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‫محمد معوض محمد على‬

‫مؤسس مكتب ‪TSC‬‬
‫لالستشارات الهندسيه والتدريب‬
‫‪[email protected]‬‬
‫‪[email protected]‬‬
‫جروب مهندس تنفيذ‬
‫صفحه المكتب ‪TSC‬‬
‫قناه مهندس محمد معوض على اليو تيوب‬

‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

‫الشهادات العلميه‬

‫‪ ‬بكالٌريٌش ىندضو مدنيو‬

‫‪1999‬‬ ‫جامعو السقازيق‬
‫دبلٌمو اداره مشرًعات ‪PRMG‬‬
‫الجامعو االمريكيو بالقاىره‬
‫مدير مشرًع محترف ‪PMP‬‬
‫معيد اداره المشرًعات االمريكَ‬
‫مدرب محترف ‪TOT‬‬
‫جامعو عين شمص‬
‫دبلٌمو تقييم عقارٍ‬
‫جامعو القاىره‬


‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

4.1 Develop Project Charter
Develop Project Charter is the process of
developing a document that formally
authorizes the existence of a project and
provides the project manager with the
authority to apply organizational
resources to project activities. The
inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs
for this process are shown in the next
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
The project charter establishes a partnership
between the performing and requesting
organizations. In the case of external projects,
a formal contract is typically the preferred way
to establish an agreement. The approved
project charter formally initiates the project. A
project manager is identified and assigned as
early in the project as is feasible, preferably
while the project charter is being developed
and always prior to the start of planning.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Project charter include project title and
description, project purpose, success criteria,
project manager assigned and authority level,
business case, resources preassigned ,
stakeholders, stakeholders requirements , product
description/deliverables , assumptions , constrains
, measurable project objectives, project approval
requirements ,summary budget, summary
milestone, high level risks , and project sponsor
authorizing this project.
•Project manager may create the project charter
but it is issued (signed off on )by the sponsor.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
- The project charter should be broad enough so it
doesn't need to change as the project progress.
- The project sponsor is the person who has the
primary responsibility of deciding changes to be
made to the project charter.
- The project charter is such an important
document that a project cannot be started
without one

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

In the case of an internal project, the initial agreement may be as informal
about what the project will entail. When the work is being done for an
outside organization, a formal contract is typically involved.
Must address Business Need, product scope description and the strategic
Internal Projects
Project Sponsor provides SOW based on business needs, product or
service requirements.
External Projects
Customer provides SOW as part of bid document or RFP or as a part
of contract
business case
The business case captures the business need; it explains why the project
was selected, how it fits into the organization's strategic goals, and how it
will bring business value to the organization

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Enterprise Environmental Factors
Systems that surround and influence the Project Success.
This includes:
•Organization Structure or Company Culture
•Governmental or industry standards and regulations
•Marketplace conditions
•Stakeholder risk tolerances
Organizational Process Assets (OPA)
•Assets that are used to influence the project’s success.
OPA also represent the organizations’ learning and
knowledge from previous projects.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Tools and Techniques
Expert Judgment: Expert judgment is Specialized
knowledge or training applied to all technical and
management details during this process including: project
managers, Consultants, Stakeholders, including
customers or sponsors, Industry groups, Subject matter
experts (SME), and s Project management office (PMO).
Facilitation Techniques: Facilitation techniques have
broad application within project management processes .
Brainstorming, conflict resolution, problem solving, and
meeting management are examples of key techniques
used by facilitators to help teams and individuals
accomplish project activities.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Project selection
Two categories:
1. Benefit measurement methods (Comparative approach)
Murder board (a panel of people who try to shoot down a
new project idea)
Peer review
Scoring models
Economic models (described next)
2. Constrained optimization methods (Mathematical
Linear programming
Integer programming
Dynamic programming
Multi-objective programming
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Economic models
Present value (PV): The value today of future cash flows

FP = future value
r = interest rate
n = number of time period

1 r n
Net present value (NPV):
Project with positive & greater NPV value is better
Internal rate of return (IRR):
Project with greater IRR value is better
Payback period:
The number of time periods it takes to recover your investment in the project before
you start accumulating profit.
Benefit-cost ratio:
compares the benefits to the costs of different options
relates to costing projects and to determining what work should be done
Project with greater benefit-cost ratio value is better

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Important terms
Economic Value Added (EVA):
concerned with whether the project returns to the company more value
than it costs.

