L6 Development of Teeth (Odontogenesis) ..2

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Development of teeth


Dr. Suhair Majeed
2- Advanced Bell stage

* Characterized by the beginning of mineralization and

root formation.
* The boundary between inner enamel epithelium and
odontoblasts outlines the future dentin-enamel junction
* Formation of dentin occurs first as a layer along the
future dentinoenamel junction in the region of future cusps and
proceeds pulpally and apically.
Advanced bell stage
* After the first layer of dentin is formed, the Ameloblasts
which has already differentiated from inner enamel epithelial
cells lay down enamel over the dentin in the future incisal and
cuspal areas.
* The enamel formation then proceeds coronally and
* The cervical portion of the enamel organ gives rise to the
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath (HERS), which outlines the
future root and is responsible for the shape, length, size, and
number of roots.
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
Enamel and Dentin formation

* With the formation of dentin by Odontoblasts, the cells

of the inner enamel epithelium differentiate into Ameloblasts
and enamel matrix is formed opposite the dentin.

* Dentin formation precedes and is essential to enamel

Ameloblasts &Odontoblasts
Hertwig’s Epithelial Root Sheath and Root

* The development of the roots begins after enamel and

dentin formation has reached the future Cementoenamel
junction CEJ.
*The enamel organ plays an important part in root
development by forming HERS.
*HERS molds the shape of the roots and initiates
radicular dentin formation .
* HERS consists of the outer and inner enamel epithelia
only, therefore it does not include the stratum intermedium and
stellate reticulum.
Root development

*The cells of the inner layer remain short and normally do

not produce enamel.
* These cells induced the differentiation of radicular
dental papilla cells into odontoblasts and the first layer of
dentin has been laid down.
*The epithelial root sheath loses its continuity and its
relation to the surface of the root.
*Its remnants persist as an epithelial network of strands
or clumps near the external surface of the root.
*These epithelial remnants are found in the periodontal
ligament of erupted teeth and are called Rests of Malassez .
Root development

* In adults these epithelial cell rests persist next to the

root surface within the periodontal ligament.
* Although these cells are functionless, but they can be the
source of dental cysts.
* These cell rests can be activated to participate in
periodontal repair and regeneration.
Root Formation

* There is a difference in the development of HERS in

teeth with one root and in those with two or more roots.
* Prior to the beginning of root formation, the root sheath
bend into a horizontal plane and form the Epithelial diaphragm
, which is a rim that encloses the primary apical foramen.

* Both cells of Epithelial diaphragm and cells of the

connective tissue of the pulp( in the area adjacent to the
diaphragm) proliferate.
Stages of root development

* The differentiation of odontoblasts and the formation of

dentin follow the lengthening of the root sheath.

* The cells of the dental sac surrounding the root sheath

proliferates and invades the root sheath dividing it into
network of strands or clumps called (epithelial rests of

* The epithelium is moved away from the surface of the

dentin so that cells of dental sac come into contact with the
outer surface of the dentin and differentiate into Cementoblasts
that deposit a layer of cementum onto the surface of the dentin.
Stages of Root development
Root dentin &cementum formation

* Cementoblasts elaborate an organic matrix that becomes

mineralized and in which collagen fiber bundles of the
periodontal ligament become anchored.

*The wide apical foramen is reduced first to the width of

the diaphragmatic opening itself and later is further narrowed
by apposition of dentin and cementum to the apex of the root.
Root development in multirooted Teeth
*Differential growth of the Epithelial diaphragm in multi-
rooted teeth causes the division of the root trunk into two or three
*During the general growth of the enamel organ, the
expansion of its cervical opening occurs in such a way that long
tongue like extensions of the horizontal diaphragm develop.
* Two such extensions are found in the germs of lower
molars and Three in the germs of upper molars.
*Before division of the root trunk occurs, the free ends of
these horizontal epithelial flaps grow toward each other and
*The single cervical opening of the coronal enamel organ is
then divided into two or three openings.
Multirooted tooth development

* On the pulpal surface of the dividing epithelial bridges,

dentin formation starts , and on the periphery of each opening,
root development follows in the same way as single-rooted teeth .
*If cells of the epithelial root sheath remain adherent to
the dentin surface, they may differentiate into fully functioning
Ameloblasts and produce enamel.
*Such droplets of enamel, called Enamel pearls, are
sometimes found in the area of furcation of the roots of
permanent molars.
Root development

* If the continuity of HERS is broken prior to dentin

formation, a defect in the dentinal wall of the pulp occurs.
*Such defects are found in the pulpal floor
corresponding to the furcation or on any point of the root
itself .
*This explains the development of Accessory root
canals opening on the periodontal surface of the root .
Root development
A number of physiologic growth processes participate in the
progressive development of the teeth.
*The dental laminae and associated tooth buds represent
those parts of the oral epithelium that have the potential for tooth
formation .
*Specific cells within dental laminae have the potential to
form the enamel organ of certain teeth by responding to those
factors that initiate tooth development.
*Different teeth are initiated at definite times.
* Initiation induction requires ectomesenchymal–epithelial

*lack of initiation results in absence of either a single

tooth or multiple teeth (partial anadontia), or there may be a
complete lack of teeth(anadontia).
* Abnormal initiation may result in the development of
single or multiple supernumerary teeth.
Proliferation :
* Enhanced proliferative activity happen at the points of
initiation and results successively in the bud, cap, and bell stages
of the odontogenic organ .

* It causes regular changes in the size and proportions of the

growing tooth germ.
* Is the process in which a mass of similar epithelial cells
transforms itself into morphologically and functionally distinct
* Histodifferentiation begins in the late cap stage and
reaches its highest development in the early bell stage.
* The organizing influence of the inner enamel epithelium
on the mesenchyme is evident in the bell stage and causes the
differentiation of the adjacent cells of the dental papilla into
* With the formation of dentin, the cells of the inner
enamel epithelium differentiate into Ameloblasts and enamel
matrix is formed opposite the dentin.
* The morphologic pattern is established by differential
growth .
*The cells arrange themselves along the site which outlines
the basic form and relative size of the future tooth.
* The advanced bell stage is important stage for it ,
outlining the future dentinoenamel junction .
* Dentinoenamel and dentinocemental junctions are
different and characteristic for each tooth , acts as blue print
* Ameloblasts, odontoblasts, and cementoblasts deposit
enamel, dentin, and cementum, respectively, and thus give the
completed tooth its characteristic form and size.
* Is the deposition of the matrix of the hard dental
* Appositional growth of enamel and dentin is a layer like
deposition of an extracellular matrix. This type of growth is
additive .
* Appositional growth is characterized by regular and
rhythmic deposition of the extracellular matrix.
* The matrix is partially calcified , serves as a framework
for later calcification proper.
* Disturbances can cause hypocalcified or hypomineralized
enamel or dentin.
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