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Shear Comparison ACI & EURO

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Shear Forces in Beams


The ACI318-19 code and Eurocode2 are the most important regulations for design and
analysis of reinforced concrete; for this reason it seemed useful to carry out a series of

comparison between these two documents, which started with simple bending and now with
shear forces in reinforced concrete beams.

The loads applied to the beams produce not only bending moments but also shear forces. The
shearing force V tends to slide the part of the beam located to the left of any section (S)
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, with respect to the part located to the right of this

section: it is the transverse sliding. This results in (S) shear stresses " ν " which form a system
in equilibrium with the shear force V. Apart from these transverse shear stresses, the shear
force also causes longitudinal shear stresses. We can demonstrate that at the same point of a

section of a homogeneous prismatic part, the longitudinal shear stress is equal to the
transverse shear stress. In addition, the shearing force causes tensile stresses. These stresses,
combined with the stresses due to bending, develop orinted cracks between 45 (close to the

supports) and greater than 75 (close to mid-span).


The cracks first appear near the supports and then propagate towards the central zone of the

span, delimiting concrete prisms inclined at about 45 ° stressed in simple compression; these
prisms are called struts. It is therefore necessary to sew these cracks with transverse
reinforcement (see figure); These reinforcements then compensate for the poor behavior of

the concrete in traction.

Since the main stresses are oriented at 45 , the use of transverse reinforcements inclined at
the same angle is more efficient mechanically. However, straight transverse reinforcements

(90 ) are much easier to install. This is why they are almost always preferred over transverse
inclined reinforcements.
We will compare the two regulations in the most frequent case where straight
transverse reinforcement is used α = 90 and the inclination of the struts

θ = 45 .
General procedure
VEd : the maximum shear in a beam ; Vu : maximum shear in a beam ;
Vc : nominal shear strength provided by
VRd,c : shear strength provided by concrete concrete;
Vs : nominal shear strength provided by
VRd,s : shear strength provided by shear shear reinforcement ;
reinforcement ; Vn,max : maximal nominal shear strength
of the concrete and the shear reinforcing.
VRd : maximal nominal shear strength of the
concrete and the shear reinforcing ; In the following it is considered that the
concrete is of normal density: λ = 1
VRd,max : the maximum design value of the
shear which can be resisted by the concrete A v = area of shear reinforcement within
strut ; spacing s
A v,min is defined as the minimum area
Resistant shear force of concrete : of shear reinforcement within spacing s
 C 
Rd,c .k ( 100ρ l .fck )
  bw d A v,min  b b 
 = Max  0.35 w ; 0.062 fc' w  Nominal
VRd,c = max  + k 1 σ cp 
 s 
 f yt f yt 

( ν min + k 1 .σ cp ) b w d
 shear strength provided by concrete :

With :

• k1 = 0.15
• CRd,c = 0.18 γc
• d in mm
• k = 1 + 200 d  2

A sl
ρl =  0.02
bw d
General procedure
A sl = Area of tensile reinforcement which The value of Vc should be
extends a length of (design anchorage 0  Vc  0.42λ fc' b w d ;
length l bd + effective depth) beyond the the value of Nu 6A g  0.05fc'
section where the shear capacity is being
The size effect modification factor 𝜆s, shall be
determined by :
• ν min = 0.035k 3 2 fck 2
λs = 1
• b w = width of the web 1 + 0.004d
• σ cp = Ed  0.2fcd (MPa)
Ac Si Vu  0.083ø fc' bw d : no need for shear
A c =Area of concrete cross section reinforcement for nonprestressed beams and
NEd =Axial force for the cases in Table
If VEd  VRd,c
Minimum reinforcement may be omitted in
elements such as slabs (solid, ribbed or
hollow core) where transverse load
redistribution is possible. The minimum
reinforcement can also be omitted in the
secondary elements (lintels with a span of 2m
for example) which do not contribute
significantly to the strength and stability of
the whole structure. For these cases, at least A v,min shall be
For all other elements, even
provided where Vu øVc .
if VEd  VRd,c a minimum shear reinforcement
is required.
If Vu 0.083ø fc' bw d for nonprestressed
beams, minimum area of shear
reinforcement, A v,min , shall be provided.
Shear reinforcement

