Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson
Opening Prayer:
1. MEMORY VERSE: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1
It is very important for Believers to know that Behind every doctrine, there is a “spirit”; if it’s true
Doctrine, the Holy Spirit; if it’s false doctrine, evil/demonic spirits.
“To try the spirits whether they are of God” The criteria for this is, “is it scriptural??”
“Many false prophets are gone out into the world”. (they continue even until this hour).
Apostle John warned against believing every spirit; that is, we are never to assume every spiritual
experience or every demonstration of spiritual power is from God. We must test spiritual
experiences and spiritual phenomenon to see if they are in fact from God.
Believers are to have a healthy skepticism regarding any teaching, Christians are to be like the
Bereans who, as students of the Word, examined the Scriptures to determine truth and error (Acts
This is the responsibility of every Believer, according to 1 Thessalonians 5:21 (Test all things; hold
fast what is good), testing the spirits is the work of the body of Christ. This is to be done using the
gifts of discernment God has given to Christians.
There has never been a time in history when there were more strange doctrines being taught than
right now. It is the obligation of believers to determine for themselves, whether the message
being taught is of God or not, and the only way for us to be qualified to judge the message is to
know the Bible. We must search the Scriptures diligently to know the truth. The devil is a
counterfeit. The false messages being brought forth are very close to truth. They just change a
word here and there, and change the meaning.
There is a spirit behind most actions that people take. There are different spirits but there is one
Holy Spirit. In Matthew 10:1, we are told of unclean spirits. 1 Timothy 4:1 talks of seducing spirits.
In 1 Kings 22:23, we are told of lying spirits. 1 John 4:6 talks of the spirit of error and 1 John 4:3
mentions the spirit of antichrist.
Can we mention other spirits wit scriptural backing????
Spirit of fear, 2 Timothy 1:7, Spirit of Divination - Acts 16:16-18, Familiar Spirit 1 Chronicles 10:13,
Spirit of Jealousy Proverbs 6:34, Perverse Spirit Isaiah 19:14, Spirit of Haughtiness Daniel 5:20,
Spirit of Heaviness Psalms 69:20, Spirit of Infirmity Luke 13:11, Deaf and Dumb Spirit Matthew
9:32,33, etc. etc. etc.
A believer can only know which spirits is in operation only by the gift of discerning of spirits.
The Almighty God through Apostle John gave two directives to believers:
Not to believe every spirit 1 John 4:1: Apostle John warned against believing every spirit;
that is, we are never to assume every spiritual experience or every demonstration of
spiritual power is from God. He reminds believers that behind human teachers who
propagate false doctrine and error are demons inspired by Satan. Human false prophets
and teachers are the physical expressions of demonic, spiritual sources (Matt. 7:15; Mark
We must test spiritual experiences and spiritual phenomenon to see if they are in fact
from God. Many, when first encountering the reality of the spiritual world, are too
impressed and amazed to ask whether they are of God. This leads to easy deception.
Try the spirit 1 John 4:1: “Try” or test is a term used for analyzing metals to determine
their purity and value. Thus, Christians must test any teaching with a view to approving or
disapproving it rigorously comparing any teaching to the Scripture.
i. Why must believers not believe every spirit??? (contributions from class)
Not all spirit is of God, as there is only one Holy Spirit.
So as not to be easily deceived or mislead.
Not every spiritual experience is from God.
Not every spiritual demonstration of spiritual power is from God. Recall: 2 Cor. 11: 14-15
ii. How can a believer try the spirit(s). (contributions from class)
Test any teaching with a view to approving or disapproving it rigorously, comparing any
teaching to the scriptures.
i. To receive a clear, in-depth and prolonged insight into the realm of the spirit. E.g. John on
the island of Patmos. Rev. 1:10-20
ii. To know in advance the coming judgement. E.g. God revealed unto Abraham the
judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah Gen 18: 17-22: The secret of the Lord is with them
who fear Him.
iii. To assure God’s people of His presence with them at the time of grave danger. 1 Kings
6:14-17, Acts 27:21-24
iv. To spot doctrinal forgeries that have plagued the church Eph. 4:14: Talks about Proper
Spiritual Growth.
v. To expose the motive and spirit behind people’s action. Acts 16: 16-18: speaks of a girl
being demon possessed.
NOTE: kindly refer to the bible for the above quoted scriptures for expository and
8. SUMMARY: we need the gift of the discerning of spirits more than ever before, now in the
9. CONCLUSION: the manifestation of the spiritual gift of discerning of spirit will bring
abundant profit in the spiritual realms to the church; May it also bring abundant profit in
every facets of our lives in Jesus Name. Amen.
10. EVALUATION: What are the benefits of the gift of discerning of discerning of spirit??
11. CLOSING PRAYER: Father, please fill our churches with the gift of discerning of spirits.