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IDS 100 Project 1: Lenses Chart Template

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IDS 100 Project 1: Lenses Chart Template

A er exploring each liberal arts lens, complete the associated column in the table below. Be sure that you are making notes about the lens, not about the subject
of the ar cles you reviewed (air pollu on). The goal is to capture the main characteris cs of each lens in the chart to help you see the similari es and differences
between the lenses, and to also gain an understanding of how professionals in each field approach finding informa on.

Aspects of the Lens Social Science Natural Science History Humani es

Key Characteris cs Social Science: Natural Science: History: Humani es:
What are some ● How to improve ● How a scien st ● How can we solve
characteris cs? lives of human describes physical today's problem ● What are the
behavior? world? with the ancient different cultural art
● How to ● What are the main ar facts? forms to study the
successfully factors of natural ● What are the environment
survive in the world? methods to study, globally?
world? ● Different methods compare and use to ● What are the
● What is the study to develop the solve the problem? different ways we
of socie es and process of finding. express in different
its rela onships? cultures?

Types of Ques ons ● Why should we ● What methods do ● How do rely on the ● What is the use of
What ques ons would a work together for we use to find a result of the test? all these tests to the
professional from this lens ask some research solu on to a ● Why there is a society?
when studying a topic? studies? problem? change in result ● Why we need
● Why do we ● What is the from me to me? cultural value in a
influenced by the significance of society?
past work? tes ng a theory
before its
implementa on?
Types of Evidence Social Sciences Natural Sciences History Humani es
How do professionals from
each lens gather informa on? As people are social The natural and applied Many of us are familiar with At the core of the
What sources are they using? beings, social science is sciences study the physical history as being a list of humani es is human
(primary vs. secondary the study of society and world to help us be er dates, events, and people to crea vity, and they explore

sources) the rela onships between understand ourselves and memorize, but history is so the things that humanity
people. Subjects included our place in nature, and much more than simply creates and how they offer
in this lens are nature’s role in shaping us. dates and memorizing facts. insight into the way people
psychology, sociology, The natural sciences include Your primary exposure to experienced their present,
anthropology, poli cal fields such as biology, history could have been in interacted with their
science, economics, and chemistry, and physics, grade school required culture, and comprehended
geography. This study of while the applied sciences classes or in documentaries abstract concepts and big
human behavior and include STEM-related fields about subjects you find ques ons about humanity’s
interac on can such as mathema cs and interes ng. There is so place in the universe. The
some mes overlap with technology. Together these much more to history, humani es broaden
the humani es lens, fields explore the ques ons however. History tells the perspec ves and promote
which also studies and curiosi es humans have stories of our past to help an understanding of
different cultures. been pondering for ages, us be er understand how mul ple experiences,
Studying society, culture, and scien sts o en develop we got to the present. In cultures, and values through
and human rela onships ques ons and use a addi on to dates, events, various mediums of crea ve
will lead us to an scien fic process—the and people, history human expression—such as
understanding of how scien fic method—to encompasses first-hand literature, fine art, dance,
people live and how to describe, predict, and accounts of experiences photography, philosophy
improve our lives. Social observe the natural world. that include ar facts from and religion, film and
scien sts use a variety of This method of developing an era (tools, clothes, toys, television, music, even the
methods to arrive at and researching hypotheses etc.), le ers or diaries from internet and social media—
conclusions within this can also be applied to the people who lived during a many of which are taught as
lens, such as interviews, other lenses as a way to certain me, documents separate academic
par cipant-observa on, organize the ques ons one from a me period, disciplines. Within the
and primary and might ask to gain a deeper photographs, and, when humani es, both the ar st’s
secondary sources. The understanding of our world possible, interviews with (or creator’s) intent and
social sciences can also and experiences. people who lived through audience recep on of a
intersect with the other the events that historians crea ve ar fact are
lenses. For instance, like study. Together, these considered to help
for the history lens, social historical remnants help understand cultural values
scien sts may look at the write a story of a par cular and why they ma er.
past to gain an me, which is then folded
understanding of the into the stories of history
social rela onships that we are living and making
took place. How do we today.
interact? How do we
work together? Asking
ques ons similar to these
has given us the
opportunity to evaluate
causes and effects related

to people in our society.

Consider how the social
science lens helps us
interact with the world
around us and uses
cultural ar facts to make
changes in our lives to
promote be er living or
promote interac ons we
normally would not have
with others.

Commonali es & Differences Commonali es are:

How are any of the above ● Natural science and social science are similar but not the same.
lenses (social science, natural ● Both handle the societal and environment issues.
science, history and ● Similar methods to progress the study have been used in both the sciences.
humani es) similar to each ● We can refer the result of one study as the base of the other one.
other? ● Likewise, humani es and history are similar and both deal with the assistance of the present life with the
How are any of the lenses past stories.
different from each other?

Differences are;

● Though social science and natural science are similar sciences, but has to be dealt with the unique
characteris cs of each science.
● There is a marginal difference in the methods used to prove the sciences.
● Social science fully depends on the issues of the society; it includes different cultural values of the
society. Natural science depends on the nature and its surroundings.
● Difference in historical study could be from the different kingdoms and rulers of the world.
● Humani es are the study of different art forms, cultures of the society.

● 2.The four lenses include the social sciences,the natural sciences,history and the humani es.I believe that these lenses will help to gain be er
understanding of wellness.These lenses allow to analyze wellness from diferent perspec ves,in turn giving a more comprehensive understanding of the
● For example,looking at wellness through social sciences lens will enable to determine several factors,like social rela onships influence an individual's
health and their percep on about wellness whereas examining the topic from a historical lens can help to understand how wellness has progressed and
why it is the way it is today.
● Through the lens of humani es,it can be understood,what wellness means in different cultures.Studying the various cultures and socie es,will help to
understand what wellness means to people belonging to that par cular culture.
● Natural science lens will help to understand how the nature and the physical or environmental factors influences the concept of wellness,i.e how nature
contributes to a healthy way of living
We have explored technology through the lenses of history, humani es, and the natural and applied sciences. We would like to select the technology of social
media and will be re-examining through the social sciences as below

Social media technology: We would like to address here that technology have been helpful for human kind and it is making the things cheaper, faster and be er
for the people. Social media is one of the key technology that helped people for easy connect and share their social interac ons easily. It provides the easy
pla orm where people can easily interact and feel socially connected along with mee ng their commercial interest.

The social media has key topics like introduc on of social media in the global market. Use of social media for social connec vity. Social benefits of social media,
social media famous op ons, social media reduce the distance on earth etc,

If we see it from the lens of social science, we sees that social science is the applica on of science for the easy applica on for human beings. Thus social media
helped the human beings by providing the easy pla orm for the people so that they can make their easy social connec on with any people at any loca on
without any major me was ng and travelling. They can easily make the social connec on at any me and it makes them good impression as well. Thus from the
social science ends, we can understand that social media has helped the human kind to a larger extent.

The social sciences lens supported the lens we previously used which was the history lens be er as this technology helped the society to an larger extent and
they have managed to connect the people who have been disconnected for longer me and they do not see any opportunity where they can get reconnect easily.
Hence this approach is much be er and useful for the human beings in the world level.

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