If VEd VRd,c , we provide shear Vn = total nominal shear strength of beams

reinforcement such that VEd  VRd,max . with shear reinforcement
Vs =shear strength contributed by the shear
Value of VRd,max in the case where there is no reinforcement
shear reinforcement: Vu = shear force produced by factored loads
VEd  VRd,max = 0.5bw dνfcd Vu  øVn ; ø = 0.75
With :
 f 
With:  = 0.6  1 − ck  Vu
 250  Vn = Vc + Vs  Vs = Vn − Vc = − Vc
In simple bending :
Limit imposed by the compression of the Vn,max = Vc + Vs,max = Vc + 0.66 fc' bw d
concrete struts: VEd  VRd,max
1 You have to make sure that : Vu  øVn,max
VRd,max = bw .z. fcd ; z = 0.9d
 fck  If Vu øVn,max , section must be changed
 = 0.6  1 − 
 250  If Vu øλ fc' b w d , no shear reinforcement is
If øλ fc' b w d Vu  øVc , minimum shear
reinforcement is required.
If Vu øVc , calculate the shear to be carried
by shear reinforcement:
Shear reinforcement
Inclined stirrups should be placed so they form an angle of at least 45◦ with respect to the
longitudinal bars, and they must be securely tied in place. Usually α = 90 ; θ = 45
Shear reinforcement :
Shear reinforcement:
A Asw VRd,s
VRd ,s = sw zf ywd ; =
s s zf ywd Vu − øVc Av V
Vs = ; = s
z = 0.9d ø s f yt d

The minimum section of the transverse d is the effective depth of the section
reinforcements prevailing over the length s s is the center-to-center spacing of the stirrups
is min :
Vs,max = 0.66 fc' bw d
Asw 0.08 f ck If Vs Vs,max , increase the dimensions of the section.
min = =
bw .s f yk
Maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement
Maximum longitudinal spacing between
For straight web reinforcements:
shear reinforcement courses:
sl ,max = Min ( 0.75d ,600mm ) 1) Case where Vs  0.33 fc' b w d :
smax  Min d 2 ; 60cm
2) Case where Vs 0.33 fc' b w d :
smax  Min d 4 ; 30cm
Shear stess according to the percentage of shear reinforcements
Any plane P subjected to an ultimate sliding force « g » per unit of length must be crossed by
shear reinforcements :
• inclined in the opposite direction to probable cracking;
• fully anchored on both sides of this plane.
We consider, in the plane P, a plane element of width bw :
• perpendicular to the mean plane;
• parallel to the mean line.
It is subjected to a longitudinal sliding force g.dx in the plane P.
This effort must be balanced by:
• a compressive force dFc , inclined at an angle θ on plan P (compression of
concrete struts);
• a tensile force dFt , inclined at an angle α on plan P (tension of shear reinforcement).

Shear reinforcement percentage: w = ; Shear stress =  ; Strut stress =  c ; g =  bw
s.bw .sin 

we can deduce :  =  c sin cos + w sw sin cos ;  c sin 2  − w sw sin 2  = 0
 
 c = and w sw =
sin  ( cot  + cot  )
sin  ( cot  + cot  )
Shear stess according to the percentage of shear reinforcements
With :  =  u ;  c =  fcd ;  sw = f ywd If Av  Av,min :

 f   Av f yt 
For  = 90 and  = 45 ;  = 0.6  1 − ck  vu   ( vc + vs ) = 0.75  0.17 fc' + 
 250   sbw 

u    For : fc' = 25 MPa ; f yt = 500MPa

we can demonstrate : = 1−  +
 fcd 2  2 2

 w f ywd
vu  0.75 0.17 25 +  w  500 )
with :  = : so we can follow the vu  0.638 + 375  w
 fcd
evolution of the stress  u as a function of w . Therefore, we can draw the diagram vu - w

fc' = 25 MPa ; f y = 500Mpa

This diagram shows that for a certain percentage of steel, the shear stress in the ACI is lower
than that of the EC2, which means that the EC2 requires more shear reinforcements.
Spacing comparison
Comparison of s : center-to-center spacing :
Av VEd 0.9 Av df yt 0.78 Av df yt
(EC2) =  sEC 2 = = ( z = 0.9d )
sEC 2 zf ywd 1.15VEd VEd

