L4M2 - Defining Business Need
L4M2 - Defining Business Need
L4M2 - Defining Business Need
Chapter 1 – How to devise a business case for requirements to be sourced from external
1.1 How business needs influence procurement decisions
A business case is a document that sets out the justification for undertaking a project on commercial
grounds. It captures the benefit of proposed action, any risk involved, how they can be mitigated,
timelines for completing the project with roles and responsibilities. It has to be aligned with
corporate goals. An example of business case is the procurement sourcing strategy (category
management plan)
Types of purchases
Straight re-buy – Purchase of item that has been purchased previously by the firm, of which that
is an existing specification. Usually purchased from an existing supplier on an approved vendor
list. The purchase is often relatively low value or low risk to the organisation if there is disruption
in supply.
Modified re-buy – Same as straight re-buy but with some changes. It can be a cost reduction
target or volume discount request. This requires more effort from the buyer to achieve the
New purchase – Requires the most procurement skill. Used for purchase of capital items, new
technology, finished products, etc. and involves deep understanding of the business
requirement, writing a specification, researching the supply market and key suppliers, writing
ITT, managing tender process, negotiation and supplier selection.
Defining Business needs/requirements – One way to identify business needs is to use a model with
the acronym RAQSCI (“rack-ski”), a model which takes six themes of needs and ranks them in a
specific order. The order is crucial as it focuses attention on potential trade-offs that has to be made.
1. Regulatory – Covers any legal requirements of regulatory bodies.
2. Availability – Covers continuing supply of goods and services when required and is based on
factors such as capacity, financial stability and risk.
3. Quality – Goods and Services consistency, repeatability and fitness for purpose.
4. Service requirements – The way service is provided. E.g., flexibility, support, etc.
5. Cost – Considered after other factors have been met. E.g., target cost, TCO, benchmark prices.
6. Innovation – Measures of improving customer experience using emerging technologies.
When defining business requirements, involving a range of stakeholders is very important.
In framing the business need, below are the elements that most appeal to management.
Return on Investment
Time to market – product market entry
Customer satisfaction
Improving productivity
Managing risk
In summary, business case has to be credible and should tell a story to relate situations.
Types of market data that can provide information on costs and prices
1. Desk research – also known as secondary research involves gathering already available
information from published sources including market reports, official statistics and trade
publications through a wide range of sources including the internet.
2. Field research – involves collection of more detailed, specific, original or raw data (primary data)
which can be quantitative (statistical/numeric) or qualitative (expressive).
3. Request for Information (RFI) – Used to gather information about suppliers and their
capabilities prior to a formal procurement process. It used as initial step before sending RFQ or
Organisational value chain (primary activities) – Michael Porter of Harvard Business School 1985
Inbound logistics – interactions with suppliers and the activities of receiving, storing and
distributing supplies internally.
Operations – all the activities which turn inputs into goods and services (the output) to be sold.
Outbound logistics – activities that receives products from operations, store and deliver them to
the customers.
Sales and Marketing – activities that finds and keep customers, make them aware of the
products and services on offer and determine prices.
Service – activities that maintain products after sales and achieve customer care.
The secondary activities (support functions) interact these primary activities and include
procurement, human resources management, technology development, etc.
Leverage Strategic
Items purchased in large Items important to distinctive
quantities that are made for stock competency or important for the further
and by many suppliers success of the organisation
For the low impact quadrant containing low unit cost items, price analysis makes more sense to be
used that cost analysis. Other applicable techniques are shown below for each of the quadrants.
Low impact focus – price analysis Critical projects focus – life-cycle costing
Competitive bids TCO analysis
Market comparisons Lifecycle costing
Price indexes TCA of the supply chain
Arms-length Strategic alliance
Type of supplier relationship
Target cost setting – The starting point is to carry out a PCA to understand which components of the
product or service are important to the customer. This is followed by relative ranking of the
customer requirements which can be obtained by survey. One way to collect and analyse the data
needed to define customer requirement is quality function deployment (QFD).
