How Much Is Flexibility Worth, McKinsey 1998
How Much Is Flexibility Worth, McKinsey 1998
How Much Is Flexibility Worth, McKinsey 1998
H the net present value calculations proved negative, but the manage-
ment team decided to go ahead anyway? Or been confronted with a
positive NPV project where your intuition warned you not to proceed? Oƒten,
it is not your intuition that is wrong, but your time-honored NPV decision-
making tools.
But there is another way. Managers can use a diƒferent tool: real option value.
When a situation involves great uncertainty and managers need flexibility
to respond, ROV comes into its own. If the decision you face involves low
uncertainty, or you have no scope to change course when you acquire new
information later on, then NPV works fine. If not, you will want to know
more about what real options are and how to value them.
Below, we compare the main decision-making tools and show why traditional
techniques such as NPV, economic profit (EP),* and decision trees are
incomplete, oƒten misleading, and sometimes dead wrong. We also look at
how real options have been used in several practical situations, drawing on
simple examples for illustrative purposes rather than going into the mechanics
of valuing complicated real options.†
≠ Defined as the return on invested capital minus the weighted average cost of capital, multiplied
by the invested capital; sometimes known as economic value added.
≤ For a detailed account of this sort, see L. Trigeorgis, Real Options: Managerial flexibility and
strategy in resource allocation, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1996.
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Sam Blyakher, Cem Inal, Max Michaels,
Yiannos Pierides, and Dan Rosner.
Tom Copeland is a former principal in McKinsey’s New York oƒfice and Phil Keenan is a
consultant in the Cleveland oƒfice. Copyright © 1998 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.
Put simply, “arbitrage-free” means that securities with exactly the same
risk/return profiles should be identically priced. If you can describe the
payouts on one risky security and then build a portfolio of other securities
with exactly the same payout, the price of both must be the same. If the prices
were not identical, arbitrage, or buying the underpriced security and selling
the other, would be possible. This simple idea is at the heart of option pricing.
As yet, option pricing has not been much used in the evaluation of corpo-
rate investments, for three reasons: the idea is relatively new, the mathe-
matics are complex, making the results hard to grasp intuitively, and the
original techniques required the source of uncertainty to be a traded world
commodity such as oil, natural gas, or gold. Recent McKinsey research
has helped to overcome some of these obstacles. We now know how to
value several situations involving real options without using complicated
The first account of a real option is found in the writings of Aristotle. He tells
of how Thales the Melesian, a sophist philosopher, divined from some tea
leaves that there would be a bountiful olive harvest in six months’ time.
Having a little money, he approached the owners of some olive presses and
bought the right to rent their presses at the usual rate. When a record harvest
duly arrived and the growers were clamoring for pressing capacity, he rented
the presses to them at above the market rate, paid the normal rate to their
owners, and kept the diƒference for himself – proving for all time that sophism
is not only an honorable profession, but a profitable one too.
What is the real option in this story? First of all, Thales purchased the right,
but not the obligation, to rent the presses. (He purchased a call option, the
right to buy or rent. The opposite is a put option, the right to sell.) Had the
harvest been poor, he would have chosen not to rent, and lost only his original
small investment, the price of the option.
exercise it. If the market price is lower than the exercise price, then the call is
“out of the money,” and would not be exercised.
The underlying source of uncertainty in the story was the size of the olive
harvest, which aƒfected the market rental value of the presses. As the value of
the underlying variable increases, so does the value of the option. In other
words, the greater the harvest of olives to be pressed, the more valuable
Thales’ option to rent the presses will be.
The value of the option also increases with the level of uncertainty of the
underlying variable. The logic is straightforward. If there is no uncertainty
over the size of the olive harvest, which is known to be normal, then the
market rental value of the presses will also be normal, and Thales’ option
will be worthless. But if the size of the harvest is uncertain, there is a chance
that his option will finish in the money. The greater the uncertainty, the
higher the probability that the option will finish in the money, and the more
valuable the option.