Av V A v f yt d A v f yt d øA v f yt d 0.75A v f yt d
(ACI) = s  s ACI = =
= = ( ø = 0.75)
s ACI f yt d Vs Vu − øVc Vu − 0.75Vc
− Vc
We will make the comparison for = 0.25 , fc' = 25 MPa
and for 4 values of vu( EC 2 ) : 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 MPa

Vc = 0.17  fc' bw d  vc = 0.17  f c' = 0.17  1 25 = 0.85 MPa for Av  Av,min ;  =1

Vu 1.2P  0.4 Q  V Ed 1.35 P  0.15 Q 

vu( ACI ) = = 1+ ; vu( EC 2 ) = = 1+ 
bw d bw d  1.2 P  bw d bw d  1.35 P 

For Q P = 0.25  vu( ACI ) = 0.937 vu( EC 2 )

0.78 Av f yt d
s EC 2 V Ed 1.04 (Vu − 0.75Vc )
= = 
s ACI 0.75 A f
v yt d V Ed
Vu − 0.75Vc

s EC 2 1.04 vu( ACI ) − 0.75vc
= =
) (
1.04 0.937 vu( EC 2 ) − 0.75  0.85
) (
0.975vu( EC 2 ) − 0.663 )
s ACI vu( EC 2 ) vu( EC 2 ) vu( EC 2 )

vu( EC 2 ) 1.5 2 2.5 3

sEC 2 s ACI 0.532 0.643 0.709 0.754

These results show that the links spacing in ACI is greater then that of EC2, which means that
the ACI leads to a lot of savings compared to the EC2 in common cases.
Maximum shear stresses comparison
Shear reinforcement is provided in EC2 such that VEd  VRd ,max  v Ed  v Rd,max .

VRd,max 0.5b w .0.9d.νfcd  f 

v Rd,max = = = 0.45νfcd ;  = 0.6  1 − ck 
bw d bw d  250 
In ACI, cross-sectional dimensions shall be selected to satisfy :

( )
Vu  ø Vc + 0.66 fc' b w d  v u  0.17 fc' + 0.66 fc' = 0.83 fc' = v u,max

 ' v Rd,max
 v Rd,max = (EC2)
  0.15 Q 
1.35P  1 +
  1.35 P 

Maximum stress values :  ' v u,max
v = (ACI)
 u,max  0.4 Q 
 1.2P  1 +
  1.2 P 

Maximum stress values(MPa)

Q 25MPA 30MPa 40MPa 50MPa
0 3 3.46 3.52 3.79 4.48 4.38 5.33 4.89
0.1 2.97 3.34 3.48 3.67 4.43 4.23 5.27 4.73
0.2 2.93 3.24 3.44 3.55 4.38 4.10 5.22 4.59
0.3 2.90 3.14 3.41 3.45 4.34 3.98 5.16 4.45
0.4 2.87 3.05 3.38 3.45 4.29 3.86 5.11 4.32
0.5 2.84 2.96 3.33 3.25 4.25 3.75 5.05 4.19

The previous table shows that, for current values of the ratio Q P , the ACI permits higher shears to
be carried by sections than does the EC2 for the values of fc'  30MPa which means that the ACI
implement straight transverse reinforcements for loads greater than those of EC2 in common cases.
The opposite is true for the values of fc'  40MPa .
Comparison of minimum shear reinforcement provisions

Asw 0.08 f ck AV  0.35 0.062 fc' 

min = = (EC2) ; ρmin = = Max  ;  (ACI)
bw .s f yk bw .s  fyt fyt 
 
The following table compares the minimum reinforcement ratios specified by the two codes