Purchase price analysis – An approach for testing whether or not the price paid for goods or services
is fair. There are generally three sources of price comparators.
1. Past/historical pricing – using a benchmark of prices that has been paid in the past with
consideration for inflation, etc.
2. Published prices – Can be found in catalogues.
3. Pricing formula – prices that can be benchmarked for example per square meter, per day, etc.
Benchmarking requirements
Benchmarking is a strategic analytic process of continuously measuring an organisation’s products,
services and practices against recognized leader in the studied area. Navy benchmarking handbook
defines it as a structured process of continually searching for best methods, practices adopting their
good features and implementing them to become the best. It recognizes four main types.
Internal benchmarking – comparing a business process to a similar process in same organisation
Competitive benchmarking – benchmarking a product, service or process against that if a direct
Functional benchmarking – comparing similar or identical practices with those of an
organisation outside of the immediate industry sector.
Generic benchmarking – looks at unrelated business processes or functions in organisations
regardless of the industry.
A financial budget is a plan for a defined period, usually twelve months showing either revenues or
costs or both. Without this, an organisation does not know whether it will have the funds to meet
obligations or have surplus to reinvest in the business.
The three main activities involved in budgeting and its management are below.
1. Planning – How the funds will be gotten and where it will be spent.
2. Controlling – Analysing how the money is being spent against the budget and deciding on
actions to take.
3. Decision-making – Implementing actions to correct variances between the budget and spending.
This is also known as the Plan-Review-Do cycle of budgeting.
Budget variances
Price & quantity variance – assuming quantity of raw materials purchased by a business in the
last month is Q1 at unit price P1, cost = Q1P1, Cost this month is Q2P2,
Variance = Q1P1 - Q2P2 - Known as Quantity Variance
This equation can be factored as Variance = (P1-P2)Q2 - Known as the Price Variance
Labour variance – difference between the budgeted and actual wage costs. Can be further
analysed into wage-rate variance (if more overtime than expected is used) and labour-efficiency
variance (if more hours than planned is spent on a job).
Overhead variance – occurs when actual overhead is higher or less than budgeted. Can be
further split into volume variance (when overheads are apportioned to products & services and
production varies from planned) and expenditure variance (when actual overhead varies from
2.1. Analysing different types of markets utilised by procurement and supply (Market Analysis)
Industries are usually classified into three main groups;
Primary activities – essential extractive industries such as mining
Secondary activities – manufacturing
Tertiary – Services
According to Michael Porter, there are three strategies for competing in the industry – Cost
leadership, Differentiation and Focus on a narrow niche segment.
Industry Classification
Industries can be further classified using a coding system. One of such system is the four digits SIC
(Standard Industry Classification) system which originated in the US and widely used globally.
SIC Codes Industry
0100-0999 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
1000-1499 Mining
1500-1799 Construction
1800-1999 Not used
2000-3999 Manufacturing
4000-4999 Transportation, communications, electric, gas and sanitary services
5000-5199 Wholesale trade
5200-5999 Retail trade
6000-6799 Finance, insurance and real estate
7000-8999 Services
9100-9729 Public administration
9900-9999 Non-classifiable
The codes are often further subdivided, for example by SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission)
Segment analysis
An industry is a market in which similar (or closely related) products or services are sold to buyers.
A segment is a group of products or services that provide specific but different value for their
buyers. For example, car manufacturers segment their products by demographics – one type of car
can be targeted at low-income buyers while another type is marketed as luxury vehicle.
Understanding the segments helps procurement & supply to shape and manage supply markets.
Below are four segment classifications
Product or service-based segments – This type of segment contains not only individual products or
services but also ancillary services such as maintenance or consumables. Group of products can be
sold together or single products bundled with other ancillary services. Factors that can lead to this
form of segmentation includes:
Physical product size
Price levels
New vs replacement
Segments based on buyers – Factors that determine how industrial markets can be segmented on
basis of buyers include the following.
