Types of Research

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Types of Research

1. Qualitative Research
2. Quantitative Research
3. Mixed Method

2 Types of Quantitative Research

4. Experimental Research
5. Non-Experiment Research

What is Experiment Research?

is a quantitative research that treats od deals with the object or subject of the research in definite or exact
manner and determine the extent of the effects or influence of the treatment on the object/subject, then
discovers the cause of such effects.” – Baraceros, 2016

Classification of Experimental Research

a. True experimental research – True experimental research is regarded as the most accurate form of
experimental research, in that it tries to prove or disprove a hypothesis mathematically, with statistical
analysis. (Shuttkeworth, 2009)

b. Qausi-Experimental Research – is a research that resembles experimental research wherein the

independent variable is manipulated, participants are not randomly assigned to conditions or orders of
coditions. (Cook & Campbell, 1979)

Methods of using Experimental Research

1. Treatment evaluation (ex post factor)- evaluation after the treatment to the subjects.

2. Pre-test and post-test of multiple treatment or condition- using pretest and posttest method to different
treatment methods.

Types of Quasi-experiment(Baraceros, 2016)

a. Matched comparison- choosing a treatment group and another group that has similarities with the
treatment group.
b. Time-series quasi-expirement research- giving them series of pre-test and post test.
c. Single-subject quasi-experiment research- controls treatment and condition applied to just individual of
Research Design of Non experimental Research
 Specify the problem or topic of your research
 Formulate the research problem or hypothesis
 Determine the dependent and independent variables
 Select the participants or subjects.
 Decide on the specific type of experimental research; meaning whether it will be a true experimental
research od quasi experimental research
 Conduct the experiment
 Collect, analyze, and interpret result.

Experimental Research
1. Experimental of the effectiveness of shampoo on your hair.
2. Experiment of the most effective strategy to be used in the classroom in a specific topic.
3. Experiment of the most item in the scholl

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