61AF 014-019 IOM Prodialog

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Pro-Dialog+ Control

CAPB_T 0 %
DEM_LIM 100 %
SP 4.2 °C
CTRL_PNT -28.9 °C
EMSTOP dsable
Circuit B Total Capacity



Operating instructions

1 - SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 - General...................................................................................................................................................................................... .3
1.2 - Avoid electrocution.................................................................................................................................................................. .3
2 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 - General...................................................................................................................................................................................... .3
2.2 - Abbreviations used.................................................................................................................................................................. .3
3 - HARDWARE DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.1 - General...................................................................................................................................................................................... .3
3.2 - Electrical supply to boards...................................................................................................................................................... .4
3.3 - Light emitting diodes on boards............................................................................................................................................. .4
3.4 - The sensors................................................................................................................................................................................ .4
3.5 - The controls............................................................................................................................................................................... .4
3.6 - Connections at the user terminal block................................................................................................................................. .4
4. SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL........................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 - General features....................................................................................................................................................................... .6
4.2 - Default screen characteristics................................................................................................................................................. .6
4.3 - Password screens...................................................................................................................................................................... .6
4.4 - Menu screen characteristics.................................................................................................................................................... .6
4.5 - Data screen or configurable parameter characteristics....................................................................................................... .6
4.6 - Parameter modification........................................................................................................................................................... .7
4.7 - Operating mode screen........................................................................................................................................................... .7
4.8 - Menu tree structure.................................................................................................................................................................. .8
4.9 - Detailed menu description...................................................................................................................................................... .9
5 - PRO-DIALOG PLUS CONTROL OPERATION............................................................................................................. 15
5.1 - Start/stop control.................................................................................................................................................................... .15
5.2 - Heat exchanger water pump control................................................................................................................................... .15
5.3 - Control interlock contact...................................................................................................................................................... .15
5.4 - Heat exchanger frost protection........................................................................................................................................... .15
5.5 - Control point.......................................................................................................................................................................... .15
5.6 - Capacity limitation................................................................................................................................................................. .16
5.7 - Capacity control..................................................................................................................................................................... .16
5.8 - Defrost function..................................................................................................................................................................... .16
5.9 - Additional electric heater stage control.............................................................................................................................. .17
5.10 - Control of a boiler................................................................................................................................................................ .17
5.11 - Eco function.......................................................................................................................................................................... .17
5.12 - Master/slave assembly......................................................................................................................................................... .17
6 - DIAGNOSTICS - TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................................................................................................... 18
6.1 - General.................................................................................................................................................................................... .18
6.2 - Displaying alarms................................................................................................................................................................... .18
6.3 - Resetting alarms..................................................................................................................................................................... .18
6.4 - Alarm codes............................................................................................................................................................................ .19

The cover graphics are solely for illustration and forms no part of any offer for sale or any sale contract. The
manufacturer reserves the right to change the design at any time without notice.

1 - SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 2.2 - Abbreviations used

1.1 - General In this manual, the compressors are labelled A1 and A2.

Installation, start-up and servicing of equipment can be The following abbreviations are used frequently:
hazardous if certain factors particular to the installation are CCN Carrier Comfort Network
not considered: operating pressures, presence of electrical LED Light Emitting Diode
components and voltages and the installation site (elevated LEN Internal communication bus linking the main
plinths and built-up up structures). Only properly qualified board to the slave boards
installation engineers and highly qualified installers and SCT Saturated condensing temperature
technicians, fully trained for the product, are authorised to SST Saturated suction temperature
install and start-up the equipment safely. During all servic- EXV Electronic expansion valve
ing operations all instructions and recommendations which PD-AUX Auxiliary input/output board
appear in the installation and service instructions for the
product, as well as on tags and labels fixed to the equipment 3 - HARDWARE DESCRIPTION
and components and accompanying parts supplied sepa-
rately, must be read, understood and followed. 3.1 - General
• Apply all standard safety codes and practices.
• Wear safety glasses and gloves. The control system consists of an NRCP2-BASE board
• Use the proper tools to move heavy objects. Move units (that can control up to two compressors), a PD-AUX board
carefully and set them down gently. (that allows control of the different electric heater stages),
an EXV board (that ensures the control of the EXV
1.2 - Avoid electrocution function) and a user interface. Certain options may require
a number of additional PD-AUX boards.
Only personnel qualified in accordance with IEC (Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission) recommendations All boards communicate via an internal LEN bus. The
may be permitted access to electrical components. It is NRCP2-BASE board contains the complete control
particularly recommended that all sources of electricity to program for the machine, and continuously manages the
the unit be shut off before any work is begun. Shut off the recovery of the values of the various temperature and
main power supply at the main circuit breaker or isolator. pressure sensors.

IMPORTANT: This equipment conforms to all applicable The user interface includes an alphanumeric eight-line
codes regarding electromagnetic compatibility. display, two LEDs with five navigation keys as well as a
contrast control wheel.

2.1 - General

Pro-Dialog is an electronic control system to regulate units

of the following types: 61AF

These units have only one refrigerant circuit.

The Pro-Dialog control regulates:

• compressor start-up to control the water loop
• the fans to optimise operation of each refrigerant
• the defrost cycles to ensure the operation of the
refrigerant circuit.

As standard Pro-Dialog offers three on/off commands:

• Local - on/off command using the keyboard
• Remote - wired on/off command using volt-free
• Network - Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) on/off

The command type is selected in advance by keyboard.

Figure 1 - Control board

Green LED
Unit has stopped
Unit starts up
Contrast control
wheel Unit in operation

Back to the previous Red LED

No alarm

Circuit or complete unit error

Up/Down key
- Navigation
- Modification

On/off key
- Unit stopped Enter key
- List of available operating - Validation
modes (only in local mode) - Selection access

3.2 - Electrical supply to boards 3.4 - The sensors

All boards are supplied from a common 24 V a.c. supply Pressure sensors
referred to earth. Two types of electronic sensors are used:
• low pressure: suction pressure and pump entering
In the event of a power supply interrupt, the unit restarts pressure (optional),
automatically without the need for an external command. • high pressure: discharge pressure and economiser
However, any faults active when the supply is interrupted pressure.
are saved and may in certain cases prevent a circuit or unit
from restarting. Thermistors
The heat exchanger water sensors are installed in the enter-
CAUTION: Maintain the correct polarity of the power ing and leaving side. The outdoor temperature sensor is
supply connection of the boards, to ensure that they are mounted under a metal plate. An additional sensor placed
not damaged. on an air heat exchanger pipe ensures defrost operation.