So far we have mentioned three of the five variables that aƒfect the value of
the option. It increases with the value of the underlying variable and with its
uncertainty, and it decreases as the exercise price goes up. The fourth variable
is the time to maturity of the option. Thales purchased his option six months
before the harvest, but it would have been even more valuable two months
earlier, because uncertainty increases with time.
To see why, suppose that Thales has agreed to pay 10 drachmas per hour to
rent the presses, and the market rental price is also 10 drachmas. With only
one second to go before his option expires, it has no value. But with a month
to go, there is a good chance that the market value will rise above 10 drachmas
and the option will finish in the money. Therefore, the longer the time to
maturity, the more valuable an option is.
Finally, the value of the option increases with the time value of money, the
risk-free rate of interest. This is because the present value of the exercise cost
falls as interest rates rise.
Real options can be easy to overlook
One of the problems in learning how to use real options is that we oƒten
don’t know how to recognize them in real-life managerial settings. Here are
two examples.
In the 1960s, life insurance companies were vying to sign up baby boomers for
whole life policies. A feature oƒten included in the policies was the right to
borrow against the cash value of the policy at a fixed rate of interest, say
8 percent. At the time, with interest rates of 3 to 4 percent, this feature didn’t
seem important. But the insurance companies were unwittingly giving away
That option proved extremely valuable when interest rates soared to double
digits in the early 1980s. Suddenly, the baby boomers were able to borrow at
8 percent and invest at 12 percent, while the life companies had to borrow
at rates higher than 8 percent in order to honor their contracts. Many were
threatened with insolvency simply because they had no idea of the value of
the options they gave away.
The financial oƒficers wondered how much these cancellation options were
worth. Analysis revealed that they were worth on average 83 percent of the
value of the engine on narrow-body aircraƒt, and 19 percent on wide-body
aircraƒt (Exhibit 1). The finan-
Exhibit 1
A situation where there are real options involves uncertainty about two things.
One is the future; the other is the ability of management to respond to what
it learns as the picture gradually becomes clearer. If management cannot
respond in a material manner to new developments, the situation represents
a bet, not an option.
But suppose the $100 million investment can be recast as $10 million spent
now on a pilot project and $110 million invested in a year’s time to build the
factory if it still seems like a good idea. Under this scheme, paying the $10
million immediately gives management the option to proceed with the $110
million investment a year from now, provided the pilot produces the right
results. If it fails, management has no obligation to proceed with the project.
Even though building the factory costs more this way – $110 million in present
value at a 10 percent cost of capital, rather than $100 million – it may make
good economic sense. In particular, if the uncertainty surrounding demand
for the product is high, so that the correct decision may well be not to go
ahead, the option may be worth much more than the cost of creating it.
Suppose there is a 50 percent chance that aƒter investing $100 million in the
new factory, management will be rewarded with strong sales for many years.
Revenues exceed costs, and the factory produces an operating income stream
with a present value of $150 million.
On the other hand, suppose there is a 50 percent chance that demand is poor
and the present value of the operating income stream is only $10 million.
A traditional NPV analysis of this bet would put the expected present value
of the future operations of the factory at $80 million (the average of $150
million and $10 million). This is not enough to oƒfset the upfront investment
of $100 million, and the project has an NPV of minus $20 million. It will
almost certainly be thrown out.
But rather than invest the whole $100 million up front, what if management
elects to buy the option to expand, at the price of $10 million for the pilot?
before. However, both building the factory and obtaining the profits are delayed
a year because of the pilot, so we discount them both back one year at 10 percent
to a $100 million investment and a $135 million profit, or a net $35 million gain.
There is also a 50 percent chance that the pilot fails, in which case man-
agement halts the project with no further outlay.
The overall value of the project (ignoring for simplicity’s sake subtle points
about investor risk sensitivity and the degree of correlation between the
project and the market) is thus $7.5 million (the average of $35 million and
zero, minus the upfront $10 million). Management should indeed proceed
with the pilot.
