Bibme'S Free Apa Format Guide & Generator

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BibMe’s Free APA Format Guide &

What is APA?
APA stands for the American Psychological Association, which is an organization
that focuses on psychology. They are responsible for creating this specific
citation style. The APA is not associated with this guide, but all of the information
here provides guidance to using their style.

What is APA Citing?

This citation style is used by many scholars and researchers in the behavioral
and social sciences, not just psychology. There are other citation formats and
styles such as MLA and Chicago, but this one is most popular in the science
Following the same standard format for citations allows readers to understand
the types of sources used in a project and also understand their components.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is currently in
its 6th edition. It outlines proper ways to organize and structure a research paper,
explains grammar guidelines, and how to properly cite sources. This webpage,
created solely by BibMe to help students and researchers, focuses on how to
create APA citations*. For more information, please consult the
official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed.).
We cite sources for many reasons. One reason is to give credit to the authors of
the work you used to help you with your own research. When you use another
person’s information to help you with your project, it is important to acknowledge
that individual or group. This is one way to prevent plagiarism. Another reason
why we create citations is to provide a standard way for others to understand and
possibly explore the sources we used. To learn more about citations, check out
this page on crediting work. Also, read up on how to be careful of plagiarism.

What does it look like?

There are two types of citations. In-text citations are found in the body of the
project and are used when adding a direct quote or paraphrase into your work.
Reference citations are found in the reference list, which is at the end of the
assignment and includes the full citations of all sources used in a project.
Depending on the types of sources you used for your project, the structure for
each citation may look different. There is a certain format, or structure, for books,
a different one for journal articles, a different one for websites, and so on. Scroll
down to find the appropriate citation structure for your sources.
Even though the structure varies across different sources, see below for a full
explanation of in-text citations and reference citations.
To learn more about APA referencing, including the American Psychological
Association's blog, formatting questions, & referencing explanations, click on this
link for further reading on the style. To learn more about BibMe, see the section
below titled, “Using BibMe to Create Citations for your Reference List or APA

Citing Basics
In-Text Citations Overview:
When using a direct quote or paraphrasing information from a source, include an
in-text citation in the body of your project, immediately following it.
In-text citations may look something like this:
"Direct quote" or paraphrase (Author’s last name, Year, page number).
See the section below titled, “In-Text or Parenthetical Citations,” for a full
explanation and instructions.

Full Citations Overview

Each source used to help with the gathering of information for your project is
listed as a full citation in the reference list, which is usually the last part of a
The structure for each citation is based on the type of source used. Scroll down
to see examples of some common source formats.
Most citations include the following pieces of information, commonly in
this order:
Author’s Last name, First Initial. Middle initial. (Date published). Title of source.
Retrieved from URL
To determine the exact format for your full citations, scroll down to the section
titled, “Common Examples.”
If you’re looking for an easy way to create your citations, use BibMe’s free APA
citation machine, which automatically formats your citations quickly and easily.

Citation Components
How to Structure Authors
Authors are displayed in reverse order: Last name, First initial. Middle initial. End
this information with a period.
Kirschenbaum, M. A.
In an APA citation, include all authors shown on a source. If using BibMe’s APA
citation builder, click “Add another contributor” to add additional author names.
Our free citation creator will format the authors in the order in which you add
If your reference list has multiple authors with the same last name and initials,
include their first name in brackets.
Brooks, G. [Geraldine]. (2005). March. New York, NY: Viking.
Brooks, G. [Gwendolyn]. (1949). Annie Allen. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers.
When no author is listed, exclude the author information and start the citation
with the title followed by the year in parentheses.
When citing an entire edited book, place the names of editors in the author
position and follow it with Ed. or Eds. in parentheses. See below for examples of
citing edited books in their entirety and also chapters in edited books.

How to Structure Publication Dates:

Place the date that the source was published in parentheses after the name of
the author. For periodicals, include the month and day as well. If no date is
available, place n.d. in parentheses, which stands for no date.

