Bit Error Rate Analysis of Different Digital Modulation Schemes in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems
Bit Error Rate Analysis of Different Digital Modulation Schemes in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems
Bit Error Rate Analysis of Different Digital Modulation Schemes in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems
This study presents the design of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system and analyses the
performance of the different digital modulation techniques employed in the system. The OFDM system was modelled
and different modulation schemes: M-ary phase shift keying (M-PSK) and M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation
(M-QAM) were employed over two different channels: additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), and Rayleigh multipath
fading channels. Bit error rate (BER) analysis was carried out for the different digital modulation schemes over the
two channels, and the number of fast Fourier transform (FFT) points used during the transmission was examined.
Generally, results showed that over both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels, lower order modulation schemes
perform better than the higher order schemes. This comes at the detriment of the data rate, as lower order schemes
have lower data rates compared with their higher order counterparts. In addition, it was observed that the system
performed better over AWGN channel than Rayleigh fading channel for all modulation schemes used. On the number
of FFT points used during the transmission, findings revealed that the performance of the system is more or less not
really affected by the number of FFT points employed during transmission.
Key words: Digital modulation, bit error rate, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, additive white Gaussian
noise, modulation schemes, fast Fourier transform.
computational complexity) [4]. These advantages have account the number of bits per symbol, and so the
developed OFDM into a widely accepted strategy for signal power corresponds to the energy per bit times
wideband digital communication transmission used in the number of bits per symbol. It was concluded that
areas such as digital television and audio broadcasting, the performance of the system will be reduced as the
wireless networks and 4th generation (4G) mobile number of constellation mapping points increased from
communication [5]. 8 to 64 point, and the higher Eb/No required for
In accordance with the modulation order, the amount transferring data means that more energy is required
of error in the bit information can be varied [6]. Thus, for each bit transfer.
this study concentrated on the analysis of the Instead of using fast Fourier transform to implement
performance of the OFDM system over different orthogonality of the subcarriers, Bodhe et al. [9] used a
channels whilst employing different modulation discrete wave transform (DWT) to do so. This was
techniques. The study was carried out using Simulink achieved using MATLAB Simulink. This model, based
in MATLAB and the various digital modulation on DWT was used to analyse the performance of two-
techniques were discussed in details. These modulation modulation scheme: 16QAM and 64QAM. It was found
techniques include BPSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM and that the former performs better than the latter, though
256 QAM. The bit error rate (BER) performance of the the difference is very marginal. The study also carried
OFDM system was analysed over both additive white out the comparison of FFT based OFDM system, DWT
Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading channels. based system employing 64QAM modulation technique,
In addition, the system was analysed over different FFT and it was concluded that the performance of the DWT-
points to determine if the performance of the system is OFDM was far superior to that of FFT-OFDM system.
affected by this factor. Once again, this study was carried out only over a noisy
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents channel without considering the multipath channels.
previous works on BER analysis of different digital Mohamed et al. [10] carried out the performance
modulation schemes in orthogonal frequency division analysis of the OFDM system by varying some
multiplexing systems, details the OFDM system model parameters of the system through simulation with
and the theoretical background. Simulation MATLAB. It was observed that the more subcarriers
implementation of the system is presented in Section 3. used the more accurate and useful the system is over
In section 4, the simulation results are presented and the AWGN channel. Taking an inverse fast Fourier
discussed. Section 5 presents the conclusion to the transform (IFFT) size of 1024, it was observed that
paper. using M-QAM modulation technique, the optimum
value of the SNR is 60dB over the AWGN after which
2. RELATED WORKS there is no improvement in the BER of the system. It
In the existing literature, Kamboj and Kaushik [7] was also concluded that the system performed best
described the basics of the OFDM system and even with the 64QAM.
though a thorough analysis of the modulation schemes Dixit Dutt Bohra [11] employed a simulation
was not carried out, emphasis was laid on the environment known as LabVIEW to analyse the
constellation analysis of the modulation schemes. performance of BPSK and QPSK over the AWGN
Insight was also given on the general study of the channel. This system employs low-density parity-check
OFDM system. The system was also simulated and (LPDC) codes, which provides error correction. BPSK
some performance criteria of the system such as was found to have performed better, but once again
tolerance to multipath delay spread, channel noise and over the AWGN channel.
start time error were tested and analysed. Shashikant and Dhawan [12] investigated cyclic prefix
Katariya et al. [8] gave a better insight on the OFDM (CP) optimization. CP length was varied from 6% to
system and carried out a performance analysis of the 100% of the OFDM useful symbol and it was observed
modulation schemes under AWGN, basing its modelling that as CP length exceeds 18.75%, the power loss of the
and simulation on the IEEE 802.11a standard for signal becomes more than 1dB which reduces the
WLAN. This standard (IEEE 802.11a) uses 64 FFT system efficiency. At CP length of 100%, better BER
points with 52 subcarriers. Three modulation schemes was obtained at a lesser SNR but this is at the expense
were considered: BPSK, 16QAM and 64 QAM. There of 3dB signal power loss, thus inefficient. It was
were many power gains at higher SNR. However, the suggested that CP length should not exceed 25% for
analysis in this paper is only over a noisy channel and efficient optimization.
