Seminar On Radicular Cyst

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A radicular cyst is a common odontogenic cyst of inflammatory origin that arises from epithelial cell rests in the periodontal ligament as a result of dental pulp death and inflammation.

A radicular cyst presupposes physical, chemical or bacterial injury resulting in death of the dental pulp followed by stimulation of epithelial cell rests in the periodontal ligament.

The phases of pathogenesis are: 1) Initiation 2) Cyst formation 3) Cyst enlargement

Radicular Cyst


Radicular Cyst is the most common odontogenic cystic lesion of inflammatory origin. It is also known
as Periapical Cyst, Apical Periodontal Cyst, Root End Cyst or Dental Cyst. It arises from epithelial
residues in periodontal ligament as a result of inflammation. The inflammation usually follows death of
dental pulp. Radicular cysts are found at root apices of involved teeth. These cysts may persists even
after extraction of offending tooth, such cysts are called Residual Cysts.


It is defined as an odontogenic cyst of Inflammatory origin that is preceeded by a chronic periapical

granuloma & stimulation of cell rests of malaseez present in the periodontal membrane.


It is classified as follows:
1) Periapical Cyst: These are the radicular cysts which are present at root apex.
2) Lateral Radicular Cyst: These are the radicular cysts which are present at the opening of lateral
accessory root canals of offending tooth.
3) Residual Cyst: These are the radicular cysts which remain even after extraction of offending

A Radicular Cyst presupposes physical, chemical or bacterial injury resulting in death of pulp followed
by stimulation of epithelial cell rests of malaseez which are present normally in periodontal ligament.


Pathogenesis of Radicular Cyst is conveniently considered in 3 Phases, which are as follows:

1) Phase of Inititiation
2) Phase of Cyst Formation
3) Phase of Cyst Enlargement

1) Phase of Initiation: It is generally agreed that the epithelial lining of these cysts are derived from
epithelial cell rests of malaseez in periodontal ligaments. However in some cases, epithelial lining may
be derived from,

a) Respiratory epithelium of Maxillary sinus when periapical lesion communicates with sinus wall.
b) Oral epithelium from fistulous tract.
c) Oral epithelium proliferating apically from periodontal pocket.

The mechanism of stimulation of epithelial cells to proliferate is not clear. It may be due to
inflammation in periapical granuloma or some products of dead pulp may initiate the process & at same
time it evokes an inflammatory reaction.

There is also evidence of local changes in supporting connective tissue which may be responsible for
activating the cell rests of malaseez.

2) Phase of Cyst Formation: It is a process by which cavity becomes lined by proliferating

epithelium. There are two Theories regarding it which are as follows:-

a) Most widely accepted theory suggests that initial reaction leading to cyst formation is a proliferation
of epithelial rests in periapical area involved by granuloma. As this proliferation continues with the
epithelial mass increasing in size by division of the cells on periphery corresponding to basal layer of
surface epithelium. The cells of central portion of mass become separated further & further from
nutrition in comparison with basal layer due to which they fail to obtain sufficient nutrition, they
eventually degenerate, become necrotic & liquefy. This creates an epithelium lined cavity filled with

b) The another theory suggest that a cyst may form through proliferation of epithelium to line a pre-
existing cavity formed through focal necrosis & degeneration of connective tissue in periapical
granuloma. But the finding of epithelium or epithelial proliferation near an area of necrosis is not

3) Phase of Cyst Enlargement: Experimental work provided evidence that osmosis makes
contribution to increase in size of cyst. Investigators found that fluids of Radicular cysts have Gamma
Globulin level High by almost more than half to patient’s own serum. Plasma protein exudate &
Hyaluronic acid as well as products of cell breakdown contribute to high osmotic pressure of cystic
fluid on cyst walls which causes resorption of bone & enlargement of cyst.


Cyst may or may not be infected. Whenever infection is present Actinomyces organisms have been
isolated from radicular cyst commonly.

Microorganisms mainly found in root canal are 75% Gram +ve & 24% Gram –ve, among which
Streptococci are predominant’ also other Gram +ve organisms like Staphylococci, Cornybacterium,
yeast & others are found. Gram -ve organisms are Spirochetes, Nesseria, Bacteroids, fusobacterium,
pseudomonas & others.

In Periapical lesions like Radicular cysts obligate anaerobes are found.

