Student Exploration: Building DNA

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Name: Megh Date: 3/17-3/18

Student Exploration: Building DNA

Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and
prompts in the orange boxes.

Vocabulary​:​ double helix, DNA, enzyme, mutation, nitrogenous base, nucleoside, nucleotide, replication

Prior Knowledge Questions ​(Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo​.)

DNA​ is an incredible molecule that forms the basis of life on Earth. DNA molecules contain instructions for
building every living organism on Earth, from the tiniest bacterium to a massive blue whale. DNA also has the
ability to ​replicate​, or make copies of itself. This allows living things to grow and reproduce.

1. Look at the DNA molecule shown at right. What does it look like?

A double helix strand, and a spiral staircase. This shape is

called a double helix.

This shape is called a ​double helix​.

2. Based on this picture, how do you think a DNA molecule makes a copy of itself?
(Hint: Look at the bottom two “rungs” of the ladder.)

The DNA strands separated the enzyme called DNA

polymerase which copies each strand using the base-pairing

Gizmo Warm-up
​ izmo allows you to construct a DNA molecule and go
The ​Building DNA G
through the process of DNA replication. Examine the components that make up
a DNA molecule.

1. What are the two DNA components shown in the Gizmo?

Nucleosides and Phosphates

2. A ​nucleoside​ has two parts: a pentagonal sugar (deoxyribose) and a

nitrogenous base​ ​(in color). When a nucleoside is joined to a phosphate, it
is called a ​nucleotide​.

How many different nitrogenous bases do you see? Four different nitrogenous bases

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Note: The names of these nitrogenous bases are adenine (red), cytosine (yellow), guanine (blue), and
thymine (green).

Activity A: Get the Gizmo ready​:

Build a DNA ● If necessary, click ​Reset​ to start the building
molecule process.

Question: What is the structure of DNA?

Left side Right side
1. Build​: Follow the steps given in the Gizmo to
construct a molecule of DNA. (Note: For simplicity, G C
this DNA molecule is shown in two dimensions,
without the twist.)
Stop when the hint reads: “The DNA molecule is
complete.” In the spaces at right, list the sequence T A
of nitrogenous bases on the left-hand side of the
DNA molecule and the right-hand side. G C

2. Take a picture​: 📷
Click the ​camera​ ( ) to take a
snapshot of your DNA molecule. Right-click the

image and select ​Copy Image​. Paste the image C G

below, and label this image “Original DNA

3. Explain​: Describe the structure of the DNA molecule you made.

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A. What makes up the sides of the DNA molecule? Phosphates

B. What makes up the “rungs” of the DNA molecule? Nucleosides

4. Fill in​: Write the name of the nitrogenous base that joins to each of the bases below:

Adenine (A) joins to Thymine (T) Thymine (T) joins to Adenine (A)

Cytosine (C) joins to Guanine (G) Guanine (G) joins to Cytosine (C)

5. Practice​: The left side of a DNA molecule is shown.

✏ Draw a complementary right side of the molecule.

6. Challenge​: This DNA strand consists of eight pairs of

nitrogenous bases. How many different sequences of eight
bases can you make? Explain how you found your answer.

I could make eight different sequences for the eight

bases because you must write down their own base
pair which are A, G.T.A.C.T.C.G.

Activity B: Get the Gizmo ready​:

DNA ● Be sure the hint reads: “The DNA molecule is complete.”
replication If not, click ​Reset​ and build a new DNA molecule.

Question: How does DNA make a copy of itself?

1. Observe​: An ​enzyme​ is a protein that facilitates certain cell processes. Click ​Release enzyme​ to release
DNA helicase​. What does this enzyme do to the DNA molecule?

It splits up the bases from their pairs

2. Observe​: Click ​Release enzyme​ to release ​DNA polymerase​.

A. Notice that two groups of ​Nucleotides​ appear on the right. What are the t​ hree​ parts

of a nucleotide? Ribose sugar phosphate nitrogenous


B. Drag one of the nucleotides to a corresponding nitrogenous base on one of the two strands. What is
the role of DNA polymerase in this process?

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The main function of DNA polymerase is to make DNA from nucleotides, the building
blocks of DNA.

3. Build​: Complete the two molecules of DNA by dragging nucleotides to their corresponding locations. When
you have finished, compare the two completed daughter DNA molecules.

What do you notice about the two molecules? They both shows the DNA molecule strand

4. Take a picture​: 📷
Click the ​camera​ to take a snapshot of the DNA molecules, and paste the image below.
Label this image “Daughter DNA molecules.”

How do these molecules compare to the original? It shows the DNA molecule showing
a complete DNA molecules for the
daughter cell

5. Think and discuss​: Why is DNA replication such an important process?

Because so many molecules are involved in the process.

6. Extend your thinking​: Sometimes errors called ​mutations​ occur during DNA replication. What are some of
the possible consequences of mutations?
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A mutation is a permanent change in the sequence of DNA. In order for an observable
effect, mutations must occur in gene exons or regulatory elements.

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