Lab-2 Networking Basics: What Is A Network?
Lab-2 Networking Basics: What Is A Network?
Lab-2 Networking Basics: What Is A Network?
Networking Basics
What is a network?
A computer network can be described as a system of interconnected devices that can
communicate using some common standards (called protocols). These devices communicate
to exchange resources (e.g. files and printers) and services.
In the example above, the two computers are directly connected using a cable. This small
network can be used to exchange data between just these two computers.
What if we want to expand our network? Then we can use a network device, either a switch
or a hub, to connect more than two computers together:
Now all of the devices on the network can communicate with each other.
We’ll talk more about hubs and switches in just a moment. For now, just remember that these
devices serve as a central point to which all of the computers connect to.
OSI & TCP/IP models
OSI model
The OSI model has seven layers, with each layer describing a different function of data
traveling through a network. Here is the graphical representation of these layers:
The layers are usually numbered from the last one, meaning that the Physical layer is
considered to be the first layer. It is useful to remember these layers, since there will certainly
be a couple of questions on the CCNA exam regarding them. Most people learn the
mnemonic „Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away“:
Physical – defines how to move bits from one device to another. It details how cables,
connectors and network interface cards are supposed to work and how to send and
receive bits.
Data Link – encapsulates a packet in a frame. A frame contains a header and a trailer
that enable devices to communicate. A header (most commonly) contains a source
and destination MAC address. A trailer contains the Frame Check Sequence field,
which is used to detect transmission errors. The data link layer has two sublayers:
1. Logical Link Control – used for flow control and error detection.
2. Media Access Control – used for hardware addressing and for
controlling the access method.
It is a common practice to reference a protocol by the layer number or layer name. For
example, HTTPS is referred to as an application (or Layer 7) protocol. Network devices are
also sometimes described according to the OSI layer on which they operate – e.g. a Layer 2
switch or a Layer 7 firewall.
The following table shows which protocols reside on which layer of the OSI model:
TCP/IP model
The TCP/IP model was created in the 1970s by the Defense Advance Research Project
Agency (DARPA) as an open, vendor-neutral, public networking model. Just like the OSI
model, it describes general guidelines for designing and implementing computer protocols. It
consists of four layers: Network Access, Internet, Transport, and Application:
The following picture show the comparison between the TCP/IP model and OSI model:
As you can see from the picture above, the TCP/IP model has fewer layers than the OSI
model. The Application, Presentation, and Session layers of the OSI model are merged into a
single layer in the TCP/IP model. Also, Physical and Data Link layers are called Network
Access layer in the TCP/IP model. Here is a brief description of each layer:
Link – defines the protocols and hardware required to deliver data across a physical
Internet – defines the protocols for the logical transmission of packets over the
Transport – defines protocols for setting up the level of transmission service for
applications. This layer is responsible for reliable transmission of data and the the
error-free delivery of packets.
Application – defines protocols for node-to-node application communication and
provides services to the application software running on a computer.
There are some other differences between these two models, besides the obvious difference in
the number of layers. OSI model prescribes the steps needed to transfer data over a network
and it is very specific in it, defining which protocol is used at each layer and how. The
TCP/IP model is not that specific. It can be said that the OSI model prescribes and TCP/IP
model describes.
Task 1: Verify internet connectivity.
Task 2: use tracert /? Command and display output.
Task 3: write down tracert and tracert host_ip and note output.
Task 4: write down netstat command and explain output in detail.
Solution 1:
Click on Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
Click on Start > Run, type cmd and click on ok.
Use ping command to ping any other system.
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
Solution 4:
Netstat: netstat (network statistics) is a command line diagnostic tool that displays network
connections (both incoming and outgoing), port numbers, connection state and protocol type
etc. It can help find you any malicious or illegitimate connections established with your
machine and also help finding installed rootkits.