Additionally in long standing cases of periapical pathology α- hemolytic & non hemolytic streptococci
are found along with obligate anaerobes.

Medias used for Culture of Root Canal Materials:

• Brain Heart Infusion Broath with 0.1% Agar

• Trylicase Soy Broath with 0.1% Agar (TSA)
• Glucose Ascitis Broath

Clinical Features

A) Frequency: It is most common cystic lesion of jaw comprising about approximately

52.3% of jaw cystic lesions

B) Age: Large no. of cases is found in 4th & 5th decades of life after which there is gradual

C) Sex: It is more common in males comprising about 58% & in females comprising about

D) Race: White patients are involved with a frequency of about twice that of Black

E) Site: It occurs with frequency of 60% in Maxilla. Though it may occur in all tooth
bearing areas of both the jaws but preferably it occurs in maxillary anterior region. Upper
lateral Incisors and Dense in Dente are usually the offending teeth. It occurs most
commonly at apices of involved teeth. They may however be found at lateral accessory
root canals.
Gross Features

Gross Specimen may be spheroidal or ovoid intact cystic masses, but often they are irregular &
collapsed. The walls vary from extremely thin to a thickness of about 5mm. The inner surface may be
smooth or corrugated yellow mural nodules of cholesterol may project into the cavity. The fluid
contents are usually brown from breakdown of blood and when cholesterol crystals are present they
impart a shimmering gold or straw color.

Clinical Presentation

Smaller radicular cysts are usually symptomless and are discovered when IOPAs are taken with non-
vital teeth.

Larger lesions shows slowly enlarge swelling. At first the enlargement is bony hard but as cyst
increases in size, the covering bone becomes very thin, despite subperiosteal deposition & swelling
exhibits springiness, only when cyst has become completely eroded, the bone will show fluctuation.

In Maxilla, there may be buccal and palatal enlargement whereas in mandible it is usually labial or
buccal & only rarely lingual.

Pain & infection are other clinical features of some radicular cysts. These cysts are painless unless
infected. However, complain of pain is also observed in patient without any evidence of infection.
Occasionally, a sinus may lead from cyst cavity to the oral mucosa
Quite often there may be more than one radicular cyst. Scientists believe that there are cyst prone
individuals who show particular susceptibility to develop radicular cysts.
Radicular cysts arising from deciduous tooth are very rare.Deciduous tooth which had been treated
endodontically with materials containing Formecresol which in combination with tissue protein is
antigenic & may elicit a humoral or cell-mediated response like rapid buccal expansion of cyst.
On rare occasion, there may be occurrence of parasthesia or there may be pathologic fracture of jaw
bone take place.

Radiographic Features

Intra Oral Peri Apical Radiographs i.e. IOPAs are common radiographs which are used as diagnostic
aid from radiological point of view.

Radiographically , Radicular Cysts are round or ovoid radiolucent areas surrounded by a narrow radio-
opaque margin, which extends from Lamina Dura of involved tooth. In infected or rapidly enlarging
cysts, radio-opaque margins may not be seen. Root resorption is rare but may occur.

It is often difficult to differentiate radiologically between radicular cysts & apical granulomas.

Radiologic presentation of Radicular Cyst is given in detail as follows ---

Periphery & Shape- Periphery usually have a well defined cortical border. If Cyst is secondarily
infected, the inflammatory reaction of surrounding bone may result in loss of this cortex or alteration of
cortex into more sclerotic border. The outline of radicular cyst usually is curved or circular unless it is
influenced by surrounding structures such as cortical boundaries.
Internal structure- In most cases, internal structure of radicular cyst is radiolucent. Occasionally,
dystrophic calcification may develop in long standing cysts appearing as sparsely distributed, small
particulate radio-opacities.

Effects on surrounding structures- If a radicular cyst is large, displacement and resorption of roots of
adjacent teeth may occur. The resorption pattern may have a curved outline. In rare cases, the cyst may
resorb the roots of related non-vital teeth. The cyst may invaginate the antrum, but there should be
evidence of a cortical boundary between contents of cyst and internal structure of antrum. The outer
cortical plates of maxilla and mandible may expand in a curved or circular shape. Cyst may displace
the mandibular alveolar nerve canal in an inferior direction.