f yt = 500MPa

25MPA 30MPa 40MPa 50MPa

8  10−4 7  10−4 9  10−4 7  10−4 1  10−3 8  10−4 1.1  10−3 9  10−4

We notice that EC2 requires higher amounts of minimum reinforcement than ACI.
EUROCODE 2 (Variable truss angle method)
Inclination θ of the struts on the horizontal 21.8  θ  45 )
Design of shear reinforcement is based on a modified truss analogy. In the truss analogy, the
force in vertical ties is resisted by shear reinforcement. Shear reinforcement needs to be
designed to resist only the shear exceeding that which causes inclined cracking, provided the
diagonal members in the truss are assumed to be inclined at 45 degrees.
In EC2 it is possible to choose the inclination θ of the struts on the horizontal within the
limits: 1  cot θ  2.5  21.8  θ  45 for elements subjected to simple bending or bending
and compression.
The use struts at 45 at or at another inclination has advantages and disadvantages: very
inclined struts require less steel shearing force but lead to lengthening the longitudinal
reinforcements; an adequate value for θ must be chosen.
Choice of the inclination θ of the struts
The tensile force in the lower reinforcement on which depend the section and the anchoring of
the longitudinal bars passing through the support face is inversely proportional to the angle of
inclination θ , of the strut ending in the support, this angle depending itself from the inclination
θ of struts in the current zone.

( )
A value of θ close to the limit of 21.8 cot21.8 = 2.5 cannot generally be accepted in a single

beam or an edge span except if the lower reinforcements are "continuous" (not stopped) and
that their anchors can find place on the width of the supports.
In addition, such a value leads, for the shear reinforcements, to very large spacings from the
start with the following disadvantages :

a) In application of the general principle fixing the resistance conditions of reinforced

concrete, any oblique crack must be crossed by at least one layer of transverse
reinforcement. Even if the angle of inclination θ of these cracks is less than 45 , it is
advisable to limit the spacing of the transverse reinforcements to a relatively low value,
which ensures the uniformity of the field of the diagonal compressive stresses in the struts
(see figure)

Choice of the inclination θ of the struts

b) When the spacing is too great, as a result of the flexibility of the area serving as a
support for the intermediate struts between the shear reinforcements, these struts are
weakly stressed to the detriment of the struts coming to bear at the location of a shear
reinforcement (see figure). This results in poor shear behavior and in particular very
open oblique cracks, when they occur.

( )
We will therefore take an average value of cotθ = 1.7 θ = 30 .5 . We can redo a new calculation

with a different value of cotθ if the result is not considered satisfactory (immediate result is
obtained if we don't change A sw ).

A sw VEd
Once θ chosen, we can use the formula : For ( α = 90 ) = ( m2 m )
s 0.9d.f ywd .cotθ

A sw VEd
0.9d.f ywd .cotθ
 102 ( cm2 cm )
Shear capacity for 1  cot θ  2.5  21.8  θ  45
The shear capacity of a member without any shear reinforcement is given by :
 C 1/3 
 Rd,c .k ( 100ρ l .fck )
  bw d
VRd,c = max  + k 1 σ cp 

( min
 ν + k 1 cp ) w
.σ b d

With :
A sl
k1 = 0.15 ; CRd,c = 0.18 γc ; d in mm ; k = 1 + 200 d  2 ; ρ l =  0.02
bw d
A sl = Area of tensile reinforcement which extends a length of (design anchorage
length l bd + effective depth) beyond the section where the shear capacity is being
ν min = 0.035k 3 2 fck ; b w = width of the web ; σ cp = NEd A c  0.2fcd (MPa)

A c =Area of concrete cross section ; NEd =Axial force

The maximum shear force that can be resisted without crushing the concrete in the
( cot  + cot  )  f 
struts is given by VRd ,max =  cw.bw .z. 1 2
f cd ; z = 0.9d ;  1 = 0.6  1 − ck  ;
1 + cot   250 

cw = 1 for non-prestressed structures.

