Function Point Training Booklet New
Function Point Training Booklet New
Function Point Training Booklet New
Training Course
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Longstreet Consulting Inc – October 2004
Upcoming FP Training Course
I am planning a function point training class in Charleston, South Carolina May 4 &5. The
course is limited to 10 individuals. The course will take place at the Woodland Inn. You can
read more about it at
Recently, I have been adding material from this manual to the Wikipedia Free Online
Encyclopedia. ( ) Please feel free to cut and paste
information from this manual into Wikipedia and other online sources, but please make sure you
include the link to the free manual at www.SoftwareMetrics.Com/freemanual.htm
If you maintain a website please include a link to the free manual and other free stuff at
If you would like a copy of the answers to this manual please send an email to
[email protected]
Make sure you put Answer to FP Manual in the subject line.
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Table of Contents
Introduction _________________________________________________________________9
Objective of Section:______________________________________________________________ 9
Introduction: ____________________________________________________________________ 9
Elementary Process: _____________________________________________________________ 10
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 10
Benefits and Uses:_______________________________________________________________ 11
When Not to Use Function Points __________________________________________________ 12
Types of Function Point Counts:___________________________________________________ 12
What about Lines of Code (LOC) __________________________________________________ 13
Understanding Productivity: ______________________________________________________ 13
Understanding Software Productivity:______________________________________________ 15
Questions: _____________________________________________________________________ 18
Function Point Counting Process _______________________________________________20
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 20
Introduction: ___________________________________________________________________ 20
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 20
Types of Function Point Counts:___________________________________________________ 22
High Level Steps: _______________________________________________________________ 22
Independence and Dependence: ___________________________________________________ 22
FPA Steps for Files: _____________________________________________________________ 24
Questions: _____________________________________________________________________ 24
Are transactions independent or dependent on FTR’s? _______________________________ 24
Establishing the Boundary ____________________________________________________25
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 25
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 25
Identify the Boundary:___________________________________________________________ 25
Standard Documentation: ________________________________________________________ 25
Establishing the Boundary early in the Life cycle: ____________________________________ 25
Technology Issues: ______________________________________________________________ 26
Tabulating: ____________________________________________________________________ 26
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Questions: _____________________________________________________________________ 26
Identifying RET’s, DET’s and FTR’s____________________________________________27
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 27
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 27
Rating: ________________________________________________________________________ 27
Transaction DET’s: _____________________________________________________________ 28
Record Element Types (RET’s): ___________________________________________________ 28
Tips to Identify RET’s and DET’s early in the life cycle: _______________________________ 28
DET’s for GUI _________________________________________________________________ 28
DET’s For Real Time Systems_____________________________________________________ 30
Navigation _____________________________________________________________________ 30
Skill Builder: ___________________________________________________________________ 30
External Inputs _____________________________________________________________31
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 31
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 31
Rating: ________________________________________________________________________ 31
Counting Tips: _________________________________________________________________ 31
Examples: _____________________________________________________________________ 32
Data Elements: _________________________________________________________________ 32
File Types Referenced (FTR’s): ___________________________________________________ 32
Uniqueness: ____________________________________________________________________ 33
Understanding Enhancement Function Points: _______________________________________ 33
Technology Issues: ______________________________________________________________ 33
Standard Documentation: ________________________________________________________ 34
Tips to Identify External Inputs early in the life cycle:_________________________________ 34
Typical Vocabulary: _____________________________________________________________ 35
Skill Builder: ___________________________________________________________________ 35
External Outputs ____________________________________________________________37
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 37
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 37
Rating: ________________________________________________________________________ 37
Counting Tips: _________________________________________________________________ 38
Terminology:___________________________________________________________________ 38
Examples: _____________________________________________________________________ 38
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Data Elements: _________________________________________________________________ 38
File Types Referenced (FTR): _____________________________________________________ 39
Uniqueness: ____________________________________________________________________ 39
Understanding Enhancement Function Points: _______________________________________ 39
Technology Issues: ______________________________________________________________ 40
Standard Documentation: ________________________________________________________ 40
Tips to Identify External Outputs early in the life cycle: _______________________________ 40
Typical Vocabulary: _____________________________________________________________ 40
Special Issues and Concerns:______________________________________________________ 41
Skill Builder: ___________________________________________________________________ 42
External Inquiries ___________________________________________________________47
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 47
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 47
Rating: ________________________________________________________________________ 47
Examples: _____________________________________________________________________ 48
Terminology:___________________________________________________________________ 48
Data Elements: _________________________________________________________________ 48
File Type Referenced (FTR’s): ____________________________________________________ 49
Uniqueness: ____________________________________________________________________ 49
Understanding Enhancement Function Points: _______________________________________ 49
Technology Issues: ______________________________________________________________ 50
Standard Documentation: ________________________________________________________ 50
Tips to Identify EQ’s early in the life cycle:__________________________________________ 51
Typical Vocabulary: _____________________________________________________________ 51
Special Issues and Concerns:______________________________________________________ 51
Skill Builder: ___________________________________________________________________ 53
Transaction Review __________________________________________________________56
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 56
Multiple Languages _____________________________________________________________ 56
Display of Graphical Images or Icons_______________________________________________ 57
Messages ______________________________________________________________________ 58
Complex Control Inputs _________________________________________________________ 59
Hyperlinks on WebPages _________________________________________________________ 59
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Internal Logical Files ________________________________________________________61
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 61
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 61
Rating: ________________________________________________________________________ 61
Counting Tips: _________________________________________________________________ 61
Examples: _____________________________________________________________________ 62
Record Element Types: __________________________________________________________ 62
Data Element Types: ____________________________________________________________ 63
Technology Issues: ______________________________________________________________ 63
Standard Documentation: ________________________________________________________ 63
Tips to Identify ILF’s early in the life cycle: _________________________________________ 64
Other comments: _______________________________________________________________ 64
Skill Builder: ___________________________________________________________________ 64
External Interface Files_______________________________________________________67
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 67
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 67
Rating: ________________________________________________________________________ 67
Counting Tips: _________________________________________________________________ 68
Examples: _____________________________________________________________________ 68
Technology Issues: ______________________________________________________________ 68
Standard Documentation: ________________________________________________________ 68
Tips to Identify EIF’s early in the life cycle: _________________________________________ 68
General System Characteristics_________________________________________________70
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 70
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 70
Rating: ________________________________________________________________________ 70
Standard Documentation: ________________________________________________________ 70
Rating GSC’s early in the life cycle: ________________________________________________ 70
Tabulating: ____________________________________________________________________ 71
GSC’s at a Glance: ______________________________________________________________ 71
Considerations for GUI Applications _______________________________________________ 72
Detail GSC’s:___________________________________________________________________ 73
Skill Builder: ___________________________________________________________________ 84
General System Characteristics – Notes Page ________________________________________ 85
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History and IFPUG __________________________________________________________86
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 86
Brief History: __________________________________________________________________ 86
Growth and Acceptance of Function Point Analysis___________________________________ 86
More Information about IFPUG: __________________________________________________ 86
Calculating Adjusted Function Point ___________________________________________88
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 88
Understanding the Equations:_____________________________________________________ 88
Definition: _____________________________________________________________________ 89
Unadjusted Function Point:_______________________________________________________ 89
Development Project Function Point Calculation: ____________________________________ 89
Application Function Point Count (Baseline): ________________________________________ 90
Enhancement Project Function Point Calculation:____________________________________ 90
Application After Enhancement Project: ____________________________________________ 91
Skill Builder: ___________________________________________________________________ 93
Case Studies ________________________________________________________________94
Objective of Section:_____________________________________________________________ 94
Collection Letter ________________________________________________________________ 96
Control Inputs__________________________________________________________________ 97
Graphical Information ___________________________________________________________ 98
Graphs Part II__________________________________________________________________ 99
The Weather Application________________________________________________________ 100
Adding A New Customer ________________________________________________________ 102
Enhanced Weather Application __________________________________________________ 105
BikeWare_____________________________________________________________________ 106
Pizza Screen Design ____________________________________________________________ 108
www.PIZZACLUB.COM________________________________________________________ 110
Control Information ____________________________________________________________ 113
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Objective of Section:
Introduce the basic concepts of Function Point Analysis and to introduce and reinforce unit cost
estimating. The exercises at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have
gained the basic knowledge required.
Systems continue to grow in size and complexity, becoming increasingly difficult to understand.
As improvements in coding tools allow software developers to produce larger amounts of
software to meet ever-expanding user requirements, a method to understand and communicate
size must be used. A structured technique of problem solving, function point analysis is a method
to break systems into smaller components, so they can be better understood and analyzed. This
book describes function point analysis and industry trends using function points.
Human beings solve problems by breaking them into smaller, understandable pieces. Problems
that may initially appear to be difficult are found to be simple when dissected into their
components, or classes. When the objects to be classified are the contents of software systems, a
set of definitions and rules, or a scheme of classification, must be used to place these objects into
their appropriate categories. Function point analysis is one such technique: FPA is a method to
break systems into smaller components, so they can be better understood and analyzed. It
also provides a structured technique for problem solving.