3.3 - Light emitting diodes on boards 3.5 - The controls

All boards continuously check and indicate the proper Water circulation pump
operation of their electronic circuits. A light emitting diode The controller regulates the heat exchanger water pumps.
(LED) lights on each board when it is operating properly.
• The red LED that flashes for a two-second period - one Heaters
second on, one second off - indicates correct operation. They protect the heat exchanger (and the piping for units
A different rate indicates a board or a software failure. without pump) against frost, if the unit has stopped and is
• The green LED flashes continuously on all boards to energised.
show that the board is communicating correctly over
its internal bus. If the LED is not flashing, this Boiler
indicates a LEN bus wiring problem. This output authorises start/stop of a boiler.
• The orange LED of the master board flashes during
any communication via the CCN bus. 3.6 - Connections at the user terminal block

3.6.1 - General description

The contacts below are available at the user terminal block
on the NRCP2-BASE boards. Some contacts can only be
used if the unit operates in remote operating type (Remote).

NRCP2-BASE control board Optional PD-AUX board

J9 J8 J7


J2B J11 J4



J9B J2
J4 J9A

J5 J6 J7A J7B J8 J1

NRCP2-BASE board connections

Connector/channel Type Terminal Description
CH 08/J4 DI 32-33 Remote on/off switch
CH 09/J4 DI Customer safety loop input (0 = fault, 1 = OK)
CH 10/J4 DI 73-74 Capacity limitation selection
CH 12/J5 DI Setpoint selection
CH 13/J5 DI Power detection input (micro-cut protection)
CH 20/J2B DO Reversible four-way valves
CH 21/J2B DO Water heater command
XXXX/J12 Series RJ-45 series connection
- Pin 1: signal +
- Pin 2: ground
- Pin 3: signal -

3.6.2 - Volt-free on/off contact

If the unit works in the remote operating mode (Remote)
the operation of the on/off contact is as follows:

Without multiplexing
Off On heating
On/off contact Open Closed

With multiplexing
Off On heating On auto
On/off contact Open Closed Open

3.6.3 - Volt-free setpoint selection contact

hsp 1 hsp 2
Set point selection contact Open Closed

3.6.4 - Volt-free capacity limitation selection contact

100% Limit
Capacity limitation Open Closed


4.1 - General features 1_** The first digit is 1, the cursor is

positioned on the second digit
The interface includes different screens that are listed
below: (0 = basic access)
• Default screens with direct display of the main
• Menu screens for navigation,
• Data/configuration screens listing the parameters by Enter password
• Operating mode selection screen, 11_**
• Password entry screen,
• Parameter modification screen. (0 = basic access)

NOTE: If the interface is not used for a long period, it will

go black. The control is always active, the operating mode Pressing the Enter key at a digit without value validates the
remains unchanged. The interface screen is re-animated, overall selection of the password. The screen is refreshed
when the user presses a key. Pressing the key once illumi- by the menu list, and the items displayed depend on the
nates the screen, pressing the key a second time leads to a level of the activated password.
screen that is related to the context and the key symbol.
The entry of an incorrect password keeps the password
4.2 - Default screen characteristics entry screen.

There are four default screens. Each screen shows: Password selection 0 (zero) can simply be made by pressing
• The unit status, its screen number, the Enter key twice in succession.
• Three displayed parameters.
4.4 - Menu screen characteristics
LOCAL OFF 1 On the left the unit status, on the right
the screen number \\MAINMENU Current path in the menu structure
Entering water temp Description of the first parameter GENUNIT HYDROKIT Selection cursor to the left of the first
EWT 40°C Abbreviation and value with unit of TEMP RUNTIME
measurement of the first parameter
Leaving water temp Description of the second parameter
LWT 46°C Abbreviation and value with unit of
measurement of the second parameter INPUTS

Outside air temperature Description of the third parameter OUTPUTS

OAT 4°C Abbreviation and value with unit of General Parameters Menu Description of the menu framed by
measurement of the third parameter the selection cursor

Pressing the Up or Down key changes one default screen Each menu item defines the access to categorised data. The
to another default screen. The screen number is updated. Up and Down arrows position the cursor at the current item.
The Enter key activates the display of the selected sub-menu.
4.3 - Password screens
The item LOGOUT permits exiting from the menu screen
Enter password Description of the password entry and protects access by a user password. The “Previous” key
screen permits exiting from the current screen without deactivating
the password-protected access.
0_** Password value
4.5 - Data screen or configurable parameter
(0 = basic access) Description characteristics

The password is entered digit by digit. The cursor is shown The data screens display information parameters such as
at the current digit that flashes. The arrow keys modify the temperatures or pressures. The configuration screens display
digit value. The digit modification is validated with the unit control parameters such as the water temperature
Enter key and the cursor is moved to the next digit. setpoints.

\\MAINMENU\TEMP Current path in the menu structure ATTENTION: If the user exits from the current data screen,
EWT 40°C List of items the value is saved. A saving confirmation is displayed.
LWT 46°C Cursor position The Enter key validates the parameter modification(s).
The Return to the Previous Screen key cancels the current
SCT_A 49°C
Leaving Water Temperature Description of the item framed by \\MAINMENUSETPOINT Current path in the menu structure
the selection cursor

The Up and Down arrow keys position the cursor on the

current menu item. The Enter key activates the parameter
Save changes? Confirmation that the modification is
modification (if possible). Any non-pertinent modification saved
attempt is blocked by a refusal screen.

4.6 - Parameter modification 4.7 - Operating mode screen

A configuration parameter can be modified by positioning The unit is in Local Off mode, pressing the on/off (0/1) key
the cursor and then pressing the Enter key. once activates the display of the operating mode screen.

