LNG Daily: Asia LNG: Prices Rise On Early Concerns of Suez Canal Situation, Off-Peak Demand
LNG Daily: Asia LNG: Prices Rise On Early Concerns of Suez Canal Situation, Off-Peak Demand
LNG Daily: Asia LNG: Prices Rise On Early Concerns of Suez Canal Situation, Off-Peak Demand
Cumulative Previous Mar 24 Change
Mar 24 ($/MMBtu) monthly average month average FOB Australia AARXR00 6.510 0.110 ▲
JKM AAOVS00 6.670 May AAOVS03 6.077 Apr FOB Middle East AARXQ00 6.500 0.150 ▲
DES West India AALIC00 6.413 May AAWIC03 5.793 Apr DES Brazil Netforward LEBMH01 6.260 0.108 ▲
DES Mediterranean AADCU00 5.852 May AASWC03 5.520 Apr FOB Singapore AARXU00 6.634 0.139 ▲
DES Northwest Europe AASDF00 5.852 May AASDE03 5.520 Apr FOB Murmansk AARXV00 5.800 0.018 ▲
FOB GCM LGGCN00 5.230 Apr LGGCM31 4.752 Mar
JKM Yen AAOVT00 726.381 May AAOVT03 650.354 Apr
JKM Yuan LJCWM00 43.397 May LJCWM03 39.766 Apr
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The S&P Global Platts JKM for May was assessed higher by 13.9 cents/MMBtu at
Asia LNG: Prices rise on early concerns of $6.924/MMBtu on March 24, on a higher competitive bid during the MOC.
Platts assessed the first half of May at $6.919/MMBtu and the second half of
Suez Canal situation, off-peak demand May at $6.929/MMBtu, with an intra-month contango structure of 1 cent/MMBtu.
Value for May 12 was assessed at $6.91/MMBtu, above normalized BP’s bid at
Singapore—The spot Asia-Pacific LNG market strengthened for a $6.9/MMBtu for May 10-14 DES JKTC, which was normalized 5 cents/MMBtu
second day, as Suez Canal transit uncertainties and lingering buying lower on narrower quality range.
A bid indication for the mid-May was received at $6.6/MMBtu.
interest for May cargoes drove bullish sentiment.
Offer indications for first and second halves of May were received at $6.85/
The S&P Global Platts JKM for May was assessed higher by 13.9 MMBtu and $6.9-6.95/MMBtu respectively. The first-half May offer indication
cents/MMBtu at $6.924/MMBtu on March 24, on a higher competitive could not be widely corroborated.
bid during the MOC. Platts assessed the first half of May at $6.919/ First-half and second-half May tradable levels were received at $6.75-7/MMBtu
MMBtu and the second half of May at $6.929/MMBtu, with a narrower and $6.8-6.95/MMBtu, respectively.
Market participants surveyed March 24 reported an almost flat structure
intra-month contango structure of 1 cent/MMBtu, compared to 2.6 between H1 May and H2 May.
cents contango on March 23. This rationale applies to symbol(s) <AAOVQ00>
A confluence of factors like the ongoing Suez Canal blockage, Exclusions: DGI’s offer for May 22-24 DES JKTC at balance of month of the
Australian floods, ongoing maintenances in Oman, Qatar and Malaysia average of May JKM plus 15 cents/MMBtu was excluded from the assessment
were creating expectations of near-term price increases, according to
market sources.
“There seems to be real tightness in market since prices are up,
The S&P Global Platts WIM for May was assessed higher by 13.7 cents/MMBtu at
despite carbon and crude coming down. [Buyers] might be thinking $6.65/MMBtu on March 24, on higher indications.
that market is bottoming out so bids emerging now. Plus, there are no Platts assessed first-half and second-half May both at $6.65/MMBtu, with a flat
new projects coming online anytime soon,” one Singapore trader said. structure, compared to a 2.5 cents/MMBtu contango on March 23.
On the demand front, there was still some latent demand observed The May JKM/WIM spread was assessed at 27.4 cents/MMBtu. Tradable level for
whole month May was received at $6.55-6.6/MMBtu.
from some Japanese and Korean end-users for cargoes delivering in
This rationale applies to symbol(s) <AARXS00>.
May— which is a typical “shoulder” month, or an off-peak period when Exclusions: No market data was excluded from the assessment.
LNG demand is expected to be at a seasonally low.
On March 23, Sakhalin LNG was heard to have awarded its April 21 PLATTS LNG US FOB GULF COAST DAILY RATIONALE & EXCLUSIONS
loading sell-tender at $6.70-6.80/MMBtu DES northeast Asia, The FOB Gulf Coast Marker (GCM) for April was assessed at $5.680/MMBtu.
according to several sources. The assessment was based on pricing information heard from market sources
for FOB USGC cargoes loading in April.
Japan’s Tohoku Electric has also reported to have bought two
This rationale applies to symbol(s) <LGCSM01>
cargoes on the same day—H1 May at about $6.65/MMBtu and H2 May Exclusions: None
at $6.70-6.80/MMBtu DES.
But buyers also cautioned against spot prices for May and June PLATTS LNG EUROPEAN ASSESSMENT RATIONALE & EXCLUSIONS
rising higher than current levels which are closer to that of oil-linked The Northwest Europe Marker (NWE) for May was assessed at $6.030/MMBtu.
term contracts with lower slopes. H1 NWE for May was assessed at $6.030/MMBtu, at a 30 cent/MMBtu discount
“We are now thinking of delaying procurement to June or later,” a to the equivalent TTF forward contract.
H2 NWE for May was assessed at $6.030/MMBtu, at a 30 cent/MMBtu discount
northeast Asian end-user said. “When we look at marginal variable
to the equivalent TTF forward contract.
cost, $7/MMBtu is the limit to we can pay. Ideally, around $6/MMBtu,” The Mediterranean Marker (MED) for May was assessed at $6.030/MMBtu.
he added. H1 MED for May was assessed at $6.030/MMBtu, at a 30 cent/MMBtu discount
The overnight running aground of a mega container ship that has to the equivalent TTF forward contract.
blocked maritime traffic on both sides of the Suez Canal had delayed H2 MED for May was assessed at $6.030/MMBtu, at a 30 cent/MMBtu discount
to the equivalent TTF forward contract.
