Ijser: Design and Fabrication of Patient Transferring Device
Ijser: Design and Fabrication of Patient Transferring Device
Ijser: Design and Fabrication of Patient Transferring Device
Abstract: Patient transferring device is a mobility aid which allows the person to transfer the patient from one location to the other. This
project designed in such a way that could transfer the patient with critical injuries, stroke, paralysis, infectious diseases, disabled person and
other health related problems from wheel chair to the hospital bed with the aid of only one nurse especially while transferring a patient lying
on the wheelchair cum stretcher to the adjacent hospital bed effortlessly and efficiently. The design of the project includes modelling,
calculations for selection of standard cross-section material used for the chassis of the device, gear design, kinematic calculation on the
connecting rods which takes part in the conversion of wheelchair to stretcher/ straight bed and vice-versa. The main focus of this project is
to design a patient transferring device where no physical contact between patient and the wheelchair operator is seen while transferring the
patient to any bed from the wheelchair.
I. INTRODUCTION way that the patient can be transferred from wheel chair to the
bed and vice-versa with a reduced human intervention. This
In today’s modern generation people are rushing for a very
device is designed in such a way that it can be folded to a
comfortable and effortless lifestyle irrespective of the job they
wheelchair as well as into a straight bed. Now the question arises
are doing. Some of those examples which one can take are
that what is the need of conversion of wheelchair to bed and
advanced home appliances which are ubiquitous in the modern
again from bed to wheelchair even though there are patient
era, which makes it easier for people to enjoy fulfilling and
trollies available in the market? The reason is that, not in every
interesting daily lives. And not only in the kitchen appliances
case the patient will be suffering from the health problems
but advancement in effortless job is boosting rapidly in various
wherein he or she cannot walk at all. There might be some cases
manufacturing industries while handling the warehouse or
of minor injuries such as toe injury, hand injury (fractures or
moving the raw materials during the production by means of
other accidental injuries), diabetes, etc. in which patient has to
various material handling equipment which are again meant to
be shifted to other wards or hospitals and the space constraint is
reduce the effort by worker, advancement in hotel management,
unfavorable to carry the patient, at that point of time patient bed
introduction of vending machine to dispense items in this busy
need to be converted to chair in order to reduce the length of the
modern era is again a very good example of effortless job.
device. The design of this device is simple and very much
So, in the similar way this project mainly focuses on the concept suitable for almost all range of height of beds at hospitals.
of transferring a patient at hospitals from moving wheelchair to
bed and vice-versa effortlessly. In the hospitals generally if the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
patient is too heavy or is a senior citizen in that case nurses has
1. In this paper author has designed and fabricated pneumatically
to put so much of effort to transfer a patient to the bed smoothly
powered stretcher-chair convertible device with movable support
which requires roughly 2-3 person for that job.
segments in an attempt to help such patients and caregivers. This
In some of the scenario the patient will be suffering from helps the caregiver avoid heavy lifting situations that put their
severe injuries such as burn injuries, spinal cord injury, soft back at risk of injury. The caregiver can merely shift the patient
tissue injury, swollen muscles, bone dislocations due to from a bed on to the device while the device is in the form of a
accidents, patient who have fractured femur, the patient which stretcher. Then the device can be converted into a wheelchair
has gone through any surgery, especially the patient who is automatically with a press of a button. This can be done in the
suffering from an infectious disease like coronavirus reverse direction as well, when the patients in sitting in the wheel
disease(COVID-19), Ebola and so many of such deadly diseases chair can be converted to a stretcher smoothly for the purpose of
where touching the diseased person is a serious concern and diagnosis etc.
which can affect the health of nurse.
2. Author in this paper tries to understand various issues regarding
The design is made by keeping in the mind that any minute
displacement or any sort of movement to patient body especially mobility equipment, the better design will be an asset for medical
in severe burn injuries may lead to discomfort and painful to the field and helping hand for disabled individual. The present
patient. Hence to solve the problems related to transferring a project proposes a development of wheelchair cum stretcher with
patient from moving chair to bed, we have come up with an idea ability to transfer patients from normal staircase also with
of patient transferring device. The device is designed in such a automated electronic control over stretcher cum wheelchair for
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 249
movement and functioning. Self-proceed wheels invention was of metallic frame is fixed to the device and only helps in
created enormous demand in the market and it was better helping conversion of wheelchair to bed and from straight bed to
aid for the disabled individuals. These will be one of the walking wheelchair. This conversion is made possible by the connecting
aids which can help with impaired ability to walk using rods which are attached to the backrest and leg rest of the
wheelchairs for the disabled peoples. metallic frame which in turn is attached to the rack at the bottom