Function points are a unit measure for software much like an hour is to measuring time, miles are
to measuring distance or Celsius is to measuring temperature. Function Points are ordinal
measures much like other measures such as kilometers, Fahrenheit, hours, so on and so forth.
Function Points measure software by quantifying its functionality provided to the user based
primarily on the logical design. Frequently the term end user or user is used without specifying
what is meant. In this case, the user is a sophisticated user. Someone that would understand the
system from a functional perspective --- more than likely someone that would provide
requirements or does acceptance testing.
There are a variety of different methods used to count function point, but this book is based upon
those rules developed by the Alan Albrecht and later revised by the International Function Point
User Group (IFPUG). The IFPUG rules have much to be desired, so this book attempts to fill in
gaps not defined by IFPUG.
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Chapter 1
Elementary Process:
A software application is in essence a defined set of elementary processes. When these
elementary processes are combined they interact to form what we call a software system or
software application. An elementary process is not totally independent existing alone, but the
elementary processes are woven together becoming interdependent. There are two basic types
of elementary processes (data in motion and data at rest) in a software application. Data in
motion has the characteristic of moving data inside to outside the application boundary or
outside to inside the application boundary.
On a conceptual level, function point analysis helps define two abstract levels of data - data at
rest and data in motion.
Data in motion
Data in motion is handled via transactional function types or simple transactions. All software
applications will have numerous elementary processes or independent processes to move data.
Transactions (or elementary processes) that bring data from outside the application domain (or
application boundary) to inside that application boundary are referred to as external inputs.
Transactions (or elementary processes) that take data from a resting position (normally on a file)
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to outside the application domain (or application boundary) are referred as either an external
outputs or external inquiries (these will be defined later in this book).
Data at rest
Data at rest that is maintained by the application in question is classified as internal logical files.
Data at rest that is maintained by another application in question is classified as external
interface files.
• Function Points can be used to communicate more effectively with business user groups.
• Function points can be used to establish an inventory of all transactions and files of a current
project or application. This inventory can be used as a means of evaluation of an application.
If an inventory is conducted for a development project or enhancement project, then this
same inventory could be used to help maintain scope creep and to help control project
growth. Even more important this inventory helps understand the magnitude of the problem.
• Function Points can be used to size software applications. Sizing is an important component
in determining productivity (outputs/inputs), predicting effort, understanding unit cost, so on
and so forth.
• Unlike some other software metrics, different people can count function points at different
times, to obtain the same measure within a reasonable margin of error. That is, the same
conclusion will be drawn from the results.
• FPA can help organizations understand the unit cost of a software application or project.
Once unit cost is understood tools, languages, platforms can be compared quantitatively
instead of subjectively. This type of analysis is much easier to understand than technical
information. That is, a non-technical user can easily understand Function Points.
There are several other uses of function points. The following list are some practical
applications of Function Points and FPA. The article Using Function Points on the Website
www.SoftwareMetrics.Com, in the article section of the Website, provides more detail regarding
each of these items. Function Points can be used for:
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Chapter 1
Performance tuning may or may not have anything to do with functionality. Performance tuning
is more a result of trying to understand application throughput and processing time. There are
better metrics to utilize when measuring this type of work.
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track maintenance hours per function point. This is an example of a normalized metric. It is not
enough to examine only maintenance, but one must examine the ratio of maintenance hours to
size of the application to get a true picture.
Additionally, application counts can assist organizations in understanding the size of the entire
corporate portfolio (or inventory). This type of count is analogous to taking an inventory for a
store. Like inventory, a dollar value can be associated with any application function point count
and for the entire organization portfolio.
1. The number of lines of code delivered is dependent upon the skill level of the
programmer. In fact, the higher skill level of the programmer the few lines of code they
will develop to perform the same function.
2. Higher-level languages such as Forte, Dynasty, VB, Java Script, or other visual
languages require far fewer lines of code than Assembler, COBOL, or C to perform the
same functionality. That is, there is an inverse relationship between level of language and
work output (when work output is LOC).
3. The actual number of LOC is not known until the project is almost completed.
Therefore, LOC cannot be used to estimate the effort or schedule of a project. Function
Points can be derived from requirements and analysis documents that are available early
in a project life cycle.
4. There is no agreed upon method to count lines of code. The statement and type of
statements used in Visual C++, Assembler, COBOL, SQL are completely different. It is
common for applications to have a combination of different languages being utilized.
Understanding Productivity:
The standard economic definition of productivity is “Goods or services per unit of labor or
expenses until 1979, when A.J. Albrecht of IBM published a paper about Function Points, there
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Chapter 1
was no definition of what “goods or services” were the output of software project. The good or
service of software is the business functionality provided.
Hawthorne Studies
Several scientists undertook the famous experiments at the Hawthorne plant of the Western
Electric Company in 1927 and 1932. They began a study to determine the effect of illumination
on workers and their productivity. They found that productivity improved when illumination
was either increased or decreased for a test group. They found that when people felt they were
being noticed then their productivity increased. They also found that the improvement in
productivity was due to such social factors as morale, satisfactory interrelationships and effective
management. They also found that the best managers were those that managed via counseling,
leading, and communicating. The phenomenon, arising basically from people being “noticed,”
has been known as the Hawthorne effect.
Capers Jones
Perhaps the most prolific author on the subject of software metrics. While he has many books
that should be read by any serious practitioner of software metrics his most notable contribution
was Applied Software Measurement.
Barry Boehm
In the late 1970’s Dr. Boehm wrote the book, Software Engineering Economics.
Alan Albrecht
Function Point Analysis was developed first by Allan J. Albrecht in the mid 1970s. It was an
attempt to overcome difficulties associated with lines of code as a measure of software size, and
to assist in developing a mechanism to predict effort associated with software development. The
method was first published in 1979, then later in 1983. In 1984 Albrecht refined the method and
since 1986, when the International Function Point User Group (IFPUG) was set up, several
versions of the Function Point Counting Practices Manual have been published by IFPUG.
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The definition of productivity is the output-input ratio within a time period with due
consideration for quality.
The formula indicates that productivity can be improved by (1) by increasing outputs with the
same inputs, (2) by decreasing inputs but maintaining the same outputs, or (3) by increasing
outputs and decreasing inputs change the ratio favorably.
Effectiveness v. Efficiency:
Productivity implies effectiveness and efficiency in individual and organizational performance.
Effectiveness is the achievement of objectives. Efficiency is the achievement of the ends with
least amount of resources.
As the size of software development project becomes larger the cost per function point actually
rises. As can be seen from the graph and data, the effort per unit does not remain constant as the
size of the software project increases. This is self-evident because the tasks are not the same for
software projects as the size increases.
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Chapter 1
As some of you remember Marginal Cost is an economic term and is different from average cost.
Average cost is the total cost of producing a particular quantity of output divided by that
quantity. In this case to Total Cost/Function Points.
Marginal cost is the change in total cost attributable to a one-unit change in output. In our case,
how does per unit cost change as the software project size change? How does the cost of
software change as the product becomes larger and larger?
Imagine the average cost per square foot of a one-story building compared to the cost per square
foot of a 100-story building. No doubt the construction costs (per unit cost) for the 100-story
building are much higher than a one-story building. This same concept is true for a software
Besides size there are several other factors, which impact the cost of construction
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There are a variety of reasons why marginal costs for software increase as size increases. The
following is a list of some of the reasons
• As size becomes larger there is a greater number of staff members and they become more
difficult to manage.
Since fixed costs for software projects is minimal. There are little if any economies of scale for
software projects.
Function Points are the output of the software development process. Function points are the unit
of software. It is very important to understand that Function Points remain constant regardless
who develops the software or what language the software is develop in. Unit costs need to be
examined very closely. To calculate average unit cost all items (units) are combined and
divided by the total cost. On the other hand, to estimate the total cost each item is examined.
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Chapter 1
For example, assume you are going to manufacture a computer mousepad. The total
Cost to manufacture 1,000 mousepad is $2,660. The unit cost is $2.66 (per pad). The cost break
down is:
Notice the variation in the unit cost for each item. One of the biggest problems with estimating
software projects is understanding unit cost. Software managers fail to break down items into
similar components or like areas. They assume all units cost the same.
There are different costs for each of the function point components. The unit cost for external
inputs is not the same as the unit cost of external outputs for example. The online external inputs
and the batch external inputs do not have the same unit cost (or cost per function point). The
cost per unit to build and implement internal logical files is not the same per unit cost as the
building and implementing of online reports.
To accurately estimate the cost of an application each component cost needs to be estimated.
The same is true for the mousepad problem above.
Problem 1
How would you estimate the number of hot chocolates being sold at the AFC Championship
game in Kansas City (use your imagination, the Chiefs could be there)?
Problem 2
What is the average cost per mousepad if you produce 1,000 units at the following costs?
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Is it correct to assume that unit costs are fixed for software? (Intuitively, do you expect the per
unit cost to create reports the same as the per unit cost to build a data base.)
If you would like a copy of the answers to this manual please send an email to
[email protected]
Make sure you put Answer to FP Manual in the subject line.
