Coroner's Report: Andre Hill

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gam ee Franklin County Forensic Science Center Office of the Coroner Anahi M. Ortiz, M.D. 2090 Frank Road Columbus, Ohio 43223 Coroner's Report: Finding of Facts and Verdict In compliance withthe Ohio Revised Code, Chapier 313, the Coroner's Report and Findings of Fact and Verdict are supplied Case No: LAB-20.5648 Cas mime ‘iat Nid Dateof Death | Time of Death | Pronounced By Ui, Ande Maes vaaramo | oan De Mathew Dison Desde Aan Cwner a Succ) oy sae ip Cots on 219 Dac orminn [age Canter me ‘Weigt Hair Cotor Bye Cor osaa973 arven | At amescan ais {shaved Gay Failiy orhddros of Death Pace of Death Reside Methodist Hospital, 3535 Olentangy Rive Road Hosta or Sine on Colas on ne Naoki Phone aon Kai Hi ala Dar aol Kin Ades Tae cw Zp tana ow ss230 Funeral Home Marlan Gary Funeral Home Decedent Hill, Andre’ Maurice Case Number Page 9] LAB-20-5648, Tmmediace Cause “Multiple Gunshot Wounds CAUSE AND MANNER OF DEATH Ti Secs-Mins ‘Other Manner Homicide Date Examined 12242020 Autopsy Yes ‘Time Examined 0800 hrs Na Elaine Amoresano, MD. Elaine Amoresano, MD. ‘Title and Address of Person Who Completed Cause of Death Seieralina case owe ‘Name, Title and Address of Person Who Performed Examination SiGe eumidie Gir) Tavestigating Ageney Bureau of Criminal Investigation Phone (740) 837-5076 Date of injury Time of tary Injury at Work? 1ai22/2020 tnknown Adress OF jury Place of injury hapa seas, Residence city State tip Columbus on 221 How Injury Occurred Shot by another individual(s) Office of the Coroner Bi 2D Franklin County Forensic Science Center Anahi M. Ortiz, M.D. 2) e a 2090 Frank Road Columbus, Ohio 43223 Toxicology Report Division of Toxicology Daniel D. Baker, Chief Toxicologist Andre’ Hill Case # LAB-20-5648 Date report completed: February 2, 2021 A systematic toxicological analysis has been performed and the following agents were detected Postmortem Blood: Gray Top Femoral ELISA Screen Acetaminophen Not Detected BLISA Screen Benzodiazepines Not Detected ELISA Screen Benzoyleegonine Not Detected ELISA Sereen ‘Cannabinoids ‘See Confirmation ELISA Sercen Fentanyl Not Detected ELISA Screen Methamphetamine Not Detected ELISA Sereen Opiates Not Detected ELISA Screen Oxycodone/Oxymorphone Not Detected ELISA Screen Salicylates Not Detected GcrID Ethanol 0.013 2% cms Acidie/Neutral Drugs None Detected ccs Nicotine Positive cms Cotinine Positive Page 1 of 4 Andre’ Hill Case # LAB-20-5648 Reference Lab Delta-9-THC 2.4 ng/ml Reference Lab 11-Hydroxy-Delta-9-THC Not Detected Reference Lab 11-Nor-9-Carboxy-Delta-9-THC 14 ng/mL Vitreous: Red Top Vitreous GCFID Ethanol 0.018 2% Postmortem Urine: Gray Top Urine cor Ethanol oo18 2% ccs Cotinine Positive TRS This report has been verified as accurate and complete by Daniel D, Baker, M.S., F-ABFT [Cannabinoids quantitation in blood performed by NMS Labs, Horsham, PA. Page 2 of 4 Andre’ Hill Case # LAB-20-5648 Postmortem Toxicology Scope of Analysis Franklin County Coroner's Office Division of Toxicology Qaliie Prive ConpeundtCass:Aceanephen (6-10 p/n enmiapic (cf 20 ng Benzene et-f 50 ng), Cannabioids (Curio ng, Fenny! (eat pL). Mehanpearine MDMA cut 50 am), pases (sol 409g), OxjcoumsOxymerphiee (CuO ng), Saas (50 wn, LOMSMS Bld Sess: ‘Aceon LOD=D25 aL) Ace LOD~125 npn} Brepline, Guresemptine [LOD" Ong Busty! (L0D=0.25 api) Caren (LOD=008 npn). Cyhwopyfnanyl LOD-025 wn), Flavwosobuyyienant (LOD-025 nat), Fery/eany| (LOD“025 aya), ene, “Mettoxpacs eta (LOD~025 rp). 