Histopathological Features

The gross specimen may be spherical or ovoid intact cystic masses, but often they are irregular &
collapsed. The walls vary from extremely thin to a thickness of about 5mm. The inner surface may be
smooth or corrugated. The histopathological studies shows following features ---

1) Epithelial Lining :Almost all radicular cysts are wholely or in part lined by stratified Squamous
Epithelium & range in thickness from 1 to 50 cell layers. The only exception to this is in those
rare cases of periapical lesions of Maxillary Sinus. In such cases, cyst is then lined with a
pseudo stratified cilliated columnar epithelium or respiratory type of epithelium. Ortho or para
keratinised linings are very rarely seen inradicular cysts. Secretory cells or ciliated cells are
frequently found in epithelial lining.

2) Rushton’s Hyaline Bodies:In approximately 10% of cases of radicular cysts, Rushton’s Hyaline
bodies are found in epithelial linings. Very rarely they are found in Fibrous capsule. The hyaline
bodies are tiny linear or arc shaped bodies which are amorphous in structure, eosinophillic in
reaction and Brittle in nature.

3) Cholesterol Clefts: Deposition of Cholesterol crystals are found in many radicular cysts,
slow but considerable amount of cholesterol accumulation could occur through degeneration &
disintegation of lymphocytes, plasma cells & macrophages taking part in inflammatory process,
with consequent release of Cholesterol from their walls.

4) Fibrous Capsule: Fibrous Capsule of Radicular Cyst is composed of mainly condensed

parallel bundles of collagen fibres peripherally and a loose connective tissue adjacent to
epithelial lining.

5) Inflammatory Cells: Acute inflammatory cells are present when epithelium is proliferating.
Chronic inflammatory cells are present in connective tissue immediately adjacent to epithelium.

6) Mast cells, Remnants of Odontogenic Epithelium & occasionally Satellite microcysts are also
present. Some cysts are markedly vascularised. Various kinds of Calcifications are also present.
Differential Diagnosis

• Radicular Cyst
• Periapical Granuloma
• Traumatic Bone Cyst
• Periapical Scar
• Periapical Cemental Dysplasia
• Periapical Surgical Defect
• Globulomaxillary Cyst
• Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
• Mandibular Infected Buccal Cyst
• Periapical Cemento-osseous dysplasia


1)Endodontic Treatment:

Peripheral lesions including radicular cysts are eliminated by body once the causative agents are
removed. Majority of radicular cysts can undergo resolutions following Root Canal Treatment & don't
require surgical intervenation. It is suggested that insertion of file or other root canal instrument beyond
the apical foramen (for 1-2mm) produces transitory acute inflammation which may destroy epithelial
lining of radicular cyst & convert it in to granuloma. Thus, it leads to resolution.

2) Surgical Treatment:

a) Enucleation- The affected tooth is extracted or preserved by root canal treatment with apicocetomy.
A mucoperiosteal flap over cyst is raised & a window is opened in the bone to give adequate access.
The cyst is carefully seperated from its bony wall. The entire cyst is removed intact. The edges of bony
cavity are smoothened off, free bleeding is controlled and cavity is irrigated to remove debris.
Mucoperiosteal flap is replaced back and sutured in place.
b) Marsupialisation- The cyst is opened essentially as for enucleation but the epithelial lining is
sutured to mucous membrane at margins of opening. Yhe aim is to produce a self clensing cavity,
which becomes an invagination of oral tissues. The cavity is initially packed with ribbon gauze & after
margins are healed a plug or extension of denture is made to close the openings. The cavity usually
closes by regrowth of surrounding tissues & restoration of normal contour of that part. However, there
are always chances of closing the orifice & reformation of cyst. The main application is for temporary
decompression of exceptionally large cyst where fracture of jaw is a risk factor. When enough new
bone is formed, cyst can be enucleated.


Prognosis depends on particular tooth, the extent of bone destroyed & accessibility for treatment.


1)Carcinomatous/Neoplastic Changes:

Squamous Cell Carcinoma or Epidermoid Carcinoma may occasionally arise from epithelial
lining of Radicular Cyst.

2)Pathologic Jaw Fracture:

If Cyst have completely eroded the bone specially if it is present in posterior region which is
very rare in case of Radicular Cyst it may cause pathologic jaw bone fracture.

3)Secodary Infection:

Cyst may get secondarily infected and create further complications.


It’s a seminar prepared by- Dr.Nrupal P. Mhatre (so, special thanks to him)

The seminar is collected from the website:

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