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Objective of Section:
The objective of this chapter is to introduce the student to the high level steps necessary to count
function points and to perform function point analysis. Details of each step are discussed later in
this book. The exercises at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have
gained the basic knowledge required.
Even though there have been attempts by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) and IEEE to
standardize terms and definitions, there are no industry wide practiced terms and definitions
related to software development. IFPUG has developed some standard terms and definitions
related to function points, but these terms and definitions need to be applied to a variety of
different software environments.
Clients who have standardized their terminology within their own environments have seen
significant jumps in productivity. That is, they have reduced the number of verbs used to
describe transactions and other events.
Imagine if we compared a blue print document used for construction purposes with a typical
software design document. While the blue print uses standard terminology the software design
document uses a variety of different terminology to describe the same exact thing.
The overall objective is to determine adjusted function point count. There are several steps
necessary to accomplish this. While you may not understand the mechanics of the following
steps, they will be discussed in great detail in the remainder of the book. The actual sequence or
order of steps is not necessary. Many counters will complete step 5 through out the entire count
– gathering information as they go;
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Function Point Counting Process
The unadjusted function point (UFP) count is determined in steps 3 & 4. Steps 3 & 4 are
discussed later in this chapter and discussed in detail later in the book. It is not important if step
3 or step 4 is completed first. In GUI and OO type applications it is easy to begin with step 3.
The final function point count (adjusted function point count) is a combination of both
unadjusted function point count (UFP) and the general system characteristics (GSC’s).
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Chapter 2
• Τo complete a function point count knowledge of function point rules and application
documentation is needed. Access to an application expert can improve the quality of the
count also.
• Once the application boundary has been established, FPA can be broken into three major
parts (FPA for transactional function types, FPA for data function types and FPA for GSCs).
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Function Point Counting Process
type of transaction (external Transaction Rules T4. Determine Low, Ave, High
input, external output, or
external inquiry). Functional Complexity
T5. Values Determined
T4. Each identified transaction is assigned a value of low, average or high based upon type, data
elements, and files referenced.
T5. A distinct numerical value is assigned based upon type and value (low, average, or high).
T6. All transactions are summed to create a transaction unadjusted function point count.
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Chapter 2
Data Model
F2. Type of File(ILF or EIF)
F2. The application
documentation (transaction FPA Rules
F3. Number of DETs and RETs
F4. Each identified file is assigned a value of low, average or high based upon type, data
elements and record types.
F5. A distinct numerical value is assigned based upon type and value (low, average, or high).
F6. All files are summed to create a file unadjusted function point count.
Is there any benefit to the sequence or order of counting function points? That is, is there a
benefit to counting transactions prior to FTR’s?
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Objective of Section:
Describe and define the concepts necessary to establish a boundary between applications.
Since it is common for computer systems to interact with other computer systems and/or human
beings, a boundary must be drawn around each system to be measured prior to classifying
components. This boundary must be drawn according to the sophisticated user’s point of view.
In short, the boundary indicates the border between the project or application being measured
and the external applications or user domain. Once the border has been established, components
can be classified, ranked and tallied.
One of the benefits of function point is analysis is creating ratios with other metrics such hours,
cost, headcount, duration, and other application metrics. It is important the function point
boundary be consistent with other metrics that are being gathered for the application and project.
The boundary may need to be adjusted once components have been identified. In practice the
boundary may need to be revisited, as the overall application is better understood. Function
point counts may need to be adjusted as you learn about the application.
Standard Documentation:
• General Specification Documents
• Interface Documents
• Other metric reports
• Interviews with the users
• User Documentation
• Design Documentation
• Requirements
• Data flow diagrams
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Chapter 3
Technology Issues:
Internet/Intranet Applications
The boundary for an Internet/Intranet application is defined in a similar way for traditional
applications. For traditional applications the boundary is not drawn just around the user
interface or a group of screens but around the entire application. Frequently, Internet/Intranet
applications are just extensions to current and existing applications. There is a tendency to
create a "new" application for the Internet/Intranet extension, but this approach is incorrect.
The boundaries for client/server applications need to be drawn around both the client and server.
The reason is that neither the client nor server supports a users (or sophisticated) view. That is,
one alone does not represent a total application. As mentioned early, any complete application
needs both data at rest (server) and data in motion (client).
There is no special tabulating that needs to take place for establishing the boundary, but the
boundary can dramatically impact the number of external inputs and external outputs.
In theory, how does making the boundary too large impact a function point count?
If you would like a copy of the answers to this manual please send an email to
[email protected]
Make sure you put Answer to FP Manual in the subject line.
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Objective of Section:
Learn the necessary techniques to identify a RET, a DET and a FTR. Understanding how to
identify DET’s and FTR’s is critical to distinguish one transaction from another. While in
practice understanding the exact number of DET’s and FTR’s may not impact a function point
count, understanding DET’s and FTR’s can help understand how to count function points for
enhancement function point counts. The exercises at the end of the section help the student
demonstrate that they have gained the basic knowledge required.
Record Element Type (RET): A RET is user recognizable sub group of data elements within an
ILF or an EIF. It is best to look at logical groupings of data to help identify them. The concept
of RET will be discussed in detail in the chapters that discuss internal logical file and external
interface files. Additionally, a short article, Understanding RET’s can be found at record types.
File Type Referenced (FTR): A FTR is a file type referenced by a transaction. An FTR must also
be an internal logical file or external interface file.
Data Element Type (DET): A DET is a unique user recognizable, non-recursive (non-repetitive)
field. A DET is information that is dynamic and not static. A dynamic field is read from a file
or created from DET’s contained in a FTR. Additionally, a DET can invoke transactions or can
be additional information regarding transactions. If a DET is recursive then only the first
occurrence of the DET is considered not every occurrence.
Understanding the FTR’s and DET’s helped distinguish one transaction from another
transactions. This concept will be discussed in detail later in this book.
All of the components are rated based upon DET’s, and either RET’s or FTR’s.
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Chapter 4
Transaction DET’s:
External Inputs: Data Input Fields, Error Messages, Calculated Values, Buttons
External Outputs: Data Fields on a Report, Calculated Values, Error Messages, and Column
Headings that are read from an ILF. Like an EQ and EO can have an input side and output sides.
External Inquiries: Input Side - field used to search by, the click of the mouse. Output side -
displayed fields on a screen.
• Rate all transactional function types and data function types as Average.
• Determine how are transactional function type and data function types rated in similar type
applications. Are the majority of data function types rated as low in similar type
Radio Buttons
Radio Buttons are treated as data element types. Within a group of, a frame, radio buttons the
user has the option of selecting only one radio button; so only one data element type is counted
for all the radio buttons contained in the frame.
Check Boxes
Check Boxes differ from radio buttons in that more than one check box can be selected at a time.
Each check box, within a frame, that can be selected should be treated as a data element.
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Identifying RET’s, DET’s and FTR’s
Command Buttons
Command buttons may specify an add, change, delete or inquire action.
A button, like OK, may invoke several different types of transactions.
According to IFPUG counting rules each command button would be counted as a data element
for the action it invokes. In practice this data element will not impact the rating of the
transaction, but it does help understand and dissect a screen full of transactions.
A button like next may actually be the input side of an inquiry or another
For example, a simple application to track distributors could have fields for Distributor Name,
Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number, and Fax Number. This would represent seven fields or
(seven data elements) and the add command button would represent the eighth data element. In
short, the “add” external input represent a one external input with eight data elements, the
“change” external input represents another external input with eight (seven data elements plus
the “change” command button), and the “delete” external input represents the last external input
with eight data elements (seven fields plus the “delete” command button).
Sound Bytes
Many GUI applications have a sound byte attached. This represents one data element. The
number of notes played is simply recursive information. If the length of the sound byte
increases, then the data element remains one. For example, you can play the “Star Spangled
Banner” for two seconds or four seconds, but you’ll still count the sound bytes as one data
element. The longer it is played the more recursive information it has.
Photographic Images
A photographic image is another data element, and is counted as one. A human resource
application may display employee name, start date, etc. and a photograph of the employee. The
photograph is treated the same as employee name or employee start date. The photograph is
stored and maintained like any other piece of information about the employee.
There are three types of messages that are generated in a GUI application: error messages,
confirmation messages and notification messages. Error messages and confirmation messages
indicate that an error has occurred or that a process will be or have been completed. They are
not an elementary or independent process alone, but they are part of another elementary process.
A message that would state, “zip code is required” would be an example of an error message. A
message that would state, “are you sure you want to delete customer” is an example of a
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Chapter 4
confirmation message. Neither type of message is treated as a unique external output, but each is
treated as a data element for the appropriate transaction.
Some traditional definitions can be applied directly to real time and embedded systems. The
fields on a diagnostics file: time of diagnostics, hardware state during diagnostics, temperature,
voltage, so on and so forth would all be examples of data elements.
Real Time Systems may not have any “traditional user interface.” That is, the stimulus for the
Real Time System may be it’s own output – or state. A real time or embedded systems can
signal to determine current Hardware State (or location) and determine the appropriate
adjustment (input) based on the current state.
