Sun2014 Article Liquid-liquidPhaseTransitionIn
Sun2014 Article Liquid-liquidPhaseTransitionIn
Sun2014 Article Liquid-liquidPhaseTransitionIn
Received November 1, 2013; accepted January 21, 2014; published online March 21, 2014
Water shows anomalies different from most of other materials. Different sceniaros have been proposed to explain water anomalies,
among which the liquid-liquid phase transition (LLPT) is the most discussed one. It attributes water anomalies to the existence of a
hypothesized liquid-liquid critical point (LLCP) buried deep in the supercooled region. We briefly review the recent experimental
and theoretical progresses on the study of the LLPT in water. These studies include the discussion on the existence of the first order
LLPT in supercooled water and the detection of liquid-liquid critical point. Simulational results of different water models for LLPT
and the experimental evidence in confined water are also discussed.
Citation: Sun Z R, Sun G, Chen Y X, et al. Liquid-liquid phase transition in water. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 2014, 57: 810–818, doi: 10.1007/s11433-014-
c Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Sun Z R, et al. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron May (2014) Vol. 57 No. 5 811
T (°C)
T (K)
(Pc, Tc)
et al. [37,38] found an abrupt change in volume, that is, wa- Glassy water 100
4 Dynamic crossover in confined water 150 200 250 300 350 400
T (K)
As the instability of the liquid results from its crystallization,
the direct experimental confirmation of the existence of the (b)
LLCP in bulk water, especially in the “no man’s land” re-
Derivative of relative population
gion between the homogeneous nucleation temperature of ice HDL-like
T H ≈ 232 K and the glass transition temperature T g ≈ 136 K
for ambient pressure (Figure 2), remains an issue. However,
by confining water in narrow nanopores, the liquid state can 0 Tmax
−120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 (°C) ter (Figure 7). In addition, Kesselring et al. [141,142] demon-
2.5 2.22 kbar 2.42 kbar 2.74kbar
2.0 ICE I
ρ (g/cm3)
L-L coexistence line? 1.10
Pressure (kbar)
1.0 TL
TX 0.90
TH 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12
0.5 Q6
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