Bald Eagle Fact Sheet
Bald Eagle Fact Sheet
Bald Eagle Fact Sheet
Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
In winter, the birds congregate near Act, which prohibited killing, selling,
open water in tall trees for spotting or possessing the species. A 1962
prey and night roosts for sheltering. amendment added the golden eagle,
and the law became the Bald and
Eagles mate for life, choosing the tops Golden Eagle Protection Act.
of large trees to build nests, which they
A North American species with a typically use and enlarge each year. Shortly after World War II, DDT was
historic range from Alaska and Canada Nests may reach 10 feet across and hailed as a new pesticide to control
to northern Mexico, the bald eagle is an weigh a half ton. They may also have mosquitoes and other insects. However,
Endangered Species Act success story. one or more alternate nests within DDT and its residues washed into
their breeding territory. In treeless nearby waterways, where aquatic
Forty years ago, our national symbol regions, they may also nest in cliffs plants and fish absorbed it. Bald eagles,
was in danger of extinction throughout or on the ground. The birds travel in turn, were poisoned with DDT when
most of its range. Habitat destruction great distances but usually return to they ate the contaminated fish. The
and degradation, illegal shooting, breeding grounds within 100 miles of chemical interfered with the ability of
and the contamination of its food the place where they were raised. Bald the birds to produce strong eggshells.
source, largely as a consequence of eagles may live 15 to 25 years in the As a result, their eggs had shells so
DDT, decimated the eagle population. wild, longer in captivity. thin that they often broke during
Habitat protection afforded by the incubation or otherwise failed to hatch.
Endangered Species Act, the federal Breeding bald eagles typically lay one DDT also affected other species such as
government’s banning of DDT, and to three eggs once a year, and they peregrine falcons and brown pelicans.
conservation actions taken by the hatch after about 35 days. The young
American public have helped bald eagles are flying within three months In addition to the adverse effects
eagles make a remarkable recovery. and are on their own about a month of DDT, some bald eagles have died
later. However, disease, lack of food, from lead poisoning after feeding
Bald Eagle Biology bad weather, or human interference can on waterfowl containing lead shot,
Distinguished by a white head and kill many eaglets. Recent studies show either as a result of hunting or from
white tail feathers, bald eagles are that approximately 70 percent survive inadvertent ingestion.
powerful, brown birds that may weigh their first year of life.
14 pounds and have a wingspan of 8 By 1963, with only 417 nesting pairs
feet. Male eagles are smaller, weighing The Plight of the Bald Eagle of bald eagles remaining, the species
as much as 10 pounds and have a When America adopted the bald eagle January
was in danger of 1998
extinction. Loss of
habitat, shooting, and DDT poisoning
contributed to the near demise of our
national symbol.
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future, but is not currently in danger of