Navigation is moving from one transaction to another.
Skill Builder:
1. The following information is heard in the Rome Train Station. How many data elements
are heard? That is, what information varies from one train arrival to the next?
The train arriving from Florence will arrive on Track 46 at 8:30 a.m.
The train arriving from Naples will arrive on Track 43 at 11:00 a.m.
2. The totals on a particular report change colors depending if the amount is above or below
$ 500.
3. For example if the amount is -$250 it appears as $250, but if the amount is over 0 then
the value appears blue. For example if the amount is $1,000. How many data elements
are represented by the number and by the color?
Page 30
Objective of Section:
Describe and define the concepts necessary to identify and rate External Inputs. The exercises at
the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic knowledge
External Inputs (EI) - is an elementary process in which data crosses the boundary from outside
to inside. This data may come from a data input screen or another application. The data may be
used to maintain one or more internal logical files. The data can be either control information or
business information. If the data is control information it does not have to maintain an internal
logical file.
If an external input adds, changes and deletes (maintains) information on an internal logical file,
then this represents three external inputs. External inputs (especially change & delete) may be
preceded by an external inquiry (see the section on external inquiries). Hence a full function
screen is add, change, delete and inquiry (more will be discussed about inquiries later in the
Like all components, EI’s are rated and scored. The rating is based upon the number of data
element types (DET’s) and the file types referenced (FTR’s). DET’s and FTR’s are discussed
earlier. The table below lists both the level (low, average or high) and appropriate score (3, 4 or
Counting Tips:
Try to ask the question, do external inputs need more or less than 2 files to be processed? For
all the EI’s that reference more than 2 FTR’s, all that is needed to know is if the EI has more or
less than 4 data element types referenced. If the EI has more than 4 DET’s the EI will be rated
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Chapter 5
as high; less than 4 DET’s the EI will be rated as average. Any EI’s that reference less than 2
FTR’s should be singled out and counted separately.
EI’s can be business data, control data and rules based data.
Control Data:
Data Elements:
Unique sets of data elements help distinguish external input from other external input.
Page 32
External Inputs
internal logical file, but must also reference a “security file” to make sure that the user has
appropriate security levels. This would be an example of two FTR’s.
A unique set of data elements, and/or a different set of FTR’s, and/or a unique set of calculations
make one external input unique or different from other external inputs. That is, one of the
following must be true:
Calculations alone are not an elementary process but part of the elementary process of the
external input. A calculation (or derived data) does not make the transaction an external output.
External outputs and derived data will be discussed in detail in the external output section of this
• DET’s added to an EI
• DET’s modified on an EI. The DET was included in the last FP Count.
• A New FTR
• Modifications to a calculation that appears on an EI.
Technology Issues:
Radio Buttons - each set of radio buttons is counted as one DET. Only one radio button can be
selected at a time.
Pick Lists- The actual pick list (also known as drop downs, lookups) could be an external
inquiry, but the result of the inquiry may be a DET for an external input.
Check Box - Each check box that can be simultaneously checked is a unique DET.
Buttons - Buttons can be DET’s. The OK button above would be a data element. If there was a
series of buttons Add, Change and Delete. Each button would be counted as a DET for the
associated transaction.
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Chapter 5
A single GUI “screen” may represent several transactional function types. For example, it is
common for a GUI “screen” to have a series of external inquiries followed by an external input.
Error Messages - error messages are counted as data elements (DET’s), not unique external
inquiries. Count one DET for the entire input screen. Multiple Error Messages are similar to
recursive values. An error message is part of another elementary process.
The number of error messages on a GUI screen is less than the number of error messages
associated with traditional applications. If used correctly, radio buttons and pick lists can force
users to select correct information; therefore, eliminating the need to do editing behind the
In practice the number of DET’s do not make much of a difference in evaluating an EI,
understanding error or confirmation messages help in the understanding of uniqueness.
Standard Documentation:
A good source of information to determine external inputs is Screen Layouts, Screen Formats &
dialogs, and layouts of any input forms. Additional inputs from other applications should be
inventoried here. Inputs from other applications must update internal logical files of the
application being counted.
• Screen Layouts
• Screen Dialogs
• Design Documentation
• Functional Specifications
• User Requirements
• Any Input Forms
• Context Diagrams
• Data Flow Diagrams
Page 34
External Inputs
Typical Vocabulary:
The following words are associated with external input or “inputs.” While reading textual
document or application description look for these type of words, they may indicate an add,
change or delete aspect of an external input.
Skill Builder:
The following questions are used to help build on the concepts discussed in this section. They
are designed to encourage thought and discussion.
1. If an EI has one file type referenced and 5 data elements is it rated, low average or high?
What about 7 data elements? Or 25 Data elements?
2. How many data elements are there on the control input in the body of the chapter (page
5. Fill in the “value” of a low ____ average ____ and high ____ EI?
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Chapter 5
The following screen is used to add a new customer to an application. The OK command button
and the Next command button both add the new customer to the database.
7. If this screen updates one internal logical file how many unadjusted function points does
this screen represent?
Application A has a batch input file. The batch file is one physical file, but contains many
different types of records. The first field is a record identifier number. The record identifier
number can range from 1-75. The second field describes if the record is new and adds to the
file, changes a previous batch input or a deletes a previous batch input (add, change and delete).
Depending on the record identifier number there are a unique set of data elements, a different set
of files are updated and referenced, and different processing logic is followed. Every single
record identifier number updates more than 3 files (has more than 3 FTR’s) and contains more
than 5 data elements. How many function points does this one batch input represent?
If you would like a copy of the answers to this manual please send an email to
[email protected]
Make sure you put Answer to FP Manual in the subject line.
Page 36
Objective of Section:
Describe and define the concepts necessary to identify and rate External Outputs. The exercises
at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic knowledge
External Outputs (EO) - an elementary process in
which derived data passes across the boundary from
inside to outside. Additionally, an EO may update an
ILF. The data creates reports or output files sent to
other applications. These reports and files are created
from information contained in one or more internal
logical files and external interface files.
Derived Data is data that is processed beyond direct retrieval and editing of information from
internal logical files or external interface files. Derived data is usually the result of algorithms,
or calculations. Derived data occurs when one or more data elements are combined with a
formula to generate or derive an additional data element(s). This derived data does not appear
in any FTR (internal logical file or external interface file).
Like all components, EO’s are rated and scored. The rating is based upon the number of data
elements (DET’s) and the file types referenced (FTR’s). The rating is based upon the total
number of unique (combined unique input and out sides) data elements (DET’s) and the file
types referenced (FTR’s) (combined unique input and output sides). DET’s and FTR’s were
discussed earlier in this section. The table below lists both the level (low, average or high) and
appropriate score (4, 5 or 7).
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Chapter 6
Counting Tips:
You may ask the question, Do external outputs need more or less than 3 files to be processed?
For all the EO’s that reference more than 3 files, all that is needed to know is if the EO has more
or less than 5 data element types. If the EO has more than 5 data element types then the EO will
be rated as high, less than 5 the EO will be rated as average. Any EO’s that reference less than 3
files should be singled out and counted separately.
The definition states an EO contains information, which derived data passes across the boundary
from inside to outside. Some confusion may arise because an EO has an input side. The
confusion is the definition reads data passes across the boundary from inside to outside. The
input side of an EO is search criteria, parameters, etc does not maintain an ILF. The information
that a cross from outside to inside (input side) is not permanent data, but it is transient data. The
intent of the information coming from outside the application (input side) is not to maintain an
Unlike other components EO’s almost always contain business data. Rule base data and control
based “outputs” are almost always considered External Inquiries. This is true due to the fact that
rule data and control type data is not derived (or derivable).
Notification Messages are considered EO’s. A notification message differs from an error
message. A notification message is an elementary process, while an error message (or
confirmation message) is part of an elementary process. A notification message is the result of
some business logic processing. For example, a trading application may notify a broker that the
customer trying to place an order does not have adequate funds in their account.
Derived Data displayed in textual fashion (rows and columns) and graphical format is an
example of two external outputs.
Data Elements:
Unique sets of data elements help distinguish one external output from another. Keep in mind
that a DET is something that is dynamic.
(A DET is a unique user recognizable, non-recursive (non-repetitive) field)
• Error Messages
• Confirmation Messages
Page 38
External Outputs
The elementary process associated with an external output may update an internal logical file or
external interface file. For example, the elementary process that produces as payroll check may
include an update to a file to set a flag to indicate that the payroll check was produced. This is
not the same as maintaining the file. Maintained is the process of modifying data (adding,
changed and deleting) via an elementary process (via an External Input). The primary intent of
an EO is not to maintain an ILF.
A unique set of data elements, and/or a different set of FTR’s, and/or a unique set of calculations
makes one external output unique or different from other external outputs. That is, one of the
following must be true:
• DET’s added to an EO
• DET’s modified on an EO. The DET was included in the last FP Count.
• A New FTR
• Modifications to a calculation that appears on an EO.
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Chapter 6
Technology Issues:
Each media that a report is sent to is counted as a unique EO. If a report were available on line,
paper and electronic it would be counted as three EO’s. Now some organizations choose to
count this as only one EO. Whatever decision is made, the organization needs to stick with it.
