Building An Atom - 1

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Building an Atom


Open the Phet build-an-atom simulator.

What is an atom?
An atom is the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that constitutes a chemical element. Every
solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is composed of neutral or ionized atoms
Who were some of the scientists involved in discovering the atom?
1. Democritus
2. Rhazus
3. Robert boyle
4. John Dalton
5. Amedeo Avogadro
6. Mendeleev
7. Max curl
8. Albert Einstein
What particles are atoms composed of?
Atom is made up of a fermion called electron and two different types of hadrons- protons and neutrons.
The atom simply is a 'quantum arrangement' of a nucleus and an electron

Predict how the addition of subatomic particles will affect the structure and properties of an atom.
(Example: I predict that adding more neutrons will affect . . .)
I predict that adding more neutrons will affect the structure of atom. More the number of neutrons,
more will be the mass of an atom. It will not affect the stability of an atom, as it is a neutral particle.
If we add more proton, then I predict that atom will have bigger electronic cloud. Which will make it
more unstable.

In the atom building simulator, select the first choice, labeled “Atom”. Select “orbits” as the model.
Then click the “+” next to Net Charge and Mass Number to open both of those windows.

To build an atom, click and drag protons, neutrons, and electrons and place them into the atom.
Experiment with the atom builder and build 4 different atoms. Record the data for your atoms in the
table below and then answer the analysis questions.

You may need to do additional experimenting to answer the analysis questions so keep the simulation
open until you have completed the assignment.

Atom Element Protons Neutrons Electrons Net Charge Mass Number
1 Hydrogen 1 0 1 0 1

2 Helium 2 1 2 0 3

3 Carbon 6 6 6 0 12

4 Nitrogen 7 7 7 0 14

Analysis and Conclusion:

1. What causes an atom to become negatively charged?
When it takes electrons from another atom.
2. What causes an atom to become positively charged?
When it gives electron or electron to other atoms.
3. What particle determines the name of the element?
No. of protons
4. Which particles compose the nucleus?
Protons and neutrons.
5. How is the mass number determined?
Number of protons are added to number of neutrons.
6. What is the name of an element with 3 protons and 3 neutrons?
7. What is the name of an element with 3 protons and 5 neutrons?
8. What is the name of an element with 5 protons and 3 neutrons?
9. What can be altered in an atom without changing its identity?
Number of electrons can be altered.
10. Reflection: Which particle do you think is most important in an atom? Why?
Proton is the most important part because it determines atomic mass and number of an atom.
11. Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not?
My hypothesis was almost correct. As adding more neutrons doesn’t affect the stability of an
atom. This is because, neutron is a neutral particle.

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