University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
A noninvasive eye blink detector can be built at low cost from a Sprague optoelectronic motion
detection module, a voltage level detector, and a tone burst generator. The blink detector trig-
gers reliably when used to detect motion appearing on the video monitor of a videotape recorder.
The eye blink is a widely used dependent variable in The optoelectronic module is triggered by a change in
studies using the respondent conditioning paradigm light of as little as 5 %. It is small enough to be attached
(Clarkson & Berg, 1984), as well as in studies of emo- to the visor of a baseball cap (a convenient head mount
tion, vigilance, and cognition (Holland & Tarlow, 1975; scheme) and can be aimed easily at the white of the eye.
Kanfer, 1960; Stem, Walrath, & Goldstein, 1984). Blinks As such, it functions as an on-line blink detector. It can
have been reliably measured by anyone of several trans- also be used off-line. If a videotape recording of a close-
ducers: a strain gauge mechanically attached to the eye- up image of the eye is made, then during playback the
lid, a polygraph set to record electrooculograms, video device can be aimed at the videotape monitor screen. Each
tape recordings, and various photodetection devices. Each occurrence of an eye blink causes it to trigger.
method has its strengths and weaknesses, and these must The interface unit, which must be built from separate
be assessed carefully before use. components, consists of an LM 324 quad op-amp chip
In this article, we describe an eye blink detector with and a 556 dual timer chip, both widely available from
two desirable features: (1) It is noninvasive and avoids hobby electronics suppliers.
the physical discomfort which may occur with methods The alarm function of the Sprague unit is bypassed, and
that require attachments to the eyelid or face of the sub- a pulse output (which occurs with each blink) is sent to
ject, and (2) it can be constructed at a cost of less than the interface unit. This pulse is detected by the level de-
$40. Since the detector has only three integrated circuits, tector in the interface unit, which then triggers a tone burst
it is relatively easy to assemble. It cannot, however, in generator. The tone burst can be recorded on audio tape.
its present configuration yield the millisecond time reso- The Sprague unit includes a built-in filter to make the
lution required by some eye blink research paradigms module insensitive to 120 Hz fluorescent light flicker. To
(Stem, Walrath, & Goldstein, 1984). extend the utility of the blink detector, an additional filter
is included in the interface, between the motion detector
EYE BLINK DETECTOR module and the level detector. This filter makes the device
insensitive to the 60 Hz video-blanking trace of the moni-
The device consists of an optoelectronic module, a con- tor screen, and avoids the false triggering that would
necting cable, and an electronic interface unit. The op- otherwise occur when the device is pointed at a screen.
toelectronic module is the Sprague Opto-Linear Motion The tone burst generator consists of a one-shot with a
Detector, consisting of a Sprague's ULN-2232A in- differentiated input, and an audio frequency oscillator.
tegrated circuit, a small printed circuit board, and four Each time a blink is detected, it produces a 30 msec tone
capacitors. The module is the basis for many motion- of 1000 Hz.
detecting intrusion alarms (Gontowski, 1980). Although Figure 1 illustrates the changes that need to be made
the device is no longer available from Sprague, it is sold to the Sprague unit. Figure 2 shows a circuit diagram for
for approximately $4.00 by several surplus firms. 1 the interface between the Sprague module and a tape
recorder. A TIL-eompatible one-shot output is included
to enable the interface unit to automatically advance an
This project was supported by a grant from the Spencer Foundation.
Please address all reprint requests to: S. A. Metalis, Department of event counter. This allows on-line determination of num-
Psychology, Loyola University of Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan DH-6l6, ber of eye blinks per experimental manipulation. The list
Chicago, IL 60626. of parts is shown in Table 1.
Integrated Lens
Timing Gnd
~ PuIse Output
Pad B
~ 25mm-1
R1 C2
Input From
Motion Detector
R17 R19
R12 C9
556 5 (-v
C3 2
6 7
Mini Phone
Tone Generator Jack Out to
C4 C6 Audio Recorder
(1002 Hz)