Implementating Multiple Representation-Based Worksheet To Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Implementating Multiple Representation-Based Worksheet To Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Implementating Multiple Representation-Based Worksheet To Develop Critical Thinking Skills
The original language of article is English (v.16, n.1, March 2019, pp.138-155, doi: 10.12973/tused.10271a)
Reference: Abdurrahman, A., Setyaningsih, C.A., & Jalmo, T. (2019). Implementating multiple representation-
based worksheet to develop critical thinking skills. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 16 (1), 138-155.
This study aimed to foster students' critical thinking skills through the use of multiple representation-
based worksheet. Through a quasi-experimental research design (non-equivalent control group design),
the sample of the study consisted of 74 students drawn from a junior high school in North Lampung. This
sample was divided into two groups to assign the experimental and control groups. The experimental
group was exposed to multiple representation-based worksheet, while the control group was instructed
with conventional worksheet The results of independent samples t-test showed that the experimental
group was effective in fostering critical thinking skills (N-Gain = 0,34 --medium category). Furthermore,
the study found the following indicators: providing an elementary clarification (N-Gain = 0,51 --medium
category), building basic support (N-Gain = 0,39 --medium category), inferring (N-Gain = 0,24 --low
category), making advance clarification (N-Gain = 0,46 –medium category), and setting the strategies and
tactics (N-Gain = 0,10 --low category).
The results of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) in 2015 indicated
that 40 out of 72 countries had an average science achievement score, which was lower than
the international average one (493) (OECD, 2015). Similarly, the results of the TIMSS
(Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) in 2015 revealed that 16 out of 53
countries possessed an average science achievement score, which was lower than the
international average one (500) (IEA, 2015). This means that some countries have still
possessed some problems in science learning. The results of the last PISA and TIMSS pointed
a dramatic rank for Indonesia (i.e., 62nd in the PISA and 50th in the TIMMS) (IEA, 2015;
OECD, 2015).
Because the TIMMS and PISA require high-order thinking skills, such as critical thinking
skills, students are expected to make inference properly and provide causal explanations in
various ways. Furthermore students consistently demonstrate advanced scientific thinking
skills, which require to use abstract models and ideas. Students may also propose
experimental designs within the range of personal, local and global contexts (OECD, 2016).
Thus, the TIMMS and PISA include the indicators of critical thinking skills suggested by
Ennis (1985) and contain an elementary clarification, basic support, inference, advance
clarification, strategies and tactics.
Therefore, integrating Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) into learning calls for re-
designing science classes. For example; Casagrand and Semsar (2017) reported that students
significantly performed better at lower-order cognitive skills (LOCS) than higher-order
cognitive skills (HOCS). They showed that a reformed course helped students move from
LOCS to HOCS. Hence, their reformist approach sheds more light on retroactively assessing
how to impact student learning.
Saido et al. (2015) also suggested that the main component of the present reformation in
science education needed to shiftfrom Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) to Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS). However, the growth of low-level thinking is still very dominant at
Indonesian schools, even though the 21st century educational skills need to realize a shift or
change in mindset including such learning processes as virtual/abstract to the real-world
context, a single tool to the multimedia tools, and factual to the critical thinking ability
(Indonesia Ministry of Education & Culture, 2014: 5).
One way to solve this problem is to implement multiple representation-based-student
worksheet. Worksheets are more effective in science teaching than traditional materials
(Özmen & Yildirim, 2005). Futhermore, multiple representation enables science
educators/teachers to display science concepts via verbal, pictorial, graphic, diagram, table, or
mathematical equation simultaneously (Abdurrahman et al., 2011). Thus, students effectively
learn in different informative ways. For this reason, students differently understand the same
concept (NRC, 1996). Atila et al. (2010) addressed that students, who used a certain mode of
representation with the text, had higher academic achievement than those with textual mode
of representation. They suggested that presenting concepts and interrelationships between
them needs to systematically exhibitthem in different forms/modes. For instance; student
worksheets impact the delivery of content by actively engaging students in multiple
representation and enhancing their learning capacities.