Opportunity Cost:
the opportunity given up by selecting one project over another

Sunk Costs:
Are expended costs
Should not be considered when deciding whether to continue with a
troubled project.

Law of Diminishing Returns:

after a certain point, adding more input/resource will not produce a
proportional increase in productivity
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‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Knowlede Areas Project management process group

Initiation planning process executing Monitoring and closing

process group process controlling process process
group group group group

4. Project 4.1 4.2 Develop Project 4.3 Direct 4.4 Monitor and 4.6 Close
Integration Develop Management Plan and Manage Control Project Project or
Management Project Project Work 4.5 Perform Phase
Charter Work Integrated Change

5. Project Scope 5.1 Plan Scope 5.5 Validate Scope

Management Management 5.6 Control Scope
5.2 Collect
5.3 Define Scope
5.4 Create WBS

6. Project Time 6.1 Plan Schedule 6.7 Control

Management Management Schedule
6.2 Define Activities
6.3 Sequence
6.4 Estimate
Activity Resources
6.5 Estimate
Activity Durations
6.6 Develop

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

scope management
Scope management is the process
of defining what work is required and
then making sure all of that work-and
only that work-is done. Managing the
project scope is primarily concerned
with defining and controlling what is
and is not included in the project.
Gold plating is not accepted.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
In the project context, the term scope can
refer to:
Product scope: means the features and
functions that characterize a product, service,
or result(final product) with results measured
against the product requirements
Project scope: The work performed to deliver
a product, service, or result including the
specified features and functions with results
measured against the project management
plan. The term project scope is sometimes
viewed as including product scope.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
process Process group

Plan Scope Management Planning

Collect Requirement Planning

Define Scope Planning

Create WBS Planning

Validate Scope Monitor and control

Control Scope Monitor and control

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Plan Scope Management
Plan Scope Management is the
process of creating a scope
management plan that documents
how the project scope will be
defined, validated, and controlled.
The key benefit of this process is
that it provides guidance and
direction on how scope will be
managed throughout the project.
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‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Meetings: Project teams may attend project meetings to
develop the scope management plan. Attendees at
these meetings may include the project manager, the
project sponsor, selected project team members,
selected stakeholders and others as needed.
Scope Management Plan: describes how the scope will
be defined, developed, monitored, controlled, and
Requirements Management Plan: describes how
requirements will be analyzed, documented, and
managed. The phase-to-phase relationship
strongly influences how requirements are managed.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
5.2 Collect Requirements
Collect Requirements is the process of
determining, documenting, and managing
stakeholder needs and requirements to meet
project objectives. The key benefit of this
process is that it provides the basis for
defining and managing the project scope
including product scope. The inputs, tools and
techniques, and outputs of this process are
.depicted in Figure 5-5.

