Szkolenie API - EN

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What is an API?

• Application Programming Interface
• This is how computer programs exchange data and
communicate with each other
• Consists of sets of rules and definitions
Data transferring

Through HTTP:
• POST – most commonly used in the SALESmanago API, it sends data from
a client to a server (in JSON form) e.g. sending data from a contact form to

• GET - sends parameters through a URL address. With this a certain

application state can remain consistent e.g. a language version of a website
Done by:

• apiKey – a random string of characters, can be different for each

request, used for sha generating

• requestTime – time of the request in milliseconds (since 01.01.1970),

you can check it at

• Sha – a hashed combination of apiKey + clientId + apiSecret, you can

generate it at
Contact upsert
1. What does it do?
• t adds new contacts or modifies existing ones based on their email
addresses. Uses the POST method.

2. What arguments does it take?

• an email address (obligatory)
• other parameters to assign to a contact (optional)

3. What values it returns?

• an ID of created or modified contact
Contact upsert
Add External Event
1. What does it do??
• It adds an external event based on a contact’s email address. Uses the
POST method.

2. What arguments does it take?

• a contact’s email address

• an external event with its parameters (description, price, date, product)

3. What values does it return?

• an ID of created event

ATTENTION, this method adds an event to a contact that already exists in

the system, it DOES NOT create a new contact!
Add External Event
Common mistakes
• Incorrect clientId, sha or request time (response: „Not authenticated”)

• syntax or JSON structure errors; a missing comma, colon, semicolon etc.

(Status 400 Bad Request)

• the request sent to a wrong instance, e.g. a client from app3 sends a
request to instead of

• Adding an external event without creating a contact first (commonly due

to a queue)
Useful links
1. JSON structure parser:

2. Sha generating:

3. requestTime generating:

4. Firefox plugin for sending request:

5. Chrome plugin for sending request :

6. Our API documentation:

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