Oz and Memis (2018) showed that the use of the multi-modal representations in ‘writing
to learn’ activities improved the students’ scientific critical thinking skills. Students are able
to form representations to show their thoughts by writing and using different modes, i.e.,
diagrams, pictures and images (Hoban & Nielsen, 2012). Representations contain the
interpretation and explanation of a scientific idea or concept by using such modes as
analogies, verbal statements, written texts, diagrams, graphics and simulations (Tang,
Delgado & Moje, 2014). Using multiple representations to display science concepts will make
them more comprehensible. The outputs of science learning require a number of
representations, verbal, images and varied representations, called multiple representations
(Ismet, 2013). Through multiple representations, a common concept or process can be
presented in various forms (i.e., verbal, graphical, and numerical and simultaneous forms)
(Waldrip & Prain, 2013). Structuring the knowledge through multiple representations will
foster student learning (Prain & Waldrip, 2010). Multiple representations facilitate to
understand science and make students aware of their own understanding (Tolppanen et al.,
2013). Multiple representations are an important part of scientific language (Tang, Delgado &
Moje, 2013). Students are required to develop their description abilities in specializing or
learning scientific subjects (Ainsworth, Prain & Tytler, 2011).
140 Journal of Turkish Science Education. 16(1),138-155
Haglund, Jeppsson and Andersson (2012) found that young children’s drawings affected
their reasoning abilities. Children make drawings to figure out related representations of
ideas, reflections, and judgements. Drawings may be seen as a tool to promote reasoning and
communication skills (Haglund, Jeppsson & Andersson, 2012). Reasoning explains the
concepts with models and relationships, makes predictions or draws outcomes supported by
the data (So, 2016). Embedding model representations within ‘writing to learn’ activities
affords students to establish a connection between daily language and science language and
link individual reasoning with construction of scientific knowledge (Günel & Yesildag-
Hasançebi, 2016). Reasoning is one of the most significant components incritical thinking (Oz
& Memis, 2018). In view of Kabatas Memis (2015), knowing and systematically using
multiple representations allow students to learn science. Moreover, Demirbag and Günel
(2014) depicted that students, who studied with multiple representations, had higher science
successes, argumentation skills and writing skills in comparison to the control group. The
effective use of multiple representations provides invaluable resources in thinking and
learning processes as well as promoting cognitive diversty (Günel & Yesildag-Hasançebi,
Energy, which is widely seen as a cross-cutting core concept, has enormous political,
scientific, societal and practical meanings. Because it plays a central role in everyday life
situations, it provides a powerful tool to model, analyze or predict phenomena in all science
disciplines (Podschuweit & Bernholt, 2017). Thus, energy is a cross-cutting core concept
within each science discipline (Chen et al., 2014). A conserved quantity makes energy an
important concept. Being a basic mathematical principle (as a numerical quantity) does not
change what happens. Hence, different attempts (e.g., proposing to differentiate forms,
transfer/transformation, degradation and conservation) need to describe the characteristics of
the ‘energy’ concept in order to make it less abstrac (Podschuweit & Bernholt, 2017). Energy,
as one of the major scientific concepts, has influenced research and policy documents,
although they have possessed different extension and emphasis (National Research Council,
2011). Conceptual change studies have extensively concentrated on students’ conceptions of
energy. Lancor (2014) qualitatively analyzed student-generated analogies using the metaphor
theory to gain how students conceptualized energy in different contexts. Lee and Liu (2010)
re-analyzed the TIMSS items and used the results to postulate five conceptual understanding
levels of energy: activity and work, forms and sources, transition and transformation,
dissipation and conservation. Neumann et al. (2013) who, tried to assess grades 6, 8 and 10
students’ understanding of energy in a cross-sectional study in, reported that only some of
them achieved a deeper understanding of energy conservation. The concept of energy, which
reflects the different characteristics of specifically energy-related phenomena, provides a
specific conceptual framework to interpret, understand and predict these phenomena from a
scientific perspective. In addition, numerous studies revealed that students used different
scaffolds to make sense of these phenomena (Podschuweit & Bernholt, 2017).
Energy is possibly the most important and dominant issue in today's world. Problems
regarding resources and energy depletion have environmental consequences and affect the
global, local, political and economic issues as well as our consuming choices, the health and
welfare of humanity and the natural world (De Waters et al., 201. The use of energy, as a
global environmental issue, results in global warming through CO2 emission, and such other
environmental problems as air pollution, ozone depletion, excessive utilization of forests and
forest destruction, and emission of radioactive substances. These issues call for a sustainable
energy future with minimal environmental impacts. Earlier researches have shown that if
humans continue degrading the environment, the future will negatively be affected. Increases
inglobalized population and economic development will globally trigger the demand(s) for
Abdurrahman, A., Setyaningsih, C.A., & Jalmo, T. (2019). Implementating Multiple ... 141
energy services and natural resources. In this direction, one solution to impede energy
shortage is to use renewable energy sources (Omer, 2007).