\\MAINMENU\SETPOINT Current path in the menu structure Select Machine Mode Description of the screen
Local On List of the machine operating
hps1 45°C List of items modes
hps2 45°C Cursor position Local Schedule Cursor
hramp_sp 0.6°C CCN
lim_sp1 100% Remote
hramp_sp 27.4°C
Heating Setpoint 2 Description of the item framed by The Up and Down keys position the cursor on the selected
the selection cursor operating mode. Four modes are immediately displayed on
the screen. To access operating modes that are not visible,
The following screen allows modification of a parameter. please use the Up and Down keys.

Modify value Screen description When the operating mode has been selected, the new
hsp 1 operating mode can be validated with the Enter key.
45 °C Current value
_ °C Cursor position Command accepted Operating mode validation screen

Heating Setpoint 2 Item description

The Up and Down arrow keys permit the selection of the

first digit. Pressing the Up key successively scrolls up to
the following symbols: When the unit is in an operating mode and the On/off key
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ., -. is pressed, the unit will stop. A confirmation screen protects
The Down key follows the reverse order of the Up key in the unit against inadvertent shutdowns.
scrolling down the digit list above. Each digit is validated
with the Enter key.
The - sign is only accessible for the first selected character.
PRESS ENTER Machine shutdown confirmation
Modify value Description of the screen screen
hsp 2
45 °C Current value
46 °C New value before validation

Heating Setpoint 2 Item description

The value is validated with the Enter key. At any time the
return key cancels the current modification.

General configuration

General parameters
Reset of the alarms Pump configuration
Temperatures CUR_ALRM Heating mode configuration
Current alarms


4.8 - Menu tree structure

Pressures Alarm history Setpoint reset


Schedule 1
Setpoint User configuration


Inputs Time schedule Schedule 2

Already connected Holidays Holidays 1
Outputs Jours féri és


DEFAULT Pump status
BRODCAST Holidays 2
Operating time Date and time


Unit status Interface configuration Holidays16


Language selection Identification control


Alarm menu .
Factory configuration


Configuration menu Service configuration SHUTDOWN
Quick test Master/slave configuration


Compressors out of service LIST OF OPERATING
Maintenance menu
Password = "0"
OCCDEFCM (only in local)
4.9 - Detailed menu description

ATTENTION: Depending on the unit characteristics, certain menu items are not used.

4.9.1 - GENUNIT menu

CTRL_TYP 0/1/2 - 1 Control mode type
STATUS 0-9 - 2 Operating status
min_left 0-15 min Start-up delay
LSP_SEL 0/1/2 - 11 Setpoint selection via the interface
SP_SEL 0/1/2 - 10 Setpoint selection via the CCN network
SP_OCC Yes/No - Occupancy setpoint
CHIL_S_S Enable/Disable - 3 Unit start/stop via the CCN network
CHIL_OCC Yes/No - 4 Unit time schedule via the CCN network
CAP_T nnn % Total unit capacity
DEM_LIM nnn % 7 Demand limit value
SP ±nnn.n °C Current setpoint
CTRL_PNT ±nnn.n °C 8 Control point
EMSTOP Enable/Disable - 9 CCN emergency stop

1 0 = Local, 1 = CCN, 2 = Remote
2 The STATUS point can have the following values:
Off > STATUS = 0 Ready > STATUS = 5
Running > STATUS = 1 Override > STATUS = 6
Stopping > STATUS = 2 Defrost > STATUS = 7
Delay > STATUS = 3 Run Test > STATUS = 8
Tripout > STATUS = 4 Test > STATUS = 9
3 Permits starting/stopping the machine, in CCN mode only. The override value is displayed, but only used, if the unit is in CCN mode.
4 Indicates if the unit is in occupied mode or not. In CCN mode the value can be forced and used instead of actual occupancy status,.
7 Demand limit active. This point can be forced in CCN mode and this override value will have priority over the other limit values (external or limit control).
8 Control point. This point can be forced in CCN mode and this override value will have priority over the value calculated by the control.
9 Always active if the unit is not in CCN mode.
10 Setpoint selection. This point can be forced in CCN mode and this override value will have priority over the setpoint selection in Remote mode.
11 0 = Auto, 1 = Spt1, 2 = Spt2

4.9.2 - TEMP menu

EWT ±nnn.n °C Heat exchanger entering water temperature
LWT ±nnn.n °C Heat exchanger leaving water temperature
OAT ±nnn.n °C Outside air temperature
CHWSTEMP ±nnn.n °C Common master/slave temperature
SCT_A ±nnn.n °C Saturated condensing temperature
SST_A ±nnn.n °C Saturated suction temperature
SUCT_T ±nnn.n °C Suction gas temperature
ECO_SST ±nnn.n °C Saturated suction temperature at the EXV Eco
ECO_SUCT ±nnn.n °C Suction gas temperature at the EXV Eco
DEFRT_A ±nnn.n °C Defrost temperature
DEFRT_2 ±nnn.n °C Defrost temperature of the second heat exchanger

4.9.3 - PRESSURE menu

DP_A ±nnn.n kPa Discharge pressure
SP_A ±nnn.n kPa Main suction pressure
ECO_SP_A ±nnn.n kPa Suction pressure EXV Eco
W_P_IN ±nnn.n kPa Entering water pressure

4.9.4 - SETPOINT menu

hsp1 26.7 to 66 38.0 °C Heating setpoint 1
hsp2 26.7 to 66 38.0 °C Heating setpoint 2
hramp_sp 0.2 to 2.0 0.60 ^C Ramp loading
lim_sp1 0 to 100 100 % Limit setpoint

4.9.5 - INPUTS menu
ONOFF_SW Open/Close - Remote start/stop contact
SETP_SW Open/Close - Remote setpoint contact
LIM_SW1 Open/Close - Remote capacity limitation contact
FLOW_SW Open/Close - Water flow rate/customer safety loop contact
leak_v nn.n Volt Leak detector value
Lock_sw2 Open/Close - Customer safety loop contact