did not consider multipath channels. Here, it was
remarked that the SNR for each modulation takes into
Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 37, No. 3, July, 2018 728
The consequence of this is that when the guard interval For Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), two
is longer than the maximum delay of the multipath digital bit streams are transmitted by modulating the
channel, the orthogonality amongst the subcarriers is amplitudes of the two carrier waves. The bit error
maintained. Introducing guard interval reduces probability, , for M-ary QAM scheme is given by:
throughput hence it is usually limited to be less than or
( ) [√ ] ( )
equal to one quarter of the useful symbol duration.
For large value of M, equation (5) can be written as:
2.4 Digital Modulation in OFDM Systems
The nature of OFDM only allows the signals to be [√ ] ( )
modulated in amplitude and phase only [4]. This work
focuses on PSK and QAM techniques only. The 2.5 Channel Models in OFDM
performance of these modulation techniques in a (a) Additive White Gaussian Noise is a basic noise
wireless communication system are evaluated in terms model used to realise the effects of the many random
of bit error probability. processes that occur in a wireless channel. These
For binary PSK (BPSK), which is the simplest form of random processes can come from some natural sources
PSK, a pair of signals ( ) and ( ) which can be such as thermal noise and sun. The model does not
regarded as two phases separated by 180 degrees are account for fading, frequency selectivity, interference,
used here to represent two binary symbols: 1 and 0 non-linearity or dispersion [17, 18]. Instead, it provides
respectively. Typically, these two phases are 0 and 180 simple models, which give a useful insight into the
degrees. For BPSK, the probability of bit error, , is underlying behaviour of a system before the
given by [16]: aforementioned factors, are considered. Therefore, the
model can be said to be useful in simulating the
√ ( ) background noise of a channel. This model inputs a
white Gaussian noise to the signal that passes through
where: is the Energy per bit, noise power
it for analysis purposes. For a transmitted signal, ( )
spectral density, is the error function frequently used
the received signal ( ) is expressed as:
for calculating the area under the tail of the Gaussian
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
pdf denoted by ( ) :
where, ( ) is the additive white Gaussian noise.
( ⁄ ) The probability density function of the Gaussian noise
( ) ∫ ( )
√ is expressed thus [8]:
For Quadrature PSK (QPSK), each symbol consists of 2 ( )
bits, that is k=2. Thus, four signals or message points ( ) ( )
are produced. These four points on the constellation
where is the mean and is the standard deviation
diagram are equally spaced around a circle (usually
(b) Another source of signal degradation in wireless
spaced at ⁄ ) H QPSK’
communication is fading, which can be said to be the
that of BPSK, it is more spectral efficient than BPSK. variation of signal amplitude and phase over frequency
The probability of bit error for QPSK is widely regarded and time. Depending on the transmission path, there
as same as that of BPSK. can either be a dominant line-of-sight (LOS) between
the transmitter and the receiver or not. Most times, the
transmitter and receiver are so far apart that a direct 4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated for the following
LOS is not possible. Thus, signals utilise the multi- modulation/demodulation block pairs: QPSK, 16
paths. In addition, when this happens, applying Central QAM, 64 QAM and 256 QAM.
Limit Theorem, each path can be modelled as circularly 5. Steps 2, 3 and 4 are repeated while varying the
complex Gaussian random variable with time as the number of subcarriers through the values: 256,
variable. This model is known as Rayleigh fading 512 and 1024.
channel. As there is no dominant LOS, the Gaussian 6. Steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 are repeated, this time using the
process here is modelled with a zero mean. This model Rayleigh Fading channel alongside the AWGN
is reasonable for an environment where there is a large channel.
number of reflectors and obstacles.
The received signal, ( ) in Rayleigh fading channel 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
can thus be represented as [4]: 4.1 BER Performance Over AWGN At Different
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Subcarriers
where, ( ) AWGN with zero mean and unit Here, the BER performance of different modulation
variance, ( ) the random channel matrix having techniques over AWGN channel in a SISO-OFDM
Rayleigh distribution, ( ) transmitted signal. configuration are presented. The results are presented
The Rayleigh distribution is fundamentally the graphically which shows the BER as a function of the
magnitude, z, of the sum of two equal independent Eb/No. The modulation techniques considered are
orthogonal Gaussian random variables and would have BPSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM and 256 QAM. The BER
a probability density function [4, 15]: against Eb/No for OFDM with different sub-carriers
scenarios under AWGN channel are as shown in Figures
( ) ( )
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