LNG ship movement late on March 23 and on March 24. The assessments were based on pricing information from market sources for
The uncertainty of the transit disruption intensified bullish market cargoes delivering within the region for May delivery.
sentiment, with sellers saying that they were raising their offer levels In the Atlantic MOC process, BP submitted two offers. One May 14, 3.30 to 3.60
for April and May cargoes as a result. TBtu cargo into Northwest Europe and northern Spain at TTF Heren Month
Ahead May minus $0.15/MMBtu. The second offer was for one April 27, 3.30 to
However, un-confirmed reports late after Asia markets closed that
3.60 TBtu cargo into Northwest Europe and Spain at TTF Heren Month Ahead
the stuck vessel had been partially refloated tempered such May minus $0.10/MMBtu.
expectations and pressured LNG futures prices lower. BP also submitted a bid for one May 14 to 16, 3.2 TBtu cargo into Krk, Croatia at
The June JKM derivative contract which had traded higher to TTF Heren Month Ahead May minus $0.30/MMBtu.
$7.25/MMBtu late afternoon, fell to $6.80/MMBtu as of 7.30 pm Due to the lack of an associated derivative forward curve for Heren TTF Month
Ahead, Platts could not derive a fixed price equivalent for the bid and offer, and
Singapore time. they were therefore not used in the assessment.
Elsewhere, Pakistan State Oil issued a two-cargo buy-tender, for This rationale applies to symbol(s) <AASXU00, AASXY00>
May 20-21 and May 25-26 delivery, which will close on April 20. Russia’s Exclusions: No exclusions
Novatek was also heard to have issued a five-cargo sell-tender, for
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 2
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Key gas price benchmarks PLATTS WIM RLNG DAILY PRICES, MAR 24
Japan Customs Cleared LNG (Dec) LAKPN00 7.18 Final $/MMBtu Rupee/MMBtu
Japan Customs Cleared LNG (Jan) LAKPM00 8.48 Estimated
Platts Dutch TTF Dahej RLEDA00 7.68 RLEIA00 558.08
Apr GTFWM10 6.391 Hazira RLEDB00 7.82 RLEIB00 567.99
May GTFWM20 6.330 Dabhol RLEDC00 7.70 RLEIC00 559.23
Mundra RLEDE00 7.74 RLEEI00 561.95
Competing fuel prices Kochi RLEDD00 8.25 RLEDI00 599.13
Japan Customs Cleared crude oil (Dec) ($/b) AAKOP00 44.46 Final Average RLEDF00 7.84 RLEIF00 569.28
Japan Customs Cleared crude oil (Jan) ($/b) AAKOM00 50.09 Estimated
HSFO 3.5% sulfur 180 CST FOB Singapore LUAXZ00 9.17
Ahmedabad RLDDJ00 8.20 RLDIJ00 595.21
NEAT Coal Index JKTCB00 3.687 Morbi RLDDK00 8.25 RLDIK00 599.08
Minas crude oil LCABO00 9.809 Panvel RLDDL00 8.44 RLDIL00 612.62
Naphtha CFR Japan LNPHJ00 11.955 Dabhol RLDDC00 8.44 RLDIC00 612.62
Notes: Japan Customs Cleared value shows latest available CIF price published by the Ministry of Vijaipur RLDDM00 8.38 RLDIM00 608.90
Finance, converted to US dollars per MMBtu. All other values reflect Platts most recent one-month Kota RLDDN00 8.38 RLDIN00 608.90
forward assessments for each product in each region, converted to US dollars per MMBtu. JKM Chhainsa RLDDO00 8.45 RLDIO00 613.68
Marker, SWE LNG and NWE LNG average the assessments of the two half-months comprising the Jagdishpur RLDDP00 8.45 RLDIP00 613.68
first full month of forward delivery. Asian LNG assessments assessed at Singapore market close New Delhi RLDDQ00 8.45 RLDIQ00 613.68
0830 GMT, European LNG assessment assessed at London market close 1630 UK time. NYMEX Koottanad RLDDR00 8.91 RLDIR00 647.05
Henry Hub futures and ICE NBP futures values taken at Singapore market close and London Kakinada RLDDS00 9.06 RLDIS00 657.76
market close. ICE NBP futures converted from Pence/Therm to $/MMBtu. Asian Dated Brent crude
Average RLDDT00 8.49 RLDIT00 616.65
oil assessed at Asian market close 0830 GMT and converted from $/barrel to $/MMBtu. Detailed
assessment methodology is found on www.platts.com. Prices are net-forward calculations derived from the Platts WIM and exclude VAT and CST sales
taxes. Delivered prices represent the cost of delivery from the nearest connected LNG terminal via
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 4
A charterer said it seemed to be rather calm. March 8, was in the Mediterranean Sea near the entrance to the Suez
A separate chartering source said, “It seems that it might be Canal on March 24, according to cFlow, S&P Global Platts trade flow
resolved soon. I saw some photos that it’s now at the side of the software. Its captain’s destination was listed as awaiting orders.
channel, but there are no verifications.” LNG tankers heading from the US Gulf Coast to Asia generally pass
A third charterer said QG (Qatargas) may get impacted depending through the Panama Canal, as it is the shortest route. Sometimes they
on how long it takes to get resolved, because going into the opt to sail eastward, to avoid congestion and transit fees at the
Mediterrenian or Europe via the Suez Canal can save quite some time. Panama Canal.
“Deliveries from Ras Laffan to Europe may have to go around the The Cape of Good Hope and Suez will generally see increased
Cape instead of via the Suez, if this gets prolonged,” explained the activity in shoulder periods as LNG charterers take advantage of the
charterer. contango in the curve. While the Suez route is faster than rounding the
A spot voyage from Qatar into Northwest Europe takes around 16 Cape, the Suez has the advantage of greater optionality as it passes
days via the Suez, while going around the Cape of Good Hope would over 80% of the world’s LNG demand on the way to the Japan-South
take around 27 days. Korea region.
