a signal does not mean one cannot go
80 It is alright to take a left turn by overtaking a vehicle on the right provided the vehicle
ahead is stopped at a red light for going straight.
81 It is alright to park on the right side of the road provided it is a one way street and
parking is not specifically prohibited.
82 In case of four lane highway, it is not essential to turn left from left lane only.
83 You must use your horn while overtaking any vehicle.
84 Red flashing sign has the same meaning as a stop sign.
85 The safety helmet for motorcycles, etc. is desirable but it is not a legal requirement.
86 It is alright to overtake another vehicle by crossing single continuous line with a broken
line on the other side, provided no vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction.
87 You must use your horn while going over a rail crossing.
88 Turn your light on till half an hour after sunrise.
89 It is not necessary to keep within the lane if there is no other traffic on the road.
90 It is alright to park on the road proper where there is a shoulder provided the road is not
too busy.
91 In case of four lane highway it is legal to turn left from right lane.
92 You must use your horn while going pass a school.
93 A single continuous line has the same meaning as a double continuous line.
94 It is alright to park on a footpath provided somebody is walking on the footpath.
95 You must use your horn while reversing.
96 At a yield sign, give right-of-way only if there is traffic on the other road.
97 It is not illegal to park on pedestrian cross walks.
98 You must use your horn only when a violation is being committed and at no other time.
99 Light decoration (specially blinking ones) is addition to those required under law is
desirable visibility at night time.
100 It is absolutely essential for public transport vehicle while crossing at rail track to stop
and listen before crossing the rail tracks.


1 26 E 51 76
2 27 E 52 77
3 28 E 53 78
4 29 E 54 79
5 30 E 55 80
6   FALSE 31 TRUE   56 TRUE   81   FALSE
7 32 E 57 82
8 33 E 58 83
9   FALSE 34 TRUE   59   FALSE 84 TRUE  
10 35 E 60 85
11 36 E 61 86
12 TRUE   37 TRUE   62   FALSE 87   FALSE
13 38 E 63 88
14   FALSE 39 TRUE   64   FALSE 89   FALSE

15   FALSE 40 TRUE   65   FALSE 90 TRUE  

16 TRUE   41 TRUE   66   FALSE 91   FALSE

17 42 E 67 92
18 43 E 68 93
19   FALSE 44 TRUE   69   FALSE 94   FALSE


20 45 E 70 95
21 TRUE   46 TRUE   71   FALSE 96   FALSE
22 47 E 72 97
23   FALSE 48 TRUE   73     98 TRUE  
24 49 E 74 99
25 50 E 75 100

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