4.9.6 - OUTPUTS menu

CP_A1 On/Off - Compressor output A1
CP_A2 On/Off - Compressor output A2
FAN_A1 0 to 2 - Fan speed A1
FAN_A2 0 to 2 - Fan speed A2
EXV_A nnn % Main EXV position
EXV_ECO nnn % EXV Eco position
EV_VALV1 On/Off - Shut-off valve compressor A1/EXV Eco
EV_VALV2 On/Off - Shut-off valve compressor A2/EXV Eco
RV_A On/Off - Four-way valves
EXC_HEAT On/Off - Heat exchanger heater
BOILER On/Off - Boiler command
EHS_STEP n - Electric heater stage
PUMP_1 On/Off - Output pump 1
ALARM On/Off - Alarm relay
RUNNING On/Off - Unit on relay

4.9.7 - RUNTIME menu

HR_MACH nnnnn hours Number of unit operating hours
st_mach nnnnn - Number of unit start-ups
HR_CP_A1 nnnnn hours Number of operating hours compressor A1
st_cp_a1 nnnnn - Number of start-ups compressor A1
HR_CP_A2 nnnnn hours Number of operating hours compressor A2
st_cp_a2 nnnnn - Number of start-ups compressor A2
hr_fana1l nnnnn hours Number of low-speed operating hours fan A1
hr_fana1h nnnnn hours Number of high-speed operating hours fan A1
hr_fana2l nnnnn hours Number of low-speed operating hours fan A2
hr_fana2h nnnnn hours Number of high-speed operating hours fan A2
hr_pump nnnnn hours Number of pump operating hours

4.9.8 - MODES menu

m_limit Yes/No - Capacity limitation active
m_ramp Yes/No - Ramp loading active
m_cooler Yes/No - Heat exchanger heater active
m_SM Yes/No - Aquasmart active
m_leadla Yes/No - Master/slave active
m_night Yes/No - Low-noise level night mode active
m_heater Yes/No - Electric heater stages active
m_boiler Yes/No - Boiler active
m_defr_a Yes/No - Defrost active
m_sst_a Yes/No - Low suction temperature
m_dgt_a Yes/No - High discharge gas temperature
m_hp_a Yes/No - High pressure
m_sh_a Yes/No - High pressure

4.9.9 - ALARMS menu

ALARMRST Alarm reset
CUR_ALRM Current alarms
ALMHIST1 Alarm history

4.9.10 - CONFIG menu

GEN_CONF General configuration menu
PUMPCONF Pump configuration menu
HC_CONFIG Heating mode configuration menu
RESETCFG Reset configuration menu
USERCONFIG User configuration menu
SCHEDULE Time schedule
HOLIDAY Holiday calendar
BRODCAST Summer time/winter time control
DATETIME Time adjustment
DISPLAY Parameter display
CTRL_ID Control identification

4.9.11 - ALARMRST menu
RST_ALM Yes/No - Alarm reset
ALM Normal - Alarm status
alarm_1c nnnnn - Current alarm 1
alarm_2c nnnnn - Current alarm 2
alarm_3c nnnnn - Current alarm 3
alarm_4c nnnnn - Current alarm 4
alarm_5c nnnnn - Current alarm 5
alarm_1 nnnnn - Current JBus alarm 1
alarm_2 nnnnn - Current JBus alarm 2
alarm_3 nnnnn - Current JBus alarm 3
alarm_4 nnnnn - Current JBus alarm 4
alarm_5 nnnnn - Current JBus alarm 5

4.9.12 - CUR_ALRM menu 4.9.13 - ALMHIST1 menu

This menu lists up to ten a active alarms. For each alarm This menu lists up to twenty alarms that have occurred at
the display shows the time and date the alarm was the unit. For each alarm the display shows the time and date
generated as well as the alarm description. Each screen the alarm was generated as well as the alarm description.
shows one alarm. Each screen shows one alarm.

HH:MM DD-MM-YY: alarm text HH:MM DD-MM-YY: alarm text

Alarm #1 Alarm #1

4.9.14 - SCHEDULE menu

OCC1P01S Unit on/off time schedule
OCC1P02S Unit setpoint selection time schedule

4.9.15 - HOLIDAY menu

HOLDY_01 Holiday period 1
HOLDY_02 Holiday period 2
HOLDY_03 Holiday period 3
HOLDY_04 Holiday period 4
HOLDY_05 Holiday period 5
HOLDY_06 Holiday period 6
HOLDY_07 Holiday period 7
HOLDY_08 Holiday period 8
HOLDY_09 Holiday period 9
HOLDY_10 Holiday period 10
HOLDY_11 Holiday period 11
HOLDY_12 Holiday period 12
HOLDY_13 Holiday period 13
HOLDY_14 Holiday period 14
HOLDY_15 Holiday period 15
HOLDY_16 Holiday period 16

4.9.16 - BRODCAST menu

ccnbroad 0/1/2 2 - Activates the broadcast
0 = deactivated, 1= broadast during holidays at the network, 2 =
broadcast during holidays, machine only
oatbusnm 0 to 239 0 - Broadcast of the outside temperature
Bus number of the machine with the outside temperature
oatlocad 0 to 239 0 - Element number of the machine with the outside temperature
dayl_sel Disable/Enable Disable - Activation summer time, winter time
Summer time
startmon 1 to 12 3 - Month
startdow 1 to 7 7 - Day of the week (1 = Monday)
startwom 1 to 5 5 - Week of the month
Winter time
stopmon 1 to 12 10 - Month
stoptdow 1 to 7 7 - Day of the week (1 = Monday)
stopwom 1 to 5 5 - Week of the month

4.9.17 - GENCONF menu
ramp_sel Yes/No No - Ramp loading sequence
off_on_d 1 to 15 1 min Start-up delay
nh_start 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 - Night mode start hour
nh_end 00:00 to 24:00 00:00 - Night mode stop hour
bas_menu 0 to 3 0 - Basic menu configuration
0 = total access
1 = access to the alarm menu by password
2 = access to the setpoint menu by password
3 = combination of 1 and 2
synoptic Yes/No No - Synoptic diagram display

4.9.18 - PUMPCONF menu

pump_seq Yes/No No - Heat exchanger pump availability
pump_per Yes/No No - Pump seizure protection
pump_sby Yes/No No - Pump shutdown when the unit is in standby
pump_loc Yes/No Yes - Flow rate verification when the pump has shut down