3-Metfenayl (LOD=0.25 ap) Mevrazie, Mivagyaine(LOD-S.0 aga), Nalterene(LOD~S nn.) Pheer (L00-025 apm Safest LOD~05 a), Teratpdofrnfenayt (LOD 025 mgm). Topsontnty,U-1700 (LOD=025 el) U-ASHD, Wate (C0025 apm Xylene (LOD-25 aa) ‘ola bv Heda Dl-Calum GCHFAD: ‘Composnde Qari wits Lint f Quastton (LOQ) of 001s Aes, than propa) ad Mehl (Qulaive Compute Aetontie, Bement uate, Carte Caeofrn,Dissrehane, Dehlorrehne, Sysstat, Frmakehye Metin, alates, Ibohuime Methie, May ety eons, rune, 11 2Teralsroctine, Troe. ad Toe Compounds Gumi Sia, Poss, Chard, Gls, Ues Nope, nd Crete, ‘Glucose (eto 200 mp) Kote (of 4 mg, asi ital Drug Sse nL Sell Phas trast 2nd FullScan GEMS: Amirpins (LOD=25 g/m) Ammon LOD=IS75 np), Hetsapt (LOD=62S mg mt), Brann (LOD=125 ng), Busprne (LOD agin) Butabeal(LOD-125 ain}, Causa LOD-250 np), CabisranineLOD€2 Sym) Carpe (LOD-$0 ein) Cstizine(LOD=10 we). [CharperranteLO0=25 ag mL), Cerrmaie(LOD=IO0 apm), isl (LOD-S0 apn), Clamfamine(LOD=50 gi) Cpe (LOD=I8 5 gh) Cocalo (LOD-12 5 pia), Cacaine(LOD-12 Saint), Ceabewspeine(-OD=25 nf, Deane LOD=125 np), Dexometaran(LOD=100 ng), Dilkss(LOD-100 nl), Dipak (LOD-I87S nll), Dept (LODO agin), Danie LOO-S0 apm), Fase (LOD-I87 Sava), ape (LOO=250 apa). tmipraine (LOD=10 op nL, Kaine (LOD=25 nit), Lupine (LOO=S0 apm Mecene (LOOW2S apm) Magen LOL gfe Meprotanate(LOD=S00 mpi Mesalee (LOD-S00 npn}. Methodre(LOD-10 seh) Mey lpenda(LOD-9375 ag, Mitzi (LOD-50 gn} Neromsprarine(LOD=I0) np}, Nedoeepa(LOD=IUU apa.) Nrktaine(LOD=I87 Spm} Otmeypne (LOD=100 apm), Ores (LOD-S0 gin} Parcs (LOD=250 pit) Peseta LOD=125 np), Perey (LOD=25 ng), Pentaine(LOD=128 ng). Penobria(LOD=250| ein) Posten (LOD=250 og), Pande (LOD-SOD ap, ramets (LOD-15 pa, Serle (LOD-SD n/n, Tpit (LOD=S0 asia) “rama (LOD=I25 pm) Tezotaee (LOD aa), Ve (LODI87S ei) Zap (LOD=IOD mg). Adina rage maybe tested por he confi ‘Amn (LOD=25 ng) Amsrpyine(LOD-25 npn), Amioesons, Atoxaine LOD=25 ng), Ante (LOD-0 ign), Atos (LOD-100 gm) Aropne, Anti Bera, deny ppersine(LOD=SO ng) Benson (LOD-SD apm), eomphenaine (LOD=2% ng) Biv, Bupopie(LOD-I23 nym). Bonin sre metab (LOD-50 aga) Baprion wo meabolte(OD=%0 rp), Bupnne(LOD=25 apn} Caio (LOD-I2 5 ap, Cutonyqutpine, Cetesine (LOD-25 nln, Charlie Caardanpotde(LOD-25 agin), -Chbe-2 5 Dinethoyanpbstine,Claegu ‘Chorphevaie (LOD=25 apn), Cryer (LOD-S0 pi) Calo (LOD-S0 np) Cindy, Clamipranine LOD=2S gm) lap, Clsspne (LOD-25 nei), Cocsclene(LOD-125 apn), Cocaine (LOD-25 npn). Code (LOD=25 aga), Cone, Cyelsenaprie(LOD=125 aa Dapns, Deocesitizen, Dsl tusz, Desi tdisopyanie, Desfesrouine, Deeb, Dsiraine (LOD ri), Deserta, Deamon L000 9pm. Dearie (Seon enol). Daspum (LOD-25 ag). Digclomie. Dike (LOD hat) Disb aiae (LOD-S0 a), Disopranie, Debasmine, Dnsperi, Dorin (LOD-25 ap Dolan (LOD10 gg EDDP (LOD25 agin, Elsen, Eye (LOQ-50 gin), Eye, oma, Fes, leoazbe, loscne (LOD=2Sngal), Gahan (LODO Spm), Halper (LOD=IOD nym Hy dnyaniighying ydioybapopin (LOD-30 aha) 3yonyevnne. yonyelrogane .yrnychnromscine,Hydeayamadokliydronyive(LOD-130 apn), panne (C0025 spi} Keamie(LOD=80 apn), Lantrigie [LOD" 10 an) Lausasing Levaminle, Lien, Lieelié,Lexapine(LOD=25 np), NAPS (LO0=50 npn). Maplin. new-Chirpenyiperzie, MDA (LOD=S9 in). MDMA (LOD-25 aha) elaine (LOD=<0 ap), MEG, Mera, Meperidine LOD-25 