Better Control Gives You An Edge: Controledge PLC
Better Control Gives You An Edge: Controledge PLC
Better Control Gives You An Edge: Controledge PLC
Honeywell’s PLC is part of the ControlEdge™ family, a next-generation
family of controllers providing unprecedented connectivity through
all levels of process and business operations. The result is optimized
operations and maintenance efficiencies that liberate personnel from
manual processes. ControlEdge PLC is one of our first controllers
supporting Honeywell’s IIoT-ready initiative.
ControlEdge PLC dramatically reduces HOW IS CONTROLEDGE PLC command function blocks in the PLC
configuration, integration, and support DIFFERENT? support improved plant operation and
costs while decreasing risk with the best Experion Integration device diagnostics, along with reduced
cybersecurity on the market. Honeywell Honeywell can serve as your single commissioning and installation cost.
is the first to provide a complete vendor for all automation needs, Operator effectiveness is increased
ecosystem including PLC, SCADA, including the DCS, PLC, SCADA, Field with a common HMI across system
and DCS together. Combined with Device Manager for asset management, applications. An integrated solution
Experion®, ControlEdge PLC minimizes and a Panel PC - all with seamless provides pre-built diagnostics, an
downtime through unified support, and integration, configuration, and support. integrated alarm summary, and history,
lowers total cost of ownership through Coordination is easier with fewer teams trending and reporting on a single
extended system lifecycle and the best and direct access to system knowledge, Experion infrastructure with native
investment protection on the market. and auto-configuration of PLC data peer-to-peer integration to Experion
Experion and ControlEdge PLC leverage points in Experion Server means easy Controllers. Results are fewer operator
a common HMI platform, provide updates and faster project deployment. and engineering stations, less hardware
faster field device commissioning, and A single point of responsibility and wiring, reduced IT licensing and
improve device diagnostics. reduces both risk and cost with fewer training, fewer errors, and increased
Built-in OPC UA, EtherNet/IP, DNP3, coordination errors, less engineering, efficiency and availability. You benefit
Profinet protocol and cybersecurity faster installation, less training and from reduced cost over the lifecycle
provide smooth integration to a range of reduced hardware. with smaller footprint and easier
instruments, equipment and software Field Device Manager (FDM) provides maintenance. The Experion PPC (Panel
from multiple vendors. The first PLC fast and accurate commissioning of PC), provides a touch user interface
to offer HART-enabled Universal I/O field devices and simplified diagnostics, and consistent HMI for an operator
offers remote configuration, late design resulting in fewer site trips. Combining either in the field or in the control room.
change flexibility, and simulation for FDM with the HART IP open standard Consistent interface alarms, trends,
improved project implementation and offers design flexibility and protection diagnostics and history results in better
training. of existing site investments. HART response and plant uptime.
Open communications protocol
Leaner control room Improved project schedule, cost, risk Industrial cybersecurity so
Smooth device integration managed services
Remote configuration
Reduced lifecycle maintenance Easy configuration