Bachelor'S Degree Programme T-I Term-End Examination June, 2010 Elective Course: Mathematics Mte-12: Linear Programming
Bachelor'S Degree Programme T-I Term-End Examination June, 2010 Elective Course: Mathematics Mte-12: Linear Programming
Bachelor'S Degree Programme T-I Term-End Examination June, 2010 Elective Course: Mathematics Mte-12: Linear Programming
MTE-12 1 P.T.O.
In an optimal solution of any balance
transportation problem with 3 sources and
3 destinations, there are at least 6 routes over
which a positive quantity is being
In a two-person zero-sum game, if the
optimal solution requires one player to use
a pure strategy, the other player must also
use a pure strategy.
(e) For any two square matrices A and B,
AB = BA.
MTE-12 2
Di D2 D3 Availability
01 5 7 2 25
Origin 02 3 6 5 35
03 1 12 4 40
Requirement 30 28 42
subject to
xl + x 2 + 3x 3 5 100
x 1 , x 2, x 3 . 0
(b) Show that the set S {(x, y) : xy x 0, y 0} 3
is not convex.
MTE-12 3 P.T.O.
19 9 5
solution to (P) and -i , 4 ' 6 ) is a feasible
solution to D. Without solving (P) or (D),
„ 1
check whether 1, 2) is an optimal
solution to the primal problem (P) and
(9 9 5)
2 4 ( is an optimal solution to the
dual problem (D).
(b) Formulate a linear programming model for 4
the maximising player A of the following
game :
Player B
I 8 2 —3
Player A II 6 5 4
III 0 —8 12
MTE-12 4
5. (a) A manufacturer wants to send 8 loads of 6
his product as shown below. The matrix
gives the distance (in miles) from origin '0'
to destination 'D'
Origin A B C Availability
X 5 1 7 1
Y 6 4 6 3
3 2 5 4
Requirement 3 3 2 8
I 42 30 30 24
II 35 25 25 20
Ill 28 20 20 16
Iv 21 15 15 12
1 1 k
[21 1 [1(1 , 11.
MTE-12 6
A I 6 7 15
II 20 12 10
MTE-12 7 P.T.O.
1... -12
*-11 14) zETrru chi, chTT
HARI 1:rftaTT
"‘ff, 2010
g ickg swi :
71:44.-12 : Arioth AA ±.11-141
1. •
1.11-sirtifisid -4 4 -14t-7? at Ai-74 wpm?
dTI( got . ' tf-AR
MTE-12 9 P.T.O.
•RW'rg--tr-ffi• v-q -4-1Trm ao 'W1:1"•F
*31-gig lifq w Rstrusl tiracbc-4 Ti
anti t alit4 fig oiil ift tirciebeN
ir in
MTE-12 10
(b) tgo IT:Rzrr Trruitzi 1;4 1-4-{gR : 4
D2 D3 ztra-ardr
01 5 7 2 25
13tru 022 3 6 5 35
03 1 12 4 40
3.11-4rWaT 30 28 42
Z = 2x 1 + 5x2 + 7x3
3TRT-*--ditvur wif-o7
3x 1 2X 2 4x 3 100
x1 + x 2 + 3x3 100
X 1, x2, X3 0
MTE-12 11 P.T.O.
4. (a) -P--i 0 tga LPP W* tt (D) fifes :
(P) 2x2 + 5x3 W' voi-il ebtui *WWWR
741-w xi + x 22
2x1 + x2 + 6x3 6
x l , x2, x3 0.
MTE-12 12
5. (a) LTA' fffqtaT 14-1irut aTcrk dctif q 8 *I 47-41 6
t i 8iTag #rd '0' 14 1 10 044 'D'
X 5 1 7 1
Y 6 4 6 3
3 2 5 4
3741471-*77 3 3 2 8
"C ITRfk1
tl Rittcbi 2T.
7' 5 T. 'Wf rii cm t I fg(Ft A atIT ft9MIs1 B
fit t I zrfq 1.4 Tg fiqc4
Hfr) if trrch---o. figrii41 A fortis? B
Ri ctzhi "Atd t 19 1 I 1
trk TR Rg oi41 B Rictchi Clai t I
-p4fg--.arfw @(-1 ftgdirsql
wa-rr If-Tztt * -14c *rrivi '111.
MTE-12 13 P.T.O.
6. (a) Pii-liortg o CINIc1 aTfaT cticii (via aftwim-(1. 6
alg al Trz:R:zrr w1:1-4R I
I 42 30 30 24
II 35 25 25 20
III 28 20 20 16
IV 21 15 15 12
x + 2x2 + x3 = 4
2x1 + x2 ± 5x3 = 5
xi, x2, x3 0
*1-4-Trr aTrtit la aTtr4 31/..&gra
1 k 1
[21 0
MTE-12 14
A I 6 7 15
II 20 12 10
1-4Wiff c4 TFRIF
1rt -14 TtrrFrr
7104 "WIT *WWR I