Erick Castle - A Timely Reveal - Mentalisme
Erick Castle - A Timely Reveal - Mentalisme
Erick Castle - A Timely Reveal - Mentalisme
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There are many parts of this routine which continue to build off the last thing
making this so much stronger then doing each of the effects individually as stand
alone effects.
The concept of using a laminated prediction has been a round for a while I think it
is very ethstetically appealing it just seems utterly baffling and completely
impossible when you remove from your pocket, a himber wallet or pretty much
anywhere you would like to have a laminated prediction. This containing intimate
details you couldn’t possibly know. I know once you have a chance to play around
with this routine you will see the many possibilities it has to offer, the best thing
about this prediction is you get to give your spectator honestly what I feel to be the
ultimate souvenir a very stylish prediction laminated and completely sealed in a
thin-layer of plastic.
There have been many wonderful laminated effects created over the years and I
have probably used most of them, if you have a chance I would definitely
recommend you checkout LAMINATED by Antonio Romero it is a very clever
concept with so many amazing possibilities and Crystal Vision by Pieras Fitikides
is a marvelous effect as well. Also you might want to checkout Instant Pro by John
Cornelius it’s another very nice signed and laminated prediction with a thought-of
card in wallet type of plot I think is excellent.
"Plausibility depends on context." Bob Cassidy
There will be a (peek) involved in this routine, but you could just as easily do a
favorite billet-switch or center tear. This as far as I know has not been seen in any
literature or videos it is my own brand of method for getting a peek using a
business card. If you have in fact seen or know of something being
similar in existence please contact me and I will make sure credit is rightfully
given where it is due.
Now if you decided to stick around with me so far, you are really in for a treat
because with this business card (peek) the whole card may be used to write or draw
anything. There is no preparation necessary for your business cards so you aren’t
limited to only business cards either it is just a personal preference I like the idea of
giving my card away as a souvenir.
A good point to take note about is since you are using business cards this means
you could also use index-cards it is a much easier stock to manipulate because of it
being a little more stiff then a standard piece of paper.
There are many reasons why I decided to go about devising my own type of peek it
specifically being structured for performing in a close-up environment and I felt it
was absolutely imperative that I was able to have a very natural feel to how I get
the actual peek at whatever is written on the business card. I wanted to be in
control handling the business card while giving the impression to my audience they
are the ones actually in control of the situation.
In order to do this I had to come up with a logical way to psychologically have a
spectator believe they are in control while you are the one who is going to be
actually holding the business card.
This method is very bold and may not be for some folks, but please don’t just
dismiss it because this works very well and happens in a blink of an eye.
The problem I have always encountered with most peeks in the past is giving your
spectator a certain area to have something written or drawn it makes absolutely no
sense to me whatsoever having to restrict your spectator making them follow some
kind of stringent rule. I think if you really could read minds wouldn’t you have a
little bit more flexibility it should be more of a spontaneous nature, and that is
precisely what I have set out to accomplish to make this seem as completely fair as
When you hand a spectator your business card there are some very subtle gestures
which help relate specific things to them being at more of a subconscious level,
and this will not be entirely something they are fully aware of it even happening.
This is very important as you want to do this as sort of a force to change what they
may be voluntarily leaning more toward the reason being you want the spectator to
follow your directions without sounding as though you gave them any directions to
actually do something. The purpose of doing this is to help eliminate making your
spectator write or draw at one specific area on the backside of the business card it
will make the peek seem much more natural and not forced in any way.
What I usually tend to do is gesture with a pen to the left backside of the business
card asking for my spectator to write or draw virtually anywhere on the card and
whatever comes to mind. Now as you do this it will suggestively have your
spectator almost reflexively want to write or draw something around the left or
middle portion of the card it is just something that happens almost in a
psychosomatic way. I know this sounds like a very funny thing to do, but trust me
when I say this works really well mainly because you are not calling attention in any
specific way it just seems like a very normal and casual thing to do I think you will
be pleasantly surprised at the results you will get.
As your spectator puts something on the backside of the business card you are
going to be turning around so your back is facing toward them, when he or she
finishes ask them to just hold the card at their chest.
Then you turn around facing toward them ask your spectator to hand the business
card to you while turning your head to the side, as you began to fold the card in a
very special way.