4.9.19 - HCCONFIG menu

hr_sel 0 to 3 0 - Heating reset selection
1 = outside temp., 0 = none, 2 = delta T
heat_th -20 to 0 -15 °C Outside temperature threshold heating mode
boil_th -15 to 15 -10 °C Outside temperature threshold for the boiler
ehs_th -5 to 21 5 °C Outside temperature threshold for electric heater stages
ehs_back Yes/No No - One backup electric heater stage
ehs_pull 0 to 60 0 minutes Delay before start-up of the first electric heater stage
ehs_defr Yes/No No - Quick electric heat stages for defrost

4.9.20 - RESETCFG menu

oathr_non -10 to 51.7 -10 °C Outside temperature for no reset
oathr_fu -10 to 51.7 -10 °C Outside temperature for maximum reset
dt_hr_non -17.8 to -3.9 -17.8 ^C Delta T for no reset
dt_hr_fu -17.8 to -3.9 -17.8 ^C Delta T for maximum reset
v_hr_non -17.8 to -6.7 -17.8 ^C Current value for no reset
v_hr_fu -17.8 to -6.7 -17.8 ^C Current value for maximum reset
hr_deg -34.4 to 1.1 -17.8 ^C Heating mode reset value

4.9.21 - USERCONF menu

language 0 to 5 0 - Language selection
English = 0, Spanish = 1, French = 2, German = 3, Italian = 4,
Translation = 5
use_pass 1 to 9999 11 - User password

4.9.22 - DATETIME menu

hour 0 to 24 hours Hour
minutes 0 to 59 minutes Minutes
dow 1 to 7 - Day of the week
tom_hol No/Yes No - Holiday tomorrow?
tod_hol No/Yes No - Holiday today?
dlig_off No/Yes - Winter time change-over active?
dlig_on No/Yes - Summer time change-over active?
d_of_m 1 to 31 - Day of the month
month 1 to 12 - Month
year 0 to 99 - Year

4.9.23 - CTRL_ID menu

elemt_nb 1 to 239 1 - Element number
bus_nb 0 to 239 0 - Bus number
baudrate 9600 to 38400 9600 - Communication speed
61 AF Pro-Dialog+ Description
CSA-SR-20H430NN Software version
- Serial number

4.9.24 - OCC1PSX menu Time schedule type:
The control provides two timer programs: MON: Monday
The first timer program (No. 1) provides a means to auto-
TUE: Tuesday
matically switch the unit from an occupied mode to an 0 P1
1 P1 WED: Wednesday
unoccupied mode: the unit is started during occupied periods.
2 P1 THU: Thursday
The second timer program (No. 2) provides a means to FRI: Friday
automatically switch the active setpoint from an occupied 5 SAT: Saturday

setpoint to an unoccupied setpoint, if the Auto mode has 6 SUN: Sunday

7 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
been selected. HOL: Holiday
8 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
9 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
Setpoint 1 is used during occupied periods, setpoint 2 10 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
during unoccupied periods. 11 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4 P5
12 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
13 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
Each schedule consists of eight time periods set by the
14 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
operator. These time periods can be flagged to be in effect or 15 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
not in effect on each day of the week plus a holiday period. 16 P2 P2 P3 P4 P4
The day begins at 00.00 hours and ends at 23.59 hours. 17 P2 P2 P3
18 P3
19 P3
Program is in unoccupied mode unless a schedule time period
20 P3 P6
is in effect. If two periods overlap and are both active on 21
the same day, the occupied mode takes priority over the 22 Occupied
unoccupied period. 23

Starts at Stops at Active on

Each of the eight periods can be displayed and changed
P1: period 1, 0h00, 3h00, Monday
with the aid of a sub-sub-menu. The following table shows P2: period 2, 7h00, 18h00, Monday + Tuesday
how to access the period configuration. Method is the same P3: period 3, 7h00, 21h00, Wednesday
for the time schedule 1 or the time schedule 2. P4: period 4, 7h00, 17h00, Thursday + Friday
P5: period 5, 7h00, 12h00, Saturday
P6: period 6, 20h00, 21h00, Holidays
P7: period 7, Not used in this example
P8: period 8, Not used in this example

Configuration menu for occupied and unoccupied periods
OVR_EXT 0-4 0 hours Occupied schedule override
DOW1 0/1 11111111 - Period 1 day of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD1 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD1 0:00-24:00 24:00:00 - Occupied until
DOW2 0/1 0 - Period 2 days of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD2 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD2 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied until
DOW3 0/1 0 - Period 3 days of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD3 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD3 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied until
DOW4 0/1 0 - Period 4 days of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD4 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD4 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied until
DOW5 0/1 0 - Period 5 days of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD5 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD5 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied until
DOW6 0/1 0 - Period 6 days of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD6 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD6 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied until
DOW7 0/1 0 - Period 7 days of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD7 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD7 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied until
DOW8 0/1 0 - Period 8 days of the week MTWTFSSH
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday
OCCTOD8 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied from
UNOCTOD8 0:00-24:00 00:00 - Occupied until

Modify value Screen description

OCCT0D1 Item name
00:00 Value before modification
12.2_ Value during modification

Occupied from

4.9.25 - HOLIDY0XS menu ATTENTION: The broadcast function must be activated

This function is used to define 16 public holiday periods. to utilise the holiday schedule, even if the unit is running
Each period is defined with the aid of three parameters: in stand-alone mode (not connected to CCN).
the month, starting day and duration of the public holiday
period. During these public holidays the controller will be
in occupied or unoccupied mode, depending on the
programmed periods validated for public holidays.

Each of these public holiday periods can be displayed and

changed with the aid of a sub-menu.