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‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Collect Requirements: Inputs
Stakeholder Management Plan: is used to
understand stakeholder communication
requirements and the level of stakeholder
engagement to assess the level of
stakeholder participation in requirements
Stakeholder Register: is used to identify
stakeholders who can provide information on
the requirements.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Collect Requirements: Tools and Techniques
Interviews: are important ways
to get your stakeholders to
explain how they’ll use the
product or service your project is creating .
Interviews are also useful for obtaining
confidential information.
Focus Groups: bring together
prequalified stakeholders
and subject matter experts to
learn about their expectations and attitudes
about a proposed product, or service.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
A trained moderator guides the group through
an interactive discussion, designed to be more
conversational than a one-on-one interview.
Facilitated Workshops: Facilitated
workshops are focused sessions
that bring key stakeholders together
with different perspectives to define
cross functional requirements. joint application
design/development (JAD)sessions are used in
the software development industry. facilitated
sessions can build trust, and improve
communication among the participants,
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Group Creativity Techniques:
Several group activities can be organized to
identify project and product requirements
Brainstorming: A technique used to generate
and collect multiple ideas related to project
and product requirements.
Nominal group technique:
A technique that enhances
brainstorming with a voting
process used to rank the most useful ideas
for further brainstorming or for prioritization.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Idea/mind mapping: are
a good way to visualize the
way your ideas relate to
each other. When you’ve
finished working through an idea, it sometimes
helps to create a map of how you got there and
show which ideas can be grouped together.
Affinity diagram: A technique
that allows large numbers of
ideas to be classified into
groups(grouped by similarities)
for review and analysis.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Group Decision-Making Techniques:
Unanimity: A decision that everyone agrees on a
single course of action. One way to reach unanimity
is the Delphi technique, in which a request for
information is sent to experts who participate
anonymously. Their responses are compiled, and the
results are sent back to the experts for
review until they reach consensus.
Majority: A decision that is reached with support
obtained from more than 50 % of the members.
Plurality: A decision that is reached where the
largest block in a group decides.
Dictatorship: In this method, one individual makes
the decision for the group.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Questionnaires and surveys: are written sets of
questions designed to quickly accumulate
information from large number of respondents.
Observations : provide a way of viewing individuals in
their environment and how they perform their jobs
and carry out processes.
Prototypes: a method of obtaining early feedback on
requirements by providing a working model of the
expected product before building it.
Benchmarking: involves comparing actual or planned
practices to those of comparable organizations to
identify best practices, generate ideas for
improvement, and provide a basis for measuring
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Context Diagrams:
also known as a context
level data flow diagram,
is frequently used to define
and model scope. It shows the boundaries of
the product scope by highlighting the product
and its interfaces with people, processes, or
Document Analysis: Document analysis is used
to elicit requirements by analyzing existing
documentation and identifying information
relevant to the requirements.
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Collect Requirements: Outputs
Requirements Documentation: describes how
individual requirements meet the business
need for the project.
Requirements Traceability Matrix: is a grid that
links product requirements from their origin to
the deliverables that satisfy them.

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‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
5.3 Define Scope
Define Scope is the process of developing a
detailed description of the project and product.
this step is critical to project success and
establishes the framework within which project
work must be performed. The key benefit of
this process is that it describes the project,
service, or result boundaries by defining which
of the requirements collected will be included
in and excluded from the project scope

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Define scope T&T
Product Analysis
 Translating high-level product descriptions from SOW into tangible
‫المالك طلب واجهات كالسيك ممكن تحدد انك هتشتغل ب قرميد وبرامق وكرانيش ولو طلب واجهات مودرن‬
.....‫تختار كالدينج وجى ار سى واالسقف الخرسانه فالت او سوليد او هولو بلوك‬
 It includes techniques such as product breakdown, system analysis,
requirements analysis, value engineering....

Alternative Identification
 Develop many options as possible to identify different approaches to
execute project work.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Define scope Outputs
Project Scope Statement : ‫ايه اللى هيتعمل فى المشروع‬
 Project scope statement is part of scope baseline.
(Scope baseline = Project scope statement + WBS + WBS Dictionary)
 Describes in details project deliverables and required work to create them.
 Determines what’s in the scope, what’s out of the scope, what people want
to be in the scope but not approved to be in the scope.
Project Scope Statement may include
 Product scope
 Acceptance Criteria
 Deliverables
 Project exclusions (what is not part of the project)
 Constraints: Such as imposed dates, predefined budget, and contract
provisions. May be listed in project scope statement or in a separate log.
 Assumptions: Ex: We will not need consultant approval before we start the

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Define scope Outputs

Project Documents Updates Project

documents that may be updated include,
but are not limited to:
Stakeholder register,
Requirements documentation,
and s Requirements traceability matrix.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

5.4 Create WBS
Create WBS is the process of
subdividing project deliverables and
project work into smaller, more
manageable components. This
hierarchical structure allows for more
simplicity in scheduling, costing,
monitoring, and controlling the project.

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‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Work Breakdown


Procureme Technical
Office Civil Works MEP Works
nt Works

Sub Land
structure escape

Skeleton Finishing

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

WBS includes the project management works.
Work package: lowest level WBS component which can be scheduled,
cost estimated, monitored and controlled.
WBS Structure can be organized by
Major deliverables
Subprojects e.g. contracted work
Beware of excessive decomposition. It can lead to non-productive
management effort, inefficient use of resources (performing work)
Control account: management control point for performance
measurement (one or more work packages)
WBS dictionary provides more detailed components, e.g. description of
work, responsible organization, acceptance criteria
Agreed Scope baseline includes project scope statement, WBS, WBS

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Create WBS T&T
Decomposition: a technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope
and project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts.
The work package is the work defined at the lowest level of the WBS for which
cost and duration can be estimated and managed
 Developing and assigning identification codes to the WBS components
 Decomposition may not be possible for a future deliverable. Team usually
waits until the deliverable is agreed on, so the details can be developed. This
technique is referred to as rolling wave planning.