Shear strength provided by shear reinforcement : VRd,s = A sw z ( cotθ + cot α ) f ywd sin α
A sw VEd
Shear reinforcement :
z ( cotθ + cot α ) f ywd sin α
 102 ( c m2 cm )
Straight transverse reinforcements α = 90 ( )
A sw  cw.bw .z. 1 fcd
VRd,s = zf ywd cotθ ; VRd ,max =
s tan + cot 
Application-1 with inclination θ = 45 of the struts α = 90 ( )
A simply supported beam has a rectangular section with b=30cm,
d=55 cm, and h=60cm. and is reinforced with four 25mm bars.
Check if the section is adequate for the following shear forces at service :
VG = 150kN ; VQ = 50kN and calculate the links spacing.
fck ( EC2) = fc' ( ACI ) = 25 MPa and f ywk ( EC 2) = f yt ( ACI ) = 500MPa

V Ed = 1.35VG + 1.5VQ Assume Av  Av,min ; Vc can be calculated

VEd = 1.35  150 + 1.5  50 = 277.5kN either from the simplified approach :

VEd = 277.5kN = 0.278MN Vc = 0.17  fc' bw d

 C 1/3 
Rd,c .k ( 100ρ l .fck )
Vc = 0.17  1  25  0.3  0.55 = 0.14MN
  bw d
VRd,c = max  + k 1 σ cp  Vu = 1.2VG + 1.6VQ

( ν
 min + k .σ
1 cp ) b w d
Vu = 1.2  150 + 1.6  50 = 260KN = 0.26MN
Vu = 0.26MN Vc = 0.75  0.14 = 0.105 MN
• k1 = 0.15
So, stirrups must be provided.
• CRd,c = 0.18 γc = 0.18 1.5 = 0.12 (Vu − Vc )
Calculate Vs =
• d = 550 mm 

• k = 1 + 200 550 = 1.6  2  k = 1.6 ( 0.26 − 0.75  0.14 )

Vs = = 0.207 MN
A sl 19.64
ρl = = = 0.012  0.02 Check if Vs  0.33 fc' b w d
b w d 30  55
Vs = 0.207MN 0.33  25  0.3  0.55 = 0.272MN
νmin = 0.035k 3 2 fck
νmin = 0.035  1.63 2 25 = 0.354 smax  Min d 2 ; 60cm = Min 55 2 ; 60 = 27.5cm

 (
 100  0.012  25 1/3 + 0
( ) ) Check if Vs  Vs,max = 0.66 fc' bw d

VRd,c = max 0.3  0.55 = 0.098MN
Vs = 0.207MN  0.66 25  0.3  0.55 = 0.545MN
0.354  0.3  0.55 = 0.058MN
 then stirrups can be used without increasing

the section.
VRd,c = 0.098MN
Application-1 (continued)
VEd VRd,c , we provide shear reinforcement Av V 0.207
= s =  10 2 =
such that VEd  VRd,max . s f yt d 500  0.55

1 Av 1
VRd,max = bw .z. fcd ; z = 0.9d = cm 2 cm
2 s 13.29
 fck   25  Minimal:
 = 0.6  1 −  = 0.6  1 −  = 0.54
 250   250  
A v,min b b 
= Max  0.35 w ; 0.062 fc' w 
1 s  f yt f yt 
VRd,max =  0.3  0.9  0.55  0.54  16.67 
A v,min  0.35  0.3 0.062 25  0.3 
VEd = 0.278 MN VRd ,max = 0.668 MN = Max  ; 
s  500 500 
 
Shear reinforcement :
A v,min
Asw V Ed = Max ( 0.0002 ; 0.000186 )
 s
s 0.9df ywd
A v,min 1
= 0.0002  102 = cm2 cm
Asw 0.278 1 s 50
  10 2 = cm 2 cm
s 0.9  0.55  435 7.75 Av 1 1
= cm 2 cm cm 2 cm O.K.
Maximal : s 13.29 50
Asw f ywd 1 A 1 Choose  10mm stirrups Av = 2  0.79cm2
  fcd  sw   bw fcd
bw s 2 s 2 f ywd
and calculate s :
 Asw  0.5  0.54  0.3  16.67
 s    102 Av 1
 max 435 = cm 2 cm 
s 13.29
 Asw  1 s = 13.29  2  0.79  21cm
 s   cm 2 cm
 max 3.22
smax  Min d 2 ; 60cm = Min 55 2 ; 60 = 27.5cm
Asw 1 cm2  Asw  1 cm2
=  s  = s = 21cm smax = 27.5cm O.K.
s 7.75 cm  max 3.22 cm
Minimal: Av = = 1.58cm 2
 Asw  0.08 fck bw 1
 s  = = cm 2 cm 21
 min f yk 41.67 Av,min = = 0.42cm 2
Asw 1 cm 2  Asw  1 cm 2 Av Av,min as assumed
=  s  =
s 7.75 cm  min 41.67 cm
Application-1 with inclination θ = 30 .5 of the struts α = 90 ( )
A simply supported beam has a rectangular section with b=30cm, d=55 cm,
and h=60cm. and is reinforced with four 25mm bars. Check if the section is
adequate for the following shear forces at service : VG = 150kN ; VQ = 50kN
and calculate the links spacing.
fck ( EC2) = fc' ( ACI ) = 25 MPa and f ywk ( EC 2) = f yt ( ACI ) = 500MPa