npn), Mthtor(LOD-28 np), Methanghetenine (LOD=S0 nha) Mamaia, Meterosine, Metypheiat(LOD-25 na) Mosatopamie, Meet! (LOD=30 pn) Mewanzoe, Mize (LOD-25 apn), Mig, Modan, N-Dalyttupyraade,N-Derlaetse, Nien. Nreoeyetzne, Nacloazspoide. Nrsialopan Ntclenspaaise(LOD=2 in) Ntlzapiae Nowlzepsn(LOD-25 a) Naat (LOO=?S gin) Neruoeine(LOD=250 npn) Necamine (LOD-25 pm), Nomnepeiie(LOD=25 npn), Nomitazpae,Norromsurins, Neneopexspbee(LOD-25 ein), Nese, NNoreyeldberzapine, NNorraad, Norrie (LOD=25 ni Nowelaaxine(LOD=10) npn) Norerpeal(LOD=25 gat), (Otansapne (LOD-25 apn} Ondemacton,O-Nertanael,Orpenusne(L0D~25 ng), Ory, Passi (LOD=25 nginL),Pentzcine(LOD-25 nga) Poneto, Pentloe, Pansy (LOD~2 gm), Poendnetsie(LOD"S a) Phelanie, Peewnine(LOD-IS nga, Phenstcine(LOD-23 gin) Poetics Prenarite (LOD-25 ai), Phen opanlamie(LOD-SD mpm) FMA, rchomeasine,PraetarneLOD=S0 em) Proxy (LOD-25 mpm), Paenoepbedeie pedis (LOD~200 nan), Preaernsipha-PVP, Quinine (LODO ng) Rann, Saline (LOD=S0 ng) Stina, Terie, Tvitizie(LOD-S0 apm), Theda meal, Tend, Terma (LOD-25 np), Tasleypemne(LOD=SD ap, Trade (LOD-TS apn). Tomine. Tikesypeid| (LOD-25 wa) Trinctopm, Tigris (LOD-S0 gp) pene yamine, Veslaixin (LOD-2S w/e). ‘entice mbolio, Vp (LOD-S) nL) Zlpden(LOD=IOD api. Aion ra ay be dated an pared when contin, Page 3 of 4 Andre’ Hill Case # =LAB-20-5648 AcidNeutal Drag a ion Soli Phase Esstason and Fal Scan GCS: ‘Aneta eal (LOD-050 ym), cara, Caine, Catsapol (LOD. yn.) Caanzipie (LOD-20 ppm, Ctbamapce 1,1-soxe Crbupral(LOD-LO wpm), Calerxazne, DEE Ere ly eronyoxcatarspine, Mepobans(LOD=0 2) lesan. Cats, Lente Motsaloe(LOD=10 pera), Mtocabama(LOD-30 yz), ncirtrmie, anbattl(LOD".D yp) Pete, Pemba (LOD=1.0 yp), hema Pheryom (LOD=1 9 pg) Pinon (LOD=10 gmt), Popa Seesbutiel, Thephiine(LOD~{0 yl), Topeemate(LOD-20 wy). Aippazoe (L025 npmnL. Bupropion (LOQ"25 ng) Kyoxybopion (LO=2 egal). Copan (LOO=25 gpa). Delete (LOQHI2S apa) Fete (€OQ-25 mgmt Halper (LOQ-12 5 ap, Larios (LOQ"I2 5am) Mirazeite(LOQ>125 nL) Olseapine(LOQ-12 Sega) Palprdos-ydoeyrpeidns(LOQ-125 pn), Prexcine(LOQ-12.5 nga) Quesapns (LOQ=25 wml) Raspedone (LOQ=123 aa) Sealine (LOQ-2S pit Trandate (LOOW25 ng), Velie (LOO-25 aga} O-Desmet etna (00-25 rg) ‘Henutzenne ConfrmationyOuanttation by GCIMS-SIM ‘Apron (LOQ-10 pl). Classy (LOO gl) 7-Anioctenaspam LOQ-I0 apm), Cea (LOQ=20 apa), Ds LOQ-2 agi) Nontaepr (LOQ=20 mpm, Temazam (LO-20 an, Ozzy (LOQ-2 api), Delzsar (L000 nL, Delerzepa (L080 nL, Desalyrazepr(LOQ-I0 gL Ezolm (LOQ-£0 rl}. Flnlprazlam (LO-5.0 ep} Faromszolan(LOO™S mpm, lnirarsam (LOS nn), ‘mae (LOQ-2 ap), Miz (LOQ=20 np) Tela (LOQ>S0 ag) Bupenepine (LOQ=10 gl), Norbprenaphine LOQ=1 Dat) ‘Cannabis Contrmason Onanitation by LOSS: Deli3-THC (L00=20 npn). 1H hoy-Detn-THC (LOQ-03 npn) 1 -NorCuroxy-De-9-THC(LOO=20 mg ‘Coshne nd Caine Metsoties Con imation Qusnifin by GCIMS-SIM (Cosine (L025 Benzyl gnie(LOQ-2 ln) Metvegunse (LOC aga), Cacti (LOQ-25 wy ‘ental and Nol Opllds Conia’ Quanon CMS, ‘Avenel (LOD"025 ga) Asm! [LOD=.25 ng) Dromphie, Daya LOD=025 npn), Cre (LOD-045 ma) Cyeopop etn (400-125 api Feral LOUD gm | Nafta! (LOQ>LO aml), Fsiabeny enemy (LOD=025 apm) Fumaytears(LOD-025 nal), Ihounitine, Metsxyectlienay(LOD~125 ran) 3-Maty lesan! (LOD=0.25 gal) Menai, Pefetns{LOD-025 ne) Sent (LOG=1.0 ain Terahyaan etn (LOD 02S ra Thpheslanarl 1770 (LODMD25 na L900, Vly enany| (LOD=025 ni Xai (LOQ-S0 twin, Mettadoe(LOO-25 npn). ‘Codie