How to Structure the Title:

For book titles: Only capitalize the first letter of the first word in the title and the
same for the subtitle. Capitalize the first letter for any proper nouns as well. Place
this information in italics. End it with a period.
Gone with the wind.
For articles and chapter titles: Only capitalize the first letter of the first word in the
title and the same for the subtitle. Capitalize the first letter for any proper nouns
as well. Do not italicize the title or place it in quotation marks. End it with a
The correlation between school libraries and test scores: A complete overview.
For magazine, journal, and newspaper titles: Write the title in capitalization form,
with each important word starting with a capital letter.
The Boston Globe
If you believe that it will help the reader to understand the type of source, such as
a brochure, lecture notes, or an audio podcast, place a description in brackets
directly after the title. Only capitalize the first letter.
New World Punx. (2014, February 15). A state of trance 650 [Audio file]. Retrieved
How to Structure Publication Information
For books and sources that are not periodicals, give the city and state (or city
and country if outside of the U.S.) for the place of publication. Abbreviate the
state name using the two-letter abbreviation. Place a colon after the location.
Philadelphia, PA:
Rotterdam, Netherlands:
For journals, magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals, place the volume
number after the title. Italicize this information. Place the issue number in
parentheses and do not italicize it. Afterwards, include page numbers.
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 57(1), 79-82.
If you’re citing a newspaper article, include p. or pp. before the page numbers.

How to Structure the Publisher:

The names of publishers are not necessary to include for newspapers,
magazines, journals, and other periodicals.
For books and other sources: It is not necessary to type out the name of the
publisher exactly as it is shown on the source. Use a brief, but understandable
form of the publisher’s name. Exclude the terms publishers, company, and
incorporated. Include Books and Press if it is part of the publisher’s name. End
this information with a period.
Little Brown and Company would be placed in the citation as: Little Brown.
Oxford University Press would be placed in the citation as: Oxford University

How to Structure Online sources

For sources found online:

 include the URL at the end of the citation

 format it as: Retrieved from URL
 do not place a period after the URL

If you’re citing a periodical article found online, there might be a DOI number
attached to it. This stands for Direct Object Identifier. A DOI, or digital object
identifier, is a unique string of numbers and letters assigned by a registration
agency. The DOI is used to identify and provide a permanent link to its location
on the internet. The DOI is assigned when an article is published and made
electronically. If your article does indeed have a DOI number, use this instead of
the URL as the DOI number is static and never changes. If the source you’re
citing has a DOI number, after the publication information add a period and then The x’s indicate where you should put the DOI
number. Do not place a period after the DOI number. If you’re using BibMe’s
automatic APA reference generator, you will see an area to type in the DOI
Lobo, F. (2017, February 23). Sony just launched the world’s fastest SD card.
Retrieved from
Chadwell, F.A., Fisher, D.M. (2016). Creating open textbooks: A unique partnership
between Oregon State University libraries and press and Open Oregon
State. Open Praxis, 8(2), 123-130.

Citations and Examples

Citations for Print Books
Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of book. Location of publisher:
Finney, J. (1970). Time and again. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Looking for an APA formatter? Don’t forget that BibMe’s APA citation generator
creates citations quickly and easily.
Notes: When citing a book, keep in mind:

 Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the title and any subtitles, as well as the first letter
of any proper nouns.
 The full title of the book, including any subtitles, should be stated and italicized.

Citing an E-book from an E-reader

E-book is short for “electronic book.” It is a digital version of a book that can be
read on a computer, e-reader (Kindle, Nook, etc.), or other electronic devices.
Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of work [E-reader version]. or Retrieved from URL is used when a source has a DOI number. If the
e-book you’re citing has a DOI number, use it in the citation. DOIs are preferred
over URLs.
Eggers, D. (2008). The circle [Kindle version]. Retrieved from

Citing an E-book found in a Database and

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of work [E-reader version]. OR Retrieved from URL
When citing an online book or e-book, keep in mind:
 A DOI (digital object identifier) is an assigned number that helps link content to its location on
the Internet. It is therefore important, if one is provided, to use it when creating a citation. In
place of the x’s in the doi format, place the 10 digit DOI number.
 Notice that for e-books, publication information is excluded from the citation.

Sayre, R. K., Devercelli, A. E., Neuman, M. J., & Wodon, Q. (2015). Investment in
early childhood development: Review of the world bank’s recent experience.