VEd = 1.35VG + 1.5VQ = 1.35  150 + 1.5  50 = 277.5kN = 0.278 MN
Resistant shear force of concrete:
 C 1/3 
 Rd,c .k ( 100ρ l .fck )
  bw d
VRd,c = max  + k 1 σ cp 

( min
 ν + k 1 cp ) w
.σ b d

k1 = 0.15 ; CRd,c = 0.18 1.5 = 0.12 ; d = 550mm ; k = 1 + 200 550 = 1.60 2;

A sl 19.64
ρl = = = 0.012  0.02 ; νmin = 0.035k 3 2 fck = 0.035  1.603 2 25 = 0.354
b w d 30  55

 (
 100  0.012  25 1/3 + 0
( ) )

VRd,c = max 0.3  0.55 = 0.098MN  VRd,c = 0.098MN VEd = 0.278MN
0.354  0.3  0.55 = 0.058MN

Therefore shear reinforcement is required.

Check whether the section strength is adequate, VEd VRd,max ;

cot  + cot   f   25 
VRd ,max =  cw.bw .z. 1 f cd 2
; z = 0.9d ;  1 = 0.6  1 − ck  = 0.6  1 −  = 0.54
1 + cot   250   250 
cw = 1 for nonprestressed structures.
Application-1 with inclination θ = 30 .5 of the struts α = 90 ( ) (continued)
Straight transverse reinforcements ( α = 90 ) and we consider ( θ  30 .5 )

 cw.bw .z. 1 fcd 1  0.3  0.9  0.55  0.54  16.67

VRd,max = = = 0.584MN VEd = 0.278 MN O.K.
tan + cot  tan 30 .5 + cot 30 .5
Shear reinforcement :
A sw A VEd 0.278 1
VEd  zf ywd cotθ  sw  =  102 = cm2 cm
s s 0.9d f ywd cot θ 0.9  0.55  435  1.7 13.17

Maximales :
Asw f ywd 1 A  1
  1 fcd   sw    1bw fcd
bw s 2  s max 2 f ywd

 Asw  1 0.5  0.54  0.3  16.67 1

 s    1bw fcd =  10 2 = cm 2 cm
 max 2 f ywd 435 3.22

Asw 1  Asw  1
= cm 2 cm  s  = cm 2 cm O.K.
s 13.17  max 3.22
The minimum section of the transverse reinforcements prevailing over the length s is min :

Asw 0.08 fck A  0.08 fck bw 0.08  25  0.3 1

min = =   sw  = =  10 2 = cm 2 cm
bw .s f yk  s min f yk 500 41.66

Asw 1  Asw  1
= cm 2 cm  s  = cm 2 cm
s 13.17  min 41.67

A sw 1
The standard method θ = 45  ) s
cm 2 cm

A sw 1
The inclination angle method θ = 35 .5  ) s
cm2 cm

Savings in shear reinforcement can be made by using the variable truss angle method.
Application-2 with inclination θ = 45 of the struts α = 90 ( )
A simply supported beam has a rectangular section with b=30cm, d=40 cm,
and is reinforced with three 25mm bars. Check if the section is adequate for
the following shear forces at service : VG = 110kN ; VQ = 40kN and calculate
the links spacing.

fck ( EC2) = fc' ( ACI ) = 30MPa and f ywk ( EC 2) = f yt ( ACI ) = 500MPa

V Ed = 1.35VG + 1.5VQ Assume Av  Av,min ; Vc can be calculated

VEd = 1.35  110 + 1.5  40 = 208.5kN either from the simplified approach :

