Storehouse For Textile Industry
Storehouse For Textile Industry
Storehouse For Textile Industry
Textile Industry
Group 4:
- 2301950345 - An Nisa'a Nuramalia
- 2301908822 - Lusi Kusumawati
- 2301931011 - Kenny Dwikinanty
- 2301947325 - Siska Pratiwi
- 2301914081 - Syahlaa Perdina Jamil
From time to time, the textile company will remain one of the big
companies that can fulfill our primary needs as the manufacture of clothing
or other goods. The bigger the industry, the more orders come in. The more
orders that come in, the more stock is needed and extensive the warehouse
required. Manually, employees will check stock and report to other employees
or managers
Business Process
Applications that can be used by business people to find a place to store
stock items. They can register, select a location, and view a selection of
places from the app's search results. Another feature provided is monitoring
stock products that in and out. Employee could updated the stock just with
application and it can be seen by Managers and another employee
- Our customer will be Integrity
easier to find a Increase trust
warehouse between employees
- With monitoring stock, we while monitoring the
will provide monthly stock stock
Faster Cheaper
Improve efficiency
in monitoring With warehouse monitoring
warehouse stock can automatically reduce
and also to make operational costs
the monthly report
1. iStorehouse provides various warehouse options by selecting the desired location, and
customers can adjust the warehouse rental price according to their budget (price filter
feature). The selected warehouse will display detailed size specifications, images,
complete address and map, also the contact person
2. In addition to providing a choice of warehouse locations, clients will also get features for
monitoring the stock in and stock out in real time through the iStorehouse application, as
well as sending notifications to clients if the stock of goods is running low.
3. Customer service 24 hours (customer can ask the relevant warehouse before renting)
This project is estimated to be complete approximately in 6 months
MOV Cont
- Application creation : more or less Rp. 20.000.000,-
- Cooperation with warehouse providers : more or less Rp. 5.000.000,-
- Application Testing : more or less Rp. 5.000.000,-
With a calculated budget, this project will cost more or less Rp. 30.000.000,-
The quality we expect in our application are :
- Customer will find the new warehouse faster without conducting in-person site surveys
- Accessible 24 hours
- Customer will get real-time data of the stock
- Customer can uses one of iStorehouse feature
- Get scheduled updates to avoid bugs/error
- Easy to use
- Customer can get monthly report
This project will be successful if the number of textile industry
in Indonesia is increase, and the industries are interested also
the industry have higher demand from their customer to
produce many products, so they need a lot of space to store
their products that makes them to use our application and our
service. Also this project will be successful if IStorehouse’s user
increased by more than 3% from the first 6 months.
- Project Name: iStorehouse
- Project Start Date: March 22, 2021
- Project End Date: August 8, 2021
- Project Description: A mobile application that provide renting feature from a several of existing
warehouses in various places to store the customer's business product and there is an optional feature
for the business employee to monitoring stock from the application. The app will be available on Android
and IOS
- Project Objectives: Facilitate renting a warehouse to store the business product and monitoring stock via
mobile phone
- Available Resources
Total Budget: Rp. 125.000.000,-
- Market Research : more or less Rp 5.000.000,-
- Application creation : more or less Rp. 40.000.000,-
- Cooperation with warehouse providers : more or less Rp. 10.000.000,-
- Application Testing : more or less Rp. 20.000.000,-
- Hardware Infrastructure : more or less Rp. 30.000.000,-
- Go-live (Implementation) : more or less Rp. 20.000.000,-
- Potential Risks:
1. The team may not meet deadlines due to adding unplanned in the spesification features
2. The team may run out of the budget due to extending development or testing time
3. The team may not get lots of data and information during research and discovery for
potential customers
Date: 22/03/2021 Date: 12/04/2021 Date: 26/04/2021 Date: 03/05/2021
Deadline: 12/04/2021 Deadline: 26/04/2021 Deadline: 03/05/2021 Deadline: 02/06/2021
Research and Build 1.0: Prototyping Create main feature Build 2.0: Main
discovery for and Wireframe presentation function for the
potential customers customer flows application
01 02 03 04
Date: 03/06/2021 Date: 18/06/2021 Date: 17/07/2021 Date: 01/08/2021
Deadline: 17/06/2021 Deadline: 17/07/2021 Deadline: 01/08/2021 Deadline: 08/08/2021
Testing 1: Main Build 3.0: Adding new Testing 2: Main Final execute and
feature features and feature maintenance
customers request
05 06 07 08
Title and name : Date :
Project manager : Kenny Dwikinanty
- 4.0 Design
4.1 Analysis and Design Systems
4.1.1 Analyze the system design with the results of the analysis in
the previous step
4.1.2 Create statement of purpose and event list
4.1.3 Create use case diagram
4.1.4 Create activity diagram
4.1.5 Create class diagram
4.1.6 Create system sequence diagram
4.2 Concept design
4.2.1 Prototyping and wireframe main feature
4.3 Final Design
4.3.1 Create User Interface
4.3.2 Create the database
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- 5.0 Construction
5.1 Determine programming language
5.2 Programming
5.2.1 Writing code program (Back End & Front End)
5.2.2 Integrate coding with the final design
5.2.3 Documentation program (Front End & Back End)
- 6.0 Testing
6.1 Test plan
6.2 Test results report
6.2.1 Review test plan with client
6.2.2 Carry out test plan
6.2.3 Analyze results
6.2.4 Prepare test results report and presentation
6.2.5 Present test result to client
6.2.6 Address any software issues or problems
6.2.7 Milestone : client signs off on test results
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- 7.0 Implementation
7.1 Installation
7.1.2 Install the Application
7.2 Configuration
7.2.2 Configure installation with the application software
- 8.0 Close project
8.1 Audit procurement
8.2 Document lessons learned
8.3 Update files/records
8.4 Archive files/documents
- 9.0 Evaluate Project Success
9.1 Maintenance application
9.2 Make improvements from the deficiencies found