The renewable energy sources are extremely attractive for European and international
educational systems (Anwar, Favier & Rasolomampionona, 2012). Education for energy
issues should help students cope with the energy needs fort he present and future, which have
social, economic and environmental dimensions. Adapting renewable energy advancements
into secondary education systemshas been of interest in the USA (Champion et al., 2014),
Northern Europe (Kandpal & Broman, 2014), Central Europe (Stebila et al., 2014), South-
Eastern Europe (Balouktsis & Kekkeris, 2013) and Asia (Ibrahim & Hilme, 2007) since the
last 15 years.
Environmental education for energy is a dominant parameter to establish a sustainable
society. This education should be based on technological innovations and social
improvements (Ntona et al., 2015). The advent of modern civilization and continuously
growing human population constantly increase the energy demand(s) for livelihood and
recreational purpose (Singh et al., 2013). The educational process has attempted to realize
how to accomplish a more sensible use of energy. Students’ knowledge and comprehension of
the ‘energy’ concept allow them to convey their knowledge to their family in order to achieve
energy conservation and saving in their daily lives. An educational approach on energy issues
will enable students to obtain a profound view of the problem. Consequently, students will act
as the agents to encourage all members in society to participate in societal decision-making
procedures (Dias, Mattos & Balestieri, 2004).
In addition, energy education should have impacts on attitudes, values, decisions and
actions. The cognitive level and educational information we receive affect our actions and
abilities to process this kind of information. In particular, education for renewable energy
resources should globally educate people. That is, education should intend to: (a) make
students awareness of energy crises and their reasons, (b) inform them about different types of
renewable energy resources, their potential sources and relevant technologies, (c) undertake
an action to suggest solutions and alternative strategies for resolving future energy crises, and
(d) develop positive attitudes and values toward energy resources (Karatepe et al., 2012). The
level of education, energy practices, behavior, and individual responsibility are related to
decisions and choices of renewable or non-renewable energy recourses and directly impact
the environmen (Olugbenga, 2010).
Students should be equipped with critical thinking skills, which are indispensable to
compete in 21st century life. Because nowadays people easily access to any information
through the internet, critical thinking skills make people good decision makers. For this
reason, these skills are very important to succeed in the 21st century (Susilowati, Sajidan, &
Ramli, 2017). The ability to evaluate and decide any information requires critical thinking
skills (Potter, 2010).
Kurnaz and Arslan (2014) implied that the use of the multiple representations effectively
improved students’ understanding of the concept of energy. Further, Astuti (2013) suggested
that the use of materials with multiple representations effectively developed students’
understanding of concepts and problem solving skills in learning physics. Abdurrahman
(2010), who portrayed quantum physics learning through multiple representations, stated that
physics student teachers significantly acquired the mastery of concepts, generic science skills,
and disposition of critical thinking.
This study aimed to implement multiple representations-embedded within student
worksheet to foster their critical thinking skills of the theme ‘role of energy in life.’
Researcher chose the theme because students have difficulties in comprehending the ‘energy’
concept (Hirça et al., 2008). Even though the ‘energy’ concept is taught at primary and
secondary schools, students often have deficiencies at building a scientific understanding of
142 Journal of Turkish Science Education. 16(1),138-155
the concept (Won et al., 2017). Since the term ‘energy’ is frequently used in everyday
language, such as “saving energy” or “losing energy” or “feeling energetic,” students hold
various intuitive conceptions that may or may not be aligned with the scientific understanding
of the concept. Duit (2014) reported that students tended to use everyday language to explain
their understanding of energy instead of scientific terms or definitions. Further, he reported
that although they usually did not grasp scientifically the concept, only a small number of
high school students understood the concepts of energy conservation and energy degradation.
There are various approaches to teach the ‘energy’ concept, such as the ability to do work or
causal changes, or a substance-like quantity. Duit (2014) concluded that educators and
education researchers needed to systematically unfold and differentiate students’ ideas to
build a better understanding of the concept.
