Better Control Gives You An Edge: Controledge PLC

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Honeywell’s PLC is part of the ControlEdge™ family, a next-generation
family of controllers providing unprecedented connectivity through
all levels of process and business operations. The result is optimized
operations and maintenance efficiencies that liberate personnel from
manual processes. ControlEdge PLC is one of our first controllers
supporting Honeywell’s IIoT-ready initiative.

ControlEdge PLC dramatically reduces HOW IS CONTROLEDGE PLC command function blocks in the PLC
configuration, integration, and support DIFFERENT? support improved plant operation and
costs while decreasing risk with the best Experion Integration device diagnostics, along with reduced
cybersecurity on the market. Honeywell Honeywell can serve as your single commissioning and installation cost.
is the first to provide a complete vendor for all automation needs, Operator effectiveness is increased
ecosystem including PLC, SCADA, including the DCS, PLC, SCADA, Field with a common HMI across system
and DCS together. Combined with Device Manager for asset management, applications. An integrated solution
Experion®, ControlEdge PLC minimizes and a Panel PC - all with seamless provides pre-built diagnostics, an
downtime through unified support, and integration, configuration, and support. integrated alarm summary, and history,
lowers total cost of ownership through Coordination is easier with fewer teams trending and reporting on a single
extended system lifecycle and the best and direct access to system knowledge, Experion infrastructure with native
investment protection on the market. and auto-configuration of PLC data peer-to-peer integration to Experion
Experion and ControlEdge PLC leverage points in Experion Server means easy Controllers. Results are fewer operator
a common HMI platform, provide updates and faster project deployment. and engineering stations, less hardware
faster field device commissioning, and A single point of responsibility and wiring, reduced IT licensing and
improve device diagnostics. reduces both risk and cost with fewer training, fewer errors, and increased
Built-in OPC UA, EtherNet/IP, DNP3, coordination errors, less engineering, efficiency and availability. You benefit
Profinet protocol and cybersecurity faster installation, less training and from reduced cost over the lifecycle
provide smooth integration to a range of reduced hardware. with smaller footprint and easier
instruments, equipment and software Field Device Manager (FDM) provides maintenance. The Experion PPC (Panel
from multiple vendors. The first PLC fast and accurate commissioning of PC), provides a touch user interface
to offer HART-enabled Universal I/O field devices and simplified diagnostics, and consistent HMI for an operator
offers remote configuration, late design resulting in fewer site trips. Combining either in the field or in the control room.
change flexibility, and simulation for FDM with the HART IP open standard Consistent interface alarms, trends,
improved project implementation and offers design flexibility and protection diagnostics and history results in better
training. of existing site investments. HART response and plant uptime.
Open communications protocol
Leaner control room Improved project schedule, cost, risk Industrial cybersecurity so
Smooth device integration managed services
Remote configuration
Reduced lifecycle maintenance Easy configuration


Standardization of solution
Security built into PLC and Experion
Open communications protocol Equipment integration
Smooth device integrationPreserve safety and availability Upgrades
Leaner control room Spares reduction
Industrial cybersecurity solutions and
Easy configuration Migrations
Experion Integration Reduced
Universal I/O -
lifecycle Less
maintenance UA, Ethernet/IP, Fully Integrated managed services
Lifecycle Investment
Lean Project Execution Profinet, and DNP3 Cybersecurity Protection
- Standardization of Improved project schedule, cost, risk
(with Multimaster)
solution - Spares reduction - Security built-in to - Equipment
- Leaner control room Remote configuration PLC and Experion integration
- Less infrastructure - Open
- Reduced lifecycle communications FULLY INTEGRATED
EDSA - Upgrades
maintenance - Accommodate late protocol Level 2 certification
design changes
Smooth device Security built into PLC ExperionTION Migrations
- Preserve safety
- Improve project integration
Preserve andand
safety availability with
schedule, cost, and managed services Equipment integration
risk - Easy configuration
Spares reduction Industrial cybersecurity solutions and
- Remote
configuration OPC UA PROTOCOL managed services
Less infrastructure Migrations
Improved project schedule, communications
cost, risk protocol

Remote configuration Smooth device integration

Easy configuration
Equipment integration


Open communications protocol
Security built into PLC and Experion
Smooth device integration
Preserve safety and availability
Easy configuration
Industrial cybersecurity solutions and
managed services