Citations for Chapters in Edited Books

Chapter author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of chapter. In F. M. Last
name of Editor (Ed.), Title of book (p. x or pp. x-x). Location: Publisher. or Retrieved from URL
Longacre, W. A., & Ayres, J. E. (1968). Archeological lessons from an Apache
wickiup. In S. R. Binford & L. R. Binford (Eds.), Archeology in cultural
systems (pp. 151-160). Retrieved from

Citations for Edited Books

Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year published). Title of edited book. Location: Publisher.
Gupta, R. (Ed.). (2003). Remote sensing geology. Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Citations for Websites

Citing a general website article with an author:
Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Month Day published). Title of article or page.
Retrieved from URL
Simmons, B. (2015, January 9). The tale of two Flaccos. Retrieved from
Citing a general website article without an author:
Article title. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Retrieved from URL
Teen posed as doctor at West Palm Beach hospital: Police. (2015, January 16).
Retrieved from

Citations for Journal Articles found in Print:

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Article title. Periodical Title,
Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
Nevin, A. (1990). The changing of teacher education special education. Teacher
Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division
of the Council for Exceptional Children, 13(3-4), 147-148.

Citations for Journal Articles found Online

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume
number(issue number), page range. OR
Retrieved from URL
Spreer, P., & Rauschnabel, P. A. (2016). Selling with technology: Understanding the
resistance to mobile sales assistant use in retailing. Journal of Personal Selling &
Sales Management, 36(3), 240-263.
Notes: When creating your online journal article citation, keep in mind:

 This citation style does NOT require you to include the date of access/retrieval date or
database information for electronic sources.
 You can use the URL of the journal homepage if there is no DOI assigned and the reference
was retrieved online.
 A DOI (digital object identifier) is an assigned number that helps link content to its location on
the Internet. It is therefore important, if one is provided, to use it when creating a citation. All
DOI numbers begin with a 10 and are separated by a slash. Don’t forget, BibMe’s free APA
generator, which is an APA citation maker, is simple to use!

Citations for a Newspaper Article in Print

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Month Day of Publication). Article title. Newspaper
Title, pp. xx-xx.
Rosenberg, G. (1997, March 31). Electronic discovery proves an effective legal
weapon. The New York Times, p. D5.
Notes: When creating your newspaper citation, keep in mind:

 Begin page numbers with p. (for a single page) or pp. (for multiple pages).
 Even if the article appears on non-consecutive pages, include all page numbers, and use a
comma to separate them. Example: pp. C2, C5, C7-C9.

Citations for Newspapers found Online

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Month Day of Publication). Title of article. Title of
Newspaper.Retrieved from URL of newspaper’s homepage
Rosenberg, G. (1997, March 31). Electronic discovery proves an effective legal
weapon. The New York Times, Retrieved from
Notes: When citing a newspaper, keep in mind:

 This style does NOT require you to include the date of access for electronic sources. If you
discovered a newspaper article via an online database, that information is NOT required for
the citation either.
 Multiple lines: If the URL runs onto a second line, only break URL before punctuation (except
for http://).

Citations for Magazines

Citing a magazine article in print:
Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Month of publication). Article title. Magazine Title,
Volume(Issue), page range.
Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or should they go? Time, 167(15), 3-40.
Notes: When citing a magazine, keep in mind:

 You can find the volume number with the other publication information of the magazine.
 You can typically find page numbers at the bottom corners of a magazine article.
 If you cannot locate an issue number, simply don’t include it in the citation.

Citing a magazine article found online:

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Month of publication). Article title. Magazine Title,
Volume(Issue). Retrieved from URL
Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or should they go? Time, 167(15).
Retrieved from,9171,1179361,00.html
Notes: When creating an online magazine citation, keep in mind:
*The volume and issue number aren’t always on the same page as the article.
Check out the other parts of the website before leaving it out of the citation.

Citations for Films

Producer’s Last name, F. M. (Producer), & Director’s Last name, F. M. (Director).
(Release Year). Title of motion picture [Motion picture]. Country of Origin: Studio.
Bender, L. (Producer), & Tarantino, Q. (Director). (1994). Pulp fiction [Motion
picture]. United States: Miramax.

Citations for Films & Videos from YouTube

Person who posted the video’s Last name, F. M. [User name]. (Year, Month Day of
posting). Title of YouTube video [Video file]. Retrieved from URL
If the name of the individual who posted the YouTube video is not available,
begin the citation with the user name and do not place this information in
Smith, R. [Rick Smith] (2013, September 20). Favre to Moss! [Video file]. Retrieved

Citations for Photographs

Citing a photograph found in a publication or museum:
Photographer’s Last name, F. M. (Photographer). (Year, Month Day of
Publication). Title of photograph [Photograph]. City, State of Publication or
Museum: Publisher/Museum.
Roege, W. J. (Photographer). (1938). St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Fifth Avenue from
50th St to 51st Street [Photograph]. New York, NY: New York Historical Society.
Citing a photograph retrieved online:
Photographer, A. (Photographer). (Year, Month Day of Publication). Title of
photograph [Digital image]. Retrieved from URL
Ferraro, A. (Photographer). (2014, April 28). Liberty enlightening the world [Digital
image]. Retrieved from

