A Case Study of Shear Wall To Analyse Effectiveness of Shear Wall

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The scope is to analyse the constructed shear walls and comparison of Controlling
lateral drift of structure with and without shear walls. Shear wall is placed at different
locations are implemented into known computer software and then it is analysed.
Effectiveness of shear wall at different locations will be analysed.

 To model and analyse Multi-story building
 To compare the results of Base shear, Story displacement, Story drift of building
without developing the shear wall.
 Find the effective position of the Shear wall in a building on the basis of storey
displacement under lateral loading.

Reddy and Kumari (2019)12: Analyzed a high rise building of G+20 storeys, is
considered for the analysis by using finite element software ETABS resting in
seismic Zone III through response spectrum analysis. Earthquake analysis is done
as per IS 1893 (2002) using three models without shear wall, with shear wall and
shear wall with opening.
Kodappana and Dilip (2017)9: Analyzed (G+15) storeyed building with regular and
staggered openings in shear walls at corners and periphery with irregular plan
shapes “L”, “T” and “I” in seismic Zone V using structural software ETABS (V-15).
The structure considered has plan area 50X50m with 10 bays in X and Y direction of
5m each. The parameters such as storey drift, storey displacement, story shear and
stress distribution were considered in this study. Response spectrum method is
used for dynamic analysis as per IS 1893 (2002)
Aarthi and Senthil (2015)8: In this study seven storeyed building was modelled and
meshing was done in order to increase the accuracy of results. The model was
analyzed using Finite Element software ETABS (v-13) with shear wall having vertical
and staggered openings by considering Zone II. Load combinations and earthquake
load was calculated as per IS 1893 (2002) and response spectrum method was
used for seismic analysis. The design was done as per IS 456 (2000) and detailing
according to IS 13920 (1993). The building was analysed for time period, story
displacement, story drift, story shear and stress distribution.
1. Modelling and analysis of multi-storeyed building without and with shear wall
in E-tabs at centre and corners & other locations.
2. Checking the response of the structure under different load combinations.
3. Comparison of results and graph of all models for the parameters storey
displacement, storey drift, Storey stiffness, base shear.
4. Placing shear wall in different locations and finding Optimum location of shear
wall for the proposed building.

Load combination




Different Models
Model-1: Structure without shear wall
Model-2: Structure with shear wall at L-type shear walls
Model-3: Structure with shear wall along periphery walls
Model-4: Structure with shear wall along inner walls
Model-5: Structure with cross type shear walls

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