The LNG tanker Woodside Charles Allen, which loaded at Cheniere One LNG tanker that loaded at Sabine Pass was near the entrance
Energy’s Sabine Pass export terminal in Louisiana and shipped on to the Panama Canal on March 24, while another LNG tanker that
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 5
Pakistan State Oil invites bids for two NORTH AMERICAN FEEDGAS ($/MMBtu), MAR 23
LNG cargoes Daily average US LNG feedgas cost ALNFG00 2.399
30-day moving average US LNG feedgas cost ALNUS00 4.387
Karachi—Pakistan State Oil, the country’s state-run retail oil supplier, Daily average USGC LNG feedgas cost ALNFH00 2.421
has invited offers for two LNG cargoes for the month of May in an 30-day moving average USGC LNG feedgas cost ALNUG00 4.549
effort to secure supplies for the summer season ahead. Export facility Estimated feedgas cost
PSO has invited the offers for one cargo to delivered by May 20-21 Sabine Pass ALNFA00 2.399
and the second to be delivered by May 25-26, according to a document Corpus Christi ALNFB00 2.489
Cove Point ALNFC00 2.216
received from the company.
Cameron ALNFD00 2.399
The companies can submit their interest until April 20, the Freeport ALNFE00 2.415
document said. Elba Island ALNFF00 2.472
The invitation of offers by PSO comes after Pakistan LNG Ltd. on Facility feedgas costs represent a calculation derived from S&P Global Platts’ North American gas
spot price indices at the hub(s) from which feedgas would be procured most economically for the
March 22 invited bids for eight cargoes to be delivered between April export facility. The average summary costs are an average of the relevant export facilities’ feedgas
and June, the document said. costs weighted by Platts Analytics’ daily estimated volume delivered to each facility.
third cargo on March 24, according to cFlow, Platts trade flow software,
with a cargo brought in from Freeport in the US aboard the Patris.
The LNG Croatia — a dedicated FSRU acting as a gateway for
NYMEX HH Singapore close (Apr) AAPSD00 2.533
international LNG supplies into Croatia and the southeast European NYMEX HH Singapore close (May) AAPSE00 2.570
region for the first time — received its first cargo on Jan. 1 from the ICE NBP Singapore close (Apr) AAPSF00 6.550
Cove Point export terminal in the US, marking the start of operations. ICE NBP Singapore close (May) AAPSG00 6.247
A second cargo was delivered on March 2 aboard the Adam LNG NYMEX HH London close (Apr 21) AASYN00 2.523
from Nigeria, which according to market sources was thought to be NYMEX HH London close (May 21) AASYO00 2.571
part of a five-cargo tender held by Croatian utility HEP in late 2020. ICE NBP London close (Apr 21) AASYR00 6.474
ICE NBP London close (May 21) AASYS00 6.176
A total of 1.88 Bcm of capacity has been booked at the Croatia
NYMEX HH US close (Apr 21) NMNG001 2.518
facility for the period Jan. 1-Sept. 30, 2021, with the full capacity of 2.6 NYMEX HH US close (May 21) NMNG002 2.568
Bcm/year booked for the following two gas years.
However, a spike in spot LNG prices in January saw cargoes pulled
to higher-priced markets instead of coming to Croatia. MARINE FUEL LNG BUNKER, MAR 24
Spot LNG prices have been hit by extreme price volatility over the $/MMBtu $/mt
past year, with the JKM benchmark spot Asian LNG price hitting an all- Singapore LNBSG00 8.424 LNBSM00 325.529
Eur/MWh $/mt
time low $1.825/MMBtu at the end of last April before rising to a record
Rotterdam LNBRT00 25.425 LNBRM00 340.684
high $32.50/MMBtu in mid-January. MMBtu to $/mt factor: 38.643; MWh to $/mt factor: 11.322.
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 6
Prices have softened since then, with S&P Global Platts assessing The timetable for first LNG from the project — designed to have a
the front-month JKM price at $6.78/MMBtu on March 23. capacity of 13.1 million mt/year according to Total’s latest earnings
Among those with capacity at the Croatian terminal are the presentation — has been unaffected by the disruption, with first
Croatian trading subsidiaries of Switzerland-based MET and Hungary’s cargoes still expected in 2024.
MFGK, Qatari-owned PowerGlobe Europe and HEP. “The project will progressively resume construction activities at the
MFGK has already agreed a deal with Shell for 0.25 Bcm/year of Afungi site following the implementation of additional site security
LNG supply into the Croatian terminal that will then be shipped onward measures,” Total said in an emailed statement March 24.
to Hungary. “Total and the government of Mozambique have worked together
HEP, meanwhile, is a key supplier of domestic gas in Croatia, while to define and implement an action plan with the objective of
PowerGlobe has more of a pure-play trading strategy and is looking to reinforcing, in a sustained manner, the security of the Afungi site and
expand its role by booking more import capacity in southern Europe. of the surrounding area and neighboring villages,” it said.
Croatia LNG — a joint venture of HEP and Croatian grid operator “A comprehensive roadmap has been defined and implemented,
Plinacro — operates the FSRU project. allowing a gradual remobilization of the project workforce and the
It confirmed the arrival of the Patris into the terminal on March 24 resumption of LNG plant construction activities.”
in a statement posted to its website. — Stuart Elliott
21% complete
France’s Total resumes Mozambique LNG work In February, Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne said the project, whose
capacity previously was pegged at 12.9 million mt/year, was 21%
after security improvements complete as of the end of 2020.
■■FirstLNG production still expected in 2024 Total operates Mozambique LNG with a 26.5% stake having taken
■■25-km perimeter secured around Afungi site over the project in September 2019 as part of its deal with Occidental
■■Staff removed in January as insurgency escalated to buy assets the US company acquired with its purchase of Anadarko.
