Annex 25 Covid-19 Management Guidelines For Workplaces
Annex 25 Covid-19 Management Guidelines For Workplaces
Annex 25 Covid-19 Management Guidelines For Workplaces
COVID-19 has affected the working population in Malaysia not only due to infections at the
workplace affecting manpower, however due to the rise in cases, the nation has had to
implement the Movement Control Order. Within the implementation of the Movement Control
Order (MCO) which include the Conditional and Recovery Movement Control Orders
(CMCO and RMCO), some industries have been allowed to function however with the need
to adhere to precautionary measures required at the workplace. It is imperative for industries
to take the relevant measures to emphasize and enforce continuous compliance to the new
norms to ensure sustainability of operations.
Up till the 20th January 2021, there were 685 workplace COVID-19 clusters reported to the
Ministry of Health (MOH) involving 54, 549 cases. The impact of outbreaks has lead to the
lack of employees to carry out operations due to them being admitted or quarantined. This
guideline aims to provide the necessary preventive and control measures that should be
undertaken at the workplace and may be used as a basis for workplace strategies in order
to ensure continuity of operations.
Management must constantly update themselves with regards to the latest information
regarding COVID-19 and also the current prevention and management policies related to
COVID-19. This is important in making decisions with regards to managing COVID-19 at
the workplace. Action to be taken under the Act 342 must be implemented with urgency to
avoid the spread of COVID-19 at the workplace as well as to prevent from facing liabilities
associated with non-compliance to workplace SOP’s.
Common symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, running nose.
Other symptoms include sudden new onset of loss of taste (ageusia) or smell (anosmia).
Droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs or sneezes can transmit the virus to
other people who are in close contact (within a distance of 1 meter).
The virus can also spread after infected people sneeze, cough on, or touch surfaces, or
objects such as tables, door knob and handrails. Other people may become infected by
touching these contaminated surfaces or objects then touching their eyes, noses and
mouths without having cleaned their hands first.
Incubation Period
Incubation period is currently estimated to range between 1-14 days
Vulnerable Employees:
• Older persons aged 60 and above
• Those with pre-existing medical conditions e.g. high blood pressure, heart and
lung problems, diabetes or cancer
I. Action by Employers
a) Communicate regularly to employees about COVID-19;
i. Advice employees on preventive methods:
• physical distancing (keep 1 metre away from others)
• practicing personal hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
(Refer Appendix 1)
• practicing hand hygiene (Refer Appendix 2)
• using a mask in areas required and where distancing cannot be
maintained (Refer Appendix 3)
ii. Remind employees regularly about preventive methods e.g. via e mail, social
media, gamification etc.
iii. Provide regular updates on COVID-19 to employees
iv. Provide appropriate health education and promotion materials regarding
COVID-19 to all employees
i. if at home:
▪ Wear a surgical mask and seek medical attention at the nearest health
facility immediately.
▪ Avoid contact with family members
▪ Accompanying person should also wear a surgical mask.
ii. if at workplace:
▪ Supervisor to relieve staff member from work
▪ Wear a surgical mask and seek medical attention at the nearest health
facility immediately
▪ Avoid contact with fellow employees
▪ Any accompanying person should also wear a surgical mask
g) Conduct mental health assessments among employees and carry out appropriate
measures to reduce stress among employees.
h) Monitor sick leave and absenteeism among employees. Keep a record of staff sick
leave including reasons for leave, duration of leave and current status.
j) In the setting of public transport e.g. taxis, ride-hail services, trains and buses,
drivers should ensure the following measures;
i. Frequent hand washing using soap and water, or hand sanitizer and practice
respiratory etiquette at all times.
ii. Wear a mask while carrying out the duty
iii. Seek medical attention if symptoms develop
iv. Ensure passengers wear masks while in the vehicle.
v. Regularly disinfect the interior of the vehicle after alighting passengers or after
each trip including door handles (both outside and inside).
a. Before traveling:
i. Follow the latest advisory on traveling from MKN and MOH
ii. Assess the benefits, risks and needs of travel
iii. If travelling overseas, obtain all relevant information of travel to that particular
iv. Ensure high risk employees do not travel
v. Consider issuing employees who are about to travel with face masks and hand
sanitizers if possible
b. While traveling:
i. Always bring along surgical masks and hand sanitizer for use when required
ii. Avoid crowded places and closed contact with people especially those
showing symptoms
iii. Avoid eating raw foods
iv. Seek prompt medical treatment if developing symptoms
c. On returning back:
i. Observe home surveillance or quarantine procedures as per MOH directives
ii. Immediately seek medical attention if you have symptoms of respiratory tract
infections such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing within 14 days after
returning from the visit
I. General
a) If there is any positive case detected by testing, the case should be notified by a
treating doctor to nearest District Health Office (DHO).
b) DHO will carry out investigation to identify close contacts, do a risk assessment and
advice on disinfection procedure at the workplace.
a) While waiting for DHO, a positive employee should isolate him/herself at home.