3. This paper describes the design and fabrication of a multipurpose of device which is driven by a rotating spur gear.
Stretcher for patients. They are required to design and create a Primary bed is made up of L-shaped metallic frame, plywood
multipurpose stretcher which uses gears and belts for lateral and soft cushions. It is the actual bed upon which patient will be
movement and hydraulic jacks for adjustment of the height of the resting and is placed upon hospital metallic/ wooden beds. The
beds. The stretcher will be controlled manually with a wheel for rollers are the part of primary bed and it is not detachable from
lead screw and an extension lever for hydraulic jacks using legs. it. The major components of this device are backrest, leg rest,
Currently the stretcher is only designed for linear movement. sitting portion, connecting rod, rack & gear, screw jack, wheels
However, plans to incorporate maneuverability and other and supporting wheels.
functions can be implemented after the first stage of the
development achieves success.
4. The author was intended to develop a concept for an automated
Design specification includes the dimensions and material used
wheelchair convertible stretcher, with the motivation of saving for various parts of the patient transferring device. Table-1
space and precluding exertion by the patient. Adopting various shows the design specification of the device.
methods helped us identify the various issues of the topic, The chassis of the patient transferring device considered in this
importance of safety and significance of materials and project is stainless steel-440C.
manufacturing process involved in the whole product. From the Table-1: Design specification.
identified needs ergonomic design, mechanism and safety were
prioritized by them. The conversion feature of this device makes Components Material Dimension in
patient transfer easier. This device combines the concept of mm.
patient mobility and patient transfer. Backrest (metallic) Stainless Steel Length: 882.50
Width: 760
III. OBJECTIVE Sitting Portion (metallic) Stainless Steel Length: 465
• Designing an efficient way of transferring a patient from Width: 760
wheelchair cum bed to the adjacent bed with minimal human Leg rest (metallic) Stainless Steel Length: 482.50
efforts. Transfer of patient is done by smooth rolling of patient Width: 760
lying bed over the adjacent hospital/ home/ any other bed. Wheels (big) Rubber/ Plastic Diameter: 250
• Determination of standard dimension for Stainless Steel Width: 60
material which is to be used in the fabrication of patient Backrest metallic support Aluminium Width: 25
transferring device. And also to determine the various load alloy Depth: 20
acting on other parts of the device by virtue of patient weight
and the weight of the material being used for fabrication in Screw jack Cast iron/ Mild Max. extended
order to design the suitable spur gear which is operated in steel height: 228.75
conversion of wheelchair to bed and vice-versa. Min. retracted
height: 44.12
IV. ABOUT THE DEVICE Total length of bed ˗˗˗ 1830
The patient transferring device consists of primary and Width of bed ˗˗˗ 760
secondary bed. Both primary and secondary beds are divided Total length of chair ˗˗˗ 1162.75
into three parts viz. Backrest, Sitting portion, Leg rest. The Ground clearance ˗˗˗ 100
primary bed is one which consists of cushions and the secondary Height of seat base from ˗˗˗ 450
bed is the one which is made up of metallic frame. Primary bed ground
rests upon secondary bed and can be detached while transferring
Gear (20 full depth Mild steel 54 (mean
the patient. It has the rollers attached at the base to guide it to
involute) diameter)
the adjacent bed thus, helping in transferring of patient along
with primary cushioning bed. The secondary bed which is made
VI. WORKING PRINCIPLE: one is called as secondary bed. These two beds are further
divided into three main parts viz. Backrest, sitting portion and leg
The working of this patient transferring device is simple. It has rest which are connected with each other by means of hinges. The
basically two beds one bed is called as primary bed and the other
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 250
secondary bed is the bottom structure of the patient transferring device, the above procedure is repeated once again in reverse
device to which connecting rods, wheels, handles and rack and order. But one should keep in mind that the motion arrestors have
gear assembly are attached. It is only meant for the purpose of to be released while converting the stretched bed into chair
locomotion, and conversion of wheelchair to bed and vice-versa. position.