Unfortunately, Çakirlar and Turan (2014) found that renewable energy sources were not
integrated into the curricula and syllabi of various educational institutions from primary
school to higher education. On the other hand, students, who want to study in a renewable
energy department, do not need literature-mathematics scores, but they need mathematics-
science scores in the university entrance exam. Since mathematics-science courses in
secondary schools will increase these students’ awareness of the renewable energy sources,
renewable energy courses play a significant role in students’ job choices (Çakirlar & Turan,
In particular, education for renewable energy at earlier ages will contribute to raise
experts, who know the advantages and disadvantages of the use of natural resources. Hence,
these experts will make a contribution to the economy of the country (Emodi & Ebele, 2016).
European countries, where renewable energy sources are commonly used, pay more attention
to education for renewable energy sources. For example; even though the curricula in
Germany change from one state to another, all curricula cover the ‘renewable energy sources’
topic starting from primary school (Çakirlar & Turan, 2014). Starting education for the
renewable energy in early grades will not only contribute to raise the number of students, who
want to be experts in the future, but also enhances conscious consumers, who have a positive
attitude towards the subject and contribute to the developments in the field. For example,
Curry et al. (2005), who studied with 1,000 English participants, identified that the
participants with a high level of knowledge about renewable energy had a positive attitude
towards the environment.
Çakirlar and Turan (2014), who investigated relevant curricula in various class levels and
lessons in terms of renewable energy sources, found them inadequate. In addition, because
Turkey, which has a rich potential in terms of renewable energy sources, development and
enrichment of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, further research and development
should be undertaken (Çakirlar & Turan, 2017: 17).
Energy and its usage constitute one of the most important environmental issues nowadays
that substantially affect economic, and social development as well as qualified life in all
countries. The risks of climate change and environmental degradation are real with the
globalized developmental process and human intervention(s) in dictating the nature of
environmental problems. Education for energy issues should help students cope with the
present and future energy needs by adopting appropriate attitudes, lifestyle practices and
behaviors into science classe (Ntona et al., 2015).
Because environmental problems are associated with energy-related factors, energy and
environment are interrelated concepts. Education plays an important role in understanding the
relationship between these concepts (Ntona et al., 2015).
Abdurrahman, A., Setyaningsih, C.A., & Jalmo, T. (2019). Implementating Multiple ... 143
a) Research Design
This research used a quasi-experimental research method with nonequivalent control
groupdesign, which involves the use of an intervention without randomly assigning
participants to experimental and control groups (Cresswell, 2008).
b) Sample
The population of this research were 7th grade students in Junior High School 7
Kotabumi, North of Lampung, Indonesia at the spring semester of the 2016-2017 academic
year. The sample of the current study was selected from 7th grade students using cluster
random sampling technique.
c) Instrument
A 20-item critical thinking skills instrument was developed to measure students' critical
thinking skills (i.e., providing an elementary clarification, building basic support, inferring,
making advance clarification, and setting the strategies and tactics). The researchers
developed the critical thinking skills instrument given the aforementioned indicators, and
related studies. An expert checked the content validity of the instrument and ensured that only
17 of them was valid and feasible items. The instrument was administered as a pretest before
the teaching intervention. The same instrument was re-administered as a post test after the
teaching intervention. To determine its validity and reliability, the instrument was pilot-tested
with 30 grade 8 students in Junior High School 7 Kotabumi, who had studied the topic ‘role
of energy in life.’
A Pearson correlation test was tested to find how each item is related to with a total of the
instrument score. Using SPSS 17.0TM, valid correlation coefficient was looked for each item>
0.30 (Sugiyono, 2010). The results indicated that 15 items in the instrument had a higher
correlation coefficient validity (Corrected Item-Total Correlation) than 0.30. Also, 2 of them
showed a lower correlation coefficient than 0.30. Thus, this means that 15 validated items
could be used to measure students' critical thinking skills. Then, the researchers tested the
reliability of validated items.
Using SPSS 17.0TM in view of Arikunto’s criteria (2009), the results revealed that
Cronbach Alpha value was found to be 0.745, meaning a high reliability of the instrument.
Overall, this instrument was reliable and valid to test students' critical thinking skills.