Its partners are ENH (15%), Mitsui (20%), ONGC Videsh (10%), Beas
London—France’s Total has resumed construction work at the site of Rovuma Energy (10%), BPRL (10%), and PTTEP (8.5%).
its Mozambique LNG project after security was beefed up following an Mozambique’s more than three-year-old insurgency saw militants
escalation of the Islamist insurgency in the country at the end of 2020. close in on the site of the project on the Afungi peninsula — also home
Total decided at the start of 2021 to reduce the number of to ExxonMobil’s planned 15.2 million mt/year Rovuma LNG project — at
personnel at the Afungi site in view of the security situation and a 25 the end of 2020.
km perimeter surrounding the project has now been set up as a special It highlights the continued security issues facing the southeast
security area. (continued on page 9)
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Integrated, innovative.
Across geography Norway ACAAM00 0.36 ACAAN00 0.75 ACAAO00 0.75
and across commodity. USGC* LAUVG00 0.67 LAUVH00 0.57
*Most economic.
All values calculated based on prevailing spot market values during the day for LNG, bunker fuel
Visit spglobal.com/analytics-insight and ship chartering. No route cost is calculated for Zeebrugge to NW Europe, or Spain to SW
Europe. Other routes appear blank on days when a public holiday in one or another location means
underlying values are not published. Detailed assessment methodology, including assumed route
times and underlying values, is found on www.platts.com.
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Medium Range 2, and Handysize tankers regularly navigate the canal. expert meeting, will pave the way for the Ministry of Economy, Trade
Most exports of petroleum and natural gas from the Persian Gulf and Industry to conclude its examination of the power utilities’
that transit the Suez Canal, or the SUMED pipeline, also pass through response to January’s tightened supply and demand power balance.
both the Bab-el-Mandeb and the Strait of Hormuz. Some 5.5 million b/d The Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission’s findings
of crude and oil products transited the Suez Canal, or the SUMED followed its investigation into the major power utilities’ electricity supply
situation, which included a Feb. 25 public hearing with the utilities.
The surveillance commission’s probe aimed to look into the utilities’
electricity sales and purchases as well as their fuel restrictions over
December to January to verify whether there was any wrongdoing.
Under fair electricity trade guidelines issued by the Japan Fair
Trade Commission any act of withholding sales with an intention to
raise a price to a level, which cannot be explained by market
fundamentals, could be seen as an incidence of market manipulation.
However, following its scrutiny of collected information, the
surveillance commission said March 24 it has not found any evidence
that Japan’s major power utilities acted to withhold sales.
According to its analysis of the utilities’ potential electricity supply
volumes versus their actually sold electricity volumes, the surveillance
commission has confirmed that the utilities did indeed supply all of
their surplus electricity during spot electricity tenders in the
December-January period.
The surveillance commission did not find that utilities overestimated
their electricity demand, with deviations between their estimated and
actual demand averaging 1.1% during the two-month period.
The commission also focused its probe into the power utilities’
fuels restrictions, on the grounds that reduced LNG and oil stocks had
caused these restrictions and reduced electricity sales tenders after
pipeline in 2016, according to the EIA. mid-December.
The Ever Given ran aground at about 0740 hours local time (0840 However, following its examination of the power utilities’
GMT) on March 23 after it suffered a blackout while transiting in a “justifiability on fuel restrictions” and the “validity” of their fuel
northerly direction. The stranded vessel has a capacity of 20,000 operations, the commission said it has confirmed that the utilities’ fuel
twenty-foot equivalent units and is sailing under the Panama flag. The restrictions were taken based on their stated methodologies, including
ship continues to remain anchored at the southern end of the Suez the lowest limits in tank operations, inventories, shipping schedules
Canal, according to cFlow. The Ever Given loaded from the Chinese port and demand outlook.
of Yantian on March 8 and was on its way to Rotterdam in the
Netherlands before the incident. Representatives at Taiwan-based Robust demand
Evergreen Maritime — the ship’s operators — were not immediately METI has said the spike in spot electricity prices in January was
available for comment. due to a combination of increased power demand from cold spells,
— Eklavya Gupte, Robert Perkins, Tom Washington decreased gas-fired power output from reduced LNG inventories and
electricity being sold out on the wholesale market.
METI commission finds no wrongdoing by Japan’s power demand rose 7.6% year on year to 86,427 GWh in
January, after having risen 8% year on year in the second half of December
utilities during Japan’s winter power shortages to 43,189 GWh amid cold spells in the country, according to METI.
■■Nowithholding of electricity sales METI has said LNG restrictions by power utilities were imposed
■■Power utilities’ fuel restrictions justifiable because power demand in the first half of January had risen to its
■■LNG stocks drop 40% over month from mid-Dec: METI highest level in five years as average nationwide temperatures dropped
to 2 degrees Celsius below the 30-year averages.
Tokyo—Japan’s Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission LNG stocks held by power utilities also dropped by around 40%
said March 24 it has not found any wrongdoing by major power utilities over the course of a month from mid-December, which led to utilities
in their electricity supply to spot markets or in their fuel restrictions restricting LNG thermal power generation amid difficulties in building
during the country’s recent winter power supply shortages. LNG inventories in the face of strong demand in East Asia, coupled
The findings, which were presented during the commission’s with shipping constraints in the Panama Canal, according to METI.
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 10
The fuel restrictions for thermal power generation also came at a port to use cleaner fuels such as LNG, by providing them with port dues
time when Japan had decommissioned and mothballed about 10 GW of concessions, and co-funding building of LNG-fueled bunker tankers.
oil-fired power capacity in the five years to fiscal year 2019-20 (April- “Vessels using LNG as a fuel should be comparatively more robust
March), METI said. in addressing the financial impact of any CO2 levy potentially imposed
In line with increased power demand, Japan’s spot electricity in the future,” Tahir Faruqui, director FueLNG and head of Shell
prices on the wholesale market rose to an all-time high of Yen 251/kWh Downstream LNG, said in the same statement.
on Jan. 15, although it then fell back significantly after METI approved a This comes at a time when decarbonization objectives in
special action to cap the imbalance tariff at Yen 200/kWh from Jan. 17 international shipping are gaining more traction after a fairly
onwards. — Takeo Kumagai successful transition to the International Maritime Organization’s global
low sulfur mandate.
