Karate Notes 1
Karate Notes 1
Karate Notes 1
The badge of the International Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-do Organisation expresses the never
ending circle of life, study and one’s life in Karate. Therefore it's paying homage to the opposite
elements in nature: hardness and softness.
The upper, thinner part of the circle symbolizes the beginning of life, growing thicker and
stronger as life reaches its peak starting to get thinner again while approaching the decrease of
one’s life. Like one’s class at the dojo also starts smoothly, getting stronger and more intensive.
Afterwards, followed to be in a relaxed state when it reaches its end. One’s life in Karate also
follows the same pattern. Starting thin and clumsy, getting stronger every day until it reaches full
maturity. Then followed by the control of expertise while physical decline prevents karateka to
be at Physical maximum level like when one's at its personal peak.
On the inner part of the symbol one finds the family crest of the Miyagi family, the founder of the
Goju school of karate. Therefore paying homage to its founder, which created the hard-soft
The red (and partial) similarity to Higaonna’s Sensei organisation wishes to express a personal
homage from Hanshi Peiter Harms to his first Sensei in Goju-ryu, Morio Higaonna Sensei.
First class name: Goju-ryu needukai karate academy (1985 to 2013)
Second class name: All Martial arts Self Defence Federation of India (2013 to 2018)
Third class name:Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate-do Association of India (2019) present
Pawar academy of Martial arts
President of Telangana
Grand master
Shihan Kamindla Rajaiah
Black belt (6th Dan)
Occupation: karate coach
Master Name
Sensai Deekonda sathvik
Black belt
Occupation: karate coach
Japanese English
Eechi one
Ni Two
San. Three
Shi. Four
Go. Five
Ruku. Six
Seiz. Seven
Hachi. Eight
Que. Nine
Joo. Ten
Japanese. English
Ohayo gozaimastu. =. Good morning
Konichiwa. =. Good afternoon
Kumbanwa. =. Good evening
Oyasuminasai. =. Good night
Kiotsuke. =. Attention
Agdachi. =. Standardise
Oss. =. Hai, giving respect
Hajime. = Begain,start
Yame. = Stop
Seiza. =. Kneel
Migi. =. Right side either hand or leg
Hidari = Left side either hand or leg
Sakate. = Reverse
Zensin suru. = Move forward
Agdachoi. = Taking breathe in and out in by moving left leg to right side and back
to left side
Wakarimasein = I didn't understand, I don't
Shirimasen = i dont know
Wakarimatsu = I understand
Arigatho gozaimasu = thank you
Ongaishimastu= teach me or i want to learn
Yoi. = "Good" or "Ready "or "prepared"
Dojo = School (Martial Arts) – (sounds like Doe-Joe)
Senpai or Sempai. = Senior Student – (sounds like Sen-pie)
Mokuso – Meditate
Kiai. = Shout or Yell – (sounds like Key-eye)
Yoko = Side – (sounds like Yoh-koh)
Keage. = Snap
Kumite = Sparring – (sounds like Coo-meh-tay)
Dachi. = Stance – (sounds like Dah-chee)
Uchi = Strike – (sounds like Oo-chee)
Barai=Sweep – (sounds like Baa-rye)
Waza=Technique – (sounds like Waa-Zaa)
Geri or Keri = Kick
Tsuki or Zuki – Punch
Uke – Block
Ushiro – Back
Kokyu Ho – Breathing exercises
Mae – Front
Harau = Sweeping Techniques
Kihon – Basic Techniques
Hikite – Pulling Hand (bringing hand back to ready position
Nage = Throw
Mawatte =Turn Around – (sounds like Ma-wa-tay)
Taijutsu. = Unarmed Combat
Jodan = Upper (Level) – (sounds like Joe-dan)
Chudan = Middle (Level)
Gedan – Low (Level)
Neko – Cat (i.e. Neko Ashi Dachi = Cat Foot Stance or Cat Stance)
Kata – Form or Pattern
Ki – Type of intrinsic energy. Known as Qi or Chi in Chinese martial arts.
Shuto – Knife Hand
Domo Arigato (Formal)= Thank You(sounds like Doe-moe Ah-ree-gah-toe)
Domo (Informal) =Thank You – (sounds like Doe-moe)
Mushin = Void or State of No Mind
Hai = yes (sounds like Hi)
Anata =You (sounds like Ah-na-ta)
Watashi = I (Me)
Anza – Sitting position, cross legged
Bunkai = Kata Technique Application
Dozo = Please
Embusen or Enbusen =This is the term used to refer to the spot where a kata begins. In
addition, nearly all kata start and end on exactly the same Embusen point.