LOO=20 p/n Hydolone(LOO=10 rs), Diticodeie (LOQ-20 gal) Hydomapuce(LOO=0 apa), Meperin(LOO-25 rf. Nomeperiine(LOQ=25 ng © Monosceimompine (hein mete) (LOO an Marpine(LOQ=20 ng.) Neloxone(LOQ=10 mgm, Naleone (COQ-I0 sp Oxyeatne (100-20 mnt) Oryrantne (LOO 10 nm) Petrone (L025 rem). Tepe (L00—25 ni), raid .0Q=25 (eentiyramsde(LOQ-25 ap) ‘Supathominstic Amines Coaienaton Onan bx GCIMS-SIM: ‘Ampbsamine (LOQ=20 ng, Mathnpsanis(LOQ-20 mpm, MDMA (LOQ-20 ram). MDA (LOQ-20 gl) Epdetrine(LOQ-20 ra), reaeptie (Cog=2t rem. ‘Amisipine (00-25 g/n)Clmigrarane 00-25 nyt), Cyeebewpine(LOO-I23 nya) Desramie(LOQ-28 ng). Dosen (LOQ=12 Safa, Imipramine (LOQ>25 gyal), Newlomprmns (LOQ-25 aga), Nerelobnzapein|LOQ>I2 5g} Nosxeyn(LOQ"125 npn NotpotineLOQ-25 api. sCaiveshemoloin Ouantiation by CO-Oxinaty arooyaemogibin (LOQ= 94 stesion). *BY REQUEST ONLY. Reference Laboratory Series: Drag uth tov ope i msi ayhe conto notre aborts on tea by age {ERE Liner Repring Lint = migra pe ier = satcraenpeic range LOD=Lini of Dette pin. ~naograns er iis ‘To Theapeute ange OQ Limit of Quamstion sng ~ mitra per desir TH=Hligh Thempmtic rings (ONS = Quntiy No Suen sao. aliases por ase X= Tox nee 1¢= gam peteon= gran pe 100 miles = rams per der, = Leta Range PLEASE NOTE: Allbolgl spines ror tess tht ware whi Divisio of Toiclgy inthis ae willbe rein tis ahora for pid fone ears hichine hell deste nes oil weasel et ttn wh th cn ou Page 4 of 4 Bi >) Franklin County Forensic Science Center Office of the Coroner a - Anahi M. Ortiz, M.D. yy 2090 Frank Road 7 Columbus, Ohio 43223 Postmortem Examination Report Case Number: LAB-20-5648 Name, gender, age: ‘Andre’ Hill, Male, 47 Years Date of Birth: May 23, 1973 Date and time pronounced: December 22, 2020 @ 0225 hours Date and time of examinatio December 24, 2020 @ 0800 hours Examination Type: Autopsy Examination performed by Flaine Amoresano, M.D. Forensic Pathologist FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSES. 1. Multiple Gunshot Wounds ‘A, Gunshot Wound of the Left Side of the Chest 1. Entrance: left side of the chest; no evidence of close-range discharge of a firearm 2. Injury: skin, sof tissue, ribcage, diaphragm, liver, stomach, pancreas, aorta 3. Recovery: deformed jacketed bullet from the posterior right 1th intercostal space 4, Direction: front to back, left to right, and downward 5. Associated Injury: a, Hemoperitoneum (1900 mL) b. Periaortic soft tissue hematoma c. Gastric leakage 4d. Hemorrhage throughout the wound track B. Gunshot Wound of the Anteromedial Upper Right Thigh 1, Entrance: anteromedial upper right thigh; no evidence of close-range discharge of a firearm 2. Injury skin, soft tissue, and right femur 3. Recovery: deformed jacketed bullet from the soft tissue of the right buttock 4, Direction: front to back, left to right, and upward 5. Associated Injury: hemorthage throughout the wound track C. Through and Through Gunshot Wound of the Anteromedial Lower Right Thigh 1. Entrance: anteromedial lower right thigh; no evidence of close-range discharge ofa firearm 2, Injury: skin and soft tissue 3. Exit: posteromedial lower right thigh; no bullet or bullet fragments recovered 4, Direction: front to back, left to right, and downward 5. Associated Injury: hemorthage throughout the wound track D. Through and Through Gunshot Wound of the Anteromedial Right Leg 1. Entrance: anteromedial right leg; no evidence