Port of Singapore sees Asia’s first LNG enables a reduction of 99% in sulfur dioxide, 91% in particulate
matter emissions and 92% in nitrogen oxide emissions. LNG also
ship-to-containership LNG bunkering provides an initial solution to the challenge of tackling climate change.
■■CMA CGM ship fueled with 7,100 cu m of LNG from FueLNG Bellina An LNG-powered vessel emits up to 20% less CO2 than conventional
■■Firstship-to-ship operation for FueLNG Bellina marine fuel-powered systems, according to the statement.
■■IMO GHG emission cut targets supportive for LNG bunkering: FGE In April 2018, the IMO laid out its strategy on GHG emissions, aiming
to cut the shipping industry’s total GHG emissions by at least 50% from
Singapore—The Port of Singapore has set the stage for Asia’s first 2008 levels by 2050, and reduce CO2 emissions per transport work by
ship-to-containership LNG bunkering operation — which was at least 40% by 2030.
undertaken by global shipping company CMA CGM, Singapore’s In November 2020, the IMO’s marine environment protection
FueLNG and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore on March 24 committee strengthened the Energy Efficiency Design Index, or EEDI,
— paving the way for further development of LNG as a marine fuel in Phase 3 requirements.
the world’s largest bunkering port. Meanwhile, several industry sources on March 23 said separately at
“The use of more sustainable fuels is an important element of the the 12th International Fujairah Bunkering & Fuel Oil Virtual Forum 2021,
decarbonization strategy. As the shipping industry explores alternative or FUJCON 2021, organized by Conference Connection that LNG will
zero-carbon fuels, LNG is a viable transitional fuel,” Senior Minister of definitely play a significant role in the bunker fuel mix going forward
State for Transport and Foreign Affairs Chee Hong Tat said. due to its ready availability as well as an increasing LNG infrastructure
As part of the bunkering operation, the CMA CGM Scandola was at various ports worldwide.
fueled with 7,100 cu m of LNG from FueLNG Bellina, Singapore’s first There is also a genuine interest for LNG bunkering because of the
LNG bunkering vessel, marking the first simultaneous cargo and LNG newbuilds coming into the market as the economics of retrofitting a
bunkering operations for a ship in Asia, a joint statement read March 24. ship to run off LNG is much more expensive, an industry expert, said at
The CMA CGM Scandola is the first of six new 15,000-TEU LNG- the same event.
powered containerships, which CMA CGM Group has lined-up to be Also at FUJCON 2021, FGE Chairman Fereidun Fesharakai said that
bunkered in Singapore this year. These ships will be deployed on CMA IMO GHG emission cut targets were supportive for LNG bunkering.
CGM’s MEX 1 service between Asia and the Mediterranean. In order to achieve the 2050 target, global oil-based marine fuel
It is also the first vessel in Asia to conduct simultaneous container demand has to peak before 2025, while LNG demand should be
loading and discharging operations alongside LNG bunkering expanded swiftly, he said.
operations, shortening port stay time. LNG bunkering demand for non-LNG carriers is expected to be 15
Meanwhile, this is also the first ship-to-ship operation for FueLNG million tons by 2030 and will reach 27 million tons by 2040, reflecting
Bellina, the statement read. continued strong growth post-2030, he said. — Surabhi Sahu
FueLNG — a joint venture between Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd. and
Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd. — aims to provide a total of about 30 to Judges quiz FERC on climate explanations
50 ship-to-ship LNG bunkering operations in 2021, after having performed
over 300 truck-to-ship LNG bunkering operations so far, it said.
in Rio Grande LNG approval orders
“We have a number of ships lined up for FueLNG Bellina’s next ■■DC Circuit weighs challenges to Brownsville, Texas, projects
bunkering operations, reflecting the strong demand for LNG bunkering ■■Question posed about remedy if court finds against FERC
in Singapore,” Chris Ong, chairman of FueLNG and CEO of Keppel O&M,
said in the same statement. Washington—The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission faced
questioning from appeals court judges March 23 about whether it
LNG bunkering potential adequately explained why it declined to consider the significance of
According to Shell’s 2020 LNG outlook report, global LNG bunkering greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Rio Grande LNG project
demand is estimated to grow to 30-50 million tons per annum (mtpa) in Brownsville, Texas.
by 2040. The probing from DC Circuit Court of Appeals judges came during
Singapore, for its part, is actively encouraging vessels which call at its oral argument March 23 on FERC orders approving the 27 million mt/
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 11
year Rio Grande project and the 4 million mt/year Texas LNG project, as Regulatory certainty
well as the recently scrapped 6 million mt/year Annova LNG project. At one point in the argument, Judge Douglas Ginsburg questioned
The three projects, which would be sited along the Brownsville Ship Rio Grande’s counsel, John Longstreth, about the appropriate remedy
Channel, were part of a wave of proposed LNG export facilities that — vacatur or remand — should the court reverse FERC on orders
cleared the FERC process in 2019 and which had been vying for offtake approving the project.
contracts generally needed to finance construction. If FERC were to vacate the certificate, Longstreth replied, “we
Also drawing scrutiny from the judges was the adequacy of would no longer have a permit in place and people looking to invest in
analysis of cumulative impacts for Texas LNG and how FERC assessed the project, customers looking to do business with it would be less
environmental justice impacts of the facilities and related ozone likely to deal with a project if it didn’t have a permit.”
emissions. Separately, in the Texas LNG case, justices questioned whether
there was adequate explanation of combined impacts of projects on
‘Why isn’t it cited?’ ozone pollution, even though that issue was more fully explored in the
During the Rio Grande argument, Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan Rio Grande order. — Maya Weber
pressed FERC about its decision not to use the social cost of carbon
tool to determine whether climate impacts of the project were LNG Shipping weekly: Atlantic and Pacific
At issue was whether FERC did enough to explain why it was not
rates increase
required to use the tool under a White House Council on Environmental London—Atlantic shipping and ballast rates increased to $32,000/day
Quality regulation, in light of Sierra Club’s argument that it should have and 75%, respectively, from $31,000/day and 50% during the seven
done so. days to March 23.
