Statement of Marks MTH Qualifying Examination: (Web Copy)
Statement of Marks MTH Qualifying Examination: (Web Copy)
Statement of Marks MTH Qualifying Examination: (Web Copy)
Student ID : MTQ134
Roll No : 50046
Year : 2020
Medium : ENGLISH
Sl.No Paper Code Paper Name Ex. IA. Total
1 BRS04 Hindu Religious Tradition 35 30 65*
2 BRS61 Sanskrit 30 30 60
1. Regular Senate Paper Examination is out of 60 marks (minimum pass marks is 24), Oral Examination is 20 marks & Class Assessment is
20 marks (combined 40 marks & minimum pass marks is 16).
2. Re-sit/Referred Senate Paper Examination is 80 marks (minimum pass marks is 32) & Oral Examination is 20 marks ((minimum pass
marks is 8).
3. Regular College Paper Examination is out of 60 marks (minimum pass marks is 40) & Internal Assessment is 40 marks (minimum pass
marks is 16).
4. Re-sit/Referred College Paper Examination is 100 marks (minimum pass marks is 40).
5. Kindly note in the case of Senate and College regular and re-sit papers, a student has to separately pass both the Examination (Ex.), Class
Attendance, Oral Examination (combined) and Internal Assessment, wherever it is applicable.
6. In the Result Sheet & Semester Marks Sheet, Senate Paper marks will be displayed under Ex-Examination (average of I & II Examiner
marks), IA (Internal Assessment-Combined marks of Oral Examination & Class Assessment) & Total.
7. In the Transcript of Records, Senate Paper marks will be displayed under Examination (Ex.) and Total column, as per the
existing format.
8. Those who failed in Advanced Greek and Hebrew, i.e., BBN02 & BBO12 are not eligible to do exegetical papers in any
course year.
9. AB-Absent, RW-Result Withheld, PC-Paper Cancelled, REV-Revised, RA-Result Awaited
10. The results published online are for immediate information to the examinees. These cannot be treated as original
results or mark sheets. The Senate of Serampore College (University) reserves the right to make any changes in the
results without notice.