HOL_MON 0-12 0 - Holiday month
HOL_DAY 0-31 0 - Holiday day
HOL_LEN 0-99 0 - Holiday duration

5 - PRO-DIALOG PLUS CONTROL OPERATION • Command set to Stop: the unit is halted.
• Command set to Start: the unit runs in accordance
5.1 - Start/stop control with schedule 1.
• Start/Stop schedule: occupied or unoccupied status of
The table below summarises the unit control type and stop the unit as determined by the unit start/stop program
or go status with regard to the following parameters. (Schedule 1).
• Operating type: this is selected using the start/stop • Master control type. This parameter is used when the
button on the front of the user interface. unit is the master unit in a two chiller lead/lag arrange-
LOFF: local off, L-C: local on, L-SC: local schedule, ment. The master control type determines whether the
REM: remote, CCN: network, MAST: Master unit is to be controlled locally, remotely or through
• Remote start/stop contacts: these contacts are used CCN (this parameter is a Service configuration).
when the unit is in remote operating type (Remote). • CCN emergency shutdown: if this CCN command is
See sections 3.6.2 and 3.6.3. activated, it shuts the unit down whatever the active
• CHIL_S_S: this network command relates to the unit operating type.
start/stop when the unit is in network mode (CCN). • General alarm: the unit is totally stopped due to failure.


LOFF L-C L-SC REM CCN MAST CHIL_S_S Remote start/ Master Start-Stop CCN emergency General TYPE MODE
stop contact control type time schedule shutdown alarm
- - - - - - - - - - Active - - Off
- - - - - - - - - - - oui - Off
- - - - Active - Off - - - - - CCN Off
- - - - Active - - - - Unoccupied - - CCN Off
- - - - - Active Off - CCN - - - CCN Off
- - - - - Active - - CCN Unoccupied - - CCN Off
- - - - Active - On - - Occupied Disabled No CCN On
- - - - - Active On - CCN Occupied Disabled No CCN On
Active - - - - - - - - - - - Local Off
- - Active - - - - - - Unoccupied - - Local Off
- - - - - Active - - Local Unoccupied - - Local Off
- Active - - - - - - - - Disabled No Local On
- - Active - - - - - - Occupied Disabled No Local On
- - - - - Active - - Local Occupied Disabled No Local On
- - - Active - - - Open - - - - Remote Off
- - - Active - - - - - Unoccupied - - Remote Off
- - - - - Active - Open Remote - - - Remote Off
- - - - - Active - - Remote Unoccupied - - Remote Off
- - - Active - - - Closed - Occupied Disabled No Remote On
- - - - - Active - Closed Remote Occupied Disabled No Remote On

5.2 - Heat exchanger water pump control 5.3 - Control interlock contact

Master/slave control is not active, or it is active and unit is This contact checks the status of a loop (water flow switch
the master unit: and customer safety loop, see chapter 3.6). It prevents the
In the On, Stopping or Delay modes and if the unit is unit from starting if it is open when the delay at start-up
stopped the pump is started up and continues to operate has expired. This open contact leads to an alarm shut-
for 20 seconds after the compressor has stopped. It is down, if the unit is running.
stopped if the boiler is active, but could be started up due
to the capacity limitation function. 5.4 - Heat exchanger frost protection

Master/slave function is active and unit is the slave unit: The heater for the heat exchanger and the water pump
The pump is started up, when the unit is started up and if (for units with a pump) can be energised to protect the heat
the demand limit is above 1%. Otherwise the pump will be exchanger, if it may be damaged by frost, when the unit is
stopped 30 seconds after the last compressor has stopped, shut down for a long time at low outdoor temperature.
except if the configuration parameter "lag_pump" has been
configured to turn the pump even if it has been set to stop. NOTE: Heat exchanger heater control parameters can be
In this case the pump will run continuously. modified, using the Service configuration.

A periodical quick pump start-up has been configured: 5.5 - Control point
The water pump is started up each day at 14.00 hours for
two seconds. The control point represents the water temperature that
the unit must produce. The heat exchanger entering water
temperature is controlled by default, but the heat exchanger
leaving water temperature can also be controlled (requires
a Service configuration modification).

Control point = active setpoint + reset

5.5.1 - Active setpoint 5.6 - Capacity limitation
Two setpoints can be selected for the heating mode. Usually,
the second setpoint is used for unoccupied periods. Capacity limitation is used to restrict the unit power
consumption. The Pro-Dialog control system allows
Depending on the current operating type, the active setpoint limitation of the unit capacity, using user-controlled volt-
can be selected: free contacts.
• by choosing the item in the GENUNIT menu,
• via the user’s volt-free contacts, Capacity limitation can result in a demand limit, a capacity
• via network commands loss or a limit demand in the night mode.
• via the setpoint timer program (schedule 2).
The unit capacity can never exceed the limitation setpoint
The following tables summarise the possible selections activated by these contacts. The limitation setpoints can be
depending on the control types (local, remote or network) modified in the SETPOINT menu.
and the following parameters:
• Setpoint select in local control: item LSP_SEL in the 5.7 - Capacity control
GENUNIT menu permits selection of the active set-
point, if the unit is in local operating type. This function adjusts the number of active compressors to
• Operating mode. keep the heat exchanger water temperature at its setpoint.
• Setpoint selection contacts: setpoint selection contact The precision with which this is achieved depends on the
status. capacity of the water loop, the flow rate, the load, and the
• Schedule 2 status: schedule for setpoint selection. number of stages available on the unit. The control system
continuously takes account of the temperature error with
LOCAL OPERATING MODE respect to the setpoint, as well as the rate of change in this
PARAMETER STATUS error and the difference between entering and leaving
Operating mode Local setpoint Time schedule 2 Active setpoint
selection status water temperatures, in order to determine the optimum
Heating sp1 - Heating setpoint 1 moment at which to add or withdraw a capacity stage.
Heating sp 2 - Heating setpoint 2
Heating auto occupied Heating setpoint 1
Heating auto unoccupied Heating setpoint 2
If the same compressor undergoes too many starts (per
hour) or runs below one minute each time it is started this
automatically brings about reduction of compressor starts,
which makes leaving water temperature control less precise.
Operating mode Setpoint selection Active setpoint
contact In addition, the high pressure, low pressure or defrost
Heating sp 1 (open) Heating setpoint 1
Heating sp 2 (closed) Heating setpoint 2
unloading functions can also affect the temperature control
accuracy. Compressors are started and stopped in a sequence
5.5.2 - Reset designed to equalise the number of start-ups (value weighted
Reset means that the active setpoint is modified so that less by their operating time).
machine capacity is required. The setpoint is decreased.
5.8 - Defrost function
This modification is in general a reaction to a drop in the
load. For the Pro-Dialog control system, the source of the Defrost is activated to reduce frost build-up on the air heat
reset can be configured in the HCCONFIG table. exchanger. During the defrost cycle the fans of that circuit
are stopped, and the four-way refrigerant valve is reversed,
This reset can be based on: forcing the circuit to cooling mode. The fan can temporarily
• either the outside temperature: be restarted during the defrost cycle. The defrost cycle is
- this gives a measure of the load trends for the fully automatic and does not require any setting.
- if the outside temperature decreases, the setpoint
will again increase.
• or the return water temperature:
- this is the heat exchanger delta T and gives an
average building load
- if the temperature difference is reduced, the
setpoint will decrease.