Where in the primary bed comprises of motion arrestors, guiding
rollers, cushions and other supporting miscellaneous parts. There VII. DESIGN CALCULATIONS:
is an incorporation of screw jack is made in between primary and 1. HUMAN WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION:
secondary bed which rests on secondary bed and supports the
primary bed directly while transferring the primary bed or while • Average weight of human body= 70-80kgs.
lifting the primary bed in order to match the height of the adjacent • Weight of human body with over-weight=~120kgs.
bed upon which the patient has to be transferred. • Including FOS of 20kgs for person weighing 120kgs=
The primary bed is the surface upon which the patient will be 140kgs.
sitting or lying when the device is in wheelchair or straight bed • Weight of M.S frame being used= 20kgs (approx.).
position respectively. During the conversion of wheelchair to bed • Weight of other miscellaneous items acting on the
or bed to wheelchair the primary bed is made to rest on secondary supporting column= 30kgs (approx.).
bed but supported by the screw jack itself. The primary bed is • Therefore, total load acting on the supporting column=
convertible whenever it rests on the secondary bed which 140+20+30= 190kgs.
facilitates the patient to have both sitting position and sleeping • Weight distribution of human body at various section of
position. Assembly of the modelled patient transferring device is device is given in Table-2.
done using CREO version-6 software and shown in figure-1.
Table-2: Human weight considerations.
Different Part of Weight Weight of Human Body
Human Body In (%) Parts (Kg)
(If we suppose weight is 140
Trunk(Chest, Back 67.87 95.04
and Abdomen)
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 251
Allowable stress = (2.2)
Area= 593.75 mm2.
Hence, hollow steel with square cross-section having 40mm
outer length & 31mm inner length with thickness of 4.5mm is
feasible to use for designed load.
Safe cross-section area of hollow bar = 402- 312 = 639mm2.
During the conversion of device from wheelchair to straight bed
the connecting rod bears certain amount of fluctuating load at
certain angles. In this section dead weight of backrest and leg Figure-2: Reaction forces on connecting rod at
rest is calculated first followed by the kinematic analysis and Backrest
finally the maximum load is considered to design the gear. According to the above figure Equations for F1, F2, FT, FR is given
• Load from Backrest: as follows:
Weight of SS material: F1= 1430×SinƟ. (3.2)
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠(𝑀) F2= 1430×CosƟ. (3.3)
⸪Density (𝜌) = = 7800kg/m3 ˗˗˗˗˗ (Std. value) FT= F1×CosƟ. (3.4)
FR= F1×SinƟ. (3.5)
𝜌 =7.8× 103 kg/m3 = (3.1) Where,
Volume of Backrest metal frame = Cross-sectional area × Total FT= Tangential force on gear.
length of material used. FR= Radial force on gear.
= (40×40 −31 × 31) × 3300 Ɵ= Ranges from 11.2 to 73.65.
= 2.1279 × 106 mm3= 2.1279× 10−3 m3 The values for F1, F2, FT, FR are found and tabulated in Table-3.
From Equation3.1: 7.8 × 103 = Table-3: Tabular column for backrest.
Iteratio Angle F1 in F2 in FT in FR in
M = 16.597kg. n (Ɵ) in (N) (N) (N) (N)
Weight of material at Backrest = 16.597×9.81= 162.822N. Degre
Weight of human upper body part: e
Mass of human upper body part from table-2 = 95.04kg. 1. 11.2 289.98 1400.2 58.80 283.9
Weight of the human upper body part = 95.04 × 9.81 8
= 932.4324N. 2. 18.58 455.63 1355.4 145.17 431.8
Weight of the cushioning and other miscellaneous: 0
Mass of cushioning and other miscellaneous is 3.5kg (approx.) 3. 25.46 614.72 1281.1 264.25 555.0
Weight of cushioning and other miscellaneous = 3.5× 9.81 2
4. 32.34 764.96 361.68 409.20 646.3
5. 39.22 904.18 1107.0 571.71 700.4
Total load from the Backrest = Weight of SS material + Weight
of human + Weight of cushion. = 162.822+932.342+34.335
6. 46.1 1030.3 991.56 792.44 714.4
=1429.499≈ 1430N.