X 0
Figure 1. The Experiment Design with One-Shot Case Study
Information: :
X = Treatment (independent variable)
O = Observation (dependent variable)
The number
Rated aspect % Achievements Information
of experts
Conformity of material
content with core 4 100 Very valid
competence (max score = 4)
Conformity of material
content with multiple 4 80 Valid
representation approach (max
score = 5)
Conformity of content with
critical thinking skills (max 3 100 Very valid
score = 3)
Total 11 91,67 Very valid
The pilot study was selected from a Junior High School in Lampung Province, Indonesia
via cluster random sampling technique. That is, one (30 students) of six classes was randomly
involved in the current study. The results of the pilot study suggested some revisions for the
draft student worksheet. The pilot study pointed that learning syntax, social systems, principle
of reaction and student response had a high degree at the implementation of the current study.
The observation indicated that the implementation of learning syntax was time-consuming
because the students did not focus on a predetermined learning plan. Furthermore, the sample
Abdurrahman, A., Setyaningsih, C.A., & Jalmo, T. (2019). Implementating Multiple ... 145
of the current study was randomly selected without grouping them with their own learning
e) Procedure
Through cluster random sampling, this study selected the sample from two classes in
Junior High School, North of Lampung, Indonesia at the spring semester of the 2016/2017
academic year. The population of this research were 7th grade students. The sample of the
study was selected two of six classes (each class included 37 students). One of the classes was
assigned to an experimental class (7th grade A), while the other was devoted to the control
class (7th grade B). The experiment group was instructed with multiple representations-based-
student worksheet, whilst the control group was taught with a conventional worksheet.
Treatments lasting three weeks were carried out by two similar experienced teachers. Within a
quasi experimental research method with non-equivalent control group design, two groups
took pretest before the treatment, and then were exposed to the treatment. After the treatment,
the posttest was re-administered to comparethe experimental and control groups’ results with
each other (Sugiyono, 2010). The experimental research design used is as follows:
f) Data analysis
Test of gain normalized (N-gain) (see the following formula) was used to determine any
improvement in the students’ critical thinking skills before and after the treatment (Hake,
(%<posttest> – %<pretest>)
<g> = (100 – %<pretest>)
<g> = average normalized gain
% <posttest> = posttest class percentage averages
%<pretest> = pretest class percentage averages
Table 3. Criteria for N-gain values
N-gain Criteria
g < 0,3 Low
0,7 > g > 0,3 Medium
g > 0,7 High
146 Journal of Turkish Science Education. 16(1),138-155
Hypothesis was tested throughout mean difference between the experimental and control
groups after normality and equality tests of two variance (homogeneity) were conducted with
SPSS 17.0TM. The normality test serves to determine normality of the data and decide further
tests/statistics (i.e., parametric or non-parametric statistics).
The data normality test was performed on pretest, posttest, and N-gain data of the
experimental and control classes using Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test (see Table 4).
0,263 0,091 0,645
0,357 0,189 0,344
The results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test indicated a normal distribution for the
current study at .05 (2-tailed significance). Then, homogeneity tests were performed to obtain
the assumption that the study sample originated from the same or homogeneous conditions.
Homogeneity tests were implemented with Levene’s test at .05 (2-tailed significance) (see
Table 5).
This result indicated that there was no difference in variance between the experimental
and control classes. Thus, the results of the normality and homogeneity tests pointed that an
independent samples t-test was appropriate for the current study. Using SPSS 17.0TM, the
independent samples t-test determined how the treatment was effective at evolving students'
critical thinking skills and whether there was any significant difference between the
experimental and control classes’ N-Gain values.
The result showed that there was no significant difference between the experimental and
control groups’ critical thinking skills (p = 0,090). After the treatment, the results of N-Gain
values showed significantly difference between the groups (p = 0,015). Thus, the
experimental group’s growth of critical thinking skills was higher than that of the control
group. As seen from Table 6, the N-gain value of the experimental class had an average of
0,34, indicating significant differences between students' critical thinking skills from the
pretest to the posttest with medium criteria.
Abdurrahman, A., Setyaningsih, C.A., & Jalmo, T. (2019). Implementating Multiple ... 147
18,74 ± 11,63 51,17 ± 19,07 0,34 ± 0,18 Medium
Control 20,90 ± 11,67 33,96 ± 10,42 0,15 ± 0,13 Low
Also, the N-gain value of the control class had an average of 0,15, showing an increase in
the critical thinking skills. However, the control class’ critical thinking skills were lower than
those of the the experimental class. The results revealed a significant difference between the
experimental (multiple representation-based-student worksheet) and control (conventional
student worksheet) groups’ N-gain values of the critical thinking skills (see Figure 3).