What we have so far is a classic decision tree analysis. So how does real option
valuation diƒfer from decision tree analysis, and which is best?
Decision trees and real option valuation are closely related: if you can
implement the first, it is not much work to implement the second. Decision
tree analysis involves building a tree representing all possible situations and
the decisions management can make in response to them. To value a decision
tree, one calculates expected cashflows based on their objective probability
and then discounts them at some chosen rate – usually the weighted average
cost of capital.
≠ Imagine a given stock price is $20 and the exercise price of the call option is $15. The call option
will be worth roughly the diƒference between the two, namely $5. If the stock price goes down by
$1, a 5 percent change, the option value will fall by $1, a 20 percent change. Therefore the option
is riskier than the stock.
Until recently, discounted cashflow and economic profit were the most
popular approaches. The DCF method forecasts future cashflows, discounts
them at a risk-adjusted rate (the weighted average cost of capital), and
subtracts the current investment cost to estimate the net present value of a
project. Projects with positive NPV are said to create value and are accepted;
negative NPV projects are thrown out.
Both real options and decision trees capture the mechanics of flexibility.
However, only options adjust for risk.
Profitability in PC assembly
value of the project without flexibility may be
marginal. In this setting, most of the assump- Percent, 1995–96 Estimated spread
tions of DCF do not hold. Option valuation Gateway
will give much better results. Acer
In 1995–96, the PC assembly business was in Apple
turmoil. Gateway was one of the few players Packard Bell –11
making money. Exhibit 5 shows the estimated * For consumer portion of assembly businesses, estimated
from publicly available figures for the consolidated
spread between return on invested capital companies
Exhibit 7
The seven basic real options
7S framework: Grow, defer, or quit
can also occur in combina-
Early entrants can scale up later
through cost-effective sequential
tions, as compound options.
up investments as market grows A company that invests in an
Speedy commitment to first R&D project, say, may be
Invest/ Switch generation of product or technology
grow up gives company preferential position buying both the option to
to switch to next generation
commercialize the resulting
Investments in proprietary
Scope assets in one industry enables product and the option to
up company to enter another
industry cost-effectively engage in subsequent R&D
projects to develop future
Defer/ Study/ Delay investment until more
learn start information or skill is acquired generations of related prod-
ucts. These subsequent R&D
Shrink or shut down a project part
way through if new information projects themselves contain
changes the expected payoffs options for commercializa-
Disinvest/ Switch Switch to more cost-effective and tion and further develop-
flexible assets as new information
shrink down
is obtained ment, leading to a type of
compound option called a
Limit the scope of (or abandon)
down operations when there is no further growth staircase.
potential in a business opportunity
However, the company knew that the price of coal could fluctuate sub-
stantially. As its current price was close to the project’s breakeven point, the
revenue projections were highly sensitive to future price changes.
The company realized that acquiring the lease would give it an option: to
defer opening the mine until such time as the price of coal rose far enough to
make the project’s economics reasonable. This option turned out to be worth
$57 million – almost as much as opening the mine immediately. When the
value of the option was factored in, the lease was actually worth $116 million.
The company successfully bid $72 million, waited until the price of coal rose,
and made a tidy profit from the mine.
Learning options (natural resource development and R&D)
Learning options arise when a company is able both to spend money to speed
up its acquisition of important information (for example, to reduce tech-
nological uncertainty in R&D or to learn more about the quantity of
resources in the ground in exploration and development projects) and to use
what it has learned about the market demand for the project output to modify
future investment decisions. It must balance the value of the option to act
on the information learned against the cost of acquiring that information.
Take the company considering a site for a mine. It must weigh the value of
deferring development of the mine against the value of the information it
could gain about the quantity of ore in the mine as a result of full or partial
development. This is an example of a rainbow option. The sources of
uncertainty are the price of coal and the quantity of coal in the mine.