Citations for TV/Radio Broadcasts

Writer, F. M. (Writer), & Director, F. M. (Director). (Year of Airing). Episode title
[Television series episode]. In F. M. Executive Producer’s Last name (Executive
Producer), TV series name. City, State of original channel: Channel.
Kand, K. (Writer), & Fryman, P. (Director). (2006). Slap bet [Television series
episode]. In C. Bays (Executive Producer), How I met your mother, Los Angeles,
TV/Radio Broadcasts found Online:
Writer, F. M. (Writer), & Director, F. M. (Director). (Year of Airing). Episode title
[Television series episode]. In F. M. Executive Producer’s Last name (Executive
Producer), TV series name. Retrieved from URL
Kand, K. (Writer), & Fryman, P. (Director). (2006). Slap bet [Television series
episode]. In C. Bays (Executive Producer), How I met your mother. Retrieved
Note: When citing a TV show or episode, keep in mind:
*IMDB is a great resource for finding the information needed for your citation
(Director, Writer, Executive Producer, etc.) This information can also be found in
the opening and closing credits of the show.

Citations for Interviews:

A personal interview should NOT be included in a reference list. They are not
considered recoverable data (they cannot be found by a researcher). You should
reference personal interviews as in-text citations instead.
(J. Doe, personal communication, December 12, 2004)

Citations for Encyclopedia Entries

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Publication Year). Entry title. In F. M. Last name of
Editor (Ed.), Title of encyclopedia (pp. xx-xx). City, State abbreviation or Country:
Kammen, C., & Wilson, A. H. (2012). Monuments. Encyclopedia of local history. (pp.
363-364). Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.

How to Reference a Lecture

This style of reference would be used if you were citing a set of notes from a
lecture (e.g. PowerPoint or Google slides provided by your instructor).
Citing online lecture notes or presentation slides:
Author’s Last name, F. M. (Publication year). Name or title of lecture [Lectures notes
or PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from URL
Saito, T. (2012). Technology and me: A personal timeline of educational
technology [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from
Tip: If you want to cite information from your own personal notes from a lecture,
this is considered personal communication. It is considered personal
communication since the lecture notes may not be available online for others
outside of the class to access. Refer to it only in the body of your essay or
project. You can follow the style guide for personal communication available in
the Interview section.

In-Text and Parenthetical Citations

What is an In-Text Citation or Parenthetical
The purpose of in-text and parenthetical citations is to give the reader a brief idea
as to where you found your information, while they’re in the middle of reading or
viewing your project. You may include direct quotes in the body of your project,
which are word-for-word quotes from another source. Or, you may include a
piece of information that you paraphrased in your own words. These are called
parenthetical citations. Both direct quotes and paraphrased information include
an in-text citation directly following it. You also need to include the full citation for
the source in the reference list, which is usually the last item in a project.

In-Text Citations for Direct Quotes

The in-text citation is found immediately following the direct quote. It should
include the page number or section information to help the reader locate the
quote themselves.
Buck needed to adjust rather quickly upon his arrival in Canada. He states, “no
lazy, sun-kissed life was this, with nothing to do but loaf and be bored. Here was
neither peace, nor rest, nor a moment’s safety” (London, 1903, p. 25).

In-Text Citations for Paraphrased Information:

When taking an idea from another source and placing it in your own words, it is
not necessary to include the page number, but you can add it if the source is
large and you want to direct readers right to the information.
At the time, papyrus was used to create paper, but it was only grown and
available in mass quantities in Egypt. This posed a problem for the Greeks and
Romans, but they managed to have it exported to their civilizations. Papyrus thus
remained the material of choice for paper creation (Casson, 2001).