As observed in Figure 3, the elementary clarification, as an indicator of the critical
thinking skills, was the highest N-gain value for both the experimental and control classes.
While the ‘strategies and tactics’ indicator of the critical thinking skills was the lowest N-gain
value for the experimental class, the control class did the lowest one in the ‘inferring’
0,60 Experiment
0,51 class
0,50 0,46 Control class
0,40 0,39
0,30 0,24
0,20 0,19
0,10 0,10
0,10 0,03
Figure 3. N-gain values of the Experimental and Control Groups' Critical Thinking Skills for
Each Indicator
A = elementary clarification
B = basic support
C = inferring
D = advance clarification
E = strategies and tactics
In the testing phase, the students were very enthusiastic to use the student worksheet.
Thereby, their interactions with the student worksheet were good. They were able to change
148 Journal of Turkish Science Education. 16(1),138-155
the form ‘verbal representation’ (words to definite) with another representational form ‘visual
representation’ (images on worksheet I in Figure 4a). In addition, they were also able to shift
the representation numbers or data of the experimental results to graphical representations,
words into formulas or formulas (see sample student answers to the student worksheet I in
Figure 4b).
gain value indicated that the use of the multiple representation-based-student worksheet was
very helpful for them in science learning, especially on the role of energy in life. The student
worksheet with various representations facilitated their understanding and visualization of the
learning materials. In addition, the use of the student worksheet made student learning more
interesting and funny.
Figure 5. Some examples for the Student Answers with Graphical Representation
The results of the student with medium N-gain value showed that the use of the multiple
representation-based-student worksheet helped their understanding of the learning materials
involving many practical questions and experiments. In addition, they expressed that they
preferred learning with various representations to only textual learning. Hence, learning with
various representations would not be boring and simplify their learning. The results of the
students with low N-gain value pointed that the use of the multiple representation-based
student worksheet helped to student learning. Otherwise, the others stated that they found the
use of graphs, diagrams, and images in the student worksheet difficult to understand.
Furthermore, the results of the students' responses to the critical thinking skills test and
interviews showed that many students had difficulties in answering the graphical
representation questions. Some of them are presented in Figure 5.
text, and gesture) in their classrooms (Tsui & Treagust, 2003). Thus, it can be concluded that
the use of multiple representation-based-student worksheet effectively improved the students'
critical thinking skills and had a potential to meet the HOTS questions in the TIMSS and
PISA. This resultis in a harmony with Treagust’s (2010) statement showing that students need
to develop a strong understanding of different representational forms about how to use and
represent the concept of science. This has implications for students to understand or explain
science concepts via their cognitive and representational resources (Prain & Tytler, 2013).
As seen inFigure 3, the experimental group showed the highest achievement for the
indicator “elementary clarification” of the critical thinking skills. This may come from the use
of certain symbols or representations into the student worksheet, which helped the students
give a simple explanation of the energy concept clearly. This is consistent with the results of
Prain and Tytler (2012) addressing that the use of materials and specific symbolic tools
provide special abilities for students (i.e., building representations, and making claims about
science topics or processes). Similarly, macroscopic–submicroscopic–symbolic forms of
multiple representation method enhance students’ mental models and effectively facilitated
their learning of chemical reactions (Sunyono, 2015).
The indicator “advanced clarification” was also a very influential factor in increasing N-
gain after providing the indicator “a simple explanation.” This may result from integrating
multiple representations (images, words, and charts) into the student worksheet. This supports
Ismet’s (2013) statement claiming that using various representations (multiple
representations) to describe a science concept makes science learning clearer.
The use of the student worksheet with various representations (especially, drawings,
graphs, and diagrams) not only built the students' basic skills in understanding, creating, and
using such representations and increased N-gain values in the indicators. Morrison and
Watson (2010) explain that such representations as graphs, diagrams, and animations, have
the ability to reinforce students' understanding of sciences. Further, they not only represent an
abstract science concept but also play a significant role in their memories.