Kinematic Analysis on Connecting rod supporting
7. 52.98 1141.7 860.99 911.59 687.4
As per the values obtained by the above calculations the net
8. 59.86 1236.6 718.02 1069.4 620.9
force acting on connecting rod is 1430N which is shown in
6 6
9. 66.74 1313.7 967.71 1206.9 518.8
7 8
10. 73.65 1372.1 402.55 1316.6 889.2
3 7
By the above tabular column it can be predicted that maximum
tangential load acting from the backrest on gear is 1316.67 N at
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 252
73.65. Weight of the SS material:
=29.43N By the above tabular column it can be predicted that maximum
Finally, tangential load acting from the leg rest on gear is 121.16 N at
Total load from Leg rest = Wt. of the SS material + Wt. of the 43.62.
Leg. +Wt. of the cushioning. Hence, now it can be concluded that the total tangential load
= 123.73 + 89.4672 + 29 .43 acting on the gear is the summation of the maximum tangential
= 242.627N. force from backrest and leg rest.
Kinematic Analysis on Connecting rod supporting Leg rest: i.e.: Load on gear = Load from backrest + load from leg rest
As per the values obtained by the above calculations the net force =1316.67 + 121.16 = 1437.83 N.
acting on connecting rod is 242.62 N which is shown in figure- 4. POWER, TORQUE & SPEED OF THE GEAR:
3. For conversion to happen from wheelchair to bed and vice-versa
the rack connecting to the connecting rods must displace through
a distance of 280 mm in 5 seconds.
Data: (as per design)
Displacement of the rack= 280mm= 0.280m.
Force = 1437.83 N ˗˗˗˗˗ (by kinematic analysis)
Time for displacement= 5secs.
Radius of pinion= 25mm = 0.025m (assumed diameter).
Work Force×Displacement
⸪ Power = = (4.1)
Time Time
Power= (1437.83)*0.280/5
Power= 80.5W.
Torque (T) = Force × Radius of pinion. (4.2)
T= 1437.83 × 0.025
Figure-3: Reaction forces on connecting rod at Leg
T= 35.9 N-m.
Also WKT,
From the above figure Equations for F1, F2, FT, FR is given as (2×π×N×T)
follows: Power = (4.3)
F1= 242.627×SinƟ. (3.6) (2×π×N×35.9)
F2= 242.627×CosƟ. (3.7) 80.5 =
FT = F1×CosƟ. (3.8) N= 21.413 rpm.
FR = F1×SinƟ. (3.9)
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 253
21.413 (9.55×106 ×80.5×10−3 ×1.5)/(21.39×9𝑚)
For one second speed of Gear or Pinion = = 0.356rps. Equation5.6 Ft =
60 (21.39×9𝑚)
5. GEAR DESIGN: Ft = (5.8) [where m= module]
Gear is an essential part of the device since it takes part directly b) Lewis equation for tangential tooth load:
in the conversion of wheelchair to the straight and vice-versa. Ft= σo × b × y × p × Kv (5.9)
The design is made for spur gear with 20 full depth involute. Let us take the following factors:
Data: (as per design) o Lewis form factor(y)= 0.103 [from Equation5.4 & 5.5]
Displacement of rack= 280mm. o Face width(b) = 10m (5.10)
Time taken to displace the rack= 5secs. o Pitch (p) = πm (5.11)
For 20full depth involute, no. of teeth on pinion (z 1) =18. o Cv =Kv = Velocity factor
Equation5.9 Ft= 207 × 10m × 0.103× πm × Kv
Ft= 669.81m2Kv (5.12)
Velocity (V) = (5.1)
Time(t) Equate equations (5.12) & (5.8),
V=280/5= 56mm/sec. 669.81m2Kv =
Also, 𝑚
Velocity (V) = angular velocity (ω) × radius of pinion (r1) m3Kv = 8.943 (5.13)
(5.2) Now to find module for pinion and gear consider the mean
[Assuming radius of pinion (r1) = 25mm] velocity (Vm) as,
V = ω×r1 π×d1×N1 π×𝑚×18×21.39
Vm= = = 0.0201m (5.14)
56= ω×25 60000 60000
56 3
ω = = 2.24 rad/sec. Module (m) = √2 × (𝑚3 )𝐾𝑣 [K.Lingaiah data handbook]
m= √2 × 8.943
Speed of pinion (N1) =
(5.3) m= 2.6 ≈ 3mm
2.24×60 Equation-7 Vm= 0.0201×3= 0.0603 mm/sec.