Start by folding just a little bit of the left edge to the backside, as you fold the right
side in half to your left in front. This will give you two-opposite folds the one
from behind is going to be the shorter of both folds and what I like to refer to as
your “window-fold” I will explain more about this in just a moment.
The very moment you fold the business card to the front side you will need to do a
finger-clip using both your index and middle fingers, as you do this peel back the
half from behind using your thumb holding the corner edge with your index finger
and thumb like as if you were getting ready to turn a page from a book. This won’t
be seen from the front side so don’t worry it will go completely unnoticed and will
just seem like a normal hand gesture as you show your other hand completely
empty as well.
The opposite hand meets using your thumb to slide between the folds as you open
the business card in your hand. This needs to be done just below the index finger in
order to keep the method concealed, as far as your spectator is concerned you
haven’t done anything yet other then display a folded card and besides your head
remains turned looking away to the side which makes everything seem very fair
and reasonable.
Now from this position you have a very fair display of the business card folded to
show your audience, this is also your chance to get ready for a peek.
An important note about performing this peek is the illusion you have created for
your spectator it will seem like you are simply holding a folded business card as
you go completely unnoticed getting a full-peek. This is what I like to refer to as
your “window-fold” which is basically just the shorter/half folded behind. At the
front view it will seem like you still have the business card folded as you continue
to fold it even smaller making it all the more convincing.
The last sequence of folding the business card is where you will actually get your
peek it is a dubious way to see what is on the card at the last moment of folding it
also offers a good logical means for doing it. The top and bottom corners nearest
your right index and thumb fingers are squeezed together while keeping your
opposite thumb in between the card, as you squeeze down the corners it is very
easy to get a peek at the last moment before you fold the card in half.
The business card is going to be folded once more afterwards by using the same
hand and folding the opposite half forwards toward your spectator, as far as your
audience is concerned it will take on the illusion it has been folded smaller.
As you hand the folded business card to your spectator asking him to hold onto it, I
will usually say to them again confirming I haven’t seen what they wrote or drawn.
Now everything has been completely fair hasn’t it... I had my back turned as you
put something on the card... as I came forward my head was still turned away the
entire time... and the card was folded, so there is absolutely no way possible I
could have seen whatever is on this card... please hold onto it and don’t let me
touch or see what has been written or drawn on the card
This will psychologically condition your audience to believe you never had any
real direct contact with the actual business card itself which enables them to feel in
control of everything that happens from here on, all you have to do is just merely
point this out to them in a very casual manner.
A very important thing to remember is that you should never bring your eyes down
to get a peek, but you should try instead to bring the business card up into your line
of vision. What I basically mean is just don’t make it too obvious what you are
trying to do as I mentioned above the best time to get a peek is when you do the
last sequence of folding the business card.
The next stage of this routine is the prediction and bill/effect, but I will explain the
preparation of the gimmicks to you first.
Materials Needed:
A few items you are going to need to pick up are 3x5 index-cards preferably without
lines, sharpie (MICRO’s), self-sealing laminated pouches by Scotch 2 7/16 x 3 7/8
made for wallet size items, a pair of scissors, manilla envelopes, a dollar-bill, two
ball-point pens which need to be the plunger type made to screw apart (so a refill
may be inserted), and a ruler to measure.
The first thing you are going to need to do is measure out an index-card it needs to
be measured with a ruler at exactly 2 1/4 x 4 7/16 and then cut out.
Now once you have finished cutting the index-card you will need to fold it in half
and then unfold it. The reason for this is because when you are using a sharpie the
ink tends to bleed through so this will eliminate that from happening as you write
onto a half and then fold it together you will understand the reason for doing this
very soon.
I like to write on the cut piece of index-card something along the lines of:
I see things often at times they don’t make sense to me flashes of images,
words, dates, names does ______ make any sense to you?
The blank space is left for you to fill out later-on in routine, the other folded half
will be your backside of the prediction and you are going to write the serial number
of the dollar-bill on this side.
Now you have to measure out a laminated pouch, as you open the package and
remove a pouch the first thing you should notice is it looks very much like an ID
card there will be one end you could open and the other is completely sealed.
The part of the pouch from the front side will read “Business Card Protectors”, at
the start of where it reads BUSINESS you will need to mark with a marker a
straight line using a ruler to get ready for cutting with your pair of scissors. Discard
the other pieces after cutting the pouch in half you will now have the laminated
holder for the index-card to be permanently incased.