 Create WBS O
Scope Baseline:
 The scope baseline is the approved version of a scope statement, work
breakdown structure (WBS), and its associated WBS dictionary
 WBS dictionary : The WBS dictionary is a document that provides detailed
deliverable, activity, and scheduling information about each component in the
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Notes & Tricks:
 WBS is a graphical picture of the project hierarchy
 WBS does not show dependencies
 Work Packages are the last level in WBS
 Control account is a level in WBS that you estimate the cost at. It may be
higher than work package level
 It helps prevent changes
 It helps people get their mind around the project
 All planning process after WBS creation is related to WBS
 WBS helps new team members see their roles
 It forces you to think through all aspects of project
 It can be reused for other projects
 It’s a team-building tool
 WBS facilitates communication among team and other stakeholders

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

5.5 Validate Scope
Validate Scope is the process of formalizing
acceptance of the completed project
deliverables. The key benefit of this process is
that it brings objectivity to the acceptance
process and increases the chance of final
product, service, or result acceptance by
validating each deliverable.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Validate Scope: Inputs
Verified Deliverables :
Verified deliverables are project deliverables that are completed and checked
for correctness through the Control Quality process.
Work Performance Data:
Work performance data can include the degree of compliance with
requirements, number of nonconformities, severity of the nonconformities, or
the number of validation cycles performed in a period of time.
Validate Scope: Tools and Techniques
Inspection :
Inspection includes activities such as measuring, examining, and validating to
determine whether work and deliverables meet requirements and product
acceptance criteria. Inspections are sometimes called reviews, product
reviews, audits, and walkthroughs. In some application areas, these different
terms have unique and specific meanings.
The Validate Scope process differs from the Control Quality process in that the
former is primarily concerned with acceptance of the deliverables, while quality
control is primarily concerned with correctness of the deliverable. Control
Quality is generally performed before Validate Scope or in parallel.

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

Validate Scope: Outputs
Accepted Deliverables: Deliverables that meet the acceptance criteria are
formally signed off and approved by the customer or sponsor. Formal
documentation received from the customer or sponsor acknowledging formal
stakeholder acceptance of the project’s deliverables is forwarded to the Close
Project or Phase process
Change Requests The completed deliverables that have not been formally
accepted are documented, along with the reasons for non acceptance of those
deliverables. Those deliverables may require a change request for defect repair.
The change requests are processed for review and disposition through the
Perform Integrated Change Control process
Work Performance Information Work performance information includes
information about project progress, such as which deliverables have started,
their progress, which deliverables have finished, or which have been accepted.
This information is documented and communicated to stakeholders .

01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬

5.6 Control Scope
Control Scope is the process of monitoring
the status of the project and product scope
and managing changes to the scope
baseline. The key benefit of this process is
that it allows the scope baseline to be
maintained throughout the project.
The scope can change while you are working
for a lot of reasons. Some changes are good
for your project, while others will definitely
reduce your chance of success. Change
control is there to help you
01120955888 & 01027338239 ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
‫‪01120955888 & 01027338239‬‬ ‫تى اس سى لالستشارات والتدريب‬
Control Scope: Tools and Techniques
Variance Analysis
Variance analysis is a technique for determining the cause and degree of
difference between the baseline and actual performance. Project performance
measurements are used to assess the magnitude of variation from the original
scope baseline. Important aspects of project scope control include determining
the cause and degree of variance relative to the scope baseline and deciding
whether corrective or preventive action is required.
Control Scope: Outputs
Change Requests
Analysis of scope performance can result in a change request to the scope
baseline or other components of the project management plan. Change requests
can include preventive or corrective actions, defect repairs, or enhancement
requests. Change requests are processed for review and disposition according
to the Perform Integrated Change Control process
Organizational Process Assets Updates
Organizational process assets that may be updated include, but are not limited
to: Causes of variances, Corrective action chosen and the reasons, and Other
types of lessons learned from project scope control.

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