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Maxillary Canine
Labial aspect
 The crown of maxillary canine is narrower mesiodistally
than that of maxillary central incisor.

 The incisal aspect has a large cusp with a pointed cusp


 It has two slopes (cusp ridges), the mesial slope being

shorter than the distal slope

 The labial surface is smooth and bulky in the middle

because of the labial ridge
Labial ridge

Distal cusp
ridge Mesial Cusp
Cusp tip Ridge
Labial aspect
Lingual aspect

 The crown and root are narrower lingually

 The cingulum is well developed, large and sometimes

pointed like a cusp

 Occasionally a well developed lingual ridge is seen that

divides the lingual fossa into mesial and distal lingual

 Heavy marginal ridges are associated with well formed

cingulum and fossae
Mesial lingual fossa Cingulum
Distal marginal ridge

Mesial marginal ridge

Distal lingual fossa

Lingual ridge

Lingual aspect
Mesial aspect

 From the mesial aspect canine looks similar but bulkier

than maxillary central incisor

 Maxillary canine is the widest anterior tooth labiolingually

 The cervical line curvature is towards the cusp (incisally)

 The contact area is near the junction of the incisal and

middle third
Mesial aspect
Distal aspect
 Distal surface is very similar to the mesial surface

 The cervical line exhibits less curvature

 The contact are is near the middle third

Distal aspect
Incisal aspect

 The labiolingual dimension is greater than the

mesiodistal dimension

 The cusp tip is labial to the centre of the crown

labiolingually and mesial to the centre mesiodistally

 The labial ridge and the cingulum are very noticeable

from this aspect

Incisal aspect
Root – only one
The root is the longest and strongest of all the teeth in the

The mesial and distal surfaces of the root have

developmental depressions.
Average Dimensions in millimeters
Crown Root Mesiodistal Mesiodistal Labiolingual Labiolingual Curvature of Cervical
Length Length Diameter at Diameter at Diameter at Diameter at Line
Contact Area Cervical Line Crest of Curvature Cervical Line M D

10.0 17.0 7.5 5.5 8.0 7.0 2.5 1.5

Mandibular Canine

Labial aspect

 Mandibular canines are similar to maxillary canines

except that they are slightly narrower mesiodistally

 Mesial outline of the crown is straight and inline with the

mesial outline of the root

 The mesial cusp ridge is smaller than the distal cusp

Lingual aspect
 The lingual surface of the crown is smooth and flat

simulating the surface of mandibular lateral incisor

 Cingulum is less prominent and marginal ridges are less


Mesial and Distal aspects

 These aspects are very similar and the cervical line

curves more on the mesial aspect

 The contact area on mesial aspect is in the incisal third

and a little higher on the distal third
Incisal aspect
 Like maxillary canine the labiolingual dimension is more

than the mesiodistal dimension

 The cusp tip appears inclined in a lingual direction

 The root is shorter by 1 or 2 mm

 The developmental depression is more pronounced on

the lower canine
Labial aspect Lingual aspect

Incisal aspect

Mesial aspect Distal aspect

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