How to Format In-Text and Parenthetical

After a direct quote or paraphrase, place in parentheses the last name of the
author, add a comma, and then the year the source was published. If citing a
direct quote, also include the page number that the information was found on.
Close the parentheses and add a period afterwards.
If the author’s name is included in the text of your project, omit their name from
the in-text citation and only include the other identifying pieces of information.
Smith states that, “the Museum Effect is concerned with how individuals look at a
work of art, but only in the context of looking at that work along with a number of
other works” (2014, p. 82).
If your source has two authors, always include both names in each in-text
If your source has three, four, or five authors, include all names in the first in-text
citation along with the date. In the following in-text citations, only include the first
author’s name and follow it with et al.
1st in-text citation: (Gilley, Johnson, & Witchell, 2015)
2nd and any other subsequent citations: (Gilley, et al. 2015)
If your source has six or more authors, only include the first author’s name in the
first citation and follow it with et al. Include the year the source was published
and the page numbers (if it is a direct quote).
1st in-text citation: (Jasper, et al., 2017)
2nd and any other subsequent citations: (Jasper, et al., 2017)
If your source was written by a company, organization, government agency, or
other type of group, include the group’s name in full in the first in text citation. In
any in-text citations following it, it is acceptable to shorten the group name to
something that is simple and understandable.
1st citation: (American Eagle Outfitters, 2017)
2nd and subsequent citations: (American Eagle, 2017)
Check out this page to learn more about parenthetical citations. Also, BibMe
creates your parenthetical citations quickly and easily. Towards the end of
creating a full reference citation, you’ll see the option to create a parenthetical
citation in the APA format generator.

Your Reference List

The listing of all sources used in your project are found in the reference list,
which is usually the last page or part of a project. Included in this reference list
are all of the sources you used to gather research and other information.
It is not necessary to include personal communications in the reference list, such
as personal emails or letters. These specific sources only need in-text citations,
which are found in the body of your project.
All citations, or references, are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last
If you have two sources by the same author, place them in order by the year of
Thompson, H. S. (1971). Fear and loathing in Las Vegas: A savage journey to the
heart of the American dream. New York, NY: Random House.
Thompson, H. S. (1998). The rum diary. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
If there are multiple sources with the same author AND same publication date,
place them in alphabetical order by the title.
Dr. Seuss. (1958). The cat in the hat comes back. New York, NY: Random House.
Dr. Seuss. (1958). Yertle the turtle. New York, NY: Random House.
If a source does not have an author, place the source in alphabetical order by the
first main word of the title.
Need help creating the citations in your APA reference list? BibMe creates your
citations by entering a keyword, URL, title, or other identifying information.

How to Format Your Paper in APA:

Need to create APA format papers? Follow these guidelines:
In an APA style paper, the font used throughout your document should be in
Times New Roman, 12 point font size. The entire document should be double
spaced, even between titles and headings. Margins should be 1 inch around the
entire document and indent every new paragraph using the tab button on your
Place the pages in the following order:

1. Title page (An APA format title page should include a title, running head, author line,
institution line, and author’s note). (Page 1)
2. Abstract page (page 2)
3. Text or body of research paper (start on page 3)
4. Reference List
5. Page for tables (if necessary)
6. Page for figures (if necessary)
7. Appendices page (if necessary)

Page numbers: The title page counts as page 1. Number the pages afterwards
using Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4…).
What is a running head?
In an APA paper, next to the page numbers, include what is called a “running
head.” The running head is a simplified version of the title of your paper. Place
the running head in the top left corner of your project and place it in capital
On the title page only, include the phrase: Running head
Title page example:


For the rest of the paper or project, do not use the term, Running head.
Example of subsequent pages:


Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and many other word processing programs allow
you to set up page numbers and a repeated running head. Use these tools to
make this addition easier for you!
If you’re looking for an APA sample paper, check out the other resources found
on BibMe.

Using BibMe to Create Citations for your

Reference List or Bibliography
Looking to cite your sources quickly and easily? BibMe can help you generate
your citations; simply enter a title, ISBN, URL, or other identifying information.
See more across the site here and if you’d like to cite your sources in MLA
format, check out BibMe’s MLA page. Other citation styles are available as well.
Background Information and History of
The American Psychological Association was founded in 1892 at Clark
University, in Worcester, Massachusetts. APA style format was developed in
1929 by scholars from a number of different scientific fields and backgrounds.
Their overall goal was to develop a standard way to document scientific writing
and research.
Since its inception, the Style Manual has been updated numerous times and it is
now in its 6th edition. The 6th edition was released in 2010. In 2012, APA
published an addition to their 6th edition manual, which was a guide for creating
citations for electronic resources.
Today, there are close to 118,000 members. There is an annual convention,
numerous databases, and journal publications. Some of their more popular
resources include the database, PsycINFO, and the publications, Journal of
Applied Psychology and Health Psychology.
*Disclaimer: The American Psychological Association was not involved in the
making of this guide.

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