In both cases the reset parameters, i.e. slope, source and

maximum value, are configurable in the RESETCFG menu.

Reset is a linear function based on three parameters.

• A reference at which reset is zero (outdoor temperature
or delta T - no reset value).
• A reference at which reset is maximum (outdoor
temperature or delta T - full reset value).
• The maximum reset value.

5.9 - Additional electric heater stage control 5.12 - Master/slave assembly

As an option, the heat pump units can control up to four Two Pro-Dialog+ units can be linked to produce a master/
additional electric heating stages. slave assembly. The two machines are interconnected over
the CCN bus. All parameters required for the master/slave
The electric heating stages are activated to complement the function must be configured through the Service configura-
heating capacity when the following conditions are satisfied: tion menu.
• The unit uses 100% of the available heating capacity,
or the unit is limited in its operation by a protection Master/slave operation requires the connection of a tempe-
mode (low suction temperature, hot gas or defrost rature probe at the common manifold on each machine, if
sequence in progress protection), and in all cases cannot the heat exchanger leaving water temperature is controlled.
satisfy the heating load. It is not required, if the entering water temperature is
• The outdoor temperature is below a configured controlled.
threshold (see HCCONFIG configuration).
• Unit capacity limitation is not active. The master/slave assembly can operate with constant or
variable flow. In the case of variable flow each machine
The user may configure the last available electric heating must control its own water pump and automatically shut
stages as a safety stage. In this case, the safety stage is only down the pump, if the cooling capacity is zero.
activated in addition to the other stages if there is a
machine fault, preventing the use of the heating capacity. For constant flow operation the pumps for each unit are
The other electric heating stages will continue to operate continuously operating, if the system is operating. The
as described above. master unit can control a common pump that will be
activated, when the system is started. In this case the slave
5.10 - Control of a boiler unit pump is not used.

The unit can control the start-up of a boiler. When the boiler All control commands to the master/slave assembly (start/
is operating, the unit water pump is stopped. A heat pump stop, setpoint, heating mode operation, load shedding, etc.)
unit and a boiler cannot operate together. are handled by the unit which is configured as the master,
and must therefore only be applied to the master unit. They
In this case the boiler output is activated in the following will be transmitted automatically to the slave unit.
• A fault prevents the use of the heat pump capacity. The master unit can be controlled locally, remotely or by
• The unit works at a very low outside temperature, CCN commands. Therefore to start up the assembly, simply
making the heat pump capacity insufficient. The outside validate the Master operating type (Master) on the master
air temperature threshold for use of the boiler is fixed at unit. If the Master has been configured for remote control
-10°C, but this value can be adjusted in the HCCONFIG then use the remote volt-free contacts for unit start/stop.
The slave unit must stay in CCN operating type continuously.
NOTE: The control of the electric heating stages or of a To stop the master/slave assembly, select Local Off on the
boiler is not authorised for slave units. master unit or use the remote volt-free contacts if the unit
has been configured for remote control.
5.11 - Eco function
One of the functions of the master unit (depending on its
The 61AF units include an Eco function. This function is configuration) may be the designation, whether the master
based on the circulating refrigerant flow and allows or slave is to be the lead machine or the follower. The roles
maintaining the superheat setpoint. The function is not of lead machine and follower will be reversed when the
available during defrost and during the first minute of difference in running hours between the two units exceeds
operation. a configurable value, ensuring that the running times of the
two units are automatically equalised.
The objective of this function is to obtain higher performan-
ces and improved efficiency. The changeover between lead machine and follower may
take place when the assembly is started up, or even whilst
running. The running time balancing function is not active
if it has not been configured: in this case the lead machine
is always the master unit.

The lead machine will always be started first. When the 6 - DIAGNOSTICS - TROUBLESHOOTING
lead machine is at its full available capacity, start-up delay
(configurable) is initialised on the follower. When this delay 6.1 - General
has expired, and if the error on the control point is greater
than 1.7°C, the follower unit is authorised to start and the The Pro-Dialog+ control system has many fault tracing aid
pump is activated. The follower will automatically use the functions. The local interface and its various menus give
master unit active setpoint. The lead machine will be held at access to all unit operating conditions. If an operating fault
its full available capacity for as long as the active capacity is detected, an alarm is activated and an alarm code is
on the follower is not zero. When the follower unit receives stored in the Alarms menu, sub-menus CUR_ALRM and
a command to stop, its evaporator water pump is turned ALARMRST.
off with 20 seconds delay.
6.2 - Displaying alarms
In the event of a communication fault between the two
units, each shall return to an autonomous operating mode The alarm LED on the interface (see chapter 4.1) allows
until the fault is cleared. If the master unit is halted due to the quick display of the unit status.
an alarm, the slave unit is authorised to start without prior • A flashing LED shows that the circuit is operating but
conditions. there is an alert.
• A steady LED shows that the circuit has been shut
ATTENTION: For heat pumps operating in master/slave down due to a fault.
mode and using an NRCP2 board or equipped with electric
heater stages control must be on the entering water The ALARMRST menu on the main interface displays up
temperature. to five fault codes that are active on the unit.

