Bahasa Inggris Class: XII MIPA 5

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Bahasa inggris

Class : XII MIPA 5

Group 6

1. Chris aurel Amanda

2. Kemas m amzah
3. Meta lestari
4. Raihan syafri a
5. Rina novitasari

How To Make Pempek

Pempek or empek-empek is a savoury fishcake delicacy from palembang, indonesia.

Let’s make delicious pempek by following this easy recipe!

 Ingredients
for the pempek :
 1 kg sago flour
 500 gr wheat flour
 200 grams of anchovies that have been mashed
 1 cup of boil water
 1 teaspoon of salt
 Flavoring to taste
 Cokking oil

 Tools
1. Stove
2. The pot
3. A container
4. Pan
5. Spoon
6. filter

 steps
Make a pempek :
1. First, pour the flour in a container and mix with hot water little by little.
2. Combine the finely ground anchocy, salt and flavorings to taste.
3. Then, shape the dough using your hand, make any shapes (you can make it long) and
sprinkle a little flour to keep the pempek from sticking.after taht, dip the pempek to
the hot boilling water in the pot.
4. Lastly, boil it until it floats, take and dry it.
5. Then, prepare a frying pan pour cooking oil, wait until the oil is hot.
6. Then put the pempek in the hot oil one by one.
7. Remove when the pempek is cooked and ready to eat.

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