Size of buying organisation, technology used or form of product use.
Buyer’s competition strategy – products to be differentiated at premium price will focus on
Buyer’s size – the larger the order size or annual purchase value, the more the bargaining power.
Ownership of an organisation – e.g., local vs multinational.
Financial strength – firms’ profitability can determine price sensitivity & purchase frequency.
Order patterns – firms/buyers with predictable orders such as seasonal are easier to service.
Consumer markets – marketplace made up of individuals rather than businesses or companies.
Key factors for market segmentation here include lifestyle, language (for media related
products) and purchase occasion.
Segments based on distribution channels – This has major cost implications and the individual
factors that determine channel-based segments include the following.
Direct sale/retailer vs distributors
Direct marketing ( direct consumer sales) vs retail
Exclusive vs non-exclusive outlets – e.g., luxury products like cars (BMW), watches (Rolex), etc.
Distribution channel mix – some products require use of multiple distribution channels
Segments based on geography – creates segments based on product attributes and cost of different
distribution channels. Key factors include the following.
Localities, regions or countries – product/service logistics considerations, taxes, regulations, etc.
Weather zones – zones with warm climate have different needs to those with cold climates. E.g.,
clothing manufacturing.
Country groupings – different countries have different requirement in terms of packaging and
available logistics infrastructure.
Finding new segments - The key task for procurement and supply is to constantly monitor suppliers
and industries in which they operate in order to find opportunities to reduce cost by means of
Factors to determine segments in an industry are often easy to identify and the following questions
helps to find these factors.
Can other technologies or product designs deliver buyer needs in a better way?
Can the product or service be enhanced to provide better value?
Can buyers needs (reduced price) be met by bulk product/service deliveries?
Are there other product/service bundles and ancillaries?
Are there other channels for reaching additional buyers or serving existing customers better?
Analysis of organisations
This is the third level of market analysis and involves understanding individual companies within
each segment of the industry. Knowing the context in which organisations operate (markets,
industries and segments) gives an understanding of the pressures and constrains that individual
companies face.
The next step is to understand how a company organizes itself to meet these pressures and
constraints in a way that is profitable. A useful way to do this is using Porter’s Value Chain Model.
Analyzing organisations simply implies analysis of the value chain which involves breaking down
activities into those that has discrete technologies and costs. By doing so, a procurement
professional can gain useful insight into how suppliers support the buyer’s business and also where
there might be opportunities for cost reduction.
Analyzing Specific Markets – There are many markets in existence but the key ones below will be
analysed. Manufacturing, Construction, Retail, Finance, Agriculture, Services.
In analysing markets, the factors below are considered.
Objectives – what the company is attempting to achieve within the market (market share,
brand, differentiation, etc.)
Drivers – key factors that gave rise to the objectives (technology shift, regulatory compliance,
emerging markets, sustainability, income level, rise in demand, social media etc.)
Governance – rules, structures and institutions in place to guide efforts to meet the objectives
Ownership – the legal form of the company (partnerships, sole traders, shareholders
Commodity/non-commodity – extent to which the goods/services are considered to be
When analysing a large market, it is best to segment it into different buying groups with essentially
the same or similar needs and organisations whose products or services are aimed at meeting those
specific needs. Analysing a wider market tends to miss out on the different factors that influence
business models of competing organisations as can be seen from large corporations vs small
businesses providing similar products/services.
