Maturity-Survival Claim Form
Maturity-Survival Claim Form
Maturity-Survival Claim Form
Date of Acceptance :
v vi Premia Frequency (Monthly/Quarterly etc):
Date of Survival Benefit Due : Date of Maturity :
vii (dd/mm/yyyyy) OR (dd/mm/yyyyy)
(AEA Policy)
4. Communication Address :
Address :
District : State :
4. Documents of Credit /Premium Receipt Book (D.O.C. if Pay policy or Premium Receipt Book if Cash Policy and all the paid
5. Loan Receipt Book (if outstanding loan amount as mentioned in Intimation letter and Loan Receipt book differs)
6. Cancelled Cheque of Insurant Bank Account for Bank Mandate or self attested copy of POSB passbook
7. Self-Attested Copy of ID proof of Messenger (if messenger appointed by Insurant for submission of Maturity claim form)
8. Self-Attested Copy of Address proof of Messenger (if messenger appointed by Insurant for submission of Maturity claim form)
self-attested copy of passport clearly showing visa details and date of departure from India In case messenger is appointed
Date : ______________
Appointment of Messenger
(Required only if Maturity/Survival claim form is being submitted through Messenger)
I hereby declare that I …………………………………………(insurant name), am unable to visit post office, being medically unfit
or outside India, for submission of Maturity/survival benefit claim form. I hereby appoint Shri/Smt./Ms.
…………………………………………. (name of messenger), whose signature is given below, as a messenger for submission of my
maturity/survival benefit claim form along with necessary documents.
Maturity/Survival Benefit Claim Form for Policy No.___________________________with Service Request No.________________
received on …………………along with following documents:
Documents Enclosed: Yes/No/ NA(Not Applicable)
6. Cancelled Cheque of Insurant Bank Account for Bank Mandate or self attested copy of POSB passbook