Disk Cache: Information that is prepared, processed, and derived and put on cache files for
another application to utilize should not be overlooked. These cached files may be external
outputs or external inquiries.
Standard Documentation:
• Report Layouts
• Design Documentation
• Functional Specifications
• User Requirements
• Database descriptions
• Field Sizes and Formats
• Graphical Report Layouts
Typical Vocabulary:
The following words are associated with an “external outputs.” While reading textual
documents or application descriptions look for these types of words. They may indicate an
external output. Notice these words are very similar to those words used for an External Inquiry
(discussed in the next chapter).
Browse Reports
Display Request
Get Retrieve
On-lines Seek
Output Select
Print View
Page 40
External Outputs
Graphs are counted the same way as the textual EO’s. That is, the graph is rated and scored
based on the number of DET’s and the number of FTR’s. In fact, recursive information is easily
seen in a graph, but can be more difficult to visualize in a text report.
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Chapter 6
Days, Hits, % of Total Hits and User Sessions all have recursive data.
The same data could be processed and presented as bar graph. But on the following bar graph
there are only two data elements (user session and day of week). The bar graph is a separate
external output and is unique from the above table. In short, it provides different business
slightly different information than the table.
Skill Builder:
The following questions are used to help build on the concepts discussed in this section. They
are designed to encourage thought and discussion.
Page 42
External Outputs
Flavor Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Vanilla 80 85 85 90 110 120 135 145 90 84 75 70 1169
Chocolate 75 80 70 83 100 105 109 120 80 70 69 65 1026
Strawberry 30 35 35 40 70 80 95 105 40 34 25 20 609
Pistachio 8 9 9 9 11 12 14 15 9 8 8 7 119
Other 12 13 13 13 15 17 19 20 14 13 13 12 174
Total 205 222 212 235 306 334 372 405 233 209 190 174
3. How many data elements are there in the following line chart? Can recursive
information be seen easier in graphs?
120 Chocolate
100 Straw berry
80 Pistachio
Figure 1
4. How many data elements are in the following chart with 2 y - axis?
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Chapter 6
102 40
92 35
62 15
52 10
42 5
32 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Page 44
External Outputs
5. How many data elements are there in the following pie chart?
Figure 2
6. If an EO has 4 file types referenced and 15 data elements is it rated, low average or high?
7. What about 5 data elements with 4 FTR’s? Or 45 Data elements with 4 FTR’s?
10. Fill in the “value” of a low ____ average ____ and high ____ EO? How does this
compare to an EQ? Why the difference?
11. You have a list of 25 reports and you can safely assume that each report is separate
elementary processes, estimate the number of unadjusted function points.
12. You are given a list of the following 5 reports and the only information you have are the
number of FTR’s.
Report 1, 3 FTR’s
Report 2, 5 FTR’s
Report 3, 1 FTR
Report 4, 2 FTR’s
Report 5, 1 FTR
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Chapter 6
Estimate the number of unadjusted function points. What method did you use?
13. How would estimate the unadjusted number of function points if you were provided the
following information.
Report 1, 4 DET’s
Report 2, 25 DET’s
Report 3, 10 DET’s
Report 4, 15 DET’s
Report 5, 2 DET’s
15. Previously, the line graph of ice cream cone sales was counted as one unique External
Output. If a graph were exactly the same except in Italian, would this be considered
another unique external output?
16. Two separate checks are created an expense check and a payroll check. Both checks look
identical and have the following fields, employee name, employee address, amount of
check, date of check is printed. The expenses check uses the expenses reimbursement
file and the employee file and the payroll check uses the payroll file and the employee
file. The calculations for each check are different. How many external outputs are
there? Explain your answer?
If you would like a copy of the answers to this manual please send an email to
[email protected]
Make sure you put Answer to FP Manual in the subject line.
Page 46
Objective of Section:
Describe and define the concepts necessary to identify and rate External Inquiries. The exercises
at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic knowledge
External Inquiry (EQ) - an elementary process with
both input and output components that result in data
retrieval from one or more internal logical files and
external interface files. The input process does not
update or maintain any FTR’s (Internal Logical Files or
External Interface Files) and the output side does not
contain derived data.
Like all components, EQ’s are rated and scored. Basically, an EQ is rated (Low, Average or
High) like an EO, but assigned a value like and EI. The rating is based upon the total number
of unique (combined unique input and out sides) data elements (DET’s) and the file types
referenced (FTR’s) (combined unique input and output sides). DET’s and FTR’s were discussed
in earlier chapter. If the same FTR is used on both the input and output side, then it is counted
only one time. If the same DET is used on both the input and output side, then it is only counted
one time.
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Chapter 7
EQ’s can contain business data, control data and rules based data.
The definition states that an EO contains information, which derived data passes across the
boundary from inside to outside. Some confusion may arise because an EO has an input side.
The confusion is the definition reads data passes across the boundary from inside to outside. The
input side of an EO is search criteria, parameters, etc does not maintain an ILF. The information
that a cross from outside to inside (input side) is not permanent data, but it is transient data. The
intent of the information coming from outside the application (input side) is not to maintain an
Data Elements:
Unique sets of data elements help to distinguish one external inquiry from another external
• Input Side
Click of a the mouse
Search values
Action keys (command buttons)
Error Messages
Confirmation Messages (searching)
Clicking on the an action key
Recursive fields are counted only once.
• Outside
Values read from an internal logical file or external interface file
Color or Font changes on the screen
Error Messages
Confirmation Messages
Recursive fields are counted only once.
• The combined (unique) total input and outside DET’s are used when rating EQ’s.
Like an EI, action keys that perform the same function but appear multiple times are counted as
only one DET.
Page 48
External Inquiries
Error Messages and confirmation messages can and do occur on either the input side and/or
output side. If a user initiates a search and a message is displayed, “please wait searching” is
an example of a confirmation message on the input side. The message “all fields must be
populated” is another example of an error message on the input side. On the other hand, if the
message is “customer not found” is an example of an error message on the output side. That is,
the input side contained no problems. The database was searched and the “error” has occurred
on the output side of the transaction.
Both the input side and output side must be considered when evaluating the FTR’s used by an
external inquiry. Normally they are the same but there are instances where they may not be the
same. The combined total should be used when evaluating an EQ. For example, a security
check may be done on the input side of an external inquiry. The security check is done to make
sure the user of the application has the appropriate level of authority to view the data.
A unique set of data elements, and/or a different set of FTR’s make one external inquiry unique
or different from other external inquiry. That is, one of the
following must be true:
• DET’s added to an EQ
• DET’s modified on an EQ. The DET was included in the last FP Count.
• A New FTR
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Chapter 7
Technology Issues:
GUI applications are usually rich with EQ’s (and EO’s).
A dynamic pick list that reads from a file is an example an External Inquiry.
GUI screens my have a series of EQ’s prior to an EI.
Standard Documentation:
• Screen Layouts
• Design Documentation
• Functional Specifications
• Table Layouts
• User Requirements
• Database descriptions
• Pick lists
• Field sizes and formats
Page 50
External Inquiries
Typical Vocabulary:
The following words are associated with an “external inquiry.” While reading textual document
or application description look for these type of words. They may indicate an external inquiry.
Notice the words are very similar to those related to external outputs.
Browse Query
Display Scan
Extract Seek
Fetch Select
Find Show
Get View
Drop Down Reports
Look Ups
Pick Lists
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Chapter 7
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External Inquiries
Skill Builder:
The following questions are used to help build on the concepts discussed in this section. They
are designed to encourage thought and discussion.
1. How many EQ’s does the Customer Button, Customer: Job List and Edit Customer
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Chapter 7
If Customer:Job is clicked then the following menu is displayed. If new is selected a blank
(empty screen appears – same fields as Edit Customer). If delete is selected on delete
confirmation is displayed.
Page 54
External Inquiries
2. How many EI’s does this series of screens (Edit, New and Delete) represent?
3. If an EQ references one file type and has 25 data elements is it rated, low average or
high? What about 5 data elements? Or 45 Data elements?
If you would like a copy of the answers to this manual please send an email to
[email protected]
Make sure you put Answer to FP Manual in the subject line.
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Longstreet Consulting Inc – October 2004
Objective of Section:
To review the three types of transactional function type (external input, external output and
external inquiry).
If the transaction can perform the “activity” then place a check in the appropriate column.
Description or Activity External External External
Input Output Inquiry
DET’s retrieved from FTR’s
Sorting of Data
Updates an ILF
Maintains an ILF
Contains Derived Data
Information from outside the boundary
to inside
Shares complexity matrix table
Are valued the same for Low, Ave, and
Never Contains Derived Data
At least on FTR is referenced
Information from inside the boundary
to outside
Multiple Languages
Consider an application that is a single language. More than likely report headings, text
descriptions are all “hard coded.” That is the user cannot dynamically change the headings or
the text. Now consider an application that has been developed with multiple languages in mind.