General approach to understanding and managing markets
Sometimes, understanding and managing markets involves asking several questions which is time-
consuming and not relevant to every market. To simplify this understanding is by use of concept of
“supply positioning” which produces a two-by-two matrix (The Kraljic Matrix) based on importance
of spend category & complexity/risk involved as shown below categories:
High importance & high complexity/risk
High importance & low complexity/risk
Low importance & high complexity/risk
Low importance & low complexity/risk
Critical factors that determine importance of a category are as follows;
Value of spend, i.e., the 80/20 rule
Importance of the delivery to organisation’s service or product
Universality of service/product offering
Impact of the category on quality of final product
Impact on organisation’s plan for growth
The Kraljic Matrix is shown in figure below:
Critical Strategic
Complexity/Supply risk High Specialist Critical to own
services/products product/services
Capacity constrained High complexity
Seek continuity of Seek to form partnerships
Tactical Leverage
Non-core items Many suppliers
Low Simplify procurement Risk of failure is low
process Use market competition to
Aim to bundle items into drive down prices
larger contracts
Low High
Markets meet the needs of one or more group of buyers. Industries are collection of organisations
whose business is to meet these needs at a profit.
Market analysis involves gaining understanding of how attractive an industry is to the business and a
keyway to do this is via use of Porter’s Five Forces Model shown below.
2.3. Data/Information Sources for Supplier Cost & Prices
Costs are generally split into those that are used in the manufacture of a product or delivery of a
service(direct costs) and those that are cost of support activities (indirect costs). Both type of costs
can be further classified into fixed costs (those that do not change with output) and variable cost
(which are directly related to volume of output).
Information about these costs is collected from the associated operations as part of market analysis
and below are some of the sources.
Company annual reports – provides insight on suppliers’ annual sales & profit for further
analysis. For instance, the fixed and variable cost of a product can be determined through any
analysis of multiple supplier’s cost(y) vs output(x) plot whereby slope is cost per unit and fixed
cost is intersection on cost axis.
Market data – information collected, analysed and then sold on a range of markets including
number of companies in the market, trends, market share, segmentation, innovation,
benchmarks, etc.
Technical data – data provided by organisation’s technical staff which can be used to determine
direct and indirect costs.
Request for Information (RFI) – process to collect information when the company is not certain
of the details of the product or service under consideration.
Plant Visits – can provide insight into supplier’s processes and associated costs.
Discount lists – suppliers will be able to offer discounts for products at maturity or decline
How to research and use market data to estimate & negotiate current and future prices for
purchased goods and services.
One process for collecting and analysing the data & information is called OWN-IT. An acronym
for five steps in the process.
1. Outline – creating an outline/checklist of info to be researched. Researcher has to be
specific, define what is already known (via mind maps) create the outline & then define the
2. Wide search – gives researcher a feel of information available to fill the gap identified in the
first step. Useful resource for this is internet search.
3. Narrow search – involves skim reading of materials obtained from wide search to check
relevance and applicability to the research.
4. Increase in stockpile information – involves storage of all relevant information obtained
from wide and narrow searches for later review and action 5.
5. Transformation of stockpile into new knowledge – involves organising the information in a
meaningful way to discover new insights and utilized for the benefit of the company. Some
of which are explained below.
Purchase price/cost analysis (PPCA) – helps to answer key questions that ultimately
determine the cost of what organisation buys.
Negotiating – involves efforts using the PPCA and knowledge of direct and indirect costs to
get price reduction on products or services.
According to Karl Wiegers in 2001; Industry data suggests that approx. 50% of product defects
originate in the requirements and 80% of rework effort on a software development project can be
traced to requirement defect. Inadequate spec can come in the forms described below.
Under-specified need – greatest risk is having product or service not meeting user requirement.
Over-specified need – major risk is greater expense beyond viable limits
Misinterpreted need – risks can be a combination of the above risks and more resulting from
time overrun and increased cost from reworks.
The four phases of managing the probable risks are:
Risk identification – all potential risks that might be associated with the specification are ID’d
Risk assessment – Describes the impact of the risk if it occurs, likelihood of the risk being
detected before occurrence, and likelihood of the risk being eliminated.
Risk control - Involves risk mitigation by either Tolerating, Treating, Transfer or Termination
Risk monitoring – A risk register is utilized to list all identified risks with unique identifier, date,
allocated owner, description, action taken to mitigate the risk, etc.