N1= 3
2π For Vm ≤ 7.5 m/sec, Kv = Cv = [table-xyz/ Pg. no-abc](ref-
N1= 21.39rpm. 3+Vm
Keeping the velocity ratio (i) = 1. 3
No. of teeth on gear (z2) = i×z1= 1×18 Kv = = 0.98
Lewis form factor for 20 full depth involute pinion is given by, m3Kv= 33×0.98= 26.486 (5.15)
0.912 0.192 For safe design, Equation (5.15) > (5.13)
y1= 0.154 - = 0.154 - = 0.103. (5.4)
z1 18 Hence, Suitable module is 3mm.
0.192 0.192
y2= 0.154 - = 0.154 - = 0.103. (5.5) • Dimensions:
z2 18
• Identifying the weaker member: o Pitch diameter of pinion (d1) = m×z1= 3×18= 54mm.
Allowable stress of pinion & gear material σo= 207MPa. o Pitch diameter of gear (d2) = m×z2= 3×18= 54mm.
o Face width (b) = 10×m= 10×3= 30mm.
Allowable Lewis σo × y in Remarks o Pitch (p) = π×m = π×3= 9.4247mm.
stress (σo) form MPa 5990.143 5990.143
in MPa factor(y) o Tangential tooth load (Ft) = = = 1996.714
𝑚 3
Pinion 207 0.103 21.32 Weak N.
Gear 207 0.103 21.32 - o Addendum of both pinion & gear (h a) = 1×m =1×3= 3mm.
Design should be done based on pinion. o Dedendum of both pinion & gear (h f) = 1.25×m = 1.25×3=
• Design: o Addendum diameter of pinion = d1+2ha = 54+2×3= 60mm.
a) Tangential tooth load: o Addendum diameter of gear = d2+2ha = 54+2×3= 60mm.
9.55×106×P×Cs o Dedendum diameter of pinion = d1-2hf = 54 -2×3.75=
Ft = (5.6) 46.5mm.
In the above equation, o Dedendum diameter of gear = d2-2hf = 54 -2×3.75= 46.5mm.
P= Power= 80.5W [Refer K.Lingaiah data handbook for the formulas
CS= Service factor= 1.5 [for medium shocks of 10 hr/day mentioned above]
N= N1 = 21.39rpm
d1 𝑚×z1 𝑚×18
r = r1 = = = = 9m (5.7)
2 2 2
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 254
RESULTS & DISCUSSION Torque= 35.9 N-m.
Power= 80.5 W.
1. Section-2 of design calculations shows the calculation for
Speed= 21.413 rpm.
determining the standard cross section area of the material
to be used in the supporting rod of the device which is 4. Finally based upon the kinematic analysis and determination
639mm2 having 40mm and 3mm of length and breadth of power, torque, speed the design of gear has done and its
respectively. parameters are listed as follows:
2. Section-3 of design calculations gives the calculations for • Pitch diameter of gear = 54mm.
the kinematic rods (i.e. connecting rod) and determination of • Face width = 30mm.
maximum tangential load acting on the gears is done in order • Pitch = 9.4247mm.
to design the gear. Figure-4 and Figure-5 shows the variation • Tangential tooth load = 1996.714 N.
of tangential load due to the deflection of connecting rods at
particular angles. CONCLUSION
1400 This project is intended to develop a concept of wheelchair
Tangential Load (FT)
considerations, and other factors to have smooth and effortless
Angle of deflection in degrees (Ɵ) operation during the transfer of patient.
Figure-4: FT v/s Ɵ REFERENCES
• From the above figure it can be concluded that the tangential 1. Rashid Ahmed K.1, Safar Abdul Razack1, Shamil Salam1,
load acting on the gear attains maximum value when the Vishnu Prasad K.V.1, Vishnu C. R.2 B. Tech Scholar,
connecting rod is deflected to an angle of 73.65. Department of Mechanical Engineering, KMCT College of
Engineering, Calicut, India1 Assistant Professor,
140 Department of Mechanical Engineering, KMCT College of
Tangential Load (FT)
IJSER © 2020