The report headings, text descriptions are all read from files. Compare the following chart in
Spanish to the English chart presented earlier. Is this chart a unique external output or the same
external output?
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Transaction Review
The Spanish chart is not a unique external output. If external outputs are available in multiple
languages then several things need to be considered. First there is probably some control input
that allows the user to dynamically select the language. Second, there is an additional FTR
referenced that contains the language text. Third, this language internal logical file is maintained
by an external input. Fourth, there are more data elements in the report. If an external output is
available in more than one language then it is not considered an unique external output, but the
external output is more complex (more DET’s and more FTR’s).
Another example would be a map. The map may be “hot.” As the mouse pointer is moved over
the map different city names are displayed. If the user clicks on a particular hot point details
about that city is
displayed. The details
about each city are
contained in an internal
logical file or external
interface file then the
details could be an
external inquiry.
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Chapter 8
There are three types of messages that are generated in a GUI application: Error messages,
Confirmation Messages and Notification Messages. An error message and a confirmation
message indicate that an error has occurred or that a process will be or have been completed. A
message that would state, “Zip code is required” would be an example of an error message. A
message that would state, “Are you sure you want to delete the customer?” is an example of a
confirmation message. Neither of these types of messages is treated as a unique External Output,
but they are treated as data elements for the appropriate transaction.
On the other hand, a notification messages is a business type message. It is the basis of
processing and a conclusion being drawn. For example, you may try to withdraw from an ATM
machine more money than you have in your account and you receive the dreaded message, “You
have insufficient funds to cover this transaction.” This is the result of information being read
from a file regarding your current balance and a conclusion being drawn. A notification message
is treated as an External Output.
Page 58
Transaction Review
Complex Control
Control inputs change the
behavior of an application
or the content of a report.
In the “Create Report”
control screen, the user has
the ability to select which
reports are going to be
produced. This particular
screen has several data
element types. The check
box, graph type,
dimensions elements, sub-
items and the action keys.
Hyperlinks on WebPages
Many hyperlinks are nothing more than menus. In this case the, are nothing more then links to other
pages. In this case, they are not treated as an EI, EO or EQ.
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Chapter 8
search could be an example of an external inquiry. That is, the hyperlink follows the rules
required for an external inquiry. There is an input side (the parameter) and there is an output
side the results of the search. In this case the output side is dynamic and changes. This is in
sharp contrast to a static hyperlink that navigates to another part of the Website or that actually
Page 60
Objective of Section:
Describe and define the concepts necessary to identify and rate Internal Logical Files. The
exercises at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic
knowledge required.
Internal Logical Files (ILF) - a user identifiable group of logically related data that resides
entirely within the application boundary and is maintained through External Inputs.
Even though it is not a rule, an ILF should have at least one external output and/or external
inquiry. That is, at least one external output and/or external inquiry should include the ILF as an
FTR. Simply put, information is stored in an ILF, so it can be used later. The EO or EQ could
be from another application. It is worth noting that it is possible that a specific ILF is not
referenced by EO or EQ, but it is used by an EI (other than the EI that maintains it).
Again, even though it is not a rule, an ILF should have at least one external input.
Like all components, ILF’s are rated and scored. The rating is based upon the number of data
elements (DET’s) and the record types (RET’s). DET’s and RET’s were discussed earlier. The
table below lists both the level (low, average or high) and appropriate score (7, 10 or 15).
Counting Tips:
Determine the appropriate row first then the column. Ask the question, do all files contain one
record type or more than one record type? If all or many of the files only contain one record
type, then all that is needed to know if the file contains more or less than 50 data elements types
(DET’s). If the file contains more than 50 data elements the file will be rated as average, if less
than 50 data element types the file will be considered low. Any files that contain more than one
record type can be singled out and counted separately.
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Chapter 9
ILF’s can contain business data, control data and rules based data. The type of data contained in
an ILF is the same type of data an EI to contains and maintains.
It is common for control data to have only one occurrence within an ILF. For example control
data file may only contain parameter settings, or a status setting. For example, part of the on
board automobile system only contains current information, oil pressure, engine temperature, so
on and so forth. This particular process of the on board system does not care about historical data
– only the current instance. When the status changes the file is updated with current information
and there is no historical information. The on board system may keep track of historical changes
in diagnostics files, but this would be a totally separate process. This process is not used to keep
the car running, but to help a mechanic understand what has been going on with the engine.
Real Time and Embedded Systems: For example, Telephone Switching is made of all three types,
Business Data, Rule Data and Control Data. Business Data is the actual call, Rule Data is how
the call should be routed through the network, and Control Data is how the switches
communicate with each other. Like control files it is common real time systems will have only
one occurrence in an internal logical file.
Figure 3 represents two separate logical groups of data A and B. In this case some A are B.
Count a DET’s for each piece of data in an ILF or EIF that exists because the user requires a
relationship with another ILF to be maintained (key information). If an EIF has multiple key
fields only the key fields that relate back to an ILF are counted as data element types.
Technology Issues:
Lotus Notes refers to data stores as “forms.” Powerbuilder Applications may store information
on the host or client. Count it only one time. COBOL Applications may use a variety of data
stores such as IMS, DB2 etc.… It is important to view data from the “logical model.”
Standard Documentation:
• Table Layouts
• Database descriptions
• Logical data models
• Field sizes and formats
• Design Documentation
• Functional Specifications
• User Requirements
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Chapter 9
Other comments:
Code maintenance may not be maintained by the application and they may not be maintained by
any other application, but they exist. The issue is that these same tables may be used by
external inquiries. A strict interpretation of the rules would not allow the inquiries to be
counted. It is recommended that this type of tables be treated as external interface file.
Skill Builder:
The following questions are used to help build on the concepts discussed in this section. They
are designed to encourage thought and discussion.
1. If a single internal logical file is separated into 3 physical files because of implementation
concerns, then how many internal logical files are counted?
3. If an ILF has one record type and 25 data elements is it rated, low average or high? What
about 5 data elements? Or 45 Data elements?
5. Should every ILF have at least one external output or external inquiry? Why?
7. Fill in the “value” of a low ____ average ____ and high ____ ILF? How does this
compare to an EIF? Why the difference?
Page 64
Internal Logical Files
Examine the following tables. The user requires detail information about customers and sales
2. How many data elements? Is there more than one record type?
Customer Table
Customer Name Address City State Zip Balance Credit Sales Rep
Number Code Limit Number
AN91 Atwater 215 Watkins Oakdale IN 48101 $347 $700 04
AW52 Alliance 266 Ralston Allanson IN 48102 $49 $400 07
BD22 Betodial 542 Prairie Oakdale IN 48101 $57 $400 07
CE76 Carson 96 Prospect Bishop IL 61354 $425 $900 11
Sales Rep Last First Address City State Zip Code Area
Number Name Name Manager
04 Right Mike 95 Stockton Oakdale IN 48101 14
05 Perry Tom 198 Pearl Oakdale IN 48101 17
07 Sanchez Rachel 867 Bedford Benson MI 49246 17
11 Morris Katie 96 Prospect Bishop IL 61354 21
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Chapter 9
The database is broken down as Artist, Album Name, Publication Date, and Songs. The key to
the database is both Artist and Album Name. The field songs have three subset fields. Song
contains tack number, song name and length of playing time.
For example,
Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run, Songs. The first row of the song subset is #1, Born To
Run, 4:30.
Page 66
Objective of Section:
Describe and define the concepts necessary to identify and rate External Interface Files. The
exercises at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic
knowledge required.
External Interface Files (EIF) - a user identifiable group of logically related data that is used for
reference purposes only. The data resides entirely outside the application boundary and is
maintained by another applications external inputs. The external interface file is an internal
logical file for another application. An application may count a file as either a EIF or ILF not
Each EIF included in a function point count must have at least one external output or external
interface file against it. At least one transaction, external input, external output or external
inquiry should include the EIF as a FTR.
Every application, which references the EIF, needs to include it in their FP Count. Some
organizations have a pull theory and others have a push theory of data. The pull theory is an
external application “reaching into” another applications and retrieving data. Those
organizations which have push theory require applications to create interfaces (EO or EQ) which
other applications read.
Like all components, EIF’s are rated and scored. The rating is based upon the number of data
elements (DET’s) and the record types (RET’s). DET’s and RET’s were discussed earlier in this
section. The table below lists both the level (low, average or high) and appropriate score (5, 7
or 10).
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Chapter 10
Counting Tips:
Only count the part of the file that is used by the application being counted not the entire file.
The internal logical file, of another application, that you access may have a large amount of data,
but only consider the DET’s and/or RET’s that are used when rating an EIF.
Determine the appropriate row first then the column. Ask the question, do all files contain one
record type or more than one record type? If all or many of the files only contain one record
type, then all that is needed to know if the file contains more or less than 50 data elements types
(DET’s). If the file contains more than 50 data elements the file will be rated as average, if less
than 50 data element types the file will be considered low. Any files that contain more than one
record type can be singled out and counted separately.
EIF’s can contain business data, control data and rules based data.
Real Time and Embedded Systems: For example, Telephone Switching is made of all three types,
Business Data, Rule Data and Control Data. Business Data is the actual call, Rule Data is how
the call should be routed through the network, and Control Data is how the switches
communicate with each other.