Then all that is left to do is remove the glossy paper from inside the laminated
pouch replace the folded index-card in its place, and just seal the pouch over the
The laminated pouches are superb to use for this prediction and very cheaply
bought at Walmart or literally any office and supplies store. When you purchase
the Scotch pouches there are usually ten in each package unless you got the 2
15/16 x 3 15/16 which are just a little bit larger and there are only five pouches that
come in a package, but I would recommend that you try and find the 2 7/16 x 3 7/8
as I mentioned above because these really work the best of both mentioned.
There next step to the preparation is based on a rather old effect Bill Severn’s
“PENNED” this could be found in the now classic BIG BOOK OF MAGIC, I
utilize the basic concept only slightly modified to better suit this routine. This is
actually incredibly simple to do it won’t require very much of any skill to perform,
all you are going to be doing is just some basic sleight of hand.
When you get ready to do this part of the routine there are several options you have
to choose from I will explain more as you delve further into this routine.
This will be my personal take on the PENNED effect I have simplified things
dramatically and don’t worry the preparation is very minimal, all you will
need to do is prepare a ballpoint pen which needs to be the plunger type made to
screw apart (so a refill may be inserted), in this case a dollar-bill is to be rolled up
and inserted.
The serial number from the dollar-bill needs to be copied in advance onto a index-
card, there will be a blank index-card covering over the card on bottom of the stack
before you roll and load the dollar-bill into the pen.
Also before show you are going to need to load a manila envelope with a folded
piece of paper about the size of a bill which remains in the envelope.
Now it is time you put together the gimmick pen, all you have to do is disassemble
the pen and removing the ink cartridge w/ spring just roll up the dollar bill
inserting in its place of the ink cartridge.
Now you’re ready to perform A Timely Reveal, the set-up is an important aspect
you will need to have the laminated prediction card facing inside your left trouser
or jacket pocket, and keep a uncapped (MICRO) sharpie in you other pocket along
with the gimmick pen. Since the prediction is laminated the pouch has a clear
covering over the index-card which enables you the creative possibility to write or
draw something on its face. Notice as you write on the face it will take on the
illusion as though it had been written already before you sealed it, and since you are
using a permanent marker it won’t just wipe/off.
The way you get the secret writing on the laminated card is when turning around
with your back turned as your spectator writes the serial number of the dollar-bill
on the blank index-card just fill in the blank ___ space you will have more then
enough time to do so as soon as you finish filling the blank space wait for a
response from your spectator confirming they have finished writing the serial
number and just continue to palm the card as you just do a downs palm with the
(MICRO) sharpie when turning around.
The moment you turn around began writing in the blank space as you will notice
that you are clear when you turn around facing your spectator because your palms
are going to be facing inward towards your thighs now, it is a very fair display of
your hands to your audience because you haven’t drawn any suspicion or attention
to your hands.
Then collect the pen from your spectator as I mentioned earlier about doing a downs
palm with the sharpie placing all the items into your pockets, ask your spectator to
fold the dollar-bill up as you pretend to place the bill inside the envelope. What you
are going to be doing is finger palming the bill acting like you are reaching into the
envelope, you just place it underneath your thumb and then remove your hand
placing the dollar-bill underneath the envelope which keeps it very well hidden
behind the envelope as you seal it shut.
The blank piece of paper you folded earlier is going to be your dummy bill so
when you seal the envelope it could actually be held by your spectator confirming
the bill still remains in the envelope as far as your spectator is concerned
everything has been completely fair. Now ditch the dollar-bill as you remove the
gimmick pen from your pocket to have your spectator initial the envelope. At this
very moment you collect the index-card placing it on the bottom of the stack just do
a double-lift and remove the prepared card from behind handing it to another person
to hold.
When your spectator attempts to write he discovers the pen for some reason just
wont write. At this very moment it should be intense as you start to rip up the
envelope showing it completely empty the dollar-bill has apparently vanished, as
you crumple and toss up the pieces of the envelope onto the table.
I will usually do something along the lines of the original bit that Bill Severn used
to do thanking my spectator for his participation asking for him to kindly return to
his seat.
Oh I almost forgot something didn’t I... I forgot... that you still have my pen... but
in all fairness I was hoping that you forgot about that dollar bill it may not seem
like much... but it doesn’t really belong to me does it?
