Benefits Management Strategy
Benefits Management Strategy
Benefits Management Strategy
The layout would be more of a report style, but for the purposes of this course, I have used a table format and provided a
short description for each heading to help you understand the type of information that would be recorded.
Description of high-level benefits (types/ • For this project, our aim is to increase our
categories) expected by the project revenues and increase the customer base, so
primarily we are looking for financial benefits.
• We are also striving to reduce our overheads
by reducing waste, an efficiency benefit, and
introducing new technology.
• We are also aiming for reputational benefits as a
secondary focus.
Any high-level specific methods that must be used • Comparison of current customer numbers for
each store against customer numbers after years
1 and 2.
• Measure current levels of waste per store against
waste levels at end of year 1 and 2.
Tools, systems, and sources of information used • A benefits register will be created in Excel to
to enable measurement capture relevant information for each benefit.
• A benefits Realisation plan will be created to show
when each benefit is forecast to be achieved and
will be updated during and after the project with
actual benefit Realisation information.
• Financial information from each store will be
analysed to provide information for the benefit
reviews and update of benefits achievement in
the plan.
Reporting and information flows • Reports will be provided from the project at the
end of each increment to confirm any benefits
Frequency and format of meetings and reporting realised.
• Reviews will be carried out at the end of each
increment as a minimum.
Process to managing threats to benefits • The project will use the standard corporate
realisation, leveraging emergent benefits, and approach to managing and mitigating risks.
mitigating disbenefits • We will use the scout and beacon approach to
How risks to benefit achievement will be managed, spotting any emergent benefits.
how emergent benefits will be identified, and how • Disbenefits will be monitored closely by risk
disbenefits will be managed owners to ensure that they do not exceed
any benefits.