VEd = 208.5kN = 0.209MN Vc = 0.17  fc' bw d

 C 1/3 
Rd,c .k ( 100ρ l .fck )
Vc = 0.17  1  30  0.3  0.40 = 0.112MN
  bw d
VRd,c = max  + k 1 σ cp  Vu = 1.2VG + 1.6VQ

( min
 ν + k 1 cp ) w
.σ b d
Vu = 1.2  110 + 1.6  40 = 196KN = 0.196MN
Vu = 0.196MN Vc = 0.75  0.112N
• k1 = 0.15
Vu = 0.196MN Vc = 0.084MN
• CRd,c = 0.18 γc = 0.18 1.5 = 0.12
So, stirrups must be provided.
• d = 400 mm (Vu − Vc )
Calculate Vs =
• k = 1 + 200 400 = 1.71  2 

( 0.196 − 0.75  0.112 )

A 14.73 Vs = = 0.149MN
ρ l = sl = = 0.0123  0.02 0.75
b w d 30  40
Check if Vs  0.33 fc' b w d
νmin = 0.035k 3 2 fck
Vs = 0.149MN 0.33  30  0.30  0.40 = 0.217MN
νmin = 0.035  1.713 2 30 = 0.429
then smax  Min d 2 ; 60cm = Min 40 2 ; 60 = 20cm

 (
 100  0.012  30 1/3 + 0
( ) ) Check if Vs  Vs,max = 0.66 fc' bw d

VRd,c = max 0.3  0.40 = 0.081MN
0.429  0.3  0.40 = 0.052MN Vs = 0.149MN  0.66 30  0.30  0.40 = 0.434MN

 then stirrups can be used without increasing
the section.
VRd,c = 0.081MN
Application-2 (continued)
VEd VRd,c , we provide shear reinforcement Av V 0.149
= s =  10 2 =
such that VEd  VRd,max . s f yt d 500  0.40

1 Av 1
VRd,max = bw .z. fcd ; z = 0.9d = cm 2 cm
2 s 13.42
 fck   30  Minimal:
 = 0.6  1 −  = 0.6  1 −  = 0.528
 250   250  
A v,min b b 
= Max  0.35 w ; 0.062 fc' w 
1 s  f yt f yt 
VRd,max =  0.3  0.9  0.40  0.528  20 
A v,min  0.35  0.3 0.062 30  0.3 
V Ed = 0.209MN VRd ,max = 0.570MN = Max  ; 
s  500 500 
 
Shear reinforcement :
A v,min
Asw V Ed = Max ( 0.0002 ; 0.000204 )
 s
s 0.9df ywd
A v,min 1
= 0.000204  102 = cm2 cm
Asw 0.209 1 s 49
  10 2 = cm 2 cm
s 0.9  0.40  435 7.49 Av 1 1
= cm 2 cm cm 2 cm O.K.
Maximal : s 13.42 49
Asw f ywd 1 A 1 Choose  10mm stirrups Av = 2  0.79cm2
  fcd  sw   bw fcd
bw s 2 s 2 f ywd
and calculate s :
 Asw  0.5  0.528  0.3  20
 s    102 Av 1
 max 435 = cm 2 cm 
s 13.29
 Asw  1 s = 13.42  2  0.79  21cm
 s   cm 2 cm
 max 2.75
smax  Min d 2 ; 60cm = Min 40 2 ; 60 = 20cm
Asw 1 cm2  Asw  1 cm 2
=  s  = s = 21cm smax = 20cm  s = 20cm O.K.
s 7.49 cm  max 2.75 cm
Minimal: Av = = 1.49cm 2
 Asw  0.08 fck bw 1
 s  = = cm 2 cm 20
 min f yk 38 Av,min = = 0.41cm 2
Asw 1 cm 2  Asw  1 cm 2 Av Av,min as assumed
=  s  =
s 7.49 cm  min 38 cm
Application-2 with inclination θ = 30 .5 of the struts α = 90 ( )
A simply supported beam has a rectangular section with b=30cm, d=40 cm,
and h=60cm. and is reinforced with three 25mm bars. Check if the section
is adequate for the following shear forces at service : VG = 110kN ;
VQ = 40kN and calculate the links spacing. fck ( EC2) = fc' ( ACI ) = 30MPa
and f ywk ( EC 2) = f yt ( ACI ) = 500MPa