of close-range discharge ofa firearm 2. Injury: skin and soft tissue 3. Exit: posterior right leg; no bullet or bullet fragments were recovered Autopsy LAB-20-5648 ‘Andre’ Hill Page 2 4, Direction: front to back, left to right, and downward 5. Associated Injury: hemorrhage throughout the wound track 1 Additional Minor Injuries Cause of death: Multiple Gunshot Wounds ‘Manner of death: — Homicide POSTMORTEM EXAMINATION IDENTIFICATION A Franklin County Coroner's Office identification band, inscribed with "John Doe" and "20-5648", encircled the left ankle. Identification was confirmed via fingerprint comparison. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION ‘The body was that of a well-developed, well-nourished, unclad adult. The hands and feet were received bagged; the paper bags were recovered as evidence and transferred to the investigating agency. The body ‘weighed 218 pounds and was approximately 6:2" in length. The reported age was 47 years. The body was cold. Rigor was present to an equal degree in all extremities. Lividity was present and fixed on the posterior surface of the body, except in ateas exposed to pressure. The skin had light-moderate pigmentation. The scalp hair was black-grey and shaved (less than 1/8"). Facial hair consisted of a ‘mustache, goatee, and stubble. The irides appeared grey. The corneae were clear. The sclerae were white with faint mid scleral drying artifact. The conjunctivae were clear. The external auditory canals, extemal nates, and oral cavity were free of foreign material and abnormal secretions. The left earlobe was pierced. The nasal skeleton was palpably intact. The lips were without evident injury. The teeth were natural and were in good condition. The neck organs were midline, The chest was well-formed. The abdomen was slightly rounded and soft on palpation. The external genitalia were those of an adult male without evident ury. The posterior torso was well-formed. The extremities were without absence of digits. A 1/4" wide red-purple hyperemic impression encircled the entire left wrist (approximately 7” in length). A 1/4" wide red-purple impression partially encircled the posterior aspect of the right wrist (approximately 5” in length). The fingernails were intact and short; fingernail clippings were procured as evidence and transferred to the investigating agency. A 4-1/2" linear surgical sear was on the right side of the lower abdomen. Scars were also noted on the left parietal scalp (1"), right antecubital fossa (1/4"), left thigh (1/2"), and left knee (1"), No tattoos were noted. Needle tracks were not observed. EVIDENCE OF THERAPY Defibrillator pads were on the chest and abdomen. A peripheral intravenous catheter was in the right antecubital fossa, covered with a bio-occlusive dressing and a red elastic bandage. An intraosseous catheter was in the right leg. A bloodless fracture of the anterior right rib #2 was identified, consistent with resuscitation efforts. A hospital identification tag, inscribed with "unknown esr" and "5005957125", was found loose in the transport bag. EVIDENCE OF INJURY Autopsy LAB-20-5648 Andre’ Hill Page 3 1. Multiple Gunshot Wounds ‘A. Gunshot Wound of the Left Side of the Chest ‘On the left side of the chest located 2-1/4" below the top of the head and 3-1/2" let ofthe anterior midline was a 1/4" round gunshot wound of entrance (labeled "I" in