Edspe 435 Syllabus Final
Edspe 435 Syllabus Final
Edspe 435 Syllabus Final
Course Structure
This 10-week course will be offered in an online format. Content includes a series of readings,
interactive activities, assignments, discussions, and quizzes.
Course Description
The purpose of this class is to provide students with an overview of the characteristics, causes,
treatments, and controversies related to students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This
course is designed to be a first introduction to ASD. Information about the history of the
disorder, assessment strategies, and types of interventions will be addressed. We will provide
information about a variety of interventions including educational, social, and bio-medical. We
will also cover issues of how having a child with ASD affects families, schools, and
communities. Finally, we will explore the complexities of providing appropriate programs for
children with ASD and their families who have multiple risk factors (e.g., cultural and linguistic
diversity, those who live in poverty, recent immigrants).
Specifically, this course will focus on several main areas which have been organized into
• Module 1: Introduction and Historical Overview
• Module 2: Prevalence and Causes
• Module 3: Assessment and Diagnostic Issues
• Module 4: Social Characteristics and Effective Interventions
• Module 5: Communication Characteristics and Effective Interventions
• Module 6: Cognitive, Behavioral Characteristics and Effective Interventions
• Module 7: Motor, Sensory, Adaptive Characteristics and Effective Interventions
• Module 8: Family Service, Supports and Lifespan Issues
• Module 9: Effective Teams and Placement
• Module 10: Public Policies and Legal Requirements
Course Objectives
Course objectives are derived from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Professional
Standards for Special Education Teachers of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and/or
Autism. The following standards will be addressed throughout this course:
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University of Washington
College of Education – Area of Special Education
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSPE 435 – 5 credits
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course students should be able to:
• Identify and describe characteristics of ASD
• Discuss the history (causes and myths about the causes) of ASD
• Explain the assessment and diagnostic process for ASD
• List characteristics of effective interventions across the areas of cognitive,
social/behavior, communication, sensory, motor, and adaptive
• Understand family dynamics associated with raising a child who has a diagnosis of ASD
(parent and family supports, siblings, stress)
Required Text
Available in digital or print format from the UW Bookstore.
Boutot, A. & Myles, B. (Eds.). (2011). Autism Spectrum Disorders. Prentice Hall.
1. Assignment policy: Assignments will be time sensitive; they will be available for a
limited amount of time in which the students can complete them. All assignments are due
by 11:59 PM on the dates indicated. Any assignment turned in late without prior approval
from an instructor may be reduced by 25% of the total points possible.
2. Policies regarding expected classroom behaviors: Students are expected to adhere to
standards of appropriate online etiquette. Students are expected to use respectful, person-
first language.
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University of Washington
College of Education – Area of Special Education
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSPE 435 – 5 credits
3. Policies against plagiarism: All assignments must be the original work of the student.
Plagiarism is a willful act that will not be permitted. Each student is expected to
understand the meaning of plagiarism and demonstrate a high level of academic integrity.
Cutting and pasting directly off a website is considered plagiarism. Simply changing a
few words in a sentence or phrase also constitutes plagiarism. Any instance of plagiarism
may result in an "F" for the course.
4. Course content change policy: Information contained in the course syllabus may be
subject to change with reasonable advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the
5. To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at:
206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY), 206.685.7264 (fax), or email
at [email protected]. The University of Washington makes every effort to honor
disability accommodation requests. Requests can be responded to most effectively if
received as far in advance of the event as possible, preferably at least 10 days. If you
have a letter from the DS office indicating that you have a disability which requires
academic accommodations, please present the letter to us so we can discuss the
accommodations that you might need in this class.
Computer literacy: You are expected to understand the functions of your computer system (e.g.
programs, saving, retrieving, printing, etc.). You are expected to have ‘working’ knowledge and
skills within the online environment. If you have difficulty with Catalyst, you are encouraged to
contact the free helpdesk: http://www.washington.edu/lst/help or [email protected] for assistance.
In addition, you can stop by the lab in Miller Hall (4th floor) for answers to your technical
Submitting Assignments: All assignments will be submitted via “collect-it” in Catalyst unless
otherwise indicated.
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University of Washington
College of Education – Area of Special Education
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSPE 435 – 5 credits
Course Outline
The table below is an outline and additional details per module are located in Catalyst.
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University of Washington
College of Education – Area of Special Education
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSPE 435 – 5 credits
Posted Videos
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University of Washington
College of Education – Area of Special Education
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSPE 435 – 5 credits
Module 1:
Media Example 5
KWL Chart 5
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 35
Module 2:
True/False Quiz 5
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 30
Module 3:
Statement 5
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 30
Module 4:
Case Study 5
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 30
Module 5:
Description of Communication 5
Identify Communication Methods 5
Discuss and Design Visuals 10
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University of Washington
College of Education – Area of Special Education
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSPE 435 – 5 credits
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 45
Module 6:
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 25
Module 7:
Description of therapies in classroom 5
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 30
Module 8:
Family support groups 5
Concept Map 5
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 35
Module 9:
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 25
Module 10:
Case Study 10
Module Quiz 20
Discussion Post 5
Total = 35
Total Points Possible 320
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University of Washington
College of Education – Area of Special Education
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSPE 435 – 5 credits
Grading: There are a total of 320 points available; the breakdown is as follows:
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