“Why isn’t it cited in the brief at all, because, especially in the Rio The Pacific ballast rate increased to 50% from 25% during the
Grande case, …the entire argument, is rested on the regulation,” same period, while the Pacific shipping rate was unchanged at
Srinivasan asked. $30,000/day.
Sierra Club Senior Attorney Nathan Matthews had argued that a In the Pacific, eight cold TFDE or DFDE tankers were marketed for
CEQ rule set a floor establishing that in the absence of other analyses, loading from now until the H2 April, sources said. The Maran Gas
an agency could not refuse to use a method generally accepted in the Delphi, Cool Explorer, Wilpride, Golar Seal, and a Gaslog vessel were
scientific community; and he said FERC, in a remand order on the mentioned among them.
Sabal Trail Transmission project, had conceded that the social cost of GDLNG was said to have issued a vessel inquiry for three voyages,
carbon was generally accepted. starting with an April 25 load from Withnell Bay. Re-delivery was heard
As to where FERC laid out its reasoning, Robert Kennedy, counsel to be around June 12, upon completion of discharge at Dapeng
for FERC, pointed to a case that was cited in the footnote of FERC’s terminal. Vessel capacity heard sought was 125,000 to 145,000 cu m.
rehearing order on Rio Grande. He also highlighted FERC’s view that Offers were heard due on March 24.
the social cost of carbon is not an accepted tool for use in project- Osaka Gas was also said by sources to be seeking to charter a
specific analysis. vessel for 8-12 months from May/June.
Judges also explored FERC’s findings that the Rio Grande project In the Atlantic, three TFDE or DFDE vessel were marketed for
did not disproportionately affect minority and low-income populations, Atlantic loading from now right until H2 April. The BW Paris and Gaslog
asking how FERC picked the geographic area and comparison Skagen were mentioned among them.
populations to study, in light of Sierra Club’s argument that FERC IOC was said to have issued a vessel requirement for one May 21-23
defined the affected community arbitrarily narrowly. Cameroon load, delivery to Dahej or Ennore. The minimum vessel
Kennedy said FERC’s use of the two-mile radius was capacity being sought was 145,000 cu m, while the charter period
consistent with an Environmental Protection Agency guideline sought was 30-45 days. Offers were due by March 30, with validity on
suggesting that a wide area could dissipate the impacts. FERC April 10, sources said.
reasoned that because all affected communities included in the Tokyo Gas was said to have issued a vessel requirement starting
zone were environmental justice communities, impacts will not around mid-May in the US Gulf. Four different fixed charter periods
be disproportionately concentrated. In addition, it looked at were sought — one, two, three and five years, followed by two optional
whether there were factors unique to communities that would one-year charters. A vessel capacity of 165,000 cu m or above was
amplify the effects. sought according to one source. — Wyatt Wong
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 12
Platts to make several changes to its hydrogen methodology Rockies Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $937 $1,439
After a period of open consultation, S&P Global Platts will make several changes Southeast Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $924 $1,419
to its hydrogen assessments that will refine its treatment of capital expenses, as Southern California Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $1,044 $1,603
well as adjust some operational parameters of the various production pathways. Upper Midwest Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $980 $1,505
These changes stem from Platts’s quarterly methodology review of its hydrogen Japan Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $1,800 $2,073
assessments, as well as industry feedback and a review of the assessment Alberta Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $1,066 $1,025
methodology by an independent energy consultant. Chief among these Appalachia Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $742 $941
changes is the adoption of a fixed charge rate for the calculation of capital Midcontinent Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $720 $914
expenses, which is the product of a capital recovery factor and a project finance Northeast Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $763 $968
factor. This change will more accurately incorporate inflation, depreciation, Northern California Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis $832 $1,056
return on equity, debt service, insurance as well as income and property taxes. Capital Cost
In addition, the capital costs ($/KW) for the electrolysis production pathways Northwest Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $756 $959
proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis and alkaline electrolysis will be Rockies Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $731 $928
increased, from $900/KW for PEM electrolysis to $1,382/KW; and from $702/KW Southeast Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $721 $915
for alkaline electrolysis to $891/KW. These changes will more closely align with Southern California Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis $815 $1,034
the technology-specific capital costs listed in the International Energy Agency’s Capital Cost
2019 Future of Hydrogen report (IEA FoH). Upper Midwest Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $764 $970
This change will directly affect the Netherlands and US Gulf Coast electrolysis Japan Hydrogen Alkaline Electrolysis Capital Cost $1,404 $1,336
assessments, and indirectly affect Japan and the remainder of the North Other changes include an adjustment for plant efficiencies, based on
American electrolysis assessments, whose capital costs will change as follows: technology-specific assumptions listed in the IEA FoH report, as follows: steam
Electrolysis Capital Costs ($/KW) Current Proposed methane reforming (SMR), from 70% to 76%; SMR with carbon capture (CCS),
Alberta Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $1,367 $1,589 from 63% to 69%; and alkaline electrolysis, from 65% to 66.5%.
Appalachia Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $951 $1,460 The cost of stack refurbishment as a percent of capital cost will also be
Midcontinent Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $923 $1,417 increased from 15% to 35% for PEM electrolysis, and from 15% to 45% for
Northeast Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $978 $1,502 alkaline electrolysis, based on technology-specific production costs cited in the
Northern California Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $1,066 $1,637 IEA FoH report.
Northwest Hydrogen PEM Electrolysis Capital Cost $969 $1,488 Platts will also adjust the percentage of Dutch peak and base electricity prices
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 13
used in the Netherlands hydrogen assessments from the current 80% base and CIF, CFR, DES and DAP.