photographs) with a 1/8" wide concentric marginal abrasion. A circumferential red-purple contusion was present, measuring up to 1/4" wide at the 9 o'clock position. No soot or gunpowder stippling was on the skin surrounding the gunshot ‘wound. The bullet injured skin, soft tissue, anterior left ribs #6-7 and the costal cartilage of the inferior ribcage, anterior eft 6th intercostal space, left hemidiaphragm, left lobe of the liver (3/4" lacerated defect with 2-1/2" and 2" extension lacerations), stomach, pancreas (1" lacerated defect), aorta (I-1/2" lacerated defect just superior to the takeoff ofthe right renal artery), posterior right Ith rib and intercostal space. A deformed jacketed bullet was recovered from the soft tissue of the posterior right 1th intercostal space. ‘The bullet was placed in a labeled evidence box, sealed, and transferred to the investigating agency, With respect to the anatomic position, the bullet traveled front to back, let to right and downward. Associated with the gunshot wound were 1900 mL. of blood in the abdomen and pelvis, periaortic soft tissue hematoma (12 x3"), gastric leakage, and hemorrhage throughout the wound track. B, Gunshot Wound of the Anteromedial Upper Right Thigh On the anteromedial aspect of the upper right thigh located 31-1/2" above the bottom of the right heel was a 1/2.x 1/2" ovoid gunshot wound of entrance (labeled "2" in photographs) with an eccentric marginal abrasion, most prominent at the 5 o'clock position where it measured 1/4". A peripheral red-purple-blue ‘contusion was present from the 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock positions and measured up to 3" wide at the 11 o'clock position. No soot or gunpowder stippling was on the skin surrounding the gunshot wound. The bullet injured skin, soft tissue, and right femur (grazed, chipping off fragment of the lesser trochanter). A deformed jacketed bullet was recovered from the soft tissue of the right buttock. The bullet was placed in a labeled evidence box, sealed, and transferred to the investigating agency. With respect tothe anatomic position, the bullet traveled front to back, left to right, and upward. Associated with the gunshot wound ‘was hemorrhage throughout the wound track. C. Through and Through Gunshot Wound of the Anteromedial Lower Right Thigh On the anteromedial aspect of the lower right thigh located 24-1/4" above the bottom of the right heel was a 38 x 1/4" ovoid gunshot wound of entrance (labeled "3" in photographs) with an eccentric marginal abrasion, most prominent atthe 9 o'clock position where it measured 1/4", A peripheral red-pink contusion ‘was present at the 3 o'clock position where it measured up to 1-1/2" wide, No soot or gunpowder stippling ‘was on the skin surrounding the gunshot wound, The bullet injured skin and soft tissue, On the posteromedial aspect of the lower right thigh located 23-1/4” above the bottom of the right heel was a 1/2 x 1/4" stellate, lacerated gunshot wound of exit (labeled "5" in photographs) with circumferential extension lacerations up to 1/4". A peripheral red-purple contusion was present at the 3 o'clock position where it measured up to 1" wide. No bullet or bullet fragments were recovered, With respect to the anatomic Position, the bullet traveled front to back, left to right, and downward. Associated with the gunshot wound ‘was hemorrhage throughout the wound