Technology Issues:
Lotus Notes refers to data stores as “forms.” Client/Server Applications may store information
on the host or client. Count it only one time. COBOL Applications may use a variety of data
stores such as IMS, DB2 etc.… It is important to view data from the “logical model.”
Standard Documentation:
• Table Layouts
• Interface Diagrams
• Database descriptions
• Logical data models
• Field sizes and formats
• Design Documentation
• Functional Specifications
• User Requirements
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Internal Logical Files
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Objective of Section:
Describe and define the concepts necessary to rate the General System Characteristics (GSC’s)
to determine the overall Value Adjustment Factor. The exercises at the end of the section help
the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic knowledge required.
The value adjustment factor (VAF) is based on 14 general system characteristics (GSC’s) that
rate the general functionality of the application being counted. Each characteristic has
associated descriptions to determine the degrees of influence.
The degrees of influence range on a scale of zero to five, from no influence to strong influence.
Each characteristic is assigned the rating based upon detail descriptions provided by the IFPUG
4.1 Manual. They ratings are:
Standard Documentation:
• General Specification Documents
• Interviews with the users
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General System Characteristics
Once all the 14 GSC’s have been answered, they should be tabulated using the IFPUG Value
Adjustment Equation (VAF) --
14 where: Ci = degree of influence for each General System Characteristic
VAF = 0.65 + [( ∑ Ci) / 100] .i = is from 1 to 14 representing each GSC.
i =1 ∑ = is summation of all 14 GSC’s.
Another way to understand the formula is VAF = (65 + TDI)/100, where TDI is the sum of the
results from each question. A Microsoft Excel formula would be: =0.65+SUM(A1:A14)/100 ;
assuming that the values for the characteristics were in cells A1 – A14.
GSC’s at a Glance:
General System Characteristic Brief Description
1. Data communications How many communication facilities are there to
aid in the transfer or exchange of information
with the application or system?
2. Distributed data processing How are distributed data and processing functions
3. Performance Did the user require response time or throughput?
4. Heavily used configuration How heavily used is the current hardware
platform where the application will be executed?
5. Transaction rate How frequently are transactions executed daily,
weekly, monthly, etc.?
6. On-Line data entry What percentage of the information is entered
7. End-user efficiency Was the application designed for end-user
8. On-Line update How many ILF’s are updated by On-Line
9. Complex processing Does the application have extensive logical or
mathematical processing?
10. Reusability Was the application developed to meet one or
many user’s needs?
11. Installation ease How difficult is conversion and installation?
12. Operational ease How effective and/or automated are start-up, back
up, and recovery procedures?
13. Multiple sites Was the application specifically designed,
developed, and supported to be installed at
multiple sites for multiple organizations?
14. Facilitate change Was the application specifically designed,
developed, and supported to facilitate change?
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Chapter 11
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General System Characteristics
Detail GSC’s:
1. Data Communications
The data and control information used in the application are sent or received over
communication facilities. Terminals connected locally to the control unit are considered to use
communication facilities. Protocol is a set of conventions, which permit the transfer, or
exchange of information between two systems or devices. All data communication links require
some type of protocol.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). TCP/IP provides a common language
for interoperation between networks that use a variety of local protocols (Ethernet, Netware,
AppleTalk, DECnet and others) are examples of TP.
An application that allows query of application via a web based solution and local access would
receive a value of 3.
An application that allows for the update of ILF’s via the Internet and local update would receive
a value of a 5.
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Copying files from a mainframe to a local PC or copy files from an Internet or intranet would
receive a value of 2.
Depending on available resources, the application processes either local, on server, on intranet or
Internet application would receive a value of 5.
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General System Characteristics
3. Performance
Application performance objectives, stated or approved by the user, in either response or
throughput, influence (or will influence) the design, development, installation, and support of the
Again for a client/server or for internet/intranet application this remains the same.
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Does this application share hardware that is busy?. For example, an application that shares a
server with 5 other applications would need to be optimized because it shares resources with 4
other applications.
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General System Characteristics
5. Transaction Rate
The transaction rate is high and it influenced the design, development, installation, and support
of the application
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7. End-User Efficiency
The online functions provided emphasize a design for end-user efficiency. The design includes:
• Navigational aids (for example, function keys, jumps, dynamically generated menus)
• Menus
• Online help and documents
• Automated cursor movement
• Scrolling
• Remote printing (via online transactions)
• Preassigned function keys
• Batch jobs submitted from online transactions
• Cursor selection of screen data
• Heavy use of reverse video, highlighting, colors underlining, and other indicators
• Hard copy user documentation of online transactions
• Mouse interface
• Pop-up windows.
• As few screens as possible to accomplish a business function
• Bilingual support (supports two languages; count as four items)
• Multilingual support (supports more than two languages; count as six items)
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General System Characteristics
8. Online Update
The application provides online update for the internal logical files.
9. Complex Processing
Complex processing is a characteristic of the application. The following components are
• Sensitive control (for example, special audit processing) and/or application specific security
• Extensive logical processing
• Extensive mathematical processing
• Much exception processing resulting in incomplete transactions that must be processed
again, for example, incomplete ATM transactions caused by TP interruption, missing data
values, or failed edits
• Complex processing to handle multiple input/output possibilities, for example, multimedia,
or device independence
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Chapter 11
10. Reusability
The application and the code in the application have been specifically designed, developed, and
supported to be usable in other applications.
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General System Characteristics
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General System Characteristics
• Flexible query and report facility is provided that can handle requests of average complexity,
for example, and/or logic applied to more than one internal logical file (count as two items).
• Flexible query and report facility is provided that can handle complex requests, for example,
and/or logic combinations on one or more internal logical files (count as three items).
• Business control data is kept in tables that are maintained by the user with online interactive
processes, but changes take effect only on the next business day.
• Business control data is kept in tables that are maintained by the user with online interactive
processes, and the changes take effect immediately (count as two items).
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Chapter 11
Skill Builder:
The following questions are used to help build on the concepts discussed in this section. They
are designed to encourage thought and discussion.
1. What is the value adjustment factor if all of the general system characteristics scored a
value of 5 (strong influence)?
2. What is the value adjustment factor if each of the general system characteristics has no
influence (a score of 0)?
3. What is the origin of the .65 in the value adjustment factor calculation?
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General System Characteristics
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Objective of Section:
To provide a brief history of Function Points and describe IFPUG.
Brief History:
Function Point Analysis was developed first by Allan J. Albrecht in the mid 1970s. It was an
attempt to overcome difficulties associated with lines of code as a measure of software size, and
to assist in developing a mechanism to predict effort associated with software development. The
method was first published in 1979, then later in 1983. In 1984 Albrecht refined the method and
since 1986, when the International Function Point User Group (IFPUG) was set up, several
versions of the Function Point Counting Practices Manual have been published by IFPUG.
The exercises at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the
basic knowledge required.
Website: www.IFPUG.Org
Email: [email protected]
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Objective of Section:
Describe the calculations necessary for determining the final Function Point Counts. The
exercises at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic
knowledge required.
When you develop a new application you need to know the entire size of the project. This means
you would want to include the number of function points of the application plus any other
function points that need to be developed. For example, you may need to develop a mini
(temporary) application to assist with conversion efforts. So in the end, you would have the
number of function points for the application to be installed plus any other functions you needed
to develop.
When you have an enhancement project and you are going to modify an existing production
application, you are concerned about two things. The first thing is the size of the actual
enhancement project. How many function points is this project? The size of this project
includes any added functionality, any changed functionality, and any deleted functionality. Also
in an enhancement project you may have other functionality needed that is not directly part of
the enhancement project.
Normally an enhancement project is the size of any (added functionality plus any changed
functionality) x the value adjustment factor. The value adjustment factor normally does not
change; there is normally no conversion effort, so on and so forth.
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Calculating Adjusted Function Points
The second concern is how did the enhancement project change the actual production
application. Is the existing production application larger than before? And if it is larger by how
much? This would be any added functionality. Also you would want to know of any
functionality that exist before and is larger after the enhancement.
In practice the size of the existing production application will be impacted by added functionality
more. Many organizations learn that existing application size does not change much, but they
are changing existing functionality.
The final Function Point Count is obtained by multiplying the VAF times the Unadjusted
Function Point (UAF). The standard function point equation is:
UAF = Unadjusted Function Points
VAF = Value Adjustment Factor
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Chapter 13
exist after the new application is up and running. This is why development function point
calculation is different the application function point count (see next below).
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Calculating Adjusted Function Points
DEL is the unadjusted function point count of those functions that were deleted by the
enhancement project. It is important to consider the absolute value of the DEL not the negative
VAFB is the value adjustment factor of the application before the enhancement project.
In practice:
In practice VAFA = VAFB = VAF, so the equation becomes
Also normally CFP = 0, so the equation simplifies further
In theory and in practice, each piece of the formula must be adjusted by the appropriate Value
Adjustment factor. Assume now that VAFA ≠ VAFB. The added and changed after is adjusted
by the VAFA, but the deleted is adjusted by the VAFB. Additionally, if CFP ≠ 0 then it should
be adjusted by VAFA.