Security built into PLC and Experion
Preserve safety and availability
Industrial cybersecurity solutions and
managed services Equipment integration
Lean Project Execution and protocolsUpgrades
offers smooth integration to a applications. With the event buffer
Universal I/O broad range of instruments. Embedded
Migrations feature, DNP3 protocol stores
Honeywell’s lean project execution OPC UA enables interoperable data in a flash or SD card when the
solution provides several enhancements multi-level and multi-platform open communication with SCADA is lost,
to the PLC. communication for flexible and scalable
LIFECYCLE INVESTMENT and the events are received in the
PROTEC TION design, facilitating standardization with SCADA server when the communication
ControlEdge PLC offers a variety
less hardware. An IIoT-ready platform is restored. The ControlEdge PLC
of I/O choices for flexibility andEquipment integration
enables more direct access to cloud- DNP3 multi-master capability allows
reduced system cost. HART-enabled Upgrades based applications for visualization and simultaneous data collection from
Universal I/O means no additional Migrations analytics reducing additional gateway multiple SCADA masters.
costly hardware to support HART.
cost and allowing easier maintenance.
The first PLC to offer Universal I/O ControlEdge PLC supports a library
provides remote configuration and Built-in EtherNet/IP and Profinet of custom function blocks for MDIS
design change flexibility for improved enable integration with a wide range communication.
project implementation and reduced of industrial equipments such as I/O
MDIS combined with ControlEdge
cost and risk. Engineers can quickly modules, drives, devices, and controllers
PLC and Experion Server UA Client
accommodate late configuration supporting these protocols. In addition,
architecture provides a tightly
changes remotely with a simple Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, and User
integrated Experion solution for Subsea
software configuration change. Defined Protocols are also natively
application, reducing engineering costs.
supported. Engineers get a wide range
Built-in Cybersecurity
ControlEdge PLC offers simulation
of design choices, be it for topology,
software to support engineering,
vendor, specifications or connection Our embedded cybersecurity supports
training, and testing without requiring
media, to deliver a solution to fit compliance, reduced risk, and
application requirements. Standard availability. ControlEdge is the first
Built-in Protocols data models for accessing the process PLC to be certified ISASecure EDSA
Built on a proven and capable platform, and device information significantly Level 2. Features include secure boot
ControlEdge PLC provides an IIoT-ready improve information available for to prevent uploading of unauthorized
system that enables users to better controls and diagnostics. software, a built-in firewall to reduce
leverage data across their assets. Use of exposure to denial-of-service attacks
ControlEdge PLC provides full
the OPC UA, Profinet, and EtherNet/IP and message flooding, and a certified
support of DNP3 protocol for remote
secure development lifecycle to ensure Why Choose Honeywell? service package options that work on
security is built-in from the start. PLC Choosing Honeywell provides distinct an annual subscription basis. It covers
communication is protected using support advantages as well as access system updates, upgrades, corrective
IPSec to prevent man-in-the-middle to our broad portfolio. Honeywell helps and preventive maintenance, support
attacks and unauthorized access. customers cost-effectively manage requests, and more.
ControlEdge PLC supports encryption, their control and safety infrastructure
Factory-trained and experienced
easy configuration, and certificate- in the face of constantly evolving
Remote Service engineers provide
based authentication. technology with extended lifecycle
technical support and prompt answers
support, flexible and easy migration
In addition, Honeywell offers world- to questions regarding procedures,
paths, and virtualized upgrade
class Industrial Cybersecurity Solutions documentation, operation, service,
and Managed Services that help protect training, and system enhancements.
the availability, safety and reliability Lifecycle Investment Protection Remote Service also includes a review
of industrial control systems and site Honeywell has continually guarded of operational procedures, software
operations. customer investments by providing analysis, and diagnostic evaluations
easy upgrade paths to the latest when required.
control system technology. Honeywell
continues to evolve and innovate
to bring significant advances in
automation technology, while also
Reducing time for providing a smooth migration path
commissioning and minimizing to today’s technology when the time
troubleshooting allows early is right for you. We have a wealth of
startup. In addition, there is experience in migrating legacy control
reduced unplanned downtime and safety systems, no matter who
associated with the ability to the manufacturer is. We support
remotely diagnose equipment. easy migrations from legacy PLCs
to ControlEdge PLC through our
application migration tool, IO wiring
kits, and connectivity options to legacy

Service and Support

From installation and startup through
system maturity and future expansion,
quality remote and on-site support
ensures the maximum return of
investment in your automation system.
The TotalCare Service program offers
carefully designed service packages
in addition to our standard support
commitment under the Scalable Control
Solutions portfolio. The program
provides TotalCare Lite and Enhanced

For more information

To learn more about Honeywell’s
ControlEdge Family of Controllers, visit or
contact your Honeywell account manager.

Honeywell Process Solutions

2101 CityWest Boulevard, Houston, TX 77042
Honeywell House, Skimped Hill Lane
Bracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB UK
ControlEdge™ is a trademark, and Experion® is a
Building #1, 555 Huanke Road registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
*Other trademarks are the property
Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Industrial Park of their respective owners.
Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201203
BR-16-38-ENG Rev 2 | 12/20 ©2020 Honeywell International Inc.

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