Ask your spectator to unscrew the pen as he notices there is a bill rolled up inside
the pen. This is confirmed to be the correct bill as the serial numbers are read by
your other volunteer matching perfectly, but wait it gets even better!
The business card is still being held completely folded in your spectators hand,
now it is time to reveal your prediction. This could be revealed a numerous of ways
my personal favorite is using a himber wallet because it adds a little bit more
suspense and I think makes it very classy as well, but if you don’t have one that is
perfectly fine you could just as easily remove it from your pocket to give to your
Now hand your other volunteer the laminated card asking them to read it aloud,
then casually take it back from them and place it onto the table. Ask your spectator
to open the business card further confirming your prediction being 100% correct.
The prediction remains on the table as you reach the ultimate climax in routine just
when your audience starts to really be amazed you build even more wonder and
mystery. Ask your spectator to read the serial number aloud as you have them flip
over the prediction revealing the serial number of the dollar-bill has been written
on the backside.
Well that is A Timely Reveal it is a very fun routine to perform you can do it
anytime and anywhere predict anything you like from a time, or name, a date, and
even a drawing.
The prediction will always be 100% correct every time completely risk-free
because there aren’t any convoluted methods to learn. The prediction is laminated
and sealed with very intimate details only your spectator could possibly know
about, you could use a dollar-bill or a hundred dollar-bill and make it completely
vanish then reappear rolled up inside of a ink pen.
This always serves me very well in all my shows I wish you all the best and keep
being magical!
There are many videos and literature you could search for learning different peeks,
billet-switches, or center tears you should never limit yourself to using just only
one method because it is good to have a variety for any situation that presents
I would highly recommend if you don’t already own a copy of Tony Corinda's 13
steps to Mentalism that will give you a good basic understanding of the
fundamentals in mentalism learning many classic ploys of billets, peeks, center
tears, swami gimmicks, pencil, lip, sound and muscle reading, mnemonics, mental
systems and much more. Also T.A. Waters Mind, Myth and Magick and Practical
Mental Magic by Ted Anneman are both wonderful masterpieces you should not
be without.
A few more favorites which come to mind are Millard Longmann's Acidus Novus
this is easily a favorite peek amongst mentalist and magicians alike, and though out
of print if you could grab yourself a copy of Alain Bellon's Obsidian Oblique it is
one of the best, Jimmy Fingers Standing Between Objects is a devilishly clever
routine and Bob Solari's Business-Minded is a wonderful business card peek, a
similar type of plot the Exciting Experiments in E.S.P. (book) by Fred Kolbe.
If you have a little bit of extra cash Allen Zingg's Master Billet Course Vol. 1-4 is a
very good purchase, also Barrie Richardson's business card peek in Act II is superb
and if you really want to learn a sneaky center tear you should checkout his
"Center Schtick" in Theater of the Mind it is very good, Docc Hilford's Faster Than
A Speeding Billet is great, and Banachek's PSI Series Vol. 1 there are some
wonderful ideas for getting peeks at info written on the backside of business cards,
Patrick Kuffs Mind Stunts vol. 1there is a clever drawing duplication routine called
'Bold Business' that uses a business card peek, Paul Wilson teaches an excellent
peek in his book "13".
Harry Lorayne's Super Peek from Reputation Makers is another great consideration
as well, Nimrod Harel's Lair Peek is excellent. Also I can’t forget to mention about
Bruce Bernstein he’s got plenty of good work on the subject, and Bob Cassidy's
dissertation on the Simplified Baker Billet Switch is absolutely brilliant. There is
also Bob Kohler's Spellabration from Kohler's Tap, and Ed Marlo has two great
Instant read center tears in "Marlo without Tears" you definitely have to checkout.
Sean Fields 'North of the Border' is a CT w/ a peek and his book x-rated both have
great hard-hitting material, if you prefer using billets then I would highly recommend
Elliott Brestler's SWITCHCRAFT manuscript it is a comprehensive work for any
performer looking to utilize billets.
These are wonderful places to start, remember the absolute best peek, billet-switch,
or center tear is going to be the one that works most naturally for you and when
considering this it is probably a much wiser choice for you to know as many
different methods in approach to cover all possible circumstances.
The choice is ultimately yours in the end and this you will have to decide on your
own which is better for the context of presentation and/or effect, I hope you find
these suggestions helpful.