UFPB = Unadjusted Function Point Count Before Enhancement.
AFP = Application Function Point Count
DEL = is the number of function points deleted (the negative value).
All other acronyms are the same as before.
Of course, an enhancement calculation can add and/or Delete functionality from the UFPB.
Added functionality can be due to new components or added functionality can be due to increase
in size of existing components. For example, an existing external input could go from a low to
an average – valued at 3 to 4.
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Chapter 13
In Practice
Normally VAFA = VAFB = VAF, so the equation can be re-arranged
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Calculating Adjusted Function Points
Skill Builder:
The following questions are used to help build on the concepts discussed in this section. They
are designed to encourage thought and discussion.
1. An application has a base unadjusted function point count of 500, a value adjustment
factor of 1.10. What is the adjusted function point count?
2. An application has 100 unadjusted function points and a value adjustment factor of 1.02.
An enhancement project adds 25 function points, deletes 20 function points, and changes
15 function points (in this case assume CHGB = CHGA). The new value adjustment
factor is 1.05.
3. What is the new (after the enhancement) adjusted function point count?
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Objective of Section:
The Case Studies require the student to put together several pieces of knowledge together to
solve the case study. The case studies insure that the student is grasping and understanding not
only individual components but also the components as they relate to each other.
While the exercises at the end of each section are intended to be guided practice, the case studies
are intended to be independent practice. The student should be able to work solve the case study
working alone or in a small group without instructor guidance.
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Case Studies and Exercises
Crossword Puzzle
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
11. 12.
14. 15.
20. 21.
22. 23.
25. 26. 27.
28. 29. 30.
31. 32.
Across Down
1. Updates an ILF 1. A change to a baseline application
5. Mountains in Northern Italy 2. From inside to outside of the boundary,
contains no derived data
7. The summation of the GSC’s divided by 100 + .65 3. Logical Groups of Data inside boundary
8. An EO contains this 4. Not to give but to…
11. Good Bye (Italian) 6. Mediterranean ____
12. Ability to modify data through an elementary process 9. Collection of automated procedures and data
supporting a business objective
13. Contains Logical Information 10. Flying alone (a single person)
14. Dracula’s title 12. Brooks thinks this is mythical
15. Not physical but 19. A characteristic of an entity
16. A unique user recognizable field 23. Another name for a software bug
17. Establishes what functions are included in the function point 25. The set of questions that evaluate the overall
count complexity of an application
18. Read or maintained by transaction 27. The eternal city
20. What EI’s, EO’s and EQ’s are called 29. Not hello, but good ___
21. Another measure of software size (Abbreviation) 30. Sí (English meaning)
22. The specification, construction, testing, and delivery of a new
information systems
24. International Function Point User Group (Abbreviation)
26. Function points should be counted from the “ “ view
28. Another word for Reused (No. 10 of 14)
31. Function points are not hard they are ..
32. The first function point count
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Chapter 14
Collection Letter
Our records indicate that you are past due <num_of_days>. If you do not pay within
<pay_day>, then we will kindly repo your <color><style_ automobile>.
Warm Regards,
Example letter
December 18, 1999
Our records indicate that you are past due 255 days. If you do not pay within 5 days from the
date of this letter, then we will kindly repo your red Ford 150 Truck.
Warm Regards
Rocky Balboa
Page 96
Case Studies and Exercises
Control Inputs
1. How many data elements are on the “Checking Preferences” control
3. The how many control inputs are represented by the menu items to
the right?
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Chapter 14
Graphical Information
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Case Studies and Exercises
Graphs Part II
There are two data ILF’s that contain information needed to produce the graph. There is an
additional control file which alters the way the graph looks.
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Chapter 14
The following application was designed to capture temperature and rainfall by city and state.
There is only one input screen, one file and one report. Each field on the following input screen
can be modified (add, changed or deleted). The add and change functions are different. All
previous entries viewed by using the scroll bar. Assume a VAF of 1.0.
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Case Studies and Exercises
Based on the weather application fill in the following table. The exercise is designed to identify
the exact number of data elements.
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Adding A New Customer
The following two screens are used to add a new customer to an application. The customer is
not considered added until both Address information and Additional Information is completed.
Figure 6
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Case Studies and Exercises
There are four drop down list boxes on the Additional Info tab (Type, Terms, Rep and Tax Item).
The first three (Type, Terms and Rep) are read from files that are maintained by the application.
Tax item is hard coded. Please ignore the “Define Fields” button.
Figure 7
The drop down lists Type, Rep and Terms are displayed at the end of this case study.
For this part of the application please answer the following questions.
2. How many total data elements are there on the external input?
4. In terms of function points what are Type, Terms and Rep (see next page)?
5. In terms of function points how are Type and Terms treated the second time they appear?
6. The Rep and Terms drop down box are used again when invoices are created.
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Chapter 14
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Case Studies and Exercises
Release 2.0 is an enhancement to “The Weather Application” Release 1.0. The user wants the
ability to save temperature as either Celsius or Fahrenheit. To accomplish this a radio button is
added to the input screen, which allows the user to select either Celsius or Fahrenheit. An
additional field is added to the file, and an additional field is added to the reports. Assume that
the value adjustment factor increases to 1.14.
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Release 1.0
BikeWare is a software product designed for competitive bike riders. BikeWare captures and
stores a variety of information. BikeWare is for a single rider only. The rider wants to be able
to change, add or delete information about a ride or rider. The following information is either
entered by the rider or calculated. All bold items are stored. The following information is
grouped logically into two major groups (ride and rider):
Ride Information
Average Speed
Bike Chill Factor
T = Temperature during the Ride
W = Average Speed
X = .303439 * sqr (W) - .0202886 * W
Bikechill = Int (91.9 - (91.4 - T) * (X + .474266))
Calories Burned = Exponential ((.092037 * Average Speed) - 4.26)) * (Duration of Ride) *Weight of Rider)
Date of the Ride
Distance of the Ride
Duration of Ride
Temperature during the Ride
Rider Information
Age (age of rider in years)
Weight (weight of rider)
Sex (sex either male or female)
Four separate graphs (see below) can be created by days, by weeks or by months for each item
below. A different set of calculations will be used depending of the graph is days, weeks or a
months graph. Each graph is available on line or as a hard copy and processing logic is
Distance of Ride
Average Speed
Duration of Ride
Calories Burned
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Case Studies and Exercises
Identify the external inputs, how many data elements and how many files will be referenced?
How many files type referenced are there for the add, the change and the delete? Is it always the
How many internal logical files are there and what are the data elements?
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Chapter 14
Figure 8
When the OK button is clicked the Toppings, Pizza Crust Type and Cost of Pizza are saved.
Option 2
The Items in the drop down box are hard code – not read from a file.
Available Toppings are read from another application (kitchen application).
When a Topping is selected from Available Toppings it is copied to Selected Toppings
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Case Studies and Exercises
Figure 9
What are the differences if any between Option 1 and Option 2? Please fill in the table below.
Option 1 Option 2
Component Data Elements Component Data Elements
Note: Components are external input, external inquiries, internal logical files, and external
interface files
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Chapter 14
Part 1
WWW.PizzaClub allows customers to order pizza via the Internet. The following is only one
screen of many screens.
1. Once the customer has accessed www.PizzaClub.Com they fill out this screen.
2. When the customer clicks on the form the information is saved to a file.
3. If any of the fields are not filled out (populated) the customer receives and error message
telling them “All fields must be populated”.
Figure 10
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Case Studies and Exercises
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Part 2 is going to be enhanced. Instead of allowing the customer to type city and
state, they will input the zip code number. The application will search the zip code file and then
automatically populate City and State. The customer can override the populated fields. The zip
code file is maintained by another application.
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Case Studies and Exercises
Control Information
What are the data elements in the following control screen (alignment)?
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How many data elements are there in the following “Data Entry Preferences” control screen?
If this control screen updates one internal logical file, then how many unadjusted function points
does this represent?
Figure 12
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Case Studies and Exercises
Word Problem 1
Let’s assume your productivity rate is 10 hours per function point (it takes 10 hours of work to
deliver a function point). Additionally, assume your cost per hour is $60. Therefore, the cost to
deliver 1 function point is $600.
1. How much would it cost to develop an application with 5,000 function points?
2. Let’s assume you anticipate a Maintenance Rate is $100/Function Point. How much needs to
be budgeted to cover Maintenance Expenses for the first year?
3. Assume that the application will be operational for 6 years (application life expectancy is 6
years). Maintenance Costs will be fixed at $100/Function Point Per Year. What is the total
expected cost of the application-- including all development and maintenance costs?
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Chapter 14
Word Problem 2
Suppose a vendor, a tool vendor, and claims that his tool will increase productivity by 50 percent
-- cut your cost per function point in half. Assume the following to be true:
You are planning on implementing 1,000 function points over the next year.
You want the tool to pay for itself within 1 year.
1. What is the maximum amount you would be willing to pay for this tool -- You want to break
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