6.3 - Resetting alarms

When the cause of the alarm has been corrected the alarm
can be reset, depending on the type, either automatically
on return to normal, or manually when action has been
taken on the unit. Alarms can be reset even if the unit is

This means that an alarm can be reset without stopping the

machine. In the event of a power supply interrupt, the unit
restarts automatically without the need for an external
command. However, any faults active when the supply is
interrupted are saved and may in certain cases prevent a
circuit or a unit from restarting.

A manual reset must be run from the main interface via

the ALARMRST menu, item RST_ALM. Depending on
the configuration in the GENCONF menu, access to the
item may be protected by a password.

6.4 - Alarm codes

Alarm Alarm Alarm description Reset type Probable cause Action taken by the control
No. code
Thermistor faults
1 th-01 Sensor fault, fluid entering water heat Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor Unit is shut down
exchanger measured by the sensor returns to normal
2 th-02 Sensor fault, fluid leaving water heat Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor Unit is shut down
exchanger measured by the sensor returns to normal
3 th-03 Defrost sensor fault Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor Unit is shut down
measured by the sensor returns to normal
4 th-04 Defrost sensor fault, second coil Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor Unit is shut down
measured by the sensor returns to normal
5 th-10 Outside temperature sensor fault Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor Unit is shut down
measured by the sensor returns to normal
6 th-11 CHWS fluid sensor fault (master/slave) Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor The master/slave mode is
measured by the sensor returns to normal stopped
7 th-12 Suction sensor fault Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor Unit is shut down
measured by the sensor returns to normal
8 th-24 Economiser sensor fault Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor The economiser function is
measured by the sensor returns to normal stopped
Pressure transducer faults
9 Pr-01 Discharge pressure transducer fault Automatic when the voltage transmitted Defective transducer or installation Unit is shut down
by the sensor returns to normal fault
10 Pr-04   Suction pressure transducer fault Automatic when the voltage transmitted Defective transducer or installation Unit is shut down
by the sensor returns to normal fault
11 Pr-13 Economiser pressure transducer fault Automatic when the voltage transmitted Defective transducer or installation None
by the sensor returns to normal fault
12 Pr-24 Water pump pressure transducer fault Automatic when the voltage transmitted Defective transducer or installation Unit is shut down
by the sensor returns to normal fault
Communication fault
13 Co-E1 Communication loss with the EXV Automatic when communication is Installation bus fault or defective Unit is shut down
board re-established slave board
14 Co-O1 Communication loss with PD-AUX Automatic when communication is Installation bus fault or defective Unit with optional water pressure
board No.1 re-established slave board sensors, unit is shut down.
15 Co-O2 Communication loss with PD-AUX Automatic when communication is Installation bus fault or defective None
board No. 2 re-established slave board
16 A1-01 CP A1 fault: Kriwan electrical Manual Compressor overheating Compressor is shut down
protection open
17 A2-01 CP A2 fault: Kriwan electrical Manual Compressor overheating Compressor is shut down
protection open
Process faults
18 P-01 Water heat exchanger frost protection. Automatic if the same alarm has not tripped Water flow rate too low or defective Unit is shut down
during the last 24 hours, otherwise manual. thermistor
19 P-05 Low suction temperature. Automatic when the temperature returns to Pressure sensor defective, EXV Unit is shut down
normal, and if this alarm has not appeared blocked or low refrigerant charge
during the last 24 hours, otherwise manual.
20 P-08 High superheat Automatic when the temperature returns to Pressure sensor defective, EXV Unit is shut down
normal, and if this alarm has not appeared blocked or low refrigerant charge
during the last 24 hours, otherwise manual.
21 P-11 Low superheat Automatic when the temperature returns to Pressure sensor defective, EXV Unit is shut down
normal, and if this alarm has not appeared blocked or low refrigerant charge
during the last 24 hours, otherwise manual.
22 P-14 Water flow control and customer Automatic if the unit is in manual Heat exchanger pump defect or Unit is shut down
interlock fault shut-down status, otherwise manual. water flow switch fault
23 P-16 Compressor A1 not started or no Manual Connection problem Compressor is shut down
pressure increase registered
24 P-17 Compressor A2 not started or no Manual Connection problem Compressor is shut down
pressure increase registered
25 P-29 Communication loss with the System Automatic when communication is CCN installation bus defective Unit goes into autonomous
Manager re-established mode
26 P-30 Communicaiton loss between master Automatic when communication is CCN installation bus defective Unit goes into autonomous
and slave re-established mode
27 P-31 CCN emergency stop Manual Network command Unit is shut down
28 P-32 Fault water pump 1 Manual Pump overheating or poor pump Unit is completely stopped if
connection there is no emergency pump
29 P-37 Repeated high pressure unloading Automatic Transducer defective or fan circuit fault None
30 P-40 Repeated low suction temperature Manual Pressure sensor defective or Unit is shut down
unloading refrigerant charge too low
31 P-43 Heat exchanger temperature too low, Automatic when the temperature detected Operating compressor protection The unit cannot start
less than 8°C, prevents unit start-up returns to normal out of range or pressure sensor fault
32 P-50 Refrigerant leak Automatic when the concentration returns Refrigerant leak or volatile None
to a lower value than the normal threshold components present in the machine
33 P-63 High pressure fault Manual Fan fault Unit is shut down
34 P-97 Reversed entering/leaving water sensors Manual Sensor defective, sensors reversed Unit is shut down
35 MC-nn Master chiller configuration error Automatic when the master configuration Master/slave configuration error Master/slave mode is stopped
returns to normal or when the unit is no
longer in master/slave mode
36 FC-nO No factory configuration Automatic if the configuration is entered Unit size has not been configured Unit is shut down

6.4 - Alarm codes (continued)

Alarm No. Alarm Alarm description Reset type Probable cause Action taken by the control
Process faults (continued)
37 FC-nn Illegal factory configuration Manual The unit size has been configured Unit is shut down
number with the wrong value
38 Sr-nn Maintenance alert Manual Maintenance has been carried out None
on one of the critical components
39 P-28 Customer safety lock Automatic The customer safety input has Unit is shut down
been activated

Order No. 16112-76, 10.2010. Supersedes order No.: 16112-76, 07.2010. Manufactured by: Carrier SCS, Montluel, France.
Manufacturer reserves the right to change any product specification without notice. Printed in the Netherlands.

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