Data Load Into PETREL
Data Load Into PETREL
Data Load Into PETREL
Task Fronterra Geoscience developed a workflow The templates presented in the illustrations below
to facilitate the direct access of Borehole Image are suggestions and may be fully customized if
(BHI) log analysis results in PETREL, the widely requested by the customer.
used reservoir modeling software. This enables
quick accessibility of well log data and provides a
useful suite of analysis and modeling tools to
customize interpretations and/or fully integrate BHI
data into the reservoir modeling process.
Data Reorganization
Aberdeen Abu Dhabi Bogota Cairo Denver Houston Midland Oklahoma City Perth Tulsa Vienna
data sets provide maximum flexibility in data Summary
analysis and visualization whereas lumped data
sets facilitate standardized visualization and field With the BHI log analysis import into PETREL, dip
statistics. vectors and image lithofacies can be directly
accessed by geoscientists and engineers in the
The imported "Point Well Data" sets of the different
same reservoir modeling solution. The easy
dip vector groups (e.g. fractures, faults) are finally
integration of BHI data into the daily analysis and/or
listed under "Global well logs" in PETREL's "Input"
modeling workflows of exploration and production
panel (see figure below). The image based
data add valuable information to improve reservoir
lithofacies logs are stored for each well separately,
management decision making.
but linked to the "Global well logs" folder, too.