20% peak, to 50% peak and 50% base. Among other items, these terms state the responsibilities for payments of
In addition, Platts will change its method for calculating carbon dioxide costs among buyers and sellers, including import customs duties and taxes. As
emissions, with relevance to the Netherlands (SMR, and SMR w CCS) and such, where Platts assessments state duty-unpaid terms including CIF, CFR,
California (SMR) assessments, by using the emission factor of 8.9 kg CO2/kg DES and DAP, these reflect bids, offers and trades wherein the seller is not
H2, as listed in the IEA FoH report. responsible for payment of import duties, including in the event that tariff
Finally, Platts will adjust the cadence of its methodology review from quarterly structures change subsequent to a reported trade.
to annual, to accommodate the annual release of the US National Renewable Should buyers wish to submit for publication bids for Delivered Duty Paid terms,
Energy Laboratorys Annual Technology Baseline report, which contains a Platts may consider these for publication and normalize them to a duty unpaid
number of the financial assumptions used in the revised hydrogen methodology standard for reflection in CIF, CFR, DES and DAP assessments.
as proposed. Please send any comments or questions to [email protected]
The changes will take effect on April 1, 2021. For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not
Please send any comments to [email protected] and intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all
[email protected]. For written comments, please provide a clear comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential
indication if comments are not intended for publication by Platts for public available upon request.
viewing. Platts will consider all comments received and will make comments
Platts proposes to change assessed period of LNG DES Brazil
not marked as confidential available upon request.
Netforward marker
Platts to launch new UK hydrogen assessments S&P Global Platts is proposing to change the assessed period of the LNG DES
After a period of public consultation, S&P Global Platts has decided to assess Brazil Netforward marker, effective June 1, 2021.
the cost of hydrogen production in the United Kingdom. This follows from an ongoing Platts proposal to change the loading period for
In its new suite of hydrogen assessments, Platts will consider the daily cost of the Gulf Coast Marker, which is used in the derivation of the DES Brazil
hydrogen production via three pathways: Autothermal reforming with carbon Netforward. Consequently, this proposal is contingent on the GCM proposal
capture (ATR w CCS), proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis and becoming part of Platts methodology.
alkaline electrolysis.The assessments will launch April 1, 2021. Details of the proposed changes to the Gulf Coast Marker can be found here:
The UK hydrogen assessments will consider the feedstock costs alone, as well https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/our-methodology/subscriber-notes/031521-
as a second set of assessments that will include assumptions for capital platts-proposes-changing-loading-period-for-lng-gulf-coast-marker.
expenses (CapEx). Assessments will be made in GBP/kg and GBP/KWh. The DES Brazil Netforward currently reflects cargo delivery either in the third
The assumptions for ATR w CCS costs will be based on industry research, and fourth or fourth and fifth half-month cycles forward from the date of
including an H-Vision reported titled “Blue hydrogen as accelerator and pioneer publication.
for energy transition in the industry,” published 2019. This proposal would see the netforward assessed using the GCM assessment
Electrolysis assumptions will be based on the existing Platts methodology, and plus a freight period of 13 days using the assessed freight rate from the US Gulf
will incorporate the same changes as currently proposed in a separate Coast to Brazil (daily price database code LAUVH00).
methodology update. Going forward, therefore, the DES Brazil Netforward would represent cargoes
Daily inputs will include the month-ahead National Balancing Point assessment; being delivered to Brazil 13 days after the GCM loading period, or 43-73 days
the month-ahead UK GTMA base and peak power assessments, a UK water ahead of the date of publication.
price, and the quarterly EC carbon auction spot average as a proxy for UK Assessments that would be affected appear in LNG Daily, Platts LNG Alert pages
carbon costs. 2820, 2821, Platts Natural Gas Alert pages 1052, 1053 and under the Platts price
The assessments and their respective Platts symbols will be named as follows: database codes below:
Hydrogen UK ATR w CCS (GBP/Kg) HYUKA00 Assessments Code Monthly average
Hydrogen UK ATR w CCS (Incl. CapEx) (GBP/Kg) HYUKB00 DES Brazil Netforward Mo01 LEBMH01 LEBMH31
Hydrogen UK ATR w CCS (GBP/KWh) HYUKC00 DES Brazil Netforward vs ARA Fuel Oil LAARM01 LAAR003
Hydrogen UK ATR w CCS (Incl. CapEx) (GBP/KWh) HYUKD00 DES Brazil Netforward vs DES MED LNG LASWM01 LASW003
Hydrogen UK PEM Electrolysis (GBP/Kg) HYUKE00 DES Brazil Netforward vs Dated Brent LADBM01 LADB003
Hydrogen UK PEM Electrolysis (incl CAPEX) (GBP/Kg) HYUKF00 DES Brazil Netforward vs Henry Hub LAHHM01 LAHH003
Hydrogen UK PEM Electrolysis (GBP/KWh) HYUKG00 DES Brazil Netforward vs JKM LAJKM01 LAJK003
Hydrogen UK PEM Electrolysis (incl CAPEX) (GBP/KWh) HYUKH00 DES Brazil Netforward vs NBP LABPM01 LABP003
Please send any questions, comments or feedback to
Hydrogen UK Alkaline Electrolysis (GBP/Kg) HYUKI00
[email protected] and [email protected] by April 15,
Hydrogen UK Alkaline Electrolysis (incl CAPEX) (GBP/Kg) HYUKJ00
Hydrogen UK Alkaline Electrolysis (GBP/KWh) HYUKK00
For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not
Hydrogen UK Alkaline Electrolysis (incl CAPEX) (GBP/KWh) HYUKL00
intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all
Please send any comments to [email protected] and
comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential
[email protected].
available upon request.
For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not
intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all Platts proposes to database North American LNG cargo cancellations
comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential S&P Global Platts is proposing to database the monthly North American LNG
available upon request. cargo cancellations reported to Platts by market participants, effective April 20.