Iie – No
Karateka – Practitioner of Karate
Kime – Focus
Mo Ichi Do – One More Time
Sayonara – Goodbye
Seiza Waza – Kneeling Techniques
Tatami – Practice/Training Mat
Respects& decipline
Body parts
Japanese. English
Zenshin Whole body
Ketto Blood
Ganmen, To, Tsu, Atama Head
Tento Skull (top)
Kami or Ke Hair
Zuno Head or brains
Hitai Forehead
Yobo, Men, Kao Face
Kasumi Temple (side of the head)
Mimi Ears
Gan or Gansei or Me Eye
Hana Nose
Kuchi Mouth
Shita Tongue
Ha Tooth
Haguki Gums
Ago Chin or jaw
Mikazuki Angle of the jaw
Keibu, Kubi Neck
Shofu Side of neck
Keichu Back of neck
Nodo Throat
Hichu Adam's apple
Murasame Right carotid artery
Matsukaze Left carotid artery
Sakotsu Collar bone
Shintai Body
Taikaky Build or physique
Karada Body or physique
Kinniku Muscles
Hada or Hifu Skin
Seoi, Kata Shoulder
Wan Arm
Hiji, Empi Elbow
Kansetsu Articulation joint
Hai wan Back of the arm
Gai wan Outer arm
Nai wan Inner arm
Zenwan, Kote, Ude Forearm
Tekubi. Wrist
Kakuto Top of wrist
Te Hand
Katate. One hand
Ryote, Morote Both hands
Haishu Top of hand
Haishu Back of the hand
Sho Palm of hand
Teisho Heel of hand
Haito Ridge hand, inner blade of hand
Shuto Cutting edge of hand
Fushi, Kansetsu Knucle, joint
Yubi Finger
Yubisaki Fingertip
Kyobu or Mune Chest
Rokkotsu Rib
Sebone Backbone, spine
Hizo Small of the back
Shin, Shinzo Heart
Hae Lungs
Haibu Back (back rib area)
Dokko Mastoids
Tomoe Stomach
Hara Abdomen
Suigetsu Solar-plexis
Tanden Navel
Jinzo Kidney
Kanzo Liver
Koshi, Goshi Hips
Kinteki Testicles
Shiri Buttocks
Bitei Coccyx
Fukuto Outside, lower thigh
Mata Inside of thigh
Hiza, Hitsui Knee
Hiza gashira Knee cap
Shitsu Bend of the knee
Ashi or Ashibo. Leg or shin
Kobore Tibia
Sobi Base of calf
Akiresu ken Achilles tendon
Ashi kubi Ankle
Tsuma, Ashi yubi Toes
Tsumasaki Point of toes
Ashigatana, Sokko, Kori Top of the foot
Sokuto Edge of the foot
Haisoku Instep
Kakato Heel
Teisoku, Ashiura Sole of the foot
Ashi zoko Bottom (bottom side)of foot
Koshi Ball of foot
What is karate ?
Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous
Ryukyuan martial arts (called te (手), "hand"; tii in Okinawan) under the influence of Kung Fu,
particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching,
kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands,
spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws,
joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught.[3] A karate practitioner is called a
karateka (空手家), and its plural is "karateka" or "karatekas".
What is Dojo ?
A dojo is a Japanese term which literally means "place of the way". Initially, dojos were adjunct
to temples. The term can refer to a formal training place for any of the Japanese do arts but
typically it is considered the formal gathering place for students of any Japanese martial arts
style such as karate, judo, or samurai, to conduct training, examinations and other related
encounters. The concept of a dojo as a martial arts training place is a Western concept; in
Japan, any physical training facility, including professional wrestling schools, may be called dojo
because of its close martial arts roots.
In western world the term dojo Primarily refers to a training place specifically Japanese
martial arts such as Akido, Judo Karate,Samurai in Japan in Japan any physical training facility
include professional wrestling schools maybe called dojo because of its close martial arts roots
Do means "way"
What is GI?
Karate Gi is the formal Japanese name for the traditional uniform used Karate practice and
uniform of competition the heaviest of karate gi are only 0.5kg(16oz)
Japanese names for other parts of Gi
1.Eri= collar. 2. Obi=belt.
3.Shita= packet bottom trim.
4.Sodeguchi= sleev opening.
5.Sode = sleev. 6. Zuban=pants
The Opening and Closing Ceremony
The Opening Ceremony :
Term What to do
Shugo : Line up
Kiyotsuke : Stand to attention
Seiza : Kneel
Mokuso : Close your eyes and meditate
Mokuso yame. : Stop meditating
Shomen ni…..rei : Bow to the front of the dojo
Sensei ni…..rei : Bow to sensei
Tatte :Stand up (and class begins)
Chudan-Uke – Middle Level Block, stomach block
Harathe or Gedan-Barai – Downward Block
Juji-Uke – X Block
Morote-Uke – Augmented Block
Shuto-Uke – Knife Hand Block
Soto-Uke – Outside Block
Karate Sukui-Uke – Scoop Block
Sune-Uke – Shin Block
Teisho-Uke – Palm Heel Block
Uchi-Uke – Inside or Inward Block
Junior katas
Jodan shodan
Jodan nidan
Chudan shodan
Chudan nidan
Kake uke shodan
Kake uke nidan
Kake uke ichi
Kake uke ni
Mawashik shodan