track. D. Through and Through Gunshot Wound of the Anteromedial Right Leg On the anteromedial aspect of the right leg located 15-3/4" above the bottom of the right heel was a Autopsy LAB-20-5648 Andre’ Hill Page 4 1.4" round gunshot wound of entrance (labeled "4" in photographs) with an eccentric marginal abrasion, ‘most prominent atthe 12 o'clock position where it measured 1/8". No soot or gunpowder stippling was on the skin surrounding the gunshot wound, The bullet injured skin and soft tissue. On the posterior aspect of the right leg located 12-5/8” above the bottom of the right heel was 2 3/8 x 3/8" lacerated gunshot wound of exit (labeled "6" in photographs). No bullet or bullet fragments were recovered. With respect to the anatomic position, the bullet traveled front to back, left to right, and downward, Associated with the gunshot wound was hemorrhage throughout the wound track. IL Additional Minor Injuries Red-brown abrasions were on the right parietal scalp (1/2"), anterior right leg (1/4"), anterior left leg (to, each 1/8"), and posterior let leg (three, each 1/8") INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAVITIES ‘See "Evidence of Injury". The body was opened by the usual thoraco-abdominal incision and the chest plate was removed. Fibrous adhesions were present between the posterior aspect ofthe left lung and the left chest wall, All body organs, except for the appendix, were present in the normal anatomical position. HEAD (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) The scalp was reflected. The calvarium of the skull was removed. The dura mater and falx cerebri were intact, There was no epidural or subdural hemorrhage present. The leptomeninges were thin and delicate. ‘The cerebral hemispheres were symmetrical. The structures at the base of the brain, including cranial nerves and blood vessels, were intact. Coronal sections through the cerebral hemispheres revealed no lesions, Transverse sections through the brainstem and cerebellum were unremarkable. The brain weighed 1550 grams, NECK Examination of the soft tissues of the neck, including strap muscles, thyroid gland, and large vessels, revealed no abnormalities. The hyoid bone and larynx were intact. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM See "Evidence of Injury" The pericardial surfaces were smooth, glistening, and unremarkable; the pericardial sac was free of significant fluid or adhesions. The coronary arteries arose normally and followed aright dominant distribution, The right coronary artery was focally narrowed by nonealcified atherosclerosis (up to 75% luminal stenosis); otherwise, the coronary arteries were widely patent. No thrombosis, plaque hemorrhage, or dissection was noted within the atherosclerotic segment. The chambers and valves exhibited the usual size-position relationship and were unremarkable. The left ventricular free wall measured 1.4 cm, the interventricular septum 1.4 em, the right ventricle 0.4 em in thickness, and the left ventricular cavity 5.7 em in diameter. The myocardium was dark red-brown, firm, and unremarkable; the atrial and ventricular septa were intact. The aorta was injured as described above; otherwise, the aorta and its major branches arose normally, followed the usual course, and were widely patent. The venae cavae ‘and major tributaries retuned to the heart in the usual distribution and were