VEd = 1.35VG + 1.5VQ = 1.35  110 + 1.5  40 = 208.5kN = 0.209MN
Resistant shear force of concrete:
 C 1/3 
 Rd,c .k ( 100ρ l .fck )
  bw d
VRd,c = max  + k 1 σ cp 

( min
 ν + k 1 cp ) w
.σ b d

k1 = 0.15 ; CRd,c = 0.18 1.5 = 0.12 ; d = 400mm ; k = 1 + 200 400 = 1.71 2;

A sl 14.73
ρl = = = 0.0123  0.02 ;
b w d 30  40

νmin = 0.035k3 2 fck = νmin = 0.035  1.713 2 30 = 0.429

 (
 100  0.012  30 1/3 + 0
( ) )

VRd,c = max 0.3  0.40 = 0.081MN  VRd,c = 0.081MN VEd = 0.209MN
0.429  0.3  0.40 = 0.052MN

Therefore shear reinforcement is required.

Check whether the section strength is adequate, VEd VRd,max ;

cot  + cot   f   30 
VRd ,max =  cw.bw .z. 1 f cd 2
; z = 0.9d ;  1 = 0.6  1 − ck  = 0.6  1 −  = 0.528
1 + cot   250   250 
cw = 1 for nonprestressed structures.
Application-2 with inclination θ = 30 .5 of the struts α = 90 ( ) (continued)
Straight transverse reinforcements ( α = 90 ) and we consider ( θ  30 .5 )

 cw.bw .z. 1 fcd 1  0.3  0.9  0.40  0.528  20

VRd,max = = = 0.499MN VEd = 0.209MN O.K.
tan + cot  tan 30 .5 + cot 30 .5
Shear reinforcement :
A sw A VEd 0.209 1
VEd  zf ywd cotθ  sw  =  102 = cm2 cm
s s 0.9d f ywd cotθ 0.9  0.40  435  1.7 12.73

Maximales :
Asw f ywd 1 A  1
  1 fcd   sw    1bw fcd
bw s 2  s max 2 f ywd

 Asw  1 0.5  0.528  0.30  20 1

 s    1bw fcd =  10 2 = cm 2 cm
 max 2 f ywd 435 2.75

Asw 1  Asw  1
= cm 2 cm  s  = cm2 cm O.K.
s 12.73  max 2.75
The minimum section of the transverse reinforcements prevailing over the length s is min :

Asw 0.08 fck A  0.08 fck bw 0.08  30  0.30 1

min = =   sw  = =  10 2 = cm 2 cm
bw .s f yk  s min f yk 500 38

Asw 1  Asw  1
= cm 2 cm  s  = cm 2 cm
s 12.73  min 38

A sw 1
The standard method θ = 45  ) s
cm2 cm

A sw 1
The inclination angle method θ = 35 .5  ) s
cm2 cm

Savings in shear reinforcement can be made by using the variable truss angle method.
The results of the shear force study on the ACI 318 and EC2 codes, lead to the following

• For a certain percentage of steel, the shear stress in the ACI is lower than that of the
EC2, which means that the EC2 requires more shear reinforcements ;
• The links spacing in ACI is greater then that of EC2, wich means that the ACI leads to
a lot of savings compared to the EC2 in common cases ;
• For current values of the ratio Q P and in common cases, the ACI permits higher
shears to be carried by sections than does the EC2 . which means that the ACI requires
transverse reinforcements for loads greater than those of EC2 ;
• The EC2 requires higher amounts of minimum reinforcement than ACI;
• ( )
With a value of θ close to the limit of 21.8 cot21.8 = 2.5 we start by very large
spacings for the shear reinforcements ;So, we advise to take an average value of

( )
cotθ = 1.7 θ = 30 .5 . We can consider a different value if the result is not considered

satisfactory ;
• In the applications above, we noticed that the amounts of shear steel required by the
EC2 (standard method with θ = 45 ) is greater than the EC2 (variable strut), while the
result of the ACI is very close to variable strut method.

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