Astrazeneca Uses Movilizer For It S Global Track & Trace Program
Astrazeneca Uses Movilizer For It S Global Track & Trace Program
Astrazeneca Uses Movilizer For It S Global Track & Trace Program
All necessary Track & Trace information Tracking efforts are more integrated and Immediate positive results when the
available in one app, anytime less time-consuming app was put into practice
AstraZeneca selected Movilizer as the and Forklift terminals for convenience SAP WM/MM, rapid development - build
solution due to its clear GUI, it‘s ability to Movilizer was also deployed on Android and once and run on 8 different SAP plat-
process data offline and its standard SAP iOS mobile devices used by field inspectors forms - and secure support for 3rd party
connectors. to verify product status and master data. devices made this platform unique to
The Movilizer Platform was used to equip The Movilizer Platform was selected meet global track & trace requirements.
warehouse and production staff with hand- because it was the most suitable solution The Consumer Experience was also im-
held scanners connected to a central SAP in the market for such a mission critical portant as the app had to be very simple
Track & Trace system (hosted by the SAP in operation involving a variety of mobile to use with minimal training, which again
the SAP Enterprise Cloud). scanning devices - smart phones, fork Movilizer could easily fulfil.
The Movilizer Platform was also deployed on lifts, picking tables etc. Its out-of-the-box
picking tables used to scan multiple codes integration with SAP Track & Trace and