Currently, data collected from the market about North American cargo
SUBSCRIBER NOTE: Customs duties in Platts European price assessments
cancellations is published monthly in a table on page 6 of Platts LNG Daily.
S&P Global Platts would like to clarify its publishing guidelines around customs
Under the proposal, Platts would continue to publish cancellations reported for
duties in contract terms ahead of potential changes in tariffs related to the UK’s
the period two months ahead of the month of reporting on the 20th of each
exit from the European Union.
month, with the latest information databased under a symbol code. In the event
Platts assessments reflect commodities traded under standard contract terms,
the 20th falls on a weekend or holiday, this information will be published the
typically including references to international commercial terms such as FOB,
next business day.
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 14
For example, on April 20, 2021, cancellations for June-loading cargoes would be loading 30-60 days forward from the date of publication, which Platts
reported under the new symbol code. understands to be broadly typical in the spot market. For example, on March 1,
Please send any questions, comments or feedback to the value of cargoes loading between March 31 and April 30 would be assessed,
[email protected] and [email protected] by March 29. while on March 2, the assessment period would change to between April 1 and
For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not May 1.
intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all This proposal follows an analysis of the market data published by Platts relating
comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential to LNG spot cargoes trading on FOB US Gulf Coast basis, which is the market
available upon request. and location GCM reflects.
The affected assessments appear in LNG Daily, Gas Daily Mexico, Platts LNG
Platts proposes changing loading period for LNG Gulf Coast Marker
Alert pages 2810, 2811, Platts Natural Gas Alert pages 1034, 1045 and under the
S&P Global Platts is proposing to change the loading period for the Gulf Coast
Platts price database codes below:
Marker to reflect LNG cargoes loading from the US Gulf Coast 30-60 days
Assessments Code Monthly average
forward from the date of publication, effective June 1, 2021.
LNG FOB GCM spot cargo Mo01 LGCSM01 LGGCM31
Platts is also proposing to discontinue the publication of the second, third and
fourth half-month cycles from June 1, 2021, due to the proposed change in the
assessed laycan of the GCM to a rolling loading window.
Currently, Platts assesses LNG cargoes for loading from the US Gulf Coast in
Please send any questions, comments or feedback to
three half-month cycles, namely the second, third and fourth half-month cycles
[email protected] and [email protected] by April 9, 2021.
forward from the date of publication. The GCM spot cargo assessment
For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not
(LGCSM01) represents the average of the two half-month cycles, which
intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all
comprise the first full month of loading, and rolls on the first business day of
comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential
the month to reflect cargoes loading in the following month.
Under the proposal, the GCM spot cargo assessment would reflect cargoes available upon request.
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 15
Excluding Capex Including Capex Excluding Capex Including Capex
Production Pathway $/kg Change $/kg Change Production Pathway Yen/kg Change Yen/kg Change
Alberta (C$/kg) SMR w/o CCS 136.61 +5.24 305.29 +5.24
Alkaline Electrolysis 309.25 -7.69 499.45 -7.69
SMR w/o CCS 0.47 +0.03 1.69 +0.04
PEM Electrolysis 346.57 -8.62 619.86 -8.62
Alkaline Electrolysis 3.84 +2.21 5.22 +2.22
PEM Electrolysis 4.30 +2.48 6.28 +2.49 *Assessed previous day
SMR w/o CCS 0.33 +0.01 1.32 +0.01
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.26 -0.08 2.27 -0.08 (Eur/kg)
PEM Electrolysis 1.42 -0.08 2.87 -0.08
Gulf Coast PEM
SMR w/o CCS 0.41 0.00 1.25 0.00 4 Electrolysis
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.39 +0.27 2.35 +0.27 Alkaline
PEM Electrolysis 1.55 +0.30 2.92 +0.30 Electrolysis
Midcontinent 3
SMR w/o CCS 0.37 0.00 1.26 0.00 (inc. carbon)
Alkaline Electrolysis 0.60 +0.02 1.58 +0.02 month ahead
PEM Electrolysis 0.67 +0.02 2.07 +0.02 SMR w/o CCS
Northeast (inc. carbon)
SMR w/o CCS 0.36 +0.01 1.42 +0.01 month ahead
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.26 -0.03 2.29 -0.03 11-Feb 17-Feb 23-Feb 01-Mar 05-Mar 11-Mar 17-Mar 23-Mar
PEM Electrolysis 1.41 -0.03 2.90 -0.03 Source: S&P Global Platts
Northern California
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.44 +0.01 2.57 +0.01 ($/kg)
PEM Electrolysis 1.61 +0.01 3.23 +0.01 30
SMR w/o CCS 0.41 0.00 1.91 +0.02 N. Calif.
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.43 +0.35 2.46 +0.35 PEM
PEM Electrolysis 1.60 +0.39 3.07 +0.39 20
S. Calif.
Rockies PEM
SMR w/o CCS 0.39 0.00 1.32 0.00
N. Calif.
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.30 +0.29 2.29 +0.29 10 Alkaline
PEM Electrolysis 1.46 +0.32 2.89 +0.32
Southeast S. Calif.
SMR w/o CCS 0.41 -0.01 1.28 -0.01
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.07 -0.17 2.05 -0.17 0
10-Feb 17-Feb 23-Feb 01-Mar 05-Mar 11-Mar 17-Mar 23-Mar
PEM Electrolysis 1.20 -0.19 2.60 -0.19
Southern California Source: S&P Global Platts
SMR w/o CCS 0.64 0.00 1.81 0.00
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.33 +0.09 2.43 +0.09
PEM Electrolysis 1.49 +0.10 3.08 +0.10 ($/MMBtu)
Upper Midwest
SMR w/o CCS 0.41 +0.01 1.36 +0.01
Alkaline Electrolysis 1.14 -0.20 2.18 -0.20
PEM Electrolysis 1.28 -0.22 2.78 -0.22 20
*Assessed previous day
Henry Hub
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 16