free of thrombi. The heart weighed 530 grams. Autopsy LAB-20-5648 ‘Andee’ Hill Page $ RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ‘The upper airway was clear of debris and foreign material; the mucosal surfaces were smooth, yellow-tan, and unremarkable, Except for where involved by adhesions, the pleural surfaces were smooth, glistening, and exhibited marked anthracotic pigment deposition, The pulmonary parenchyma was red-purple and congested, exuding moderate amounts of bloody fluid; no focal lesions were noted. The pulmonary arteries were normally developed and patent without thrombus or embolus. The right lung weighed 670 grams; the left 650 grams, LIVER & BILIARY SYSTEM Sce "Evidence of Injury”. The uninjured portions of the hepatic capsule were smooth, glistening, and intact, covering tan-brown parenchyma. A 1.8 em, wellemarcated, vascular-appearing lesion was identified in the right lobe of the liver. The gallbladder contained 20 ml. of green-brown, mucoid bile; the mucosa was velvety with few pale-yellow flecks. The extrahepatic biliary tree was patent, without evidence of calculi The liver weighed 1700 grams, ALIMENTARY TRACT See "Evidence of Injury”, The tongue exhibited no evidence of recent injury. The esophagus was lined by agray-white, smooth mucosa, The gastric mucosa was arranged inthe usual rugal folds and the lurnen contained 10 mL of tan-brown fluid (residual), The mesenteric soft tissue and the serosal surfaces of the stall and large bowel were unremarkable. The pancreas was injured as described above; the parenchyma of the tail of the pancreas was pink-tan and lobulated and the duets appeared clear. The appendix was absent GENITOURINARY SYSTEM ‘The renal capsules were smooth, thin, semi-transparent, and stripped with ease from the underlying smooth, tan-brown cortical surfaces. The cortices were pale and sharply delineated from the medullary pyramids, which were red-purple. The right kidney had two 0.8 em well-demarcated, semifirm, yellow cortical nodules and two 0,7 cm simple cortical eysts. The calyces, pelves, and ureters were unremarkable, ‘The urinary bladder contained 10 mL of yellow translucent urine; the mucosa was gray-tan and trabeculated. The testes, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland were without note. The right kidney weighed 190 grams; the left 180 grams. RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM The spleen had a smooth, intact capsule covering red-purple, moderately firm parenchyma; the lymphoid follicles were unremarkable. The spleen weighed 90 grams. The regional lymph nodes appeared normal. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ‘The thyroid and pituitary glands were unremarkable. The left adrenal gland had a 0.7 cm yellow cortical nodule; the right adrenal gland was without note. MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM ‘See "Evidence of Injury", Muscle development was normal. No non-traumatic bone or joint abnormalities were noted. TOXICOLOGY Autopsy LAB-20-5648 ‘Andre’ Hill Toxicology was requested. See separate toxicology report RADIOLOGY A full body Xray was obtained. ADDITIONAL STUDIES SARS-CoV-2 PCR (12/22/2020, OSU Wexner Medical Center Clinical Laboratory): Not Detected Bhan Clinvanan ae 03/24/2021 Elaine Amoresano, M.D., Deputy Coroner Forensic Pathologist Page 6

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