Employee should be isolated in a separate room, wear a face mask and avoid contact
with other members of the residence. The employee should use MySejahtera to
inform MOH and to carry out the daily home assessment tool.
b) Management should try to identify the close contacts of the positive case by taking a
detailed history of persons in close contact to him/ her. This is in order to assist when
DHO comes to investigate.
c) Close contacts identified by management may be put on home isolation while waiting
for DHO to come. They should be isolated in a separate room, wear a face mask,
maintain 1-meter physical distancing and frequently practice hand hygiene as well as
maintain good personal hygiene.
In a dormitory set up, one dormitory can be used to house close contacts if there are
a large number of them. These individuals should not have any contact with any other
employee in the building.
Close contacts should use MySejahtera to inform MOH and to carry out the daily
home assessment tool.
d) The management should give full cooperation to the DHO in their investigations at
the workplace. Identified close contacts would be given a home surveillance order
(HSO). Symptomatic close contacts will be screened and tested.
e) Positive cases with no or mild symptoms as well as negative cases may be given
home surveillance depending on the risk assessment by DHO as well the suitability
of their home for quarantine.
f) Any employee who develops symptoms or whose symptoms become worse while on
HSO, should immediately report to DHO for further action.
g) Those who are not considered as close contacts may return to work with strict
adherence to SOP.
h) Disinfection should be carrying out as advised by DHO. However, while waiting for
the DHO, management may carry out disinfection as per Annex 36; Garis Panduan
Pembersihan dan Disinfeksi di Tempat Awam.
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Updated 15 February 2021
i) The workplace only has to be closed for the duration of disinfection and subsequently
the workplace may function as normal but with available employees who are not close
contacts. Employers may inform the DHO to reopen the premise once the disinfection
process is completed.
j) In the event, majority of the employees are close contacts, the workplace may be
closed for the duration determined by DHO in order to carry out investigation and risk
k) The workplace will be closed for a period of 7 days if there is found to be a breach of
l) Close contacts who have completed Home Surveillance for 10 days should get their
release order from DHO before returning to work.
m) Positive cases who have been discharged from hospital, PKRC or home isolation
may return to work with strict adherence to SOP.
n) There should be strict adherence to SOP’s on transportation of suspected, probable
or confirmed cases among employees.
a) For industries with a large number of employees who are close contacts, they may
be allowed to work strictly using a bubble concept, the details of which will be
determined by the relevant DHO.
This guideline may be used as a basis for managing employees during this period of time.
Employers and employees are advised to keep up to date with the latest developments
and advice issued by the Ministry of health.
• Good personal hygiene should be observed at all times. Regular hand hygiene by
washing with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
• Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is
coughing or sneezing.
• Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
o Cover mouth and nose with bend of elbow or tissue if coughing or sneezing.
o Throw tissue in the trash after using it
o Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
o If no tissue available, use upper sleeve or elbow instead of hands while sneezing and
• Wash hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer after any contact
with respiratory secretions
• Remove jewelry before any hand wash procedure
• Rinse hands under warm running water
• Lather with soap; cover all surfaces of the hands and fingers using friction.
• Rinse under warm running water
• Dry hands thoroughly with a disposable towel
• Turn off faucet without recontaminating hands
• Keep fingernails short and do not use fingernail polish or artificial nails.
• Alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be used to decontaminate hands that are not
visibly soiled
o Apply alcohol-based hand sanitizer to palm of one hand and rub hands
together, covering all surfaces of hands and finger, until hands are dry.
1. If you have running nose or flu like symptoms, you are advised to stay at home. If
you need to go out, make sure you wear a surgical mask.
2. Avoid crowded places. Wear a surgical mask if you cannot avoid them
3. Wash hands before wearing a surgical mask and after taking one off.
• If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior
to disinfection.
• For disinfection, diluted household bleach solutions, alcohol solutions with at least
70% alcohol should be effective.
o Diluted household bleach solutions can be used if appropriate for the surface.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation.
Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Never mix
household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household
bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
Refer Annex 36 Tatacara Pembersihan Dan Disinfeksi Di Tempat Awam (Garis Panduan
Pengurusan COVID-19 di Malaysia No.5/2020 ) at
Prepared by:
Occupational & Environmental Health Sector,
Disease Control Division,
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Updated: 15th February 2021