The results of the study showed a lower N-gain value for the indicator “make inference
(inferring)” than previous indicators. This may stem from students’ difficulties in determining
representation-based-generalizations, especially graphical representations and diagrams.
Therefore, the students may have developed a strong understanding of how to use and
represent the science conceptsinstead of relying on particular representations on a topic
(Tytler et al., 2007).
The indicator “set the strategies and tactics” had the lowest N-gain value. However,
Dahar (1986), who included seventh grade junior high school students , depicted that the
students in the formal operational stage were able to formulate many alternative hypotheses in
responding the problem, but they did not have the ability to accept or reject the hypothesis.
Thus, the students at this stage may still have difficulty in selecting the criteria to make a
decision for the solution. Therefore, an increase in the indicator “set strategy and tactics” of
the critical thinking skills showed good results. This advocates Ristiasari’s (2012) result
reporting that the ability to provide an elementary clarification had the highest percentage for
the experimental class (exposed to mind mapping) before and after the treatment. However,
their abilities of the “set strategies and tactics” indicator were the lowest percentages for the
experimental and control groups.
As can be seen from Figure 4, the picture (a) showed that the students started to learn the
use of multiple representation, although some of them sawthe package book as a changing
representation form from words to image. The picture (b) indicated that the students began to
confuse how to change the form of data representation into a graph. After the treatment, the
students tried to make a graph corresponding to the obtained data, but some of students were
unable to create a graph matching the expected one. The Figure (c) showed that the students
Abdurrahman, A., Setyaningsih, C.A., & Jalmo, T. (2019). Implementating Multiple ... 151
were able to change the form of representational words into formulas given the teacher’s
The results of the interviews also revealed that the use of the multiple representations
greatly helped the students to visualize abstract material(s). This supports Eilam and Poyas’
(2010) result stating that science educators recognize the visualization and learning with
representation as a meaning to improve the understanding of science. Thus, the findings show
that teachers’ approaches to choose, use and perform multiple representation(s) act as a key to
develop students' representational competencies and conceptual understanding of complex
scientific concepts (Hilton & Nichols, 2011).
The results of the interviews pointed that all students (with high, medium, and low N-
gain values) preferred the representations of images and words, and viewed a mixture of
words and images as a simultaneously reading without boring. They also expressed that using
pictorial representations accompanied by an explanation was more funny, because such a
procedure made problem-solving easier. Mayer (2003) addresses that by merging the pictures
with words, teachers can foster students’ deeper learning. Indeed, this is normal since
scientific ideas cannot be separated from their representations (Tytler et al., 2006).
The results of the current study showed that many students had difficulties answering the
questions with the graphical representation. This supports the results of Meltzer (2005)
providing four questions in four representational forms (i.e., verbal, diagrams,
mathematical/symbolic, and graphics). The results showed that the students had slightly
higher error rates in the graphical questions than the other representations. As observed in
Figure 5, three students with different N-gain values were unable to determine the appropriate
graph. Further, their answers were quite different from the charts requested on the matter.
This means that the students had difficulties in using the graphical representation(s).
The results of the interviews also indicated that the students were unfamiliar with the
graphical representation as compared with the other representations. This is in accordance
with Ainsworth and Labeke’s (2004) statement depicting that the familiar concrete
representations (i.e., simple animations,I and simulations) support the interpretation of
complex and unfamiliar graphical representations. Most of the students stated that they did
not understand about the graphical representation, but they liked the experimental and
practical activities. This is in a parallel with Ainsworth et al.’s (2002) explanation about the
role of the simulation environment on the concrete representation. Hence, the simulation
environment helps students interpret unfamiliar or abstract representations (Ainsworth et al.,
This study showed that student active engagement with multiple representation-based-
student worksheet positively improved their learning performances of the ‘energy’ concept.
Exploring various representational modes in the student worksheet not only enabled the
students to experience a meaningful learning and understanding of the ‘energy’ concept and
energy-related concepts, but also resulted in significant conceptual changes. In light of the
results, it can be concluded that the multiple representation-based-student worksheet
effectively improved their critical thinking skills of the theme “the role of energy in life”.
Furthermore, it can be deduced that the students were good at the indicator “an elementary
clarification” and bad at the indicator “managing strategies and tactics”. Moreover, the
students tended to consider a combination of images and words as an easy representational
form, although they were less familiar with the graphical representation.
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